IAAN: Intelligent Animated Agent with Natural Behaviour for Online
Tutoring Platforms
Helen V. Diez, Sara Garc
ıa , Jairo R. S
anchez, Maria del Puy Carretero and David Oyarzun
Vicomtech-IK4 Research Center, San Sebasti
an, Spain
Agents, Artificial Intelligence, Natural behaviour, Behaviour Markup Language.
The goal of the work presented in this paper is to develop an Intelligent Animated Agent with Natural Be-
haviour (IAAN). This agent is integrated into e-learning platforms in order to perform the role of an online
tutor. The system stores into a database personalized information of each student regarding their level of edu-
cation, their learning progress and their interaction with the platform. This information is then used by the 3D
modeled virtual agent to give personalized feedback to each student; the purpose of the agent is to guide the
students throughout the lectures taking into account their personal needs and interacting with them by means
of verbal and non-verbal communication. To achieve this work a thorough study of natural behaviour has been
held and a complex state machine is being developed in order to provide IAAN with the sufficient artificial
intelligence as to enhance the students motivation and engagement with the learning process.
Online tutoring has become very popular in the past
years and according to several studies such as the lat-
est survey by Ambient Insight Research (Adkins,
2013); the aggregate growth rate for self-paced e-
learning products and services expected for the next
five year period (2011-2016) is 7.6%. Distance learn-
ing offers a series of benefits that traditional learning
cannot compete with, for example in terms of mobil-
ity, affordability or flexibility e-learning happens to
be much more suitable for nowadays lifestyle. How-
ever, online learning also has its drawbacks, the lack
of supervision from a tutor in the courses may lead
to demotivation, boredom and the final drop of the
courses. This is why the integration of virtual agents
represented as human characters into these platforms
can be an effective solution to make the students feel
supported and accompanied throughout the course as
a real teacher would.
Michael Graham Moore (Moore, 1989) classified
the possible interactions in distance education into
three types:
He acknowledged the “learner-instructor” inter-
action as the most important. Moreover, studies
like (Bloom, 1984) demonstrated the effectiveness
of a one-on-one human tutoring system against other
methods of teaching, and (Lepper et al., 1993), de-
fended the idea that education could be globally im-
proved if every student was provided with a personal
tutor. This is something almost impossible to achieve
in traditional education but it is not so in online learn-
This work introduces IAAN, a virtual agent rep-
resented as a 3D modeled character endowed with in-
telligence and natural behaviour, designed to perform
the role of a real tutor in e-learning platforms. IAAN
reacts in real time to the students’ interaction with the
platform by means of verbal and non-verbal commu-
nication. Furthermore, in order to make IAAN as re-
alistic as possible an Intelligent Animated Agent Ed-
itor is included into the system allowing real tutors to
define the appearance and behaviour of IAAN in re-
sponse to different situations. This editor is based on
the Behaviour Markup Language standard (BML
Additionally, this work is entirely web based so
it solves the interoperability issues presented by most
commonly used e-learning systems with other plat-
forms such as Learning Management Systems, web-
based virtual world platforms, Virtual Reality learn-
ing systems or simulators.
IAAN has been partially integrated into Moodle
V. Diez H., García S., R. Sánchez J., del Puy Carretero M. and Oyarzun D..
IAAN: Intelligent Animated Agent with Natural Behaviour for Online Tutoring Platforms.
DOI: 10.5220/0004756401230130
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2014), pages 123-130
ISBN: 978-989-758-016-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(Moodle, 2013) Learning Management System.
This paper is organized as follows; Section 2 an-
alyzes the related work carried out in the last years
concerning agents and artificial intelligence, Section
3 describes the architecture followed to accomplish
the goals of this work, Section 4 shows integration
results from the work. The final section is about con-
clusions and future work.
The purpose of this work is to integrate an intelligent
3D virtual agent into e-learning platforms. Concern-
ing this process, Buraga (Buraga, 2003) proposes an
agent-oriented extensible framework based on XML
family for building a hypermedia e-learning system
available on the world-wide-web. This intelligent tu-
toring system is composed of four major components,
the information processed by each component can be
stored by XML documents. Some of the components
are implemented as intelligent agents.
Angehrn et al. (Angehrn et al., 2001) sug-
gests the use of K-InCA to provide a personalized e-
learning system to help people learn and adopt new
behaviours. The agent continuously analyses the ac-
tions of the user in order to build and maintain a “be-
havioural profile” reflecting the level of adoption of
the “desired” behaviours. Using this profile, the agent
provides customized guidance, mentoring, motivation
and stimuli, supporting the gradual transformation of
the users behaviours.
Defining natural behaviour is not an easy task ei-
ther. The literature and theory of affective comput-
ing imply several conditions for synthesized motion
to appear natural (Abrilian et al., 2005). Speed of
interaction and emotion/speech-correlated believable
body motion are among the most important function-
alities (Mlakar and Rojc, 2011). Rieger (Rieger
et al., 2003) developed a series of rules in order to
increase the acceptance of virtual agents in Human-
Computer Communication and established a correla-
tion table between the message to rely and the emo-
tion to show.
Steve (Johnson and Rickel, 1997) was one of the
first pedagogical agents capable of expressing emo-
tions; it was designed as a stereoscopic 3D charac-
ter that cohabited with learners, it has been applied
to naval training tasks. However, Steve was origi-
nally designed to operate in immersive virtual envi-
ronments and not over the Web.
Project GRETA (Poggi et al., 2005) presents
a multimodal Embodied Conversational Agent (ECA)
capable of interpreting APML
mark-up lan-
guage to generate synchronized speech, face, gaze
and gesture animations.
More recently, (Benin et al., 2012) presented a
three-dimensional animated talking head which re-
peats any input text in six different emotional ways.
The final goal of the work presented is to integrate a
3D animated agent into e-learning platforms in order
to asses and guide students as a real teacher would.
Many studies have been held to identify the qual-
ities of a good teacher (Azer, 2005) (Korthagen,
2004). Besides, students and teachers do not always
agree in the importance of these qualities. From the
perspective of students, Brown and McIntyre (Brown
and McIntyre, 1993) and Batten (Batten et al., 1993)
found the two qualities with highest frequency of
mention were the teachers ability to “explain clearly”,
and “help us with our work”. On the other hand, two
qualities seen by teachers as crucial, but not men-
tioned by students, were “planning, structuring and
organising the classroom, and fostering student in-
volvement and participation”.
Considering previous research, IAAN has been
designed to perform several roles throughout the
course depending on the needs of the lesson, these
roles have been divided into three states:
Explanation State. IAAN will be able to explain
new concepts to the user. Humans tend to gesticu-
late when introducing an idea to others; perform-
ing arm movements or pointing out objects, IAAN
will act alike.
Evaluation State. One of the most important
roles that IAAN must perform is the one of a
real tutor. IAAN will guide the students through
the lectures and will interact with them giving
them personal feedback, responding in real-time
to their interaction with the platform.
Waiting State. When IAAN is not in any
of the previous states, for example, when self-
explanatory audiovisual content is being dis-
played to the student, IAAN will enter a waiting
state mode. IAAN will not interact directly with
the student but he will be animated. Humans do
not stand hieratical when waiting for something
to happen; we balance our body, gaze, cross our
arms, etc. As IAAN is endowed with natural be-
haviour, he will also perform these kind of move-
ments in this state.
The following section introduces the Intelligent
Animated Agent Editor, this tool is being developed
to ease the job of defining the virtual agent’s appear-
ance and behaviour. With the help of this tool the
course editor will be able to define the Explanation
and Waiting state. This tool is the core of the Be-
haviour Module. The Evaluation state will be dis-
cussed in more detail in Section 5.
3.1 Intelligent Animated Agent Editor
This tool is being implemented to allow real tutors
to design IAAN’s appearance and behaviour as they
deem most appropriate in each case. To ensure quality
education it is important to leverage the knowledge
and expertise provided by real teachers.
Regarding IAAN’s appearance, McCloud (Mc-
Cloud, 1994) stated that individuals see themselves as
iconic images but see others in a more detailed form,
that is, as realistic images. Gulz and Haake (Gulz
and Haake, 2006) extended this idea to the role of an-
imated pedagogical agents and stated that if the agent
is acting as a teacher, the student will see it as “the
other person” and therefore it is better to represent it
in a human form. However, the risk of falling into
the “uncanny valley” (Mori, 1970) also exists and
furthermore depending on the target of the course the
editor may consider to represent IAAN in a more car-
toonish shape, for example, if the course is targeted
for kids. So the decision of IAAN’s appearance is en-
tirely left in the hands and teaching experience of the
real tutor. The agent’s appearance is selected from
a list of predefined 3D models and imported into the
IAA Editor.
With respect to facial expression, the IAA editor
is based on Ekman’s six universal emotions (Ekman
and Friesen, 1981), so IAAN will be able to show
the following facial expressions: happiness, surprise,
anger, sadness, disgust and fear. An example of IAAN
performing these facial expressions can be found in
Figure 1.
IAAN performs several hand gestures, the scien-
tific community has established four type of hand ges-
tures (Cassell et al., 1994):
Iconic: or illustrators, they are descriptive ges-
tures often used to illustrate speech.
Metaphoric: or representational gestures, rep-
resent an abstract feature concurrently spoken
Deictic: indicate a point in the space.
Figure 1: IAAN represented as a 3D virtual agent express-
ing facial emotions (happiness, surprise, anger, sadness).
Beats: small formless waves of the hand that oc-
cur to emphasize words.
IAAN communicates in a verbal way with the stu-
dents, for this purpose the IAA Editor includes a text
editor. This text is then transformed into speech by a
Text-to-Speech synthesizer.
As shown in Figure 2 the IAA Editor is composed
of three main areas; the animations regarding natu-
ral behaviour can be found in the Options Area, the
real tutor selects the desired animation from one of the
available menus and drags it onto the Timeline Area,
this action is repeated as many times as necessary un-
til the desired behaviour is achieved. Then the final
result is visualized in the Viewer Area.
The composition created in the timeline is trans-
lated into a BML file. In the following BML example
created with the IAA Editor, a welcoming message
has been designed. This BML file is then used as an
input to the Animation Engine.
<bml xmlns=
<gesture id="behavior1" lexeme="hello-waving"
start="2" end="3"/>
<faceLexeme id="behavior2" lexeme="happy"
amount="0.8" start="2" end="3"/>
<speech id="speech1" start="4">
<text>Wellcome to the first lesson!</text>
The architecture chosen to accomplish the goals pre-
sented in the previous section is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 2: Intelligent Animated Agent Editor.
Figure 3: Platform Modules.
The main modules involved in the design of IAAN are
the Behaviour Module, the Evaluation Module and
the Animated Engine.
The Behaviour Module has been described in Sec-
tion 3. This module is in charge of defining the be-
haviour of IAAN in each situation, to make IAAN as
realistic as possible a real tutor is in charge of describ-
ing IAAN’s interaction with the students. To ease this
job the IAA Editor has been developed.
Next the Evaluation Module and the Animated
Engine will be explained in more detail.
4.1 Evaluation Module
IAAN must accompany the students throughout the
course and interact with them whenever is necessary.
To accomplish this IAAN will keep track of each stu-
dent along the course in order to give personalized
feedback to each individual.
This is achieved by storing multiple information
into a database and by defining a complex state ma-
chine that will inform IAAN when and how to interact
with each student.
4.1.1 User Profile Database
It is crucial to know as much as possible about each
student in order to assess them according to their per-
sonal needs. Table 1 shows the information stored
into the database for further analyses, regarding per-
sonal information as well as the student’s interaction
with the e-learning platform.
Table 1: User Profile Information.
Personal Information Platform Usage
Name Logins
Age Session Duration
Address Interaction Speed
Knowledge Level Mistake Frequency
Taking this information into account the course
editor is able to design specific evaluation rules for
each student.
The first thing the course editor must decide is
the EVALUATION HARSHNESS, initially this parameter
is set depending on the student’s age and knowledge
level, but as the course progresses and the student ac-
quires more knowledge this scale can be modified.
The Platform Usage information is designed to es-
tablish a BEHAVIOUR PATTERN for each student, for
example; the amount of logins per week, the ses-
sion duration, the frequency in answering questions,
the mistaken answers. Bearing this pattern in mind,
IAAN will interact with the student whenever a disor-
der in the pattern takes place.
4.1.2 Evaluation Manager
The Evaluation Manager is designed as a fi-
nite state machine (FSM). As seen in Figure 4
the Evaluation Manager takes as inputs the
and the BML FILES that define IAAN’s natural
behaviour which have been previously designed with
the IAA editor .
Taking these inputs into account the Evaluation
Manager waits for behaviour pattern alerts and if they
occur the manager orders IAAN to interact with the
student by means of the previously designed BML
files. Regarding the User Profile Information the pos-
sible alerts have been defined as follows:
LOGIN ALERT. The course editor is in charge of
establishing an amount of logins per week (or
month) for each student in order to fulfil his as-
signments. If this recommendation is altered in
any way the platform is notified with an alert mes-
sage and IAAN is launched to interact with the
INTERACTION ALERT: Once the student has
logged in he interacts with the platform in a deter-
mined frequency. Modifying this frequency may
mean several things, for example, if the interac-
tion speed increases it may indicate the student
finds the lesson too easy, on the contrary if the
speed decreases the lesson might be too difficult
or it may simply mean the student is taking a
break. IAAN is able to interact with the student
to find out what is happening.
MISTAKE ALERT. If the student commits more
mistakes than usual the course level might not be
appropriate or the student might not be paying at-
tention. IAAN might enter the Explanation state
in order to clarify concepts or draw the student’s
attention by introducing a multimedia effect.
SESSION ALERT. A recommended minimum and
maximum time is set to perform each session, if
this time is altered IAAN shows up to check if the
student has finished his assignment.
The messages in round boxes from Figure 4 rep-
resent examples of IAAN communicating with the
student in each alert situation. For example, if the
Evaluation Manager detects an INTERACTION ALERT
IAAN launches the BML file describing the be-
haviour to adopt under this circumstance, for in-
stance, IAAN will ask the student: ”Are you taking
a break?”. Another example would be in the event
of a MISTAKE ALERT, in this case IAAN will express
concern by asking: ”Is the lesson too difficult?”.
With these queries IAAN seeks to encourage the
student to continue working, letting him know he is
not alone and that he is being supervised.
Figure 4: Evaluation FSM Example.
4.2 Animation Engine
The Animation Engine is composed by several mod-
ules developed using JavaScript programming lan-
guage and following all the HTML5 and Web3D stan-
dards. These modules have been developed as an ab-
straction layer over O3D
engine which has been se-
lected amongst other engines (GLGE, x3dom, etc.)
for its benefits, as it is not a very high level API it al-
lows great flexibility when developing new features.
WebGL (Leung and Salga, 2010) technology
has been used to render IAAN via the web. We-
bGL is based on OpenGL, which is a widely used
open source 3D graphics standard. Nowadays, most
common browsers support this technology; Google
Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari or Opera.
The modules that compose the Animation Engine
are in charge, amongst other features, of rendering 3D
modeled characters into web browsers, parsing BML
files which define the character’s behaviour and ani-
Figure 5: Integration of IAAN into Moodle.
mations and communicating with the e-learning plat-
The work presented in this paper is entirely web
based, this fact makes the platform compatible
with most widely-used learning management systems
; Edmodo (Edmodo, 2013), Moodle (Moo-
dle, 2013), Blackboard (Blackboard, 2013), SumTo-
tal Systems (SumTotal, 2013), etc.
In the work presented IAAN has been partially in-
tegrated into Moodle. Moodle is based on a Model-
View-Controller coding design pattern. To integrate
IAAN into Moodle the modules from this work must
be added to the configuration file of the platform.
This platform offers a very interesting feature for
our work; the Configurable Reports. This block is a
Moodle custom reports builder designed in a modular
way to allow developers to create new plugins. The
types of reports available are:
Courses reports, with information regarding
Categories reports, with information regarding
User reports, with information regarding users
and their activity in a course.
Timeline reports, this is a special type of report
that displays a timeline showing data depending
on the start and end time of the current row.
Custom SQL Reports, custom SQL queries.
Taking advantage of this feature a Synchroniza-
tion Module is being developed as a communication
bridge between Moodle and the Animation Engine
(Figure 3).
For this work a very simple English Course has
been created in Moodle with multiple choice quizzes
for the student to answer. Figure 5 shows the integra-
tion of IAAN into the created course.
Validation results regarding the entire platform in-
tegration have not yet been performed as it is still
work in progress. However, some of our final users in
different applications have been able to interact with
IAAN and they have pointed out its natural behaviour
and communication as an engaging and realistic way
of interaction.
An intelligent virtual agent represented as a 3D
modeled character has been presented in this paper.
Thanks to the IAA editor the agent is gifted with nat-
ural behaviour, allowing real tutors to use their expe-
rience to define the agent’s reactions in different cir-
The Evaluation Module described in this work is
still being developed. The main goal of this module is
to turn the animated agent into an autonomous agent
that needs no exterior intervention to respond to stu-
dents’ interaction in real-time.
The modules of this work have been developed
following a Model-View-Controller coding pattern to
ease the integration with the selected e-learning plat-
form. IAAN has been successfully integrated into
Moodle, though only partially functional as the Eval-
uation Module is still under development.
The Animation Engine introduced in this work is
constantly improved to suit new needs. The final goal
is to develop an animation engine capable of repro-
ducing human behaviour as realistic as possible.
A synchronization module is being developed in
order to optimize the communication between IAAN
and Moodle. Furthermore, we are studying other
LMS in order to develop a general synchronization
module turning IAAN into a multiplatform assistant.
Finally, we are defining the validation phase to test
the work presented in this paper with real students in
order to confirm IAAN’s positive effect. The results
of these evaluations will verify whether IAAN’s natu-
ral behaviour and real-time emotional response has a
beneficial effect on the students learning engagement
and final cognitive results.
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