Application of Mobile Technologies in the Preparations for Long
Distance Running
Ladislav Havaš
, Vladimir Medved
and Zoran Skočir
Department of Electrical Engineering, Polytechnic of Varaždin, Križanićeva 33, Varaždin, Croatia
Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Keywords: Expert System, Long Distance Running, Mobile ICT Technologies, ORT, Training Equivalent, Training
Abstract: Fast development of mobile ICT technologies has enabled and imposed their implementation in many
business, private and sport areas. As mobile technologies enable quick and two-way communication,
independent of the present location of an athlete, their trainer or expert hardware and software systems, it is
of the significant importance to utilize the advantages of that kind of communication in order to maximize
the chances of achieving excellent results in a specific training process or in a key race. In this paper is
shown one ORT (Online Running Trainer) system, which was developed for preparations of long-distance
runners. It describes a new algorithm for calculation of training equivalents of set and achieved trainings,
which was used for the success analysis of every micro cycle of the training process. By using all available
telecommunication channels, ORT system communicates with its users in real time. Moreover, it analyses
their performance and, if necessary, dynamically corrects their training parameters in order for them to
achieve better results in a needed moment. Described methods and procedures are verified on a selected
sample of marathon runners.
Nowadays, modern mobile ICT technologies follow
up an athlete in all stages of their preparations. It
helps him in developing a program of their
preparations, ensures him an access to important
information in the right moment and enables the
storage of current parameters and information
related to training process or to a particular training.
Major expansion in the development of mobile
phones of all sizes, with great processing
capabilities, affordable prices and intuitive user
interface, has made the users of all sport,
psychological and cognitive categories capable of
using telecommunication services during the indoor
and outdoor workouts. In that way, there are
possibilities of an individual approach to a single
athlete, regardless of their current location, and the
communication between the athlete and their coach
or between the athlete and the system that cares for
athlete`s results is facilitated. In a situation where
there is an expert system that has the ability to
generate a program for athletic preparations and the
ability to evaluate given and performed trainings in
real time, mobile telecommunication channels
become dominant communication platform between
the system, a coach and his athlete.
In this paper is shown one such system which
helps long-distance runners in developing their
program for preparations, and by using available
mobile ICT technologies it stores, analyzes the
information and advices them in real or near-real
time. Ineffective trainings are dynamically changed
with solutions that are safer and that faster lead to
the preferred result, with lesser chance of sport
injury. The second part of this paper describes the
architecture of one “Online running training system”
(ORT), while the third part of the paper shows
telecommunication platform which is used for two-
way communication with users. The fourth part of
the paper describes the methods and algorithms
developed for evaluation of given and performed
workouts in the preparation program for 5K runners
to marathon runners. In the fifth part is described
and shown the verification of results on a selected
sample of marathon runners. The final part of the
Havaš L., Medved V. and Sko
cir Z..
Application of Mobile Technologies in the Preparations for Long Distance Running.
DOI: 10.5220/0004702501540161
In Proceedings of the International Congress on Sports Science Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS-2013), pages 154-161
ISBN: 978-989-8565-79-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
paper gives a conclusion and the list of references.
The prototype of the system was developed by using
open-source programs (PHP, MySQL, Linux). The
whole applicative solution was launched on the
Linux distribution of CentOS 6.4, version 5.3.3 of
objectively-oriented PHP language, on MySQL
server relational database distribution 5.67 (MySQL,
available at:, accessed on 07
July 2013), and on Apache web server 2.2.15.
Individual applications are run by cron (crontab,
cron table) service.
2.1 The Architecture of an expert
The first display which users of prototype of ORT
system encounter is shown in the Figure 1.
Figure 1: Opening display of prototype of ORT system (in
Croatian language).
During the registration process, users define their
user name and their password, they enter their
personal info, the number of their mobile phone and
their e-mail address where they receive an activation
link. Due to the security reasons, user’s password is
encrypted with MD5 algorithm, 128-byte
cryptography hash function, ratified Internet
standard RFC 1321, and in that form it is being
stored in the database. When the user has
successfully logged in, he or she is presented with an
appropriate menu, in accordance with his or her
authorization levels. A specific part of the menu
functions/options is shown or hidden from the user.
2.2 Generating the Training Program
One of the frequently used functions of the system is
“Program generating”. The main task of that
subsystem is to create a program for preparations of
long-distance runners for following distances:
5000 m (5K)
10000 m (10K)
21097 m (half marathon)
42195 m (marathon)
After the user enters the results of his/her current
sport capabilities (race or training), the system
calculates their maximum aerobic capacity (VO2
factor), which serves the purpose of estimating
runner’s potential on the races from 800m to
marathon, which is going to be used in the future
workouts. Then the runner selects a specific
discipline for which he intends to prepare, the length
of the program (between 12 and 24 weeks), the
starting date, selects the upper limit of the acceptable
weekly mileage and decides on the toughness of the
program (Program A – beginners), (Program B –
advanced) or (Program C – elite). The opening
display for entering the parameters needed for
generating the program is shown in the Figure 2.
Figure 2: Entering the basic parameters for generating the
program (in Croatian language).
2.3 Running Log
All the done workouts the user can and should
inscribe in the second important module called the
“Running Log” by using the available
telecommunication channels and by doing so enable
evaluation and the comparison of envisaged and
performed workouts.
Selecting the appropriate day and the input of
relevant data is possible to render in real time,
during the workout or immediately after the
workout, but also backwards, which allows the user
to completely fill in the Running Log in order to get
the review of your performance as detailed as
possible. Aside from the usual track of each workout
(when, how much, how fast, the type of training…),
the user has the ability to mark their own training
based on their biased perception (tiredness, lack of
sleep, humidity, temperature, wind and other
aggravating factors) through VAS scale (Visual
Analog Scale), which is known as a frequently used
medical psychometric method that has been used for
evaluating the sense of pain. That scale enables the
choice of values between 0 and 10, wherein 0 would
stand for ideal conditions for a workout and values
closer to 10 would stand for less ideal conditions,
thereby done workouts should be also assessed in
accordance with appropriate correction factor. With
the possibility of inputting the data through web
(version 2.0), other methods have also been
developed which use mobile telecommunication
channels and allow the user to communicate with
ORT system in real or almost real time through e-
mail (smart phones) or through SMS.
A telecommunication system was developed which
has the purpose of enabling the exchange of
information in real time with the users through
several different telecommunication interfaces.
The information which the users exchange with
ORT system have to be in a specific format which is
set by the protocol for exchange of the data that is to
be mentioned in the following parts of this paper.
All information which, through different mobile
channels, arrive to the system are being stored in the
Running Log. From there they are periodically
filling by ETL process (Extracting, Transforming,
Loading) into the data warehouse, and after
extensive analyzes users can inform themselves
about the quality of their workouts in the past period
of time. The flow of information between the user
and the system is shown in the Figure 3.
Figure 3: The flow of information between the modules of
the system.
From the Figure 3 can be seen that there are
supported following methods for exchange of data
between the user and the database:
By using different Internet browsers (Firefox,
Google Chrome, Opera, Safari…) users inscribe
their done workouts into the system, for the purpose
of their use in the feedback analysis. In case of the e-
mail method the users use available e-mail clients,
which they sent their e-mail messages to. The
advantage of this method lies in the fact that the
majority of smart phones support e-mail function
through some of available e-mail clients. In that way
an interaction between distant users and the ORT
system is enabled, provided that on a particular
location there is a signal of one mobile network.
SMS, as a third method for exchanging the
information, enables the communication in real time
with the users that are owners of older cell phones
which do not posses an e-mail function. The limit of
this communication method lies in the fact that the
upper limit of characters in one sms is 160. In the
follow-up, mentioned methods will be thoroughly
3.1 ORT Web Module
By using the Web module, it is possible in a simple
and intuitive way to develop a communication with
a Running Log. By launching one of available
Internet browsers and by entering the appropriate
menu of ORT web application, one is able to update
the Running Log. In the Figure 4 it can be seen the
opening display which a user sees upon entering.
Figure 4: Running Log (in Croatian language).
It always shows the current month, but there is a
possibility of going backwards, in case a runner
wants to inscribe some new information or to update
the existing ones.
Boxes labelled with red stand for the days in the
month for which the user has been given a particular
workout, but still has not inscribed feedback
information on that particular workout. Boxes
labelled with green stand for the days in the month
for which the user has inscribed feedback
information, whereas white boxes stand for the days
when there is no given workout. Using the Web
interface is the main method for determination and
the analysis of given and done workouts. Other
telecommunication channels such as e-mail and
SMS are used in order to provide the runners with
the ability to directly communicate with the
application during or immediately after the workout.
Access to the Web interface is enabled through
HTTP protocol (Hypertext Transfer Protocol).
HTTP protocol is the protocol of application
(seventh) layer of OSI model (Open Systems
Interconnection) and functions by using “Request-
Response” method in which the Web server and the
client participate.
On a server which runs ORT application is
installed and set Apache2 Web server. That Web
server is always active and awaits new requests on a
network port 80. Upon receiving new HTTP request
which is initiated by a client, ie. user of a Web
browser, web service will, from local disc, reach
predefined data files inscribed in the form of HTML
(HyperText Markup Language) record which
presents ORT Running Log.
One such transaction is shown in the Figure 5.
This type of joining the database is impractical for
mobile phones with small displays.
Figure 5: HTTP transaction.
3.2 ORT e-Mail Module
This module is used for processing and sending e-
mail messages. For its work it uses IMAP (Internet
Message Access Protocol) and SMTP (Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol) protocols. Module is, at very high
frequency and through IMAP protocol, connects to a
mailbox of an electronic mail of ORT system in
which it finds e-mail messages of the users. The
system will, in accordance with programmed
protocol for exchanging the information, check the
accuracy of information and will notify the user on
the outcome of his request through SMTP protocol.
An example of the transaction performed through
ORT e-mail module:
User inquiry:
Subject: ?
A response from ORT system:
Subject: ORT Help
Dear user,
Welcome to ORT system for training
login through e-mail. In order to
receive help for a specific type of
training please enter one of the
following phrases in the SUBJECT of an
e-mail message on the address
I? – for an interval training
S? – for a superset training
T? – for a tempo training
L? – for a prolonged training
R? – for a recovery training
X? – for an alternative training
Example: Subject: I?
Kind regards,
Your ORT!
In case the user, for example has done an interval
training according to given instructions, it is possible
to inscribe the training in the database through an e-
mail in the following way:
*145*980**7*demo training example#
All successfully registered trainings are inscribed
in the database in real time in the Running Log.
The next example shows an e-mail communication
between the user and the ORT system in details:
An e-mail client, which is installed on the user’s
cell phone will connect, through SMTP protocol,
with one of the outgoing e-mail servers and issue a
request for sending an e-mail message of the
predefined content. That e-mail server will parse an
e-mail address on local-name@domein and will,
based on that, draw a conclusion in which domain
the user is located. Through DNS (Domain Name
System) request, it will ask for MX (Mail
Exchanger) record of the domain, whose response
will provide it with the information on the list of
names of serves and associated priorities for the
domain in concern. E-mail server with the lowest
priority will be the destination on which prior listed
e-mail servers will send message to. When that
message is being delivered to the destination server,
it will be reachable in the user’s mail box IMAP
protocol, which is shown in the Figure 6.
Figure 6: Display of e-mail communication between the
ORT server and the ORT user.
3.3 ORT SMS Module
The ORT SMS module is used for communication
with the users whose mobile phones do not support
e-mail function. With the fact that one sms is limited
to 160 characters, the main flaw of this subsystem is
in its unprofitability in regard to free and as fast e-
mail messages. ORT system sends SMS messages
by using SMS service called SMS service accepts HTTP
request whose URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
address possesses all needed information for sending
SMS. As a HTTP response on the previous HTTP
request, one receives a confirmation whether a
message has been successfully sent. When through HTTP protocol takes over all
necessary information, SMS is, in accordance with
the request, directed all the way to the
telecommunication mobile operator on which there
is a mobile phone of the ORT user.
Dynamic management of training process is
impossible without methods and algorithms for
evaluation of the quality of given and performed
workouts. The following segments of this paper will
briefly describe the methods for calculating the
numeric equivalent of basic training elements in the
athletic preparations of marathon runners. Firstly,
an algorithm for determining the training equivalent
of given trainings will be described, then the
procedure for evaluation of done training will be
4.1 Given Trainings
Long Run:
Long Run is the basis of all programs for long-
distance running, and especially of the program for
preparation of marathon runners (Havaš and Vlahek,
2006). The effort should not be too high as one
should run in the aerobic zone.
Due to the above-mentioned reasons, for each 15
minutes of running, ORT system adds 5 points to the
total training equivalent.
Tempo Training:
During the determination of training equivalent in
tempo training, potential of the user is also taken
into consideration along with the duration of the
training, in regard to his currently calculated
maximal aerobic capacity VO2
In case that a tempo training means running in
the tempo of a marathon, the duration is calculated
in seconds and compared with the anticipated
capabilities of that particular runner. Calculated
training equivalent is a percent of the training
duration in seconds in regard to maximum duration
in seconds which is anticipated for a user based on
his anticipated result. Anticipating the potential is
realized by a method of dr. Daniels and Gilbert
Speed Training:
From many known speed trainings, in ORT system
are used Interval training and Super set training.
The first step is to calculate the percentage of the
run distance at the given tempo. In case one runs at
the tempo of 5000m race, and one runs 4000m (10 x
400m), that implies training equivalent of 80%, or
80. That equivalent is decreased 0,5 points for every
15-second break between intervals.
Recovery Training:
Recovery trainings are not physiologically
demanding, which means that during the calculation
of the training equivalent only the duration in the 15-
minute intervals is calculated. Every hour of such
training gives the runner 20 points to the total
training equivalent.
4.2 The Analysis of Done Trainings
When the database receives the data from done
trainings, it is also necessary to calculate their
training equivalent. Methods that are explained for
calculating the training equivalent are used, although
some new parameters are also introduced, for the
purpose of even more detailed evaluation of
achieved effects.
Aside from all known parameters that are used in
trainings and serve the purpose of calculating the
training equivalent (speed, duration, distance,
number of trials, duration of recovery periods etc...),
the user has the ability to inscribe some additional
HR – maximum, minimum or average heart
rate during the training
Kcal – burned calories during the training
Lactates – concentration of the lactic acid in
the blood
VAS - subjective estimate of the training
conditions (temperature, humidity, wind,
biorhythm, tiredness, lack of energy…)
Every one of those parameters influences the quality
of the evaluation of done trainings.
HR (Heart Rate):
Each user should (by using some of the suggested
methods (Heart rate training zones, available at:, accessed on 01. April
2013)) calculate their maximum heart rate and
inscribe the data into the ORT system. By knowing
the maximum heart rate of every user (HR
), it is
possible to estimate has the particular user resided in
a specific HR zone, which is usual for that type of
Particular trainings and running tempos of a
certain part should be done within one of the zones
(Polar sport zones for running, available at:, accessed on 29. December
Zone 1: 50-60% of the maximum heart rate
(very easy, daily activities)
Zone 2: 60-70% of the maximum heart rate
(easy activity, fat burning zone)
Zone 3: 70-80% of the maximum heart rate
(aerobic zone, a moderate effort)
Zone 4: 80-90% of the maximum heart rate
(anaerobic threshold)
Zone 5: 90-100% of the maximum heart rate
(very intense, competitive training)
In case a particular type of training is done within
the appropriate zone, it is not necessary to correct
the calculated training equivalent. For every jump to
a lower or to a higher zone, the system calculates +/-
20 points to the training equivalent.
Calories (Kcal):
There is no exact method which would allow for a
precise calculation of how many calories a runner of
a certain weight, sex and years of age consumes at a
certain speed of running in a particular period of
time or a duration interval. On top of that, it has
been noticed that there is a specific correlation
between the heart rate and the consumption of
calories for user. One of the more quality methods
that takes into account above-mentioned parameters
as well as maximum aerobic capacity has been
suggested in (Keytel, at al., 2005) and it was used in
the prototype of the ORT system for calculating the
number of consumed calories. In case where the
maximum aerobic capacity VO2
of an individual
is known, then:
formula for men is:
((-95.7735 + (0.634 x HR) + (0.404 x VO2
+ (0.394 x W) +(0.271 x A))
/4.184) x 60 x T (1)
formula for women is:
((-59.3954 + (0.45 x HR) + (0.380 x VO2
) +
(0.103 x W) +
(0.274 x A))/4.184) x 60 x T (2)
Where is:
HR = heart rate per minute
W = weight in kilograms
A = age in years
T = duration in hours
= max. aerobic capacity in ml/kg/min
The speed of creating lactic acid is proportional to
the speed of running, ie. it is proportional to the
percentage of used maximum aerobic capacity. For
the trainings that are at marathon tempo, the
concentration of the lactic acid should not be
crossing the level of 2mmol/L of blood. For the runs
that are at the tempo of half-marathon, it is predicted
that lactates do not cross the level of 4 mmol/L of
blood, while for the runs at the tempo of races on
10000, 5000 and 3000 meters, the concentration of
the lactic acid is significantly higher than 4 mmol/L
of blood. Every discrepancy from the prescribed
intervals, the ORT system evaluates with the
correction of the training equivalent by +/- 15 points.
VAS (Visual Analogue Scale):
In the ORT system it is used as a unique indicator of
the quality of the training conditions. For all values
between 0-4 it is considered that the conditions were
adequate, and accordingly the training effect remains
unchanged. For each value higher than 4, calculated
training effect is increased by 5 points.
Mentioned values can be subjected to certain
changes for the purpose of increasing the quality of
training evaluation. Since the developed system has
the ability of self-learning, those parameters will be
changed in time to more optimal values of those
5.1 Verification of the Results
Developed system for generating programs and the
mobile surveillance of the quality of the training
process has been verified on a selected sample of
marathon runners, which allowed for an evaluation
of the quality of implemented methods and
algorithms, for the purpose of correcting or
updating, if necessary, some of the methods used.
Selected and analyzed were the runners of both
sexes and in the age range from 18 to 65.
The number of people who have fulfilled all of
the above-mentioned conditions is 58. Among that
group there were some beginners, some advanced
runners and some were the elite runners who have
won many marathons and ultra marathons.
In the Table 1 is shown one part of the users who
have participated in the process of the results
verification. For the sake of easier statistical
analysis, all time measures into seconds.
Table 1: Display of one part of verified users and their
5.2 Statistical Analysis of the Results
IAAF (International Association of Athletics
Federations) evaluates runners and their results in 5-
year classes, and in this paper the runners and their
results are evaluated according to their sex and
whether they are between 18-29, 30-50 and more
than 50 years of age. Moreover, they have also been
assessed according to toughness level of their
preparations. Program A (marathon slower than
3:30:00), Program B (marathon between 3:00:00 and
3:30:00) and Program C (marathon faster than
For the analysis of included data, a descriptive
statistical analysis was used (Lipschutz and Schiller,
1998), while for the graphical display of data
distribution there were used rectangular diagrams
(Box and Whisker plot). Statistical processing of
data has been done by using a mathematical
applicative programme “Matlab 7.0.1” and the
application Microsoft Excel 2013. Statistically
significant in the analysis were confirmed
discrepancies at the significance level of p<0,01.
Athletes included in the research were old, on
average, 34,16 years, wherein the standard
deviation is 9,87 years. Range of variation has the
value of 47 since the youngest participant is 18,
while the oldest is 65.
During the research of correlation between
achieved and planned result, Pearson’s coefficient of
correlation has been calculated. Based on the value
of the coefficient of correlation and the p-value
derived during the testing of the hypothesis on
statistical significance of the analyzed variables
(r=0,9926 i p=0,0000), it can be concluded that
there is a statistically significant positive correlation
between the observed variables. The graphical
display of the correlation between achieved and
planned result is given in the Figure 7.
Figure 7: Correlation between achieved and planned result
(in Croatian language).
Distribution of the data obtained during the research
has been verified with “Kolmogorov – Smirinov”
test. Since the distribution of the data substantially
deviates from the normal distribution, for calculating
statistically significant discrepancies between the
three groups has been used non-parameter (Kruskal-
Wallis) test. The results of the Kruskal-Wallis test,
which relate to planned time for the programs A, B
and C indicates that there is statistically significant
difference in planned time between the groups
(H=50,4978 and p=0,0000). Test for multiple
comparison has confirmed that all three groups
(three toughness levels) are statistically substantially
different. In order to achieve that kind of results, in
more than 50 % of the users it was necessary to
dynamically modify the training process.
Figure 8 gives a graphical display of the drawn
conclusion from a statistical test.
Figure 8: Planned result (s) in regard to different
toughness level (in Croatian language).
All necessary corrections of implemented algorithms
and the evaluation of particular training elements
were automatically implemented into the system.
This paper shows modelling of a system for mobile
telecommunication support in athletic preparations
of long-distance runners. This is a very complex area
which is intensively growing and in the future is
going to be a subject of many analyzes and the
opportunity for implementation of new ideas and
Here was described one telecommunication
platform which in real time communicates with
athletes, evaluates their given and done workouts,
and, if necessary, dynamically modifies the rest of
their training process for the purpose of achieving
better results. Functioning of an expert system which
generates programs for preparations in popular long-
distance disciplines (5000m, 10000m, half-marathon
and marathon) was presented in this paper.
Developed system is dimensioned for simultaneous
interactive use by a large group of users. Flexible
environment was created which protects the
individuality of each athlete, who decides on their
own on the volume of their training, the starting
date, toughness level as well as chooses one of the
available telecommunication channels for the data
transfer. As opposed to many other web services and
available books, at this point there it does not end
the interaction with the developed system. Database
and the data warehouse were formed which are
being updated in real time and the algorithms for
evaluation of given and done trainings have also
been developed.
Research on this topic has been directed at
integration of all above-mentioned segments,
generated program and the feedback information in
the shared database, by using mobile
telecommunication channels for data transfer in real
or almost-real time. Verification of the algorithms
and the methods has been conducted on a limited
sample of marathon runners. The procedure of
verification where the database and the data
warehouse have been filled with new quality data on
daily basis has led to enabled self-learning and
constant improvement of implemented algorithms
for generating programs for evaluation of results.
By a modular concept of the database the data
warehouse and by using the technologies and the
tools of open-source codes, it is relatively easy to
extend the system with new hardware and software
The procedure of verification has shown that
dynamic correction of generated programs in real
time, by using ICT technologies and implemented
algorithms and methods, substantially decreases the
probability of not achieving adequate result with the
increased probability of achieving the desired result
in optimal conditions.
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