Structuring Collaboration Scripts
Optimizing Online Group Work on Classroom Dilemmas in Teacher Education
Hans Hummel
, Walter Geerts
, Aad Slootmaker
, Derek Kuipers
and Wim Westera
Open University of the Netherlands, Valkenburgerweg 177, 6419AT, Heerlen, The Netherlands
NHL University of Applied Science, Rengerslaan 10, 8917DD, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Keywords: Serious Games, Scripted Collaboration, Structure, Classroom Dilemmas, Teacher Education.
Abstract: The optimal structure in collaboration scripts for serious games has appeared to be a key success factor. In
this study we compare a ‘high- structured’ and ‘low-structured’ version of a mastership game where
teachers-in-training discuss solutions on classroom dilemmas. We collected data on the differences in
learning effects and student appreciation. The most interesting result shows that reports delivered by
students that played the low-structured version received significantly higher teacher grades when compared
to the high-structured version. [A shortened version of the paper has been included for copyright reasons.]
Serious games not only support individual learning
but also foster the acquisition of soft skills like
collaboration and reflection about wicked problems,
that are usually not addressed by other learning
platforms (Gee, 2003). Workplace learning is
shifting focus from individuals acquiring and
updating domain knowledge towards selecting and
using this knowledge for certain problem situations
in daily practice where collaboration plays a crucial
Games are heavily inspired by experiential
learning principles which hold potential for
contextualised workplace learning. Serious games
appear suitable as flexible learning environments
where professional tasks can be carried out with
little or no direct intervention of experts or teachers
(e.g., Bell et al., 2008). How much erroneous or
meaningful learning takes place will depend on the
support that is provided, shared and distributed in
the gaming environment. Collaboration support
within a game has to be enabled by a didactic
‘script’ which we will name ‘scripted collaboration’.
Collaboration scripts (Kobbe et al., 2007) are an
instructional method that structures the collaboration
by guiding the interacting partners online through a
sequence of interaction phases with designated
activities and roles. Such collaboration scripts have
hardly ever been implemented and tested in more
open learning environments like serious games
(Dillenbourg and Hong, 2008). No research has
focused on defining or optimizing the essential
elements (e.g., of structure) or has measured the
learning effects of including such scripting in serious
game play.
Structure is defined here as the amount of
restriction imposed on the freedom that is allowed in
the group collaboration process. An optimal level of
structure appears to be a key success factor for
effective learner support. In a previous study we
found that students complained about the complexity
and task instruction within for the mastership game
(Hummel et al., 2013). Building on Dillenbourg’s
(2002) risks of over-scripting we argue that
segmentation and inter-dependency within the task
constitute the main structure elements. An holistic
task is less structured than a task that has been
segmented in various consecutive subtasks; a task
that can be carried out independently is less
structured than a task that depends on
synchronisation or approval of peers and / or
teachers. We have further operationalized these
structure elements and high/medium/low levels of
structure for this study.
The Mastership game helps students to find
solutions to the most prevailing practical classroom
management dilemmas in a playful and collaborative
way, a way that will help them become better
teachers. The game was originally developed as a
card game to be played face-to-face in small groups
Hummel H., Geerts W., Slootmaker A., Kuipers D. and Westera W..
Structuring Collaboration Scripts - Optimizing Online Group Work on Classroom Dilemmas in Teacher Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0004674300050008
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 5-8
ISBN: 978-989-758-022-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(Geerts et al., 2009), and was later transformed into
on online game to be played synchronously with
freedom of place (Hummel et al., 2013).
Figure 1: Screens of the online version of the Mastership
game: selecting three practical dilemmas in phase 1 (upper
left hand), assigning and motivating themes in phase 3
(upper right hand), motivating and discussing declined
themes in phase 4 (lower left hand), and peer assessment
of elaborated assignments in phase 6 (lower right hand).
The online Mastership game (for an impression see
Figure 1) can be played in small groups of two till
six students and does not require any intervention by
teachers. After selecting their avatars, students start
group play both in the role of player (or problem
owner) and of co-player (judging the way that
players solve their problems). The game has a
structure that consists of five consecutive phases,
during which players discuss, elaborate and
negotiate solutions to solve each other’s problems.
Communication is structured by various assignments
and rules during these phases, but is possible by
unstructured group chat as well. During the fifth
phase players select a practical assignment and use
their co-players’ input to further elaborate their
solution in a short advisory report.
The main hypotheses (research questions) to be
answered are twofold: (1) Will less structure lead to
more ‘natural’ and effective collaborative learning?;
and (2) Will less structure in the collaboration be
appreciated more by students?
Third year students of the NHL University of
Applied Science in the Netherlands participated in
this case study as part of their regular curriculum.
Participants are qualifying for a broad variety of first
degree teaching positions, ranging from modern
languages teaching, teaching didactics to science
teaching. All students were approached by their
teacher and invited to be present at a certain place
and time at the university for a two-hour meeting.
Participants were notified in advance that this
meeting would also be used for study purposes, and
were randomly allocated to one of three conditions
(high-structured, low-structured, control).
Participants in the control group had to solve the
practical classroom dilemma individually without
playing the collaboration game. Each gaming
condition contained two groups (of four or five
students each). The players received an e-mail
before the meeting, containing the URL and their
personal account. All playing participants received a
questionnaire about their appreciation of the game
by e-mail a day after playing the game. At the time
of the meeting, playing participants went to a
computer room to work together online. A teacher
was present in this computer room to control for
direct (non)verbal communication beyond the
program. During the time of the meeting, students in
the control group individually worked on their
practical task, without playing the game. For the
purpose of this study we included a sixth and final
phase in which students had to grade the reports of
their peers, in order to enable a comparison of the
assessments by peers (co-players) and teachers
To measure individual learning output, the
quality of the solutions provided for the classroom
dilemmas was assessed by using a learning effect
correction model, that was developed by the topic
expert. The elaborated reports can be assessed on
‘growth in professional productivity’, and the five
criteria to establish this growth were inspired by the
development of ‘design practice’ (or practical
theory) (Copeland and D’Emidio-Caston, 1998): A.
Ownership (to what extent does student commit to
solve this problem); B. Reflection (to what extent
does student reflect on his own actions); C. Focus
(to what extent does student attach the right amount
of context to the problem); D. Nuance / Complexity
(to what extent is applying the solution feasible);
and E. Richness / Correctness (of the elaborated
solution). Sufficient inter-rater reliability of the
instrument was determined in a previous study
(Hummel et al. , 2013).
The student satisfaction questionnaire was
developed for this study by a learning technology
expert. It contains 19 items to establish the students’
appreciation of various game aspects, pertaining to
the structure (5 questions), user-friendliness and
clarity (5 questions), the timing of the phases (2
questions), the quality of the dilemmas and
assignments (5 questions), and the interaction during
collaboration (2 questions).
We found that most individual reports (76%) could
be graded as sufficient. The average grade for all
participants was M = 6.62, SD = 1.29. We added a
control group to establish if playing the game does
contribute at all to learning. As you see in Table 1
the average teacher grades for the control group
were indeed lowest, so there appears to be an effect
of playing the game. This effect appears significant
when we compare the non-playing group to the low-
structured (t (18) = 2.97, p < 0.01) and the medium-
structured condition (which we left out of the
analyses). However, we could not observe a
significant difference between non-players and those
playing the high-structured version (t (17) = 0.67, p
= 0.51).
Table 1: Average report grades for all conditions, both
from teachers and peers.
(n = 9)
(n = 10)
(n = 10)
(N = 29)
Teacher grade
Peer rating
7.93 .66 7.52
When looking for an overall effect of condition (N =
29) on learning effect we see a clear trend: low-
structure scores best, than high-structure, and finally
the control group. This effect is ‘marginally’
significant (F (2, 26) = 3.072, MSE = 4.428, p =
= 0.18), with values of the partial-eta-
squared above .13 showing large effect size
according to Cohen (1988). On top of this and even
more importantly for the central research question, a
significant difference (t (17) = 4,86, p = 0.042) is
found in favour of low-structure when comparing
with high-structure (N= 19). When looking at the
peer ratings, we do not find any significant
differences between conditions.
For most items in the student satisfaction
questionnaire we did not find significant differences
between both versions of the game, with just two
exceptions. The low-structured group showed to be
more satisfied with the amount of time to play (item
6). The high-structured group indicated that the
overall structure was too high (item 11), a finding in
line with what was reported on learning effects. It
did not become clear that low-structure was
appreciated more by students on various aspects.
We may conclude that collaboration can be
successfully facilitated by scripting serious games
when we take into account the importance of good
instruction and optimal structure. This study found
that over-scripting may indeed have disruptive
learning effects. Players of the low-structured
version of the mastership game produced reports that
were graded significantly higher than the ones of
those playing the high-structured version (and of
those not playing the game).
For the generalizability of these findings it will
be useful to carry out studies that research the
effectiveness of other types of collaboration scripts
and implementations in other domains.
This study was carried out as research activity
within the ‘Learning Media’ program of CELSTEC
(Open University of the Netherlands), and within the
Lectorate ‘Workplace Learning and ICT’ (NHL
University of Applied Science, The Netherlands).
Authors and developers from both institutes worked
closely together during development of the game
and this study. We express our thanks to both
institutes for their funding, and to NHL students for
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