Investigation and Evaluation of UML Action Languages
Omar Badreddin, Timothy C. Lethbridge and Andrew Forward
University of Ottawa, 800 King Edward, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Keywords: Action Language, Alf, OMG, OCL, UAL, UML.
Abstract: We analyze the current direction of UML Action Language development and provide a classification of the
proposed action language structure and statements. We also present a functioning implementation of an
action language and discuss our platform for experimenting with Action Language based systems. We
propose a novel approach that adopts a bottom-up technique to defining an action language. This approach
embeds the action language into a textual environment that includes the UML modeling elements. Unlike
current action languages that typically address class diagrams only, our proposal includes class and state
machine modeling abstractions as part of the action language. We tackle the problem of modeling-in-text
not by introducing yet another programming language, but instead by providing an increased level of
abstraction to existing high level programming languages. Both, a textual representation of the model and
its visual view represent the same underlying model but from different vantage points.
A UML action language (UAL) describes elements
of a system, such as actions, algorithms, and
navigation paths, which are not readily described by
UML diagrams. Snippets of languages like C++ and
Java can be used as a UAL, but such languages are
unaware of UML abstractions, resulting in mixed
levels of abstraction and ‘boilerplate’ code.
Current directions in creating UML action
languages (UALs) adopt a top-down approach,
where a new language is defined forming an
additional layer of abstraction. We propose an
alternative approach: iteratively discovering what is
necessary in an action language starting with a pre-
defined object-oriented language, like Java or Php,
and adapting it by adding abstractions.
This paper covers background of UALs and
investigates limitations of existing programming
languages if used as action languages. We give a
classification of UAL constructs, and compare Alf
to our language Umple, which merges action
language with textual models.
In 2008, the OMG published an RFP for a concrete
syntax for a UML Action Language (UAL) (OMG,
2012). Responses were required to define a textual
language for representing the UML subset defined
in the Foundation Subset for executable UML
Models (fUML).
The OMG required that the UAL be suitable for
use in executable UML models. A proposed UAL
had to meet a number of objectives including:
1. It must be computationally complete, meaning it
must include standard arithmetic and logical
capabilities supported natively or by the use of
2. The UAL must allow the invocation of user-
specified external code such as legacy code.
3. It must allow embedding of native code. For
example, if the target platform is Java, the UAL
must allow the embedding of java statements and
The OMG received two proposals and merged them
to form the Action Language for Foundational UML
(Alf) (Planas et al, 2012).
2.1 Textual and Visual Modeling
Action languages allow for computational processes
(such as navigation and algorithms) to be expressed
at a similar level of abstraction to the declarative
modeling elements found in UML such
Badreddin O., Lethbridge T. and Forward A..
Investigation and Evaluation of UML Action Languages.
DOI: 10.5220/0004699902640273
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD-2014), pages 264-273
ISBN: 978-989-758-007-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
as classes, associations, and state machines.
Both actions and declarative aspects of a model
can be described as diagrams or in text; however, in
general, diagrams are used for the declarative
aspects and text for actions.
Manipulating visual models can be time
consuming and less efficient than manipulating text.
Effort can be wasted on mouse-centric tasks to
refine layout. This is reflected in increasing number
of textual modeling environments and standards.
In 2004, OMG proposed Human-Usable Textual
Notation (HUTN) (OMG, 2013), which defined a
textual notation for class diagrams. However,
HUTN has not seen significant adoption, and
development has been discontinued. Other textual
UML modeling tools have emerged (Bock, 2003),
(Steel & Raymond, 2001) (Harris, 2012). For
example, TextUML (Chaves, 2012) is a tool that
allows the modeler to create and edit models in the
same manner as one would write code.
Visual models can be appealing to the reader;
they work well as a communication medium since a
diagram can represent the spatial qualities of a
model, whereas text linearizes the view. UML
modeling tools like IBM Rational Software Modeler
(IBM, 2013), or Papyrus (Papyrus, 2013), fall under
this category. Visual modeling tools typically
provide source code generation from models, and
support for reverse engineering to mange the
synchronization of modeling and coding artifacts, an
approach that is not without challenges (France &
Rumpe, 2007).
Because action languages for UML are textual,
and due to the reasons described earlier, it is our
perspective that textual UML modeling provides
added value to traditional visual representations.
2.2 Emergence of Action Languages
Action languages emerged to fill the gap between
abstract and visual model notations to manage
structure and relationships, with more algorithmic
manipulation of the model’s structure (i.e.
programming language-like-statements). This gap,
commonly referred to as ‘execution semantics’, has
not yet been completely formalized. UML action
languages (UALs) can help both modelers and
coders to achieve the following goals.
2.2.1 Define the Execution Semantics
of Models
Models are an abstraction of a system, where
details are purposely left out. To execute the model,
missing details need to be defined using a Turing-
complete language. Executing two versions of code
generated from the same model should result in the
same behavior, in the same way that different
traditional compilers should result in systems with
the same behavior.
2.2.2 Express Actions That Natively Interact
with UML Constructs
UML introduces concepts that are more abstract
than what is normally found in programming
languages. This includes associations, state
machines, preconditions, etc. A UAL should define
constructs that interact with, and fill in missing
details of, such modeling constructs. For example,
an action language should define statements to add
or remove objects in an association, execute state
machine actions, and define executable checks for
pre- and post-conditions where appropriate.
2.2.3 Express Algorithmic Details in a
Usable and Maintainable Way
To support an executable modeling environment, the
need to unambiguously define algorithmic
computations is imperative. A UAL should enable
the modeler to define such algorithmic computations
at a level of abstraction that is as high as possible
and which builds on and complements modeling
elements in a simple and elegant way.
2.2.4 Avoiding, or Delaying, Commitment to
an Execution Platform
A UAL should allow modelers, and developers, to
produce an executable system and, at the same time,
to delay commitment to an execution platform. For
example, a modeler should be able to define state
machine actions in the UAL, and later in the
development life cycle, a developer can choose to
generate or embed Java code (or both), after
committing to a Java execution platform. This is
desirable in a model driven environments, where the
same model may be eventually implemented on
more than one execution platform.
2.2.5 Early Verification and Enhancement
of Reuse
Because a UAL would be defined over an
executable subset of UML, it must be possible to
execute the UML models, along with the associated
action language, early in modeling activities.
Modelers can then see an executable prototype of
their system, and refine their model accordingly.
2.3 Why Not Use a Programming
or Constraint Language?
Reasons for not using an existing programming
language can be summarized in the following four
points. These mirror the points expressed by Mellor
et al (Mellor et al, 1999):
2.3.1 Programming Languages Provide
more than What an Action Language
Java console I/O statements, and UI frameworks for
Java are examples where the programming language
is too powerful for what is needed from an action
language. A programming language provides a large
number of statements and libraries to accomplish the
tasks like displaying output. They also provide
freedom regarding how instance variables and
methods can be used to represent and manipulate
attributes and associations. Such concepts therefore
have many concrete mappings, and when presented
with implementation code, the developer has a hard
time seeing the abstractions. A UAL can abstract the
most commonly used concepts and make the
algorithmic elements in models easier to understand.
2.3.2 Commitment to Implementation
When programming an abstraction such as an
association in a language like Java, one is forced to
choose the low-level details, such as the names of
methods and the algorithms. It is hard to change
these later. As another example, when implementing
a state machine one may choose to use a string
attribute, but one may later on decide to change to
an enum and hence have to change the code
considerably. On the other hand, if using a UAL,
this decision would be made by the compiler or code
generator, and could be changed simply by changing
the some configuration option, if a need arises.
2.3.3 Programming Languages
do not Support Concepts such
as Associations or States
As mentioned, a language like Java Does Not Have
Constructs for the Representation of Associations or
State machines, and consequently does not Promote
Abstract Thinking on the Part of Programmers.
2.3.4 Declarative Constraint Languages
Lack Support for Algorithms
OCL-like languages do a good job in navigating
associations and defining pre and post conditions,
but do not support implementation of algorithms.
Our example is comprised of the class and state
machine models illustrated in Figures 1 and 2. The
class diagram describes a simple shopping system.
Class Order has a deliveryAddress attribute, and an
optional one-to-one association with ShoppingCart.
Figure 2 shows the state machine diagram for
instances of the class Order.
Figure 1: UML Class Diagram.
Figure 2: State machine diagram for the order class.
The state machine defines the behavior of the
instances of the class Order. When event
CheckOut() occurs, the order object becomes
instantaneously in EstablishingCustomer state. Upon
entering that state, the entry action is executed.
Additional actions and transitions are illustrated in
Figure 2.
To analyse UML action language, we focus on the
scope, statements, language structure, and assess the
abstraction level. In what follows, and without loss
of generality, we routinely refer to Alf as a
representative UML Action Language.
Alf statements add a level of abstraction to
widely adopted high level programming languages.
Alf aims to maintain similar look and feel to high
level programming languages like Java to enhance
adoptability. For example, comments and blocks are
formed in the same manner.
We present two classifications of Alf statements;
one is based on modeling elements, and the other on
the abstraction level compared to a common object
oriented programming language like Java.
4.1 Modeling Element Classification
In this classification, Alf statements are classified
into four categories: 1) statements for manipulation
of local variables; 2) statements for manipulation of
attributes; 3) statements for manipulation and
navigation of associations, and 4) statements for
specifying behavior
The following subsections give an example for
each category and are not meant to be exhaustive.
4.1.1 Manipulation of Local Variables
Alf allows the modeler to create variables for
intermediate computation. Variables can be created,
assigned, and reassigned in a fashion similar to
programming languages. Expressions in this
category include assignment and comparison
In that sense, there is a little difference between
Alf and any other programming language, except
that Alf differentiates between modeling attributes
and local variables.
4.1.2 Manipulation of Attributes
To manipulate attributes in a class diagram, Alf
must provide means for navigation of the class
diagram, as well as namespaces. The statements and
expressions in this category bear some similarity
with OCL expressions. For example, the following
statement navigates from CreditCardCharge, to
Order, to ShoppingCart:
Because many existing languages use the dot
notation, Alf considers the following to be
semantically equivalent:
In addition, Alf supports common high level
programming statements, like:
• Boolean operations (And, Or, etc)
• Increment and decrement of attributes
• Additions and subtractions
4.1.3 Manipulation and Navigation
of Associations
Expressions for manipulating associations are
performed similarly to navigation expressions in
OCL. One difference is that collections in Alf are
flat; a collection cannot itself contain collections.
UAL defines link statements to add and remove
objects to and from association ends. For example,
to add Credit Card to the Order-CreditCardCharge
association, the UAL syntax is similar to:
order ->add(new_creditCard)
4.1.4 Specifying Behaviour
This category encompasses a wide range of the
statements. All statements for manipulation of local
variables and attributes also fall under this category,
since the definition of behavior inevitably includes
manipulation of variables and attributes.
Similar to high level programming languages, a
curly bracket can be used to group a number of
statements into a block. Alf statements and blocks
can be associated with annotations that define
execution semantics using the keyword @. For
example, such an annotation can define whether the
statement, or block, is executing in the same or
separate thread.
Most importantly, Alf supports the so called in-
line statement, where a native code of a
programming language can be embedded. Alf passes
the in-line statements to the underlying platform for
execution., Platform independence is compromised
as soon as an inline code is inserted.
Lastly, under this category is Alf control
structures (if, switch, while, do, for, break and
return). The syntax and semantics for such
statement is very similar to traditional programming
4.2 Abstraction Level Classification
Action languages are, by definition, at a higher
abstraction level compared to common object
oriented programming languages. However, as we
have illustrated, some Alf statements are at the same
abstraction level as a classic programming language.
We therefore use two categories for this
classification; common abstraction level, an
abstraction level common to modern programming
languages, and a high abstraction level, an
abstraction level higher than this. For example,
when a UAL statement can be implemented in one
object-oriented programming language statement,
the UAL statement is categorized under common
abstraction level. However, when the UAL
statement requires more than one programming
language statement, the UAL statement is
categorized under high abstraction level.
4.2.1 Common Abstraction Level
Alf statements concerned with manipulation of local
variables and attributes, as well as Alf’s control
structure statements, largely fall under this category.
A language such as Java makes available syntax for
manipulating attributes as well as logical and
comparison operations similar to that of Alf. At
times, the syntax of Alf is identical to that of Java, in
an attempt to enhance the action language
familiarity and adoption.
4.2.2 High Abstraction Level
Three main aspects of Alf’s syntax fall under this
category, namely:
1. Manipulation of Associations
2. Annotation
3. Mixin of inline native code
These three aspects are not typically available in an
object oriented programming language, without the
use of libraries. In that sense, Alf’s syntax is of a
higher level of abstraction.
4.3 Challenges in the Current Alf
The current top-to-bottom approach to defining an
action language gives rise to the following issues.
Firstly, a considerable number of constructs in
the action language are indeed identical to
programming languages. This might be desirable but
does raise the question about to what extent an
Action Language is different than a programming
language? Does the difference justify the overhead
of creating a yet another programming language?
Secondly, there is no evidence that the scope and
depth of the current statements are sufficient to
satisfactorily produce executable systems. Any
action language needs to support wide variety of
domains and be able to sufficiently support the
development of wide variety of applications. An
action language should support constructs that are
most valuable in a modeling environment, and do so
in a way that has been shown to be usable by
Thirdly, do the newly-defined constructs blend
well in a modeling environment? An action
language should eventually generate executable
artifacts. It is still unclear to what extent the existing
UAL statements will help in generating error-free
artifacts. In a typical modeling environment, models
generate different patterns of code; action languages
should be able to deal with this complexity by
generating code that overall behaves as expected.
Finally, the design of the action languages, we
observe, is based on best guess effort to define what
constitutes an action language, and what not.
We are not aware of any empirical evidence that
Alf statements actually reflect existing patterns in
software development sources across platforms and
domains. Moreover, because an action language will
execute in a modeling environment, the evidence
needs to be based on patterns prevalent in an
executable modeling environment, which to date, is
not widely adopted.
In our efforts to avoid some of the challenges in
the top-bottom approach of defining action
languages, we have built a platform that supports
incremental definition of an action language in a
modeling environment. Our bottom-up approach
compliments the effort to formalize and standardize
action languages and avoids some of those
The Umple approach to implementing a UML action
language is distinct from the official OMG approach
in three aspects. First, Umple makes a textual
representation available for UML modeling
elements and integrates the textual action language
with the textual modeling constructs. This is done
without loss of the visual representation of UML
models. Modelers can create and edit models
diagrammatically or textually, and can embed the
action language textually. This allows modelers and
the developers to reason uniformly about models
and action language statements. Second, Umple’s
bottom-up approach attempts to raise the abstraction
level of the widely adopted programming languages
to include modeling abstractions and action
semantics, effectively overcoming limitations
associated with programming languages use as
action languages in UML models. Such an approach
enabled the team to continuously use the UML and
the Action Language in building real systems of
considerable complexity.
We raise the abstraction level of programming
languages by iteratively executing the following
language refinements (LRs).
L.R-1. Make available additional, and more abstract,
language constructs.
L.R-2. Restrict and modify statements so they
become language independent
L.R-3. Within our modeling and action language
environment, and by building complex systems, we
iteratively identify new language constructs for
inclusion in our Action Language.
Umple is a complete development platform. The
discussion in this paper is limited to its relevance to
UML action languages. Other publications on
Umple should be referred to for more information
(Badreddin et al, 2014), (Badreddin et al, 2014),
(Badreddin, 2013), (Badreddin & Lehtbridge, 2013),
(Badreddin et al, 2012), (Badreddin & Lethbridge,
5.1 Overcoming Limitations with
Existing Programming Languages
for use as an Action Language
Umple, as we show in the remainder of this paper,
addresses the limitations in programming languages
for use as an action language as follows.
5.1.1 Programming Languages Provide
more than What an Action
Language needs
This limitation is overcome in Umple by limiting the
scope of the programming language into the subset
required in the action language. The Umple
compiler handles this by marking statements that are
outside of a limited set with a warning in the editor
view. Those warnings do not prevent Umple from
compiling and executing the model and the action
language, because the underlying Umple platform
supports all programming language statements. We
find this flexibility highly useful in building full
systems using Umple. In addition, the scope of an
Action Language that is powerful enough to build
complete systems is bigger than we first anticipated.
5.1.2 Commitment to Implementation
Umple no longer requires the programmer to
implement many abstract concepts; as in ordinary
compilers, the many implementation decisions are
left to the compiler designers. The compiler will
select a suitable implementation based on the target
Take for example a 'for loop' in a typical high-
level language compiler. The for loop is
implemented in a machine language in a number of
different ways, all are deemed acceptable as long as
the semantics of the for loop is maintained. Taking
the same concept to the modeling abstraction,
consider a state machine. There are a variety of
approaches to the implementation of state machine
behavior (Gurp & Bosch, 1999), from an action
language perspective, all are acceptable as long as
the semantics of the state machine is maintained.
5.1.3 Programming Languages Concepts
Such as Association or States
This is one core aspect of Umple. Umple makes
available those UML constructs in the language
itself. This becomes evident when we present the
language syntax.
5.1.4 Declarative Constraint Languages
Lack Support for Algorithms
Because Umple is based on object-oriented
programming languages, this limitation is not
applicable to Umple. In addition, Umple supports
aspects of the OCL, an example being the pre and
post conditions we present in the following sections.
5.2 Umple Syntax
We illustrate Umple syntax by implementing our
motivating example (explained in Figures 1 and 2)
using Umple syntax. Umple models a Class and its
associated state machines in the same or separate
artifacts. In this paper, we model the class and state
machine models in the same artifact. The class
diagram and state machine diagram in Figure 1 and
2 can be represented in Umple, in part, as follows:
Class Order {
1 -- * CreditCardCharge;
0..1 – 1 ShoppingCart;
orderStatemachine {
EstablishingCustomer {
entry / {establishCustomer();}
chargeSubmitted -> Charging; }
Charging {
entry / {processCharge();}
paymentApproved -> Packing;
paymentDeclined ->
PaymentDeclined; } } }
class CreditCardCharge {
expiryDate; }
This illustrates the textual representation of UML
models in Umple. In addition to the UML elements
present in the motivating example, Umple has
similar syntax for nested states, entry, exit and
transition actions, guards, events, and do activities.
The complete Umple grammar and syntax is
maintained on the Umple home page (Lethbridge et
al, 2012).
5.3 Umple Modeling Abstractions
In this section, we define the execution semantics of
Umple’s modeling and algorithmic elements. Umple
defines an executable subset of UML for which
Umple generates executable artifacts that implement
this semantics. Examples of the modeling elements
are the following.
5.3.1 Associations
Umple supports all possible multiplicity
combinations, and generates code that maintains
multiplicity and referential integrity at run time. For
our motivating example, Umple makes available the
following statements for the one-to-many
association with CreditCardCharge:
getCreditCardCharge(int index)
This interface returns the creditCardCharge
matching the index.
This returns a list of all creditCardCharges.
This returns the number of creditCardCharges
associated with the order object.
This returns true if the object order has at least one
creditCardCharge associated with it.
This returns the index of the creaditCardCharge.
Umple also generates interfaces to manipulate
associations by adding and removing objects to
either side of the association. Those interfaces
maintain the integrity of association multiplicities at
run time. This is an example of additional, and more
abstract language constructs (L.R-1).
5.3.2 Attributes
Umple generates setter and getter interfaces for all
attributes, and allows the user to insert his own pre
and post conditions for the setters and getters.
Various properties such as immutability can also be
5.3.3 State Machine
UML state machines define the behavior of
instances of a class. Umple generates artifacts to
implement state machine semantics. Events become
part of the system interface and the state transitions
are executed in response to events.
State machine guards are an example of limiting
the scope of a programming language (L.R-2). Early
releases of Umple allowed arbitrary statements as
guards. We later restricted guard code to be only
simple Boolean expressions, or a function call that
returns a Boolean value.
Umple events illustrate where a construct is
modified to make it language independent (L.R-1).
Umple events are represented by a name, rather than
a function call statement, making the event name
language-independent; the syntax is unchanged
regardless of the target language.
5.3.4 Umple Algorithmic Elements
To fully support UML executable environment,
Umple enables modelers to include algorithmic
elements in the model. Algorithmic elements can
make use of Umple’s generated interface. Modelers
can embed their natively-defined algorithmic
elements in the language of their choosing. Let’s
take the example of navigating from
CreditCardCharge to Order, to ShoppingCard.
Because Umple generates automatically a number of
interfaces, the navigation can be performed as
Algorithmic code can be embedded within state
machine entry, exit, and transition actions. Blocks
of code from inline algorithmic statements can be
referenced by name within any state machine
We are iteratively adding additional restrictions
to Umple-based object-oriented languages (L.R-2
and L.R-3). For example, we restrict manipulation
of the model attributes to only the setters and
getters. We also disallow statements that manipulate
internal representation for state machines and
5.4 Umple in Practice
Because Umple is a fully executable action language
environment, we are able to use it in building a
variety of applications, both model-intensive and/or
algorithmic-intensive. We came to the realization
that the subset of a programming language to satisfy
the action language requirement is larger than we
first anticipated (L.R-3). We currently limit
statements that violate modeling integrity, for
example, statements that result in updating state
machine internal representations. Because there are
a wide variety of systems where Umple is used,
limiting the scope of the action language results in
unintended hindrance to modelers and developers
We have built Umple using Umple itself, a
practice commonly referred to as ‘eating your own
dog food’. This guarantees robustness.
Before making the comparison, it is imperative to
note the following core differences:
1. Alf is an action language added to UML, while
Umple is an action language in a fully executable
platform for experimenting and developing action
2. While both Alf and Umple target an
unambiguous execution of UML models, Umple
takes the approach of raising the abstraction
levels of object programming languages, while
Alf defines a new language that will then be
executed on some platform.
6.1 Representation of the UML
Modeling and Execution Artifacts
Alf is to be embedded in the visual elements of
UML models. The supporting tool should enable the
modeler to manipulate both textual and visual
elements in the same view. UML models, in
particular large models, may become overloaded by
the number of textual elements. In addition, some
macro textual editing features may inevitably be
compromised by embedded the textual artifacts
across a number of visual elements.
Umple assumes the visual model and the textual
representation are two faces of the same coin.
Umple attempts to blur the lines between the model
and the action language, where the visual model
becomes merely an editable view.
6.2 Approach for Raising
the Abstraction Level
Alf implies a language-independent language. In
other words, a file containing UAL statements can
generate virtually any implementation language
code, whether that be Java, or Php. This conforms to
the common need in model driven engineering
projects, where the implementation language and
platform need to be determined in a lazy fashion.
Umple’s bottom-up approach takes the stand of
starting from a full-fledged object-oriented
programming language. This approach enabled us
1. Build real and fully functional systems using
Umple, and learn from how an action language
is used in a modeling environment.
2. Iteratively add refinements to enhance the
programming language.
3. Quickly assess the impact of limiting scope, or
adding new abstractions, to systems and users.
4. Significantly reduce barriers to adoption. Using
a familiar syntax means Umple users require
minimal training to be able to start using and
building systems using Umple.
This does mean that for each base language we
have to create a parser that extends the base
language with Umple concepts. We have done this
for Java PHP and C++ and other languages that
allow the {} notation for blocks. The Umple
constructs would not need to change.
6.3 Platform Independence
In a Model Driven Arechitecture, a Platform
Independent Model (PIM) is a model that has no
platform dependencies, while a Platform Specific
Model (PSM) is a model optimized for execution on
a specific platform (France & Rumpe, 2007). Alf is
a PIM, since there is should be no dependency on
the language side for execution on any specific
platform. However, as soon as native code is
embedded in-line, the platform independence is
compromised, since the model becomes tide to the
embedded language platform.
Pure models in Umple are platform independent,
since executable semantics can be generated for any
platform. Umple action language is as platform-
independent as the underlying language execution
platform is.
6.4 Lines of Code Comparison
While lines of code (LoC) is a simple measure, it is
considered to be a good indicator for complexity
(Gold et al, 2005). Alf, at the time of writing, does
not support state machine constructs. We therefore
make the comparison based on class diagram,
associations, and attributes. Because attributes are
defined in similar fashion in Alf and Umple, we
focus on classes and association. For the sake of
demonstration, let’s consider the association
between the classes ShoppingCart and Product. This
association is represented in Alf as follows:
public active class ShoppingCart;
public active class Product;
public assoc R4 {
public : ShoppingCart[0..*];
public : Product[1..*]; }
In Umple, this association is defined as follows
class ShoppingCart {
0..* -- 1..* Product; }
In the case of Umple, there is no need to explicitly
define a class Product because Umple identifies
Product as a class as it is participating in an
association. In addition, the association can be
defined in one end class, or both, or in a separate
Our motivating example has four associations,
which can be implemented in Alf in (4*5 = 20
LOC), while in Umple, the same associations are
implemented in (4*2 = 8 LOC).
There is a consensus in the research and professional
communities that UML models are, by themselves,
incomplete with regard to executability. UML
models can have a number of varying interpretations
(Evans, 1998), (France et al, 1997), (Evans, 1998).
Action languages, or methods for formalizing
execution semantics, are referred to as a way to
provide such formalism.
For different types of models, researchers and
practitioners have identified the need for explicit and
unambiguous execution formalism. At the meta-
model level, Muller et al (Muller et al, 2005)
proposed a language for precise action specification
at the meta level. Sunyé (Sunyé, 2001) illustrates
how an action language can be applied at the meta-
model level to maintain behavior-preserving
transformation, implement design patterns, and
achieve design aspect weaving (Keller & Schauer,
1998). Action language usages extend to formally
defining model transformations. Varro and Pataricza
(Varro & Pataricza, 2003) propose an executable
action language for formally defining model
transformations. Their language generates model
transformation scripts for a number of existing off-
the-shelf software tools.
Alvarez et al (Alvarez et al, 2001) proposes an
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are defined as computational procedures with side-
A Java-like action language called JAL is
proposed by (Dinh-Trong et al, 2005). JAL is a
simple language that they used for defining the
actions in the activity diagrams with the goal of
automated test generation for class and activity
We have defined a technology called Umple that has
some advantages over Alf as a UML action
language. Alf is a new textual language designed to
be embedded in UML constructs, whereas Umple
allows any language to be used as an action
We also have developed a process whereby we
have incrementally developed Umple bottom-up to
provide action-language capabilities. It has been
tested in practice on various systems, including
Umple itself. This contrasts with Alf, which has
been developed top-down. Umple can be
incrementally be adopted by developers who are
used to using standard languages and want to move
towards modeling; Alf, on the other hand requires a
complete rewrite of action code.
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