Face Verification using LBP Feature and Clustering
Chenqi Wang, Kevin Lin and Yi-Ping Hung
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Face Recognition, Local Binary Pattern (LBP), Unsupervised Learning.
In this paper, we present a mechanism to extract certain special faces—LBP-Faces, which are designed to
represent different kinds of faces around the world, and utilize them as the basis to verify other faces. In
particular, we show how our idea can integrate with Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and improve its performance.
Other than most of the previous LBP-variant approaches, which, no matter try to improve coding mechanism
or optimize the neighbourhood sizes, first divide a face into patch-level regions (e.g. 7× 7 patches), concate-
nating histograms calculated in each patch to derive a rather long dimension vector, and then apply PCA to
implement dimension reduction, our work use original LBP histograms, trying to retain the major properties
such as discriminability and invariance, but in a much bigger component-level region (we divide faces into 7
components). In each component, we cluster LBP descriptors—in the form of histograms to derive N clus-
tering centroids, which we define as LBP-Faces. Then, to any input face, we calculate its similarities with all
these N LBP-Faces and use the similarities as final features to verify the face. It looks like we project the faces
image into a new feature space—LBP-Faces space. The intuition within it is that when we depict an unknown
face, we are prone to use description such as how likely the face’s eye or nose is to an known one. Result of
our experiment on the Labeled Face in Wild (LFW) database shows that our method outperforms LBP in face
Face recognition has been an important issue in the
field of pattern recognition. This problem has been
addressed on giving two images of face, and veri-
fying that these two images were captured from the
same person or different people, so-called the face
verification. This task has been widely applied on the
intelligent surveillance system and become more and
more popular for commercial use. However, most of
the face images captured from the surveillance system
are not ideal. It still has several challenges, such as
the changes of illumination, the variety of head poses,
partially occlusion by addressing the accessories and
so on. Since the face verification is a binary classifi-
cation problem, which classifies the given two faces
into same or different people, the most important por-
tion become the feature extraction. Carefully design
a robust and discriminative feature can improve the
performance of face recognition. Thus, the extracted
feature—descriptor is required to be not only discrim-
inativebut also robust to some noise. Among all exist-
ing technologies, local binary pattern(LBP) (Ahonen
et al., 2004) has been demonstrated that it can suc-
cessfully represent the structure of the faces by ex-
Figure 1: Several examples face pairs of the same person
from the Labeled Faces in the Wild data set. Pairs on the
top and bottom are correctly and incorrectly classified with
our method respectively.
ploiting the distribution of such pixel neighbourhood.
However, those methods suffer from several limita-
tions, such as the fixed quantization and the redundant
feature dimension. It has been argued that a large pro-
portion of the 256 codes in original LBP occur with
a very low frequency, which may cause the code his-
togram less informative and more redundant. Thus, a
lot of LBP varieties have been proposed to improve
the original version.
A famous extension to the original one is known
as Uniform LBP (Ojala et al., 2002), where 256 codes
Wang C., Lin K. and Hung Y..
Face Verification using LBP Feature and Clustering.
DOI: 10.5220/0004736905720578
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2014), pages 572-578
ISBN: 978-989-758-003-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
in LBP reduce to 59 codes by merging 198 non-
uniform codes into one bin. The idea stems from the
observation that the codes of non-uniform pattern—
a binary pattern that contains more than two bitwise
transitions from 0 to 1 or vice versa, have very low
frequency to emerge. However, this method is en-
tirely based on the empirical statistics, which seems
too heuristic and has no cogent theory to explain the
reasonableness of mapping each non-uniform code
into a single bin. Additionally, Cao et al. (Cao et al.,
2010) also testify that even in Uniform LBP, some
codes still appear rarely in real-life face images. On
the other hand, when using LBP, most works firstly
divide a face image into dozens patches and calculate
LBP histograms in each patch before concatenating
all the obtained histograms, which lead to an oversize-
dimension feature vector. To reduce the feature size,
dimension reduction technique such as principle com-
ponent analysis(PCA) should be used to avoid com-
putation load and over-fitting. Despite preserving the
most energy and the largest variation after projection,
PCA may ignore some key discriminative factors.
Instead, our work look at LBP in a totally different
way—from the histogram’s point of view. That is, we
preserve the intact histograms of original LBP and try
to find out if there exist some unforeseen yet useful
relations and laws within them. In particular, while
the circular neighbouring pixels can be clustered into
fixed groups in LBP(e.g. if circle size is 8, we can
get 2
codes), we want to know whether histograms
can also be clustered. The intuition is based on the
following observation, that is, when we depict a per-
son, we prefer to use the description such as ‘he has a
hooked nose’ or she has a big eye’. Therefore, con-
sidering LBP histograms are proven to be strong de-
scriptors for face recognition, we divide a image into
7 component, namely eyes, nose, mouth and so on,
and use LBP histogram in each component to repre-
sent its character. Then, we use unsupervised learning
on component basis to get N clustering centroids—
called LBP-Faces, in each component, which we be-
lieve can represent N different kinds of component
around the world if we collect enough data for learn-
ing. Finally, we use the dissimilarities between these
LBP-Faces and each input face image to verify the
people. Figure 1 shows some sample face pairs used
for evaluation in our work. The top pairs are cor-
rectly classified while the bottom ones not. But we
can see those pairs that we didn’t make right deci-
sion are really difficult to be distinguished, even by
human perceptions. Section 4 illustrates the details of
the dataset—LFW dataset we used in the work. Re-
sult on the dataset shows we have better performance
over LBP. The contribution of this paper includes:
This paper proposes an innovative idea that in-
spired by the natural recognition procedure of the
human beings to improvethe performance of LBP
in face verification.
To our best knowledge, we are the first to use
unsupervised learning in the histogram’s point of
view, which may give a new thought in face veri-
fication and related recognition field.
Our result on the restricted data set of LFW—a
challenging and authoritativedataset, outperforms
several state-of-the-art face verification method,
which prove the rationality and feasibility of our
idea. We believe not only LBP histograms can
be applied on our framework, but some other de-
scriptors may also be applicable.
The rest of this paper is organizedas follows: Sec-
tion 2 discusses the related work in face recognition.
We then describes overview of our proposed method
in Section 3. In Section 4 we introduces the dataset
used in this paper. Section 5 elaborates on how to de-
rive LBP-Faces and how to use these LBP-Faces to
verify people. Our experiment and results are shown
in Section 6 and we conclude our work in Section 7.
There are a lot of existing approaches to extract fea-
tures in face recognition. Turk et al. (Turk and Pent-
land, 1991) proposed descriptor called EIGENFACE,
where each images is presented as an n-dimension
vector. The input face is projected into the weight
space and the nearest-neighbor method is performed
to find the best matched face in the database. FISH-
ERFACE (Belhumeur et al., 1997) is an alternative
method, whose idea is to project the image into a sub-
space in the manner which discounts those regions of
the face with large deviation. Other famous descrip-
tors include discrete cosine transform (DCT) (Rod
et al., 2000) and Gabor (Liu and Wechsler, 2002).
In addition, Ahonen et al. (Ahonen et al., 2004) pro-
posed the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) to represent
features of face and get a reasonable performance. In
detail, a face image is divided into several regions,
and in each region we can derive the LBP histogram.
Finally, the face descriptor is completed by concate-
nating all the histograms into an enhanced feature
vector. However, G. Sharma et al. (Sharma et al.,
2012) pointed out that LBP still has several nonneg-
ligible limitations, such as the baseless heuristic en-
coding mechanisms to reduce the dimension of fea-
ture space, the hard quantization of the feature space,
and the histogram-based feature representation which
Figure 2: Pipeline of the proposed unsupervised LBP-Face algorithm.
impeded us to apply higher-order statistics.
Uniform LBP (Ojala et al., 2002) is a common ex-
tension of original one, but Zhimin Cao et al. (Cao
et al., 2010) also argued that even in Uniform LBP,
there are a lot of codes which may rarely appear in
real-life face images. Several methods have been pro-
posed to tackled this problem. Zhimin Cao et al.
introduced the Learning-based (LE) encoder which
projects the ring-based sampled pattern into another
refined feature space. The encoder is trained using
a set of training face images with unsupervised algo-
rithm, such as K-means and random-projection tree.
G. Sharma et al. (Sharma et al., 2012) further pro-
posed the Local Higher-order Statistic (LHS) model,
which improvethe LBP feature by modifying the LBP
feature extraction procedure. They described the lo-
cal pattern of pixel neighbourhoods with their pro-
posed differential vectors, which records the differ-
ence value between the center of the LBP operator
and the circular pixel neighbourhoods. The Gaus-
sian Mixture Model is then applied to describe all of
the differential vectors. Other famous feature-based
methods include local texture pattern(LTP) (Tan and
Triggs, 2010).
Some of the works (Ahonen et al., 2004; Turk and
Pentland, 1991; Belhumeur et al., 1997) mentioned
above focus on how to extract the most discrimina-
tive feature for face recognition. In another aspect,
several previous works (Rod et al., 2000; Cao et al.,
2010) tried to reduce the feature dimension by pro-
jecting the feature into the refined new feature space.
We can easily find that there is a trade-off between
the dimension of the feature space and the represen-
tative ability of the feature. The goal of the feature
dimension reduction is to reduce the dimension of the
feature space and decrease the complexity of the com-
putation. However, the more dimension of the feature
we reduce, the more useful information we might lost.
Since there is no theory that can prove which codes
within the histogram are useless for sure, in our work,
we preserve all the histogram codes of LBP to retain
as much representative ability of the initial feature as
possible. Simultaneously, we project the features into
a low-dimension feature space —LBP-Face space red
by using unsupervised learning to fulfil dimension re-
In this paper, we propose a novel idea which is in-
spired by the natural recognition procedure of the hu-
man beings, that is, we usually depict a person by
describing how likely he/she is to an known person.
Therefore, we present a mechanism by red finding out
these ‘well-known’ faces—which we call LBP-Faces,
calculating the dissimilarities between given image
face and all these LBP-Faces, and utilizing the new
distance vectors to verify other unknown faces.
Figure 2 demonstrates the pipeline of our ap-
proach. There are following main steps in our work.
Firstly, we need to derive LBP-Faces, which is
the most important process in our work since it
results—LBP-Faces would directly influence our
final performance. The upper frame box shows
this process. Specifically, 13232 face images from
all of world are implemented preprocessing be-
fore extracting their LBP histograms, then we use
unsupervised learning technology to obtain final
N centroids, which are denoted as diamond icons
in Figure 2 and can be seen as the most representa-
tive N different faces in the word. The N centroids
are exactly what we call LBP-Faces. Additionally,
in order to preserve local information, all the pro-
cess is carried out in component-level(there are 7
components in each face). For easy description,
we still use LBP-Faces to denote centroids in each
After acquiring the LBP-Faces, we are ready to
do face verification. Thus, the second step is to
obtain final feature for face matching. To any
given face image, we calculate the dissimilarities
between it and all the LBP-Faces to get an N-
dimension distance vector—thisvector is our final
feature vector.
Thus, in face matching stage, we just need to com-
pare these distance vectors among each image.
The smaller the distance of two distance vectors
is, the more chance the two face images are from
the same person. Particularly, since the feature
dimension reduction is simultaneously conducted
within the above process, we don’t need do di-
mension reduction such as PCA like traditional
LBP-variants do, which also makes our method
competitive in computation efficiency.
Before going further, it is essential to elaborate on
the data set we use in the paper. Since the deriva-
tion of LBP-Faces and our experiment are all based
on the dataset, we use a separate section to illustrate
it—the publicly available dataset Labeled Faces in the
Wild (Huang et al., 2007). Figure 1 in the first page
shows some samples of the dataset, which are used in
our experiment in Section 6. This well-known dataset
is specifically designed for the study of face recogni-
tion. This database contains 13233 face images and
5749 people collected form the web. There are 1680
people have two or more face images for the purpose
of verification. All the face images are labeled with
the name of the person. Since the LFW data is col-
lected from the Internet, the images are not always
ideal and become more challenge for face recogni-
tion. That is, there is a large variety in head poses,
different illumination situations, and so on. In order to
eliminate the avoidable variation in the LFW original
version images, the stage of image preprocessing is
performed and is described in detail in subsection 5.1.
In general, the LFW dataset can be separated into
two parts. The first part—View 1 is designed for al-
gorithm development, such as model selection or val-
idation. The other part—View 2 is provided for the
performance comparison, which is used for the final
evaluation of a proposed algorithm and comparison
of performance of different algorithms. For View 1,
there are 1100 matched pairs and 1100 mismatched
pairs of face images, which can be seen as the positive
and negative samples for the stage of model training.
As the same setting, there are 500 pairs of matched
and mismatched pairs images in View 1, which is
given for the stage of validation. In the configura-
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 3: (a) input image, (b) face detection result, (c) face
alignment using AAM, and (d) Preprocessing result.
tion of View 2, the database is split into 10 sets ran-
domly. There are 300 matched pairs and 300 mis-
matched pairs images randomly selected within each
set. The final evaluation of performance comparison
is given using the 10 folder cross validation, and can
be found in Section 6.
The evaluation results are plotted in the standard
ROC curve. The ROC curve is constructed by plotting
the fraction of True Positive Rate (TPR) and False
Positive Rate (FPR), which illustrates the character-
istic of the binary classifier at various threshold set-
ting. In Section 6, we compare our proposed method
to some state-of-the-art recognition algorithms. The
ROC curves of state-of-the-art are available from
In this section, we will elaborate on the entire pro-
cess of our work. We firstly describe some neces-
sary preprocessing before getting LBP-Faces in sub-
section 5.1. Then subsection 5.2 depict in detail how
to derive LBP-Faces. The comparison between two
faces images is described in subsection 5.3.
5.1 Preprocessing
First of all, the haar feature-based cascade classifier
proposed by Viola and Jones (Viola and Jones, 2001)
is applied to detect human faces in the given image,
and extract the region of interest for further process-
ing. Before feature extraction, we need to do some
preprocessing to eliminate avoidable variations and
noise such as illumination, face rotation, and so on.
As to face rotation, since the face image may have
different poses, e.g. the frontal face or left face, we
will perform the component alignment by using Ac-
tive Appearance Model (AAM) (Cootes et al., 2001),
which is proven to be a reliable method in face align-
ment. Then we can resolve the face rotation based on
the line of two detected eyes like Fig 3 shows.
0 4 16 64 96 128 160 192 256 512 1024
# of cluster centroids
recognition rate
Eclidean Metric
Cosine Metric
256−dimesion LBP
Figure 4: Performance under different cluster numbers with Euclidean Metric and Cosine Metric.
5.2 Derive LBP-Faces
Our approach is mainly combined with two methods,
LBP and learning-based descriptor. LBP has been
proven to be a both computation efficient and discrim-
inative descriptor. However, it has been argued about
the rationality of its too manual encoding mechanism
and the quite low frequent emergence of a large pro-
portion of codes. We propose to use learning method
to tackle the problem. Unlike most previous works
trying to use learning method in encoding, we think in
a totally different way—we’re learning in histogram’s
point of view. Particularly, we enlarge the region
where a histogram is obtained. The intuition about
this is we think in a larger area, the histogram has
stronger anti-interference ability against the noise. In
other word, the histograms of images from the same
people have more chance to be similar. Therefore, we
can group those similar histograms together and use
a most representative one to stand for this cluster—a
group of similar faces. These representativesare what
we define LBP-Faces. We use unsupervised learning
techniques to find out these LBP-Faces. K-means is
a classic method for exploring clusters by choosing K
centroids to minimize the total distance between them
and their nearest neighbourhoods, whose theory is in
accordance with our idea, so we use it as our default
unsupervised learning algorithm. The centroids are
exactly the LBP-Faces we want to derive.
In unsupervised learning, the choice of the num-
ber of centroids is very important. So we vary the
value of cluster number from 2 to 1024, using default
parameters and initial vectors in K-means, to com-
pare the recognition rate(Face matching will be de-
scribed in next subsection). Also, we compare two
common distance metric, namely Euclidean and Co-
sine distance in unsupervised learning stage. Fig-
ure 4 shows the recognition rate under different clus-
ter numbers using the two distance metric respec-
tively. From the figure, we can notice that the co-
sine distance metric outperforms the euclidean one,
which corresponds to the point of view proposed by
(Nguyen and Bai, 2011). Thus, we set it as our default
distance metric. It’s worth noting that the accuracy
doesn’t have swift growth as the centroids’ number
increases—when number greater than 16, the curve
fluctuate at a relatively stable level. Therefore, con-
sidering efficiency and accuracy, we choose 200 as
our default number of clustering. Moreover, the pur-
ple diamond represents the accuracy of LBP in the
same context, that is, directly extract LBP histograms
in the each component and then concatenate the 7 his-
tograms to form a 1792(7×256)-dimensionvector for
face matching. We use it as a benchmark to evalu-
ate the power of our method. Under the same con-
dition, our initial result achieves higher performance
than LBP, which can prove the reasonableness of our
5.3 Face Matching using LBP-Faces
After deriving LBP-Faces, we can do face verifica-
tion. Figure 5 shows the process of face matching.
When a pair of face are input, we first divide them
into 7 components. It should be necessary to advert
that the histogram icons in the Figure 5 does not rep-
resent LBP histograms but the distances between the
component’s histograms and the N LBP-Faces. So
each histogram icon denotes a N-dimension distance
vector, which can stand for how similar the compo-
nent is to the N LBP-Faces. In face matching, we
simply calculate the distance between the two faces in
component-wise. Certainly, supervised learning can
be utilised here to optimize the weight of Distance 1
to 7 to boost the performance, but for computation
efficiency and precise evaluation of our features, we
Figure 5: Process of face matching.
Table 1: Performance comparison in different parameters of
initial vector ν and distance metric ξ.
Euclidean L1 cosine correlation
sample 0.647 0.653 0.682 0.642
uniform 0.635 0.678 0.662 0.674
cluster 0.658 0.669 0.713 0.685
just sum them and use a optimal threshold in training
data to predict the testing data. Actually, all the ex-
periments in this paper are conducted in this process.
Moreover, we find out that optimizing parame-
ters in clustering can also help improve the perfor-
mance. As we all know, the initial vectors in K-means
impact much on the total accuracy, so we compare
the three common initialization mechanisms, namely,
‘sample’, uniformand ‘cluster’. While sample’ and
‘uniform’ simply select initial vectors at random and
uniformly respectively, cluster’ perform a prelimi-
nary clustering phase on a random 10% subset of the
whole data set to derive the initial vectors. In addition,
as Figure 4 shows that the distance metric also influ-
ence the result, and in K-means algorithm, the dis-
tance metric is extremely important. So we also com-
pare the four common distance metrics—Euclidean
distance, Cosine distance, cityblock(i.e. L1) distance
and correlation distance. All the results are shown in
Table 1, from which, we can find that ‘cluster’ method
in initialising vectors and cosine similarity metric in
K-means outperform the other parameters. And the
highest recognition rate is 71.3%. Since the chosen
data set is really challenging, the result is quite satis-
In this section, we illustrate our experiment and re-
port the final face recognition results on LFW bench-
mark. We use View 2 in LFW dataset for evalua-
tion. This data is provided for researchers to evalu-
ate and compare the performance in face recognition.
Although the dataset is fixed, its reasonable construc-
tion by randomly sampling data from a much larger
dataset makes it convinced enough for correct evalua-
tion. To avoid over-fitting by using machine learning
mechanisms with parameters selection and evaluate
the strength and rationality of our proposed features,
we just calculate the dissimilarity of the distance vec-
tors of each pair images as what described in subsec-
tion 5.3. In addition, as subsection 5.3 reveals, we
choose cosine distance measures and ‘cluster’ as de-
fault parameter of distance measures and initial vector
respectively in unsupervised learning to derive the fi-
nal LBP-Faces.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
false positive rate
true positive rate
Figure 6: Face recognition comparison on the restricted
LFW benchmark.
Figure 6 shows the ROC curve and the point on
the curve of our result-the red one, represents the av-
erage over the 10 folds of false positive rate and true
positive rate for a fixed threshold. The other 4 curves
are chosen for comparison. We choose Eigenface be-
cause it has a similar idea with us. We both try to
project a face image into another feature space ac-
cording to some projection basis, but use totally dif-
ferent method. And LBP are classical descriptors and
our method are based on it, thus included. Addi-
tionally, since our model use unsupervised method,
we should choose some unsupervised results to com-
pare. GJD-BC-100 and LARK unsupervised (Ver-
schae et al., 2008) are two unsupervised descrip-
tors enumerated in LFW, which can be benchmarks
to evaluate our work. From the figure, we can see
our method have much better performance over the
two unsupervised method and Eigenface while out-
perform the LBP a little. Specifically, we achieve
72.3% accuracy, a little higher than 71.4% of LBP
but much higher than 60.0% of Eigenface. Although
our result has not extremely exciting, it has proventhe
value and rationality of our novel idea.
This work constructs the computation efficient face
verification mechanism. Without any complex ma-
chine learning approach, the designed mechanism
verifies people using only the LBP-Faces and its sim-
ilarity distances. Although the stage of unsupervised
clustering need to take a period of time to process, the
new feature can immediately generated by the LBP-
Faces in the stage of testing. The new feature is cal-
culated only by the similarity distance, which means
the computation complexity is very low and can speed
up the verification procedure. Our proposed method
can automatically derive the LBP-Faces and verify-
ing people in nearly real-time, which is applicable in
intelligent mobile phone and embedded system de-
sign. Experimental results show that our method can
achieve higher recognition accuracy than that of the
LBP and Eigenface in the Labeled Faces in the Wild
(LFW). Even though the recognition of our method
might be less promising when the face is partially oc-
cluded or the head pose is severely varied, we believe
that the improvement can be achieved by utilizing the
3D information to enhance the LBP-Faces and clus-
tering the LBP-Faces into different poses. In conclu-
sion, this work is a good initial start, which prove the
reasonableness of our novel idea in face verification
and still have a long way to go for future stronger
In this work, we just choose K-means as default
unsupervised learning algorithm, so in the future, we
will firstly attempt on more clustering mechanisms.
In addition, we will take 3D scenario into consider-
ation in unsupervised learning stage, that is, we will
derive LBP-Faces according to different poses to im-
prove the accuracy. Moreover, the data set—for ex-
ample, the size and the sampling images, used in
learning stage can be also further researched on.
The work was supported in part by the Image and Vi-
sion Lab at National Taiwan University. The author
was supported by MediaTek Fellowship.
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