Game-based Learning in IT Service Transition
The Case of a Mobile Sales Service by a Small Team in Brazil
Thiago Paiva Brito
, Josias Paes
and J. Antão B. Moura
Graduate Course on IT Management, UNIPÊ, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil
Unipêtech, UNIPÊ, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil
Systems and Computing Department, Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Campina Grande, PB, Brazil
Keywords: Game-based Learning, BPM, ITIL, Software Deployment, Motivation, Deployment Time, Learning Curve.
Abstract: IT Service Transition (ITST) is naturally challenging because it usually involves changes that run counter
customer and provider staffs’ preconceptions, habits and established practices. Changes that affect implicit
or explicit business processes (BP) adopted by the provider’s Service Transition team are particularly
daunting since they may impact the team’s morale negatively and contaminate customer’s personnel who
might be anxious to start with. Inability to properly implement and manage changes due to Service
Transition process adjustments and retooling may lengthen deployment time, lower quality and even cause
the provider to fail. In order to efficiently handle such changes, the provider’s ITST team must be motivated
towards, trained in and quickly made proficient with new work tools, routines and practices. This paper
provides preliminary evidence that blending Business Process Management (BPM) to gamification concepts
and tools can accelerate learning in an IT Service Transition context. For that, we consider the case of a
small IT Service provider in Brazil when transitioning a sales support IT service from Palm OS to Android
According to the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL),
the mission of IT Service Transition (ITST) is to
deliver services that are required by the business into
operational use (Macfarlane, 2007). However, due to
the particularities of the target environment where
each service will operate, Service Transition is likely
to be the most critical phase of the IT service life
cycle. ITIL documentation goes on to prescribe what
needs to be done in terms of recommended Service
Transition practices, but little is offered on how to,
in fact, implement such practices. Nor could it be
otherwise since implementation is to be subject to
the provider’s idiosyncrasies and preferences,
service characteristics and clients (business) needs.
Hence, the provider must design and adjust its
processes to meet the Service Transition tasks and
goals at hand. Further, making the IT staff learn (and
adopt) new working routines is usually met by
human resistance which in turn, increases risks of
one making unsuccessful ITST efforts. Often and
understandably, the designer ends up treating the
results as trade secret. Thus, one is left with the
option of experimenting with ITST Business Process
Management (BPM).
We suggest that blending gamification to BPM
may accelerate the learning curve for new Service
Transition tasks and thus ease transition complexity
and risks. Here, “gamification” as in (Werbach and
Hunter, 2012; Deterding, et al., n.d.), is the use of
game mechanics and game design techniques in non-
game contexts (e.g., in an ITIL training context).
The suggestion presupposes that motivational and
training sessions for the Service Transition team
through a gamified approach could trigger just the
level of engagement one needs for the success of
learning how to work with new transition Business
Processes (BP) and tools. A gamified approach to
ITST could create a little bit of fun and amusement
around working processes (Werbach and Hunter,
2012), therefore, should help to break the ice and
diminish the resistance to needed, progressive, and
beneficial change to Service Transition processes
management. The objective of this paper is to
present and evaluate a game-based “learn by doing”
approach for ITST.
Paiva Brito T., Paes J. and Antão B. Moura J..
Game-based Learning in IT Service Transition - The Case of a Mobile Sales Service by a Small Team in Brazil.
DOI: 10.5220/0004828401100116
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 110-116
ISBN: 978-989-758-021-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Some works in the literature use games to
provide an engaging, self-reinforcing context in
which to motivate and educate players (serious
games) (Kankaanranta and Neittaanmki, 2008).
Other works simply try to engage users into work
through fun (Castellani, et al., 2013). The
bibliography on gamified education indicates that
gamification aspects facilitate learning and working
in professional and business environment in general
(please see for instance, the proceedings of CSEDU
2012, 2013 – Not much has been
published however, on applying gamification to
ITSM contexts.
The game-based learning approach proposed
here focuses on using fun as a tool for enabling
changes in ITIL processes (ITST) from a possibly ad
hoc, undocumented state to a properly managed
process where performance can be measured, the
actors involved get feedback about their work and
company stakeholders perceive real gains. As such,
it is hoped that the game-based learning method to
be detailed here also contributes to the state-of-the-
practice of ITSM (ITIL in particular).
Thus, the research question this paper addresses,
in order to provide (preliminary) evidence that
gamified education is also worthwhile in ITST
contexts is: Can one provide evidence that
gamification also makes learning and working more
effective and efficient in the technical and
specialized setting of IT Service Transition?
Here, we assume that preliminary evidence may
consists of (1) signs of increased motivation by
Service Transition staff for learning and applying
new transition processes (“learn by doing”); (2)
declarations by Service Transition team and
company stakeholders that they are satisfied the
game-based training approach helps them address
complexity and risk issues successfully in a cost-
effective manner; and (3) the approach renders
verifiable results for the efficiency and effectiveness
of the (newly adopted) ITST processes.
The proposed game-based approach to ITST is
detailed here to the extent of supporting the
evaluation of how the approach will: i) motivate and
prepare a small ITST team to comply with new
processes and tools and perform some less creative
and repetitive activities with the required level of
attention and care; and, ii) help to diminish team’s
resistance to improvements in the transition process
provided by the BPM cycle (Rosemann, 2010). In
short, the overall objective of the gamified approach
is to ease learning and usage of ITIL’s Service
Transition processes.
Borrowing from game design, rather than using
game-based technology, or other game related
practices, and using some game elements (rather
than full-fledged games) (Deterding, et al., 2013),
the ITST gamified approach is designed and applied
according to a somewhat empirical methodology and
uses Points, Badges and Leader boards (PBLs)
derived from a progression map (modeled as a BPM
Notation diagram).
The learning approach calls for IT staff to
initially study a BP diagram (BPD) which serves as a
(process) progression map for navigation through the
(ITST) game. To reduce resistance in using the
“map”, two basic prerequisites are to be met:
i. The diagram should provide a clear and
unambiguous vision of the whole ITST process.
Process documentation should also clarify the
objectives and procedures for each activity the
team is to perform.
ii. Improvements to any process should be
communicated in a simple way since changes
will be clearly shown in the progression map.
The reward scheme of the game-based ITST
learning approach awards points as follows:
For transition tasks concluded on time and which
are of:
- Low complexity: 5 points
- Medium complexity: 10 points
- High complexity: 20 points
- Tasks concluded before deadline: +5 points
Unlimited additional points will be given for
exceptional performance in any task (at the
discretion of the team’s manager or other higher
ranking company officer):
- For every customization process bug found and
corrected: +10 points
- For every automated test coded for a specific
client customization: +10 points
- For every automated test coded for bugs in the
base system: +20 points
- For every suggestion of improvement in the
whole transition process: +20 points
The amount of accumulated points will reward
the “player” with “Ninja Badges” as indicated:
150 points: Badge “Ninja Apprentice” (white belt).
450 points: Badge “Ninja Novice” (yellow belt).
750 points: Badge “Ninja Deputy” (green belt).
1500 points: Badge “NINJA!” (black belt).
The design assumes that the amount of points
accumulated by a BP actor will serve as an
immediate feedback about her/his learning and work
performance at task completion time, functioning as
extrinsic motivation by external regulation (Deci &
Ryan, s.d.).
An additional assumption is that extrinsic
motivation also serves as “identification of merit”
(through awards of points and badges). A given
badge identifies a certain professional skill level on
IT service transition. Identification (Deci & Ryan,
s.d.) through merit points and badges could boost
ITST team members’ sense of security about their
professional ITSM skills.
With a badge structure assigned at each
punctuation level and classifying the ITST BP actor
as a “Transition Ninja”, the game-base ITST
learning (and practice) approach acts on the extrinsic
motivation through introjection. Here, we expect that
a future recognition as “Ninja” will be introjected by
pride and need for professional evolution.
The intrinsic motivation of the team will be
stimulated by unexpected bonus awards for each
activity completed with exceptional performance and
other natural stimuli coming from their perception of
fun in playing the (ITST BP) learning game.
2.1 Implementation
Implementation of the proposed gamified ITST
learning approach yielded a PBL tool that registers
and maintains the scores of each player (ITST BP
actor). For the case study to be examined next, the
implementation efforts consisted of building a shell
of game elements (to support the proposed game
mechanics) around a BPM tool. Basically, three
new screens were added to a Python/Django system
to allow for (see also Figures 1): i) registration of a
new player; ii) definition of badges and point
awarding rules; and, iii) presentation of a leader
board to inform on scores and to support awarding
and management of points (by authorized
evaluators). Total implementation costs amounted to
only 12 programmer-hours. This low cost is
evidence that the proposed gamified approach for
learning ITST processes may be cost-efficient, thus
providing a positive, partial-answer to the research
Application of the proposed game-based ITST
learning approach was carried out at Connect
(, a small software development
company operating in mobile computing in Brazil
since 2002. In this case study, Connect’s ITST team
was to carry out the migration of a sales support IT
service from Palm OS to Android devices. Migration
was for the benefit of a client’s business units
distributed over a wide operations area, from
industrial to wholesale sectors (each “unit”
comprised a number of users). The design and
transition process for the new service involved
evaluation of the Palm OS system legacy
requirements; (re)implementation, testing, and
validation of these requirements on the new Android
platform; reconfiguration of the cloud hosting
service to operate with both old and new systems
during the transition phase; deployment; sales force
training; training of other sales process stakeholders
(supervisors, billers, IT staff and company
managers) and finally, launch (go live). Due to
particulars of each unit’s requirements, all these
tasks were evaluated prior to their execution to
mitigate risks and to establish each unit’s deadline
for service launch (operation).
Connect’s ITST team consisted of two software
engineers, a trainee and a team manager, all male,
aged 27, 24, 18 and 24, respectively. These actors
joined the learning game voluntarily. The process of
changing the actors’ work routine started with
training sessions on goals, objectives, and their
linkage to desired outcomes; target ITSM BPs; BPM
basics and notation; and, instructions on how to read
and interpret the BPMN notation. A first version of
the proposed “progression game”, was presented to
the team with the initial version of the BPD
constructed for this specific transition case (mobile
sales system). The point and badge award criteria
were then spelled out besides introducing the
persons responsible for evaluating the work and for
granting rewards.
Application of the gamified ITST BPs evolved
along three stages. In the first stage, Connect’s ITST
team operated using mostly undocumented, albeit
ITIL-oriented deployment BPs which it felt, would
likely lead to a high number of cases of perceived
low quality deployment, rework to fix problems, and
schedule overruns. In short, an overall,
unsatisfactory client experience might ensue. The
(pre)existing transition process was used for a
month. During that time, the team became aware of a
lack of established procedures to handle
unsuccessful internal tests or validation by the client.
In many cases, due to the lack of clearance about
what needed to be done in the occurrence of these
exceptional cases; changes were also carried with no
documentation and without running all the needed
Figure 1:Illustration of gamified ITST BPD (Business Process Diagram).
tests over again. These findings offered the first
opportunity to change existing ITST BPs and see
how the change would be absorbed by the now
gamified, transition team.
In stage two, which lasted 2 months, the process
was refactored to include some exception-handling
procedures to address the identified deficiencies.
BPD changes were documented, explained to the
team and incorporated in a new version of the
transition BPD.
A few penalties were applied to the actors for
not following the new procedures, but the new
process as a whole was adopted smoothly. Two
months into stage two, some difficulty on
performing the deployment task was detected. This
was generated by the deployment package building
activity, a highly complex activity and that was not
properly detailed in the process documentation.
In stage three, this activity was then broken up
generating a new sub-process. The inclusion of this
sub-process was the third major change to the
gamified transition BPD map. ITST team’s
resistance to learning and absorbing this last change
was higher than before. We attribute this resistance
to the fact that the change, now, was not a team’s
suggestion but resulted from an issue detected by
the manager’s analysis of their work performance
while deploying the new mobile sales system. Even
with the loss of points, some weeks for training,
coaching and monitoring were required until usage
of the process stabilized. The final ITST BPD with
sub-processes and game elements which supported
the game-based learning ITST approach is
illustrated in Figure 1.
The bands in Figure 1 represent the status of the
performed task: the red “X” band is a task that
failed approval by the manager and the green starry
band represents an approved task for which points
may be awarded. In the case of a final task in the
process, the graduation evaluation will be executed
and, if the actor reached the required amount of
points to advance to the next graduation level, he
would be awarded a ninja badge in the “shuriken
blade” step of the process.
3.1 Evaluation
The evaluation of the gamified ITST BP learning
approach was done both in quantitative and
qualitative terms.
3.1.1 Qualitative Evaluation
The qualitative evaluation was carried out by
structured and open interviews involving all team
members and corporate stakeholders (shareholders).
The structured interviews allowed for Likert Scale
(Uebersax, 2006) answers only and were meant to
capture the impressions and reactions of the
transition process staff (except for the manager who
had coauthored the proposal) to the following
General ITST process vision: to determine
whether the actors view the transition process
(through the transition BPD) as a useful tool for
orientation when performing ITST tasks and
whether the gamified process could effectively
solve previously existing ITST problems;
Professional confidence: to understand whether
the gamified approach truly brought the ITST
team members clarification, confidence about the
tasks to be executed and also, whether the
approach is of any help in uprooting any useless
tasks in the process and whether the tasks led to
relationship difficulties with the clients;
Impressions on the gamified approach: basically,
to probe whether the motivational triggers we
designed the gamified approach to include were
actually activated.
Results for the qualitative evaluation by the
transition team´s members where obtained from the
Likert Scale (1-‘Totally Disagree”; 2-“Partially
Disagree”; 3-“Neutral”; 4-“Partially Agree”; 5-
“Totally Agree”) as follows:
A. General process vision
i. Assertion: “Upon receiving a transition task, I
identify which tasks I need to perform by
looking at the transition process diagram” –
Answers: three “5”.
ii. Assertion: “I could deploy the mobile sales
service on any kind of client following the
transition process” – Answers: one “3”, one
“4” and one “5”.
iii. Assertion: “The number of problems I face in
the transition process today, is significantly
smaller than when the game-based ITST
learning approach was not used” – Answers:
two “4” and one “5”.
B. Professional confidence
i. Assertion: “Even with the gamified process at
hand, I’m still confused about the tasks I
should perform” – Answers: one “1” and two
ii. Assertion: “The transition process has
dispensable tasks” – Answers: two “1” and
one “3”.
iii. Assertion: “I faced problems with my clients
due to the mandatory execution of a task in the
transition process” – Answers: three “1”.
iv. Assertion: “Execution of the transition process
tasks avoids problems during deployment” –
Answers: three “5”.
C. Impressions on the gamified approach
i. Assertion: “I use the gamification points to
evaluate my performance as an IT service
transition analyst” – Answers: one “1” and
two “5”.
ii. Assertion: “Being a transition ‘Ninja’ is
important for me” – Answers: one “1” and two
iii. Assertion: “I seek to reach the “black belt”
(Transition Ninja! Badge)” – Answers: two
“3” and one “5”.
iv. Assertion: “I appreciate receiving bonus points
notifications by e-mail” – Answers: one “1”,
one “4” and one “5”.
It is important to notice that Assertion “A.i” relates
to the research question in the sense that it guides
the staff member to the next activity quickly (thus
contributing to time-efficiency) and Assertion
“A.ii” by helping transition staff to deal with
complexity (thus contributing to effectiveness).
Evaluating the answers obtained in the
interviews, we can see that a general process vision
was indeed established in the minds of the actors.
They clearly recognize the transition process as a
valuable tool to resolve most of the problems they
faced in the transition phase of this specific (sales
automation) software lifecycle. The ITST actors
also indicate that the game-based “learn by doing”
method can help deliver a much more reliable
service to their clients, therefore increasing their
confidence on their own expertise.
As for impressions on the gamification aspects
per se, answers diverged somewhat. The actor who
is also a game design / development expert
disagreed with the others on the motivational
triggers we sought to achieve in three of four of the
questions, remaining neutral in one of them. His
answers possibly indicate that game-based learning
approaches will not make much of an impression on
teams with much technical expertise on game
design. On the other hand, the other actors seemed
to be positively impressed by all the triggers with
exception of one specific case where the
introjection seemed to have a neutral effect. We
attribute this to a low intrinsic motivation for this
one actor on becoming a more qualified transition
analyst, possibly pointing to a lack of alignment
between the work he had to perform and the
professional objectives he set for himself.
In the open interviews the actors conveyed the
impression that the game-based ITST learning
approach helped them to speed up and materialize
knowledge because it “connected and clarified
everything that needed to be done” as commented
by one and as another said: “the board game helped
to remind what needed to be done next”. (Although
the approach still “needs more information on how
to go about doing it”.) Again, the impression of two
players were along the line that “the gamified
approach helped to create a competition atmosphere
and pushed me to try to become “top ninja”. The
game expert however, felt this did not motivate
him, but he was “(pleasantly) surprised to receive
point award e-mails”.
Connect has three shareholders. One of them
does not participate in the day-to-day operations of
the company. The other two evaluated the gamified
approach from the point of view of the company.
The qualitative evaluation by the shareholders was
carried out by an open-answer, five-question
questionnaire which compared results after
gamification as compared to before:
i. How do you evaluate the performance of the
transition processes?
ii. How do you evaluate the assimilation of the
transition process details?
iii. How do you evaluate the transition staff
iv. How do you evaluate impact of the gamified
approach in the transition cycle time and
v. What was the impact of the gamified approach
in client relationship?
The answers provided may be summarized as
i. Improved transition activity flow. Improved
inter-staff members and staff-client
communication. Better Transition Process
transparency, allowing all involved, including
clients, to follow and anticipate steps.
ii. Faster learning curve. Higher productivity.
Staff better acquainted with the ITST process.
iii. Improved performance. Less time spent on
rework and trying to find out what to do next.
iv. Lower cycle time and hence, lower cost per
v. Better informed client. Providing better input
to transition staff. Lower rate of complaints.
The above answers provide clear, albeit
preliminary, evidence in favor of a positive answer
to the research question.
3.1.2 Quantitative Evaluation
The quantitative analysis was intended to focus on
two simple but important measures to evaluate
whether the gamified approach had some positive
impact not only on Connect’s employee motivation
but also on the business itself:
Time for full compliance with the new ITST
process: by full compliance we mean that all
process errors do not exceed 1% of the tasks
performed in the whole process for every process
execution in a period of three months;
Average (whole) deployment process turnaround
time: average of the time intervals from when the
process is assigned to an actor to completion of
(software) deployment. (Client-side delays were
purged from evaluation figures).
Quantitative evaluation results indicate that full
compliance with the new process was achieved four
months after the last change to the ITST process.
Table 1 brings evolutionary milestones. Average
turnaround deployment times for the sales
automation system are given in Table 2 for some
business units (BUs) before and after the gamified
transition learning approach was adopted.
Table 1: Milestones.
Action Date
First version 25
October 2012
Badges and Bonus
pointing included
November 2012
First badge achieved 29
January 2013
Final version 5
February 2013
Process Stability Reached 17
May 2013
Table 2: Deployment Turnaround Times.
t Time
BU 1 Medium 10 months
BU 2 Medium 5 months
BU 3 Low 6 months
BU 4
3 months
BU 5 Low 1 month
BU 6 Low 1 month
BU 7 Medium 1 month
BU 8 High 20 days
BU 9 Low 18 days
“Complexity” in Table 2 indicates the level of
deployment complexity as attributed by the team
depending on the client’s requirements and the
number of business rules implemented or
customized in the deployed sales system.
Deployment time is the approximate time interval
between a client’s initial request and the final
validation of the requirements by the client for a
given business unit. One notices a significant
reduction in deployment times in favor of the
gamified approach. One should look into this
reduction carefully, though, because it can be
influenced by other factors such as diminished flow
into other operational processes (like incident and
problem management which were performed in part
by the same team); the team’s growing technical
expertise and experience with the ITST process and
with the sales system technologies as time passed
(which we believe made even more complex tasks
faster); and, their disposition to learn.
On the other hand, Table 2 indicates an
accelerated learning curve with the gamified
approach. Assuming increasing expertise correlates
with decreasing turnaround times, one can see that
ITST expertise improves as time passes and with a
rapid acceleration immediately after adopting the
game-base learn by doing approach.
3.2 Validation
Gamification of ITST processes depends on the
system of interest and it is on-going. Here, a game-
based ITST learning approach was used by a small
team of professionals. Therefore, the answer to the
research question is preliminary and restricted to the
above context of the case study. On the other hand,
since this context is somewhat representative of the
industry – particularly of small companies – the
answer will be meaningful, at least in what concerns
“face validity” (Litwin, 1995).
We say the proposed game-based ITST learning
approach has face validity if it “looks like” it is
going to lead to a positive answer for the research
To test the approach for face validity, we asked
the participants in the case study to indicate what
they thought the answer to the research question
would be. The respondents, unanimously, gave
“yes” as an answer (the corresponding Guttman
scaling was “Yes”, “No” and “Not sure”).
This paper summarized research on a novel
approach that blends gamification concepts,
elements and tools to those of business process
modeling (BPM) together with learning and
teaching methodologies to communicate and deploy
changes to IT service transition (ITST) processes.
The approach was economically implemented and
applied to the case of a small team charged with the
migration of a mobile OS-based sales automation
system in Brazil. Results indicate the team was able
to learn and operate faster and more effectively with
the approach.
By considering a small, IT service provider, the
paper also provides early evidence gamification can
bring benefits and be within technical and financial
reach of firms in general, not just major IT players.
That evidence, together with the focus on ITST, is
the main contributions of this paper and endorses
recent suggestions in the literature that ITIL
gamification may offer a positive outlook for ITSM
practitioners. Further work is needed to answer the
posed research question with greater confidence, for
different transition scenarios and for team
compositions and sizes.
The authors thank anonymous CSEDU 2014
reviewers for their comments and suggestions.
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