Iterated Local Search for a Vehicle Routing Problem with
Synchronization Constraints
Nacima Labadie
, Christian Prins
and Yanyan Yang
LOSI, University of Technology of Troyes, CS42060, 10004, Troyes Cedex, France
CGS, Mines ParisTech, 60 Boulevard Saint Michel, 75272, Paris Cedex 06, France
Vehicle Routing, Synchronization Constraints, Iterated Local Search.
This paper deals with vehicle routing problem (VRP) with synchronization constraints. This problem consists
in determining a least-cost set of routes to serve customers who may require several synchronized visits. The
main contribution of the paper is: 1) it presents a definition and a classification of different types of syn-
chronization constraints considered in the VRP literature; 2) it describes a variant of vehicle routing problem
with synchronization constraints which is formulated as a mixed integer programming model; 3) finally, it
provides a constructive heuristics and an iterated local search metaheuristic to solve the considered problem.
The performance of the proposed approaches is evaluated small and medium sized instances.
The vehicle routing problem (VRP) was introduced
by Dantzig and Ramser in 1959 (Dantzig and Ramser,
1959). It is a fundamental planning problem in the
field of transportation, distribution and logistics. This
combinatorial optimization problem consists in seek-
ing routes for a set of vehicles, to perform a set of
tasks in a network. During the past half century there
has been a vast amount of literature and research
on the VRP and its variants, complete surveys can
be found in Desaulniers and Desrosiers (Desaulniers
et al., 2002), Berbeglia and Cordeau (Berbeglia et al.,
2007), and Parragh et al. (Parragh et al., 2008).
A recently arising and hot extension of VRP
is the vehicle routing problem with synchronization
constraints (VRPS). Drexl (Drexl, 2011) defined the
VRPS as a VRP exhibiting additional synchronization
requirements in spatial, temporal, and load aspects, he
gave a recent review of VRPS and defined the VRPS
as a vehicle routing problem where more than one ve-
hicle may or must be used to fulfil a task. However,
there are some problems which require more than one
vehicle to fulfil a task but are not synchronization
problems, like split delivery VRP. Thus we propose a
simpler definition of the VRPS: ”A VRPS is a vehicle
routing problem where there exists at least one vertex
requiring simultaneous visits of vehicles, or succes-
sive visits resulting from precedence constraints”.
The fundamental difference between the VRP and
VRPS is that in the VRPS the routes are interdepen-
dent. It means that a change in one route may have
effects on other routes because of the synchronization
constraints while a change in one route does not af-
fect any other route in the standard VRP. In the worst
case, a change in a VRPS route may lead all the other
routes infeasible.
Due to the spatial, temporal, and load aspects,
Drexl (Drexl, 2011) classifies the VRPSs into five
categories: Task synchronization, operation synchro-
nization, Movement synchronization, Load synchro-
nization and Resource synchronization. However, we
propose a classification according to two synchro-
nization types based on our definition, simultaneous
synchronization and precedence synchronization. In
the simultaneous synchronization (SS), the vertex re-
quires at least two visits, simultaneously or in a nar-
row time window while in the precedence synchro-
nization (PS) the vertex requires several successive
visits with or without time windows.
The literature on routing problems with synchro-
nization constraints is relatively scattered. For the
case of simultaneous synchronization we can find
the paper of Ioachim and J. Desosiers (Ioachim and
Desosiers, 1999) which describes an aircraft fleet
assignment and routing problem with synchroniza-
tion constraints. In this problem, the authors pro-
pose the synchronization constraints from so-called
same-departure-time requirements: the same identi-
fier flights have to depart at the same time every day
Labadie N., Prins C. and Yang Y..
Iterated Local Search for a Vehicle Routing Problem with Synchronization Constraints.
DOI: 10.5220/0004837502570263
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES-2014), pages 257-263
ISBN: 978-989-758-017-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
during a week which induces a simultaneous syn-
chronization problem. To solve the problem, the
authors proposed a branch-and-price using a multi-
commodity flow formulation. Common real applica-
tions of routing with synchronization are home health
care and hospital systems. Bertels and Fahle (S. Ber-
tels, 2006) considered a problem with hard roster-
ing constraints like qualification requirements or work
time limitations, and soft constraints like preference
of serving time, preference of patients and prefer-
ence of nurses. Some tasks may need cooperation of
nurses which leads to simultaneous synchronization.
The objective is to minimize the total cost and max-
imize patients/staff satisfaction. The authors develop
a combined constraint programming and tabu search
method which produces good solutions within short
time. Bredstrom and Ronnqvist (Bredstrom and Ron-
nqvist, 2008) also consider home care staff schedul-
ing where may be two or more staff members would
be required to accomplish a task (such as two nurses
for bathing elderly person). The objective function
is a weighted sum of preferences, traveling time and
balancing variables. In this work, a MIP formula-
tion is proposed and a heuristic that iteratively solves
restricted MIP problems is used to improve the best
known feasible solutions. Inc (Braysy et al., 2009)
three communal routing problems with synchroniza-
tion are described: the organization of home care,
transportation of the elderly and home meal delivery
in Finland. In the home care nurse problem, personnel
has a maximum number of working hours per day and
different levels of education and different skills qual-
ified to perform different services. Each customer in
a given service area are allocated to a given team and
workers typically work exclusively in their own team.
Each customer requires several visits within a given
interval time. The objective is to maximize the work-
ing hours and the workers’ preferences while taking
into account the regulation for breaks.
Amaya et al. (Amaya et al., 2007), (Amaya et al.,
2010) study the capacitated arc routing problem with
refill points (CARP-RP) of road marking problem in
Canada. In this problem, there are two vehicles, a
painting vehicle serving the road and a tank vehicle
to refill the painting vehicle. The painting vehicle can
only be refilled by the tank vehicle but at any road
junction and both vehicles are originally located and
end their routes at the depot. In the first paper, af-
ter each refill the tank vehicle must return to the de-
pot which makes the synchronization constraint much
simpler. The objective is to determine the vehicle
routes simultaneously both for the painting vehicle
and the tank vehicle to minimize the total traveling
cost. To solve the problem, the authors propose an
integer programming model and develop a cutting-
plane algorithm applied to solve instances involving
20 to 70 nodes and 50 to 595 arcs.
The second publication extends the problem by
since there is no need for the tank vehicle to return
to the depot each time after the replenishment. The
authors upgrade their previous IP model and develop
a heuristic method based on the route-first-cluster-
second principle. However, due to the construction
of the network, the heuristic does not need to con-
sider the synchronization constraints. Salazar-Aguilar
et al. (Salazar-Aguilar et al., 2013) consider a sim-
ilar road marking problem where several capacitated
vehicles are used to paint lines on roads instead of
only one in the two previous studies, and a tank ve-
hicle is also used to replenish the painting vehicles.
The objective is to determine routes and schedules for
the painting and replenishment vehicles to minimize
the makespan: the duration of the longest route. The
authors developed an adaptive large neighbourhood
search (ALNS) metaheuristic to solve this problem.
In the constructive procedure, routes of painting ve-
hicles have been generated, the potential refill nodes
on each of them are identified and the route of the
replenishment vehicle is then constructed by means
of a GRASP ensuring the synchronization constraints.
Moreover, the authors improve the ALNS by combin-
ing seven destroy/repair operators.
Applications with similar nature are developed in
(Salazar-Aguilar et al., 2012). These authors pro-
posed a synchronized arc routing for snow plowing
operations in Canada. In this problem, streets require
plowing operations in one or two direction and each
direction has one to three lanes. All lanes belong-
ing to the same segment in the same direction must
be plowed simultaneously and each lane can only be
served by one vehicle at a time. There is a fleet of
snow plowing vehicles originally located at a depot.
The objective is to determine a set of routes to min-
imize the duration of the longest route (makespan)
while all street must be plowed.
Few studies deal with precedence synchroniza-
tion: in Kim et al. (Kim et al., 2010), a combined
manpower-vehicle routing problem with multi-staged
services is studied. In this problem, the workers can
only be moved to the customers by vehicles and cus-
tomers demand several visits of different workers in
a predefined sequence. The objective is to minimize
the total cost of the vehicle routing. To solve the
problem, the authors develop a simple constructive
heuristic and a particle swarm optimization (PSO).
A home health care staff scheduling problem is stud-
ied in (Rasmussen et al., 2012), the authors consider
staffs with different qualifications where both patients
and staffs have time windows, all visits are associated
with priorities and each patient has his own preferred
carer. A branch-and-price algorithm using Dantzig-
Wolfe decomposition is used to solve the problem
where the aim is to minimize a weighted sum of three
criteria: the number of uncovered visits, the total trav-
eling cost and the sum of preferences. A similar prob-
lem was studied in a previous work from Dohn et al.
(Dohn et al., 2009). In this study, the authors pro-
pose a vehicle routing problem with time windows
and precedence constraints. Each customer demands
a sequence of visits in a given time window. The ob-
jective is to minimize the total travel distance. The
authors developed a column generation approach to
solve the problem.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 describes the studied vehicle rout-
ing problem with simultaneous synchronization con-
straints, and proposes a mixed integer programming
formulation of the problem. The solution approaches
that we developed are described in Section 3. Com-
putational results are presented in Section 4, followed
by conclusions in Section 5.
This work is dedicated a special case of vehicle rout-
ing problem with simultaneous synchronization con-
straints and is motivated by real applications occur-
ring in home health care systems or services sector.
In these fields, some customers may require a service
which must be accomplished by more than one per-
son because the personnel constituting a staff has not
the same competencies.
Formally, the studied problem can be defined
in an undirected graph G = (V, E) with a node-set
V = {0, 1, 2, , n, n + 1} and an edge-set E. Nodes 0
and n + 1 are special nodes called initial resp. final
depots; while the other vertices correspond to cus-
tomers. Each edge e = [i, j] is associated with a travel
cost c
and a traversal duration T
. It is assumed that
these times satisfy the triangle inequality. The initial
depot 0 offers a set of possible services P = {1, 2, , r}
to customers. Each customer demands a subset of ser-
vices specified by a vector U
= (v
, v
, , v
) where
equals to 1 if customer i demands the service p P
(P = {1, ..., r}, 0 otherwise. Services required by
the same customer should all start simultaneously and
have a common time duration D
. Each customer has
its available time window [α
, β
] where α
is the ear-
liest start time of service at the customer i and β
the latest start time at the customer i.
A limited number V of vehicles in H =
offering services are originally lo-
cated at the depot 0. Each vehicle k H
is qualified
to perform a unique service p in the set P. [α
, β
is the available time for all the vehicles which means
that all vehicles can only leave the initial depot at α
and must return to the final depot before β
The problem consists in building a set of routes
starting at the initial depot 0 and ending at the final
depot n + 1, such that each vehicle route doesn’t ex-
ceed the maximal imposed duration, each customer is
provided the required services and each of these ser-
vices must start at the same time (when there is at
least two services needed) within the customer’s time
window. Each kind of service must be accomplished
by the corresponding qualified vehicle (team). This
study considers the minimization of overall cost of
edges crossed by the vehicles.
The problem can be modeled as a linear mixed in-
teger program using the following decision variables:
binary variables x
i jk
equal to 1 if and only if the vehi-
cle k visits the node i then leaves to node j, real vari-
ables a
, t
and w
indicating respectively the arrival
time of vehicle k at customer i, the starting time of
service at customer i if visited by vehicle k, and the
waiting time at customer i if visited by vehicle k.
The objective is to minimize the total cost (1). All
customers’ demands must be satisfied (2). Constraint
(3) requires each vehicle to leave and return at the de-
pot. (4) ensure the continuity of the routes. If a vehi-
cle is set to travel between two customers, there has to
be enough time between the two visits (5). All time
windows must be respected (6). (7) imply the syn-
chronization constraints. (8) define the service start
time equal to the sum of the arrival time and the wait-
ing time. The remaining constraints of the model fix
the nature of the decision variables.
To solve the problem, an iterative local search (IlS)
framework is proposed. The general procedure of the
implemented ILS (see Algorithm 1) starts by gener-
ating an initial solution (with a constructive heuristic
) which is then improved by a local search proce-
dure (LS). The current best solution is considered as
the starting one in the ILS. Each iteration of the al-
gorithm considers the best current solution which is
then perturbed to generated neighbor solutions later
improved by Local Search (LS). If the new solution
is better than the current best solution, this later is
updated for the next steps. More details about the
method can be found in (Loureno et al., 2003).
minz =
i j
· x
i jk
subject to
i jk
= v
i V \ {0, n + 1}, p P (2)
0 jk
= 1 k H (3)
i jk
i V \ {0, n + 1}, k H (4)
+ (T
i j
+ D
) · x
i jk
+ β
· (1 x
i jk
) i, j V, k H (5)
i jk
i jk
i V \ {0, n + 1}, k H (6)
· v
= v
· v
i V, p
, p
P, p
6= p
= a
+ w
i V, k H (8)
i jk
{0, 1} i, j V, k H
, w
i V, k H (9)
Algorithm 1: General structure of the IlS.
GenerateInitialSolution (S
:= LS(S
BestSol := S
for k := 1 to k
SChild := Perturb(S
NewSol := LS(SChild)
if z(NewSol) < z(BestSol) then
BestSol := NewSol
end if
end for
3.1 Constructive Heuristic
A constructive heuristic called Simple-Append is pro-
posed to generate an initial solution. In this algorithm,
a permutation of all customers is transformed to a fea-
sible schedule. Here the initial permutation is a list of
the customers sorted by their earliest completion time
, i V \{0, n+1} in a non-descending order. at
each iteration j of the algorithm, the customer in the
position j from the permutation is selected, then the
set of vehicles which can service the corresponding
customer before the end of its time window is com-
puted. If there are more than one possible vehicle, the
vehicle that have the least travel cost is selected. If
there are insufficient vehicles to service the customer,
the solution is unfeasible. Services at each customer
are scheduled to start when all required vehicles have
arrived. If this occurs earlier than the earliest starting
time of service, a waiting time must be considered for
each needed vehicle and starting time of service is set
to the beginning of customer time window.
3.2 Perturbation Procedure
The perturbation procedure has a role of the diversi-
fication in the ILS. To move from one feasible solu-
tion to neighboring solutions, neighbors of the current
permutation are found by using a Relocate operator.
First, all the routes are concatenated then randomly
chosen customers are selected and their position po-
sition is changed randomly in the permutation. The
neighbor detailed solutions are then constructed by
the Simple-Append heuristic.
3.3 Local Search
The Local Search procedure used in the ILS contains
two main procedures: the first one is based on 2-opt
move executed on a single route. The second one is
the k-exchange moves including three types of move-
ments that involve two routes. In local search proce-
dure, the service start time at the customers requiring
synchronization visits are fixed like in the input solu-
tion. The 2-opt procedure removes and replaces two
arcs in a tour and reorders vertices. The k-exchange
moves offer the possibility of improving the assign-
ment decisions of customers to routes. Three basic
k-exchange neighborhoods for the VRP (see (Savels-
bergh, 1992)) relocating vertices between two routes
are tested, the first one is the relocate operator that
removes one customer from a route and insert it in a
different tour, the second one is the exchange oper-
ator that swaps the positions of two customers from
two different routes. The last one is the 2-opt
ator applied to different routes. The neighborhoods
exploration requires O(n
) by reducing the computa-
tional effort of time windows violation to O(1) thanks
to the feasibility checks of (Savelsbergh, 1985).
A set of test instances has been extended from the
data set proposed by Bredstrom and Ronnqvist (Bred-
strom and Ronnqvist, 2008). In these new instances,
the customers’ demands are randomly generated but
the information including the distance matrix, time
windows, and the time duration of routes remains the
same as in (Bredstrom and Ronnqvist, 2008). Table 1
describes the used instances, column 2 gives the num-
ber of customers |N|, the total number of vehicles |K|
and the number of synchronized visits |P
| are pro-
vided in the two last columns.
Table 1: The used benchmark.
Instances |N| |K| |P
1 8 3 1
2 8 3 2
3 8 4 2
4 12 5 1
5 12 5 2
6 12 5 3
7 18 5 2
8 18 5 4
9 45 14 8
10 45 16 5
The mathematical models have been implemented
in the software GUSEK, and the heuristic and meta-
heuristic algorithms haven been coded in C
guage. The results are shown in Tables 2, 3, 4. All
experiments have been carried out on a 3.00 GHz, In-
tel(R) Core(TM) 2Duo processor PC, running under
Windows XP with 1.96 GB of RAM.
Note that in the Simple-Append heuristic, a list
of customers sorted by earliest finish time is used to
get the initial solution in the ILS. LS-2OPT indicates
the local search with 2-opt procedure, LS-REL, LS-
stand for the local search moves
when two routes are involved and respectively the
Relocate, Exchange, 2-opt
operator is used. The
maximum number of iterations K
is set to 1000.
Column Imp. in Table 4 computes the improvement
achieved by the ILS compared to the initial input so-
lution obtained with Simple-Append.
Table 2: Computational results-Part I.
GUSEC Simple-Append
File Obj CPU(s) Obj CPU(s)
1 217 6.2 222 0.031
2 224 24.4 224 0.047
3 207 1.7 208 0.031
4 390 5427 402 0.031
5 446 0.047
6 462 0.031
7 340 0.031
8 388 0.047
9 856 0.047
10 959 0.031
Av. 0.0374
Table 3: Computational results-Part II.
File Obj CPU(s) Obj CPU(s) Obj CPU(s)
1 222 0.047 222 0.047 222 0.047
2 224 0.031 224 0.031 224 0.047
3 207 0.047 207 0.047 207 0.047
4 402 0.063 393 0.047 393 0.047
5 446 0.063 446 0.047 442 0.047
6 462 0.047 462 0.047 458 0.047
7 340 0.047 333 0.047 334 0.047
8 387 0.063 377 0.047 387 0.047
9 823 0.047 778 0.047 781 0.047
10 941 0.094 929 0.094 916 0.094
Av. 0,0549 0,0501 0,0517
Table 2 reports that GUSEK only performs well
with small instances and cannot solve problems from
12 customers and 2 synchronization visits. Further-
more, we can see that Simple-Append with a list of
customers sorted by earliest finish time used as the
initial permutation has a really good performance
with a convergence error less than 5% and a much
smaller computation time.
Table 3 shows that the 2-opt local search move in-
volving a single route has not big improvement on the
results compared to the initial input solution obtained
by Simple-Append. It is due to the fact that in the
local search method, we fix to the same value the ser-
vice start time of the synchronization visits as in the
input solution. In this case, the improvement of as-
signment decisions is much more effective than the
improvement of routing decisions as shown in the ta-
ble. Moreover, the same operator involving two dif-
ferent routes turns out to be the most powerful move-
ment among the three moves involving more than one
Finally, Table 4 shows that ILS can reach the opti-
mum on small instances and has a much smaller com-
putation time. For the larger instances, ILS has reachs
a maximum improvement of 16% when compared to
the initial solutions.
Table 4: Computational results-Part III.
File Obj CPU(s) Obj CPU(s) Imp.
1 222 0.031 217 0.106 0.0225
2 224 0.047 224 0.104 0
3 207 0.047 207 0.108 0.00480
4 393 0.047 390 0.125 0.0298
5 442 0.047 436 0.138 0.0224
6 458 0.047 452 0.135 0.0216
7 333 0.063 333 0.139 0.0205
8 387 0.047 361 0.163 0.069
9 741 0.047 718 0.203 0.161
10 884 0.047 844 0.25 0.119
Av. 0.047 0.1471 0.047255491
This paper provides a quick review of routing prob-
lem with synchronization constraints studied in the
literature. It considers a particular case of vehicle
routing problem with simultaneous synchronization
constraints where a service centre (the depot) offers
several types of services and customers may demand
more than one service to be provided simultaneously.
To solve this NP-hard problem, a mixed integer pro-
gramming model minimizing the total travel cost has
been proposed. Furthermore, a constructive heuris-
tics and a metaheuristic based on local search have
been developed. Computational experiments are car-
ried out on 10 instances which are extended from
the benchmark initially proposed by (Bredstrom and
Ronnqvist, 2008). The experimental results obtained
by solving the MIP model with GUSEK solver show
that only instances with less than 12 customers and 2
synchronization visits can be solved optimally.
The constructive heuristic has shown quick solu-
tions with all the testing instances with up to 45 cus-
tomers and 15 synchronization visits. To improve the
results, four local search operators have been tested
and embedded within an Iterative Local Search (ILS)
framework. The ILS has reached the optimum for the
small instances solved by GUSEK very quickly. For
the other instances, the ILS achieves a maximum im-
provement of 16% when compared to the initial input
solutions. Future work would be dedicated to improv-
ing the local search especially by designing moves
more suitable for handling the synchronization con-
straints. The problem studied in this paper uses the
minimization of the total travel cost as objective func-
tion, another interesting direction for future research
could consider other criteria like the overall waiting,
work balancing.
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