Germination Vigour versus Delayed Luminescence of Coffee Seeds
Preliminary Series
Cristiano M. Gallep
, Evelyn M. do Amaral
, Geovana C. Alonco
Mirian P. Maluf
and Lilian Padilha
Applied Photonics Lab., School of Technology, University of Campinas, Limeira, SP, Brazil
EMBRAPA Café, Parque Estação Biológica, Brasilia, DF, Brazil
Keywords: Delayed Luminescence, Coffee Seed, Germination Vigour, Post-Harvest Treatment.
Abstract: Nine coffee seeds samples submitted to different post-harvest treatments were tested in terms of ultra-weak
delayed luminescence and induced to germinate afterwards. Hyperbolic decay function was used to quantify
the time profiles and their fitting parameters were correlated to the correspondent germination vigour (total
seedlings’ elongation). Good linear relation was found (R
> 0.85) for the initial value parameter as well as
for the decay velocity parameter. These preliminary results point to further tests in order to validate a
photonic, non-invasive, non-destructive test for coffee seed’s viability analyses.
THE coffee seed normally presents high germination
potential just after appropriate harvest and
desiccation. However, it loses its physiological
quality very rapidly under common storing
conditions. Therefore, it is not possible to have
feasible seeds, i.e. able to germinate, for more than
some months (Eira, 2006). Some techniques may
improve seed’s viability on long term, by improving
storing conditions (Couturon, 1980; Hong & Ellis,
1992), or controlling the re-hydration process
(Dussert et al., 2000) or even inducing low-
temperature hibernation (Dussert et al., 2001).
Although some progress was achieved, the usual
way for checking seeds’ viability and vigour is to
allow them to germinate, losing so the hibernation
condition. In order to distinguish between feasible
and not feasible seeds, and so enable an optimization
of seed’s storage conditions, a quick and non-
destructive method is demanded, as well for other
types of sensitive seeds.
The biophotonic phenomena, i.e. the ultra-weak
delayed luminescence and spontaneous emission
found in living organisms, with detected intensity of
10-1000 photons/cm
.s, has been studied by many
multi-disciplinary groups all over the world, in a
broad variety of themes (Kobayshi and Inaba, 2000).
This peculiar luminescence holds much longer than
the usual bio-fluorescence, and is found far from
normal thermal emission, covering the entire visible
spectrum and the near IR and UV (Popp, 2000).
Correlation between the ultra-weak delayed
luminescence (DL) behaviour and the germination
capacity was found for barley (Yan, 2003), soya
(Lanzanò, 2009; Costanzo, 2008), rice (Yong, 2010),
and wheat (Wang, 2009) seeds.
A first, small trial with coffee seeds were
performed by the first author ten years ago at IIB
facilities (Neuss, Germany), with some indicative
results of good correlation between the DL
parameters and the germination capacity of tested
seeds (Gallep, 2004).
Here, preliminary series of ultra-weak DL of
coffee seeds are presented in relation to their
germination vigor – germination rate and total
seedling elongation measured in the hypocotyl root
axis. Seeds submitted to different post-harvest
treatments were tested for delayed luminescence,
and induced to germinate afterwards.
The germination performance was established
after 15 days and 30 days and correlated to DL
parameters. Good correlation (R
>0.85) was found
between the germination vigor and the initial
intensity and the decay velocity.
M. Gallep C., M. do Amaral E., C. Alonco G., P. Maluf M. and Padilha L..
Germination Vigour versus Delayed Luminescence of Coffee Seeds - Preliminary Series.
DOI: 10.5220/0004677401470151
In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS-2014), pages 147-151
ISBN: 978-989-758-008-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The DL of nine groups of coffee seeds (Coffea
arabica), harvested in 2011 and treated in different
conditions, were analysed in terms of hyperbolic
decay in May/2013 and further induced to germinate
in controlled conditions.
The different seed groups are presented on Table
1 – if mucilage is removed mechanically or by
fermentation, if drying was done in drying machine,
in shadow or under sun-light, and the moisture
content achieved after drying (12% or 35%).
Table 1: Coffee seed groups - different post-harvest
post-harvest treatment
mechanical removal of
mechanical dryer
mechanical removal of
mucilage, dried in shadow
mechanical removal of
mucilage, sun-dried
removal of mucilage by
fermentation, mechanical dryer
removal of mucilage by
fermentation, mechanical dryer
removal of mucilage by
fermentation, dried in shadow
removal of mucilage by
fermentation, dried in shadow
removal of mucilage by
fermentation, sun-dried
removal of mucilage by
fermentation, sun-dried
The seeds were harvest, processed and stored in
controlled conditions at Federal University of Lavras
(UFLA, MG, Brazil) in June/2011. Random
samples of 50 grams were taken from each seed
group for the ultra-weak DL measurements and
stored in dark to avoid artefacts.
The experimental setup for DL tests are shown at
Figure 1; it is a dark chamber with photon-count
module (photomultiplier tube + electronics) and
fiber optic ring connect to external light source
(halogen lamp) by fiber cable and electrical-
mechanical shutter, all automatic controlled by
software; it includes also temperature control for
samples using fluid flow (Bertonha, 2011).
Each group of seeds was arranged in the chamber
in order to complete the sample holder, which was
stabilized in temperature (T = 21
C +/- 1) to avoid
seed stress. The DL measurements used photon-
count mode in 100 s time-windows for 20 thousand
points (total = 2 s) and were taken after twenty-
second exposure to white light (160 lux), and
repeated sequentially ten times for each sample. A
delay of 370 ms occurs between the end of
excitation and photon-count start due technical
The 10-repetition DL data was averaged and the
curve was fitted by generic hyperbolic-like decay,
formulated by:
where t is related to time, a+b is the curve’s initial
value (t = 0), a is its final value (t = ), c is related
to the decay velocity for small t and d is related to
enhancement in velocity decay, more pronounced
for great values of t.
Figure 1: Setup for DL measurements in biosamples -
(top) chamber, illumination and controls schematics;
(bottom) picture of prototype.
After all samples were measured two hundread
seeds were taken from each sample and induced to
germinate in a controlled chamber (T = 30
C +/- 1,
humidity > 70%) for 30 days. For that, each group of
200 were divided in 4 x 50 seeds, and each sub-
group disposed in rolls of paper towels moistened
with water equivalent to 2
times the dry paper
substrate weght. At the 15
day after start and at the
end, at the 30
day, each group was analysed in
terms of hypocotyl root axis growth, measuring
each seedling elongation.
The DL time profiles of all groups are shown at
Figure 2, as well as their correspondent hyperbolic
decay fitting (R
>0.995) parameters: a, b, c and d. It
is clear from Figure 2 that groups A7, A11 and A13
present higher initial value than the other groups.
Group A17 time profile is also distinguishable from
the remaining curves, with small increase from 1 ms
to 100 ms.
Figure 2: DL data for groups A7 to A18– (top) 10 test
average time profile; (bottom) paramenters of hyperbolic
decay fitting (R
These facts are so reflected in the b parameter of
their. It is also noted that the c parameter is also
higher for the A7, A11 and A13 samples, meaning
that their DL intensity decay faster that the other
groups, as can be seen also in the time profiles form
10 ms to 100 ms. The A15 time profile is also
noticed to have small increase at the beginning, ie. t
< 1ms, as occurring for the curves of A7, A11 and
The remaining groups – A9, A14, A16 and A18
– have similar time profiles, with small initial value
(~3) and regular decay velocity, ie. similar c factor.
The germination data – seedling’s elongation
incidence, in a total of 200 seeds/group – at the 15
and 30
day are presented at Figure 3 for the viable
groups; the ones not displayed had no seedling
development at all, ie. zero seeds alive. It is noted
that groups A7 and A13 present the higher
development of all, followed by A11 and, with much
lower development, by A15 and, much lower, A17.
The A9 had few seedlings developed.
By summing all seedlings’ length the total
elongation is obtained for each group, for both the
and 30
day after imbibition. This numbers
were so plotted against the correspondent b and c
parameters, and these datagrams are shown at Figure
4. Good linear correlation was found between the
hyperbolic fitting parameters and the total seedling
elongation for both the 15
and 30
day data, with
> 0.85 in all cases.
The ultra-weak delayed luminescence time profiles
of nine groups of coffee seeds with different
germination capacity were studied in terms of
hyperbolic decay parameters, and good correlations
were found between the DL initial value and the
decay velocity versus the germinating vigour – ie.,
total seedling elongation at the 15
and 30
day after
These preliminary series used old (2 years)
samples, already with their vigour depreciated by the
long storage time in natural condition, and so just
few groups presented significant germination vigour
while four of them are almost dead.
Next series of experiments would replicate this
type of analysis but using fresh seed samples (< 1
year), which may present very high germination
capacity, and also with artificially (thermal) stressed
samples, in order to have also groups with
intermediate vigour.
Although limited in number and range of seed
quality, the preliminary data here presented show
that the DL measurements of coffee seeds may be
used as a fast, non-invasive, non-destructive test to
verify sample’s viability, and so help in improving
post-harvest treatment, storing methods and maybe
Figure 3: Seedling’s length for viable groups at the 15
and 30
days after imbibition - each group has 200 seeds total.
Figure 4: Seedling’s total length at the 15
and 30
day versus the hyperbolic decay fitting parameters - (left) the b factor
and (right) the c factor; dashed line correspond to linear regression (R
also beverage quality.
Authors acknowledge Brazilian Coffee Research
Consortium (Embrapa Coffee/UFLA/IAC) for
providing the seed samples, CNPq (Conselho
Nacional de Pesquisa) and FAPESP (Fundação de
Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo,
#04/10146-3) for partial laboratory support.
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