Relationship between Affective Dimensions and Physiological
Responses Induced by Emotional Stimuli
Base on Affective Dimensions: Arousal, Valence, Intensity and Approach
Eun-Hye Jang
, Mi-Sook Park
, Byoung-Jun Park
, Sang-Hyeob Kim
Myung-Ae Chung
and Jin-Hun Sohn
Biohealth IT Convergence Technology Research Department, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute,
Gajeongno, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Future Technology Research Department, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute,
Gajeongno, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Department of Psychology, Brain Research Institute, Chungnam National University,
Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Keywords: Emotion, Affective Dimension, Physiological Responses.
Abstract: In HCI, emotion recognition using physiological signals have been noticed lately because physiological
signals can be simply acquired with some sensors and are less sensitive to social and cultural difference, in
particular, there is strong correlation between human emotional states and physiological reactions. We have
investigated the relation between affective dimensions, i.e., arousal, valence, intensity and approach, and
physiological responses such as electrocardiograph (ECG), electrodermal activity (EDA), skin temperature
(SKT), and photoplethysmograph (PPG). Three hundred college students participated in the experiment. To
successfully provoke basic emotions (anger, fear, sadness, boredom, interest, surprise, joy, pain, and
neutral), emotion-provoking film clips were excerpted for each target emotion. Physiological signals (ECG,
EDA, PPG and SKT) as emotional responses were measured during participants’ exposure to emotional
stimuli and participants were asked to rate the specific emotions they had experienced on four affective
dimensions, valence, arousal, intensity and approach. The result showed that there are correlations between
affective dimensions and physiological responses. Contrary to valence and approach, arousal and intensity
were positively related to heart rate (HR), skin conductance level (SCL) and skin conductance response
(SCR), and showed negative relation to BVP and PTT. Our result suggests an availability of physiological
signals for emotion recognition in HCI and can be helpful to provide the basis for the emotion recognition
technique in HCI.
Emotions are complex processes involving multiple
response channels, including physiological systems,
facial expressions and voices (Barrett and Bliss-
Moreau, 2009; Keltner and Lerner, 2010; Larsen and
Fredrickson, 1999). Since emotional events trigger
sequences of neural activity, which result in changes
in autonomic and neuroendocrine systems (Lovallo
and Thomas, 2000; Larsen et al., 2008),
physiological responses induced by emotions have
been applied for emotion recognition in human
computer interaction (HCI). Recently, the
recognition of human’s feeling or emotion using
multi-channel physiological signals is one of the
main topics in emotional intelligence in HCI
(Wagner, Kim and Andre, 2005). Therefore, it is
very important to investigate relations between
human emotion and physiological responses. This
relation has already supported by previous studies
and may have a major influence on examination and
application of emotion recognition in HCI (Eom,
Park, Noh and Sohn, 2011).
Most emotion studies have focused on relation
between basic emotions such as happiness, sadness,
fear, etc. or affective dimension (e.g., arousal or
valence) and physiological responses (Kreibig, 2010;
Greenwald, Cook and Lang, 1989; Lang et al.,
1998). In studies using a range of affective stimuli
(perceptual or image), skin conductance increases
Jang E., Park M., Park B., Kim S., Chung M. and Sohn J..
Relationship between Affective Dimensions and Physiological Responses Induced by Emotional Stimuli - Base on Affective Dimensions: Arousal,
Valence, Intensity and Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0004728302540259
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems (PhyCS-2014), pages 254-259
ISBN: 978-989-758-006-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
vary directly with reports of arousal, independent of
whether the experience is reported as pleasant or
unpleasant (Bradley, Cuthbert and Lang, 1990; Cook,
Hawk, Davis and Stevenson, 1991; Greenwald,
Cook and Lang, 1989). Sequeira and colleagues
(2009) have showed a positive correlation between
arousal reports and conductance response amplitudes.
Also, emotional stimuli such as recall of both
pleasant and unpleasant memories prompts heart rate
acceleration, implying that arousal primarily
determines heart rate change (Cuthbert, Bradley,
York and Lang, 1990) and other researches have
suggested that positive emotions are associated with
greater HR than negative emotions, thus HR is
sensitive to hedonic valence (Lang et al., 1998).
A dimensional approach has focused on
identifying emotions based on a small number of
underlying dimensions (Russell, 1980) and four
dimensions such as activation, valence, potency and
intensity have been obtained in many studies to
describe subjective feeling states (Smith and
Ellsworth, 1985). The valence dimension relates to
how well one is doing at the level of subjective
experience, and ranges from unpleasant to pleasant
feelings. The activation dimension, in turn, relates to
a subjective sense of energy, and ranges from
relaxed to exciting (Rusell and Feldman Barrett,
1999). Also, approach/withdrawal dimension are
managed by two partially distinct self-regulatory
systems (Gray, 1994). Also, another dimension of
emotion is intensity which is of great importance for
the behaviour and physiological responses of an
emotion (Brehm, 1999; Sonnemans and Frijda,
1994). However, relation between physiological and
two dimensions, i.e., arousal and emotion intensity,
requires more attention, and relationships among
them and other affective dimensions are not well
understood (e.g., Laukka, Juslin and Bresin, 2010).
Researchers suggested additional dimensions to
describe a variety of emotions, since some emotions
are located closely on the dimensions.
Approach/withdrawal dimension is useful to
distinguish ‘anger’ and ‘fear’ which are next to each
other on arousal and valence axis. It has been
suggested that approach/withdrawal dimension.
Recently, motivational process is known to be
associated with prefrontal asymmetries (e.g.,
Spielberg, Stewart, Levin, Miller, Heller, 2008). In
other words, left prefrontal seemed to be linked to
approach behaviour and right prefrontal appeared to
be withdrawal behaviour from aversive stimuli.
However, there are only a few studies on approach
dimension and physiological responses. Christie &
Friedman (2004) reported that arousal dimension is
associated with skin conductance (SC) and
arterial blood pressures (
MAP) and approach
dimension is linked to cardiovascular measures such
heart period (HP), diastolic blood pressure
DBP), and mean arterial blood pressures (MAP).
However, it is rarely examined the relationship
between emotion dimensions and physiological
signals such as photoplethysmograph (PPG) or skin
temperature (SKT) that is became famous for
emotion recognition in HCI. The study is to
investigate the relationship between affective
dimensions (i.e., arousal, valence, intensity and
approach) and various physiological responses such
as SKT and PPG.
2.1 Participant
300 college students (140 male, mean age: 19.2±1.5)
participated in this study. None of them reported any
history of medical illness or psychotropic
medication and denied use of any medication that
would affect the cardiovascular, respiratory, or
central nervous system. Participants were
administered a hearing test, which all of them fell
within the normal hearing range. A written consent
was obtained at the beginning of the study when
they were introduced to the experimental
procedures, and they were also paid $36 USD per
session to compensate for their participation.
2.2 Emotion-provoking Stimuli
To successfully provoke target emotions, one-to
three-minute long emotion-provoking film clips,
captured originally from a variety of movies and TV
shows, were excerpted for each different emotion
(i.e., anger, fear, and sadness). The rest of the stimuli
were created to induce the target emotion
effectively. (i.e., boredom, interest, joy, neutral,
pain, and surprise). Table 1 shows the summarized
emotion induction protocols. Stimuli were
counterbalanced to minimize the effect of the order
and intensity of each stimulus.
By administering the nine stimuli to the entire
participants, the appropriateness and effectiveness of
each stimulus was tested. The appropriateness was
defined as the percentage of whether the given
stimulus properly induced the intended emotion or
not. Effectiveness was determined from the self-
report results, where the participants were asked to
rate intensity of the emotion that he or she felt for
the stimulus on four discrete ranks. It was rated by
the participants on a 9-point Likert-type scale
ranging from -4 being “least” to +4 being “most”) on
each trial. The result of psychological responses
showed that the appropriateness was 81.81% and the
effectiveness was 81.80% in average. It means that
more than 80% participants (240 out of total 300
participants) felt the targeted emotional states and
the intensity of the emotion that they experienced
was +1.38 in average. Evidence to support the
effectiveness and appropriateness of the stimuli is
presented in the result section.
Table 1: Summary of emotion-induction protocols.
Emotion Stimulus protocol
The scenes involving repeated violence
(Korean film, 2004)
A part of a Korean horror movie, ‘A Tale
of Two Sisters (2003)’
Scenes to address themes of death of father
from Ruler of Your Own World (Korean
Drama, 2002)
The auditory presentation of repeating
continuously the sequence of numbers
from 1 to 10 over ten times
Interest Pictures that can create the illusion
The presentation of the sudden noise while
participants were attended to moving visual
The roulette playing in which participants
could earn 2~5 dollars
A standard blood pressure cuff was applied
to participant’s non-dominant arm and was
inflated to a maximum pressure of 250
Neutral Repeated scenes involving chair
2.3 Experimental Settings
The experiment was done in a sound-proof (blocked
from noise 35dB and lower) room of 5m x 2.5m
size. A chair for a participant was located in the
center of the room and 19-inch computer monitor
was placed 50 cm ahead from the chair for
presentation of emotion-provoking stimuli. Closed
circuit television right next to the computer monitor
was installed to observe a participant’s behaviour.
There were a computer to present the stimuli to a
participant and TV and VCR to monitor and record a
participant’s behaviour outside the laboratory. Also,
a device (MP100) to measure the activities of
autonomic nervous system (ANS), and another
computer to receive all the signals from MP100
were equipped in the laboratory.
Experimental procedures were as follows: Prior
to the experiment, participants were allowed to take
time to feel comfortable in the laboratory setting and
instruction to experiment was carefully explained to
the participants. Then, electrodes for acquisition of
physiological signals were placed on their wrists,
fingers, and ankle. They had 60 seconds before the
stimulus presentation as baseline state during which
their physiological responses were measured without
any emotional stimulus. Then, they were presented
the emotion-provoking stimuli for 1~3 minutes. At
the end of stimulus presentation, participants were
asked to rate the emotions they had experienced
during exposure to emotional stimuli on four
affective dimensions, valence, arousal, approach,
and intensity. Specifically, participants were asked
the following questions to rate each dimension: 1)
did you feel ‘unpleasant’ or ‘pleasant’ during
exposure to the stimuli, 2) did you feel ‘relaxed’ or
‘aroused’ 3) did you feel like you wanted to
‘withdraw’ from or ‘approach’ the scene (or
situations you went through in boredom, surprise,
joy, and pain conditions) 4) how strong was the
emotion you experienced. The ratings were based on
scales ranging from -4 (, negatively valenced,
relaxed, withdrawal, and weak, respectively) to +4
(positively valenced, aroused, approach, strong,
respectively). After the ratings, they were given 2
minutes to get debriefed and recovered from the
emotional state. The stimulus order was randomized
for each participant and the experiment took roughly
for an hour and a half, including short breaks.
2.4 Physiological Measures and Data
Biopac Systems Inc. (California, USA) was used to
measure physiological responses and MP100WS and
AcqKnowledge (version 3.7.1) were used to acquire
the data and analyse them, respectively. The
sampling rate was fixed at 250 Hz for all channels,
and appropriate amplification and band-pass filtering
were performed. ECG electrodes were placed on
both wrists and the left ankle using two kinds of
electrodes, sputtered and AgCl. The electrode on left
ankle was used as a reference. EDA signal was
measured with 8 mm AgCl electrodes placed on the
volar surface of the distal phalanges of the index and
middle fingers of the non-dominant hand. The
electrodes were filled with a 0.05 molar isotonic
NaCl paste to provide a continuous connection
between the electrodes and the skin. PPG sensor was
attached to the first joint of the non-dominant thumb
and SKT signals were acquired by an SKT electrode
attached to the first joint of the non-dominant ring
Table 2: Physiological features analysed in this study.
ANS features
Perceptual attribute
Heart rate (M) HR (M)
the number of heartbeats
per minute
Blood Volume
Pulse (M)
the phasic change in
blood volume
Pulse Transit
Time (M)
the time it takes a pulse
wave to travel between
two arterial sites
Level (M)
the tonic levels ranging
from 10-50uS
Response (M)
the phasic change of skin
conductance or “peaks”
in the skin conductance
mean of Skin
the average temperature
of skin surface
Data for 30 sec from the baseline and another 30 sec
from emotional state by emotion-provoking stimulus
were used for the data analysis. Heart rate (HR) was
extracted from ECG measuring heart activity. Skin
conductance level (SCL) and skin conductance
response (SCR) were analysed as EDA indicators,
which represents changes in the electrical properties
of the skin due to the activity of sweat glands and is
physically interpreted as conductance. Blood volume
pulse (BVP) was extracted from PPG and pulse
transit time (PTT) was from ECG and PPG by
measuring the elapsed time between the R-wave of
the ECG and the arrival of the pulse wave at the
finger. Also, the mean SKT was obtained from the
skin temperature measurements. Table 2 shows the
autonomic nervous system (ANS) features included
in the present study. Difference between baseline
state and emotional state was used for the data
analysis. Correlation analysis was done to find the
relationship between the physiological signals and
the four affective dimensions of arousal, valence,
intensity and approach.
3.1 Participants’ Perception
of Affective Dimensions
The participants’ psychological ratings of intended
emotion were shown as descriptive statistics. Table
3 shows participants’ mean ratings of intended
emotion intensity ranged from +1.41 to +2.35 (on 9-
point scale). This means that intended emotions are
induced effectively.
Table 3: Participants’ mean ratings of intensity for each
intended emotion condition.
M 2.3 1.9 2.2 1.4 1.8 0 1.7 1.6 2.4
SD 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.8 0 0.7 0.7 0.7
Abbreviations of each emotion are as follows. ANG: anger, BOR:
boredom, FEA: fear, INT: interest, JOY: joy, NEU: neutral, PAI:
pain, SAD: sadness, SUR: surprise
Figure 1: Participants’ ratings of emotion portrays on
affective dimensions.
Figure 1 shows how the participants’ ratings on
each affective dimension were varied according to
the intended emotion. Participants rated that they felt
relaxed during the boredom and neutral emotion,
and aroused during anger, fear and surprise emotion.
Across levels of arousal, fear, anger and surprise
portrayed higher, and boredom and neutral lower on
arousal than the other emotions. For the valence and
approach dimensions, joy, interest, and neutral
emotions were portrayed more positively valenced
and approach and the rest of other emotions were
more negatively valenced and withdrawal.
3.2 Inter-correlation among Affective
Table 4 presents the correlation among the mean
ratings of each portrayal on the four affective
dimensions, i.e., arousal, valence, intensity and
approach. The results showed there were positive
correlations between arousal and intensity, and
between valence and approach. Also, arousal and
intensity were negatively related to valence and
approach. In other words, the data suggest that
emotions high in arousal and intensity tended to be
unpleasant and withdrawal.
Table 4: Inter-correlation among affective dimensions
using participants’ ratings (** p<.01).
Arousal Valence Intensity Approach
arousal 1 -.324** .289** -.237**
valence -.324** 1 -.302** .836**
intensity .289** -.302** 1 -.253**
approach -.237** .836** -.253** 1
3.3 Relationship between Affective
Dimensions and Physiological
Table 5 presents the correlation between affective
dimensions and physiological responses. Arousal
and intensity dimensions were positively related to
SCL, SCR and HR and negatively toBVP, PTT and
SKT. Contrary to the result, valence and approach
dimensions hadthe negative correlation with HR,
SCL and SCR, and the positive relation to BVP,
PTT and SKT. The negative correlation between
valence and approach dimensions with HR, SCL and
SCR means that the more unpleasant and withdrawal,
the greater changes in HR, SCL and SCRindexes.
Table 5: Correlation between affective dimensions and
physiological responses (** p<.01).
.17** -.27** -.29** .30** .37** -.12**
-.15** .20** .15** -.23** -.27** .03
.21** -.03 -.22** .23** .24** .00
-.18** .16** .14** -.24** -.28** .03
We identified the inter-correlation among four
affective dimensions, arousal, valence, intensity and
approach by the participants’ ratings and the relation
between affective dimensions and physiological
responses induced by emotional stimuli. Our results
showed that arousal and intensity have similar
properties, explaining the intensity has great
importance for the behaviour and physiological
responses of an emotion. Also, valence and approach
are affective dimensions indicating the higher scores
on them are pleasant and approach, and lower
unpleasant and withdrawal, respectively. Consistent
with Christie and Friedman (2004), our results
supports that
valence is more accurately described as
approach–withdrawal when applying autonomic
responses during discrete emotion conditions.
of correlation between affective dimensions and
physiological responses indicated that two affective
dimensions of arousal and intensity are positively
related to HR, SCL and SCR, and negatively to BVP
and PTT. These results mean that the higher arousal
and intensity indicate greater sympathetic activation
reflected by HR, SCL and SCR. On the other hand,
there was negative correlation between valence and
approach dimensions with physiological responses
of HR, SCL and SCR, and positive correlation with
BVP and PTT. It shows that unpleasant and
withdrawal emotions are positively related to
sympathetic activation. Although previous
researches have reported that EDA is a marker of
cortical arousal, our results suggested the significant
relations between affective dimensions and BVP and
PTT, which means that the value of changes in BVP
and PTT could be used as indirect markers of
cortical arousal. Also, in SKT index, it was only
related to arousal dimension. Given to strong
relationships between physiological responses and
other affective dimensions, SKT is reliable less than
other physiological signals such as EDA or HR.
This study has a few limitations. Firstly, this
study only used very simple statistical analysis,
primarily correlation method. In the further study,
the results in a more sophisticated way might be
presented instead of just showing graphs and
correlation results. If linear regression model is
applied for the data, strong statistical predictor of the
reported emotional response can be obtained based
on these physiological responses. Secondly, this
study applied relatively loose threshold on the p-
value of 0.01 for the correlation results. If more
strict and robust statistical threshold is applied for
the data, e.g., p-value of 0.002, it is expected to find
noticeable physiological responses strongly
associated with emotional dimensions.
Despite a few limitations above, this study could
examine an availability of physiological signals for
emotion recognition in HCI and our result can be
helpful to provide the basis for the emotion
recognition technique in HCI. Further, we will
expand the approach of examining other affective
dimensions such as coping potential or novelty.
This research was supported by the Converging
Research Center Program through the Ministry of
Science, ICT and Future Planning, Korea (2013K00
0329 and 2013K000332).
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