Semantic Anonymisation of Set-valued Data
Montserrat Batet, Arnau Erola, David Sánchez and Jordi Castellà-Roca
UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy, Departament d’Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques, Universitat Rovira i Virgili,
Av. Països Catalans, 26, 43007, Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain
Keywords: Data Semantics, Set-valued Data, Privacy, Microaggregation, Knowledge Bases.
Abstract: It is quite common that companies and organisations require of releasing and exchanging information
related to individuals. Due to the usual sensitive nature of these data, appropriate measures should be
applied to reduce the risk of re-identification of individuals while keeping as much data utility as possible.
Many anonymisation mechanisms have been developed up to present, even though most of them focus on
structured/relational databases containing numerical or categorical data. However, the anonymisation of
transactional data, also known as set-valued data, has received much less attention. The management and
transformation of these data presents additional challenges due to their variable cardinality and their usually
textual and unbounded nature. Current approaches focusing on set-valued data are based on the
generalisation of original values; however, this suffers from a high information loss derived from the
reduced granularity of the output values. To tackle this problem, in this paper we adapt a well-known
microaggregation anonymisation mechanism so that it can be applied to textual set-valued data. Moreover,
since the utility of textual data is closely related to their meaning, special care has been put in preserving
data semantics. To do so, appropriate semantic similarity and aggregation functions are proposed.
Experiments conducted on a real set-valued data set show that our proposal better preserves data utility in
comparison with non-semantic approaches.
It is quite usual to find databases in which records
contain variable-length multi-valued attributes
describing an individual,
such as lists of
commodities bought by a customer (Terrovitis et al.,
2008), query logs performed by a user of a Web
search engine (He and Naughton, 2009), or
outcomes of a clinical record (He et al., 2008). Data
sets with these characteristics are usually referred as
set-valued data (Terrovitis et al., 2008). Due to their
sensitive nature, the publication of this kind of data
may compromise individuals’ privacy, especially
when adversaries have partial knowledge of
individuals’ actions.
To minimise the disclosure risk of published
data, anonymisation/masking methods have been
proposed (Domingo-Ferrer, 2008). These methods
perform transformations over potentially identifying
values thus reducing their level of specificity and/or
creating groups of indistinguishable individuals.
These transformations distort input data, making it
less specific or detailed. Since the utility of
anonymised data is closely related to the amount of
information loss caused by the transformation,
anonymisation methods should balance the trade-off
between information loss and disclosure risk
(Domingo-Ferrer, 2008).
Within the Statistical Disclosure Control (SDC)
community, authors have proposed many techniques
to anonymise structured/relational databases,
consisting of records with several univalued
attributes, each one corresponding to a different
feature of the described entity (Domingo-Ferrer,
2008; Herranz et al., 2010; Jing et al., 2011;
Martínez et al., 2012b; Matatov et al., 2010). In
these methods, identifying attributes are removed,
and quasi-identifier attributes (groups of attributes
that result in unique combinations of values) are
anonymised. Thus, the anonymisation process can
manage attribute values individually. Anonymisation
of quasi-identifiers is usually done with
microaggregation methods, which ensures that the
masked database fulfils the k-anonymity property
(Samarati and Sweeney, 1998; Sweeney, 2002)
while achieving some compromise between data
Batet M., Erola A., Sánchez D. and Castellà-Roca J..
Semantic Anonymisation of Set-valued Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0004811901020112
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2014), pages 102-112
ISBN: 978-989-758-015-4
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
utility and disclosure risk (Domingo-Ferrer, 2008;
Herranz et al., 2010).
However, the application of these methods to set-
valued data faces additional problems. Unlike
relational databases, set-valued data sets do not
constitute well-defined sets of quasi-identifying
attributes, because several subsets of values of an
attribute could play the role of quasi-identifiers.
Moreover, the set of values of each individual may
have variable length and high dimensionality,
compared to the relatively few attributes and values
of relational records. Moreover, while attributes in
relational databases are commonly either numerical
or categorical, set-valued data sets are usually free
text (e.g. query logs or other transactional data). The
management of textual values add new challenges
that are not considered by methods focused on
numerical or categorical data.
In contrast to numerical data, which can be
compared and transformed by means of
mathematical operators, textual data require from
comparison and aggregation operators that consider
the meaning of words since, as acknowledged by
several authors (Martínez et al., 2012b; Torra, 2011),
the utility of textual data is closely related to the
preservation of their semantics. Since semantics are
an inherently human feature, the interpretation of
textual data requires the exploitation of some sort of
human-tailored machine-readable knowledge source,
such as taxonomies, folksonomies and ontologies
(Guarino, 1998). This allows mapping words to their
conceptual abstractions, analysing the latter
according to the semantic interrelations modelled in
the knowledge source.
Considering the above challenges, specific
anonymisation methods should be designed for
textual set-valued data (Terrovitis et al., 2008). As it
will be discussed in section 2, existing approaches
on the anonymisation of set-valued data are based on
generalising original values according to a
hierarchical structure, so that the masked data set
fulfils the k-anonymity property (He and Naughton,
2009; Terrovitis et al., 2008). These methods
implicitly consider data semantics. However, they
are affected by the large information loss resulting
from the need of generalising concepts to a common
abstraction, which causes a loss of granularity, and
is seriously hampered by the presence of outlying
In order to not incur in such a high loss of
granularity, in this paper we present an
anonymisation method based on microaggregation
(an approach originally designed for uni-valued
attributes from relational databases), which can be
applied to set-valued data in a natural way to
preserve data semantics as much as possible. To do
so, we propose a set of semantic operators to
compare, sort and aggregate set-valued data from a
semantic perspective, by using ontologies as the
knowledge bases that guide the anonymisation
process. The proposed method has been evaluated
using a real set-valued data set consisting of search
queries extracted from the AOL files and a widely
used knowledge base.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows.
Section 2 surveys and reviews anonymisation
methods and approaches focusing on set-valued
data. Section 3 introduces the basis of data
anonymisation via microaggregation and details its
adaptation to the anonymisation of set-valued data
from a semantic perspective. Section 4 details the
evaluation of our approach with regards to the
preservation of data semantics. The final section
contains the conclusions and depicts some lines of
future research.
Anonymisation methods can be classified as
perturbative and non-perturbative (Hundepool et al.,
2012). The former distort original data while the
latter reduce data detail or suppress them partially to
fulfil the privacy criterion.
Microaggregation is a perturbative method that
was originally defined for numerical data (Defays
and Nanopoulos, 1993; Domingo-Ferrer and Mateo-
Sanz, 2002). By using this approach, records are
grouped and replaced by a prototypical record, so
that they become indistinguishable, from at least, k-1
other records, thereby achieving the k-anonymity
property (Samarati, 2001; Sweeney, 2002). There
have been some attempts to extend
microaggregation so as to be used with nominal
attributes. However, most of them ignore data
semantics. This is a drawback because, as mentioned
by several authors (Martínez et al., 2012b; Torra,
2011), the lack of a semantically-coherent analysis
compromises the utility of the anonymised results.
In (Torra, 2004), only ordinal categorical
attributes are addressed and the median is proposed
as aggregation operator. In (Domingo-Ferrer and
Torra, 2005), the equality/inequality predicate is
used to compare nominal attributes and the modal
value is proposed as an aggregation operator.
Non-perturbative methods based on attribute
value generalisations implicitly consider data
semantics (Li and Li, 2008; Samarati, 2001;
Sweeney, 2002). These methods substitute attribute
values by more general ones obtained from a
hierarchical structure so that they also become
indistinguishable (i.e. k-anonymous). The
generalisations used to perform this substitution are
selected in order to minimise the amount of
information loss. These methods depend on the
suitability of the hierarchical structure with regard to
the input data and the granularity and level of detail
of the taxonomy to minimise the loss of information
resulting from value generalisations. For that reason,
ad-hoc hierarchical structures, named Value
Generalisation Hierarchies (VGH), are usually
defined for the input data set. However, VGHs offer
rough and overspecified knowledge sources in
comparison with fine-grained and general or domain
ontologies (Martínez et al., 2012b) and can be hardly
defined for dynamic and unbounded domains such
as query logs.
To the best of our knowledge, existing works on
anonymisation of set-valued data follow the non-
perturbative model based on value generalisations.
In (Terrovitis et al., 2008) the authors anonymise
textual set-valued data by proposing generalisations
of input values according to ad hoc constructed
VGHs, which iteratively generalise input values up
to a common node until they become k-anonymous.
He and Naughton (He and Naughton, 2009) adapted
the previous method by starting from the most
abstract generalisation and by specialising it
progressively. The algorithm starts by generalising
all items to the root of the hierarchy. Then, the
algorithm recursively splits the current partition into
sub-partitions until no further split is possible
without violating k-anonymity.
Although non-perturbative methods based on
generalisations take data semantics into account,
they are affected by the large information loss
resulting from concept generalisation, which
necessarily cause loss of granularity. This is
especially evident for heterogeneous data in which
the need to generalise outliers results in abstract
concepts (e.g. the root node of the ontology) and
high information loss (Martínez et al., 2012c). On
the contrary, perturbative methods based on
microaggregation do not incur in a loss of
granularity but scarcely consider data semantics.
To gain the benefits of both approaches and
minimise their shortcomings, in this work, we
propose an anonymisation method based on
microaggregation, which can be applied to set-
valued data sets while also considering the semantics
of textual values by relying on available
Microaggregation perturbs input data to generate k-
anonymous data sets. To that end, input records,
which are considered as standard records of
relational databases, are clustered into groups of, at
least, size k (data partition) and replaced by the
cluster centroid (data anonymisation). In this
manner, each record becomes indistinguishable
from, at least, k-1 other ones. To maximise the
utility of anonymised data, similar records should be
clustered together, so that the information loss
resulting from the replacement by their centroid can
be minimised.
Since optimal microaggregation is NP-hard
(Oganian and Domingo-Ferrer, 2001), several
heuristic algorithms have been proposed in the past.
One of the most popular is the MDAV (Maximum
Distance Average Vector) method (Domingo-Ferrer
and Mateo-Sanz, 2002), which was specifically
designed to minimise the information loss
(Domingo-Ferrer et al., 2006; Martínez et al.,
2012a). Consequently, we take the MDAV
algorithm as the base to design our anonymisation
Algorithmically, MDAV performs the data
partition by calculating the centroid of the whole
data set and selecting the most distant record to it.
Then, a cluster is constructed with the k-1 least
distant records. After that, the most distant record to
the already clustered one is selected and a new
cluster is constructed. The process is repeated until
less than 2k records remain ungrouped. The rest of
records are grouped together in a last cluster. As a
result, all clusters will have k records, except for the
last one, which may have from k to 2k-1 records.
Data anonymisation is performed by replacing each
record of each cluster by the centroid of the cluster.
Figure 1 summarised this anonymisation process.
The m records to be anonymised are partitioned in
clusters of size k by the MDAV algorithm. Then, in
the data anonymisation stage, records are replaced
by the centroid of the cluster to which they belong,
thus obtaining a k-anonymous data set.
In the following section we present an adaptation
of the MDAV microaggregation algorithm to
support the anonymisation of textual set-valued data
that puts special efforts in preserving the semantics
of input data.
3.1 Set-valued Data Partition
To produce a k-anonymous partition of input data,
MDAV relies on two basic functions that depend on
the type of data to be processed: a comparison
operator that measures the distance between records
to add new ones in a cluster, and an averaging
function to calculate the centroid used to guide the
clustering process.
MDAV have been originally designed to deal
with numerical data and structured databases with
uni-valued attributes. Due to the characteristics of
set-valued data and textual data, the adaptation of
MDAV to this kind of data is not trivial. Contrary to
numerical data that can be compared, averaged and
transformed by means of mathematical functions,
textual data require from operators that take their
semantics into account (Martínez et al., 2012a).
Moreover, as set-valued data have variable length,
the coherent comparison/aggregation of records with
different cardinalities is also challenging.
In this section, we propose a semantically-
grounded comparison measure and we describe a set
of averaging operators suitable for data with variable
3.1.1 Comparing Set-valued Data
To enable a semantic interpretation of textual values
of items in the set, we first need to map them with
their formal semantics. Since textual data may refer
to one (e.g. a term, such as “iPhone”) or several
concepts (e.g. a list of terms, such as “AC charger
for an iPhone”), we first apply several morpho-
syntactic analyses to the input data: sentence
detection, tokenisation, part-of-speech (POS)
tagging and syntactic parsing). As a result, noun
phrases, which are the textual units which carry most
of the semantics of the discourse are detected (e.g.
AC charger, iPhone). Each noun phrase would refer
to an individual concept (Sánchez et al., 2013).
Thus, we map each noun phrase to a conceptual
abstraction (e.g. iPhone -> Smartphone) by
matching noun phrases and concept labels modelled
in a knowledge base, such as an ontology. Notice
that the core semantics of a noun phrase are carried
by the noun most on the right, which can be
qualified or specialised by adding new nous our
adjectives to the left. Thus, in such cases in which
the noun phrase is not found in the knowledge base
we iteratively discard the words most on the left of
the noun phrase until the result is found in the
ontology (e.g. a new iPhone -> new iPhone ->
Figure 1: Semantic anonymisation process.
Formally, let X={x
} be the set of m
records represented by a unique multi-valued
attribute (see figure 1), and let x
} be the
items contained in the set-valued attribute of the
record x
. As a result of the conceptual mapping,
each record is represented by a set of concepts C
} (e.g. C
={iPhone, AC charger }),
where each concept is taxonomically modelled in an
ontology (e.g. T(c
)= iPhone -> Smartphone ->
Handhelds -> Systems -> Computers). This
knowledge represents the basis that will enable a
semantically-coherent comparison between records.
First, we propose a measure that computes the
semantic distance between concepts by exploiting
the knowledge modelled in their taxonomical trees.
Several semantic measures can be found in the area
of computational linguistics to estimate the distance
between concepts modelled in a taxonomy. Notice
that the availability of large and fine grained
ontologies with a good coverage of analysed
concepts will certainly improve the similarity
accuracy. The most basic similarity measures
compute the length of the path that connects two
concepts through their taxonomical
specialisations/generalisations (Wu and Palmer,
1994). However, due to their simplicity, they omit
much of the taxonomical knowledge explicitly
modelled in the knowledge base, thus achieving a
relatively low accuracy (Sánchez et al., 2012). More
recent works (Batet et al., 2011; Sánchez et al.,
2012) significantly improve these basic methods by
evaluating all the taxonomical ancestors of the
compared terms: they measure the distance between
concepts as a function of the amount of their shared
and non-shared taxonomical generalisations. These
methods consider more information than path-based
distances, which uses the path as an assessor of
distance but that does not give clues on potential
similarities of the compared concepts (given, for
example, by their number of shared ancestors). In
this work, we follow the same principles.
Given a pair of concepts c
, c
, we evaluate their
distance δ
, c
) according to the amount of non-
shared taxonomical generalisations in an ontology
O. Moreover, we can also presume that concept
pairs that have many generalisations in common are
less distant than those sharing a small amount of
generalisations. Hence, the semantic distance is
computed as the ratio between the amount of non-
shared concepts and the sum of shared and non-
shared concepts (1):
12 12
() () () ()
Tc Tc Tc Tc
T(c ) T(c )
Where T(c
O | c
generalises c
} { c
represents the taxonomic generalisations of the
concept c
in the ontology O, including c
. Notice
that, by including the compared concepts in T, we
are able to distinguish different concepts that have
all their generalisations in common from two
identical concepts.
However, since data partition for
microaggregation-based anonymisation of set-valued
data requires comparing sets of concepts (instead of
individual pairs), the above measure has to be
extended. To do so, it is necessary to integrate
distance values between sets of different
cardinalities in a coherent manner. This can be done
by means of aggregation functions, which, for
example, are widely used in the area of
bioinformatics to compare the functional similarity
between gene products. In (Lord et al., 2003),
authors used the average of all pairwise similarities;
in (Sevilla et al., 2005), authors used the maximum
of the pairwise similarity; in (Couto et al., 2007;
Schlicker et al., 2006), authors used the composite
average, where each term of the first set is paired
only with the most similar term of the second set and
vice-versa. In this paper, we will consider the
following ones:
Minimum: all concepts of x
are compared
with all concepts of x
, taking the minimum
distance value as the result of this comparison
() ()),(,
ix jx
Min x x s i j
cC c C
D CC MinMin cc
Maximum: provides the maximum distance
value between all concept pairs (3):
() ()),(,
ix jx
Max x x s i j
cC c C
D CC MaxMax cc
Average: computes the average distance
between all concepts of x
and all concepts of
||| |
|| |
sAvg x x
Normalised sum of minimum: given a concept
of x
, we compare it against all concepts of
, taking the minimum distance value as the
result of this comparison. This states the
highest evidence of similarity between records
with respect to the feature c
|| | |
|| ||
|| |
(( )) (( )
sij sij
sMinSum x x
in c c Min c c
By repeating the process and adding the
distance value between each c
of x
, we obtain the aggregated distance from x
to x
. Note that this distance may be different
when evaluating it from x
to x
. Hence, the
final distance between x
and x
will be the
sum between the distances computed from x
to x
and from x
to x
. Finally, since different
records can be compared regardless of the
cardinality of their sets of items, we divide it
by the number of concepts of both records
| and |C
|) in order to obtain normalised
distance values between sets of items.
As an example, let us suppose that given two
records, x
and x
, we have obtained the
following concepts from their set of values
using an ontology:
C ={”Swimming” , “Mediterranean”},
C ={ “Windsurfing”, “Mediterranean”}.
And that their generalisations are the
T(“Swimming”)= {“Sports”, “Water Sports”,
“Swimming” }
T(“Windsurfing”)={“Sports”, “Water
Sports”, “Windsurfing”}
T(“Mediterranean”)={“Regional”, “Europe”,
“Regions”, “Mediterranean”}
Hence, the distance between records is
computed as
) =
(((1×0.5)+(1×0)+(1×0.5)+(1×0))/(2+2)) = 0.25.
Notice that, for example, the semantic
distance between c
= “Swimming” and
=”Windsurfing” (eq. 1) is computed as
Normalised sum of maximum: the same as
above but taking the maximum distance value
instead of the minimum. This states the
highest evidence of dissimilarity between
records with respect to the feature c
|| | |
|| ||
|| |
(( )) (( )
si j si j
sMaxSum x x
ax c c Max c c
In the next section, we generically refer to these
aggregation distances (eq. 2 to 6) as Ds(C
, C
3.1.2 Record Aggregation
As stated at the beginning of the section, MDAV
creates clusters by picking up the most distant record
to the data set centroid. Moreover, centroids are also
used at the data anonymisation stage since cluster
elements are replaced by cluster centroids to become
k-anonymous (see figure 1).
Numerically, the centroid of a group/data set is
understood as the value (or the set of values in our
case) that minimises the distance against all records
in the data set. When dealing with continuous-scale
numerical data, the centroid can be accurately
computed by averaging numerical values. However,
for textual data, the centroid must necessarily be
discretised. In this case, some authors (Domingo-
Ferrer and Torra, 2005) select the centroid of
textual/categorical data sets by picking up those who
appear the most (i.e. the mode). However, this
approximation omits the semantics of data.
Given the aggregated distances presented above
(eq. 2 to 6), we use them to discover the data
set/cluster centroid, which is selected as the record
that minimises the sum of distances to all other
records in a given data set or cluster:
xx C sxx
centroid C ,...,C arg min D C ,C
Where {C
} corresponds to the set of
concepts that represent the set-valued attribute of the
records in the data set/cluster to evaluate, and
, C
) is the same aggregated distance as the
one used in the comparison of two sets of values (eq.
2 to 6).
3.2 Anonymising Set-valued Data
By using the above-proposed distance and centroid
calculus on the MDAV algorithm, records will be
grouped into d=m/k clusters of, at least, k records
(see figure 1). To fulfil the k-anonymity property,
the last step requires replacing all records of each
cluster by a representative, which usually
corresponds to the centroid of the cluster. Since this
centroid minimises the individual distances to all
records in the cluster, the information loss resulting
from this replacement will be minimised.
In a general microaggregation scenario, this
centroid corresponds exactly to the “central”
element of the cluster. However, in the textual set-
valued anonymisation context, this may lead to
undesirable consequences. Particularly, the fact that
elements in a cluster are replaced by the exact
centroid record may excessively expose her identity,
especially if an attacker has partial knowledge (e.g.
some items of her set of values are known (He and
Naughton, 2009).
To palliate this problem, in some works
(Terrovitis et al., 2008) the cluster representative is
synthetically built by replacing terms in clusters with
concepts that generalise all/some of them according
to a background taxonomy. Hence, anonymised
records would be composed by sets of concepts
rather than the original terms. This fact hampers the
utility of the anonymised records in some
environments in which original terms (instead of
their conceptual abstraction) are needed, such as
query formulation analysis (Bar-Ilan, 2007; Xiong
and Agichtein, 2007).
In this work, we have chosen an intermediate
solution that aims at retaining the semantic and
syntactical utility of records while, at the same time,
minimising the disclosure risk of the centroid record
by creating a synthetic record. On the one hand, our
cluster representative corresponds to the record that
constitutes the centroid of the cluster. Notice that
since we are working with sets of concepts
representing a record, this corresponds to the C
minimises the semantic distance to all other sets of
concepts (i.e. records) in the cluster, according to the
centroid calculus (see eq. 7). Next, instead of
recovering the concrete terms of the centroid record
, we replace concepts in C
by suitable terms
picked from the original data set. Specifically, each
concept in C
is replaced by a term taken randomly
from those in the records from the whole input data
set that corresponds to that concept (e.g. if the
concept Smartphone appears in
, then, we may
retrieve suitable terms like “iPhone 3”, “Samsung
Galaxy S2” or “Nexus 4” if those are in the input
data set).
As a result of the above process, records of each
cluster are anonymised by replacing each one with a
synthetic record that semantically matches the
cluster centroid (i.e. it maintains the semantics of the
centroid) while protecting the privacy of the centroid
record (see figure 1). On the one hand, since
individual terms are picked randomly from different
records of the input data set, we minimise the chance
that cluster representatives contain exact
subsequences of terms of individual records, a
circumstance that may compromise its anonymity
(He and Naughton, 2009). On the other hand, since
selected terms match the concepts of the centroid
record, we also retain semantics accurately, as the
centroid record is the one that better represents the
semantic features of the records in the cluster and,
hence, the one that minimises the information loss
resulting from the anonymisation process. Moreover,
since concepts are randomly replaced by one of its
corresponding terms using a uniform distribution,
the distribution of individual terms found in the
input data for each concept will be likely
maintained, even though terms would not be
unequivocally associated to the original records.
Finally, since we are publishing real terms from the
input data set, anonymised data can still be useful
for tasks such as statistical analysis.
In this section, we first introduce the measure used
to quantify the degree of semantic preservation of
the anonymised data set. Then, in section 4.2, we
describe the evaluation data set and, finally, in
section 4.3, the proposed method is evaluated from
two perspectives: (1) the suitability of a
semantically-grounded anonymisation, and (2) the
influence of the different aggregation measures used
to compute the distance between value sets.
4.1 Evaluation of Semantics
To evaluate up to which point an anonymisation
method retains the utility of original data, that is,
preserves their semantic content, we measure the
information loss (L) between original and masked
records from a semantic perspective. To measure
information loss, we computed the well-known Sum
of Square Errors (SSE) between original and
masked records, which is the most usual measure
employed by privacy-preserving methods based on
microaggregation (Domingo-Ferrer and Mateo-Sanz,
2002; Domingo-Ferrer et al., 2006; Lin et al., 2010;
Martínez et al., 2012a; Torra and Miyamoto, 2004).
The SSE is defined as the sum of squares of attribute
distances between original records and their versions
in the anonymised data set. To measure the
aggregated set of all semantic distances that SSE
requires, we used the semantic distance D
in section 3.1.1 (see (4)). Thus, the higher the SEE
is, the higher the information loss will be. This is
due to the replacement of values and the lower
preservation of the data semantics.
Formally, given that X is the set of original
records and X
is the anonymised version, the
information loss of masked data against its non-
masked one is computed as (8):
sAvg x x
Notice that with a high information loss (i.e. a
high SSE), a lot of data uses are severely damaged
like, for example, subdomain analysis, that is,
analysis restricted to parts of the data set.
4.2 Evaluation Data Set
The evaluation has been performed using real set-
valued data which correspond to query logs
extracted from the AOL log files released in 2006.
From these, the query logs of 1,000 users have been
randomly taken. They contain about 56,000
individual queries. Even though personal identifiers
have been removed from published query logs,
queries themselves may enable identity disclosure
due to their specificity and personal nature (Barbaro
and Zeller, 2006). This fact together with its textual
nature, makes this data set suitable for testing our
set-valued anonymisation method.
Different k-anonymity degrees between 2 and 5
have been tested. These k-values produced between
500 and 200 clusters as a result of the aggregation
As knowledge base, we use ODP (Open Directory
Project, 2010). ODP is a multilingual open content
directory of World Wide Web links. The purpose of
ODP is to list and categorise web sites. It uses an
ontology scheme to classify sites into different
subjects. ODP offers more than 1 million
taxonomically structured categories. Contrary to
other knowledge bases, ODP covers recently minted
terms and named entities, which are very usually
referred in web queries (Sánchez et al., 2013). This
helps to improve the recall of the query-category
matching process. In fact, despite the sensitivity of
named entities due to their high degree of
concreteness, they are, in essence, noun phrases that
can be associated to conceptual abstractions if they
are covered in an ontology such as ODP. In fact,
ODP has been extensively used in other works
dealing with AOL queries, such as (Sánchez et al.,
2013). Thus, no special treatment for named entities
is necessary.
4.3 Discussion
In this section, we discuss the suitability of the
semantically-grounded anonymisation of set-valued
data, and the influence of the different aggregation
measures presented in section 3.1.1.
In order to assess the improvement obtained by
considering data semantics and to put into context
the absolute information loss figures, we have also
implemented a simplified version of the semantic
aggregation distances defined in section 3.1.1, in
which no semantics are considered at all, which is
the usual scenario in related works on
microaggregation (see section 2). In this case,
neither the semantic distance between concepts
(see eq.1) nor ODP are used. The terms of the set
(i.e. queries) are treated as simple strings and
compared according to their equality/inequality
(Domingo-Ferrer and Torra, 2005). Hence, the
non-semantic distance
(see eq. 9) between
concepts c
and c
is used instead of
if c c
if c c
We named the non-semantic versions of the
aggregation distances as D
By analysing information loss (L) figures (see
Table 1), we observe that all aggregation measures
that do not consider the semantics of terms result in
a higher information loss than their semantic version
for all k-values. For example, the non-semantic
version of the normalised sum of minimum distance,
, obtains L values of 817, 859, 879 and 891
for k=2, k=3, k=4 and k=5 respectively, while its
semantic version, D
, obtains values of 683,
733, 759, 781. This represents around a 16% of
This is explained because, even though
terminological resemblance is an evidence of
semantic similarity, it poorly captures and evaluates
the meaning of terms. This is especially evident in
free text data in which the same terms may appear
with different morphological forms or when
synonymous words are used. Moreover, most terms
in the data set are unique, so that, few evidences of
similarity can be gathered to guide the partition and
aggregation process.
Our approach exploits ODP to retrieve categories
to which queries refer. Since ODP categories are
conceptualisations of textual queries, they enable a
semantically-coherent partition and aggregation of
query logs. Hence, the obtained improvement is the
result of considering the semantics of terms during
the comparison between queries, the centroid
selection, the cluster construction and the
anonymisation stages. Note also that the morpho-
syntactic analyses applied to identify noun phrases
(see section 3.1.1) and to map them to ontological
concepts (i.e. categories in ODP) also contribute to
improve the conceptual mapping recall and to
provide a better interpretation of data semantics.
Table 1: Information loss (L) of the evaluated aggregation
functions for different levels of k-anonymity with and
without considering the data semantics.
k=2 k=3 k=4 k=5
699 759 783 799
825 863 883 895
724 778 806 820
824 860
639 692 724 745
768 804
683 733 759 781
817 859 879
716 780 819 838
822 858
Even though semantics of anonymised data are
better retained (i.e. information loss of anonymised
data is minimised), the fact that the aggregation is
made by randomly rearranging terms referring to the
same concepts of different records for the concepts
corresponding to the centroid record, contributes in
reducing the chance that cluster representatives
contain exact subsequences of terms of individual
records, while preserving the distribution of the
terms in the original data.
On the other hand, different information loss
figures are obtained according to the semantic
aggregation distance. The worst results are obtained
by D
and D
. The problem of these
aggregation distances is that they return the
maximum dissimilarity between two sets of values.
This goes against the notion of cluster cohesion
(which is what SSE measures) when arranging
records in clusters, and makes the process very
sensitive to the presence of outlying values.
By contrast D
and D
distances state the
highest evidence of similarity between records, and
thereby, provide notably better results. However,
is unable to assess the global distance between
two sets of values because it detects if two sets share
a value, but it is indifferent to the number of
unrelated terms and to what extend they are
different. This problem is clearly overcome by the
distance, which also considers the distance
between unrelated terms because, for each term of a
set, it takes into account the most similar term in the
other set.
The best results are however obtained by D
because it accounts for similar and dissimilar terms.
This fact benefits data sets such as query logs with a
heterogeneous and unbounded nature. However, it
may not be the best option for data sets composed by
records with several shared or similar terms, such as
the measurement of the functional similarity
between gene products (Pesquita et al., 2009),
because similarity can be distorted by few different
terms. In that case, D
would likely obtain
better results.
This paper presents an anonymisation method for
set-valued data based on semantic microaggregation.
While most of the research on privacy protection of
set-valued data focuses on term generalisation,
which produce a high information loss due to the
loss of granularity of output values, our method has
been especially designed to preserve the data
semantics and, consequently, to improve data utility.
To achieve this goal, textual data are
semantically interpreted by extracting their
conceptualisations from an ontology. This enables to
aggregate set-valued data from a semantic
perspective by means of an adaptation of the MDAV
algorithm. Moreover, suitable semantic operators to
compare and average set-valued data have been
proposed for that purpose. Finally, synthetic records
that semantically match the cluster centroids are
generated by randomly picking values from different
records of the input data set. These records preserve
the meaning of the record that better represents the
semantics of the elements in the cluster.
The evaluation, carried out with a set of real
query logs extracted from the AOL data set and a
publicly available knowledge base (ODP), sustains
the practical suitability of our method.
As future work, we plan to test the behaviour of
the proposed method in other domains in which
textual transactional data are available (such as
electronic health-care records), exploiting domain-
specific knowledge bases (such as biomedical
terminologies like SNOMED-CT (Spackman,
2004)). Within scenarios with more restricted set-
valued data (e.g. lists of diseases) which can be
properly covered by available knowledge bases, we
plan to compare our method against non-
perturbative methods that extensively rely on those
knowledge bases to propose generalisations.
Moreover, we plan to combine multiple ontologies
in order to improve the recall of the conceptual
mapping of textual terms (Batet et al., 2013).
Finally, we plan to use application-oriented metrics
to measure the utility of the protected data in
specific tasks, such as query-log based profiling or
query refinement accuracy.
This work was partly supported by the European
Commission under FP7 project Inter-Trust, by the
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
(through projects eAEGIS TSI2007-65406-C03-01,
ICWT TIN2012-32757, CO-PRIVACY TIN2011-
2010 CSD2007-00004, Audit Transparency Voting
Process IPT-430000-2010-31 and BallotNext IPT-
2012-0603-430000), by the Spanish Ministry of
Industry, Commerce and Tourism (through projects
eVerification2 TSI-020100-2011-39 and SeCloud
TSI-020302-2010-153) and by the Government of
Catalonia (under grant 2009 SGR 1135). The
authors are with the UNESCO Chair in Data
Privacy, but they are solely responsible for the views
expressed in this paper, which do not necessarily
reflect the position of UNESCO nor commit that
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