Auscultatory Changes Identified through Digital Stethoscope and
Echocardiographic Findings Associated with Healthy Pregnancy
Marilene Miranda Araújo
, Zilma Silveira Nogueira Reis
, Renata Baracho Porto
Cláudia Maria Villas Freire
, Vitória Brito Goulart
, Fabyulla A. Fernandes
, Rosa Celeste Oliveira
and Ricardo Cruz-Correia
Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Centro de Informática em Saúde, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Programa de Pós-graduação em Saúde da Mulher, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Escola de Ciência da Informação, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
CINTESIS Centro de Investigação em Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto,
Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Heart Auscultation, Pregnancy, Medical Informatics, Doppler Echocardiography, Physiological Adaptation.
Abstract: The hyperkinetic hemodynamic pattern and the low viscosity of the blood are typical during pregnancy and
cause a number of auscultatory changes. The main goal of this study was to describe hemodynamic and
auscultatory changes in normal pregnant women and compare them to those of non-pregnant women.
Digital heart auscultation and Doppler echocardiography tests were performed in 29 pregnant and 27 non-
pregnant women, both healthy. Changes in the digital stethoscope auscultation and Doppler
echocardiographic findings were compared between the groups. The low-intensity systolic murmur was
statistically more frequent in the pregnant group (69.0% x 40.7%, p=0.034), as well as B1 Hyperphonesis
(51.7% x 7.4%, p<0.001), B2 Hyperphonesis (69% x 18.5%, p<0.001) and B1 Split (89.7% x 29.6%,
p<0.001). In pregnant women, no associations were found between auscultation findings and Doppler
echocardiogram changes (mitral-murmur x mitral-regurgitation, p=0.675; tricuspid-murmur x tricuspid-
regurgitation, p=1.000; pulmonary-murmur x pulmonary-regurgitation, p=1.000). The digital heart
auscultation of healthy pregnant subjects was able to detect frequent and numerous alterations, confirming
the importance of knowing the physiological changes of pregnancy. The normal Doppler echocardiogram in
all healthy pregnant women with heart murmur indicates that such test has limited applicability for healthy
pregnant subjects, only in cases of suspicion of a heart disease or when it does occur.
1.1 The Importance of Tracking and
Diagnosing Heart Diseases during
Maternal mortality rates are some of the most
critical indicators of quality of life for the population
of any given country, while mainly reflecting on the
quality of health care provided to prenatal pregnant
women. (Cardoso, 2012) Heart disease is universally
considered the main cause of indirect maternal
deaths in the pregnancy-puerperal cycle (Reidy and
Russell, 2011); (Huisman et al., 2013); (Cantwell,
2011). More specifically in Brazil (Saúde., 2006),
failure to eradicate rheumatic disorders contributes
to high incidence of heart disease during pregnancy -
reference centers estimate that up to 4.2% of
pregnant patients are affected, eight times more
when compared to international estimates (Tedoldi,
Early diagnosis of heart disease during
pregnancy depends a great deal on the understanding
of adaptive physiological alterations during
pregnancy. That assessment is part of the routine in
prenatal care, whose main actions focus on
establishing the distinction between adaptive
physiological processes and pathological conditions
associated to pregnancy. In that context, it is known
Miranda Araújo M., Silveira Nogueira Reis Z., Baracho Porto R., Villas Freire C., Brito Goulart V., A. Fernandes F., Oliveira R. and Cruz-Correia R..
Auscultatory Changes Identified through Digital Stethoscope and Echocardiographic Findings Associated with Healthy Pregnancy.
DOI: 10.5220/0004637300390046
In Proceedings of the International Congress on Cardiovascular Technologies (CARDIOTECHNIX-2013), pages 39-46
ISBN: 978-989-8565-78-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
that the common signs and symptoms in regular
pregnancy may simulate those of heart diseases and,
on the other hand, diagnosing these diseases may
become difficult due to the several transitory and
adaptive physiological hemodynamic changes
during pregnancy (van Mook, 2005).
Heart auscultation is a highly important clinical
tool in diagnosing heart disease (Chizner, 2002);
(Chizner, 2008). In pregnant patients, it can allow
for the early detection of maternal heart disease, as
well as timely interventions that can prevent these
conditions to evolve during the pregnancy, partum
and postpartum periods. However, this detection is
still a challenge for professionals that work directly
in prenatal health care. It is estimated that internal
medicine and family practice physicians were able to
recognize only 20% of the most common heart
sounds and murmurs that could be diagnosed using a
stethoscope (Mangione, 1997).
Instruments that allow for better quality in heart
auscultation, analyzing and classifying sounds with
resources that enhance the human hearing capacity
and at the same time make it easier to detect normal
and abnormal heart sounds, are a great asset to
tracking and diagnosing maternal heart diseases.
1.2 The Origin and Meaning of Heart
The vibrations generated by the heart and the great
vessels travel to the surface of the human body. The
sounds and murmurs produced in the cardiovascular
system correspond to sound phenomena with
specific characteristics of intensity (loudness),
frequency (pitch) and quality (timbre). Most sounds
relevant to the heart auscultation process are below
the 20-500 Hz frequency, a range with a relatively
high audibility threshold (Pazin-Filho, 2004).
The origin of human heart sounds is attributed to
a set of hemodynamic changes that occur during the
cardiac cycle. A rhythmic sequence of pressure
variation in the heart chambers, propelled by
myocardium contractions, makes the heart valves
move (Hanifin, 2010).
The first heart tone (B1) features two main sound
components, originated at the atrioventricular
valves: the first one is comprised of intense high-
frequency vibrations caused by the closure of the
mitral valves (M1); while the second one, is also
comprised of high-frequency vibrations caused by
the closure of the tricuspid valve (T1), which takes
place 30 ms later on average. The second tone (B2)
reflects the blocking of the semilunar aortic (A2)
and pulmonary (P2) valves. Most normal individuals
produce a sole sound during expiration, while during
inspiration it is possible to observe its physiological
splitting (Pazin-Filho, 2004).
It is critical to identify and characterize B1 and
B2 in the auscultatory process, since they define the
cardiac cycle intervals: the ventricular systole
interval and the beginning of ventricular diastole,
respectively. The systolic interval is shorter than the
diastolic one, but the difference becomes less
noticeable as the cardiac frequency is elevated.
(Hanifin, 2010) The first tone is more intense in the
apex and the lower-left sternal border, while the
second tone tends to be more prominent at the base.
(Chizner, 2008)
Heart murmurs are the set of much longer
vibrations that arise when the blood changes its flow
standard and becomes turbulent (Hanifin, 2010).
Turbulence may occur as a result of an excessive
increase in blood flow speed in relation to the
dimensions of the structures through which it runs
(Shaver et al., 1985).
Changes of sound intensity in B1 and B2, the
occurrence of B3 and B4, noise, murmurs, clicks,
gallops, place of auscultation and radiation, the
starting point of the cardiac cycle, are all sound
variations used in cardiac semiology to diagnose
cardiovascular diseases (Chizner, 2002).
1.3 The Role of the Stethoscope
The stethoscope is an instrument designed for
capturing and conducting vibrations from the heart
and vascular structures that reach the surface of the
chest and the hearing device of the examiner,
reducing environment noise and helping to diagnose
several heart diseases. (Segall, 1963); (Kindig and
, 1982); (Kindig, 1982). The stethoscope is
relatively inexpensive and widely available, and it
still remains a qualitative and subjective method of
evaluating heart sounds, murmurs and other cardiac
noises. (Zuhlke et al., 2012)
More recently, electronic stethoscopes have
become available, equipped with sound
amplification and environment noise reduction
technology, featuring display, recording, storage and
reproduction of these sounds, as well as transmission
capacity (Hedayioglu et al., 2007); (Tavel, 2010);
(Tavel, 2006).
The signs captured electronically through this
digital auscultation system may be submitted to
objective numeric and visual analysis, transmitted to
local remote places or stored in medical records
(Dahl et al., 2002). Analysis of signs constitutes a
promise that may contribute to clinical application,
as in the assessment of aortic stenosis and the
classification of physiological murmurs (Tavel and
Katz, 2005). Its real importance and advantages in
comparison to traditional stethoscopes are still to be
determined; however, digital heart auscultation may
potentially tackle current challenges in teaching
heart auscultation.
1.4 Maternal Heart Auscultation and
Physiological Changes of
The profound cardiovascular adaptive changes that
pregnant women undergo may seriously affect heart
auscultation (Hanifin, 2010). The hyperkinetic
hemodynamic state and low blood viscosity are
characteristic to pregnancy and favor the occurrence
of low-intensity systolic murmurs in over 95% of
pregnant women (Teixeira, 2010). On the other
hand, a similar situation may be observed in other
hyperkinetic conditions such as fever, anemia,
exercise, excitement and hyperthyroidism. In
healthy pregnancies, a low murmur intensity (1- 2/6
in the Levine scale) is frequently observed in the
beginning or the middle of the systole, increasing-
decreasing, many times with a musical, vibrating or
rumbling quality. It is more audible over the
pulmonary area or the medium-left sternal border,
but it may also be heard on the apex or the aortic
area. It is frequently accompanied by an
physiological splitting of S2 (Stout and Otto, 2007);
(Tavel, 1977).
Blood volume increases during pregnancy to
facilitate the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the
fetus, however, the increase in plasma volume
exceeds the increase in red blood cell mass resulting
in a state of hemodilution with lower average
hemoglobin and hematocrit concentrations
(Chapman et al., 1998). This physiological anemia
tends to be more intense in the second trimester
(Teixeira, 2010), when the systolic murmur is
accentuated (Kaaja and Greer, 2005).
A normal pregnancy also causes frequent tone
(B1 and B2) hyperphonesis, B1 split and the
occurrence of B3 (Silversides, 2007). Diastolic
murmurs during pregnancy are normally associated
with anatomic heart injury (Stout and Otto, 2007);
(Tedoldi, 2009).
Echocardiogram shows left ventricular
hypertrophy with 50% increase muscle mass at full
term. Hypertrophy is eccentric, similar to the one
acquired through physical exercise. An increase may
be observed in the diameter of the mitral, tricuspid
and pulmonary valves. The aortic ring does not
dilate (Campos, 1993). With the cardiac overload
from the great increase in blood volume caused by
pregnancy, this period is particularly prone to show
heart diseases that were previously asymptomatic or
aggravate pre-existing ones (Fujitani and Baldisseri,
The main goal of this study was to describe
hemodynamic and auscultatory changes in normal
pregnant women detected by digital auscultation
system and to compare them to those of non-
pregnant women. This research also aimed at
creating a library of heart sounds, clinical data and
echocardiogram images obtained during auscultation
of healthy pregnant women, which may be used to
teach heart auscultation and analysis of signs.
This is a cross-sectional study in humans, performed
in a Brazilian university hospital. The Ethics
Committee of the institution approved the study and
all the volunteers signed a letter of consent.
2.1 Research Subjects
From January 2012 to April 2013, 30 healthy
pregnant women, in the second trimester of
pregnancy and 30 healthy non-pregnant women,
aged 18 to 40 years old, without any signs or
symptoms of cardiovascular disease or anemia,
treated at the Habitual Risk Prenatal and General
Gynecology Clinic at Hospital das Clínicas of
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, were
selected by convenience sample, according to pre-
established eligibility criteria.
Exclusion criteria were poor quality of the
recorded sound signal, presence of cardiac
abnormalities detected by Doppler echocardiography
or anemia (hemoglobin concentration < 10,5mg/dL
(Rasheed et al., 2008) in pregnant women and
12mg/dL in non-pregnant women).
Four women were excluded from the study, one
pregnant woman due to moderate mitral
regurgitation and three non-pregnant women, due to
loss or poor quality of the recorded signal.
Therefore, 56 women, (29 pregnant and 27 non-
pregnant) were included for the statistical analysis.
2.2 Clinical Evaluation and
Complementary Exams
In addition to the routine obstetric consultation, an
experienced cardiologist performed a clinical and
cardiac evaluation with all pregnant women. Healthy
women were also submitted to a specific cardiac
evaluation. During the exam, the specialist carried
out auscultation and described every heart sound
change detected. That evaluation has become the
gold standard for describing abnormal cardiac sound
findings in both groups. On the same day, their
blood pressure was measured with a manual
sphygmomanometer in the right arm, with the
women sitting.
A hemoglobin dosage was achieved in all
pregnant subjects that did not do a blood test
recently. A complete two-dimensional (2-D)
Doppler echocardiography examination was
performed in each participant at the time of
enrollment to ensure normal cardiac structure and
2.3 Digital Auscultation
In order to perform the digital auscultation with
simultaneous recording of the heart sounds, an
electronic stethoscope (Littmann
Model 3200, 3M)
was used. A touchscreen laptop (ASUS EEE PC
T101MT) was used to capture the heart sounds
wirelessly via Bluetooth technology, storing the
sound library and clinical data.
The technique used for auscultation of heart
sounds with the digital system was the same used in
the routine cardiac examination. With women sitting
and reclined, and afterwards in the left lateral
decubitus, the recording sequence took place in the
classic areas of auscultation. For each of these areas
, 2
, 4
and 5
) the recording lasted for about 15
The electronic information system used to store
clinical data and heart sounds was developed by the
DigiScope project team (Pereira et al., 2011).
2.4 Echocardiographic Protocol
Cardiac ultrasound examinations were performed
with the women in the left lateral decubitus position
with an M-Turbo portable ultrasound machine
(SonoSite, Bothwell, WA, USA) equipped with 3-5
MHz phased-array transducers. A complete two-
dimensional (2-D) echocardiographic Doppler
evaluation was performed in each participant at the
time of enrollment to ensure normal cardiac
structure and function. The study protocol included
imaging of the LV from standard parasternal long-
and short- axis views and from apical four- and two-
chamber views. Qualitative access of mitral,
tricuspid, aortic, and pulmonary valve competence
by pulsed and color-flow Doppler mapping was
made. In order to assess LV systolic function, 2-D-
directed M-mode tracing of the LV minor axis
between the papillary muscle tips was recorded.
order to determine LV diastolic function, mitral
inflow was sampled by pulsed Doppler from the
apical four-chamber view and analysis of the pulsed
tissue Doppler of the mitral angle. All study images
were video-recorded for further analysis.
2.5 Statistical Method
In order to estimate the sample size, we used the
GPower 3.1.3 statistical software, with a standard
significance and test power α=5% and β=80%,
respectively. Bearing in mind that the expected
prevalence of healthy pregnant subjects with some
functional changes of heart auscultation is 95%
(Tedoldi, 2009), and that the expected prevalence of
functional auscultation sounds of the general
population is 77.9% (Bloch and Jaussi, 2001), these
two populations are expected to be differentiated
with at least 52 women, 26 healthy non-pregnant
women and 26 healthy pregnant subjects.
The variables chosen to compare the both groups
in the study were the clinical findings of the heart
auscultation and the Doppler echocardiographic
abnormalities, both observed by the same
For the statistical analysis, each variable was
statically described and compared between groups of
study. For quantitative variables, the minimum and
maximum values were observed and means, medians
and standard deviations were calculated. The mean
values obtained in the two groups were compared by
independent samples t-test for normally distributed
variables and the Mann-Whitney U test for not
normally distributed ones. Proportions were
compared using chi-square and/or Fisher's exact test.
The statistical software used was SPSS ® 21.0 for
Macintosh (2013).
The significance level was established at 5%.
Some demographic and clinical characteristics of the
study and control groups are summarized in Table 1.
The blood pressure levels in pregnant subjects were
shown to be lower than the ones from the control
group. Changes identified in the clinical auscultation
happen more frequently in pregnant women, except
for the B2 split.
Women aged from 19 to 40 years old, mean age
(SD) of 29 (5.5) years and the median was 29 years.
With regard to pregnant women, age ranged from 19
and 36 years old, mean (SD) of 27 (5) years and the
median was 27. In non-pregnant women, age ranged
from 21 to 40 years old, mean (SD) age was 30 (5.4)
years and median was 31 years (Table 1).
Weight of the patients ranged from 45.4 kg to
101.5 kg, with a mean (SD) weight of 65.6 (12.78)
kg and a median of 62.5 kg. In pregnant women,
weight ranged from 45.4 kg to 93.3 kg with a mean
(SD) of 67 (12.39) kg and a median of 66 kg and in
non-pregnant women it ranged from 49.3 kg to
101.5 kg, with a mean (SD) weight of 64.1 (13.25)
kg and a median of 62kg.
Height ranged from 1.47m to 1.77m, mean (SD)
height was 1.61 (0.065) and median was 1.62m. In
pregnant women height ranged from 1.47 to 1.77m,
the mean (SD) height was 1.60 (0.067) and median
1.60 m. In non-pregnant women, height varied from
1.50 to 1.72m, mean (SD) was 1.62 (0.062) and
median 1.63m.
Considering all women, mean body mass index
(BMI) was 25 kg/m2 (ranging from 17.7 - 40.3
kg/m2; Median: 24.3 kg/m2). In pregnant women,
the mean value for body mass index (BMI) was 26
kg/m2 (ranging from 18.3 - 40.4 kg/m2; Median:
25.7 kg/m2). In non-pregnant women, the mean
value for body mass index (BMI) was 24.3 kg/m2
(ranging from 17.7 - 36.5 kg/m2 and median 22.6
No significant differences were found when
comparing the two groups regarding weight, height
and body mass index.
The group of pregnant women had median
(minimum-maximum) values of systolic blood
pressure, and diastolic blood pressure of 102 (90-
128), and 68 (50-78), respectively. Concerning the
mean arterial pressure, it’s mean (SD) value was
79.4 (6.5). The control group had median
(minimum-maximum) values of systolic blood
pressure and diastolic blood pressure of 113 (90-
130) and 80 (60-102), respectively, and the mean
(SD) mean arterial pressure was 89.6 (9.2). Systolic
blood pressure, diastolic pressure and systolic
murmur were seen to have significantly higher
values in the control group (Table 1).
The chance (95% CI) to detect the systolic
murmur was estimated as 3.2 (1.1-9.7) times higher
in pregnant than in non-pregnant women. The
chance (95% CI) to detect B1 hyperphonesis was
13.4 (2.7-67.3) times higher; while for B1 split it
was 20.6 (4.8-88) times higher and for B2
hyperphonesis it was 9.8 (2.8-34.1) times higher.
Regarding Doppler echography, the occurrence
of physiological valvular regurgitation was similar
in the study and control groups. Pulmonary
regurgitation, 25% versus 18.5% (p=0.561);
tricuspid regurgitation, 86.2% versus 92.6%,
(p=0.671); and mitral regurgitation, 72.4% versus
74.1% (p=0.889), respectively.
In healthy pregnant subjects, no significant
association was found among the occurrence of heart
murmur with the digital auscultation system and the
corresponding echocardiogram alterations, mitral
murmur versus mitral regurgitation (p=0.675;
tricuspid murmur versus tricuspid regurgitation,
(p=1.000) and pulmonary murmur versus pulmonary
regurgitation (p=1.000). Even though 20.7% of
pregnant women showed aortic murmur, none of
them had corresponding changes in the
Heart auscultation by means of a stethoscope has
been historically considered a symbol of medical
Table 1: Clinical characteristics, regarding groups of study.
Healthy pregnant women
Control group
Mean age (years) (SD) 26.8 (5.0) 30 (5.4) 0.011 *
Mean weight (kg) (SD) 67.0 (12.4) 64.1 (13.3) 0.402 *
Mean height (m) (SD) 1.6 (0.06)
1.6 (0.06)
0.249 *
BMI (kg/m
) median/range 25.7 / 22.1 22.6 / 18.8 0.129 **
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) median/range 102 / 38 113 / 40 0.009 **
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) median/range 66 / 28 80 / 42 <0.001 **
Mean mean arterial pressure (mmHg)
79.4 (6.5) 89.6 (9.2) <0.001 *
Systolic murmur n (%) 20 (69.0) 11 (40.7) 0.034
B1 hyperphonesis n (%) 15 (51.7) 2 (7.4) <0.001
B1 split n (%) 26 (89.7) 8 (29.6) <0.001
B2 hyperphonesis n (%) 20 (69.0) 5 (18.5) <0.001
B2 split n (%) 27 (93.1) 27 (100) 0.492
Mean arterial pressure: (Systolic+2Diastolic)/3 *T-mean Test, ** Mann-Whitney Test,
Chi-square Test,
Fisher Test
Even though complementary tests are currently
fundamental to diagnose cardiovascular diseases, the
clinical semiology associated with anamnesis is still
the first step in a complete and accurate
cardiovascular evaluation. During prenatal care, the
auscultation of heart sounds is especially important
to track heart diseases, which are serious pregnancy
complications and a relevant cause of maternal
This study has shown that heart sounds change
significantly in the second trimester of pregnancy -
describing the most relevant adaptive changes.
Echocardiography performed in all studied cases
was critical to discard possible unsuspected diseases.
In addition, a specialist allowing us to infer that
these changes have a physiological nature performed
a complete cardiovascular examination. And even
though they may be mistaken for heart disease
sounds, they are not enough to justify additional
routine tests such as echocardiography for those
cases. This is not a recent notion. In order to avoid
making inappropriate use of echocardiography in
pregnant women showing heart murmur, it is
recommended to limit exam requests only for those
patients with a history of an underlying heart
disease, clear heart symptoms, systolic murmur
equal or over 3/6 in the Levine scale or diastolic
murmur (Bonow et al., 2008) (Stout and Otto, 2007).
Significant findings on echocardiography have
also been reported in other studies. In a longitudinal
Doppler echocardiographic study, in four gestational
periods and the puerperium, a progressive increase
in the prevalence of physiologic tricuspid and
pulmonary regurgitation, as well as the transient
development of trivial mitral regurgitation have been
observed (Campos, 1993). In another study, 79% of
women were clinically thought to have benign flow
murmurs during pregnancy, and the
echocardiographic and Doppler results were normal
in all of them (Mishra, 1992).
However, one of the limitations in the present
approach is related to the design of the transversal
study. It is known that with a longitudinal analysis,
in which a group of pregnant subjects could be
monitored throughout the pregnancy and
puerperium, a more complete and temporary view of
the intense physiological changes through heart
auscultation are more likely to occur. In order to
overcome the current impossibility of the approach,
we chose the second trimester of pregnancy to
perform the evaluation, since that is when blood
volumes hit their highest level, causing a significant
hemodilution and a characteristic hyperdynamic
state associated with the changes in sounds.
But it can still be considered an innovative
evaluation if we consider the fact that a digital
system was used, allowing us to store each pregnant
subject's heart sounds, subsequently to reevaluate
auscultations as often as necessary and to classify
them properly. We hope that the library of sounds,
images and clinical data created with the study can
contribute to the education of health care
professionals, providing better resources to detect
heart diseases. Similarly, the digital sonograms
stored may be used in establishing the difference
between heart disease standards through a study
involving the analysis of digital signals in order to
compare sonograms stored with the ones generated
by heart diseases.
Another important asset was to set up a
multidisciplinary group of medical informatics,
consisting of medical and information technology
researchers from different areas. This variety of
professionals is essential for further analysis, as it
brings important computer tools to help solve some
of the greatest challenges in medicine.
Since Brazil is a country of continental
proportions, and part of the population lives in areas
with no access to health care or specialized health
professionals, the digital heart auscultation
technology would help combine information
technology and the promotion of health care,
shortening distances between isolated populations
and large urban centers. UFMG is connected to the
University Telemedicine Network through Tele-
health System (Ribeiro, 2010), with 817 connection
points available in the state of Minas Gerais
(, with a potential of
using the results from this investigation to achieve
the goals of telemedicine. With a future perspective
yet to be planned, digital heart auscultation
technology can become part of the propedeutics of
heart diseases in teleconsultations, validating these
findings in a large number of subjects. Early
diagnosis of heart disease during pregnancy using
transmitted digital signs could be a potential
advantage of this technology.
Digital heart auscultation performed in healthy
pregnant subjects was able to detect frequent and
numerous changes and results confirm the
importance of understanding the physiological
changes that take place during pregnancy. The
normal echocardiogram in all healthy pregnant
women with heart murmur indicates that such test
has limited applicability for healthy pregnancy, only
in cases of suspicion of a heart disease or when it
does occur.
We would like to thank Hospital das Clínicas of
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, CAPES and
FAPEMIG for the financial support.
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