Towards Model-driven, Simulation-assisted Control Application
A Doctoral Research Path
Timo Vepsäläinen
Tampere University of Technology, Department of Automation Science and Engineering,
P.O. Box 692, 33101, Tampere, Finland
Keywords: Model-driven Engineering, Simulations, Model Transformations, Automation and Control.
Abstract: This paper, intended to the doctoral consortium of the Simultech 2013 conference, describes the problems,
methodologies, objectives and status of doctoral research of the author. The research conforms to the
constructive approach of design science within the application domain of industrial automation and control.
The focus of the research is on model-driven, simulation-assisted engineering of automation and control
applications with consideration of both basic control and safety-related control systems. The general
research question to be answered is whether or not automation and control application development can
benefit from model-driven engineering and the techniques enabled by it. The answer will be based on
answers to smaller research questions related to industrial applicability of the general developed modelling
approach, ability to simulate models at design-time and ability to include safety documentation in models.
Complex industrial processes related to
manufacturing, process and energy sector plants as
well as machinery applications require continuous
control, coordination and supervision to ensure their
productivity and safety. Currently, the main
implementation technology of such control systems
is software. With dedicated hardware, e.g. PLC
(Programmable Logic Controller) or DCS
(Distributed Control System) platforms, buses and
distributed I/O units, software has replaced earlier
implementation technologies of control functions
such as analogous and non-programmable
Software solutions are flexible and efficient by
nature. They enable control and coordination of
several devices and sub-systems from a single or
few processing units. Software solutions can be
further developed and updated even without changes
to hardware. Software enables the use of
sophisticated control algorithms that may require,
for example, on-line optimization. Use of software
also enables the reuse of existing solutions in form
of libraries of re-usable classes, modules or function
blocks. However, at the same time, the challenges
related to software development have increased.
The development of a control application for an
industrial process is a complex task that requires
collaboration with and information from
professionals of multidisciplinary backgrounds, e.g.
process, control, hydraulics and electrical
engineering. Control applications are often
characterized with high real-timeliness,
dependability, safety and other quality requirements.
As a consequence, and because of the focal role of
software applications, the efficiency of control
application development process has become an
essential competitiveness factor for industrial
players in the domain. Exploring possibilities to
improve efficiency of automation and control
application development is also a profound objective
of the doctoral research.
In general, the research is based on the
assumption that efficiency of software development
can be improved by reducing the total amount of
required work per produced application. This can be
accomplished by re-using existing work when
possible as well as by reducing the amount of non-
profitable and manual work. Re-use may be
accomplished by, for example, designing and using
re-usable controllers whereas reducing the amount
Vepsäläinen T. (2013).
Towards Model-driven, Simulation-assisted Control Application Engineering - A Doctoral Research Path.
In Doctoral Consortium, pages 12-19
DOI: 10.5220/0004637200120019
of non-profitable work by use of automated
information transfer between development phases.
The engineering process of applications should thus
enable fluent re-use of both existing general
knowledge and libraries of parameterizable solutions
that can be applied to recurring design tasks.
Applications and solutions should also be validated
and verified as early as possible in order to minimize
the effect of errors and design flaws to subsequent
work and accordingly to the amount of repeated
work. A means to assess the behaviour and
characteristics of solutions early – preferably at
design-time - is to apply simulation.
In this research, the foundation for seeking
means to improve the efficiency of automation and
control application development is Model-Driven
Engineering (MDE). Related supporting techniques
that are utilized in the research include UML,
application domain specific profiles, especially
UML Automation Profile (UML AP) as well as
model transformations for partially automating the
processing of models. Original introduction to UML
AP is presented in (Ritala and Kuikka, 2007).
The idea of MDE and related approaches, e.g.
MDA (Model-Driven Architecture) of OMG (Object
Management Group, 2008), is the utilization of
models during development of systems instead of,
for example, documents. In MDE, models
conforming to formally specified modelling
languages (e.g. UML) can be processed with model
transformations to create new or revise existing
models and views. Automated model checks may
reveal problems and inconsistencies in models and
between modelled phase products. Model
transformations can be used to automate importing
information to models from models of preceding
development phases and tools. Design models can
be used for generating code or creating analysis
models to be studied with domain specific, proven
tools. Lastly, as have been already shown within the
doctoral research, model transformations can be
used to automate generation of simulation models
that enable assessing and comparing the developed
solutions at design-time.
In addition to basic automation and control, a
special application area in the research is software
development for safety systems. Safety-related
systems require consideration of sophisticated
standards including their requirements for
development and documentation deliverables. As a
consequence, if the focus of development work is
shifted from documents to models according to the
principles of MDE, models should be tailored to
produce at least part of the required safety
documentation. In addition to basic control, we
regard simulations useful also in the development of
safety systems although it is acknowledged that
simulations are only a part of the solution. Like use
of testing techniques, simulations cannot guarantee
formal correctness of applications. That is why all
the documentation required by safety standards must
still be produced to be used in certification.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 presents and discusses the current state of
the art related to the research area. In section 3, a
more detailed presentation of the research problems
and objectives will be provided. Section 4 focuses
on the research methodology and the approaches to
assess research results that are used in the doctoral
research. Lastly, before conclusions, the current
stage of the research and the results still expected to
be achieved will be presented in section 5.
Utilization of models and model-based techniques
for automation and control application development
has been studied and proposed by several
researchers. Most of the approaches have been
targeted for IEC 61131-3 or IEC 61499 based
development. IEC 61131-3 is currently also
industrially widely used language - in addition to
proprietary DCS systems and languages. Related to
IEC 61131-3, such work has been presented in, for
example, (Vogel-Heuser et al., 2005). Related to
IEC 61499, which has drawn extensive research
attention, such work has been carried out, for
example, in MEDEIA project, by Tranoris and
Thramboulidis and by Dubinin et al.
Vogel-Heuser et al. (2005), firstly, present an
approach and mappings for generating IEC 61131-3
applications from UML models. The target code is
in the approach in the forms of structured text and
sequential function charts and can be imported to
IEC 61131-3 tools using text import. The modelling
approach utilizes class diagrams for presenting code
structure and state charts for behaviour.
The MEDEIA (project) approach, is presented in
(Strasser et al. 2008). The approach is based on
Automation Components (AC) that are combinations
of embedded hardware and software including
integrated simulation, verification and diagnostics
services. ACs can be deployed to hardware with
code generation. The simulation approach of the
project is discussed in (Hegny et al., 2010)
Dubinin et al. (2005) aim to support the
development of function block (FB) applications
conforming to IEC 61499 with an UML-FB
language. The language is an extension of UML and
based on its stereotype mechanism. The approach
utilizes UML class (classes corresponding to IEC
61499 FBs), sequence, cooperation as well as state
diagrams. Introduction to the code generation in the
paper mainly focuses on class diagrams.
Thramboulidis and Tranoris have studied and
developed a tool (Thramboulidis and Tranoris, 2004)
and an engineering process (Tranoris and
Thramboulidis, 2006) for distributed control
applications using UML to present requirements and
design before final implementations. In their
development process, plain UML is used for
describing all the features of function blocks and
applications consisting of them. The process also
utilizes model transformations for moving from
analysis models to design diagrams and models.
Integrating simulations to MDE of control
software is not generally a new idea. Embedded
system and automotive control system industries, for
instance, are in this respect ahead of industrial
control domain. They have already benefitted from
Model-in-the-Loop (MiL), Software-in-the-Loop
(SiL), Processor-in-the-Loop (PiL), and Hardware-
in-the-Loop (HiL) approaches. These general
simulation approaches differ in terms of control
system configuration used in the simulations. For
example, in MiL only a model of the control system
is used to control a process simulation whereas SiL
utilizes generated software and HiL generated
software with entire control system hardware. In the
embedded and automotive system industries the HiL
approach has been used in (Gietelink et al., 2009),
SiL in (Canale et al., 2010) and MiL in (Plummer,
2006), to mention work of just a few researchers.
In the domain of industrial control, integrating
simulations to MDE approaches has not been one of
the first goals. However, such work has been
presented at least in (Yang and Vyatkin, 2012) and
(Hegny et al., 2010). In addition, (Ferrarini and
Dede, 2010) presents a co-simulation approach for
testing already implemented control application
parts while simulating the rest. The approach is
based on co-simulation (co-operative simulation) but
does not necessarily restrict the development process
to have MDE characteristics.
Yang and Vyatkin (2012) do utilize MDE
techniques and model transformations. The purpose
of their approach is to create IEC 61499 based FB
models from Simulink models of the processes to be
controlled in order to enable closed-loop simulations
of the controlled processes with control application
models. In the approach, the control applications are
developed with IEC 61499.
Hegny et al. (2010), similarly, create IEC 61499
plant models to be integrated with control
application models. However, their approach either
transforms the plant models from MEDEIA (project)
specific plant models that conform to a project
specific timed state chart metamodel or uses external
behaviour descriptions, i.e. external simulation tools.
The approach to transform control application
models to models of the processes to be controlled is
- according to the knowledge of the authors - utilized
only in our work, in the industrial automation and
control domain.
Like integrating simulations to MDE in the
domain, developing MDE support for safety systems
and applications has not yet drawn extensive
research attention. Perhaps most complete work in
the area has been carried out in DECOS project
(Huber and Obermeisser, 2007). In DECOS, IEC
61508 is used as a goal similarly to the work of the
author. However, the modelling languages differ
significantly. The DECOS approach utilizes e.g.
Simulink and SCADE whereas the purpose of the
author is to use UML and its extension to the
automation domain: UML AP. In addition, as a
difference to the work of the author, in the DECOS
approach also hardware aspects are considered.
In addition, there are several approaches in
various domains to integrate safety information to
UML and SysML based modelling. (Guillerm et al.,
2010) discusses the use of SysML to address
requirements definition, traceability as well as
verification and validation in system engineering
process, which are all of importance in safety system
development. The paper proposes the use of UML
and SysML and extends the languages with
stereotypes related to documenting risks of the
underlying system.
In (Biehl et al., 2010), an attempt is made to
integrate safety analysis to model-based
development for automation industry. The paper
presents an automated transformation from EAST-
ADL2 to HiP-HOPS in order to automate
performing safety-analysis on refined models. As
such, the approach mainly focuses in automating
safety analysis after changes to design models.
The UML Profile for developing Airworthiness-
Compliant Safety Critical Software is presented in
(Zoughbi et al., 2007). The work intends to extract
the key safety-related concepts from RTCA DO-
178B standard into a UML profile and to use them
to facilitate the communication between different
stakeholders in software development. One of the
purposes of the profile is to make requirements more
understandable to all stakeholders, which is a similar
goal than those of the author. However, instead of
focusing to requirements specification and
occurrences of hazards, the profile aims to aid
communication by enabling the use of concepts of
the standard in models to characterize modelled
parts of the systems.
Lastly, the safety analysis profile (Douglass,
2009) has been developed to support development of
safety critical software so that safety professionals
would not have to rely on disparate tools to capture
requirements and design. According to the paper,
UML can facilitate the development of safety critical
systems in several ways. The means to facilitate the
development work include: providing design clarity,
modelling of architectural and low-level
redundancy, creating safety-relevant views on
design and requirements as well as aiding safety
analysis. With the profile presented by Douglass,
safety analysis can be accomplished in models and
interconnected to requirements.
Currently, modelling and simulation is in automation
and control domain used especially for describing
and studying process dynamics and control
algorithms. Models, however, are mostly based on
mathematics (e.g. Matlab based Simulink) and do
not suit well for software development. The
modelling concepts of e.g. Simulink differ from
those of software development and programming
languages. As a consequence, although such models
could be used for code generation, the resulting code
would be difficult to maintain and integrate to
manually developed parts of control applications.
Another aspect is that the models should also
support, for example, importing information from
preceding development phases and producing
documentation. And for such purposes, extendable
modelling languages such as UML form a more
natural basis.
In the doctoral research, the focus is in modelling
and MDE techniques for software development in
the automation and control domain. The basic
research question to be answered is whether or not
automation and control application development can
benefit from MDE and the techniques enabled by it,
e.g. integrated simulation. The answer will be based
on answers of smaller research questions. It also
produces research prototypes for evaluating the
techniques and solutions. A more detailed,
presentation of the smaller research questions will be
provided below.
Automation applications are already often
composed of parameterizable, platform specific
components (e.g. function blocks) that are well-
tested functional entities. This facilitates the
development and improves the re-use of working,
well-tested solutions but makes it difficult to re-use
design work on other platforms. In this research, the
purpose is to seek an approach for modelling of
automation and control applications. The modelling
approach should enable fluent re-use of
parameterizable implementation blocks and use of
design patterns for facilitating design and for
documentation purposes. Additionally, the
modelling approach should enable the use of model
transformations that are necessary in applying MDE
in all development phases.
Related to simulations, the research is aimed to
answer the questions: how simulation integration
can be supported in MDE environments, which
general simulation approach (e.g. model-in-the-loop
and co-simulation) should be used and what are the
possible benefits compared to the present simulation
support available in the industry. It is acknowledged
that simulations are already supported by
commercial PLC and DCS platform. However, the
research asserts that it would be possible to obtain
additional benefits from integrating simulations to
the development process.
Related to the development of safety-related
systems, the modelling concepts must take into
account the requirements of safety standards. In this
research, the essential functional safety standard to
be used is IEC 61508 (IEC, 2010) which is also
referenced by other, application domain specific
standards in both process industry and machinery.
The industrially significant question that needs to be
addressed before applying MDE techniques to
industrial safety system development is: how the
strict requirements and documentation needs of
safety standards could be fulfilled with MDE
techniques. In the doctoral research, the aim is to
prove possible to integrate risk and hazards analysis
to the MDE process and to produce certification
friendly information from models to support
traceability, correctness and completeness within
models. Traceability is an important characteristic
for also basic control applications to facilitate
inspection and review processes of the applications.
In addition to answering these research
questions, an objective of the research is to produce
prototypical tools for demonstrating the techniques
and modelling concepts and to assess their possible
benefits. The tools are aimed to be developed using
open-source modelling and model transformation
tools of the Eclipse platform as a basis. Such tools,
e.g. Topcased and SmartQVT are based on standards
of OMG including UML, MOF and QVT, and can
be extended with new modelling concepts and to
implement required model transformations.
As a whole, the research aims to complete the
AUKOTON design process (Hästbacka et al., 2011)
with simulation capabilities as well as support for re-
use and processing safety information. The
improved design process is illustrated in figure 1.
Figure 1: The results of the research will implement a
simulation assisted, MDE process for automation and
control applications based on open-source tools.
The research included in the doctoral studies
conforms to the constructive approach of design
science. The application domain is industrial
automation and control application development. In
general, the research needs that the research aims to
fulfil are based on interviews of industrial
professionals and internationally reported
challenges. In the Automation Software Engineering
(ASE) research group to which the author belongs,
the industrial partners include both industrial control
system vendors as well as companies developing
automation and control solutions for their machine
The research, as constructive design also in
general, aims to meet the research problems and
needs, with technical solutions that are defined and
implemented as research prototypes. Solutions and
their implementing prototypes are evaluated and
further developed with case studies and industrial
assessment events. Both methods enable collecting
material and evidence on the possible benefits and
disadvantages of the solutions. The research
questions are then answered based on the results of
the case studies as well as collected and analysed
material, observations and feedback from the
industrial assessments. In addition to gathering
industrial feedback, assessments events also serve
the purpose of transferring and demonstrating
research results and new technologies to the
industrial partners.
In the research of the ASE research group, the
assessment events serve mainly collecting
qualitative material on the suitability of the solutions
and their implementations. For example, for
(Vepsäläinen et al., 2010) we arranged a 1-day event
with our research partners in university premises. In
the event, 8 industrial professionals from 4 different
companies developed a control application for a
small-scale process industry process using research
prototype tools developed by us during AUKOTON
project. During the event, the professionals were
observed and field notes were collected from
technical and other kind of problems and challenges
that they encountered in their work. After
completing their design tasks the professionals, who
were at that time already familiar with the
techniques, were interviewed. The purpose of the
interviews was to assess the suitability of the
techniques to industrial use in the companies and the
possible advantages and disadvantages in
comparison to techniques used in the companies at
the time of the interviews.
An example of assessing developed techniques,
concepts and prototype implementations with case
studies is presented in (Vepsäläinen and Kuikka,
2013a). The contribution of the paper is two-fold.
The first one is a conceptual comparison of
approaches to enable design-time simulations within
MDE taking into account, for example, the amount
of required model transformations and configuration
work to execute simulation cases. The second
contribution is an analysis of perceived benefits and
disadvantages of the approach encountered with
three published simulation experiments.
The benefits of using two kinds of methods to
assess the research and developed solutions are
significant. Case studies, firstly, can be targeted to
academically interesting problems and to assess the
research against the industrial state of the art and
work of other researchers. Assessment events, on the
other hand, are more related to industrial practice
and enable both collecting industrial feedback and
keeping the research focused to problems with
practical relevance. With both assessment methods,
the research has focused on qualitative material.
Consequently, for example, possible net effect of the
techniques to the amount of development work has
not yet been estimated. However, such studies could
be also arranged when the prototype tools are at a
level on which the results would not be biased by
usability challenges of prototype tools in comparison
to commercial tools.
Currently, the doctoral research is at a stage in
which all the research questions have been addressed
to some extent although most of them still require
work and supporting publications. The modelling
approach including use of library implementation
blocks in code generation has been addressed in
(Hästbacka et al., 2011). The results of industrial
assessment of the approach, on the other hand, have
been presented in (Vepsäläinen et al., 2010).
Use of re-usable simulation blocks and the
general approach to transform functional models to a
simulateable ModelicaML (Modelica Modeling
Language) (Schamai, 2009) form have been
addressed in (Vepsäläinen and Kuikka, 2013b). The
design-time simulation of control applications is
intended to cover all the common aspects of basic
control systems including sequential control,
interlockings as well as binary and feedback control.
Of these aspects, interlockings as well as feedback
control are covered in (Vepsäläinen and Kuikka,
2013b). Sequential control and binary control are
also already supported by the approach; however, a
paper addressing these issues is still to be published.
A brief assessment of the research and perceived
benefits is presented in (Vepsäläinen and Kuikka,
2013a). Additionally, the latter paper presents a
conceptual comparison of possible simulation
approaches for design-time simulation of models
within MDE. The purpose of the comparison is to
draw conclusions on which approach should be
utilized in the domain.
Integration of safety, risk and hazard information
to the MDE process and supporting traceability,
correctness and completeness have been addressed
in (Vepsäläinen and Kuikka, 2011). The article
presents a set of meta-model additions to the
modelling profile, see (Hästbacka et al., 2011) for
introduction to the joint-work on UML AP, to enable
modelling of risks and hazards using Fault Tree (FT)
notation and logic diagrams for presenting detailed
In (Vepsäläinen et al., 2012) the author has
presented tool support for documenting architectures
of safety systems and performing simple checks of
consistency against safety standards. The work
presents a set of concepts developed for describing
safety system architectures including their
requirements and components as well as used design
patterns and made decisions. However, the work is
based on an application lifecycle management
platform (Polarion ALM) instead of UML profile
assisted modelling. Part of porting this work to
UML-based modelling, in addition to re-using
conceptual design solutions – design patterns – and
using them to aid documentation, is still under
research and to be published. On the other hand, the
research path related to safety applications lacks
assessment of results, which will follow after
finishing the basic work.
At this stage of the Ph.D. research, it is expected
that the general question, whether or not automation
and control application development can benefit
from MDE and the techniques enabled by it, can be
given a positive answer. According to the results of
assessing the industrial applicability of the general
approach (Vepsäläinen et al., 2010) the developed
MDE and modelling process could be used for
developing industrial DCS-based applications.
Practically this could mean targeting platform
specific work for a chosen platform and using code
generation that would be required for each platform.
A more open question is support for general
solutions in form of automation domain specific
design patterns, which is still to be addressed.
Perhaps in most complete stage are the research
questions related to integrating design-time
simulations to MDE. The approach to use model-
transformations for creating closed-loop simulation
models of controlled systems has been shown to
enable simulation of all the common aspects of basic
control systems. The approach is capable of both
using libraries of existing blocks (corresponding to
library implementations) and generating new
simulation blocks based on logic diagram and
automation sequence diagram presentations of
application specific automation functions.
(Vepsäläinen and Kuikka, 2013b)
Related to different simulation approaches, we
have argued that simulations in MDE in the domain
should focus on model-in-the-loop simulations. The
most important reason for this recommendation is
that industrial control system platforms already
support later simulation approaches e.g. software-in-
the-loop and hardware-in-the-loop simulations.
Consequently, in order to obtain additional benefits
from enabling simulations within the development
process, simulations should be possible to perform
earlier. Practically, this would mean MiL
simulations. On the other hand, transforming control
application models instead of plant models or using
co-simulation may lead to fewer difficulties and less
additional work with simulation cases, as presented
in (Vepsäläinen and Kuikka, 2013a).
Related to perceived benefits of applying early
MiL simulations, they have been found useful in
comparing and prototyping alternative control and
interlocking approaches, testing sequences as well as
finding acceptable controller tunings. Simulations
have helped finding missing implementations and
requirements as well as testing exceptions that could
be dangerous to test with the actual physical
processes. Additionally, the simulation approach has
been shown to scale to control applications of
different industries and sizes. (Vepsäläinen and
Kuikka, 2013a)
Integrating safety information to the
development process is the least complete part of the
research at present. However, some expected results
can be still pointed out based on publications and
on-going work of porting the results of (Vepsäläinen
et al., 2012) to the modelling environment.
Currently, the support for traceability illustrated in
(Vepsäläinen et al., 2012) has already been
implemented to complement the work presented in
(Vepsäläinen and Kuikka, 2011). The current focus
is on design patterns and partially automating their
In addition to facilitating development work,
design patterns and pattern instance markings are
expected to serve documentation purposes. Pattern
instance markings enable pointing out where in
design recommended solutions and patterns have
been used. On the other hand, (some) design patterns
could be given Safety Integrity Level (SIL)
recommendations based on IEC 61508 (IEC, 2010).
Such recommendations could then be used to
implement simple checks of consistency against
safety standards and modelled safety integrity level
requirements of the applications being developed.
This paper is intended to present the research
problems, methodologies, objectives, status and
expected results of doctoral research of the author.
The research included in the doctoral studies
conforms to the constructive approach of design
science within the application domain of industrial
automation and control. The general research
question to be answered is whether or not
automation and control application development can
benefit from MDE and the techniques enabled by it.
The research question is to be answered based on
answers to smaller research questions. These
questions are related to modelling of automation and
control applications, ability to integrate and gain
benefits from integrating simulations to the
development process and ability to include safety
documentation in models.
Currently, the research is at a stage in which all
the research questions have been addressed to some
extent although most of them still require work and
supporting publications. Generally, it is expected
that the main research question can be given a
positive answer. This expectation is based on the
promising assessment results of the general
development approach and the ability to generate
closed-loop simulation models of controlled
systems. The approach creates and integrates control
system parts to existing simulation models of the
process to be controlled based on UML AP software
models. In our experiments, the approach has been
found useful in many ways and it has scaled to
applications of both machinery and process industry.
Open questions of the research are related to
integrating safety documentation to models and
automating utilization of design patterns. This work
path that aims to utilize design patterns for both re-
use and documentation purposes is still partially
under development, to be published and to be
assessed based on case studies or industrial
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