Learning Design for Software Engineering Courses
Itana M. S. Gimenes
, Leonor Barroca
, Ellen F. Barbosa
and Edson A. Oliveira Júnior
Departamento de Informática, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Maringá-PR, Brazil
Department of Computing, The Open University, Milton Keynes, U.K.
ICMC, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos-SP, Brazil
Keywords: Learning Design, Software Engineering, Course Design.
Abstract: This paper presents a customization of a learning design approach, OULDI, to designing and implementing
Software Engineering courses. We propose an iterative process for the application of
the OULDI views. This process starts with a course map view and follows a series of steps that ends with
the evaluation of the design reflecting on the balance of the proposed activities. A case study is presented in
which two institutions were involved in the design and implementation of an experimental software
engineering course. Feedback from students, designers and lecturers was collected to support the validation
of the design and implementation of the course. This showed that learning design, with the process proposed
here, is a feasible approach for the design of software engineering courses.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
resources that have been used predominantly in
distance education to improve the experience of the
learner are now available at lower costs and finding
their way into many educational contexts. This wide
use calls for strategies to integrate ICT resources in
the learning process that take into account different
educational modes and different domains.
Education has always required planning and
design; however, in a face-to-face context, learning
relies often on implicit practice. The widespread use
of ICT and the opening of new educational practices,
for example, the integration of distance education
elements and of open educational resources, make a
stronger demand on support for preparation and
planning. Learning design is an approach that
supports teachers and designers to make informed
decisions about course activities, resources,
technologies and pedagogical approaches (Conole,
2013). Learning design can be used at different
levels of granularity, from the representation of
learning activities that are performed by different
actors in the context of a course, to the planning of
curriculum for whole programmes (Koper, 2006).
When learning design is applied to develop a course,
it allows for the sharing, discussion, validation and
evolution of the course designs; when applied to
activities it will facilitate the discussion of their
learning outcomes and pedagogical approaches.
Both the process of planning and the product of that
planning can be made explicit through design
representations supported by methods and tools.
In the design of a software engineering course,
pedagogical decisions are influenced by the nature
of professional activities. These require specific
skills that can be strengthened by the activities, and
the experiences that students engage with. The
teaching of technical skills needs to be integrated
with that of soft skills such as: cooperation and
effective communication, leadership, negotiation,
feasibility analysis, and adaptation to new models
and technologies. Learning design can facilitate this
integration through planning activities that promote
the dialogue between learners and educators.
Learning design has similarities with software
engineering in terms of making abstractions and
models explicit before implementation (Caeiro-
rodríguez et al., 2010). The core of a software
engineering course is about learning to extract
requirements from stakeholders and the real world
and making them explicit in a design language and
in code (Sommerville, 2010). One such language,
the Unified Modelling Language (UML) (OMG,
2013), has also been referred to as a design tool in
learning design (Dalziel, 2012; Grainne Conole,
2013). Both software designers and educators rely
M. S. Gimenes I., Barroca L., F. Barbosa E. and A. Oliveira Júnior E..
Learning Design for Software Engineering Courses.
DOI: 10.5220/0004838002410249
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 241-249
ISBN: 978-989-758-020-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
extensively on their prior experience and context for
development (Wilson, 2007). This highlights
commonalities between learning and software
engineering design techniques that should be
exploited further.
Several research projects developed tools to
support learning design (Koper, 2006; Dalziel,
2012). The Open University Learning Design
Initiative (OULDI) is such a project that developed a
set of concepts together with computer-supported
tools (Cross et al., 2012). It supports explicit course
design representations and provides mechanisms to
foster sharing of material and collaboration amongst
course team members.
In this paper, we propose a customisation of
OULDI for software engineering education. This
customisation includes an explicit design process
conceived to organise the development of the views
proposed by OULDI. We applied this customisation
to the design and implementation of an Experimental
Software Engineering (ESE) course, in the context
of a master program in Computer Science.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
gives the background for this work. Section 3
presents the customised OULDI process. Section 4
describes a case study in which an ESE course was
designed and implemented by two institutions in
Brazil with the collaboration of the Open University,
UK. Section 5 discusses the feedback from
designers, lecturers and students. Section 6 presents
conclusions and further work.
Learning design as a research field has emerged in
the last 10 years mainly from researchers in Europe
and Australia (Koper 2006; Grainne Conole, 2013;
Dalziel, 2012). It has a strong emphasis on making
the design process and artefacts explicit and
shareable. Design in education is not a new field
though, and instructional design has been a well-
established discipline for several decades (Eckel,
1993). However, learning design takes a broader
approach, moving away from the production of
instructions derived from learning goals, towards a
more learner centred approach that is dynamic and
takes into account a supporting environment and all
stakeholders involved in planning the learning
process; it builds also on research on learning
sciences and design languages.
The learning design process and representation
can be considered as pedagogically neutral as they
can be used to represent the activities, tools and
roles of any pedagogical approach. In this sense,
learning design is more flexible than instructional
design; it provides a framework where different
pedagogical approaches can be implemented.
Our work is based on OULDI (Conole, 2013;
Cross et al., 2012). It supports the design of courses
with views, guidelines and tools. It allows the
structured design of activities and their articulation
with the learning outcomes, content and tools in
such a way that the educators can envision the
overall course to make decisions and carry out
necessary adjustments before proceeding to
production. It also provides a set of support tools,
namely: CompendiumLD (CompendiumLD, 2008)
which is a workflow design tool that contains special
templates for course designs; and Cloudworks
(Conole and Cuvel, 2009), that provides an open
public space to which users can contribute, and
where they can discuss learning and teaching
designs and experiences. We chose to work with
OULDI because of the set of support tools and its
ease of use for higher education and for designers
who are familiar with technology. Approaches, such
as CADMOS (Katsamani and Retalis, 2008), LDSE
(Laurillard et al., 2011) and LAMS (Dalziel, 2009)
provide similar resources, but are more self-
contained environments which would be difficult to
customize. Their tools are also more directed to
school teachers; our purpose is to support software
engineering educators who are used to work with
workflow techniques similar to the approach
supported by CompendiumLD. We are aware that
the OULDI has evolved and added more support
mechanisms like the course features cards (Cross et
al., 2012) but we did not incorporated them at this
OULDI (Cross et al., 2012) provides a set of
shareable artefacts of design that represents a course
around five conceptual views. These views are: (i) a
course map which represents an overview of the
course; (ii) a course dimension, which gives
detail on the nature of the course (collaboration,
assessment, user content, etc); (iii) a pedagogy
profile which indicates the learners’
participation in the designed types of activities; (iv)
the learning outcomes map which links
these to activities and assessment; and (v) the task
swimlane which relates tasks to resources and
tools. OULDI promotes an iterative approach of
problem identification, solutions development, use,
evaluation and refinement, but does not define an
explicit design process. With our software
engineering background and expertise we felt the
need for a more detailed process to the application of
OULDI to the design of courses in the software
engineering domain. We detailed a process where
the OULDI views are iteratively developed in three
phases, as shown in Figure 1, and described below.
Figure 1: OULDI adapted process.
Determine Course Objectives: produces
the course map view which is the first overview of
the course. This helps educators think about the
design of the course around four aspects: (i)
Guidance & Support; (ii) Content & Experience; (iii)
Communication & Collaboration; and, (iv)
Reflection & Demonstration. Inputs to this phase are
the course context and the ideas and objectives
discussed by the course team.
Develop Course: develops the sequence of
course activities generating the Learning Outcomes
(LOs) and task swimlane view. Activities can be
developed at hierarchical levels starting from
composed activities and going down to atomic tasks.
Activities and tasks can be associated with roles,
tools and course material.
Evaluate & Plan: reflects on the balance of
the activity types of the course to evaluate the design
and evolve it. The designers have to establish the
amount of each type of activity and the amount of
assessment. This information produces the pedagogy
profile and course dimension views. The pedagogy
profile classifies the activities into: (i) Assimilative,
attending and understanding content; (ii) Finding
and handling information, gathering and classifying
resources or manipulating data; (iii) Interactive and
adaptive, using modeling or simulation software;
(iv) Communicative, carrying out dialogic activities
(e.g., group-based discussions); (v) Productive,
constructing an experimental study; (vi)
Experiential, practicing skills in the context of an
experiment; and, (vii) Assessment, performing
formative and summative evaluations.
Each phase produces a set of outputs which can
be used in the next phase and refined iteratively. The
availability of these artefacts facilitates the process
of collaborative design of the learning experience.
The design of the ESE course was carried out taking
into account the context of a master’s program in
Computer Science and a Brazilian multi-institutional
project, funded by PROCAD/CAPES
(www.capes.gov.br), whose objectives included the
offer of collaborative courses. In Brazil, master’s
programmes are research driven programs where
students engage with the development of new ideas
and the proposal of new approaches (Barroca and
Gimenes, 2013).
ESE is a subarea of software engineering
focusing on the evidence of validity of methods and
tools (Kitchenham et al., 2002). It is an important
topic to teach in postgraduate computer science (and
software engineering) programs geared to research;
students need to provide evidence of the feasibility
of proposed new methods and tools.
4.1 Course Design
The design of the ESE course started with the
Determine Course Objectives phase by
understanding the course context and educators’s
intentions and constraints. An ESE course teaches
principles and techniques for evaluation applied to
software engineering. It should instigate students to
discuss collectively the value and means of
evaluating research methods, tools and experiments.
Students need to learn a well-defined process
ranging from the planning of an experiment to its
packaging for replication (Wohlin, 2000). This
process should be supported by statistical methods to
guide data collection and analysis. The course has to
make sure that the theoretical principles are well
understood, and that there are opportunities for
learning and practising the development and
replication of practical studies. Group work should
be encouraged and supported. It is important to learn
that the participation of individuals with an
appropriate profile in the experiments is valuable to
enhance the meaning of the collected data, thus
improving confidence in the results. It is often the
case that experiments involve more undergraduate
and graduate students than practitioners. Therefore,
the course should seek to involve external
participants, mainly from industry, in the execution
of the experiments. Students should be aware of
existing tools to select and use in their experimental
studies. The students should learn how to package
their experiments for replication. As a result of the
phase Determine Course Objectives the
ESE Course map view was produced as described in
Table 1.
Table 1: ESE Course map view.
The Develop Course phase designed the course
activities taking as input the ESE course map view.
It produced the LOs view of the ESE course in
hierarchical levels as shown in Figures 2 and 3.
The 1
level of the LOs view consists of three
activities: Main Activities; Discussions;
and Keep a Network of Participants.
Each activity is associated with roles, resources and
tools which are represented in Figure 2 with the
respective CompendiumLD icons. The activity
Discussions is designed to aggregate students
into groups to exchange ideas and carry out course
assessments. The activity Keep a Network of
Participants is designed to maintain a network
of people who can act as participants in the course
The Main activities were further detailed,
in a 2
level, as shown in Figure 3. It shows lower
granularity activities which compose the core of the
Figure 2: LOs view of the ESE course – 1st level.
course. In this figure we can see four
CompendiumLD stencils: (i) What is to be
learnt marking the line of LOs; (ii) Student
activity for course activities; (iii) Media and
tools for tools used in the activities; and (iv)
Learning output for Summative Assessments
(SA) produced by the activities. The core activities
are: Brainstorm the evaluation of
software techniques and tools; Study
concepts and principles; Replicate
an experiment; and, Develop an
experiment. These activities were decomposed to
atomic tasks. As an example, Figure 4 shows the
task swimlane view of the Develop an
Experiment activity from Figure 3. It contains
atomic tasks associated with their respective
Formative Assessments (FA).
The Evaluate & Plan phase has iteratively
produced several versions of the pedagogy profile
which were used to adjust and evolve the course
design until the course team was satisfied with the
distribution of activities. The fact that the course
design is explicit and shareable allows designers to
discuss and propose improvements, and facilitates
the iterative refinement process of collaborative
The final balance of activity types was
represented in a graph with: 10%-Assimilative;
3%-Finding and handling information; 45%-
Communicative; 35%-Productive; 0%-Experiential;
7%-Assessment. There are no Experiential activities
because the students were not supposed to
participate in didactic experiments; Assessment
activities have a low contribution as the course team
counted the deliverables under Productive activities;
the contribution of Communicative tasks is high as
the course was designed to stimulate interaction
between the institutions and the work groups.
The course dimension view, as it is a crosscut view,
does not add extra information and it is not used
Figure 3: LOs view of the ESE course – 2nd level.
Figure 4: Task swimlane for Develop an experiment.
4.2 Course Implementation
The ESE course was implemented within the
master’s program in Computer Science of the
Universidade Estadual de Maringá (DIN/UEM,
http://www.din.uem.br) and the Universidade de São
Paulo (ICMC/USP, http://www.icmc.usp.br).
Delivering a multi-institutional course within
research degree programs in Brazil is an innovative
initiative which fosters collaboration between
institutions that provide these programs. The use of
OULDI was important to facilitate and support the
collaboration between the institutions both in the
planning and in the implementation of the course.
The process proposed here, also facilitated this joint
Twenty-four students were enrolled in the
course, nine from DIN/UEM and fifteen from
ICMC/USP. The third and fourth authors were the
lecturers in ICMC/USP and DIN/UEM, respectively.
All authors participated actively in the course
design, following the proposed phases of the OULDI
The implementation of the course followed the
Guidance & Support designed in the course map
view (Table 1). There were difficulties in the
implementation of Google as the support learning
environment. Moodle was chosen, as Google Apps
for Education did not have a front end to encapsulate
its tools. Also, students and institutions were more
familiar with Moodle.
The course was implemented in a blended
instruction mode. It was scheduled with the
same timetable in both institutions and used the
same Moodle site. The support materials were
selected collaboratively and made available to
students. Classes were intended to be alternated
between the institutions and transmitted through
video-conference. However, there were technical
problems and, in the end, the same material was
used but the classes were delivered locally by the
lecturers in each institution. Students in each
institution teamed up in groups of three. The final
presentations of the experiments were successfully
transmitted by video-conference and students and
lecturers could interact to discuss the projects.
There were no changes to the designed LOs and
task swimlane (Figures 2, 3 and 4), but one activity,
Replication, was carried out differently, in each
institution, due to individual decision of the local
lecturers. At DIN/UEM, each team planned and
replicated the same experiment, whereas at
ICMC/USP all the students were participants in the
replication of one experiment conducted by a
researcher with the lecturer’s support.
In the end, the Keep a Network of
Participants was not implemented due to the
time constraints of the course and the lack of
involvement of the external community. We think
this is an activity that should have been planned and
developed by the institutions before the course
Results of the ESE course design presented in this
paper are discussed from the perspectives of both
designers/lecturers and students. One questionnaire
was given to students and another to the
designers/lecturers; both contained 12 questions
regarding course design and implementation, content
and structure, didactic and technical resources,
learning environment, communication and
collaboration issues, among others, as shown in the
In summary, designers and lecturers made the
following remarks:
Course design and implementation: They agreed
that the OULDI process was interesting and
effective both in designing and evolving the
course. It provided the course with representations
that were used to share ideas within the design
team as well as to guide the development of the
learning environment for the course. In particular,
the course map view helped to think in advance
about the course goals and the main structure.
Also, the Evaluation & Plan phase was crucial in
planning better the course activities. The class
schedule was followed accordingly and only small
adjustments had to be made, mainly due to
technical problems.
Communication and collaboration: Skype
meetings supported communication and
collaboration effectively amongst
designers/lecturers. However, a more integrated
environment both for designing and collaboration
is necessary.
Virtual learning environment: They agreed that
Moodle provided a complete set of resources to be
used during the course which were easy to use.
Technical issues: Contrary to what is published
that technical resources for distance/blended
learning are widely available at low cost, this is
still not a reality in many places; both institutions
involved in the ESE course had to set up the
environments for video-conference. In particular,
DIN/UEM struggled to set up this environment
which could only operate satisfactorily by the end
of the course.
The students made the following observations:
Course structure and content: 68% agreed that the
content was adequate and well organized in the
learning environment.
Pedagogical resources: the wiki was the most used
resource (59%), followed by the calendar (54%),
the forum (50%) and email (36%), showing,
therefore, a balance in the use of pedagogical
Communication and collaboration: Despite the
results in the usage of pedagogical resources, there
were problems regarding the effectiveness of
communication and collaboration. At the start,
there was some resistance in using the resources
available. In particular, it was difficult to engage
students in forum discussions. Many activities
involving communication and collaboration were
proposed as an attempt to encourage them to take
part in the discussions. As a result, interesting
questions and discussions were gradually arising in
the forum, in the wiki, and by email. In the end,
46% of students considered the use of didactic
resources effective, 32% were neutral and 22%
thought they were of little or no effect.
Technical resources: As discussed before, the use
of technical resources, especially the video-
conference environment was the most criticised
aspect of the course; 50% of the students evaluated
this item as “bad” or “very bad”.
Motivation, autonomy and self-organization: 82%
of the students considered themselves as motivated
or highly motivated during the course. Also, 68%
of students considered they were autonomous and
self-organized to study the theory and perform the
suggested practical activities.
Interaction between students: 95% of students
considered the interaction amongst students in the
same institution, as “very high”. This is mainly
because most students also acted as “participants”
of the experiments designed by the other teams.
Students organised themselves in this way.
However, when considering interaction amongst
students of different institutions, 77% of them
evaluated it as “very poor”. Only in the final
presentations of the experiments, were students of
ICMC/USP and DIN/UEM able to interact and
discuss the results of their experiments.
Open comments: Students showed a positive
attitude towards the ESE course, especially
regarding the pedagogical approach used. The
negative aspect pointed out by almost all of them
was the duration of the course. Instead of two
hours/week, they suggested at least three
hours/week for designing and conducting the
This paper proposed and applied a customisation of
a learning design approach, to a specific domain,
that of software engineering. Overall, the learning
design approach, and in particular OULDI, proved to
be effective to design software engineering courses.
In addition, it proved to be efficient in the support of
the collaboration between Brazilian institutions in
the ESE course design and implementation.
Although there are other learning design
approaches in the literature (Koper, 2006; Dalziel,
2012), we are not aware of work being done of their
customisation to software engineering. The
specificity of the need for professional engagement,
the knowledge and experience of design, the
familiarity with workflow techniques and tools, and
the engagement with the open movement make
software engineering education an area that calls for
such customisation.
The population of the case study was small, but
of a typical size for postgraduate courses. We are
aware of the threats to validity regarding the need of
its application to a larger and more independent
group of designers and students. We intend to evolve
the ESE course and the OULDI process, with
different groups of designers and students.
This paper carried out an experiment with
OULDI and detailed comparison of the same
experiment with other methods was out of scope.
Further work is needed to comparatively assess and
customise other LD methods to SE.
Further work also includes the design of a
support environment for the collaborative design of
software engineering courses; including mechanisms
to access and produce open educational resources.
We are grateful to CAPES for the funding of Itana
Gimenes postdoctoral research at the Open
University, UK and the project PROCAD 191/2007.
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Questionnaire for the lecturers of the ESE
Questionnaire for the students of the ESE
**All answers to questions have discrete
alternatives ranging from 1 (very bad) to five (very
1. How do you assess the module’s learning
2. How do you assess the planning of the module?
(Teaching plan, workload, modules’ support
materials, bibliography, media resources,
implementation of the projects, etc.)
3. How do you assess the organisation of the
resources available in the module’s Virtual
Learning Environment (VLE)?
4. How do you assess the communication between
students and lecturers? (Consider also
communication using the forum, by email, etc.)
5. Which means of communication were used?
(Select one answer for each [Forum, Wiki, E-
mail, Calendar]: 1 for least used, 4 for most
6. How do you assess the effectiveness of the use
of resources available in the module’s VLE?
(Forum, wiki, email and calendar).
7. How do you assess the videoconferencing
sessions that took place?
8. How do you assess the students’ performance in
the assessment?
9. How do you assess the students’ independence
and self-discipline during the study of this
10. How do you assess the communication amongst
students in your institution doing this module?
11. How do you assess the communication amongst
students of involved institutions (DIN/UEM and
ICMC/USP) doing this module?
12. How do you assess the collaboration amongst
all lecturers involved in this module?
13. Other comments (add whatever you consider
**All answers to questions have discrete
alternatives ranging from 1 (very bad) to five (very
1. How do you assess the organisation of the
resources available in the module’s Virtual
Learning Environment (VLE)?
2. How do you assess the communication between
students and lecturers? (Consider also
communication using the forum, by email, etc.)
3. Which means of communication were used?
(Select one answer for each [Forum, Wiki, E-
mail, Calendar]: 1 for least used, 4 for most
4. How do you assess the effectiveness of the use
of resources available in the module’s VLE?
(Forum, wiki, email and calendar)
5. How do you assess the videoconferencing
sessions that took place?
6. How do you assess your performance in the
7. How do you assess your independence and
self-discipline during the study of this module?
8. How do you assess your motivation and
9. How do you assess the communication amongst
students in your institution doing this module?
10. How do you assess the communication amongst
students of the involved institutions (DIN/UEM
and ICMC/USP) doing this module?
11. How do you assess the skills and competence of
your lecturers?
12. How do you assess the collaboration amongst
all lecturers involved in this module?
13. Other comments (add whatever you consider