Design and Validation of a Mental and Social Stress Induction Protocol
Towards Load-invariant Physiology-based Stress Detection
Camille Jeunet
, Fabien Lotte
and Christian M
Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest / LaBRI, 200 rue de la Vieille Tour, 33405 Talence, France
Laboratoire Handicap & Syst
eme Nerveux, Universit
e Bordeaux Segalen, 146 Rue Leo Saignat, 33076 Bordeaux, France
Mental Stress, Psychosocial Stress, Cognitive Workload, Physiological Computing, ECG, GSR, EEG.
Stress is a major societal issue with negative impacts on health and economy. Physiological computing of-
fers a continuous, direct, and unobtrusive method for stress level assessment and computer-assisted stress
management. However, stress is a complex construct and its physiology can vary depending on its source:
cognitive workload or social evaluation. To study the feasibility of physiology-based load-invariant psychoso-
cial stress-detection, we designed a stress-induction protocol able to independently vary the relevant types of
psychophysiological activity: mental and psychosocial stress. Here, we validate the efficacy of our protocol
to induce psychosocial and mental stress. Our participants (N=24) had to perform a cognitive task associated
with two workload conditions (low/high mental stress), in two contexts (low/high psychosocial stress), during
which we recorded subjects’ self-reports, behaviour, physiology and neurophysiology. Questionnaires showed
that the subjectively perceived level of stress varied with the psychosocial stress induction, while perceived
arousal and mental effort levels vary with mental stress induction. Behaviour and physiology further cor-
roborated the validity of our protocol. Heart rate and skin conductance globally increased after psychosocial
stress induction relative to the non-stressful condition. Moreover, we demonstrated that higher workload tasks
(mental stress) led to decrease in performance and a marked increase of heart rate.
Stress is a universal societal issue, affecting both
economy and health. Thus, it is easy to understand
why many people invest in finding ways to deal with
stress (Regehr et al., 2013): how to help people man-
age their stress is becoming a major preoccupation
in many countries. Computer-assisted stress man-
agement is one way to support coping with stress.
However, it requires reliable stress level assessment
(van den Broek and Westerink, 2012).
Besides psychological questionnaires, many de-
vices are available to assess stress levels. They
measure stress-related physiological markers such as
heart rate, skin conductance or blood pressure, which
are increased during a stressful episode (see Section
1.1). The availability of cheap sensor technology and
small, portable computing devices allows to automat-
ically and continuously monitor the level of stress in
every-day contexts, as during driving (Healey and Pi-
card, 2005) and work (Kusserow et al., 2012), or in
clinical contexts (Hogervorst et al., 2013).
However, there are still several challenges that
have to be addressed to be able to successfully mon-
itor stress levels with physiological sensors. One
of the most notorious is the definition of the rela-
tionship between physiological measurements and the
psychophysiological construct of stress. For example,
it is known that modifications of the above physiolog-
ical markers are characteristic of psychosocial stress,
but not exclusively affected by it (Dickerson and Ke-
meny, 2004). For example cardiovascular measures,
like heart rate and its variability, are known to respond
to stress as well as to high cognitive workload or to
exciting situations. The same is true for several fre-
quency bands in the electroencephalogram (EEG): for
example the alpha frequency band has been shown to
covary with stress/relaxation, but is also known to re-
spond strongly to sensory stimulation, attention and
cognitive workload (see Section 1.1). Therefore, the
relationship between measurements and psychophys-
iological constructs is a complex many-to-many map-
ping for which great care has to be taken in the aim of
finding the right mapping parameters to avoid con-
fusion between episodes of psychosocial stress and
those of high cognitive worload, i.e., of mental stress.
Jeunet C., Lotte F. and Mühl C..
Design and Validation of a Mental and Social Stress Induction Protocol - Towards Load-invariant Physiology-based Stress Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0004724100980106
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems (PhyCS-2014), pages 98-106
ISBN: 978-989-758-006-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
To enable the creation of systems that are capa-
ble of differentiating activation of body and brain due
to psychosocial stress from those due to mental stress
(associated to high cognitive workload), it is neces-
sary to ensure psychophysiological validity of the in-
ference, as well as the diagnosticity and generality of
the detection system (Fairclough, 2009). To tackle
this essential requirement of physiological comput-
ing, we devised an affect induction protocol that ma-
nipulates mental and bodily activation due to psy-
chosocial and mental stress independently. The data
gathered with it deliver the ground truth necessary to
calibrate reliable stress classifiers. Here, we present
the protocol and subjective (self-assessments) and ob-
jective (physiological and behavioural measures) evi-
dence of its validity.
This paper is organized as follows: concepts of
stress and related work on physiological computing as
well as our hypotheses are presented in the remainder
of the introduction, Section 2 presents material and
methods, then results are presented in Section 3 and
discussed in Section 4; finally, we conclude our work
with a perspective on future studies in Section 5.
1.1 Stress Responses
The psychophysiological concept of stress’ was in-
troduced in 1936 by (Selye, 1936) to describe ’the
non-specific response of the body to any demand for
change’. In that sense, it is an organism’s response
to an environmental situation or stimulus perceived
negatively - called a stressor’ - which can be real
or imagined, that taxes the capacities of the subject,
and thus has an impact on the body’s homeostasis
(that is to say that the constants of the internal en-
vironment are modified). To face the demand (i.e.,
to restore homeostasis), two brain circuitries can be
activated during a stress response cascade’ (Sinha
et al., 2003; Dickerson and Kemeny, 2004; Taniguchi
et al., 2009): the sympatho-adrenomedullary axis
(SAMa, also called the noradenergic circuitry) and
the hypothalamus-pituitary gland-adrenal cortex axis
(HPAa). On the one hand, the SAMa induces the re-
lease of noradrenaline which allows immediate phys-
ical reactions (such as increased heart rate and skin
conductance, or auditory and visual exclusion phe-
nomena) associated with a preparation for violent
muscular action (Dickerson and Kemeny, 2004). On
the other hand, HPAa activation (which is lower) re-
sults in the releasing of cortisol, the purpose of which
is to redistribute energy in order to face the threat.
Thus, more energy is allocated to the organs that need
it most (brain and heart), while non-necessary organs
for immediate survival (reproductive, immune and di-
gestive systems) are inhibited. This stress response
cascade ends when homeostasis is restored. However,
stress can be of different types, such as physical, psy-
chological or psychosocial (Dickerson and Kemeny,
2004), each kind of stress being associated with a spe-
cific response (contrary to what has previously been
said in Selye’s definition of stress). Indeed, physi-
cal stress, induced by extreme temperatures or phys-
ical pain for example, is associated with an increase
of heart rate (Loggia et al., 2011), skin conductance
(Boucsein, 1992; Buchanan et al., 2006) and subjec-
tive stress ratings but with only a weak cortisol re-
sponse (Dickerson and Kemeny, 2004). These results
suggest that this kind of stress induces an activation
of the SAMa but only a weak activation of the HPAa.
Mental (or psychological) stress, associated with dif-
ficult cognitive tasks (i.e., high workload), uncontrol-
lability or negative emotions triggers a weak release
of cortisol (weak HPAa activation), but strong effects
on heart rate and skin conductance (strong SAMa ac-
tivation) (Boucsein, 1992; Reinhardt et al., 2012). Fi-
nally, psychosocial stress, triggered by a social eval-
uation threat (that is to say a situation in which the
person’s own estimated social value is likely to be de-
graded) added to uncontrollability (in particular dur-
ing the Trier Social Stress Task (TSST) (Kirschbaum
et al., 1993)) has been shown to induce a strong acti-
vation of both the SAMa (Hellhammer and Schubert,
2012) and the HPAa (Dickerson and Kemeny, 2004).
Thanks to research in the field of neurosciences,
and consistently with the notion of neural response
systems, we know that stress also has strong elec-
troencephalographic correlates. One of the most
prominent correlates of psychosocial stress is found
in the alpha band, and specifically in brain asymme-
try. Tops et al. (Tops et al., 2006) proposed that cor-
tisol administration (which simulates a stressful sit-
uation) leads to a global decrease of cortical activ-
ity (except for the left frontal cortex in which ac-
tivity is increased). However, other studies (Lewis
et al., 2007; Hewig et al., 2008) showed that stress
was associated with a higher activity in the right hemi-
sphere, and that right hemisphere activation was cor-
related with negative affect. For Crost and colleagues
(Crost et al., 2008), the explanation of these conflict-
ing results would be that an association between EEG-
asymmetry and personality characteristics may only
be observed in relevant situations to the personality
dimensions of interest. As for the other physiologi-
cal responses, different types of stress share similar
neurophysiological responses. For mental stress for
example, we know that the alpha band plays a role
as well (Brouwer et al., 2012). Given the overlap in
the response characteristics between different types of
stress, it is essential to explore these types of stress in
context, that is to say in one experiment.
To summarise, stress is a process composed of five
phases: -1- an environmental demand that disrupts
homeostasis, -2- a personal perception of this demand
by the person , -3- a stressor-specific activation of the
stress-response, -4- behavioural consequences of this
activation, -5- a return to homeostasis once the threat
is overcome, or exhaustion if the body has not enough
resources to face the demand. Depending on the type
of stressor, different types of stress occur, sharing
mechanisms and overlapping in response characteris-
tics. To identify valid psychophysiological inferences
in every-day stress detection systems, these types of
stress have to be experimentally delineated.
1.2 Physiological Computing and Stress
Several works in the domain of physiological com-
puting have addressed the measurement of various
types of stress from physiological and neurophysi-
ological sensors. For example, Healey has shown
that during different driving phases, various levels
of stress can be automatically infered from physio-
logical sensors, assessing cardiovascular and respi-
ratory responses (Healey and Picard, 2005). Hoger-
vorst and colleagues showed that in the context of an
impending eye surgery, physiological signals such as
heart rate can be used to classify stress (Hogervorst
et al., 2013). Khosrowabadi and colleagues showed
that stress emerging during an examination period
can be identified from the EEG (Khosrowabadi and
Quek, 2011). Riera found that neurophysiological
signals can differ between the different levels of stress
elicited in an interview setting (Riera et al., 2012).
As these studies show, the stress response can
be automatically detected using information recorded
from the somatic, autonomous, and central nervous
systems, which therefore pose a potential basis for
stress detection systems. However, as layed out in
the former section, physiological stress responses due
to psychosocial stress and those due to mental de-
mand resemble each other. This is especially rele-
vant for the construction of stress detection systems,
since in every-day life and work mental demand and
psychosocial stress are often co-occuring: mental task
demand might lead to psychosocial stress due to the
associated evaluation and psychosocial stress often is
related to certain (demanding) tasks that have to be
conducted. Therefore, care has to be taken to ensure
the validity of the psychophysiological inference of-
fered by a physiology-based stress detection method.
As stressed by Fairclough (Fairclough, 2009), psy-
chophysiological validity can be ensured by a number
of approaches, including standardised experimental
stimuli and tasks for the induction of the psychophys-
iological constructs in question, and the assessment of
subjective and objective measures, such as observable
behaviour or physiological signals known to respond
to the psychophysiological construct in question. Re-
turning to the above mentioned studies, no distinction
between the type of stress involved has been made.
However, such destinction is critical for systems that
are supposed to be sensitive to one specific type of
stress, while being invariant for others. That is why
it is important to devise a protocol that allows to vary
psychosocial and mental stress independently.
Our long-term goal is the development of a system
that can be used during private or professional work,
which is able to differentiate psychophysiological ac-
tivation due to stress compared to that due to cogni-
tive workload (mental stress). Therefore, we devised
a stress induction protocol that would take the follow-
ing requirements into account: 1) enable recording
during actual tasks, not during resting periods (eco-
logical validity), 2) manipulate the context of the task,
but maintain same sensory stimulation and task dur-
ing measurement (avoiding confounds), 3) introduce
different levels of cognitive workload during stress-
ful and non-stressful conditions (enabling the creation
of a classifier specific to psychosocial stress and in-
variant to mental stress). In line with Fairclough’s re-
quirements, we combine two recognised experimental
paradigms to induce psychosocial and mental stress
and validate this protocol via subjective ratings and
objective measures from behaviour and physiology.
1.3 Hypotheses
To ensure the validity and efficiency of the affec-
tive manipulation (i.e., psychosocial stress) within
our stress induction protocol, we analyzed partici-
pants’ self-assessments (State-Trait Anxiety Inven-
tory, arousal scale of the Self-Assessment Maneken)
to see if subjective experience of anxiety and arousal
was increasing in the stressful condition of our proto-
col relative to the control condition. For a more ob-
jective evaluation, we also analysed the physiological
(heart rate and skin conductance) differences accord-
ing to the condition (stress vs. no-stress). Accord-
ing to the literature provided in Section 1.1, we were
expecting an increase of the heart rate and skin con-
ductance during the stressful condition. To ensure the
validity and efficacy of the cognitive workload ma-
nipulation (i.e., mental stress), we analysed partici-
pants’ self-assessments (Rating Scale Mental Effort,
arousal scale of the Self-Assessment Maneken) ex-
pecting to find an increase in perceived cognitive load
and arousal during high cognitive workload compared
to low cognitive workload. Furthermore, we expected
a decrease of task performance with higher workload.
Finally, we also hypothesised an increase of heart rate
with high workload (see Section 1.1).
2.1 Participants
12 female and 12 male participants were recruited for
our experiment. The participants were between 18
and 54 years old, with a mean age of 24.7 (SD: 7.9),
and all except 4 were right-handed. Educations varied
between high school degree and Ph.D., with a mean
education of high school + 3.1 years (SD: 2.4). To be
admitted, people had to be at least 18 and had to sign
an informed consent. Furthermore, we had criteria
of non inclusion: bad vision, heart, neurological and
psychological diseases, and affective troubles. More-
over, people were asked to schedule on a day and at
a time at which they expected to feel good, not too
tired. Finally, we asked them not to drink coffee and
tea less than two hours before the experiment.
2.2 Material
For our recordings, we used the following sensors
(see Figure 1): electroencephalogram (EEG, 28+8 -in
a 10/20 system without T7, T8, Fp1 and Fp2- active
electrodes -g.LADYbird- with g.USBamp), electro-
cardiogram (ECG, 2 active electrodes), electromyo-
gram (EMG, 2 active electrodes), electrooculogram
(EOG, 4 active electrodes), breath belt (SleepSense),
pulse-sensor (g.PULSEsensor), and a galvanic skin
response sensor (g.GSRsensor). The workload task
was designed in the Presentation software (Neurobe-
havioral Systems,
and EEG signals were recorded and visually inspected
with Open ViBE (Renard et al., 2010).
Subjects were first asked to sign an informed con-
sent and to fill in three questionnaires. The first one
concerned personal characteristics (such as gender,
age and education). The second and the third ones
were State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) form Y-A
and Y-B (Spielberger et al., 1970) (see 2.2.1 for more
details). Then, all the sensors were put into place and
a three minute baseline was recorded. From this point,
as we wanted to counterbalance the conditions (not
to have any order effect), we set up four scenarios
(see Figure 2) composed of two blocks each, sepa-
rated by a STAI form Y-A questionnaire. Therefore,
we randomly began with either relaxation or stress
Figure 1: Illustration of our set up.
induction, and we randomly started with either low
workload (0) or high workload (2). During both the
first and the second block, the subject did each work-
load condition six times (low/high) (6x2x2=24min
per block), with a short break after six tasks. Once
the two blocks were completed, the subject filled in
the STAI form Y-A one last time before the sensors
were taken off. Finally, the participant was debriefed
about the aim of the experiment.
2.2.1 Neuropsychological Stress Evaluation
In order to measure the level of anxiety of the sub-
jects, the ”State Trait Anxiety Inventory” (Spielberger
et al., 1970) was used. This test is composed of two
scales of 20 propositions each: STAI form Y-A and
STAI form Y-B. STAI form Y-A score increases in a
stressful situation. It is a good indicator for transi-
tory modifications of the level of stress. STAI form
Y-B evaluates the clinical anxiety (trait), and thus al-
lows to recognize generally anxious people (who have
higher scores).
2.2.2 Psychosocial Stress and Relaxation
In order to induce stress, a 15 minutes long stress-
induction protocol based on the Trier Social Stress
Task (or TSST, (Kirschbaum et al., 1993)) which is
a validated protocol, was set up. This stress induction
protocol is composed of three parts and requires the
participation of three people, ”the committee”, who
are presented as being body language experts. In the
first part, a member of the committee tells the subject
he has five minutes to prepare a fake job interview
for a position as a teacher. During the second part,
the committee asks the person to do this job interview
and to speak about himself for 5 minutes. They tell
the subject that he is filmed (for a future behavioural
Figure 2: Chronology of our Experimental Protocol: each row represents a different scenario (R=Relax; S=Stress; 0=0-back;
analysis) and they take notes. The committee acts
serious and neutral/unresponsive towards the subject.
The third part is an arithmetic task lasting 3 minutes.
The subject has to count backwards from 2083 to 0
by steps of 13 and to begin again at any mistake or
hesitation. At the end of this protocol, in order to
keep the stress level high, the comity tells the sub-
ject he will be filmed during the workload tasks and
that he will have to do another interview, which will
be longer, and a self-evaluation after it. Furthermore,
during the experiment, participants have to perform
cognitive tasks, followed by feedback corresponding
to their performance. During the stress condition, the
score shown to the participant was automatically de-
creased by 5 to 10%. Thus, this protocol includes psy-
chosocial stress and uncontrollability in order to max-
imise the chances of triggering a stress response in all
participants (Dickerson and Kemeny, 2004). On the
other hand, the goal of the relaxation induction was
to create a condition in which participants would be
able to relax. In this last part, they were allowed to ei-
ther rest in silence, or select relaxing music or videos
(Krout, 2007).
2.2.3 Workload Tasks
We used the n-back task (Kirchner, 1958) to manipu-
late mental stress, as it was easy to modify the work-
load without changing any other parameter (such as
visual stimulation or motor behaviour). Indeed, 0-
back (low workload) and 2-back (high workload) are
very similar. In both, sixty white letters (font-size
48) appear (during 500ms) one after the other (with a
1500ms break between them) on a black background.
Thus, each task lasts two minutes. Among these let-
ters, 25% are targets. In both tasks, when the let-
ter that appears is a target, the subject has to do a
left click, and a right click otherwise (like this, there
will not be a big difference at the motor level be-
tween targets and non target letters: this motor dif-
ference could have induced unexpected differences in
the EEG). Thus, for the 0-back task, that is to say the
low workload condition, the target is the letter ”X”:
each time an ”X” appears, the subject has to do a left
click, and in all the other cases he has to do a right
click. For the 2-back task, the high workload condi-
tion, the subject has to do a left click when the letter
that appears is the same as two letters before (for ex-
ample, if the sequence ”C A C” appeared, the second
”C” would be a target). At the end of each task, the
subject has to report his perceived level of arousal (on
a scale from 1 to 9 of the Self-Assessment Maneken,
SAM) and the spent mental effort (Rate Scale of Men-
tal Effort, RSME) (Brouwer et al., 2012). Finally, a
screen with the subject’s performance at the prior task
(number of targets correctly identified) appears.
2.3 Variables and Factors
In this study, we analysed the effects of two factors
(with two possible values each) on different depen-
dent variables (DV). The first factor is the psychoso-
cial stress level: condition ”stress” (after the stress
induction) vs. condition ”no-stress” (after relaxation
induction); the second factor is the mental stress level:
low workload (low-WL, 0-back task) vs. high work-
load (high-WL, 2-back task). Thus, we had four
experimental conditions: stress/low-WL, stress/high-
WL, no-stress/low-WL and no-stress/high-WL. The
DVs are: STAI form Y-A score, subjective arousal
evaluation, subjective task difficulty evaluation, tasks
performance, heart rate and skin conductance.
2.4 Data Analyses
2.4.1 Self-assessment Data
To investigate the effect of psychosocial stress induc-
tion on the state-trait anxiety inventory, we computed
(a) STAI (b) Arousal (c) RSME
Figure 3: Mean and standard error of mean of subjective stress level assessments : (a) STAI form Y-A scores, (b) SAM arousal
scale and (c) RSME. (a) shows significant increase of perceived stress during the stressful condition compared to the baseline
and the relax condition. (b) and (c) show an increase of perceived arousal and mental effort for the 2-back compared to 0-back
an ANOVA with the self-ratings in the 3 factor-levels
(baseline, after relaxation, after stress induction). To
test the effect of psychosocial and mental stress ma-
nipulation, we conducted 2 (stress) × 2 (workload)
ANOVAs for the averaged-over-blocks ratings (one
value per subject for stress/low workload, stress/high
workload, relaxation/low workload, relaxation/high
workload blocks) on the arousal scale of the SAM and
on the RSME.
2.4.2 Behavioural Data
To investigate the effects of the experimental manip-
ulations on behaviour, we calculated the performance
per block based on the number of true positive (T P),
true negative (T N), false negative (FN), and false pos-
itive (FP) responses resulting from the button presses
within the n-back task (left click for targets, right
click for non-targets) using the following equation:
Per f = (T P + T N) ÷ (T P + T N + FP + FN). As for
ratings, we analysed the data then in a 2 (stress) × 2
(workload) ANOVA.
2.4.3 Physiological Data
Physiological responses were analysed with respect
to heart rate (HR) and galvanic skin response (GSR).
Before applying statistical methods, the GSR data
were pre-processed by extracting the GSR value (µS)
for each block and then averaging these values over
the blocks described above. The ECG signal was
band-pass filtered between 5 and 200 Hz, applying
a notch-filter 48-52 Hz to reduce power line noise,
before HR for each of the blocks was extracted us-
ing the BioSig toolbox
. As for the former analyses,
we then analysed the data in a 2 (stress) × 2 (work-
load) ANOVA. We are reporting data as significant if
p < 0.05 and as trend if p < 0.1.
3.1 Subjective Indicators
3.1.1 State-trait Anxiety Inventory
Each subject filled in three ”STAI form Y-A” (state)
questionnaires: at the beginning (STAI
) of the
experiment, and after each of the stress conditions
(stress: STAI
; no-stress: STAI
) (see Figure 3(a)).
Three datasets were excluded due to incompleteness.
An ANOVA (N = 21) with ’baseline’, stress’, and
relax’ factor levels showed a significant difference
of perceived anxiety between the conditions (F(2,20)
= 3.6225, p ¡ 0.05, η
= 0.108). We conducted a
post-hoc analysis using directed paired t-tests accord-
ing to the hypothesis that subjectively perceived stress
increases due to the stress induction procedure rela-
tive to baseline and relaxation condition. The results
show the expected effect (see Figure 3(a)). STAI
= 37.5, SD
= 12.6) scores are significantly higher
(t(20) = 2.87, p = 0.005) than STAI
scores (M
30.1, SD
= 4.6) and also significantly higher (t(20)
= 2.37, p = 0.014) than STAI
scores (M
= 32.2,
= 8.6). We found no difference between STAI
and STAI
((t(20) = 1.27, p = 0.11).
3.1.2 Perceived Arousal and Mental Effort
We asked the subjects after each block to rate their
arousal on the respective scale of the Self-Assessment
Maneken (see Figure 3(b)) and to rate the invested
mental effort on the Rating Scale Mental Effort (see
(a) Performance (b) GSR (c) Heart Rate
Figure 4: Mean and standard error of mean of objective stress level assessments : (a) Performance, (b) Galvanic Skin Response
and (c) Heart Rate. (a) depicts a lower performance in 2-back compared to 0-back tasks. (b) shows that GSR significantly
increased only for the ”stress” condition compared to the ”relax” condition. (c) depicts a significant increase of heart rate
during high workload compared to low-workload tasks.
Figure 3(c)). Two datasets were excluded due to in-
completeness. We submitted the data of each scale
to a 2 (stress) × 2 (workload) ANOVA. Regard-
ing subjectively perceived arousal, we only found a
main effect of the workload manipulation (F(1,21) =
4.444, p = 0.047, η
= 0.175) with higher perceived
arousal for the 2-back task (M
= 4.7, SD
= 1.4) compared to the 0-back task (M
= 4.3,
= 1.7). Regarding the subjectively per-
ceived workload, we only found a main effect of the
workload manipulation (F(1,21) = 63.216, p ¡ 0.0001,
= 0.751) with higher perceived effort for the 2-
back task (M
= 48.1, SD
= 11.5) com-
pared to the 0-back task (M
= 28.6, SD
= 12.9). Although the interaction between workload
and stress did not reach significance (F(1,21) = 2.345,
p = 0.141), an exploratory post-hoc paired t-test (t(21)
= 2.7, p = 0.013) showed greater perceived mental ef-
fort during low workload when exposed to psychoso-
cial stress than during ’relaxation’ condition.
3.2 Objective Indicators
3.2.1 Performance
For the analysis of task performance the accuracy for
each task block (see Figure 4(a)) was submitted to a 2
(stress) × 2 (workload) ANOVA. Two datasets were
excluded due to incompleteness. As for the subjective
indicators of perceived arousal and effort, we found
a main effect of workload manipulation (F(1,21) =
65.251, p ¡ 0.0001, η
= 0.757) with higher accuracy
for the simple 0-back task (M
= 97.3, SD
= 2.0) compared to the hard 2-back task (M
91.1, SD
= 4.8).
3.2.2 Physiological Sensors
We submitted mean skin conductance level and heart
rate for each block to a 2 (stress) × 2 (workload)
ANOVA. Four datasets were excluded due to incom-
pleteness. For heart rate analysis a further dataset
was excluded due to its low signal quality. As for
GSR (see Figure 4(b)), we found an increase of skin
conductance (F(1,19) = 4.4806, p = 0.048, η
0.191), indicating higher sympathetic arousal during
the ”stress condition” (M
= 3.83 , SD
= 2.05) com-
pared to the ”relax” condition (M
= 3.52, SD
2.07). Skin conductance was also observed to in-
crease (although not significantly) during the high
workload condition compared to the low workload
condition. For HR (see Figure 4(c)), we found a trend
towards an increase of heart rate (F(1,18) = 3.2123,
p = 0.089, η
= 0.151), indicating higher sympa-
thetic arousal during the stress condition (M
= 79.41
, SD
= 10.23) compared to the relax condition (M
= 78.30, SD
= 10.08). Furthermore, we found a
highly significant effect of workload manipulation on
HR (F(1,18) = 36.1431, p ¡ 0.0001, η
= 0.667),
with a higher heart rate for the more challenging 2-
back task (M
= 80.4, SD
= 9.89) com-
pared with the relatively easy 0-back task (M
= 77.27, SD
= 10.19).
We set out to devise an experimental protocol al-
lowing to manipulate psychosocial and mental stress
independently and presented evidence for its valid-
ity. The score of the STAI (anxiety state inven-
tory) showed a significant response to psychosocial
stress manipulation, as STAI scores were significantly
higher in the stress’ condition compared to ’base-
line’ and relaxation’ conditions. Given that the form
was filled in at the end of the stress’ and relax-
ation’ conditions, after the workload tasks, the still
increased scores in the ’stress’ condition are evidence
for a high psychosocial stress level throughout the
whole stress’ condition. Furthermore, regarding the
arousal scale of the SAM, we found no evidence for
a higher perceived arousal during the stress’ condi-
tion. The lacking effect of the stress manipulation
on that scale might be explained by a domination of
the workload manipulation on arousal, as it was given
with the rating scale on mental effort after each task.
Furthermore, a post-hoc analysis showed that in the
low-workload condition (i.e., 0-back task), perceived
mental effort (on the RSME scale) was higher in the
stress’ condition than in the relaxation’ condition.
This result suggests that perceived mental effort in-
creases with psychosocial stress level, and thus in-
dicates that more cognitive resources are needed to
perform a task in a highly stressful situation. It is
in line with the dynamic adaptability theory of stress
(Szalma and Teo, 2012) which states that psychoso-
cial stress induces an increase in perceived workload.
The fact that this pattern is not observable in the high
workload condition (i.e., 2-back task) may be due to
a ceiling effect: the fact that the task itself induces
a high level of perceived mental effort decreases the
probability of increased mental effort due to psy-
chosocial stress. This ceiling effect could be respon-
sible of the apparent (but not significant) interaction
in Figure 3(c). Regarding the mental stress manipu-
lation, the arousal scale showed increased arousal for
the high workload condition, mirroring the higher per-
ceived mental effort for this condition on the RSME
scale. Moreover, the performance decreased for the 2-
back task. These results deliver further evidence for
the validity of the mental stress manipulation, since
they show that the 2-back task is much more difficult
(requires a significantly highler workload level) than
the 0-back task.
Furthermore, the physiological signals delivered
evidence for the validity of the psychosocial as well as
of the mental stress manipulation. The elevated skin
conductance level and a trend towards a higher heart
rate during the stressful task-context corroborated the
effect found for the subjective stress ratings. Finding
elevated sympathetic nervous system activity after the
stress induction phase (TSST) and throughout the task
period is strong evidence that we were able to stretch
the phase of increased psychosocial anxiety over the
interview itself, using instructions and camera setup
(Hellhammer and Schubert, 2012). Furthermore, a
higher heart rate during difficult (2-back) compared
to simple (0-back) task conditions supported the va-
lidity of the mental stress induction via task difficulty.
Finally, we found no significant interaction effects,
neither for subjective (STAI, arousal, RSME) nor for
objective indicators (heart rate, GSR). This is conve-
nient, as it practically excludes the possibility of dif-
ferences between conditions others than the intended
ones (i.e., psychosocial and mental stress) and thus
may indicate that the goal has been achieved: we de-
signed and validated a stress induction protocol allow-
ing to vary mental and psychosocial stress indepen-
The presented results show that we managed to design
and validate a stress induction protocol which allows
the experimenter to vary mental stress and psychoso-
cial stress independently. However, although we de-
vised a strict protocol to avoid confusion with other
behavioural parameters as well as order effects, this
protocol remains very simple and not very ecologi-
cal. That is why future work will focus on continuous
classification (instead of only two classes: stress/relax
and easy/difficult) which would be more relevant for
real-life applications. Finally, two other goals will
have to be achieved : 1) EEG data analyses will be
performed in order to study the feasability of an EEG-
based (mental and psychosocial) stress classification;
2) the final goal of this project is to design and val-
idate a load-invariant physiology-based stress detec-
tion protocol, which will be used to help people man-
age their stress at home and at work.
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