Asynchronous Argumentation with Pervasive Personal Communication
Yuki Katsura
, Hajime Sawamura
, Takeshi Hagiwara
and Jacques Riche
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan
Institute of Science and Technology, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan
Department of Computer Science, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Asynchronous Argumentation, Multiple-valued Argumentation, iPad, PIRIKA.
In this paper, we propose an argument-based communication tool for humans and agents, which supplements
and alternates the current communication system such as Twitter, Line, etc. in order to allow us to make
a more deliberate and logical human communication. For this purpose, we devised asynchronous argumen-
tation based on our logic of multiple-valued argumentation. It may be as well reworded as asymptotic or
incremental argumentation since agents could approach towards truth or justification every time argument is
put forward by an agent. We have made real the asynchronous argumentation system, named PIRIKA (pilot
of the right knowledge and argument), on the pervasive personal tool, iPad. Finally some lessons learned from
the experimental uses of PIRIKA are reported.
In this paper, we propose an argument-based commu-
nication tool for humans and agents, which supple-
ments and alternates the current communication sys-
tems such as Twitter
, Line
, etc. in order to allow us
to make a more deliberate and logical human commu-
nication. This is an attempt to make a clear departure
from surface communication with a few words toward
deep communication with argumentation which em-
phasizes the relationship of a conclusion with reasons
all the time.
Social networking software is reshaping the world
we live in. In these days, much popularity has been
seen in communication tools on the Internet that link
people and organizations, instead of linking docu-
ments only. To mention a few, Skype
(for direct com-
munication), Line and Mail (for asynchronous com-
munication), Twitter and niconico
(for asynchronous
communication with general public), etc.
Twitter is a registered trademark of Twitter, Inc..
Line is a trademark of Line company.
Skype is a registered trademark or a trademark of
Skype Limited.
niconico is a registered trademark or a trademark of
Dwango company.
Among other things, Line is an instant messaging
application on smartphones and PCs. It, launched in
Japan in 2011, now reached 300 million users over a
short amount of time in the world. The main features
of Line seems to be twofold. One is the so-called
mere-exposure effect, which is a psychological phe-
nomenon by which people tend to develop a prefer-
ence for things merely because they are familiar with
them. In social psychology, this effect is sometimes
called the familiarity principle. In studies of inter-
personal attraction, the more often a person is seen
by someone, the more pleasing and likeable that per-
son appears to be. The other is the so-called elevator
pitch, which is a short summary used to quickly and
simply define a person, profession, product, service,
organization or event and so on. With LINE, peo-
ple nowadays tend to communicate with each other in
short messages very often. Short and Quick are keys
there, revealing a light or surface communication.
On the other hand, electronic mail which is rel-
atively surface communication tool is a method of
exchanging digital messages from an author to one
or more recipients. It has become the most widely
used medium of communication not only within the
business world but also in our daily lives although it
has some disadvantages such as loss of context, in-
formation overload, speed of correspondence and so
on. But from the viewpoint of communication style,
Katsura Y., Sawamura H., Hagiwara T. and Riche J..
Asynchronous Argumentation with Pervasive Personal Communication Tools.
DOI: 10.5220/0004751101050114
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2014), pages 105-114
ISBN: 978-989-758-016-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
email solves two basic problems of communication:
logistics and synchronization.
The problem of logistics: Much of the business
world relies upon communications between people
who are not physically in the same building, area or
even country; setting up and attending an in-person
meeting, or telephone call can be inconvenient, time-
consuming, and costly. Email provides a way to ex-
change information between two or more people with
no set-up costs.
The problem of synchronization: With real time
communication by meetings or phone calls, partici-
pants have to work on the same schedule, and each
participant must spend the same amount of time in
the meeting or call. Email allows asynchrony; each
participant may control their own schedule indepen-
In contrast with email, there can be two ways
of use of argumentation: synchronous and asyn-
chronous. Argumentation is usually held in such a
synchronous way that participants gather in the same
time and place. The asynchronous argumentation we
advocate in this paper can solve the same synchro-
nization problem as that of email above, but with tak-
ing deep communication into account all the time.
The asynchronous argumentation we intend can
be seen in the flow of argumentation. Let us consider
a look-and-feel scenario of pervasive arguing agents
we aim at realizing on top of the pervasive personal
tools such as iPad and iPhone
. Suppose that there
are agents who have gathered knowledge on an issue
concerned with on a routine basis, and conceivedtheir
own arguments on it (asynchronous preparation for
argumentation). Then, the knowledge gathering may
be done by humans or helped by e-secretaries who
might reside in pervasive personal tools as avatars.
Someday, an agent may wish to know such a col-
lective view as what the present voices of the people
around it are like and how they can be converged to
a popular opinion. For example, amendment to the
constitution, increase in consumption tax, etc. would
be keen interest to people in any country. Then, the
agent can start argumentation to know the result on
an issue which it has been concerned about, using the
arguing agent on the pervasive personal tool.
The argument participants will be general public
who now connect to the argument server. But they
could obtain argumentresults which are not assertions
of opinions only but lines of reasoning leading from
some premises to a conclusion. It should be noted
that this is a kind of non-monotonic phenomenon of
reasoning realized by argumentation. Actually, con-
clusions, once drawn, may later be withdrawn after
iPad and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc.
a new agent will have come on argumentation scene
or stage with additional information. In this manner,
arguing agents on the pervasive personal tools could
produce a well-reasoned judgment (warranted asser-
tion), construed as a form of inquiry conducted con-
joinedly and asynchronously.
In this paper, we describe a realization of asyn-
chronous argumentation which allows such a sce-
nario of futuristic communication on pervasive per-
sonal tools. The paper is organized as follows. In
the following sections 2 and 3, we briefly introduce
part of EALP (Extended Annotated Logic Program-
ming) and LMA (Logic of Multiple-valued Argumen-
tation)(Takahashi and Sawamura, 2004) to make the
paper self-contained. They are an underlyinglogic for
practicing the asynchronous argumentation on iPad.
In Section 4, we illustrate a series of use of PIRIKA
on top of iPad which allows for asynchronous argu-
mentation, using typical screenshots appearing in the
argument process. Section 5 summarizes advanta-
geous points of our work as an evaluation, which we
have confirmed from participants in experimental and
daily uses. The final section includes conclusion and
future work.
EALP is an underlying knowledge representation lan-
guage that we formalized for our logic of multiple-
valued argumentation LMA. EALP has two kinds
of explicit negation: epistemic explicit negation ¬
and ontological explicit negation ‘’, and the default
negation not’. Intuitively, is almost the same as
the classical negation, not the negation-failure as in
Prolog, and ¬ a negation based on our epistemology.
They are supposed to yield a momentum or driving
force for argumentation or dialogue in LMA. In what
follows, we describe an outline of EALP.
2.1 Language
Definition 1 (Annotation as Truth-values and An-
notated Atoms (Kifer and Subrahmanian, 1992)).
We assume a complete lattice (T ,) of truth val-
ues, and denote its least and greatest element by
and respectively. The least upper bound operator
is denoted by . An annotation is either an element
of T (constant annotation), or an annotation variable
on T . If A is an atomic formula and µ is an anno-
tation, then A: µ is an annotated atom. We assume
an annotation function ¬ : T T , and define that
¬(A:µ) = A:(¬µ). ¬A:µ is called the epistemic ex-
plicit negation(e-explicit negation) of A : µ.
Definition 2 (Annotated Literals). Let A : µ be an
annotated atom. Then (A:µ) is the ontological ex-
plicit negation (o-explicit negation) of A : µ (we sim-
ply write (A:µ) as A:µ when no confusion arises).
An annotated objective literal is either A:µ or A:µ.
The symbol is also used to denote complementary
annotated objective literals. Thus ∼∼ A:µ = A:µ. If L
is an annotated objective literal, then notL is a default
negation of L, and called an annotated default literal.
An annotated literal is either of the form notL or L.
Definition 3 (Extended Annotated Logic Programs
(EALP)). An extended annotated logic program
(EALP ) is a set of annotated rules of the forms: H
& ... &L
, or H, where H is an annotated objective
literal, and L
(1 i n) are annotated literals.
The head of a rule is called a conclusion of a rule.
Annotated objective literals and annotated default lit-
erals in the body of the rule are called antecedents of
the rule and assumptions of the rule respectively. For
simplicity, we assume that a rule with annotation vari-
ables or objective variables represents every ground
instance of it. We identify a distributed EALP with
an agent, and treat a set of EALPs as a multi-agent
2.2 Interpretation
Definition 4 (Extended Annotated Herbrand
Base). The set of all annotated literals constructed
from an EALP P on a complete lattice T of truth val-
ues is called the extended annotated Herbrand base
Definition 5 (Interpretation). Let T be a complete
lattice of truth values, and P be an EALP. Then, the in-
terpretation on P is the subset I H
of the extended
annotated Herbrand base H
of P such that for any
annotated atom A,
1. If A : µ I and ρ µ, then A : ρ I (downward
2. If A : µ I and A : ρ I, then A : (µ ρ) I
(tolerance of difference);
3. If A:µ I and ρ µ, then A:ρ I (upward
The conditions 1 and 2 of Definition 5 reflect the
definition of the ideal of a complete lattice of truth
values. The ideals-based semantics was first intro-
duced for the interpretation of GAP by Kifer and
Subrahmanian (Kifer and Subrahmanian, 1992). Our
EALP for argumentation also employs this since it
was shown that the general semantics with ideals is
more adequate than the restricted one simply with a
complete lattice of truth values (Takahashi and Sawa-
mura, 2004). We define three notions of inconsisten-
cies corresponding to three concepts of negation in
Definition 6 (Inconsistency). Let I be an interpreta-
tion. Then,
1. A:µ I and ¬A:µ I I is epistemologically
inconsistent (e-inconsistent).
2. A:µ I and A:µ I I is ontologically
inconsistent (o-inconsistent).
3. A : µ I and notA : µ I, or A : µ I and
not A:µ I I is inconsistent in default
When an interpretation I is o-inconsistent or d-
inconsistent, we simply say I is inconsistent. We do
not see the e-inconsistency as a problematic inconsis-
tency since by the condition 2 of Definition 5, A:µ I
and ¬A:µ = A:¬µ I imply A:(µ ¬µ) I and we
think A : µ and ¬A : µ are an acceptable differential.
Let I be an interpretation such that A:µ I. By the
condition 1 of Definition 5, for any ρ such that ρ µ,
if A : ρ I then I is o-inconsistent. In other words,
A:µ rejects all recognitions ρ such that ρ µ about
A. This is the underlying reason for adopting the con-
dition 3 of Definition 5. These notions of inconsis-
tency yield a logical basis of attack relations described
in the multiple-valued argumentation of the next sec-
Definition 7 (Satisfaction). Let I be an interpretation.
For any annotated objective literal H and annotated
literal L and L
, we define the satisfaction relation de-
noted by ‘|=’ as follows.
I |= L L I
I |= L
& ··· &L
I |= L
, ... , I |= L
I |= H L
& ··· &L
I |= H or I 6|=
& ··· &L
In formalizing logic of argumentation, the most pri-
mary concern is the rebuttal relation among argu-
ments since it yields a cause or a momentum of ar-
gumentation. The rebuttal relation for two-valued ar-
gument models is most simple, so that it merely ap-
pears between the contradictory propositions of the
form A and ¬A. In case of multiple-valued argumen-
tation based on EALP, much complication is to be in-
volved into the rebuttal relation under the different
concepts of negation. One of the questions arising
from multiple-valuedness is, for example, how a lit-
eral with truth-value ρ confronts with a literal with
truth-value µ in the involvement with negation. In the
next subsection, we outline important notions proper
to logic of the multiple-valued argumentation LMA in
which the above question is reasonably solved.
3.1 Annotated Arguments
Definition 8 (Reductant and Minimal Reductant).
Suppose P is an EALP, and C
(1 i k) are anno-
tated rules in P of the form: A:ρ
& ... &L
, in
which A is an atom. Let ρ = ⊔{ρ
,... , ρ
}. Then the
following annotated rule is a reductant of P.
A:ρ L
& ... &L
& .. . &L
& .. . &L
A reductant is called a minimal reductant when
there does not exist non-empty proper subset S
,... , ρ
} such that ρ = S
Definition 9 (Annotated Arguments). Let P be an
EALP. An annotated argument in P is a finite se-
quence Arg = [r
,... , r
] of rules in P such that for
every i (1 i n),
1. r
is either a rule in P or a minimal reductant in P.
2. For every annotated atom A:µ in the body of r
there exists a r
(n k > i) such that A:ρ (ρ µ)
is head of r
3. For every o-explicit negation A : µ in the body
of r
, there exists a r
(n k > i) such that A:
ρ (ρ µ) is head of r
4. There exists no proper subsequence of [r
,... , r
which meets from the first to the third conditions,
and includes r
We denote the set of all arguments in P by Args
and define the set of all arguments in a set of EALPs
,... , KB
} by Args
= Args
( Args
). This means that each
agent has its own knowledge base and do not know
other agent’s ones before starting arguments. This
is a natural assumption for argument settings, differ-
ently from other argumentation models (Rahwan and
Simari, 2009).
3.2 Attack Relation
The semantics of the argumentation depends on what
sort of attack relation is considered to deal with con-
flicts among arguments. It would be reasonable to
think that conflicts among arguments occur when the
interpretation satisfying a set of arguments is incon-
Definition 10 (Rebut). Arg
rebuts Arg
exists A:µ
) and A:µ
such that µ
, or exists A:µ
) and
) such that µ
Definition 11 (Undercut). Arg
undercuts Arg
there exists A : µ
) and notA : µ
) such that µ
, or exists A : µ
) and not A:µ
) such that
Definition 12 (Strictly Undercut). Arg
strictly un-
dercuts Arg
undercuts Arg
and Arg
does not undercut Arg
We also define the combined attack relation asso-
ciated with o-inconsistency and d-inconsistency.
Definition 13 (Defeat). Arg
defeats Arg
undercuts Arg
, or Arg
rebuts Arg
and Arg
not undercut Arg
When an argument defeats itself, such an argu-
ment is called a self-defeating argument. For exam-
ple, [p :t not p :t] and [q:f ←∼ q:f, q :f] are
all self-defeating. In this paper, however, we rule
out self-defeating argumentsfrom argument sets since
they are in a sense abnormal, and not entitled to par-
ticipate in argumentation or dialogue.
In this paper, we employ defeat and strictly under-
cut to specify the set of justified arguments where d
stands for defeat and su for strictly undercut.
Definition 14 (Acceptable and Justified Argument
(Dung, 1995)). Suppose Arg
Args and S Args.
Then Arg
is acceptable wrt. S if for every Arg
Args such that (Arg
) d there exists Arg
such that (Arg
) su. The function F
mapping from P (Args) to P (Args) is defined by
(S) = {Arg Args | Arg is acceptable wrt.
S}. We denote a least fixpoint of F
. An argument Arg is justified if Arg J
an argument is overruled if it is attacked by a justi-
fied argument; and an argument is defensible if it is
neither justified nor overruled.
Since F
is monotonic, it has a least fixpoint,
and can be constructed by the iterative method (Dung,
Justified arguments can be dialectically deter-
mined from a set of arguments by the dialectical proof
Definition 15 (Dialogue (Prakken and Sartor, 1997)).
An dialogue is a finite nonempty sequence of moves
= (Player
), (i 1) such that
1. Player
= P (Proponent) i is odd;
and Player
= O (Opponent) i is even.
2. If Player
= Player
= P (i6= j) then Arg
6= Arg
3. If Player
= P (i 3) then (Arg
) su;
and if Player
= O (i 2) then (Arg
) d.
In this definition, it is permitted that P = O, that
is, a dialogue is done by only one agent. Then, we say
such an argument is a self-argument (monologue).
Definition 16 (Dialogue Tree (Prakken and Sartor,
1997)). A dialogue tree is a tree of moves such that
every branch is a dialogue, and for all moves move
), the children of move
are all those moves
) ( j 1) such that (Arg
) d.
Definition 17 (Provably x/y-justified). Let x be
d(efeat) and y su(strictly undercut). An x/y-dialogue
D is a winning x/y-dialogue the termination
of D is a move of proponent. An x/y-dialogue tree T
is a winning x/y-dialogue tree every branch
of T is a winning x/y-dialogue. An argument Arg is a
provably x/y-justified argument there exists a
winning x/y-dialogue tree with Arg as its root.
We have the sound and complete dialectical
proof theory for the argumentation semantics J
(Takahashi and Sawamura, 2004).
Our former PIRIKA (Tannai et al., 2013) is a syn-
chronous argumentation in the sense that every agent
who wants to participate in argumentation prepare
its own knowledge base once prior to argumentation.
Then, it produces an outcome of argumentation and
displays it, as in many argumentation systems de-
veloped so far (Rahwan and Simari, 2009). In this
section, we turn such a synchronous argumentation
to a more flexible asynchronous one, by redesigning
PIRIKA on the top of the pervasive personal commu-
nication tool, iPad, toward a new futuristic communi-
cation tool.
In this section, we illustrate a series of use of
PIRIKA on top of iPad which allows for asyn-
chronous argumentation, like a live argument using
typical screenshots appearing in the argument pro-
cess. This is because PIRIKA is the first implemen-
tation of the argumentation system on pervasive per-
sonal information equipments as far as we know, and
we think that in order for readers to understand both
our argumentation process and its realization on iPad,
it would be necessary to describe the overall story of
PIRIKA step by step from beginning to end without
omitting any details, even if it contains one of the
standard display of iPad.
We take up a so-called schedule management
problem which is a typical target for which agent sys-
tems have been developing their capabilities such as
interaction, negotiation, cooperation and so on. We
demonstrate a new approach to realizing the sched-
ule management system by the asynchronous argu-
mentation on iPad. Then participating agents use
not only calendar information but also preferential
knowledge base of their own in EALP. Following
Definition 1in Section2, the annotation employed is
a complete lattice of the power set of the monthly
Figure 1: Asynchronous argumentation system PIRIKA on
iPad as a client-server system.
Figure 2: Screenshot of the PIRIKA server.
dates, i.e., hP ({1,...,31}),⊆i with the set inclusion
as the lattice ordering. This type of annotation
may be somewhat deviant, but allows for representing
temporal information, and hence works well conve-
niently with the schedule management problem, such
as visit(niigata) : {3,4} representing ‘we visit Niigata
on 3rd and 4th’. Furthermore, PIRKA allows for rep-
resenting and inquiring indefinite issues such as ques-
tions or problems satisfying certain conditions such
as visit(X) : Y, where X and Y are variables. Such
an expressivity is a desideratum particularly for the
schedule management system since we naturally in-
quire ‘When and where we should visit?’ for schedule
coordination (Oomidou et al., 2013)
4.1 PIRIKA on iPad as a Client-server
Figure 1 shows an overall look-and-feel of PIRIKA
on iPad as a client-server system. Figure 2 is a screen-
shot of the PIRIKA server where the presently con-
nected clients on the leftmost pane, and the commu-
nication log among the server and clients on the right
pane, are listed, so that users can monitor argument
processes generated by the dialectical proof theory
(Definition 15-17) in Section 3.
4.2 Invoking PIRIKA on iPad
Figure 3 is an initial screenshot on the standard screen
of iPad which includes the PIRIKA icon. By tapping
it, we proceed to the user/agent registration page.
Figure 3: Pirika icon on the top page of iPad.
Figure 4: Connecting to PIRIKA server.
4.3 Registering Agents with the
Argument Server
Agent (as avatar of human) who wants to commit to
argumentation has to register its name and image with
the argument server which predesignates its IP and
PORT numbers. Figure 4 shows a successful connec-
tion to the server, and Figure 5 shows a screenshot for
registering agent’s name and image with the argument
4.4 Preparing a Lattice of Truth Values
for Dealing with Uncertainty
In this stage, agents prepare a lattice of truth values
for dealing with uncertainty,depending on application
domains, following Definition 1. There is prepared an
editor for specifying truth values as a complete lattice.
Actually this is a standard text editor with which a
complete lattice of truth values are stipulated in terms
of Prolog.
Users can either use the built-in truth values or
specify a user-defined truth values by using the truth
Figure 5: Setting up agent information
Figure 6: Truth values editor.
Figure 7: Lattice of the power set of the monthly dates.
values editor as shown in Figure 6, in which the up-
per pane includes the built-in truth values such as
two values T W O = {t,f}, four values F OUR =
{⊥,t,f,⊤}, the power set of dates P({1,...,31}), the
unit interval of reals [0, 1], its product [0,1]
, and
Jaina’s seven values JAI N A = {t, f,i,ft, fi,it, fit},
and in the lower pane user-defined ones. Figure 7 de-
picts a built-in lattice of the power set of the monthly
Figure 8: Knowledge base editor of PIRIKA on top of iPad.
Figure 9: Knowledge base for argumentation.
4.5 Designing Knowledge Bases under
the Specified Truth Values in Terms
The annotation in EALP plays an essential role in
specifying argument knowledge since it allows agents
to represent their epistemic or cognitive states for
propositions that describe the argument world. Once
the annotation has been specified, the next step is
to provide the argument knowledge that agent con-
ceives. Agent specifies its own argument knowledge
in terms of EALP (Definition 3) by using the knowl-
edge base editor as in Figure 8 with the keyboard, re-
sulting in a bunch of knowledge listed in Figure 9.
Figure 10 shows a list of knowledge bases that agent
has accumulated with respect to every argument topic
it has committed so far.
4.6 Starting Argumentation on
Submitted Issues/Claims in LMA
The argumentation starts by submitting agendas or
selecting possible agendas which PIRIKA helpfully
Figure 10: List of various knowledge bases.
Figure 11: Suggested agendas by PIRIKA.
suggests to agents envisaged from the knowledge
base. Figure 11 shows a list of suggested agendas by
4.7 Visualizing the Live Argumentation
Process and Diagramming
At this stage, PIRIKA launches an argument on an is-
sue or claim which has been submitted by the agent,
and generatesall the possible dialogue trees according
to the dialectical proof theory of LMA (Definition 15-
16). Figure 12 shows a dialogue tree which contains
only one winning dialogue tree (Definition 17). Such
a visualization or diagramming is the most important
part of PIRIKA since we are not only concerned with
argument results but also the overall structure and
flow of an argument now developing. We further can
see the structure of an argument itself in an argument
tree form by long pressing the node on the dialogue
tree (Figure 13). Then, we can of course use such
physical features as pinch, swipe, tap, etc. actions of
iPad that would be helpful to further support visual-
ization and diagramation (Figure 14).
Figure 12: Dialogue tree.
Figure 13: Argument tree at a node.
Figure 14: Swiping for looking the next dialogue tree.
So far, one agent attempted to argue about his own
issue in a monological way. From here, we will il-
lustrate how agents can enter into the argumentation
asynchronously. Any agent can see what issues are
now being argued among agents by pressing the tab
‘argument field’ on the lower rightmost corner of the
screen, and commit to it if it wishes to do so anytime
and anywhere. In Figure 15, there can be seen many
issues, now developed on the Internert.
Figure 15: Entering into the asynchronous argumentation.
Figure 16: Asynchronous argument process (1).
Figure 17: Asynchronous argument process (2).
4.8 Asynchronous Argumentation
In the argumentation field (agora), there is one agent
sitting on the chair (Figure 16). His argument is jus-
tified since there is no attacking argument from other
parties for now (Figure 17), subject to Definition 17.
Then, another agent comes to the agora on the
Internet, wanting to commit the on-going argument
Figure 18: Asynchronous argument process (3).
Figure 19: Asynchronous argument process (4).
Figure 20: Asynchronous argument process (5).
with his knowledge through his own iPad. Actually
it can join by clicking the ‘Join’ button on the agora.
Now the augment agora consists of two agents (Figure
18). Thus, the argument on the common issue begins
among two agents, and results in some justified argu-
ments. Figure 19 shows one of them. Furthermore,
the third agent appears in the agora, again wanting
to participate in the on-going argumentation with his
knowledge through his own iPad (Figure 20).
Figure 21: Argument graph (6).
Figure 22: Winning argument tree (7).
Likewise, the argumentation on the common issue
begins among three agents, and results in some dia-
logue trees. Figure 21 shows one of them.
4.9 Determining the Status of an
Figure 22 is a winning dialogue tree (Definition 17),
showing that the issue ‘visit(hawaii)::[4,5,6]’ is jus-
tified for now. It says that the travel destination
Hawaii was definitely sought as a result of the sched-
ule coordination through the LMA-based argumenta-
tion. This, however, is not a final justification status
of the given issue. The advent of further new agents
who may emerge from outside asynchronously may
change the result. This phenomena evidences no less
non-monotonicity in argumentation.
We have attempted various experimental uses of
PIRIKA on iPad over the Internet. The assessment of
its effectiveness should be done only through various
empirical uses since we have no theoretical commu-
nication model for PIRIKA for now. This also can
apply for other communication tools such as Twitter,
Line, email etc. that have begun as brainchild of en-
gineers. Someday in the future, however, psycholo-
gists or sociologists may be to analyze and explain
how and what those communication modes and styles
imply for people and society.
Here we summarize advantageous points at this
stage as follows, which we have confirmed from par-
ticipants in experimental and daily uses:
Asynchrony in argumentation: This is our first in-
tended goal of asynchrony like in communication
with email, which was found potentially useful
since it allows agents and people to make argu-
ments at whim at any time but still in a logically
disciplined manner. Actual usefulness for users
will be verified through real or simulated ongoing
Logical and critical thinking: Argumentation
starting from grounds raises persuasive and crit-
ical power toward other parties. Put it differently,
the asynchronous argumentation tends to bring us
an attitude to take deeper thought all the time even
for the little things.
Visualization of argument structure : We can no-
tice which part of the argumentative dialogue is
weak or strong since PIRIKA visualizes resulting
in dialogue structures. So we could put forward
alternativeargumentsin no time, takingadvantage
of the feature of the asynchronous argumentation.
In this paper, we have proposed the asynchronous ar-
gumentation as a new way to communication with a
pervasive personal tool, iPad. We also have tried it
out, resulting in a good reputation from users who
participated in experimental uses in the daily life.
Somewhat philosophically speaking, the asyn-
chronous argumentation may be as well reworded as
asymptotic or incremental argumentationsince agents
could approach towards truth or justification every
time argument is put forward by an agent. So the
philosophy of the asynchronous argumentation might
be said to be sort of gradualism or incrementalism.
On the other hand, the asynchronous argumentation
obviously practices so-called non-monotonicity in its
pragmatic expansion of argumentation. We would
also say that it implicitly includes the laws of the
negation of the negation in the Engels’ dialectics
(Sawamura et al., 2000).
The next step is to port PIRIKA on iPad to mobile
phones like iPhone, a more pervasive personal tool.
It is expected that such an attempt will open up a new
horizon for a more deliberate and logical human com-
munication through computational argumentation re-
search as well as for the social network service in the
The open source software and the video clip of
PIRIKA on iPad are available at URL http://www.cs., And also PIRIKA will become
available from the Apple store for free.
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