Combining Text Semantics and Image Geometry to Improve
Scene Interpretation
Dennis Medved
, Fangyuan Jiang
, Peter Exner
, Magnus Oskarsson
, Pierre Nugues
and Kalle
Department of Computer Science, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Department of Mathematics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Semantic Parsing, Relation Extraction from Images, Machine Learning.
In this paper, we describe a novel system that identifies relations between the objects extracted from an image.
We started from the idea that in addition to the geometric and visual properties of the image objects, we could
exploit lexical and semantic information from the text accompanying the image. As experimental set up, we
gathered a corpus of images from Wikipedia as well as their associated articles. We extracted two types of
objects: human beings and horses and we considered three relations that could hold between them: Ride,
Lead, or None. We used geometric features as a baseline to identify the relations between the entities and we
describe the improvements brought by the addition of bag-of-word features and predicate–argument structures
we derived from the text. The best semantic model resulted in a relative error reduction of more than 18%
over the baseline.
A large percentage of queries to retrieve images re-
late to people and objects (Markkula and Sormunen,
2000; Westman and Oittinen, 2006) as well as re-
lations between them: the ‘story’ within the image
orgensen, 1998). Although the automatic recogni-
tion, detection and segmentation of objects in images
has reached remarkable levels of accuracy, reflected
by the Pascal VOC Challenge evaluation (Carreira
and Sminchisescu, 2010; Felzenszwalb et al., 2010;
Ladicky et al., 2010), the identification of relations is
still a territory that is yet largely unexplored. Notable
exceptions include Chen et al. (2012) and Myeong
et al. (2012). The identification of these relations,
though, would enable users to search images illustrat-
ing two or more objects more accurately.
Relations between objects within images are of-
ten ambiguous and captions are intended to help us in
their interpretation. As human beings, we often have
to read the caption or the surrounding text to under-
stand what happened and the nature of the relations
between the entities. This combined use of text and
images has been explored in automatic interpretation
mostly in the form of bag of words, see Sect. 2. This
approach might be inadequate however, as bags of
words do not take the word or sentence context into
account. This model inadequacy formed the starting
idea of this project: As we focused on relations in im-
ages, we tried to model their counterparts in the text
and reflect them not only with bags of words but also
in the form of predicate–argument structures.
To the best of our knowledge, no work has been done
to identify relations in images using a combined anal-
ysis of image and text data. There are related works
Paek et al. (1999) combined image segmentation
with a text-based classifier using image captions as in-
put. They used bags of words and applied a T F · IDF
weighting on the text. The goal was to label the im-
ages as either taken indoor or outdoor. They improved
the results by using both text and image information
together, compared to using only one of the classi-
Deschacht and Moens (2007) used a set of 100
image-text pairs from Yahoo! News and automatically
annotated the images utilizing the associated text. The
goal was to detect the presence of specific humans,
but also more general objects. They analyzed the im-
Medved D., Jiang F., Exner P., Oskarsson M., Nugues P. and Aström K..
Combining Text Semantics and Image Geometry to Improve Scene Interpretation.
DOI: 10.5220/0004752004790486
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM-2014), pages 479-486
ISBN: 978-989-758-018-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
age captions to find named entities. They also derived
information from discourse segmentation, which was
used to determine the saliency of entities.
Moscato et al. (2009) used a large corpus of
French news articles, composed of a text, images, and
image captions. They combined an image detector to
recognize human faces and logos, with a named en-
tity detection in the text. The goal was to correctly
annotate the faces and logos found in the images. The
images were not annotated by humans, instead named
entities in the captions were used as the ground truth,
and the classification was based on the articles.
Marszalek and Schmid (2007) used a semantic
network and image labels to integrate prior knowl-
edge of inter-class relationships in the learning step
of a classifier to achieve better classification results.
All of these works combined text and image analysis
for classification purposes, but they did not identify
relations in the images. Another area of related work
is the generation of natural language descriptions of
an image scene, see Gupta et al. (2012) and Kulkarni
et al. (2011).
The internet provides plenty of combined sources of
images and text including news articles, blogs, and
social media. Wikipedia is one of such sources that,
in addition to a large number of articles, is a substan-
tial repository of images illustrating the articles. As of
today, the English version has over 4 million articles
and about 2 million images (Wikipedia, 2012). It is
not unusual for editors to use an image for more than
one article, and an image can therefore have more
than one article or caption associated with it.
We gathered a subset of images and articles from
Wikipedia restricted to two object categories: Horse
and Human. We extracted the articles containing the
keywords Horse or Pony and we selected their asso-
ciated images. This resulted into 901 images, where
788 could be used. Some images were duplicates and
some did not have a valid article associated with them.
An image connected to the articles with the words
Horse or Pony does not need to contain a real horse.
It can depict something associated with the words for
example: a car, a statue, or a painting. Some of the
images also include humans, either interacting with
the horse or just being part of the background, see Fig-
ure 1 for examples. An image can therefore have none
or multiple horses, and none or multiple humans.
We manually annotated the horses and humans
in the images with a set of possible relations: Ride,
Lead, and None. Ride and Lead are when a human is
riding or leading a horse and None is an action that is
not Ride or Lead including no action at all. The anno-
tation gave us the number of respective humans and
horses, their sizes and their locations in the image.
We processed the articles with a semantic parser
(Exner and Nugues, 2012), where the output for
each word is its lemma and part of speech, and for
each sentence, the dependency graph and predicate-
argument structures it contains. We finally applied a
coreference solver to each article.
As our focus was to investigate to what extent the use
of combinations of text and visual cues could improve
the interpretation or categorization precision, we set
aside the automatic detection of objects in the im-
ages. We manually identified the objects within the
images by creating bounding boxes around horses and
humans. We then labeled the interaction between the
human-horse pair if the interaction corresponded to
Lead or Ride. The None relationships were left im-
plicit. It resulted in 2,235 possible human-horse pairs
in the images, but the distribution of relations was
quite heavily skewed towards the None relation. The
Lead relation had significantly fewer examples; see
Table 1.
Table 1: The number of different objects in the source ma-
Item Count
Extracted images 901
Usable images 788
Human-horse pairs 2,235
Relation: None 1,935
Relation: Ride 233
Relation: Lead 67
The generation of the bounding boxes could be
produced automatically by an object detection algo-
rithm trained on the relevant categories (in our case
people and horses) such as e.g. the deformable part-
based model described in Felzenszwalb et al. (2010).
This would have enabled us to skip the manual detec-
tion step, but as our focus in this paper lies elsewhere
we opted not to do this.
We used the Athena parsing framework (Exner and
Nugues, 2012) in conjunction with a coreference
Figure 1: The upper row shows: A Ford Mustang, the 3rd Light Horse Regiment hat badge, and a snuff bottle. The lower
row shows: A human riding a horse, one human leading the horse and one bystander, and seven riders and two bystanders.
Bounding boxes are displayed.
solver (Stamborg et al., 2012) to parse the Wikipedia
articles. For each word, the parser outputs its lemma
and part of speech (POS). In addition, the parser pro-
duces a dependency graph with labeled edges for each
sentence as well as the predicates it contains and their
arguments. For each article, we also identify the
words or phrases that refer to a same entity i.e. words
or phrases that are coreferent.
Figure 2 shows the dependency graph and the
predicate–argument structure of the caption: Ponies
walking the streets in Burley
Figure 2: A representation of a parsed sentence: The upper
part shows the syntactic dependency graph and the lower
part shows the predicate, walk, and its two arguments the
parser has extracted: Ponies and the streets in Burley.
5.1 Predicates
The semantic parser uses the PropBank (Palmer et al.,
2005) nomenclature, where the predicate sense is ex-
plicitly shown as a number added after the word. The
sentence in Figure 2 contains one predicate: walk.01
1 Forest, retrieved
November 9, 2012.
with its two arguments A0 and A1, where A0 corre-
sponds to the walker and A1, the path walked.
PropBank predicates can also have modifying ar-
guments denoted with the prefix AM-”. There exist
14 different types of modifiers in PropBank such as:
AM-DIR: shows motion along some path,
AM-LOC: indicates where the action took place,
AM-TMP: shows when the action took place.
5.2 Coreferences
We applied a coreference resolution to create sets of
coreferring mentions as with the rider and the two he
in this caption:
If the rider has a refusal at the direct route he
may jump the other B element without addi-
tional penalty than what he incurred for the
The phrase the rider is the first mention of an entity
in the coreference chain. It usually contains most in-
formation in the chain. We use it together with POS
information and we substitute coreferent words with
this mention in a document, although this is mostly
useful with pronouns. The modified documents can
thereafter be used with different lexical features.
2, retrieved
November 9, 2012.
We used classifiers with visual and semantic features
to identify the relations. The visual features formed a
baseline system. We then added semantic features to
investigate this improvement over the baseline.
6.1 Visual Features
The visual parsing annotation provided us with a set
of objects within the images and their bounding boxes
defined by the coordinates of the center of each box,
its width, and height.
To implement the baseline, we derived a larger set
of visual features from the bounding boxes, such as
the overlapping area, the relative positions, etc, and
combinations of them. We ran an automatic gener-
ation of feature combinations and we applied a fea-
ture selection process to derive our visual feature set.
We evaluated the results using cross-validation. How-
ever, as the possible number of combinations was very
large, we had to discard manually a large part of them.
Once stabilized, the baseline feature set remained un-
changed while developing and testing lexical features.
It contains the following features:
F Overlap Boolean feature describing whether the
two bounding boxes overlap or not.
F Distance numerical feature containing the normal-
ized length between the centers of the bounding
F Direction(8) nominal feature containing the direc-
tion of the human relative the horse, discretized
into eight directions.
F Angle numerical feature containing the angle be-
tween the centers of the boxes.
F OverlapArea numerical feature containing the
size of the overlapping area of the boxes.
F MinDistanceSide numerical feature containing
the minimum distance between the sides of the
F AreaDifference numerical feature containing the
quotient of the areas.
We used logistic regression and to cope with non-
linearities, we used pairs of features to emulate a
quadratic function. The three following features are
pairs involving a numerical and a Boolean features,
creating a numerical feature. The Boolean feature is
used as a step function: if it is false, the output is a
constant; if it is true, the output is the value of the
numeric feature.
F Distance+F LowAngle(7) numerical feature,
F LowAngle is true if the difference in angle is
less than 7
F Angle+F LowAngle(7) numerical feature.
F Angle+F BelowDistance(100) numerical feature,
F BelowDistance(100) is true if the distance is
less than 100.
Without these feature pairs, the classifier could not
correctly identify the Lead relation and the F
for it was 0. With these features, F
increased to 0.29.
Table 2 shows the recall, precision, and F
for the
three relations using visual features. Table 3, shows
the corresponding confusion matrix.
Table 2: Precision, recall and F
for visual features.
Precision Recall F
None 0.9472 0.9648 0.9559
Ride 0.7685 0.7553 0.7619
Lead 0.4285 0.2239 0.2941
Mean 0.6706
Table 3: The confusion matrix for visual features.
Predicted class
None Ride Lead
Actual class
None 1867 49 19
Ride 56 176 1
Lead 48 4 15
6.2 Semantic Features
We extracted the semantic features from the
Wikipedia articles. We implemented a selector to
choose the size of the input between: complete ar-
ticles, partial articles (the paragraph that is the closest
to an image), captions, and file names. The most spe-
cific information pertaining to an image is found in
the caption and the file name, followed by the partial
article, and finally, the whole article.
6.2.1 Bag-of-Words Features
A bag-of-word (BoW) feature was created for each
of the four different inputs. A BoW feature is repre-
sented by a vector of weighted word frequencies. The
different versions have separate settings and dictio-
naries. We also used a combined bag-of-word feature
vector consisting of the concatenation of the partial
article, caption, and filename feature vectors.
The features have a filter that can exclude words
that are either too common, or not common enough,
based on their frequency, controlled by a threshold.
We used a TF ·IDF weighting on the included words.
We used file names as one of the inputs, as it is
common to have a long descriptive names of the im-
ages in Wikipedia. However, they are not as standard-
ized as the captions. Some images have very long
descriptive titles; others were less informative, for ex-
ample: “DMZ1.jpg”. The file names were not seman-
tically parsed, but we defined a heuristic algorithm,
which was used to break down the file name strings
into individual words.
6.2.2 Predicate Features
Instead of using all of the words in a document,
we used information derived from the predicate–
argument structure to filter out more relevant terms.
We created a feature that only used the predicate
names and their arguments as input. The words that
are not predicates, or arguments to the predicates, are
removed as input to the feature. The arguments can be
filtered depending on their type, for example A0, A1,
or AM-TMP. We can either consider all of the words
of the arguments, or only the heads.
As for the BoW, we created predicate features
with articles, partial articles, and captions as input.
We never used the file names, because we could not
carry a semantic analysis on them. We also created a
version of the predicate-based features that we could
filter further on the basis of a list of predicate names,
including only predicates present in a predefined list,
specified by regular expressions.
To classify the relations, we used the LIBLINEAR
(Fan et al., 2008) package and the output probabil-
ities over all the classes. The easiest way to clas-
sify a horse-human pair is to take the corresponding
probability vector and pick the class with the highest
probability. But sometimes the probabilities are quite
equal and there is no clear class to chose. We selected
a threshold using cross-validation. If the maximum
probability in the vector is not higher than the thresh-
old, the pair is classified as None. We observed that
because None represents a collection of actions and
nonaction, it is more likely to be the true class when
Ride and Lead have low probabilities.
Even with the threshold, this scheme can classify
two or more humans as riding or leading the same
horse. Although possible, it is more likely that only
one person is riding or leading the horse at a time.
Therefore we added constraints to the classification: a
horse can only have zero or one rider, and zero or one
leader. For each class, only the most probable human
is chosen, and only if it is higher than the threshold.
For each human-horse pair, the predicted class is
compared to the actual class. The information derived
from this can be used to calculate the precision, recall,
and F
for each class. The arithmetic mean of the
three F
values is calculated, and can be used as a
comparison value. We also computed the number of
correct classifications and a confusion matrix.
Figure 3 summarizes the architecture of the whole
1. Wikipedia is the source of the images and the ar-
ticles. The text annotation uses the Wiki markup
2. Image analysis: placement of bounding boxes,
classification of objects and actions. This was
done manually, but could be replaced by an au-
tomatic system.
3. Text selector between: the whole articles, para-
graphs that are the closest to the images, file-
names, or captions.
4. Semantic parsing of the text, see Section 5.
5. Extraction of feature vectors based on the bound-
ing boxes and the semantic information.
6. Model training using logistic regression from the
LIBLINEAR package. This enables us to predict
probabilities for the different relations.
7. Relation classification using probabilities and
We used the L2-regularized logistic regression (pri-
mal) solver from the LIBLINEAR package and we
evaluated the results of the classification with the dif-
ferent feature sets starting from the baseline geomet-
ric features and adding lexical features of increasing
complexity. We carried out a 5-fold crossvalidation.
We evaluated permutations of features and set-
tings and we report the set of combined BoW features
that yielded the best result. Table 4 shows an overview
of the results:
The baseline corresponds to the geometrical fea-
tures; we obtained a mean F
of 0.67 with them;
Table 4: An overview of the results, with their mean F
-value, difference and relative error reduction from the baseline mean
Mean of F
Difference (pp) Relative error reduction (%)
Baseline 0.6706 0.00 0.00
BoW Articles 0.6779 0.73 2.22
Partial articles 0.6818 1.12 3.40
Captions 0.6829 1.23 3.73
Filenames 0.6802 0.96 2.91
Combination 0.7132 4.26 12.9
Predicate Articles 0.7318 6.12 18.6
Partial articles 0.6933 2.27 6.89
Captions 0.6791 0.85 2.58
Articles + Words 0.6830 1.24 3.76
Articles + Coref 0.7280 5.74 17.4
Figure 3: An overview of the system design, see Section 8 for description.
BoW corresponds to the baseline features and
the bag-of-word features described in Sect. 6.2.1;
whatever the type of text we used as input, we
observed an improvement. We obtained the best
results with a concatenation of the partial article,
caption, and filename (combination, F
= 0.71);
predicate corresponds to the baseline features
and the predicate feature vector described in
Sect. 6.2.2. Predicate features using only one lex-
ical feature vector from the article text gave bet-
ter results than combining different portions of the
text (F
= 0.73).
Our best feature set is the predicate features utiliz-
ing whole articles as input. It achieves a relative error
reduction of 18.6 percent compared to baseline.
Tables 2 and 3 show the detailed results of the
baseline with the geometric features only. Tables 5
and 6 show the results of the best BoW feature com-
bination: a concatenation of the feature vectors from
the inputs: partial articles, captions, and filenames.
Tables 7 and 8 show the result of the best predicate
Classifying the Lead relation with geometric features
with only bounding boxes as the input revealed quite
difficult. There is indeed very little visual difference
between standing next to a horse and leading it. We
were not able to classify any Lead correctly until we
added the combination features.
For single BoW features, the captions gave the
best result, followed by partial articles, filenames, and
lastly articles. The order of the results was what we
expected, based on how specific information the fea-
tures had about the images. But for the predicate fea-
tures, the order was reversed: articles produced the
best result, followed by partial articles, and captions.
Using a specific list of predicates did not produce
good results although, depending on the list, results
vary greatly. Using a list with the words: ride, lead,
pull, and race, with articles as input, gave the best
result, but Table 4 shows a relative drop of 4.88 com-
pared to no filtering. The negative results could pos-
sibly be explained by the fact that it is not common
to explicitly describe the relations in the images, and
only utilizing keywords such as ride is of little help.
Applying coreference resolution on the docu-
ments lowered the results. Table 4 shows a relative
drop of 0.38 if applied on the predicate feature based
on articles. Despite these negative results, we still be-
lieve that solving coreferences could improve the re-
sults. The solver was designed to be used with another
set of semantic information. To be able to use the
solver, we altered its source code and possibly made
it less accurate. We checked manually coreference
chains and we could observe a significant number of
faulty examples, leading us to believe that the output
quality of the solver left to be desired.
Table 5: Precision, recall, and F
for the concatenation of
BoW features with the inputs: partial articles, captions and
Precision Recall F
None 0.9638 0.9638 0.9638
Ride 0.7642 0.8626 0.8104
Lead 0.5135 0.2835 0.3653
Mean 0.7132
Table 6: The confusion matrix for BoW for the concatena-
tion of BoW features with the inputs: partial articles, cap-
tions and filenames.
Predicted class
None Ride Lead
Actual class
None 1865 57 13
Ride 27 201 5
Lead 43 5 19
Table 7: Precision, recall and F
for predicate feature on
Precision Recall F
None 0.9745 0.9498 0.9620
Ride 0.7301 0.9055 0.8084
Lead 0.4500 0.4029 0.4251
Mean 0.7318
Table 8: The confusion matrix for predicate feature on arti-
Predicted class
None Ride Lead
Actual class
None 1838 70 27
Ride 16 211 6
Lead 32 8 27
We designed a supervised classifier to identify rela-
tions between pairs of objects in an image. As input to
the classifier, we used geometric, bag-of-words, and
semantic features. The results we obtained show that
semantic information, in combination with geometric
features, proved useful to improve the classification of
relations in the images. Table 4 shows that the relative
error reduction is 12.9 percent by utilizing a combi-
nation of bag-of-words features. An even greater im-
provement is made using predicate information with
an relative error reduction of 18.6 percent compared
to baseline.
Coreference resolution lowered the performance,
but the interface between the semantic parser and the
coreference solver was less than optimal. There is
room for improvement regarding this solver, either
with the interface to the semantic parser or with to
another solver. It could also be interesting to try other
types of classifiers, not just logistic regression, and
see how they perform.
Using automatically annotated images as input to
the program could be relatively easily implemented
and would automate all the steps in the system. A nat-
ural continuation of the work is to expand the number
of objects and relations. Felzenszwalb et al. (2010),
for example, use 20 different classifiers for common
objects: cars, bottles, birds, etc. All, or a subset of
it, could be chosen as the objects, together with some
common predicates between the objects as the rela-
It would also be interesting to try other sources of
images and text than Wikipedia: either using other re-
sources available online or creating a new database
with images captioned with text descriptions. An-
other interesting expansion of the work would be to
map entities found in the text with objects found in the
image. For example, if a caption includes the name of
a person, one could create a link between the image
and information about the entity.
This research was supported by Vetenskapsr
adet, the
Swedish research council, under grant 621-2010-
4800 and the Swedish e-science program: eSSENCE.
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