Towards Fully Automated Person Re-identification
Matteo Taiana, Dario Figueira, Athira Nambiar, Jacinto Nascimento and Alexandre Bernardino
Institute for Systems and Robotics, IST, Lisboa, Portugal
Re-Identification, Pedestrian Detection, Camera Networks, Video Surveillance.
In this work we propose an architecture for fully automated person re-identification in camera networks. Most
works on re-identification operate with manually cropped images both for the gallery (training) and the probe
(test) set. However, in a fully automated system, re-identification algorithms must work in series with person
detection algorithms, whose output may contain false positives, detections of partially occluded people and
detections with bounding boxes misaligned to the people. These effects, when left untreated, may significantly
jeopardise the performance of the re-identification system. To tackle this problem we propose modifications to
classical person detection and re-identification algorithms, which enable the full system to deal with occlusions
and false positives. We show the advantages of the proposed method on a fully labelled video data set acquired
by 8 high-resolution cameras in a typical office scenario at working hours.
This paper tackles the problem of person re-
identification (RE-ID) in camera networks. Given a
set of pictures of previously observed persons, a prac-
tical RE-ID system must locate and recognise such
people in the stream of images flowing from the cam-
era network. Its classical applications are in the field
of video surveillance and security systems as well as
in human-machine interfaces, robotics, gaming and
smart spaces. In this work we consider a set of cam-
eras with low overlap covering our research institute
facilities. When a person enters the space or passes on
some key locations where her/his identity can be ver-
ified (face recognition, access control), pictures are
acquired and stored in a gallery, associated to the re-
spective identity. Such gallery provides the training
data to develop methods to recognise the person on
the other images of the camera network. The full RE-
ID system can thus be used to update the location of
a person on the covered space along time, supporting
research on several topics of our interest (modelling
activities, mining physical social networks, human-
robot interaction).
The problem we tackle is very challenging due to
a multitude of factors. The placement of a camera in-
fluences the perspective and the amount of occlusion
a person is observed under, and the range of distances
people are imaged at, eventually defining their height
in the image. Different illumination and camera op-
tics change the brightness and colour characteristics
of the measurements. Finally, persons may change
Figure 1: A typical re-identification algorithm is based on
a gallery set: a database that contains the persons to be re-
identified at evaluation time. People detected in other im-
ages (probes) are matched to such database with the intent
of recognising their identities. Classically, re-identification
algorithms are evaluated with manually cropped probes. In
this work we study the effect of using automatic probe de-
tection in the full re-identification system.
their clothing and other appearance traits along time
(possibly for disguise purposes), making the RE-ID
problem particularly difficult even for humans.
Most recent state-of-the-art algorithms on RE-ID
are developed and evaluated as a matching problem.
The appearance information of persons stored in the
gallery (training set) is matched against manually
cropped images of persons in the network cameras
(probe data). See Fig. 1 for an illustration of the pro-
cess. However, in most RE-ID applications of inter-
est, it is necessary to detect the probe person’s bound-
ing boxes (BB) in an automated way. This is com-
Taiana M., Figueira D., Nambiar A., Nascimento J. and Bernardino A..
Towards Fully Automated Person Re-identification.
DOI: 10.5220/0004682301400147
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2014), pages 140-147
ISBN: 978-989-758-009-3
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
monly accomplished using one of two approaches:
background subtraction and pattern recognition. We
focus on methods based on the latter, because of their
applicability to a wider range of scenarios, including
moving/shaking cameras and single frame images.
There are two main classes of pedestrian detection
(PD) algorithms: monolithic or holistic (human as a
whole) (Doll
ar et al., 2010) and part-based (human as
a composition of parts) (Girshick et al., 2011). In this
work we use our implementation (Taiana et al., 2013)
of a monolithic algorithm based on (Doll
ar et al.,
2010) for PD and the algorithm described in (Figueira
et al., 2013) for RE-ID.
Both in background subtraction and in pattern
recognition methods, the output of PD is subject to
several forms of “noise”, in particular missed detec-
tions, false positives and BB’s misaligned with the de-
tected people. When a RE-ID algorithm is combined
with an automatic PD algorithm, the performance of
the former will suffer from the imperfections of the
data presented on its input. Furthermore, it is worth
noticing that a class of correct detections is particu-
larly difficult for a RE-ID algorithm to handle: the de-
tections of partially occluded people. Currently very
few works address these problems.
To leverage the combination of PD and RE-ID al-
gorithms in a fully automated RE-ID system, we pro-
pose two important extensions. On one hand, the
PD output is used to filter detections with a large de-
gree of occlusion, which most likely contain a large
amount of data not related to the detected person. Do-
ing so prevents mis-identifications at the RE-ID stage.
On the other hand, the RE-ID module is trained to di-
rectly represent a class of false positives commonly
detected in the camera network. This minimises the
false associations of probe “noise” to actual persons
in the gallery. We evaluate our system on a recently
developed data set of high-definition cameras. Eight
cameras covering a large space of our research in-
stitute were used to acquire data simultaneously for
thirty minutes during rush hour (lunch time). Images
were fully labelled with BB locations, persons’ iden-
tities and occlusion and crowd flags. We show that
the proposed add-ons to PD and RE-ID algorithms are
important features in a fully automated RE-ID sys-
The problem of re-identification entails the recogni-
tion of people traversing the field of view of differ-
ent non-overlapping sensors. State-of-the-art meth-
ods regarding this topic are often characterized by
differences in the contextual knowledge, the learning
methodology, the feature extraction, the data associa-
tion and the type of gallery.
Approaches relying on contextual knowledge from
surrounding people using human signature (Zheng
et al., 2009), or attribute weighting features (Liu et al.,
2012a) were proposed. Another class of approaches
was developed to deal with pose variation (Bak et al.,
2012) using Mean Riemannian Covariance patches
computed inside the bounding box of the pedes-
trian. Shape and appearance context to model the spa-
tial distributions of appearance relative to body parts
(Wang et al., 2007), triangular graph model (Gheis-
sari et al., 2006) and part-based models (Corvee et al.,
2012; Cheng et al., 2011) constitute valuable alterna-
tives handling pose variability. Methodologies using
supervised learning, were also suggested. They usu-
ally include discriminative models such as SVM and
boosting for feature learning (Gray and Tao, 2008;
Prosser et al., 2010; Zheng et al., 2011), in the at-
tempt to iteratively select the most reliable set of
features. Another direction concerns the learning
of task-specific distance functions with metric algo-
rithms (Zheng et al., 2011; Mignon and Jurie, 2012;
Hirzer et al., 2012; Li and Wang, 2013; Li et al.,
2012). For all these methods, training samples with
identity labels is mandatory. Approaches focusing on
direct distance metrics were also proposed in the re-
identification context. Symmetry-Driven Accumula-
tion of Local Features was proposed in (Farenzena
et al., 2010). In (Ma et al., 2012) the BiCov de-
scriptor was presented, combining Gabor filters and
covariance descriptors to account for both illumina-
tion and background changes. In (Liu et al., 2012a)
it was shown that certain appearance features can be
more important than others and selected online. In
(Mogelmose et al., 2013a) it was shown that using
RGB, depth and thermal features in a joined clas-
sifier are able to improve the re-identification per-
formance. Feature extraction for fast matching was
also investigated. In (Hamdoun et al., 2008) a KD-
tree was used to store per-person signatures. Random
forests were proposed in (Liu et al., 2012b) to weight
the most informative features, while code-book rep-
resentations were used in (Jungling et al., 2011). Per-
son re-identification can be formulated as a data as-
sociation problem, in matching observations from
pairs of cameras. Several methods were proposed
to learn this association space. Large-Margin Near-
est Neighbor (with Rejection) was proposed (Dik-
men et al., 2011) to learn the most suitable metric
to match data from two distinct cameras, while other
metrics include Probabilistic Relative Distance Com-
parison (Zheng et al., 2011). Rank-loss optimization
was used to improve accuracy in re-identification (Wu
et al., 2011) and a variant of Locally Preserving Pro-
jections (Harandi et al., 2012) was formulated over
a Riemmanian manifold. Recently Pairwise Con-
strained Component Analysis was proposed for met-
ric learning tailored to address the scenarios with a
small set of examples (Mignon and Jurie, 2012). Also
(Pedagadi et al., 2013) suggested a metric learning
for re-identification, where a Local Fisher Discrimi-
nant Analysis is defined by a training set. Most of the
aforementioned works use the VIPeR (Gray and Tao,
2008), ETHZ (Ess et al., 2007) and i-LIDS (Zheng
et al., 2009) data sets, focusing only on the matching
problem, thus neglecting the automatic detection of
Methods that actively integrate pedestrian detec-
tion and re-identification are still scarce in the liter-
ature. Yet, few examples are available. In (Corvee
et al., 2012; Bak et al., 2012), pedestrian detection
and re-identification are used, but not actually inte-
grated. The above frameworks rely on the assump-
tion that the people must be accurately detected. The
work that relates the most with ours is that intro-
duced in (Mogelmose et al., 2013b). In that work,
the system full flow (i.e. pedestrian detection and
re-identification) is presented with a transient gallery
to tackle open scenarios. However, important issues
such as how re-identification performance is penal-
ized when pedestrian detection or tracking failures ex-
ist are not explored. The goal of our paper is precisely
to explore how to enhance the link between pedestrian
detection and re-identification algorithms to improve
the overall performance.
For the algorithms in the state of the art, the data
for the Re-Identification (RE-ID) problem is provided
in the shape of hand-cropped Bounding Boxes (BB),
rather than in the shape of full image frames. Such
BB’s are centered around fully visible, upright per-
sons. The data is usually partitioned into training and
test set and the focus of the RE-ID algorithms is on
feature extraction and BB classification. However,
the purpose of an automated RE-ID system is that of
re-identifying people directly in images, without re-
quiring manual intervention to produce the BB’s. The
natural candidate for substituting the hand-made an-
notation process is a Pedestrian Detection (PD) algo-
rithm, which takes one image as input and produces
a set of BB’s as output. The resulting architecture is
depicted in Figure 2.
Integrating PD and RE-ID poses several issues.
Detecting people in images is a hard task, in fact even
the best detectors in the state of the art are subject to
the production of at least two types of errors: False
Positives (FP) and Missed Detections (MD). Such er-
rors have an impact on the performance of the com-
pounded system: FP’s generate BB’s which is impos-
sible for the system to correctly classify as one of the
persons in the training set. MD’s, on the other hand,
cause an individual to simply go undetected, and thus,
unclassified. Even the correctly detected persons may
give rise to some difficulties: (1) the PD algorithm
can generate a BB not centred around the person or at
a non-optimal scale this might hinder the feature
extraction phase, prior to the classification, (2) the
detected person may be partially occluded, yet again
hampering feature extraction, and finally (3) there can
be the case of detecting people who are not part of the
RE-ID training set, posing an issue similar to that of
FP’s: there is no correct class that the system can at-
tribute to them. To limit the complexity of the prob-
lem, we constrain the scenario with a closed-space as-
sumption: we require the access to the surveilled area
to be granted exclusively to people listed in the train-
ing set. In the rest of this section we propose an ar-
chitecture which integrates the PD and RE-ID stages,
solving some of the aforementioned issues.
3.1 Occlusion Filter
We devise the Occlusion Filter a filtering block be-
tween the PD and the RE-ID modules with the intent
of improving the RE-ID performance. The Occlu-
sion Filter uses geometrical reasoning to reject BB’s
which can harm the performance of the RE-ID stage,
the harmful BB’s being the ones depicting partially
occluded people. A BB including a person appear-
ing under partial occlusion generates features differ-
ent from a BB including the same person under full
visibility conditions. When the partial occlusion is
caused by a second person standing between the cam-
era and the original person, the extracted features can
be a mixture of those generated by the two people,
making the identity classification especially hard (see
illustration in Figure 3). For this reason, it would be
advantageous for the RE-ID module to receive only
BB’s depicting fully visible people. We define a first,
aggressive, operation mode for the Occlusion Filter
which rejects all the detections which overlap with
others, the “RejectAll” mode. Though the visibil-
ity information is not available to the system, it can
be estimated quite accurately with a heuristic based
on scene geometry: in a typical scenario the cam-
era’s perspective projection makes pedestrians closer
to it extend to relatively lower regions of the image.
Pre-trained Pedestrian
Camera Images
Re-Identification Classifier
FP Class
Training Set
FP class
TP classes
FAR Mode
Ovlp %
ALL Mode
Generic Large Training Set
Figure 2: Architecture of the proposed fully automated Re-Identification system. The images acquired by a camera network
are processed by a Pedestrian Detection algorithm to extract candidate Bounding Boxes. The Bounding Boxes are optionally
processed by the Occlusion Filter, which can operate either in the “RejectAll” or the “RejectFarther” mode (see explanation
in text). Lastly, the Re-Identification module computes the features corresponding to each Bounding Box and classifies it.
The classification can optionally take into account a “False Positive” class.
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Example of body part detection for feature extrac-
tion in two instances: (a) a person appearing with full visi-
bility and (b) under partial occlusion, with detection Bound-
ing Boxes overlap, and feature extraction on the occluded
person mistakenly extracting features from the occluding
pedestrian. The contrast of both images was enhanced for
visualization purposes.
Thus, we design the “RejectFarther” operation mode
for the Occlusion Filter. In this mode the filter com-
putes the overlap among all pairs of detections in one
image and rejects the one in each overlapping pair
for which the lower side of the BB is higher (as il-
lustrated in Figure 4). Considering the mismatch be-
tween the shape of the pedestrians’ bodies and that of
the BB’s, it is clear that an overlap between BB’s does
not always imply an overlap between the correspond-
ing pedestrians’ projections on the image. We define
an overlap threshold for the “RejectFarther” mode of
the filter, considering as overlapping only detections
whose overlap is above such threshold. The impact
of the overlap threshold on the RE-ID performance is
analysed in the following section.
Figure 4: An example of geometrical reasoning: two detec-
tion Bounding Boxes overlap. The comparison between the
lower sides of the two Bounding Boxes leads to the con-
clusion that the person marked with the red, dashed Bound-
ing Box is occluded by the person in the green, continuous
Bounding Box.
3.2 False Positives Class
The second contribution of this work is to adapt the
RE-ID module so that it can deal with the FP’s pro-
duced by the PD. The standard RE-ID module cannot
deal properly with FP’s: each FP turns into a wrongly
classified instance for the RE-ID. Observing that the
appearance of the FP’s in a given scenario is not com-
pletely aleatory, but is worth modelling (see Fig. 5),
we introduce a FP class for the RE-ID module. In
these conditions a correct output for when a FP is pre-
sented on the RE-ID’s input exists: the FP class. This
change allows us to coherently evaluate the perfor-
mance of the integrated system.
Figure 5: Example False Positive samples in the False Pos-
itive Class training set.
We work with the recently proposed high-definition
data set described in Section 1. For our experiments
we consider the closed-space assumption. A set of
images with pedestrians authorised in the surveilled
space is collected in a training stage and stored in a
gallery set associated to the pedestrians identities. In
our experiment we simulate the closed-space assump-
tion selecting the best images of 7 out of the 8 cameras
sequences for training, and using the last sequence as
a test set. The training set is built hand-picking one
detection per image sequence, per pedestrian, leading
to a total of 230 detections for 76 pedestrians. The
False Positive (FP) class is built with the detections
from the training sequences that have no overlap with
a Ground Truth (GT) Bounding Box (BB), for a total
of 3972 detections. The test image sequence contains
1182 GT BB’s, centered on 20 different people. Such
people are fully visible in 416 occurrences and appear
with some degree of occlusion by other BB’s or trun-
cated by the image border in 766 occasions.
Pedestrian Detection. In this work we use a state-
of-the-art PD system: our implementation (Taiana
et al., 2013) of Doll
ar’s Fastest Pedestrian Detector
in the West (Doll
ar et al., 2010) (FPDW). This mod-
ule generates 1182 detections on the test camera se-
quence. The initial detections are filtered based on
their size, removing the ones whose height is unrea-
sonable given the geometric constraints of the scene
(under 68 pixels). This rejects 159 detections and al-
lows 1023 of them pass. Considering that three pedes-
trians who appear in the test set are not present in the
training set, we remove the corresponding 59 detec-
tions in the test set from the detections’ pool. This
leads to the 964 elements that form the base set of de-
tections. Being FPDW a monolithic detector, it is con-
strained to generate detections which lie completely
inside the image boundary. This naturally generates a
detection set without persons truncated by the image
boundary, facilitating the re-identification (RE-ID).
Re-identification. We use the state-of-the-art RE-
ID algorithm from (Figueira et al., 2013). Given a
BB provided by the GT or the PD module, the al-
gorithm first detects body parts using Pictorial Struc-
tures (Andriluka et al., 2009) (see Figure 3). The al-
gorithm uses a body model consisting of head, torso,
two thighs and two shins during the detection phase.
It then merges the areas corresponding to both thighs
and both shins, respectively. Subsequently, the al-
gorithm extracts color histograms and texture his-
tograms from the distinct image regions. Finally it
performs the classification based on the extracted fea-
tures with the Multi-View algorithm (Quang et al.,
The necessary GT for the RE-ID task is obtained
by processing the original GT and the detections gen-
erated by the PD module. Each detection is associated
with the label of a person or the special label for the
FP class. The assignment is done associating each de-
tection with the label of the GT BB that has the most
overlap with it. The Pascal VOC criterion (Evering-
ham et al., 2010) is used to determine FP’s: when
the intersection between a detection BB and the cor-
responding BB from the original GT is smaller than
half the union of the two, the detection is marked as a
We use the Cumulative Matching Characteristic
curve (CMC), the de facto standard, for evaluating the
performance of RE-ID algorithms. The CMC shows
how often, on average, the correct person ID is in-
cluded in the best K matches against the training set
for each test image. The overall performance is mea-
sured by the nAUC the normalized Area Under the
CMC curve.
4.1 Experiments
We evaluate the performance of different configura-
tions of the RE-ID system as detailed in Table 1. Ini-
tially, we assess the performance of the RE-ID mod-
ule in the conditions that are common in the RE-ID
literature: using manually labelled GT BB’s as test
set. This is done to establish a term of comparison.
Then we evaluate the naive integration of the PD and
RE-ID modules and we contrast that with the inte-
grated system enriched with the introduction of the
FP class in the RE-ID module. Eventually, we assess
the effectiveness of two operating modes for the Oc-
clusion Filter, on the integrated system using the FP
In exp. (A) we perform RE-ID on the 416 fully
visible BB’s provided in the GT, consistently with the
modus operandi of the state of the art. This means
that the RE-ID module works with unoccluded per-
sons and BB’s that are correctly centred and sized.
This provides a meaningful term of comparison when
moving towards a fully automatic RE-ID system (see
Table 1: GT indicates the use of Ground Truth in an experiment, namely the hand-labelled Bounding Boxes. In Occlusion
Filter, ALL indicates the “RejectAll” mode, and FAR the “RejectFarther” mode. NA indicates that the use of the Occlusion
Filter or the FP class is not applicable to experiments with GT data. Rank1 corresponds to the first point of the CMC curve
and indicates how often the correct person ID is the best match against the training set. nAUC corresponds to the area under
the CMC curve. The total number of detections and the amount of corresponding false positives which are passed to the
RE-ID module are listed under Detections and False Positives, respectively.
Exp. GT Occlusion Filter FP class Rank1 (%) nAUC (%) Detections False Positives
A 1 NA NA 42.02 90.21 416 0
B 0 OFF OFF 26.45 72.68 964 155
C 0 OFF ON 31.33 87.60 964 155
D 0 ON ALL ON 39.61 88.01 563 88
E 0 ON FAR 30% ON 34.19 89.14 854 119
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Rank Score
Re−identification %
Experiment A (nAUC 90.21%)
Experiment B (nAUC 72.68%)
Experiment C (nAUC 87.60%)
Experiment D (nAUC 88.01%)
Experiment E (nAUC 89.14%)
Figure 6: Cumulative Matching Characteristic curves com-
paring the performance of various configurations of the in-
tegrated Re-Identification system, for details see Table 1.
Working points which lie comparatively higher or more to
the left of the plot correspond to better performances.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
nAUC %
Overlap %
Figure 7: Normalized area under the Cumulative Matching
Characteristic curve plotted against varying degrees of over-
lap for the Overlap Filter in ’RejectFarther’ mode. Based on
this evidence we set this parameter for exp. (E) to 30%.
Fig. 6 for the CMC curves associated to this and to
other experiments). It is to be noted that this method
of operation is not applicable in a real-world scenario,
since it requires manual annotation of every person in
the video sequence.
In exp. (B) we analyse the performance of the sys-
tem resulting from the naive integration of the PD and
RE-ID modules. The 155 FP’s generated by the detec-
tor are impossible for the RE-ID to classify correctly,
yielding a CMC curve that does not reach 100%. Ap-
plying the CMC evaluation scheme to this case leads
to an unfair comparison with the curve from exp. (A).
We provide this result to underline this point.
Exp. (C) shows that using the FP class in the RE-
ID module allows for a meaningful comparison with
the classic evaluation approach exp. (A). The RE-
ID module is able to classify a fraction of the FP’s
as such, thus achieving a performance comparable to
that of exp. (A).
Rejecting all the detections affected by mutual
overlap exp. (D) leads to a drastic reduction of the
number of detections presented in input to the RE-
ID module. This rejection mode eliminates 42% of
the initial detections, including many depicting unoc-
cluded pedestrians. This is due to this filtering method
not taking advantage of perspective information. In
Figure 4, for instance, one of the persons is fully
visible in spite of the overlap between the bounding
boxes. Because the CMC evaluation is concerned
solely with the quality of the re-identification of the
test examples it is provided with, it does not penalise
the drastic reduction in detections. A practical appli-
cation of RE-ID, though, would certainly be adversely
affected by the Missed Detections.
Finally, in exp. (E) we run the Overlap Filter in the
the “RejectFarther” mode. Figure 7 shows the impact
of varying the filter’s overlap threshold. We empir-
ically choose 30% as the best value of this parame-
ter, and illustrate again in Figure 6 the corresponding
CMC curve. The “RejectFarther” mode proves to be
better than the “RejectAll” both in terms of classifica-
tion performance (showing a 1% increase in nAUC)
and of the number of Missed Detections (rejecting
only 12% of the initial detections).
In this work we studied how to combine person detec-
tors and re-identification algorithms towards the de-
velopment of fully automated surveillance systems.
Whereas current work on re-identification focuses on
matching “clean data”, we analyse the effect of the
unavoidable “noise” produced by automatic detec-
tions methods and devise ways to deal with it. In
particular, a correct treatment of false positives and
occlusions can recover performance levels that are
lost if the modules are naively combined. This re-
quires some additional characterisation of the acqui-
sition process, in terms of collecting false positives
in the environment where the system is deployed and
performing a geometrical analysis to define the over-
lap filter criteria. This effort is largely compensated
by the obtained improvements. In future work we aim
at extending our methodology and evaluation criteria
to drop the closed-space assumption and address the
effect of missed detections in the quality and usability
of fully automatic re-identification systems.
This work was partially supported by the FCT
project [PEst-OE/EEI/LA0009/2013], the European
Commission project POETICON++ (FP7-ICT-
288382), the FCT project VISTA [PTDC/EIA-
EIA/105062/2008] and the project High Definition
Analytics (HDA), QREN - I&D em Co-Promoc¸
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