Review of the Use of Electroencephalography as an Evaluation Method
for Human-Computer Interaction
emy Frey
, Christian M
, Fabien Lotte
and Martin Hachet
Univ. Bordeaux, LaBRI, UMR 5800, F-33400 Talence, France
CNRS, LaBRI, UMR 5800, F-33400 Talence, France
INRIA, F-33400 Talence, France
HCI evaluation, EEG, ErrP, Workload, Attention, Emotions.
Evaluating human-computer interaction is essential as a broadening population uses machines, sometimes in
sensitive contexts. However, traditional evaluation methods may fail to combine real-time measures, an “ob-
jective” approach and data contextualization. In this review we look at how adding neuroimaging techniques
can respond to such needs. We focus on electroencephalography (EEG), as it could be handled effectively
during a dedicated evaluation phase. We identify workload, attention, vigilance, fatigue, error recognition,
emotions, engagement, flow and immersion as being recognizable by EEG. We find that workload, attention
and emotions assessments would benefit the most from EEG. Moreover, we advocate to study further error
recognition through neuroimaging to enhance usability and increase user experience.
Along computer science history, interfaces and inter-
actions have been getting more complex. Nowadays
computers are everywhere, used by everyone. It is
necessary to make them comply with human capabil-
ities, practical to use. This is mostly done by evalu-
ating HCI prior to their public availability. Yet tradi-
tional evaluation methods could either be ambiguous,
lack real-time recordings, or disrupt the interaction.
On the other hand, new technologies arise. Phys-
iological sensors help to improve the ergonomics
of human-computer interaction (HCI) (Fairclough,
2009). Systems could be tuned to users by monitor-
ing their mental workload in real-time (Kohlmorgen
et al., 2007). Physiological sensors add an insightful
information channel. However sensors may be intru-
sive or require a calibration to record a proper signal,
and some are hardly available to consumers.
These issues could be resolved by using physio-
logical sensors in HCI evaluation. While designing
a user interface (UI) it should be acceptable to add
sensors’ hindrance to specially enrolled users. Those
testers will then help to improve beforehand the UI.
Laboratory conditions permit a controlled setup for
repeatable measures. Neuroimaging rely on demand-
ing but sensitive sensors. We consider them as an in-
novative supplement to conventional evaluation meth-
ods. Measuring neural activity during HCI can help
us to better understand what occurs in the brain when
users are interacting (Parasuraman, 2013).
We highlight in this paper which neuroimaging
techniques could be used conveniently within labora-
tories to overcome the difficulties encountered by tra-
ditional evaluation methods alone. We review a reper-
toire of patterns of users’ state which could be used to
characterize HCI, and evaluate how neuroimaging ob-
jectively measures them. We call those patterns “con-
structs”, a term which refers to notions as different as
workload and the state of “flow”.
Other papers already began to sense how neu-
rotechnologies benefit HCI, but they do not cover
evaluation (George and L
ecuyer, 2010), or if so they
do not study many constructs. (Parasuraman, 2013)
only discuss workload, vigilance and error recogni-
tion. In the present review we gathered from the HCI
literature every major construct which could poten-
tially be evaluated with brain activity.
In this review, we first briefly describe the differ-
ent families of evaluation methods aimed at assessing
HCI and UI quality, along with their advantages and
drawbacks. We divided them in four categories: be-
havioral studies (observations of users actions in real-
time), inquiries (e.g. questionnaires, interviews, think
aloud), physiological sensors (e.g. heart rate, galvanic
skin response) and neuroimaging (a subset of physio-
Frey J., Mühl C., Lotte F. and Hachet M..
Review of the Use of Electroencephalography as an Evaluation Method for Human-Computer Interaction.
DOI: 10.5220/0004708102140223
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems (PhyCS-2014), pages 214-223
ISBN: 978-989-758-006-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
logical sensors which records brain activity). We also
formalize a new scale (whenever the measure is “ex-
ocentic” or “egocentric”) which could help to choose
the right combination of methods for evaluations.
We show that electroencephalography (EEG) is
the neuroimaging technique which offers the best
trade-off between spatial and temporal resolution,
practical use and cost. Therefore we focus on EEG
during the second part. We review there constructs
related to the quality of HCI. We identified that work-
load, attention, vigilance, fatigue, error recognition,
emotions, engagement, flow and immersion are use-
ful for evaluation and can be measured with EEG.
Finally we outline the challenges and limitations
which arise from this encounter between HCI evalua-
tion and neurotechnologies, as well as constructs that
could benefit from being measurable with EEG.
2.1 Behavioral Studies
Recording users interactions, such as mouse speed, is
one standard way to evaluate a UI. “Behavioral stud-
ies” refers to this method: behavior and actions of
users inside a software. Behavioral studies are close
to performance measures, as seen in human factors.
The easiest way to sense if a UI is well designed is
to watch users. How fast do they complete the task?
Are they more accurate with a bigger mouse cursor?
Such methods helped to formulate a preeminent law
in HCI, Fitts’s law, which is all about time to reach a
target depending on its distance and size (Fitts, 1954).
Although behavioral studies are able to account in
real-time for users’ interactions, they can be hard to
interpret: measures may not be specific to one con-
struct. E.g. a high reaction time can be caused ei-
ther by a low concentration level or a high workload
(Berka and Levendowski, 2007), (Hart and Staveland,
1988). On top of that, behavioral studies may not pro-
vide much information on the users’ state. With sim-
ple tasks in particular, little can be computed beside
reaction times and a performance metric.
2.2 Inquiries
While it is possible to infer users’ thoughts through
a behavioral study, it may be simpler to record their
opinion. We call this “inquiries”. In HCI we are inter-
ested in questionnaires related to the use of a UI. Stan-
dardized questionnaires have been validated across
several studies for various measures: e.g. NASA-TLX
for workload (Hart and Staveland, 1988).
Unfortunately those “pen and paper” tests are dis-
crete and are not good for real-time assessments. The
“think aloud” protocol (Weber, 2007) is a way to cir-
cumvent this, yet it could influence the interaction as
users still have two different things to do: interact
and report their experience. It is an example of dou-
ble task and divided attention (Ogolla, 2011). “Fo-
cus groups” (Bruseberg and McDonagh-Philp, 2002)
is the third form of inquiry. It involves experts and ad-
vanced users, who exchange about their findings un-
der the control of the designer.
Questionnaires, think aloud an focus group are
three different forms of inquiry fraught with the same
hazards. Resulting measures are prone to be contam-
inated by ambiguities (Nisbett and Wilson, 1977), so-
cial pressure (Picard, 1995) or participants’ memory
limitations (Kivikangas et al., 2010) when answers
are not oriented toward experimenters’ expectations if
subjects figure out what is at stake.
2.3 Physiological Sensors
When humans interact with computers bodily
changes co-occurs with mental changes. E.g. pupils
dilate while experiencing strong emotions (Partala
and Surakka, 2003). Physiological sensors can be
used in order to account for such body changes in
HCI (Fairclough, 2009), (Dirican and G
urk, 2011)
or game (Ravaja, 2009), (Nacke et al., 2009) research.
Galvanic skin response (GSR, also called “electroder-
mal activity”) is among those sensors, as well as elec-
trocardiography (ECG, the signal modality heart rate
is derived from) and electromyography (EMG, caused
by muscular activity, including facial expressions).
Even if someone trained could control his heart-
beat, physiological cues are great for the “objectiv-
ity” they bring into HCI (see section 2.5). Body re-
actions are sometimes misleading though: you may
record ECG to study attention, whereas an increase
in heartbeat can also be caused by strong feelings.
Muscles and organs are controlled by the peripheral
nervous system. Physiological sensors are a second-
order inference about the processing which occurs in
the central nervous system.
2.4 Neuroimaging
Neuroimaging is a currently rising field used in brain-
computer interfaces (BCI) settings (Blankertz et al.,
2010), (Hamadicharef, 2010). Neuroimaging tech-
niques allows the assessment of brain activity; we
classify them apart even if strictly speaking they do
belong to physiological sensors.
Non-invasive neuroimaging techniques, which do
not require surgery, are divided into two main families
(Zander and Kothe, 2011). Functional magnetic res-
onance imaging (fMRI) and functional near-infrared
spectroscopy (fNIRS) record brain activity through
blood flow variations. fMRI has a very good spatial
resolution but is a large device which completely sur-
rounds subjects and costs about one million dollars.
fNIRS is a much more lightweight and affordable de-
vice. Instead of magnetic fields, it uses direct light
for recordings. Sensors are fixed on a cap, hence sub-
jects are free to interact with a computer while wear-
ing it. Compared to fMRI, the spatial resolution of
fNIRS is less detailed. It records only the outer re-
gion of the brain – light is absorbed by tissues. fMRI
and fNIRS share a poor temporal resolution. With a
latency reaching up to several seconds it is difficult to
observe fast and short responses.
The second family of neuroimaging uses electri-
cal currents generated by neural activity. Magnetoen-
cephalography (MEG) records magnetic fields. It is
less heavy and expensive than fMRI, but still hardly
manageable for uses in HCI contexts. MEG has a
high temporal resolution, down to the millisecond.
Electroencephalography (EEG) also has a high tem-
poral resolution. It is comparable in size to fNIRS.
EEG measures electrical current onto the scalp. Elec-
trodes are “dry” no electrolyte solution or, more
frequently, “wet” – solvent is either water or gel. De-
spite its poor spatial resolution it is a relatively cheap
equipment for a laboratory. Because it is portable and
non invasive, it interferes little with HCI setting.
Experimenters must be cautious with the limita-
tions of the device they choose. Is the signal-to-noise
ratio sufficient for what they intend to measure? What
artifacts could pollute their data? Are they in con-
trol of the algorithms producing measures from raw
signals? That said, EEG is the most promising candi-
date to assist inquiries and other physiological sensors
in a wide range of evaluation measures. Compared
to others neuroimaging devices, EEG offers the best
compromise between spatial and temporal resolution,
practical use and cost. Therefore we focus mostly on
this type of brain activity recordings in this paper.
2.5 A New Continuum for HCI
Evaluation Methods
We have previously mentioned how the evaluation
methods do bring different levels of “objectivity” in
their measures. Unfortunately, in such context “ob-
jective” and “subjective” are scarcely defined in the
literature. According to (van de Laar et al., 2013),
“the objective methods are based on overt and covert
user responses during interaction while the subjective
methods rely on user expressions after the interac-
tion”. From that perspective, inquiries are “subjec-
tive” while behavioral studies, physiological sensors
and neuroimaging are “objective”.
While we agree such a distinction is required, a
more rigorous vocabulary is needed. We also doubt
the “time” variable should be involved in the defini-
tion. As stated in section 2.2, results of inquiries are
prone to social pressure and other self-interpretations,
and this is also true for the real-time think aloud.
Moreover, when studying emotions, it could be ar-
gued that only “subjective” feelings are recorded, as
the evaluation is centered on the user. Hence, with-
out a complex phrasing (i.e. “objective measure of
subjective feelings”), employing such words is open
to criticisms. As an alternative “direct” and “indi-
rect” could be considered. But then those concepts
are more likely to refer to how measures are reported,
not where they originate from (e.g. EMG vs an exter-
nal observer annotating facial expressions).
As such, we would like to introduce a new nomen-
clature to name those two aspects and avoid ambigui-
ties: exocentric and egocentric. Those terms are bor-
rowed from spacial navigation research (Brandt et al.,
1973) and bring the notion of the self. Exocentric
measures are here close to the stimuli, to the source,
while egocentric measures are close to the conscious
thoughts of the user, to the outcome.
Figure 1: Proposal of an “exocentric / egocentric” scale
aimed at classifying evaluation methods for HCI.
We therefore create a continuous space between
two extremes (see Figure 1). We illustrate this scale
with the measurement of pain. The pressure of a
needle on a finger would represent a perfect exocen-
tric measure: the stimulus’ strength, a value discon-
nected from human body and perceptions. When the
pressure is transmitted to nociceptors in the skin, the
measure shifts a little from exocentric to egocentric.
As nerves are transmitting signals from the peripheral
nervous system to the brain, we go further to the right
of the axis. Since we may not be interested in skin’s
thickness, this neural activity represents the first inter-
esting value from this side of the exo/egocentric scale.
Neuroimaging techniques record such activity, hence
it is the most exocentric evaluation method. When the
signal reaches the central nervous system, autonomic
responses are triggered increase in heart rate, gal-
vanic skin response (Loggia et al., 2011). Those re-
actions could be recorded through physiological sen-
sors, a step further from the exocentric extreme.
As the pain grows, it will alter behaviors and
thoughts. A runner may slow down when experienc-
ing pain in a foot, no matter his willingness. Behav-
ioral studies are able to sense modifications occurring
against the will of the subject; that could be placed
somewhere in the middle of our scale. Concurrently,
most of the time, the person is being aware of the pain
and could phrase it if asked to. Many other cognitive
processes are involved in such a high level of con-
sciousness (e.g. planning, awareness), thus measures
recorded by inquiries are close to the far-end of the
scale and are indeed egocentric.
This scale can be used for various evaluations.
Eventually, it is possible to add “objective/subjective”
and “direct/indirect” to describe a whole framework.
A construct could be objective (usability) or subjec-
tive (emotions). A tool could be either direct (sen-
sor) or indirect (observer). A method is more exo-
centric (neuroimaging) or egocentric (inquiries). E.g.
the work of an experimenter assessing workload with
ECG can be described as objective/exocentric/direct.
“Constructs” designate the patterns of users’ state
which could be used to characterize interactions. This
part reviews relevant constructs from an HCI eval-
uation perspective that can be assessed using neu-
roimaging techniques. We grouped similar measure-
3.1 Workload
3.1.1 Definition
Humans have a limited set of resources to process in-
formation (Just et al., 2003). The ratio between pro-
cessing power and data coming from the environment
determines mental workload. Workload increases as
cognitive resources lessen or as the quantity of de-
mands grows. If the workload is too high subject’s
performance decreases, sometimes dramatically.
3.1.2 Neuroimaging
Using a device with 9 channels (Berka and Leven-
dowski, 2007) correlated EEG with workload. With
a better equipment (Mathan et al., 2007) showed
how EEG measures more subtle changes compared
to ECG. fNIRS is another well-tried technology: neu-
rons require more energy, hence more oxygen, as the
load increases. fNIRS showed better results com-
pared to EEG, with 82% of correct classifications be-
tween 2 classes (low vs high workload) and 50% with
3 classes (low, medium, high) (Hirshfield et al., 2009).
In (Blankertz et al., 2010) EEG online analyses
(i.e. in real-time) discriminate 2 classes with a 70%
accuracy. A 2 minutes time window enables scores
from 80% to 90% (Brouwer et al., 2012). With 2
classes still, reviews report scores close to 100% if
EEG is combined with other physiological sensors
(van Erp et al., 2010). (Grimes et al., 2008) claim
99% success in distinguishing 2 memory load levels,
88% with 4.
3.2 Attention – Vigilance – Fatigue
3.2.1 Definition
Attention, vigilance and fatigue are closely related
and regularly measured altogether (Oken et al., 2006).
Attention” refers to the ability to focus cognitive
resources on a particular stimulus (Kivikangas et al.,
2010). A correct selective attention allows to ignore
distractors. An insufficient attention level results in a
difficulty or an inability to complete the task, whereas
too high or narrow attention resources may prevent
someone to disengage from a sub-task.
While in the literature, “attention” designates
more frequently the ability to perceive changes from
the environment, the term “vigilance” then often
refers to a broader resource, dependent of both cog-
nitive performance and the arousal level on the sleep–
wake spectrum (Oken et al., 2006). In that sense it
refers to a state of sustained attention. One needs to
maintain a high degree of vigilance over time in order
to focus his attention on something. Hereby “alert-
ness” will be considered as a synonym of “vigilance”.
“Fatigue” is a state in which cognitive resources
are exhausted. If the required level of vigilance or
attention causes a strain too important on the organ-
ism, fatigue arises and performances decrease (Bok-
sem et al., 2005). Then the task cannot be performed
correctly and errors appear (van Erp et al., 2010).
3.2.2 Neuroimaging
The alpha band is associated with attention. When
eyes are closed, or when fatigue occurs, alpha waves
amplitude increases (Shaw, 2003). This frequency
band in the range 8-12Hz is mostly generated by the
occipital lobe. It is easily recorded with EEG, even
with a single electrode (George et al., 2011). Alpha
band analysis discriminates different attention levels
(Klimesch et al., 1998). Even more, it enables to de-
tect which side of his visual field a subject is paying
attention to while his eyes stare in front of him with
70% accuracy (Trachel et al., 2013).
Other types of brain activity are used, such as de-
lays in event-related potentials (ERP) e.g. visual se-
lective attention in (Saavedra and Bougrain, 2012).
(Berka and Levendowski, 2007) suggested that
EEG is the only sensor which can accurately report
attention and vigilance shifts on a second-by-second
timeframe. Works investigating vigilance measures
are reviewed in (Parasuraman, 2013).
Regarding fatigue, if EEG signals are not more
accurate than physiological sensors to detect mi-
crosleeps, they offer the possibility to detect preced-
ing inattentive states (Blankertz et al., 2010, sec. 3.1).
Mental fatigue has been detected on 4 seconds time
windows with 80% accuracy, or 94% over 30 seconds
(Laurent et al., 2013). In order to improve reliabil-
ity, additional frequency ranges were recorded in this
study. For instance alpha, theta (4-8Hz) and beta (13-
18Hz) bands have been combined. ERP on the other
hand have been used to study how fatigue impairs dif-
ferently cognitive processes (Lorist et al., 2000).
3.3 Error Recognition
3.3.1 Definition
We call “error recognition” the situation that occurs
when users detect by themselves an outcome differ-
ent from what is expected (Nieuwenhuis et al., 2001).
It can be something users genuinely trigger but then
they realize they did a mistake. Or it can happen due
to commands erroneously interpreted by the machine.
Error recognition does not occur when a negative
feedback is given per se (Ferrez and Millan, 2008).
It is a matter of recognition by the user of a faulty
event. In UI evaluation, error recognition could be an
objective measure of subjective (mis)representations,
an objective assessment of how intuitive an HCI is.
3.3.2 Neuroimaging
ERP are “peaks” and “valleys” in averaged EEG
recordings associated with an external event. ERP
differ in their “shapes”, place on the scalp and latency
depending on the source of the stimuli or on the un-
derlying cognitive mechanism. One particular kind
of ERP has been discovered: error-related potentials
(ErrP) (Schalk et al., 2000). They are triggered when
an “error” occurs. It can be caused by something
users themselves did (response ErrP), by an incorrect
response from the command they used (interaction
ErrP), by something they witnessed from another user
(observation ErrP), and also when an explicit negative
feedback is given (feedback ErrP). All of which have
distinguishable features (Ferrez and Millan, 2008).
Response ErrP and interaction ErrP suit perfectly
our definition of “error recognition”. Brain signals are
elicited even when users are not consciously aware of
errors (Nieuwenhuis et al., 2001). ErrP have been
used to discriminate between incorrect and correct
users decisions. In (Chavarriaga and Millan, 2010)
respectively 76% and 63% accuracy were obtained to
detect observation ErrP in “single trial”, i.e. in detect-
ing ErrP for each user’s action.
These scores are common in the literature: 79%
and 84% in a task involving interaction ErrP (Ferrez
and Millan, 2008). Accuracy relates to EEG devices’
quality. From 70% with an entry-level headset and
non gel-based electrodes (Vi and Subramanian, 2012)
up to 90% with a more expansive device (Schmidt
et al., 2012). While ErrP detection does not reach
100% (chance is 50%), those scores are sufficient to
improve HCI reliability (Vi and Subramanian, 2012).
(Sobolewski et al., 2013) recorded EEG while
subjects use a mouse and have to reach different
targets. In one-fourth of the trials the hand-to-
cursor mapping is randomly off-set by several de-
grees. Users do not expect these shifts and the anal-
ysis gives first insights that the amplitudes of elicited
ErrP could relate to the degree of error. If this result
is confirmed we may link error recognition to “intu-
itivity” evaluation.
3.4 Emotions
3.4.1 Definition
Psychology and neuroscience showed that emotions
are connected to high-level reasoning; they are
tightly linked to decision-making processes (Dama-
sio, 1994). The valence/arousal model is the most
commonly used paradigm to categorize emotions (Pi-
card, 1995). In this two-dimensional representation,
valence is related to hedonic tone and varies from
“negative” to “positive” (e.g. frustrated vs pleasant);
arousal is related to bodily and mental activation
and varies from “calm” to “excited” (e.g. satisfied vs
happy). This model must be applied with caution with
some populations. Children hardly make distinction
between different arousal levels (Posner et al., 2005).
3.4.2 Neuroimaging
Technologies with the highest temporal resolution,
such as MEG or EEG, are more indicated when a dy-
namic content is involved (Vecchiato et al., 2011).
An asymmetry within frequency bands (e.g. al-
pha and theta) in the frontal brain could be related
to different emotions (valence), such as pleasant-
ness/unpleasantness (Vecchiato et al., 2011). Still,
EEG is not yet a reliable sensor to assess emotions. In
(Chanel et al., 2011) even if EEG was better than the
other studied physiological sensors on short period of
times, a 56% accuracy barely suffices for the differ-
entiation of three emotions (chance level is 33%).
Some Papers report high classifications rates. In
(Liu et al., 2011) 7 emotions are categorized. Au-
thors state a 85% accuracy for arousal and 90% for
valence. This using only three channels of an EEG
headset which is known to be sensitive to EMG ar-
tifacts. In pure EEG studies it is important to con-
trol for facial expressions (i.e. EMG signals), because
they can be easily recorder by electrodes. This is even
more problematic when emotions are involved. Al-
though we have to be cautious when assessing EEG
reliability, there is nothing wrong in combining EEG
and EMG (or other sensors) to improve overall per-
Despite the lack of clear indicators of affect in
EEG, neuroimaging is nevertheless a good lead for
novel research in this topic. For example different
patterns of EEG signals have been observed depend-
ing on the sense (sight or hearing) which induces an
emotion (M
uhl et al., 2011). It could then be specu-
lated that neuroimaging one day will be able to dis-
criminate which emotion is elicited by which input
modality, or which information channel leads to pos-
itive and which to negative user experience.
3.5 Engagement – Flow – Immersion
3.5.1 Definition
Definitions of “engagement”, “immersion” and
“flow” overlap. From (Matthews et al., 2002), task
engagement is defined as an “effortful striving to-
wards task goals”. Authors add that task engage-
ment increases during a demanding cognitive task
and decreases when participants perform a sustained
and monotonous vigilance task, see also (Fairclough,
2009). In (Chanel et al., 2011) “engagement” is
treated as one particular emotion, expressed as “pos-
itive excited” in the valence/arousal model. Engage-
ment is at a crossroads between several concepts stud-
ied in this paper: workload, attention and emotions.
“Flow” originates from psychological studies in-
volving challenge and/or creativity. It is a state in
which someone is totally involved in what he is doing.
Flow happens when the skills of the person meet a
sufficient amount of challenge. A too important chal-
lenge brings anxiety, for too much skills it is boredom,
and too few of both results in apathy (Nacke and Lind-
ley, 2009). Here again, several measures are involved.
Challenge relates to workload and the resulting state
to emotions. By definition, flow implies engagement.
“Immersion” is studied mainly in virtual reality
(VR) litterature. In (Slater et al., 2009) immersion
stands for the modalities hardware gives to users, how
well devices can preserve fidelity in VR compared to
reality. Then the subjective feeling of being in the VR
is called “presence”. Unfortunately this distinction
between “immersion” and “presence” is less clear-cut
in other papers, see (Nacke and Lindley, 2009).
3.5.2 Neuroimaging
In neuroimaging literature (Fairclough, 2009),
(George and L
ecuyer, 2010) engagement assessment
studies are mentioned, but they often relate only
to sub-components such as workload or attention.
(Berka and Levendowski, 2007) see engagement as
a process related to information gathering, visual
scanning, and sustained attention. This study man-
aged to discriminate workload and engagement by
using EEG but the tasks involved (mental additions,
recalls) are close to what is seen elsewhere in
attention/vigilance protocols. Engagement is often
left entangled with other states in a “performance”
measure, see (Blankertz et al., 2010, sec. 3.2).
Experiments conducted during the FUGA project
showed that flow could be related to fMRI measures
(Ravaja, 2009). The analysis with EEG of frequency
bands shows different pattern across three conditions
of interaction: boredom (i.e. not engaged), flow and
immersion in a pilot study (Nacke et al., 2010). (Berta
et al., 2013) improved on this work and achieved a
66% classification accuracy.
We saw how constructs relevant to HCI can be inves-
tigated with neuroimaging techniques. In this section
we will argue that two of them could benefit drasti-
cally from neurotechnologies: error recognition and
attention. Besides accuracy, both could reach a new
level of description. Furthermore we will emphasize
the need for the evaluation of a whole HCI to account
for constructs of higher level, to study usability and
user experience. Finally we have to take care of EEG
devices and reliability in order to make it casual for
experimenters to use neuroimaging techniques.
4.1 Improving on Constructs
Measuring of two constructs would particularly ben-
efit from improvements in neuroimaging.
First, as it may enable a real-time measure of how
intuitive a UI is, we would benefit from a continuous
and modulated measure of error recognition. We saw
how error recognition can be indicated through ErrP
(Schalk et al., 2000). This means that it is possible to
detect when an interaction runs against users’ expec-
tations (Ferrez and Millan, 2008), i.e. when it is not
intuitive. At the moment only a binary measure and
poorly detailed data “an ErrP is detected or not”
is reliably obtained. Fortunately it seems possible to
measure a modulated ErrP (Sobolewski et al., 2013),
thus sensing by how much an operation in the UI has
perturbed users. If it is to be confirmed, this would
enable a quantitative and qualitative data assessment.
We saw how single trial detection can be achieved
with EEG. Promising work reported ErrP detection
as the movement is occurring, within a 400ms time-
frame (Milekovic et al., 2013). At the moment this
near continuous detection uses an invasive technique.
The construct evolving around attention would
be the second one to profit from neuroimaging. To
distinguish clearly in their measurements vigilance
and fatigue would be one point. On the other hand
EEG studies showed that visual artifacts in images
or videos are detected by subjects beyond conscious-
ness (Scholler et al., 2012), whenever it is conscious
perception or attention (Mustafa et al., 2012). This
would suggest that ERP could be used to anticipate
how much information users are able to process, be-
fore even considering their attention level. A (highly)
speculative experimental design where various cues
are hidden within sensory modalities in order to elicit
evoked potentials would create a “human bandwidth”
assessment, upstream from vigilance and attention.
4.2 Assessing New Constructs
Three constructs sit apart in our nomenclature. Both
usability and comfort are more closely related to UI
properties than to users’ state, and user experience
is entirely based on previously seen measures. Since
they are the subject of many HCI papers, it is worth to
shape their meaning in this review in order to encour-
age their assessment with neuroimaging techniques.
4.2.1 Usability – Comfort
“Usability” groups together the notions of “ease of
use” and “usefulness” (Bowman et al., 2002). It re-
lates to speed, accuracy and error rates in task com-
pletion. The learnability of UI is also a key point of
usability. As such a good affordance of UI elements
how perceptions of objects induce a proper use – will
improve overall usability. Usability is impacted by
UI nature and constrains. E.g. an input device based
on body gestures is likely to be more tiring than a joy-
stick, given that it requires more energy from the user.
Usability is inextricably bound to users’ comfort.
Although usability could be investigated through
behavioral studies or inquiries (Jankowski and Ha-
chet, 2013), to our knowledge there is no neuroimag-
ing study which accounts solely for this construct.
Neuroimaging has been used instead as an indica-
tor, for example workload through fNIRS (Hirsh-
field et al., 2009). In conjunction with other evalu-
ation methods, real-time recordings from physiologi-
cal sensors and neuroimaging give additional insights
and help to contextualize data (Pike et al., 2012).
4.2.2 User Experience
For (Mandryk et al., 2006) user experience (UX)
is a shift from usability analysis by bringing emo-
tions and entertainment into the equation. UX em-
beds “usability/comfort”, “emotions” and “engage-
ment/flow/immersion”. UX is a higher comprehen-
sion level of what users experience during interac-
tions. (Ravaja, 2009) compiled various methods to
measure media enjoyment. It is possible to refer to
UX when studying the social aspect of interactions
e.g. GSR is different if the opponent in a sport game
is played by a friend or a computer (Mandryk et al.,
2006). Assessing UX every time new technologies are
used could guide the HCI community in its choices,
e.g. with BCI (van de Laar et al., 2013).
4.3 Hardware – Signal Processing
Some limitations observed in EEG research are yet
to be resolved to make EEG-based evaluation of HCI
more operable. EEG devices, while practical com-
pared to other neuroimaging techniques, take long to
set up. Hence experiments can be tedious both for the
experimenter and for the subject. This is why there
are often only few subjects during EEG or BCI exper-
iments, which is a problem for the reliability of the
results. EEG signals contain many potential artifacts
(e.g. muscular activity and electrical parasites); the
quality of the device is essential. EEG signals must
be calibrated, processed and interpreted carefully.
Since a few years new EEG devices have ap-
peared, oriented toward a larger public. Their elec-
trodes use no conductive solution, or water as solvent.
These electrodes are faster to set-up – no more gel to
be put on each one after the device has been installed
but may be less sensitive, see (Blankertz et al., 2010,
sec. 2.1). Hence some companies, while transforming
EEG into a mass-product, bring less reliable technol-
ogy to the market. Those devices often possess fewer
electrodes. Without a cap the electrodes are difficult
to place in a standardized position on the scalp. Fi-
nally they are often packaged with software develop-
ment kits which hide the signal processing from the
users. Constructs like attention or emotions are then
claimed to be directly measured, without further jus-
tification or muscular artifact control, see (Heingart-
ner, 2009). Nevertheless, while experimenters must
be aware of such limits if their intent is to rely solely
on brain activity, this increasing appeal in favor of
cheap EEG devices is a great opportunity to push for-
ward the use of neuroimaging in HCI.
Improvements in signal processing, either in fea-
tures extraction or classification, could benefit every
technology. Constructs, such as emotions, are not yet
accurately assessed with pure EEG signals. When too
many classes (e.g. emotions and workload levels) are
assessed altogether, the classifier performance drops
e.g. see how the “curse-of-dimensionality” relates to
classifiers’ complexity (Friedman, 1997). Improve-
ments in mathematical analysis and machine learning
algorithms, as well as a better understanding of brain
activity, would increase the reliability of the whole
system by a great amount and favour every construct.
Finally, no matter how lightweight they are, EEG
and physiological sensors change the way users inter-
act. Movements could be restrained by the devices
(less immersion) and users could perceive a more
stressful context, potentially biasing their experience.
As a result, a framework integrating physiological
sensors and traditional evaluation methods has to be
conceived to profit from the potential of these novel
methods, while avoiding their limitations and pitfalls.
We reviewed how neuroimaging techniques could as-
sess constructs relevant for HCI evaluation.
Between the four categories of evaluation meth-
ods, inquiries could deliver more qualitative data,
while physiological sensors and neuroimaging are ex-
ocentric measures (the most “objective” measures of
subjectively perceived stimuli). It is particularly inter-
esting to combine those methods for constructs other-
wise difficult to assess with exactitude, as investigated
in many studies (Ravaja, 2009), (Nacke and Lindley,
2009), (van Erp et al., 2010), (Chanel et al., 2011).
Our analysis of neuroimaging techniques focused
on EEG as it promises a good trade-off between cost,
time resolution and ease of installation. We advo-
cate that neurotechnologies can bring useful insights
to HCI evaluation. EEG devices are not yet perfectly
reliable and practical to use; hardware and software
processing are still evolving. However their cumber-
someness is partially avoided if they are used during
a dedicated evaluation phase in the HCI development
process, with specially enrolled users (testers).
Figure 2: One possible view of a simplified characterization
of the constructs. In the middle circles are the constructs
(dotted = not yet measurable with EEG). The inner circles
represent the HCI components the most closely related to
the constructs, or on which it would be easier to leverage.
The outer circles give a hint about what an evaluation would
be useful for.
We studied workload, attention, vigilance, fatigue,
error recognition, emotions, engagement, flow and
immersion. Figure 2 stimulates thoughts about their
relationships with HCI components. Some constructs
should benefit more than the others from EEG mea-
sures: 1) workload, EEG being more sensible to
changes compared to other methods (Mathan et al.,
2007); 2) attention, because event related potentials
could help to anticipate how many details users reg-
ister (Mustafa et al., 2012); 3) emotions, with an
arousal/valence state measured over a short time-
frame (Chanel et al., 2011). Error recognition could
hardly be assessed precisely with anything but neu-
roimaging. Such construct highlights how innovative
this evaluation method is. Among the outlined chal-
lenges, a continuous and modulated error recognition
would greatly help to assess usability and comfort.
Next studies should start to combine the various
constructs, along with a comprehensive framework
which gathers every evaluation method, one’s advan-
tages preventing others’ drawbacks. This should lead
to an increase of the overall user experience.
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