Effects of Age and Stimulus Velocity in the Performance of a
Complex Coincidence-anticipation Task by Children and Adults
Teresa Figueiredo
and João Barreiros
Department of Sciences and Technologies, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Estefanilha, Setúbal, Portugal
Faculty of Human Kinetics, Technical University of Lisbon, Estrada da Costa, Cruz Quebrada, Portugal
Keywords: Coincidence-anticipation, Stimulus Velocity, Children vs. Adults.
Abstract: This study investigated the effect of stimulus velocity in a complex coincidence anticipation task performed
by children and adults. Participants were required to throw a ball to hit the luminous stimulus of a Bassin
Anticipation Timer in coincidence with its motion, and they performed five 24-trial blocks with the target
speeds of 0.36 m/s, 0.71 m/s, 1.61 m/s and 3.21 m/s. Results showed more accurate and consistent
performance for adults at all target speeds, as well as a deterioration in the measures of AE and VE with
increasing stimulus speed. Furthermore, a dominant linear trend was found to explain performance changes
in adults and children at the various target speeds. The discussion focuses on the constraints of complex
coincidence anticipation tasks related to perceptual and motor demands.
The coincidence-anticipation capacity is a major and
determinant competence in performing sports skills,
such as receiving, intercepting or batting a moving
object, but also in many daily actions in someone’s
life like driving a car, crossing a street, handling of
domestic appliances or the action to divert the body
from a moving object. Coincidence-anticipation
tasks require anticipatory prediction, that is, the
capacity to anticipate the trajectory of a stimulus
moving in space and time and to tuning and
synchronization motor actions. This capacity
involves a complex combination of perceptual and
motor demands, depending on the task
characteristics and particular constraints.
Simple coincidence-anticipation tasks have a
limited motor component, since the required
response is restricted to pressing a button. On the
contrary, complex tasks involve the production of a
motor action to intercept a moving target, either
using a segment of the body or an external object.
Several works on complex coincidence timing tasks
indicate that the performance error increases at the
slower speeds of the visual stimulus presentation
(e.g., Coker, 2004); (Williams, 2000); (Williams et
al., 2002); (Wrisberg et al., 1982); (Wrisberg and
Mead, 1983). In opposition, Coker (2005),
Rodrigues et al., (2011a) and Williams (1985, exp.
1) noticed more accurate responses on coincident
timing performance at the lower stimulus speed. The
main goal of the present work is the examination of
the influence of constraints, such as the different
speeds of the visual stimulus motion, in the
performance of a coincidence-anticipation task
calling for a propulsive action. Another goal of the
study is to analyze the effect of stimulus velocity on
coincident timing performance by children and
adults under the same experimental design.
2.1 Participants
Twenty-four right-handers equally distributed for
both genders, 12 children (9.48 ± 0.79) and 12
undergraduate students (21.61 ± 1.46), volunteered
to participate in the study. They were unaware of the
purpose of the study and none had previous
experience on the experimental task.
2.2 Apparatus and Task
The apparatus consisted of an adaptation of the
Bassin Anticipation Timer of the Lafayette Co., and
Figueiredo T. and Barreiros J..
Effects of Age and Stimulus Velocity in the Performance of a Complex Coincidence-anticipation Task by Children and Adults.
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
it simulates a moving target with a runway of 43
sequentially illuminated LEDs (270 cm long), which
creates the perception of a luminous stimulus in
motion (Figure 1). The device also included a
curtain of photoelectric cells throughout the light
runway, which allowed the precise detection of the
hitting point of a ball. The LEDs and the
photoelectric cells were protected by a transparent
acrylic panel (270 x 60 cm), which corresponded to
the reception area of the balls. An automaton, with
an internal chronometer, was also incorporated into
the device and has been connected to a computer.
Specifically designed computer software was used to
edit the automaton program, which allowed the
control of preprogrammed sequences of different
target speeds, as well as the duration of the intertrial
interval, the supply of visual information to the
executants on the performance results, and the
storage of data relative to motor performance
Figure 1: Apparatus used for the gathering of the data.
The task consisted of throwing a mini-tennis ball
over the shoulder to hit the luminous target in
coincidence with its motion, and the participants
were required to produce the response as soon as
they were ready to take a decision about the
displacement of the luminous target along the
runway. Every time the ball intercepted the acrylic
panel, the movement of the luminous stimulus was
interrupted at a point of its trajectory. At the end of
each practice trial, it was possible to collect two
measures for the evaluation of the response: (a) the
place where the ball intercepted the light runway; (b)
and the position of the target when the ball
intercepted the light runway. The data collected on
performance measures were subsequently
transferred to the PC and transcribed into an excel
2.3 Procedures
The participants stood behind a straight line drawn
on the ground, in the centre and in front of the
apparatus, and were positioned at 270 cm of distance
from the target. The motion of the light sequence
was presented from left to right, at a height of 140
cm from the ground for both age groups. All
individuals practiced 120 trials (five 24-trial blocks)
with the target speeds of 0.36 m/s, 0.71 m/s, 1.61
m/s and 3.21 m/s, and they performed 30 trials for
one target speed before the presentation of another
one. There was a two-minute rest interval between
consecutive blocks of practice. The order of
presentation of the different target speeds was
counterbalanced for each group and it was similar
for both groups. At the moment of the ball
interception, visual information of knowledge results
(KR) related to the direction and spatial magnitude
of the response error was automatically supplied.
This information was presented for a period of 5 sec
at the end of each practice trial. A constant
foreperiod of 1500 msec was used for all trials, and
the post-KR interval and intertrial interval had the
duration of 5 sec and 10 sec, respectively.
The magnitude and the direction of the response
error were recorded for each trial. For the analysis of
the response error, absolute error (AE) and variable
error (VE) measures were calculated for each age
group. The AE and the VE measures were converted
to the symmetry (base 10 logarithms) in order to
ensure the conditions for normality and
homoscedasticity of the data. A 2 (groups) x 4
(stimulus speed) analysis of variance with repeated
measures on the last factor were respectively
performed, one for each dependent variable. Also,
the extension of the One-way ANOVA was used for
studying the dominant trend in the observed results
for the different target speeds. This has been
accomplished through polynomials orthogonal
contrasts. For the statistical analysis the assumed
significance level was α = 0.05.
For the AE and VE measures (Table 1), the
results showed a better performance for the adults in
all target speeds as it was expected [F (1, 88) =
81.95, p<.001 and F (1, 88) = 41.10, p<.001,
Main effects for stimulus velocity were also
found [F (3, 88) = 33.26, p<.001 and F (3, 88) =
20.46, p<.001, respectively, for AE and VE], while
the interaction Groups x Stimulus Speeds failed to
reach significance [F (3, 88) = .17, p .05 and F (3,
88) = .58, p .05, respectively, for AE and VE].
Further examination of the main effects of stimulus
speed indicated a significant decrement for AE and
VE from the faster speed to all other target speeds,
and a decrease in AE and VE performances between
the target speeds of 1.61 m/s and 0.71 m/s was also
found (Figures 2 and 3). Moreover, the results
showed a linear trend for the decrease of the AE and
VE values as a function of the declining of the target
speeds [One-Way ANOVA’s: F (3,44) = 24.57 and F
(3,44) = 26.52, ps<.001, respectively in adults and
children for the AE; F (3,44) = 28.38 and F (3,44) =
12.41, ps<.001, respectively in adults and children
for the VE]. The linear effect has proved being the
dominant effect to explain the performance
variability at the various target speeds, both in
children and in adults.
Table 1: Mean (M) and standard deviation (SD) for the
absolute and variable errors at the different target speeds.
Mean values were converted to the symmetry using
logarithms of base 10.
Absolute Error Variable Error
Speeds M SD M SD
0.36 m/s 1.81 0.50 1.42 0.38
0.71 m/s 1.70 0.26 1.42 0.19
1.61 m/s 2.13 0.45 1.81 0.37
3.21 m/s 3.75 2.33 3.45 2.60
Total 2.35 1.45 2.02 1.54
0.36 m/s 3.12 1.34 2.47 1.18
0.71 m/s 2.84 0.57 2.40 0.42
1.61 m/s 3.69 0.83 2.97 1.41
3.21 m/s 6.70 2.62 4.04 1.09
Total 4.09 2.16 2.97 1.25
3.21 m/s 1.61 m/s 0.71 m/s 0.36 m/s
Stimulus Speed
Mean AE
Adults Chlidren
Figure 2: Mean absolute error in adults and children as a
function of stimulus speed. Values converted to the
symmetry through the use of base 10 logarithms.
3.21 m/s 1.61 m/s 0.71 m/s 0.36 m/s
Stimulus Speed
Mean VE
Adults Children
Figure 3: Mean variable error in adults and children as a
function of stimulus speed. Values converted to the
symmetry through the use of base 10 logarithms.
The main goal of this study was to investigate the
effect of stimulus velocity in a coincidence-
anticipation throwing task performed by children
and adults. The results revealed a more accurate and
consistent performance for adults at all target
speeds, as it was expected on the basis of previous
research (e.g., Bard et al., 1990); (Dorfman, 1977);
(Fleury and Bard, 1985); (Rodrigues et al., 2011b).
More important, the results of the study showed an
increment of the AE and VE measures as the
stimulus speed increases, and a dominant linear
trend was encountered to explain performance
variability, in terms of accuracy and consistency, at
the various target speeds. This pattern of results was
observed for both children and adults, with the same
visual stimulus sequence and under the same
practice conditions. Our findings are in line with the
studies of Coker (2005), Rodrigues et al., (2011a)
and Williams (1985, exp. 1), where less accurate
responses at the faster stimulus speed were found. In
opposition, Bard et al., (1981), Coker (2004),
Williams (2000), Williams et al., (2000), Wrisberg
et al., (1992) and Wrisberg and Mead (1983)
observed lower values for the responses error at the
faster target speed. Côrrea et al., (2005) found no
differences among stimulus speeds. All the above
mentioned studies have investigated complex
coincidence-anticipation tasks, even though different
motor skills were used: (a) a segmental arm
movement (Coker, 2004; 2005); (Wrisberg et al.,
1982); (Wrisberg and Mead, 1983); (b) pushing a
certain number of buttons sequentially (Corrêa et al.,
2005); (Rodrigues et al., 2011a); (c) a propulsive
action, namely a throw at a moving target (Bard et
al., 1981), a soccer pass (Williams, 2000) and a
tennis stroke (Williams et al., 2000). One plausible
explanation for this discrepancy of results may be
tied to the nature of the task, that is, to the unique
and particular configuration of task's perceptual and
motor constraints. This idea is reinforced by the
results of the present study, where similar results
were encountered for children and adults, with
regard to the influence of the visual stimulus
velocity on coincident timing performance.
In the present study, it was noticed a significant
decrement in AE and VE performances from the
faster speed (i.e., 3.21 m/s) to all other target speeds,
as well as between the two lowest speeds (1.61 m/s
and 0.71 m/s). A possible explanation for these
findings may be related to differences in processing
time information at slower and faster stimulus
speeds. With the increase in target speed, the
stimulus duration and the time available for the
information processing become progressively
shorter. As coincident timing performance requires
fast decision operations, this could lead individuals
to automatically respond, or use stereotypic
movements by a “default” processing at the faster
stimulus speeds based on the subliminal perception
and pre-programming of movement (cf. Rodrigues et
al., 2011c; Williams, 1985). On the contrary, the
longer viewing time provided by slower stimulus
speeds could improve perceptual estimates, decision
making and planning of movement (cf. Rodrigues et
al., 2011a).
Overall, the results of this study indicated that
the stimulus speed plays a major role on coincident
timing performance. Further research is needed to
investigate the influence of stimulus velocity on the
visual processing information and control of
anticipatory tasks. This research should focus on
different developmental levels, as well as on real-
world tasks and sport skills that have rarely been
used in previous studies.
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