A Semantic Model for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to Support
Organizational Learning
Ala Atrash, Marie-H
ene Abel and Claude Moulin
Heudiasyc, UMR CNRS 7253, Universit
e de Technologie de Compi
Centre de Recherches de Royallieu, BP 20529, 60205 Compiegne Cedex, France
Organizational Learning, Small and Medium-sized Enterprise, Ontology, Semantic Modeling, Enterprise
Many efforts have been made in the last two decades to manage knowledge in organizations, especially tacit
knowledge which is difficult to transfer to others as contrary to explicit knowledge. Organizational learning
plays a great role in capitalizing such expertise in organizations. Large enterprises can spend high budgets
on the organizational learning process which is not the case in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)
where organizational learning is not supported due to the missing of standardized and codified technical sup-
ports. So there is a special need for SMEs to organize their knowledge and to facilitate the access of infor-
mation. In this paper, we present the Organizational learning and its specifications in SMEs. We also present
TOVE and Enterprise projects from which we defined a semantic model specially dedicated to SMEs. We
explain the choice of the MEMORAe organizational memory platform to manage knowledge in SMEs.
Organizational learning is a property which emerges
from sharing knowledge and practices of the mem-
bers in an organization. It is an accumulative process
based on an organizational knowledge resulting from
the accumulated experience. In order for this knowl-
edge to be shared all over the organization, it must
be communicable, consensual and integrable (Dun-
can, 1979). According to (Chen et al., 2003), being
communicable means that knowledge must be repre-
sented in an easily comprehensible and distributable
way. Being consensual implies that this organiza-
tional knowledge must be valid and useful for all
members of the organization. Being integrable means
that its representation could be saved in an organiza-
tional memory which must be consistent, accessible
and well maintained. The process of organizational
learning is affected by the size of the organization. In
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), the ex-
pertise is limited to a small number of persons and to
only one individual in some cases (Nicolas, 2003). As
a consequence, there is a strong dependence on some
actors of the organization. The smaller an organiza-
tion is, the more we recognize an increment of the
relative “weight” of each individual (Mahe de Bois-
landelle, 1996). As a result, it is difficult to transmit
know-how and know-why knowledge, managing the
turnover and integrating new knowledge to the orga-
nization. Most of the research studies have focused on
the process of learning within the large organizations
(Thorpe et al., 2005) and has not been done much on
small organizations where the organizational learning
faces a lot of difficulties. This paper will focus on
the organizational learning process in a special type
of organizations called SMEs following a knowledge
engineering approach in order to develop a collabora-
tion platform dedicated to organizational learning in
In sections two, three we define the organization
and the organizational learning respectively. “Tour
Equipement” case study and the details of MEMO-
RAe platform are described in section four. Related
works, mainly TOVE and Enterprise projects, are pre-
sented in section five. We propose a model and a com-
plete usage scenario in section six.
2.1 General Characteristics
(Weber et al., 1978) views the organization as a set of
constraints on the activities performed by its agents.
Max Weber believes that all organizations have a well
Atrash A., Abel M. and Moulin C..
A Semantic Model for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to Support Organizational Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0004624804760483
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval and the International Conference on Knowledge
Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2013), pages 476-483
ISBN: 978-989-8565-75-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
defined hierarchy with levels controlling sub-levels.
Every employee must have the competency to ac-
complish the task to which he/she was employed for.
Rules and regulations must be implemented in the or-
ganization to avoid the management based on self-
interest and personalities. This implies an impersonal
relationship between managers and employees which
will facilitate the decision making procedure and the
evaluation of the employees’ outcomes.
2.2 Small and Medium-sized
Enterprises (SMEs)
According to The European Commission (EC), an en-
terprise is considered medium-sized if it has less than
250 salaried, and small-sized if it has less than 50
salaried. In addition, there are two other criteria to
choose from: either the annual turnover must not ex-
ceed 50 million euro or the total balance sheet must
not exceed 43 million euro (Commission Recommen-
dation of 6 May 2003).
The dictionary definition of learning is the acquir-
ing of information, knowledge or skill. (Argyris
and Sch
on, 1978) differentiates between two types
of learning: single-loop learning and double-loop
learning. The single-loop learning is based on the
detection-correction principle. This means that a
modification of actions is made according to a com-
parison between the desired and the obtained out-
come. The double-loop learning happens when the
entity is able to view or modify all the assumptions,
policies and values that led to the specific action (the
root cause of the action). In an organizational context,
there are two levels of learning: 1- operational which
is a single-loop learning that consists of correcting ac-
tions to obtain better results, 2- management which is
a double-loop learning that involves the correction of
errors at a higher level. If we take the example of a
team in an enterprise having problems in meeting the
project deadline. Increasing the working hours per
day could be an example of single-loop learning. Al-
though there is a slight improvement, the investiga-
tions showed that the team structure and communi-
cations between each other also affects the team not
meeting the deadline. It is therefore this issue that is
the root cause of the problem (double-loop learning).
3.1 SMEs Specifications
The process of organizational learning is affected by
the size of the enterprise and according to (Nicolas,
2003) the organizational learning within small struc-
tures is very specific and needs a non-traditional ap-
proach. We notice a direct supervision and coordina-
tion in SMEs which is contrary to large enterprises
where the coordination is procedural and codified.
The standardized and codified technical supports (nu-
meric or paper versions) which are present in large en-
terprises support the process of organizational learn-
ing. Such standardized technical supports are missing
in SMEs. In addition, the interaction is more codified
in large enterprise (e.g. regular group meetings) than
in SMEs.
A way of learning in SMEs is explained in (Lima
and Filion, 2011) who considers SME as either a be-
havioral system or an interpretation system. In a be-
havioral system, the members’ short-term behavior is
affected by the feedback of impacts generated from
other members’ action. In an interpretation system,
the members search for information throughout the
enterprise’s environment, interpret this information
and learn by generating knowledge.
(TSAI, 2009) view that there are three aspects to
take into consideration for organizational learning in
SMEs: individuals (especially the owners-managers),
internal routines and external networks. Firstly, the
owners-managers play a big role in the enterprise.
They are responsible for the decision making and their
knowledge has an impact on the internal and exter-
nal learning resources. Secondly, the internal rou-
tines also affect the learning process in the enterprise.
These routines include organizational culture in ad-
dition to the internal relationships. Finally, external
networks include all external resources that influence
the organizational knowledge.
(Gray and Gonsalves, 2002) divided the organiza-
tional learning in SMEs into three dimensions. The
first dimension is Personal Cognitive Learning (PCL)
which includes all enterprise activities that consider
the members as individual learners. It focuses on the
knowledge that resides in individuals’ minds. Its con-
tent mainly comes from what members already know
and their past experiences. The second dimension is
Social Constructive Learning (SCL). It includes all
enterprise activities that consider the members as so-
cial individuals. In this case, members share their
knowledge in every day communications and inter-
actions with other members of the enterprise. The
third dimension is an extension of the second one.
It is the Institutional Constructive Learning (ICL). In
this dimension, knowledge is developed when enter-
prise members take part in the construction of some-
thing external to themselves or considered universal’
to their enterprise (e.g. formal procedures, organiza-
tional charts, support systems, authority structure).
3.2 The Need for Organizational
Learning in SMEs
The following summarize why do SMEs have a spe-
cial need to implement the organizational learning:
Individuals in SMEs can play different roles at
same time because of their small number. For ex-
ample, a member can be both a technical manager
and designer. This results in a high dependence
on members in the enterprise which makes their
replacement very difficult and critical to the en-
Direct supervision and coordination is found in
SMEs due to the small size. In addition, oral com-
munication is present between members. As a
consequence, the codified and standardized sup-
ports are missing and are only present in the ac-
tions of the enterprise members. So there is no
trace of what had been done or decided for a par-
ticular issue.
The two previous points illustrate that there is an ur-
gent need to organize the knowledge in SMEs. The
knowledge must be codified and easily accessible by
the members at any time.
“Tour Equipement” is a small enterprise (14 salaried)
in the Picardy region, France. It has more than 50
years of experience in the mechanical production.
Our team visited the enterprise to take a close look
about all processes in order to precisely identify the
need for organizational learning in this enterprise.
All examples in this article will be based on “Tour
Equipement” enterprise.
4.1 The Choice of MEMORAe
The MEMORAe approach defines a model and an
environment to manage all heterogeneous resources
of knowledge in an organization. MEMORAe uses
an ontology-based reference called (mc2) to support
knowledge capitalization in an organization. Follow-
ing a knowledge engineering approach, the resources
are organized in an organizational memory based on
ontologies (Abel et al., 2004). It views the organi-
zation as a set of individuals organized in groups in
order to exchange information resources and share
knowledge via documentary and social resources in-
dexed by “job specifications”. Knowledge may be
accessed from different workspaces and according to
different viewpoints. mc2 is represented using the
OWL (Ontology Web Language) which is a W3C
(World Wide Web Consortium) standard. In such lan-
guage, we are able to define concepts and relations be-
tween these concepts. mc2’s main interest is to model
the resource sharing in an organization. It focuses on
resource concepts, groups of individuals and the shar-
ing spaces in which we can share a specific resource.
mc2 ontology model makes use of three other ontol-
ogy models (Deparis et al., 2011):
1. Sioc (Semantically-Interlinked Online Communi-
ties): It aims to enable the integration of online
community information.
2. Foaf (Friend of a friend): It describes persons,
their activities and their relations to other people
and objects.
3. Bibo (Bibliographic): It describes the biblio-
graphic resources.
4.1.1 MEMORAe Platform
E-MEMORAe 2.0 is a web platform that follows
MEMORAe approach for resource sharing. One of
the strengths of MEMORAe platform is its complete
integration of all the features needed to host a server
for collaboration and knowledge capitalization. It is
not a combination of different software that offers the
desired functionalities. A semantic map (see figure
1) is presented to access private or shared resources
from a formal or informal process within individu-
als’ group (team, department, project organization,
etc.). The use of a semantic map allows us to de-
fine a common reference in which it is possible to
navigate and to access the capitalized resources in
different spaces according to their semantic descrip-
tion. Any resource can be indexed by its content (the
concepts it addresses) or its meta (author, creation
date, etc.). The knowledge map represents a semantic
back-bone/reference. The semantic backbone links
working space with social and learning space. The
focus on the map allows the users to view in parallel
all the resources that it indexes distributed in the shar-
ing spaces which are accessible by the user. These
resources may come from a chat, a document, a wiki,
a calendar, etc. The platform has sharing spaces that
display a set of shared resources by the members of
this space. Each user has a private space, only accessi-
ble by him. The parallel view of sharing spaces facil-
itates the transfer of resources from one sharing space
to another by means of “drag and drop”. The same
resource can be visible in different spaces, however it
is stored in a single place. MEMORAe platform was
chosen because it supports the organizational learn-
ing by focusing on resource exchange and knowledge
sharing via documentary and social resources indexed
by job reference. On the other hand, this approach did
not take into account other aspects of the organiza-
tion. For example, it does not model the organization
hierarchy structure, or the activity of the organization.
For that reason, we aim to exploit TOVE and Enter-
prise projects that study different aspects of the orga-
nization including the resource itself.
4.1.2 Organizational Learning based on
Document Resource Annotation
The annotation of documents plays a great role in
knowledge capitalization. An annotation is a note as-
sociated with a particular target. The target can be a
collection of documents, a document or a document
segment (a paragraph, a group of words, an image,
etc.). From the point of view of psycholinguistics and
cognitive scientists, annotation is a trace of the men-
tal state of the reader and a record of his/her reac-
tions face-to-face with the document. So the annota-
tion turns the “reader” into an “active reader”. MEM-
ORAe approach adopts the annotation as a way of
expressing tacit knowledge like thinking, judgment,
opinion etc. For example, the product specifications
document can be annotated, discussed and sent to the
agent who has the appropriate role to start or achieve
the manufacturing activity. This later agent may place
all the commands to supply the resources needed for
the manufacturing activity based on exchanges be-
tween individuals: Who is talking to whom? Who
shares what with whom? Who can intervene in the
process and with which role? Each human agent must
leave a trace of choices and reflections emitted during
the activity. All members as belonging to the same
group can exchange their knowledge to improve the
manufacturing process.
On the other hand, MEMORAe is not oriented to
a special type of organization. As a consequence, for
SMEs, it does not take into consideration the structure
of the organization (roles and authority), activities and
plans, machines as part of SMEs manufacturing pro-
cess, marketing and strategy, product quality and cost
and juristic representation. Taking the machines as an
example, they participate in the manufacturing activ-
ity as being resources to it. The way of representing
a resource machine as an object that participates in
activities is not present in mc2 model.
According to (Fox and Gruninger, 1998) An En-
terprise model is “a computational representation
of: structure, activities, processes, information, re-
sources, people, behavior, goals, and constraints of
a business, government, etc.
Two major enterprise models have been studied:
The “TOVE project” (TOronto Virtual Enterprise)
and the “Enterprise project”.
5.1 TOVE (TOronto Virtual Enterprise)
The TOVE project is first proposed by (Fox, 1992)
who outlined the goals of TOVE project in four
1. It provides a shared terminology for the enterprise
in a way that every application can understand and
2. The first-order logic is used to define the mean-
ing (semantics) of each term in a precise and an
unambiguous as possible manner.
3. The PROLOG ((PROgramming in LOGic) ax-
ioms are used to implement the semantics in order
to enable TOVE to automatically deduce the an-
swer to many commonsense questions about the
4. It defines a symbology for depicting a term, or the
concept constructed thereof, in a graphic context.
TOVE models the enterprise as a set of integrated
ontologies. Currently these ontologies are:
1. Activity, time, and causality (Gruninger and
Pinto, 1995) (Gruninger and Fox, 1994)
2. Resources (Fadel et al., 1994)
3. Cost (Tham et al., 1994)
4. Quality (Kim et al., 1994)
5. Organization structure (Fox et al., 1995)
6. Product (Lin et al., 1996)
5.2 Enterprise Project
The role of the enterprise project as specified in
(Uschold et al., 1998) is to act as a communication
medium between:
People across different enterprises.
Figure 1: The semantic map in MEMORAe platform.
People and implemented computational systems.
Different Implemented computational systems
(like DBMS (database management system) for
The enterprise model defines the concepts that
could be found in an enterprise and all the relations
between these concepts. Enterprise ontology model
is divided into five main sections:
Meta ontology and time: The concepts of Meta
ontology are used to describe other concepts in
the ontology in addition to time.
Activity and processes: These concepts describe
everything in the enterprise that concerns activi-
Organization: The main two concepts defined
here are Organization Unit (OU) and Legal-Entity.
Strategy: This concept is related to strategic
purposes and goals that the enterprise aims to
Marketing: This concept defines everything
which is related to sale (e.g. market, customer,
product etc.).
We aim to enrich (mc2) model with new concepts that
meet the needs of SMEs. We started by resources
and activities as they are essential to the enterprise.
We took into consideration the definition of these two
concepts in TOVE and Enterprise projects.
6.1 Resource Modeling
We are interested in all types of resources in SMEs as
being an element key in the modeling process. mc2
considers the resource as a “vector of information”.
There are two types of resources in mc2 ontology:
simple resource (SR) and composite resource (CR)
(see figure 2). A document (e.g. a note) can be a
direct example of SR. An agent is also considered as
a SR because the agent can provide knowledge. CR
is composed of other resources (e.g. note cluster may
be composed of other notes or note clusters). The an-
notation is also represented in mc2 as being a SR. The
annotation has a content, a recipient and a type. The
type can be either a comment, an explanation, a ref-
erence or a question. The annotation concerns any
resource and is added by an agent. Our contribution
to the ontology model started by defining the material
resource (MR) concept which is essential to SMEs.
We defined the MR as resources that have physical
existence. The MR is considered to be a SR (see fig-
ure 3).
The MR has can be specialized to the following
ManufacturingResource: Resources that play a
certain role during activities, e.g. Machines can
have a specific role during activity (saw machines
are used to cut the metal during the manufacturing
ConsumedResource: Resources that can be con-
sumed during activities, e.g. raw materials that
can be consumed during activities (metal is a raw
material that is consumed during the manufactur-
ing activity).
Figure 2: mc2 resource and role ontology.
Figure 3: The material resource.
BuySellProduct: Products which are bought by
the enterprise to be sold by the SellActivity for
profit purpose.
ProducedResource: The products produced in the
enterprise itself by the ManufacturingActivity to
be sold by the SellActivity. There are two specifi-
cations of such resources:
1. StandardProduct: All the parameters of the
product are already specified by the enterprise.
2. SpecificProduct : The product is manufactured
according to user-specific parameters.
6.2 Activity Modeling
The Activity concept is also added to mc2 ontology
model as it so important to SMEs (see figure 4). The
Activity is defined as processes and procedures done
over time. Every activity requires at least one role to
be preformed. In addition, the activity may be com-
posed of sub-activities. The Activity has the follow-
ing data properties:
Duration: The duration of the activity (year-
Specifications of Activity can be:
ManufacturingActivity: The activity of manufac-
turing a product.
SellActivity: The activity of selling a product.
BuyActivity: The activity of buying a resource.
The role concept which is present in mc2 de-
scribes the way of participation in an Activity. This
role can be played by an Agent or by a Manufactur-
ingResource (see figure 5). The relations between ac-
tivities and resources are presented in figure 6.
6.3 The Scenario of Manufacturing a
Product in “Tour Equipement”
This scenario is based on PLM (Product Lifecycle
Management) principles. The processes of PLM can
be summarized to: Planning, Design, Realizing, Sell
and deliver. The technical manager receives the client
requirements either by mail or by phone. The tech-
nical manager then writes down all these require-
ments to a numeric document (mc2:document) and
shares it either with himself (in his personal shar-
ing space) or with other members of the enterprise
(e.g. the production manager). The document may
be annotated (mc2:Annotation) by the technical man-
ager or any member who has access to it. This an-
notation may be a comment (e.g. the requirements
concern a specific/standard product.), an explanation
(e.g. explain an ambiguous point in the client de-
scription), a reference (e.g. a reference to a simi-
lar product specifications) or a question (e.g. what
should I do here?). If it concerns a specific product
(mc2:SpecificProduct), the technical manager makes
the product design using a computer aided design
CAD software (e.g. SolidWorks). The technical man-
ager shows the design and the planning to the client. If
the client validates the technical manager proposition,
the requirements are translated to a command and the
manufacturing activity (mc2:ManufacturingActivity)
starts. This activity requires a role (mc2:role) to
be performed (e.g. a worker). It involves a man-
ufacture resource (mc2:ManufacturingResource) like
machines (mc2:Machine). In addition, this activity
consumes raw materials (mc2:RawMaterials) as be-
ing consumed resources (mc2:ConsumedResources).
During this activity, any member can add annotations
that concern the machines signaling that a machine is
broken down, slow or not suitable for a specific task,
etc. Annotations may concern raw materials (e.g.
their quality, compatibility). Agents (mc2:Agent) as
being resources may also be annotated. Agents an-
notations are not judgments but rather comments de-
noting agent’s experience or competences. When
the manufacturing activity is finished, the product
is sold to the client by means of the sell activity
Figure 4: Adding the Activity concept with its sub-
Figure 5: The representation of role.
Figure 6: The relations between Activities and resources.
6.4 The Usage of MEMORAe Platform
To take a concrete usage example, let’s suppose that
the technical manager receives a phone call from Mr.
Anderson (a client) demanding 6 collet chucks for
his enterprise to be delivered within 2 months. The
technical manager takes the notes either directly us-
ing MEMORAe platform to share them in a specific
sharing space, or by using a tablet application (devel-
oped in our laboratory) that allows the users to take
local notes and then send them to MEMORAe plat-
form when needed. When the user of the tablet ap-
plication decides to capitalize his/her local notes and
send them to MEMORAe platform, he/she has to de-
termine: 1- the concept by which the note will be in-
dexed (e.g. the“collet” concept), 2- the sharing space
in which the note will be shared (e.g. his/her private
sharing space). This note is then accessible in the
MEMORAe platform either by the sharing space or
by accessing the “collet” concept and making it as the
focus concept of the semantic map. So the technical
manager can retrieve in the future his/her notes that
concerns a particular concept. MEMORAe organizes
the knowledge in the enterprise. Now all the notes
that were taken during the manufacturing activity are
accessible as being knowledge resources. In addition,
the process of annotating resources (e.g. machines,
agents, raw materials, documents, etc.) to be shared
plays a great role in knowledge exchange and keeps
a trace of all the decisions that were taken facilitat-
ing their retrieval in the future. For example, if the
technical manager in “Tour Equipement” takes paper-
based notes that concerns the client command, he/she
will not be able to easily retrieve these information
specially if there is not a good archive system (which
is the case in most SMEs). So MEMORAe platform
gives us the ability to save and share the notes in order
to keep a trace of what happened in the enterprise.
The organizational learning in SMEs meets many dif-
ficulties and needs a special and non-traditional ap-
proach. We proposed an IT platform that facilitates
knowledge sharing and retrieving between individu-
als. In addition, this platform is supported with an an-
notation tool that keeps a trace of all the notes taken
concerning a particular resource in the enterprise. We
also extended our model to meet new requirements of
SMEs (material resources and activities). A test of
the platform is scheduled to be in November 2013 in
“Tour Equipement” enterprise. Further work would
be done by enriching our platform with many tools
and adding extending the model to capture new con-
cepts like cost, quality, authority and skills.
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