Human Rating of Emotional Expressions
Scales vs. Preferences
Marco Pasch
, Andrea Kleinsmith
and Monica Landoni
Faculty of Informatics, University of Lugano, via Buffi 13, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland
Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, University of Florida, FL 32611, Gainesville, U.S.A.
Perception, Emotions, Affect, Preference Rating, Scale Rating, Ground Truth Labeling.
Human ratings of emotional expressions are the foundation for building and training automatic affect recogni-
tion systems. We compare two rating schemes for labeling emotional expressions: likert scales and pair-wise
preferences. A statistical analysis shows that while there is a strong correlation between the two schemes,
there are also frequent mismatches. Our findings indicate that the schemes perform differently well per affect
label. We discuss reasons for this and outline planned future work based on the findings.
When building automatic affect recognition systems
based on bodily manifestations of affect (such as fa-
cial expressions, posture, behavior, physiology) one
typically has to go through the following steps. First,
collecting data that contains such bodily manifesta-
tions. Then, establishing which particular affective
states can be observed in the data when it is consid-
ered that an inherently ”correct” affective label does
not exist, a process known as ground truth labeling.
With these labels one would search for the features
within the collected data that are key to the respective
affective states. These then form the basis for build-
ing a system that can automatically identify affective
Establishing the ground truth is thus a key compo-
nent in the development process. Human perception
of emotions is often the benchmark that a system is
tested against; it is an important step for the creation
of affect recognition systems. Labels are often ob-
tained in two ways: self-report from the person who
portrayed an emotional expression or recruiting ob-
servers to rate images or sequences of affective ex-
pressions and assign a label to each sequence.
Our aim is to find better rating schemes for ob-
taining ground truth labels. For this, we investigate
alternative methods for rating stimuli containing emo-
tional expressions. At the very least, this allows us to
assess the influences of particular schemes on the re-
sulting affect labels. Ideally, we can make recommen-
dations which labeling scheme works best given the
particular goals of a study or system to be developed.
In this initial study, we compare two rating schemes
for the labeling of a corpus of affective body pos-
tures: pairwise preference rating and rating on mul-
tiple scales. The hypothesis that the rating schemes
are tested against is:
. There is an inconsistency between reported pref-
erences and reported scale ratings.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 examines typical approaches for establish-
ing the ground truth. Section 3 describes the method
implemented in our study to compare ground truth la-
beling approaches. The results are reported in Section
4. A discussion and conclusions are presented in Sec-
tions 5 and 6, respectively.
Emotional expressions are usually elicited in two
ways: letting actors portray emotions that are not ac-
tually felt (acted) or recording the affective behav-
ior of people in various scenarios and who were not
instructed to portray particular behavior (non-acted).
Acted expressions are often exaggerated portrayals of
emotional states, whereas non-acted expressions are
generally subtler and more complex. Not surpris-
ingly, until recently automatic affect recognition sys-
tems were based on acted expressions, as these are
easier to detect (Zeng et al., 2009). Only recently
there has been a shift towards subtler naturally occur-
ring expressions.
Pasch M., Kleinsmith A. and Landoni M..
Human Rating of Emotional Expressions - Scales vs. Preferences.
DOI: 10.5220/0004727602400245
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems (PhyCS-2014), pages 240-245
ISBN: 978-989-758-006-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
However, self-report may not be feasible and is of-
ten considered unreliable (Afzal and Robinson, 2009;
Kapoor et al., 2007). Yet, in particular since the
shift towards non-acted data, observer ratings are be-
coming more common for establishing the ground
truth (Kleinsmith and Bianchi-Berthouze, 2013). This
method may be particularly relevant when the aim of
the application into which the recognition software
will be integrated is to act as a human interaction part-
When establishing the ground truth using ob-
servers, what labeling model should be used? Two
options are pairwise preference ratings and rating
on multiple scales. Many studies in the Affective
Computing field employ a forced-choice design, e.g.,
(Savva and Bianchi-Berthouze, 2012) and (Klein-
smith et al., 2011). In this design, observers are pre-
sented with a list of choices and are forced to choose
from that list. An advantage of a forced-choice design
over a free-form design is that it forces an absolute
match and eliminates the possibility of observers pro-
viding non-emotion labels, a known issue with free-
form designs (Russell, 1994). However, forcing an
absolute match is also a disadvantage, as the list may
not include all options considered applicable by the
observers. Similarly, concurrence of more than one
distinct emotional state can not be captured in a forced
choice design. Also, the intensity of a perceived emo-
tion is lost, which may be particularly problematic
when dealing with subtle emotional expressions.
Pairwise preference rating is used in artificial in-
telligence (F
urnkranz and H
ullermeier, 2005; Doyle,
2004) and machine learning (Yannakakis, 2009) fields
and may be considered an attempt to overcome the
limitation of a forced choice design. In pairwise
preference rating, observers are presented with pairs
of stimuli and asked to choose which stimulus best
represents a particular label. This process is re-
peated for all possible stimulus pairs. Because it does
not require the observers to determine an absolute
match, pairwise preference rating may help to reduce
the variability that exists between observers when a
forced choice design is used (Kleinsmith and Bianchi-
Berthouze, 2013).
Obtaining ratings for the same stimulus on mul-
tiple scales representing discrete emotion labels has
also been used in other emotion recognition research
(Liscombe et al., 2003). Observers were asked to rate
speech tokens on separate scales for 10 discrete emo-
tions. The authors conclude that by rating stimuli on
multiple emotion scales shows that their stimuli ex-
pressed several different emotions at the same time,
resulting in a better, more complete representation of
3.1 Participants
For this initial study, participants were recruited via
mailing lists from within the university community.
They were aware of the aims of the study and no com-
pensation was given. 12 participants took part in the
3.2 Stimuli
As stimuli we use images from the UCLIC Database
of Affective Postures and Body Movements (Klein-
smith et al., 2006; Kleinsmith et al., 2011); these are
readily available online. The database consists of sep-
arate corpora of acted and non-acted whole body pos-
tures, of which we use the latter. The non-acted col-
lection consists of 105 postures that were obtained
from people playing physically active video games
and have been rated for four affective labels: con-
centrating, defeated, frustrated, and triumphant. The
postures are modeled on an abstract avatar seen from
a frontal perspective in front of neutral grey back-
In order to prevent study fatigue and to account
for the fact that the study was conducted online (as
was the original labeling for the database used), the
number of ratings the participants were required to
make was kept to a level sufficient for carrying out
the study.
For this reason we only use a subset of 10 postures
from the UCLIC collection, chosen at random. Pair-
wise preference rating means that for n postures, n
(n 1)/2 pairs of postures have to be rated. For the
entire corpus this would result in 5460 pairs. Bringing
the number of stimuli down to 10 results in 45 pairs.
Figure 1 shows one of the 45 screens participants see
in the preferences condition. In a further attempt to
keep the number of ratings at a manageable level, we
let our participants rate a posture for all four labels
in one screen in the scale condition as can be seen in
Figure 2.
3.3 Procedure
Upon clicking on the link in the invitation email, par-
ticipants reached the welcome screen. Here they re-
ceived information about the study and that we ask
them to rate postures on 55 screens. The order of rat-
ing conditions was assigned randomly.
In the preference condition, participants saw two
postures next to each other. Below the posture im-
ages, they were asked: ”Which posture looks more
Figure 1: Screenshot Preference condition.
Figure 2: Screenshot Scales condition.
[blank] ?” four times; each time with the blank re-
placed by the four affective labels concentrating, de-
feated, frustrated, triumphant, respectively. With ra-
dio buttons they then indicated whether the posture on
the left or on the right better corresponded to the label
in question. Clicking a button labeled next brought
them to the next screen. The order of the pairs was
designed so that the same posture never appeared on
two consecutive screens.
In the scales condition, participants saw a single
posture and the instruction: ”Please rate the posture
for the following attributes:” Below, they saw four
likert scales for the four affective labels, each with
five options to rate the intensity of the particular at-
tribute: extremely, fairly, moderately, slightly, and not
at all.
After having rated the postures in both conditions,
participants saw a debriefing screen, thanking them
for their participation and giving them the opportunity
to write any comments or thoughts they might have
had in a text field.
The average time participants took to take part in the
survey was 26.8 minutes, with a median of 23.5 min-
utes. We first check for order effects between the
group of participants that first rated preferences and
the group that first rated on scales. No significant dif-
ferences can be found.
4.1 Comparison to existing Labels
The postures of the UCLIC Database of Affective
Postures and Body Movements have already been la-
beled with the most frequent label that were assigned
by raters when the data corpus was created. From the
postures chosen for the study, 2 out of 10 postures are
assigned different labels by our participants than la-
bels that were assigned in the initial rating.
4.2 H
Test Statistic
To measure the degree of agreement between scale
ratings and preference ratings we calculate the corre-
lation coefficients between them. For this we follow
the statistical analysis procedure for pairwise pref-
erence data introduced by (Yannakakis and Hallam,
2007). This procedure has been previously applied for
the comparison of scale ratings and preference ratings
for self-report data in (Yannakakis and Hallam, 2011).
To make a comparison possible, pairwise preferences
are inferred from scale ratings. These are then com-
pared to the direct pairwise preferences.
Following (Yannakakis and Hallam, 2007), we ob-
tain the correlation coefficients using
c(z) =
where N is the number of pairs i to correlate and z
+1, if scale ratings and preference ratings and z
= 1
where there is no match. P-values of c(z) are obtained
from the binomial distribution.
We only take into account pairs where we can
infer a clear preference from the scale ratings. If,
e.g., a participant chose moderately for posture A and
slightly for posture B for the same affective label, we
can infer a preference for posture A in a pairwise com-
parison. This way, we do not assume a numerical ba-
sis of the scale. Also, we do not compare one partici-
pant’s scale ratings to another.
As can be seen in Table 1, the direct preference
ratings matched the preferences inferred from the
scale ratings for 74% of the data samples (1595 out
of 2160 possible matches). The number of incidents
where we can infer a preference from scale ratings
varies from 116 to 148 per participant, out of a pos-
sible total of 180 ratings (45 posture pairs x 4 af-
fect labels). In total we have 1595 incidents where
we can correlate between the preference rating con-
dition and the scale rating condition. Correlation co-
efficients vary from .43 to .74 per participant and the
total agreement correlation coefficient is .61. All cor-
relation coefficients are highly statistically significant,
ruling out the null hypothesis H
4.3 Agreement Rates Across Affect
Next, we take a closer look at the agreement rates be-
tween participants for each posture pair. We calculate
the difference in agreement rates between direct pref-
erence ratings and inferred preference ratings for each
posture pair where there is a clear preference inferred
from scale ratings. We split the differences in agree-
ment rates into three groups: scale rating has a lower
agreement rate as preference rating, scale rating has
the same agreement rate than preference rating, and
scale rating has a higher agreement rate than prefer-
ence rating.
Figure 3 shows the distribution of ratings for each
affect label across the three groups. We can see that
the labels frustrated and concentrated are rated more
often with lower agreement rates in the scales con-
dition than the preference condition. They are rated
least frequently when there are higher agreement rates
Table 1: Number of matches between preference ratings
and inferred scale ratings, number of incidents where there
was a clear preference (out of 180 possible preferences
per participant), and correlation coefficients between prefer-
ences and inferred scale ratings (all statistically significant
at p<0.01).
Matches Incidents c(z)
P1 113 145 0.56 *
P2 110 146 0.51 *
P3 116 133 0.74 *
P4 94 116 0.62 *
P5 103 128 0.61 *
P6 110 135 0.63 *
P7 108 123 0.76 *
P8 125 144 0.74 *
P9 97 123 0.58 *
P10 106 148 0.43 *
P11 90 119 0.51 *
P12 111 135 0.64 *
Sum 1283 1595 0.61 *
in the scales condition. The label defeated is to a
lesser extent also rated more often with a lower agree-
ment for scales than for preferences. The label tri-
umphant on the other hand is only rated in a few in-
stances with a higher agreement rate for scales than
for preferences. In most instances, there is a higher
agreement rate for preferences than for scales. Where
the scale condition receives the same agreement rates
as the preference condition, all affect label appear
with similar frequency.
Figure 3: Distribution of ratings for an affect label across
participants that happen with a lower agreement rate for
scales than for preferences (SC<PR), an equally high
agreement rate for scales and preferences (SC=PR), and
higher agreement rate for scales and preferences (SC>PR).
Most significant is the finding that while direct pref-
erences and preferences inferred form scale ratings
are well correlated, there are frequent mismatches.
The question remains, why is there a mismatch be-
tween scale ratings and preferences ratings from the
same raters on the same set of stimuli? One possi-
ble answer is indicated by our analysis of differences
between agreement rates for each affect label across
the two rating schemes. This revealed differences in
agreement rates. These are distributed unevenly, in
that some affect labels are more often rated with a
higher agreement rate in one scheme, and others are
rated more often with higher agreement rates in the
other scheme. It thus appears that the rating schemes
may be differently well suited for various affect la-
bels. With the limitation of our findings being based
on only one corpus of affective data we must be care-
ful to generalize this finding to other rating scenarios.
There are several other points worth noting. A
study taking all of them into account is beyond the
scope of the present paper, but our findings indicate
that such a study may be worthwhile.
Number of ratings. As pointed out above, there
were many more ratings in the preference scheme
than in the scale scheme. Where n stimuli are to be
rated, there have to be n (n 1)/2 ratings. Our pos-
ture set is comparably small (n=10), still we already
had 45 ratings in the preference scheme as opposed
to 10 in the scale scheme. Rating a large number of
abstract postures quickly becomes a monotonous task
and in fact several participants reported that felt bored
towards the end of the study. Another comment was
that a participant felt increasingly insecure about pre-
vious ratings over the course of rating all stimuli.
Possible bias in experimental protocol. It is pos-
sible that our experimental protocol did favor prefer-
ence rating, as there had to be more ratings made than
for the scale ratings. One can argue that this leads to
more familiarity. It can be also argued that pairwise
preference rating is easier, because there are only two
options from which to choose. The scale ratings con-
sisted of 20 options.
Reliability of participants. In our present study
there is no redundancy in the stimuli. This makes
it impossible to assess the consistency and reliability
with which participants rate the stimuli and whether
there are differences for the rating conditions. A pos-
sible solution is given in (Kleinsmith et al., 2011),
where participants had to rate the same set of pos-
tures multiple times. In addition, this would lead to
increasing familiarity over time, thus addressing the
possible bias in the experimental protocol.
We investigated differences between ratings of af-
fective stimuli expressed through preferences and
through scales. Our aim is to find appropriate
schemes for rating affective stimuli in order to better
define ground truth labels for the training and testing
of automatic affect recognition systems.
Based on a corpus of abstract body postures, we
find that while there is a strong correlation between
preference and scale ratings, there are also frequent
mismatches. We discuss reasons as indicated by our
findings, as well as other potential causes. We plan to
address these in future work. As we find that different
rating conditions work better for different affect la-
bels, we believe it is worthwhile to investigate rating
schemes that make use of scales as well as preference
ratings. Preference rating quickly requires large num-
bers of ratings to be made. We believe that data min-
ing techniques can be helpful here. When a stimulus-
label combination is rated with a high-consistency
from a low number of raters it can be retired, leaving
more capacity of further raters to more disputed cases.
Ultimately, we envisage a protocol to assist assessors
to achieve higher levels of consistency and agreement
rates when rating affective stimuli for ground truth la-
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