Toward Pay-As-You-Go Data Integration for Healthcare Simulations
Philipp Baumg
, Gregor Endler
and Richard Lenz
Institute of Computer Science 6, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany
On behalf of the ProHTA Research Group
Data Management, Data Integration, Simulation, Healthcare.
ProHTA (Prospective Health Technology Assessment) aims at understanding the impact of innovative medical
processes and technologies at an early stage. To that end, large scale healthcare simulations are employed to
estimate the effects of potential innovations. Simulation techniques are also utilized to detect areas with a high
potential for improving the supply chain of healthcare. The data needed for both validating and adjusting these
simulations typically comes from various heterogeneous sources and is often preaggregated and insufficiently
documented. Thus, new data management techniques are required to cope with these conditions. Because of
the high initial integration effort, we propose a pay-as-you-go approach using RDF. Thereby, data storage is
separated from semantic annotation. Our proposed system offers automatic initial integration of various data
sources. Additionally, it provides methods for searching semantically annotated data and for loading it into
the simulation. The user can add annotations to the data in order to enable semantic integration on demand.
In this paper, we demonstrate the feasibility of this approach with a prototype implementation. We discuss
benefits and remaining challenges.
Medical and statistical simulation data in our project
ProHTA (Prospective Health Technology Assess-
ment)(Djanatliev et al., 2012) stems from several
heterogeneous sources like spreadsheets, relational
databases or XML files. Therefore, semantic data in-
tegration is an important concern. Although many
techniques exist for automatic integration of data
(Rahm and Bernstein, 2001), it is still an expensive
process. Like Lenz et al. (Lenz et al., 2007), we dis-
tinguish between technical and semantic integration.
Technical integration enables accessing data. In con-
trast, semantic integration facilitates understanding
the meaning of data. Since our pool of data sources
is likely to change frequently, we investigate an in-
tegration strategy based on the dataspaces abstraction
(Franklin et al., 2005). This approach allows the coex-
istence of heterogeneous data sources, which are ini-
tially integrated only as far as automatically possible
(Das Sarma et al., 2008). The system then allows the
gradual improvement of the degree of integration in a
pay-as-you-go manner (Jeffery et al., 2008).
To achieve pay-as-you-go integration, we devel-
oped an architecture with multiple levels of integra-
tion based on the five-level schema architecture for
federated databases by Sheth and Larson (Sheth and
Larson, 1990). The original ANSI/SPARC three-
level schema architecture consists of conceptual, in-
ternal, and external schema. The conceptual schema
describes the data structures and the relationships
among them on a logical level. The internal schema
contains indexes and information about the physical
storage of records. The external schema provides tai-
lored views for separate groups of users. Sheth and
Larson (Sheth and Larson, 1990) introduce additional
schema levels to support federated databases. The lo-
cal schema contains the native data model of a data
source. The component schema is the translation of
the local schema into a canonical data model. For our
approach, we adapt the local schema and component
schema, which replace the conceptual schema of the
ANSI/SPARC architecture. By explicitly storing the
native data model of a data source and deferring the
translation into a canonical data model, we allow for
demand driven integration.
To enable storing heterogeneous data with differ-
ent data models, our data management system em-
ploys a fully generic data schema. As a side effect,
following the principle of “design for change” (Par-
nas, 1994) from the outset ensures evolutionary capa-
bilities, an important factor for success. This is espe-
Baumgärtel P., Endler G. and Lenz R..
Toward Pay-As-You-Go Data Integration for Healthcare Simulations.
DOI: 10.5220/0004734201720177
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2014), pages 172-177
ISBN: 978-989-758-010-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
cially true for projects in the healthcare sector with its
rapidly changing conditions (Lenz, 2009).
An evolutionary information system requires spe-
cial attention as to the keeping of data. A fully
generic data schema like EAV/CR (Nadkarni et al.,
1999), while perfectly able to manage changing
conditions, significantly increases query complexity.
For this reason, we adopt an approach using RDF
(Resource Description Framework) (Lassila et al.,
1999). RDF employs a generic schema consisting of
(subject,predicate,object) triples to store and
link objects. In (Baumg
artel et al., 2013), we de-
veloped a Benchmark to compare the performance
of several generic data management solutions for
simulation input data. With this benchmark, we
evaluated a document store, relational databases us-
ing an EAV schema, and an RDF triplestore. This
benchmark showed that RDF triplestores are slower
and not as mature as relational databases. How-
ever, RDF triplestores allow concise SPARQL queries
(Prud’hommeaux and Seaborne, 2008), whereas SQL
queries on an EAV/CR schema prove to be very com-
plex. Therefore, we chose to use RDF triplestores, as
their flexibility and query capabilities outweigh their
performance drawbacks.
Howe et al. (Howe et al., 2011) identified
several key barriers to adopting a data management
system for science. They argue that the initial effort
of designing a data schema is too complicated in
most cases. Therefore, a “data first, structure later”
approach should be implemented to reduce the
initial effort. Another problem identified by Howe
et al. is that scientists sometimes need help to write
non-trivial SQL statements.
Therefore, we identified several requirements for
our simulation data management system:
Automatic Technical Integration: Because of
the changing demands of the simulation and the
amounts of heterogeneous data, the initial effort of
integrating a data source should be minimized. Many
sources being available to us have the same format
but different semantics. Therefore, the system should
enable automatic technical integration and schema
import for sources with known formats.
Deferred Semantic Integration: As the data has
to be reusable for different simulation studies, the
data management system has to provide the means of
adding semantic information to stored data. These an-
notations can then be used for deferred semantic inte-
gration on demand implementing a “data first, struc-
ture later” approach.
Querying Simulation Data: The simulation
modeler has to be able to find and query data easily.
The effort of using a data provider for simulation
input data management should be less than manual
data input.
In this section, we propose an approach to simulation
data management utilizing pay-as-you-go integration.
In a previous paper (Baumg
artel and Lenz, 2012),
we developed an ontology for storing data cubes us-
ing RDF. We also described a simple domain specific
query language assisting simulation modelers to load
data into their simulation models. However, the prob-
lem of high initial effort for integrating the data re-
mained unsolved, as up-front semantic information
about the data sets is necessary.
Therefore, we propose a flexible solution for in-
tegrating, annotating and querying simulation input
data. Data and metadata are stored in an RDF triple-
store using several generic upper ontologies. A web
frontend visualizes the data and provides methods for
getting user input. Figure 1 depicts the components of
our approach. Data is loaded using input adapters for
various source types, e.g. spreadsheets, XML files or
relational databases. Then, the data is stored utilizing
the automatically imported schema of the data source.
For example, a spreadsheet is stored using concepts
like table, row, column and cell. Initially, the user can
query the data utilizing full-text search or SPARQL.
Also, the user is able to view the data employing a vi-
sualization module for that specific source type. This
module also enables the user to add annotations about
the semantics of the data to facilitate deferred seman-
tic integration.
Figure 1: The architecture of our simulation data manage-
ment system.
Meta Information
Data Structures
fromClass toClass
RDF Property with Domain and Range
RDF Tripel
Figure 2: Upper ontology for data structures and annotations.
2.1 Example
As a running example, we use the integration of mul-
tidimensional statistical data. This kind of data is the
most prominent in our simulation project. We have to
integrate preaggregated statistical data in pivot tables
stored in spreadsheets. Figure 3 shows an example for
this kind of data.
To integrate pivot tables as multidimensional data
cubes, we need semantic information about the di-
mensions represented by rows and columns. In the
following sections, we will show how our generic
framework for demand driven integration enables us
to build a pay-as-you-go integration engine to accom-
plish this.
Figure 3: Our web frontend visualizing tabular data.
2.2 Technical Integration
For every type of data source an input adapter has to
be implemented and an ontology to store the schema
of this source type has to be constructed. We devel-
oped an upper ontology for describing these schema
ontologies. This ontology is depicted in Figure 2. Ad-
ditionally, this upper ontology enables storing arbi-
trary data that corresponds to a schema ontology. The
data is stored as Elements of Data Structures. These
Elements may contain Data, which could be a single
Data Item or another substructure. Therefore, sev-
eral Data Structure ontologies can be assembled. El-
ements can have Annotations that are part of a set of
annotations for one Data Structure.
Now, ontologies to store data cubes or tables can
be constructed using this upper ontology. To integrate
a data source, the input adapter imports the actual
schema of this source and stores it as an instance of a
Data Structure. Then, the data is imported and stored
in the RDF triplestore. This enables querying of all
data sources with one common query language. Us-
ing the terminology of Sheth and Larson (Sheth and
Larson, 1990), the schema of the data source corre-
sponds to the local schema.
To validate this approach, we implemented an
adapter for CSV files and an adapter for spreadsheets,
as these are the most common file types in our project.
To store these files, we constructed an ontology for
tabular data using our upper ontology (Figure 4(a)).
The input adapter uses this ontology to import the
schema of the data sources. All of the classes in the
table ontology are derived from classes of our upper
ontology. As all data is stored using our upper ontol-
ogy as a common vocabulary, our system can initially
provide a full-text keyword search for these file types.
Additionally, the data can be queried using SPARQL.
However, our approach is not limited to spreadsheets
but also applicable to relational or hierarchical data
for example.
2.3 Visualization and Semantic
For every source type, a visualization module can be
implemented. To display the data, we use HTML tem-
plates and modules to load and process schema infor-
mation. We implemented a visualization component
for tabular data to visualize CSV files and spread-
sheets. Fig. 3 depicts our web frontend displaying a
simple table.
The frontend facilitates the annotation of individ-
ual elements of a dataset to add semantic informa-
tion. To this end, the frontend automatically generates
annotation forms using annotation ontologies. These
annotation ontologies describe sets of possible anno-
tations. To define these annotation ontologies, we
developed an upper annotation ontology (Figure 2).
These semantic annotations can then be utilized for
semantic integration.
For tabular data, the elements that can be anno-
tated are rows, columns and cells. The user can se-
lect a set of possible semantic annotations he would
like to add. For example, the user can annotate rows
and columns of a spreadsheet containing multidimen-
sional data with information about dimensions and
granularities. Figure 4(b) depicts an annotation ontol-
ogy that can be used to store information about mul-
tidimensional data in tables.
To validate the modularity of our approach, we
implemented an additional annotation ontology to
describe spreadsheets containing multiple subtables.
For this new annotation ontology, the annotation
forms are generated automatically and the table can
be annotated. Because of the independence of the
modules, there is no need to change any code when
adding new annotation ontologies. However, mod-
ules to process the annotations for semantic integra-
tion have to be implemented.
2.4 Semantic Integration
When there is sufficient semantic information about
a dataset, the system can translate the data into the
canonical data model, which is represented by another
data-structure ontology. For each set of annotations
and each source type, a semantic integration module
can be implemented.
We implemented a module to integrate mul-
tidimensional data using our data cube ontology
artel and Lenz, 2012) as the canonical data
model. This component utilizes annotations to ta-
bles (Figure 4(b)) and constructs new multidimen-
sional data structures. That way, we can integrate
pivot tables as multidimensional data cubes. Now, the
data can be queried using our domain specific query
language for multidimensional data (Baumg
artel and
Lenz, 2012). Other domain specific languages can be
added to our query processor as well.
2.5 Searching and Querying Simulation
Input Data
After data is stored in our system, it offers a full-
text keyword search. As SPARQL queries tend to be
very complex, we do not expect the simulation mod-
elers to write SPARQL queries themselves. In future
work, we will add automatic query generation to the
graphical user interface. However, writing SPARQL
queries remains possible and enables the user to ag-
gregate and manipulate the data. As data is annotated
with further information, the data can be queried us-
ing high level domain specific query languages. For
example, we developed a domain specific query lan-
guage for agent based simulation models to query and
aggregate data that corresponds to steps in a UML ac-
tivity diagram (Baumg
artel et al., 2014).
We validated our concepts by integrating CSV-files
and spreadsheets stemming from the German Federal
Statistical Office
. Most of these data files contained
multidimensional data as pivot tables.
We compared the traditional data manage-
ment workflow using spreadsheets or manual input
(Robertson and Perera, 2002) to the workflow using
our system. To evaluate the traditional workflow, we
employed a document management system to store
spreadsheets. In both scenarios, data is stored by up-
loading files to a web frontend. Both the document
management system and our prototype offer means of
searching data by keywords. In the traditional work-
flow the data is viewed using a spreadsheet applica-
tion. In contrast, our system offers integrated means
of viewing spreadsheet data. In the traditional work-
flow, data sets are loaded into the simulation model
by simulation framework specific adapters for spread-
sheets. Using our approach, data sets are loaded into
the simulation using SPARQL. The effort of defining
the desired rows and columns of the data set using
the simulation framework specific adapters was equal
to using SPARQL. However, semantic annotation and
integration enable the use of domain specific query
languages with additional features. Therefore, the ini-
tial effort of storing data is the same in both scenar-
row column
(a) Ontology for tables
subClassOf subClassOf
colIsDim rowInGranularity colInGranularity
RDF Property with
Domain and Range
RDF Tripel
(b) Ontology to annotate pivot tables
Figure 4: RDF classes to describe tables and the mapping of pivot tables to data cubes.
ios. However, our system offers techniques to gradu-
ally improve the semantic integration of the data and
therefore its reusability.
In this section, we will give a brief overview about
existing work on simulation data management.
SciDB (Rogers et al., 2010) is a tool for scientific
data management storing large multidimensional ar-
ray data and supporting efficient data processing. In
contrast to SciDB, our main challenge is not to handle
very large array data, but to handle many small data
sets in heterogeneous formats.
SIMPL (Reimann et al., 2011) is a framework sup-
porting the ETL-process (extract, transform and load)
for simulation data. The schema of data sources is
described in XML, which is flexible enough for het-
erogeneous data.
DaltOn (Jablonski et al., 2009) is a data integra-
tion framework for scientific applications. Integration
is done using descriptions of the data sources.
Arthofer et al. (Arthofer et al., 2012) devel-
oped an ontology based tool to integrate medical data.
They also provide an automatically generated ontol-
ogy based web frontend to add additional information
with focus on data quality.
However, with all these systems the high initial ef-
fort of data integration remains. Howe et al. (Howe
et al., 2011) describe a relational scientific dataspace
system with support for schema free storage of tables.
The main aspect of the system is the automatic sug-
gestion of SQL queries and not the semantic integra-
tion of the tables. In contrast, our system facilitates
semantic integration and can be extended to support
other data formats than tables.
In this paper, we proposed a data management system
for healthcare simulations. We clarified the impor-
tance of a pay-as-you-go data integration approach for
simulation data management. After the discussion of
the basic concepts, we described our prototypical im-
plementation and the validation of our concepts. Fi-
nally, we discussed related work.
Our modular framework for heterogeneous data
and input adapters facilitates automatic initial tech-
nical integration. Additionally, visualization and an-
notations enable deferred semantic integration. This
“data first, structure later” approach minimizes the
initial integration effort. Searching and querying
the data is possible utilizing a keyword search and
SPARQL. Finally, semantic integration enables en-
hanced query possibilities like domain specific query
languages. We validated our approach with a proto-
typical implementation of our framework.
In future work, we will improve our framework by
adding support for various other types of data sources
and improving usability. Additionally, we will add
facilities for automatic query generation to our fron-
tend to support simulation modelers. Finally, we will
evaluate our approach in the context of our simulation
This project is supported by the German Federal Min-
istry of Education and Research (BMBF), project
grant No. 13EX1013B.
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