Real-time Emotion Recognition
Novel Method for Geometrical Facial Features Extraction
Claudio Loconsole
, Catarina Runa Miranda
, Gustavo Augusto
, Antonio Frisoli
and Verónica Orvalho
PERCRO Laboratory, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy
Instituto Telecomunicacões, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
Human-computer interaction, Emotion Recognition, Computer Vision.
Facial emotions provide an essential source of information commonly used in human communication. For
humans, their recognition is automatic and is done exploiting the real-time variations of facial features. How-
ever, the replication of this natural process using computer vision systems is still a challenge, since automation
and real-time system requirements are compromised in order to achieve an accurate emotion detection. In this
work, we propose and validate a novel methodology for facial features extraction to automatically recognize
facial emotions, achieving an accurate degree of detection. This methodology uses a real-time face tracker
output to define and extract two new types of features: eccentricity and linear features. Then, the features are
used to train a machine learning classifier. As result, we obtain a processing pipeline that allows classification
of the six basic Ekman’s emotions (plus Contemptuous and Neutral) in real-time, not requiring any manual
intervention or prior information of facial traits.
Facial expressions play a crucial role in communica-
tion and interaction between humans. In the absence
of other information such as speech interaction, fa-
cial expressions can transmit emotions, opinions and
clues regarding cognitive states (Ko and Sim, 2010).
A fully automatic real-time face features extraction
for emotion recognition allows to enhance the com-
munication realism between humans and machines.
There are several research fields interested in devel-
oping automatic systems to recognize facial emotions.
They mainly are represented by:
- Cognitive Human-Robot Interaction: the evolu-
tion of robots and computer animated agents bring
a social problem of communication between these
systems and humans (Hong et al., 2007);
- Human-Computer Interaction: facial expressions
analysis is widely used for telecommunications,
behavioural science, videogames and other sys-
tems that require facial emotion decoding for
communication (Fernandes et al., 2011).
Several face recognition systems have been developed
for real time facial features detection as well as (e.g.
(Bartlett et al., 2003)). Psychological studies have
been conducted to decode this information only us-
ing facial expressions, such as the Facial Action Cod-
ing System (FACS) developed by Ekman (Ekman and
Friesen, 1978).
As stated on the recent survey (Jamshidnezhad
and Nordin, 2012), among existing facial expres-
sion recognition systems, the common three-step
pipeline for facial expressions classification (Bettada-
pura, 2009) is composed by:
1. the Facial recognition phase;
2. the Features extraction phase;
3. the Machine learning classifier phase (prelimi-
nary model training and on-line prediction of fa-
cial emotions).
As claimed in the same survey, the second pipeline
phase (features extraction) strongly influences the ac-
curacy and computational cost of the overall system.
It follows that the choice of the type of the features
to be extracted and the corresponding methods to be
used for the extraction is fundamental for the overall
The commonly used methods for feature extrac-
tion can be divided into geometrical methods (i.e. fea-
tures are extracted from shape or salient point loca-
tions such as the mouth or the eyes (Kapoor et al.,
2003)) and appearance-based methods (i.e. skin fea-
tures like frowns or wrinkles, Gabor Wavelets (Fis-
cher, 2004)).
Geometric features are selected from landmarks
positions of essential parts of the face (i.e. eyes, eye-
brows and mouth) obtained by a face features recog-
nition technique. These extraction methods are char-
acterized by their simplicity and low computational
cost, but their accuracy is extremely dependent on the
Loconsole C., Runa Miranda C., Augusto G., Frisoli A. and Costa Orvalho V..
Real-time Emotion Recognition - Novel Method for Geometrical Facial Features Extraction.
DOI: 10.5220/0004738903780385
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2014), pages 378-385
ISBN: 978-989-758-003-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
face recognition performances. Examples of emo-
tion classification methodologies that use geometric
features extraction are (Cheon and Kim, 2009; Niese
et al., 2012; Gang et al., 2009; Hammal et al., 2007;
Seyedarabi et al., 2004; Kotsia and Pitas, 2007).
However, high accuracies on emotion detection usu-
ally require a calibration with a neutral face ((Kotsia
and Pitas, 2007; Gang et al., 2009; Niese et al., 2012;
Cheon and Kim, 2009; Hammal et al., 2007)), an in-
crease of the computational cost ((Gang et al., 2009;
Seyedarabi et al., 2004)), a decrease of the number of
emotions detected ((Niese et al., 2012; Hammal et al.,
2007)) or a manual grid nodes positioning (Kotsia and
Pitas, 2007). On the other hand, appearance-based
features work directly on image and not on single ex-
tracted points (e.g. Gabor Wavelets (Kotsia et al.,
2008) and Local Binary Patterns (Shan et al., 2009)
(Chatterjee and Shi, 2010)). They usually analyze
the skin texture, extracting relevant features for emo-
tion detection. Involving a higher amount of data, the
appearance feature method becomes more complex
than the geometric approach, compromising also the
real-time feature required by the process (appearance-
based features show high variability in performance
time from 9.6 to 11.99 seconds (Zhang et al., 2012)).
Hybrid approaches, that combine geometric and ap-
pearance extraction can be found (i.e. (Youssif and
Asker, 2011)) with higher accuracies, but they are still
characterized by a high computational cost. The aim
of this research work is to propose a feature extraction
method that provides performances comparable with
appearance-based methods without compromising the
real-time and automation requirements of the system.
Nevertheless, we intent to solve the following main
four facial emotion recognition issues (Bettadapura,
1. real-time requirement: communication between
humans is a real time process with a time scale or-
der of about 40 milliseconds (Bartlett et al., 2003);
2. capability of recognition of multiple standard
emotions on people with different anthropometric
facial traits;
3. capability of recognition of the facial emotions
without neutral face comparison calibration;
4. automatic self-calibration capability without man-
ual intervention.
(equivalent optimizations of these four issues can
also be extracted from Jamshidnezhad et al.s survey
(Jamshidnezhad and Nordin, 2012)). Real-time issue
is solved using a low complexity features extraction
method without compromising the accuracy of emo-
tion detection. In order to show the capacity of the
second issue, we test our system on a multi-cultural
database, the Radboud face database (Langner et al.,
), featured with multiple emotions traits (Bettadapura,
2009). Additionally, we investigate all six univer-
sal facial expressions(Ekman and Friesen, 1978) (Joy,
Sorrow, Surprise, Fear, Disgust and Anger) plus Neu-
tral and Contemptuous. Regarding the third issue,
though with slightly lower performance relative to
neutral face comparison calibration, our method al-
lows the recognition of eight different emotions with-
out requiring any calibration process. To avoid any
manual intervention in the localization of the seed
landmarks required by our proposed geometrical fea-
tures, we use as reference example in this work, a
marker-less facial landmark recognition and local-
ization software based on the Saragihs FaceTracker
(Saragih et al., 2011b). However, face recognition can
be done with the use of different marker-based and
marker-less systems which allow the localization of
the basic landmarks defined in our system for emo-
tion classification. Therefore, as main contribution,
we defined facial features inherent to emotions and
proposed a method for their extraction in real time,
for further emotion recognition.
In this work, we propose a set of facial features suit-
able for marker-based and marker-less systems. In
fact, we present an approach to extract facial features
that are truly connected to facial expression. We start
from a subset composed by 19 elements (see Fig. 1
and Table 1) of the 54 anthropometric facial land-
marks set defined in (Luximon et al., 2011) that are
usually localized using facial recognition methods.
The testing benchmark used for our extraction
method is an existing marker-less system for land-
mark identification and localization by Saragih et al.
(Saragih et al., 2011a). Their approach reduces detec-
tion ambiguities, presents low online computational
complexity and high detection efficiency outperform-
ing the other popular deformable real-time models to
track and model non-rigid objects (Active Appear-
ance Models (AAM) (Asthana et al., 2009), Active
Shape Models (ASM) (Cootes and C.J.Taylor, 1992),
Figure 1: The subset composed by 19 points of the 66 Face-
Tracker facial landmarks used to extract our proposed geo-
metric facial features.
Table 1: The subset of anthropometric facial landmarks
used to calculate our proposed geometric facial features.
No. Landmark Label Region
1 Right Cheilion A
2 Left Cheilion B
3 Labiale Superius U
4 Labiale Inferius D
5 Left Exocanthion Ell
Left Eye
6 Right Exocanthion Elr
Left Eye
7 Palpebrale Superius UEl
Left Eye
8 Palpebrale Inferius DEl
Left Eye
9 Left Exocanthion Erl
Right Eye
10 Right Exocanthion Err
Right Eye
11 Palpebrale Superius UEr
Right Eye
12 Palpebrale Inferius DEr
Right Eye
13 Zygofrontale EBll
Left Eyebrown
14 Inner Eyebrown EBlr
Left Eyebrown
15 Superciliare UEBl
Left Eyebrown
16 Inner Eyebrown EBrl
Right Eyebrown
17 Zygofrontale EBrr
Right Eyebrown
18 Superciliare UEBr
Right Eyebrown
19 Subnasale SN Nose
3D morphable models (Vetter, ) and Constrained Lo-
cal Models (CLMs) (Cristinacce and Cootes, )).
Saragih et al. (Saragih et al., 2011a) system
identifies and localizes 66 2D landmarks on the
face. Through the repetitive observation of facial be-
haviours during emotion expressions, we empirically
choose a subset of 19 facial landmarks that better cap-
ture these facial changes among the 66 FaceTracker
Using the landmark positions in the image space,
we define two classes of features: eccentricity and
linear features. These features are normalized to the
range [0,1] to let the feature not affected by people
anthropometric traits dependencies. So, we extract
geometric relations among landmark positions during
emotional expression for people with different ethnic-
ities and ages.
2.1 Eccentricity Features
The eccentricity features are determined by calculat-
ing the eccentricity of ellipses constructed using spe-
cific facial landmarks. Geometrically, the eccentricity
measures how the ellipse deviates from being circu-
lar. For ellipses the eccentricity is higher than zero
and lower than one, being zero if it is a circle. As
example, drawing an ellipse using the landmarks of
the mouth, it is possible to see that while smiling the
eccentricity is higher than zero, but when expressing
surprise it is closer to a circle and almost zero. A sim-
ilar phenomenon can be observed also in the eyebrow
and eye areas. Therefore, we use the eccentricity to
extract new features information and classify facial
emotions. More in detail, the selected landmarks for
this kind of features are 18 over 19 (see Table 1 and
Fig. 1), whereas the total defined eccentricity features
are eight: two in the mouth region, four in the eye
region and two in the eyebrows region (more details
can be found in Table 2). Now, we describe the ec-
centricity extraction algorithm applied to the mouth
region. The same algorithm can be simply applied to
the other face areas (eyebrowns and eyes) following
the same guidelines.
With reference to Figure 2.a, let A
and B
be the
end points of the major axis corresponding to the side
ends of the mouth, while U
the upper end points
of the minor axis (the distance between the major
axis and U
corresponds to the semi-minor axis). Of
course, the symmetry of U
with respect to A
is not assured. For this reason, in the following,
we will refer to each ellipse as the best fitting ellipse
among the three points having the semi-minor axis
equal to the distance between U
and the line A
Figure 2: The definition of the first (a.), “upper” and the
second (b.), lower” ellipses of the mouth region using re-
spectively the triple (A
, B
, U
) and (A
, B
, D
We construct the first ellipse E
, named “upper”
ellipse, defined by the triple (A
, B
, U
) and calcu-
late its eccentricity e
. The eccentricity of an ellipse
is defined as the ratio of the distance between the two
foci, to the length of the major axis or equivalently:
e =
where a =
and b = A
are respec-
tively one-half of the ellipse Es major and minor
axes, whereas x and y indicate the horizontal and the
vertical components of the point in the image space.
As mentioned above, for an ellipse, the eccentricity
is in the range [0,1]. When the eccentricity is 0, the
foci coincide with the center point and the figure is a
circle. As the eccentricity tends toward 1, the ellipse
gets a more elongated shape. It tends towards a line
segment if the two foci remain a finite distance apart
and a parabola if one focus is kept fixed as the other
is allowed to move arbitrarily far away.
We repeat the same procedure for the ellipse E
named “lower” ellipse, using the lower end of the
mouth (see Fig. 2.b). The other six ellipses are,
then, constructed following the same extraction algo-
rithm using the features summarized in Table 2 (for
the landmark labels refer to Table 1 and Fig. 1). It is
clear that for both eyebrows, it is not possible to cal-
culate the lower ellipses due to their morphology. The
final results of the ellipse construction can be seen in
Figure 3.a, whereas in Figure 3.b it is possible to see
how the eccentricities of the facial ellipses changes
according to the person’s facial emotion.
Table 2: The eight ellipses used to extract the eccentricity
features (for the landmark labels please refere to Fig. 1).
Ellipse Point Triple Region
, B
, U
) Upper mouth
, B
, D
) Lower mouth
, Elr
, UEl
) Upper left eye
, Elr
, DEl
) Lower left eye
, Err
, UEr
) Upper right eye
, Err
, DEr
) Lower right eye
, EBlr
, UEBl
) Left eyebrown
, EBrr
, UEBr
) Right eyebrown
Figure 3: The final results of the eight ellipse construction
(a). Eccentricities of the facial ellipses changes according
to the person’s facial emotion (b).
2.2 Linear Features
The linear features are determined by calculating lin-
ear distances between couples of landmarks normal-
ized with respect to a physiologically greater facial
inter-landmark distance. These distances intend to
quantitatively evaluate the relative movements be-
tween facial landmarks while expressing emotions.
The selected distances are those corresponding to the
movements between eyes and eyebrows L
, mouth
and nose L
and upper and lower mouth points L
More in detail, with reference to Table 1 and Fig-
ure 1, indicating with _
only the vertical compo-
nent of each point in the image space and selecting
as DEN =
the normalizing distance, we
calculate a total of three linear features as:
1. L
2. L
3. L
In this Section, we describe the conducted tests to
evaluate the emotion recognition performances of the
proposed facial geometrical features. More in detail,
the classifier validation (Section 3.3), is related to in-
vestigate three classification methods and select the
one that provides the best performances on emotion
recognition using both for training and validation a
particular subset of proposed features. The feature
evaluation (Section 3.4), instead, is related to fully
evaluate our proposed features using the classification
method selected at the end of the first experiment. In
Section 3.1, we report the organization of the defined
features used in both tests, whereas, in Section 3.2, we
illustrate the facial emotion database (the Radboud fa-
cial database) used to extract the defined features.
3.1 Extracted Features
In order to fully evaluate and compare our defined fea-
tures, we consider five types of feature subsets:
1. only linear features (subset S1: 3 elements);
2. only eccentricity features (subset S2: 8 elements);
3. both eccentricity and linear features (subset S3:
11 elements);
4. differential eccentricity and linear features with
respect to those calculated for neutral emotion
face (subset S4: 11 elements);
5. all features corresponding to the union of S3 and
S4 (subset S5: 22 elements).
(where the differential features are calculated as:
= f
with i representing a subject of the database and x
an emotion), resulting in a total number of calculated
features for the entire database equal to (1.385 pic-
tures ×22 S5 numerosity) 30.470. The five subsets
can be grouped into two main classes:
1. the intra-person-independent or non-differential
subsets S1, S2 and S3 that do not require any kind
of calibration with other facial emotion states of
the same person;
2. the intra-person-dependent or differential subsets
S4 and S5 that require a calibration phase using
the neutral expression of the same person.
3.2 Database Description
In order to demonstrate the capacity of recognition of
multiple standard emotions on people with different
anthropometric facial traits, we test our system on a
multi-cultural database featured with multiple emo-
tions elements. The selected testing platform is the
Radboud facial database (Langner et al., ). It is com-
posed by 67 real person’s face models performing the
six universal facial expressions (Ekman and Friesen,
1978) (Joy, Sorrow, Surprise, Fear, Disgusted and An-
gry) plus Neutral and Contemptuous. Even if the con-
sidered images are all frontal, for each couple person-
expression, there are three pictures corresponding to
slightly different angles of gaze directions, without
changing head orientation. This leads to a total of
1608 (67*8*3) picture samples.
The pictures are coloured and contain both gen-
der Caucasian and Moroccan adults and Caucasian
kids. More specifically, in the database there are
39 Caucasian adults (20 males and 19 females); 10
Caucasian children (4 males and 6 females); 18 Mo-
roccan male adults. Therefore, using this database
we provide emotion expressions information relative
to a population database that includes gender, eth-
nic and age variations combined with diverse facial
positioning.This will allow us to create a model that
will predict emotion expression even with this diverse
To decouple the performances of our methods
validation (in the scope) and those of the FaceTracker
software (out of the paper scope), we adopt a pre-
processing step. During this pre-processing we re-
moved 223 elaborated picture samples in which the
landmarks were not properly recognized by Face-
Tracker software, leading to a total number of tested
pictures equal to 1385. With this outlier removal, we
guarantee a correct training of the machine learning
classifier, since we capture correctly the facial behav-
iors inherent to considered emotions.
3.3 Classifier Validation
The classifier validation test is subdivided into two
1. the training phase of three emotion classification
methods (k-Nearest Neighbours, Support Vector
Machine and Random Forests that will be de-
scribed in detail later);
2. the classifier accuracy estimation of the three
methods in order to identify the best classification
method to be used in the second experiment.
Both for training and for the accuracy estimation, we
used only the subset S5, that is the most inclusive
feature subset. In order to train a classifier accord-
ing to supervising learning approach, we need an in-
put dataset containing rows of features and an output
class (e.g. the emotion). The trained classifier pro-
vides a model that can be used to predict the emotion
corresponding to a set of features, even if the classi-
fier did not use these combinations of features in the
training process. According to (Zeng et al., 2009),
the most significant classifiers that can be used for
our experiment are k-Nearest Neighbours (Cover and
Hart, 1967), Support Vector Machine (Amari and Wu,
1999) and Random Forests (Breiman, 2001).As men-
tioned above, as final result of the classifier validation,
we will select the classification method that provides
best performances on emotion recognition accuracy
using only the subset S5.
Regarding the second part of the first test, to quan-
tify the classification accuracy of the three presented
methods, we use the K-Fold Cross Validation Method
(K-Fold CRM).More in detail, the k-Fold CRM, af-
ter having iterated k times the process of dividing a
database in k slices, trains a classifier with k1 slices.
The remaining slices are used as test sets on their re-
spective k1 trained classifier to calculate the accu-
racy and provides as final accuracy value the average
of the k calculated accuracies.
In our case, we impose K = 10, because this is
the number that provides statistical significance to the
conducted analysis (Rodriguez et al., 2010). The ac-
curacy estimations obtained with the three investi-
gated methods, k-Nearest Neighbours (with k = 1),
Support Vector Machine and Random Forests using
the subset S5 to recognize all eight emotions are the
following, 85%, 88% and 89%, respectively.
Due to its better performances, we decided to use
only the Random forests classifier to conduct the sec-
ond experiment, that is a full analysis considering all
the feature subsets and four different subsets of emo-
tions with numerosity equal to 6, 7, 7 and 8 emotions.
3.4 Feature Evaluation
The results of the full analysis conducted using the
Random Forests classifier (selected after the classi-
fier validation test) are reported in Table 3. As ex-
pected, S4 and S5 provided better recognition perfor-
mances with an overall accuracy increment of 6% (in
the 6 emotions test) and of 9% (in the 8 emotions
test) with respect to that obtained using S3. Further-
more, the Neutral expression calibration obviously in-
creases the dissimilarity between other emotions.
Comparing the results obtained using the non-
differential and differential subsets, in the latter case,
it is possible to observe some improvements on the
recognition of three particular emotions, Anger, Neu-
tral and Sorrow. The increment of the recognition
accuracy of the Neutral expression was expected due
to the calibraton that uses the Neutral facial emotion.
The increment in the Anger and Sorrow expressions
recognition accuracy was a consequence of the bet-
ter recognition of the Neutral expression since they
were often mistaken as Neutral. However, we also
noticed a decrease of accuracy for the Disgust expres-
sion recognition using the subset S4. In this case, the
calibration reduced the Disgust dissimilarity in com-
parison with Fear, Joy, Sorrow and Surprise, resulting
in misclassification towards Surprise expression.
An interesting result about the classifier perfor-
mances using subset S5, is that it has proved its capac-
ity to exploit the best aspects from the two S5 subset’s
components, S3 and S4 to improve the emotion recog-
nition accuracy. For example, the classifier used S3
features to avoid the misclassification of the Disgust
expression, typical misclassification when using only
S4 features. More in detail, we report in Table 5 and
Table 6 the confusion matrices obtained with Ran-
dom Forests classifier using respectively eight and
six (without Neutral and Contemptuous) emotions for
subsets S3 | S4 | S5. For sake of brevity, we do not
report the confusion matrices obtained for the two
seven-emotion tests (eight emotions except Neutral,
eight emotions except ), because they provide inter-
mediate results between those achieved for eight and
six emotions.
Analysing the literature of the emotion facial
recognition systems and comparing them with the ob-
tained results reported in Table 3, we realized that the
emotion recognition method based on our proposed
features outperformed several alternative methods of
feature extraction, presented in Table 3. We compare
our method to:
- MPEG-4 FAPS (Pardàs and Bonafonte, 2002),
Gabor Wavelets (Bartlett et al., 2003) and geo-
metrical features based on vector of features dis-
placements (Michel and El Kaliouby, 2003) meth-
ods with respect to the results obtained by Ran-
dom Forests classifier using S3. These real time
methods only classify the six universal facial ex-
pressions without using differential features with
respect to Neutral face with an accuracy of 84%,
84% and 72%, respectively;
- three differential feature methods Michel et al.
(Michel and El Kaliouby, 2003), Cohen et al. (Co-
hen et al., 2003) and Wang et al. (Wang and Yin,
2007) with respect to the results obtained by Ran-
dom Forests classifier using S5. Also these State-
of-the-Art (SoA) methods allow the detection of
only six universal facial expressions with average
accuracies of 73.22%, 88% and 93%, respectively.
To summarize, in Table 3, we report the performance
comparison between the aforementioned emotion fa-
cial recognition methods considering only the six uni-
versal facial expressions emotions (for uniformity of
comparison with SoA methods).
Finally, regarding the real-time issue of the emo-
tion recognition system, we calculated that the mean
required time (over 10
tries) to extract our complete
proposed set of features (S5), once the position of fa-
cial landmarks is known, is equal to 1.9 ms. It follows
that the working frequencies achievable for sampling
and processing, especially when using marker-based
landmark locators, are very high and do not compro-
mise the real-time feature of the interaction process.
In this paper, we propose a versatile and innovative
geometric method that extracts facial features inher-
ent to emotions. The proposed method solves the four
typical emotion recognition issues and allows a high
Table 3: Results using a Random Forests classifier for each
dataset composed by a sub-set of features of a sub-set of
emotions to classify. * means without considering contemp-
tuous emotion, ** without considering neutral emotion, ***
without considering neutral and contemptuous emotions
S1[%] S2[%] S3[%] S4[%] S5[%]
8 51 76 80 86 89
7* 61 80 84 88 90
7** 60 81 84 90 92
6*** 67 87 89 91 94
Table 4: Accuracy comparison of emotion facial recogni-
tion methods(not differential or differential features) with
six universal facial expressions.
Method Differential Accuracy[%]
Michel et al. (Michel
and El Kaliouby, 2003)
No 72
Pardas et al. (Pardàs
and Bonafonte, 2002)
No 84
Bartlett et al. (Bartlett
et al., 2003)
No 84
Our method S3 No 89
Michel et al. (Michel
and El Kaliouby, 2003)
Yes 84
Cohen et al. (Cohen
et al., 2003)
Yes 88
Wang et al.(Wang and
Yin, 2007)
Yes 93
Our method S5 Yes 94
degree of accuracy on emotion classification, also
when compared to complex appearance based meth-
ods. Moreover, our method versatility allows the use
of different facial landmark localization techniques,
both marker-based and marker-less, being a modu-
lar post-processing solution. However, it still requires
that the face recognition technique presents as output
a minimum number of landmarks associated to basic
facial features, such as mouth, eyes and eyebrows.
Compared to traditional methods, our method al-
lows, beyond the classification of the six universal fa-
cial expressions, the classification of two other emo-
tions: Contemptuous and Neutral. Therefore, it can
be considered as a complete tool that can be incorpo-
rated on facial recognition techniques for automatic
and real time emotion classification of facial emo-
tions. As concept proof, we incorporated this tool in
a LIFEisGAME (Fernandes et al., 2011) game mode,
where the user must match the expression asked by
the game. His face is captured and emotion classi-
fied in real time. Regarding practical performance,
we verified that it is more stable when we apply a
neutral face calibration, classifying correctly the emo-
tions expressed. However, it requires that the user
knows how to make the expression properly. Prob-
lems regarding environment (background and illumi-
nation changes) were not addressed. Nevertheless,
Table 5: Confusion matrix with Random Forest using all eight emotions for subsets S3 | S4 | S5.
Angry Cont. Disgust Fear Joy Neutral Sorrow Surprise
Angry 76 | 84 | 89 09 | 06 | 03 02 | 03 | 02 00 | 00 | 00 00 | 00 | 00 07 | 01 | 00 05 | 06 | 06 00 | 00 | 00
Cont. 06 | 01 | 02 73 | 77 | 82 01 | 01 | 01 01 | 00 | 00 04 | 01 | 00 08 | 11 | 08 08 | 09 | 09 00 | 00 | 00
Disgust 05 | 03 | 01 01 | 00 | 00 91 | 89 | 94 00 | 01 | 01 02 | 04 | 00 01 | 01 | 01 01 | 02 | 05 00 | 01 | 00
Fear 01 | 00 | 00 00 | 02 | 01 00 | 00 | 00 82 | 87 | 87 00 | 00 | 00 05 | 02 | 01 05 | 04 | 05 08 | 07 | 07
Joy 02 | 00 | 00 01 | 01 | 00 01 | 04 | 02 00 | 00 | 00 95 | 94 | 97 01 | 00 | 00 01 | 02 | 00 00 | 00 | 00
Neutral 03 | 00 | 00 11 | 08 | 06 02 | 00 | 00 06 | 03 | 01 00 | 00 | 00 69 | 84 | 87 08 | 05 | 03 00 | 00 | 00
Sorrow 04 | 06 | 02 06 | 07 | 06 01 | 01 | 01 04 | 01 | 03 01 | 00 | 00 09 | 01 | 03 75 | 84 | 85 00 | 00 | 00
Surp. 00 | 00 | 00 00 | 00 | 00 00 | 00 | 00 10 | 07 | 06 00 | 00 | 00 01 | 00 | 00 00 | 00 | 00 90 | 93 | 93
Table 6: Confusion matrix with Random Forest using 6 emotions (without neutral and contemptuous) for subsets S3 | S4 | S5.
Angry Disgust Fear Joy Sorrow Surprise
Angry 86 | 88 | 93 03 | 05 | 01 00 | 00 | 00 00 | 00 | 00 10 | 07 | 05 00 | 00 | 00
Disgust 04 | 04 | 02 94 | 92 | 96 01 | 01 | 01 02 | 01 | 00 02 | 01 | 01 00 | 00 | 00
Fear 01 | 00 | 00 01 | 00 | 00 86 | 88 | 91 00 | 00 | 00 07 | 05 | 05 07 | 06 | 06
Joy 01 | 01 | 00 01 | 04 | 00 00 | 00 | 00 95 | 96 | 98 01 | 01 | 00 00 | 00 | 00
Sorrow 09 | 06 | 05 03 | 01 | 01 07 | 02 | 03 00 | 00 | 01 82 | 91 | 90 00 | 00 | 00
Surprise 00 | 00 | 00 00 | 00 | 00 08 | 08 | 06 00 | 00 | 00 00 | 00 | 00 92 | 92 | 94
our method is still restricted to emotion classification
of frontal poses, being optimized for static pictures.
As future work, we pretend to reduce the landmarks
required for emotion classification and to automatize
their detection when using unusual face recognition
systems. At last but not least, we also pretend to ex-
plore sequences of images (including videos) to dis-
cover patterns that allow subtle emotions classifica-
tion, overcoming the limitation of full emotion classi-
This work is supported by PERCRO Laboratory,
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and Instituto de Tele-
comunicações, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnolo-
gia (SFRH/BD69878/2010, SFRH/BD33974/2009),
the projects GOLEM (ref:ref.251415, FP7-PEOPLE-
2009-IAPP), LIFEisGAME (ref: UTA-Est/MAI/
2009/2009) and VERE (ref:257695). The authors
would like to thank to Xenxo Alvarez and Jacqueline
Fernandes for their feedback and reviews.
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