The Determination of Service Couplings for Non-disruptive Systems
Thunchira Thongmee, Hiroto Suzuki, Takahiro Ohno
Graduate School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan,,
Udom Silparcha
School of Information Technology, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand
Keywords: Service Oriented Architecture, Degree of Coupling, Non-disruptive.
Abstract: Business continuity becomes an important feature for business these days. It is difficult to accept unplanned
downtime due to the unavailability of the service, which mostly is unavoidable. The unavailable of the
service is the situation such as service failure, unplanned downtime, etc. When such situation occurs, the
system will need to look for some solution that will allow the system to continue. A simple but effective
solution is to provide at least one alternative path of services that performs similar functions to the usual
services which become unavailable. Therefore, switching between service paths is crucial in any reliable
system. Service quality of a system or task can be determined with various factors. One of the most
common factors is service coupling. This study will analyse the changes in couplings upon service
switching, which in turn reflect the overall quality of the system.
Service technology is widely adopted by business
these days. One of the important features to
determine the service quality is couplings among
services or modules. Couplings refer to the
dependencies between two or more services, which
normally exist in software applications (Erl, 2008).
There are loose couplings and tight couplings, which
imply how much the modules are dependent on each
other. Such levels of dependencies can be described
as the “degree” of coupling between services, where
a loose coupling contributes a lower degree of
coupling than a tight coupling. The degree of
coupling can be used to determine the availability,
reliability, performance, usability, discoverability,
and maintainability of the services within a system
(Xu et al., 2006). The degree of coupling also
identifies possible risks, and the estimated cost for
development and maintenance (Yang et al., 2005).
In general, the lower degree of coupling implies the
better system design. Thus, there are many
researches focus on the degree of coupling in order
to be able to minimize the degree of coupling in
their tasks.
In a service-oriented environment, any service
interruption may cause some loss in business due to
the business disruption. Therefore, for business
continuity, a highly available system should consider
providing at least one alternative service for each
critical one (Wang et al., 2009). That means when a
critical service becomes unavailable, there should be
some other service that can provide the equivalent
functionality. The unavailability of the service
indicates the situations such as the service down,
resource full (unable to allocated), or when the
communication lost occurs. In this study, we discuss
about the service switching between the critical
service and the alternative services, by focusing on
the analysis of its impact on the degree of coupling
within the same task and among different tasks
within a system. By analyzing such an impact, a
system designer will have a more proper insight of
how reliable the system truly is.
There are a number of researches in the literature
that have proposed techniques to determine the
quality of a system design (Yang et al., 2005; Rich
Thongmee T., Suzuki H., Ohno T. and Silparcha U.
The Determination of Service Couplings for Non-disruptive Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0004775602100214
In Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2013), pages 210-214
ISBN: 978-989-8565-56-3
2013 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2009; Gui and Scott, 2006;
Allen and Khoshgoftaar, 1999). Among the
proposed techniques, system component coupling or
dependency is one of the most widely adopted
techniques (Yang et al., 2007). There are two kinds
of dependencies among system components, inter-
component and intra-component dependencies. The
system components can be viewed at different levels.
From the business point of view, a system
component can be a single business process that
interacts with other business processes. At the
system architecture level, a system component is a
service that provides specific functions for a
business process. Such a service usually requires
some interactions with other services. Finally, at the
object-oriented implementation level, a system
component is a class that works hand in hand with
other classes. Therefore, the degree of coupling can
be determined at different levels depending on the
perspectives. In this paper, we focused at the system
architecture level, where services are the major
component of concern. How much a service is
dependent on another service is described as the
degree of coupling. The system with a higher degree
of coupling, i.e. there are more dependencies among
its services, is considered to be more complex than
the system with lower degree of coupling.
There are a lot of researches in literature
intended to measure the degree of coupling (Xu et
al., 2006; Yang and Temporo, 2007; Wang et al.,
2009; Gui and Scott, 2006; Allen and Khoshgoftaar,
1999; Saxena and Kumar, 2012). Our proposed
concepts are applicable for any kind of couplings.
However, for simplicity, we only concern with direct
couplings (Yang et al., 2005). A direct coupling is a
relationship, between two services. There are several
kinds of such a relationship, including a method call,
communication between services, etc. (Saxena and
Kumar, 2012). The amount of dependency between
two services can be obtained by the number of
relationships between them. Therefore, the overall
degree of coupling of a task or a system is the
summation of the amounts of dependency of all
possible pairs of services within its scope. The
degree of coupling of a task is described in equation
is the degree of coupling of the task,
is the amount of dependency services
and ,
is the number of services within the task.
For system continuity, a reliable system should be
designed such that every critical service should have
some “backup” or alternative service that can
provide similar functionalities. In case of uncertain
circumstances may occur with a critical service also
called the primary service becomes unavailable,
some business process will not be able to continue or
have a difficulty to continue its execution. In this
case, the service path will have to switch from the
primary path to the alternative path. In the other
words, the prepared alternative service will be used
in place of the primary service. Such uncertain
circumstances may be due to service unavailable
such as failures, data corruption or human errors
(Beecher et al., 2011). In turns, the alternative
service may also be required by some other services
which are possibly parts of the same task and even
worse if it is required by services of some other
tasks. In addition, the primary path is usually the
best choice in a good system design. Being forced to
execute an alternative path to maintain its function
may result in an inevitable increasing complexity of
the system. We define service switching into two
types which are switching services within a task, and
switching services across tasks. Before we discuss in
greater details of such types of service switching,
there are some conventions to be noted as follows.
Primary and alternative services can provide
equivalent functionalities but they are not exact
the same service.
Primary and alternative services may have
different degrees of coupling associated with
Any service may be served by one or more
services. To complete a task a number of
services may be utilized in parallel and/or
sequential orders.
Figure 1: This primary path to complete Task1.
The Determination of Service Couplings for Non-disruptive Systems
Table 1: The primary path to complete Task1.
Path Degree of Coupling
A B 1
A C 1
C D 1
C E 1
C F 2
E G 2
Total Degree of Coupling 8
3.1 Switching Services within a Task
When a critical service needed for a task becomes
unavailable, the task will switch to execute a
predefined alternative service in order to complete
the task. In this case, the service switching will
affect only the specific task, and no others.
To demonstrate the service switching within a
task, an example system is considered with an
execution task, referred to as Taks1. The task has its
primary path set to services A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.
Services C and E are critical services with X and H
being their alternative services, respectively. The
overall service dependencies of Task1 are shown in
Figure 1.
The overall degree of coupling of the primary
path of Task1 is calculated as shown in Table 1.
Figure 2: Task1 after service switching occurs.
Table 2: The alternative path to complete Task1.
Path Degree of Coupling
A B 1
A X 7
X E 2
X Y 1
E G 2
Total Degree of Coupling 13
The primary path’s degree of coupling of Task1
is 1+1+1+1+2+2 = 8. We can assume for simplicity
that the execution order of these services is not
significant. Once service C becomes unavailable as
shown in Figure 2, Service A has to execute service
X in order to continue its work for Task1. By
switching from service C to service X the degree of
coupling has become 1+7+2+1+2 = 13 as shown in
Table 2.
3.2 Switching Services across Tasks
It is quite common that different task may require
same services. Switching services across tasks
happens when a service component, that serves a
usual task, is occupied by a different task from the
usual one due to some circumstance that makes such
a switching occurred. The result of such service
switching can then cause a chain reaction on another
task that usually utilizes the service. This
phenomenal is demonstrated in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Service path of Task1 and Task2.
In this system, there are two separated tasks
running simultaneously, i.e. Task1 and Task2. Task1
is similar to the one described in the previous
discussion, such that it requires services A, B, C, D,
E, F, and G with the degree of coupling 8 for its
primary path. Task2 consists of services M, N, O, P,
Q, and R. Task1’s service E presents as an
alternative of Task 2’s service N. The degree of
coupling of the primary path of Task2 is 1+1+1+1+1
Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
= 5. In a normal situation, each task executes its
service according to its primary path. Once, for
some reason, service N becomes unavailable. In this
case, the service switching occurs. Service N will be
switched to its alternative which is service E, which
depends on service G. Task1’s degree of coupling
has now increased from 8 to 13 as discussed earlier.
Task2, at the same time, has increased its overall
degree of coupling from 5 to 16 due to the switching
across tasks. Since both Task1 and Task2 belong to
the same system, the total degree of coupling of this
system has increased from 8+5 = 13 to 13+16 = 29.
The increased degree of coupling of a system
implies that it becomes more vulnerable.
3.3 Determining the System True
Degree of Coupling
In the two sections above, we discussed about the
couplings within and across tasks. When a task
within the system needs to switch from a primary
service to the alternative services, the degree of
coupling usually increases. That is because when we
design software, we usually select the best path, i.e.
the path that has the lowest overall degree of
coupling, to be our primary path, and some other
path with higher degree of coupling to be an
alternative one. Therefore, once a service switching
occurs, the degree of coupling usually increases.
Since the degree of coupling can be used for
software quality measurement, considering only the
degree of coupling of the primary path may no
longer be accurate because it is not guaranteed that
the primary path will always be available, i.e. a
service switching occurs and the degree of coupling
will change. On the other hand, considering only
alternative path is equally unfair. Thus, the system
designer should take account for the degrees of
coupling in both primary and all alternative paths.
Equations (2) - (4) suggest the proper degree of
coupling of a system using the probability as the
= 
is the degree of coupling of the system,
is the direct coupling of 
the system,
is the probability that the primary path
will be used in task p,
is the total dependency along the primary
is the total degree of coupling along the
alternative path,
is the probability that the alternative
path will be used in task p,
is the total dependency along the
alternative path x.
For a simplest case, a system consists of two
separated tasks; say T
and T
, each of which relies
on its main service path. Suppose the degrees of
coupling primary paths of T
and T
are 8 and 11,
respectively. An alternative path is provided for each
main task, such that the alternative path of T
has 14
degree of coupling, which the one for T
has 17
degree of coupling. The probability that the main
service path in T
to become unavailable is 5%, and
10% for T
. Then the overall degree of coupling of
this system will be calculated as shown below. Then
= 0.95, 
= 0.90, 
= 0.05, 
= 0.10, 
= 8, 
= 11, 
= 14, and
= 17.
= 
= (0.95)(8) + (0.05)(14)
= 8.3
= 
= (0.90)(11) + (0.1)(17)
= 11.6
Thus, 
= 
= 8.3 + 11.6
= 19.9
From above example, we consider the degree of
coupling from both primary and alternative paths.
This study proposes a technique that can be used to
determine the quality of software systems through
the overall degree of couplings, particularly for non-
disruptive systems. The system continuity can be
achieved by providing alternative service paths to
critical ones, so that the system may switch the
execution to the alternative services once the main
services become unavailable.
It is quite natural that the degree of couplings of
the alternative path is higher than the main path
The Determination of Service Couplings for Non-disruptive Systems
because of the system design that should minimize
the degree of coupling. Since switching the service
paths may increase the overall degree of coupling of
a system, it is essential that the system designer
should look into this issue when determines the true
quality of the system.
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Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design