The Life Cycle of a Cutting-edge Technology Course
A Coaching Experience on Android
Maria J. Blesa, Amalia Duch, Joaquim Gabarr
o and Mar
ıa J. Serna
ALBCOM Research Group
Universitat Polit
ecnica de Catalunya - Barcelona Tech, E-08034 Barcelona, Spain
Android, Programming, New Technologies, Google, Smart Phones, AndroidEDU, Web 3.0.
What is the role that a university should play in the spreading of cutting-edge technologies? It is argued
here that one possibility is to bring focused cutting-edge technology courses in the standard curriculum. It
is contended that such courses have shorter life-spans than conventional subjects and, consequently, their im-
plementation needs to be more dynamic. These claims are backed by discussing the life-cycle of an Android
course running biannually from Spring 2010 to Spring 2013 at Universitat Polit
ecnica de Catalunya. The rise
phase of this course (which lasted two semesters) was a challenging experience that motivated students and
lecturers to play a cooperative and active role in the creation of true working Android applications. The course
held stable for two semesters while student motivation began to fall as smart phones increasingly became ev-
eryday objects. During these two phases the course was offered as extra curricular in the undergraduate phase.
Two added factors were instrumental in the decline (or fall) phase: the availability of on-line information and
the fact that the course became a requirement of a master’s curriculum.
Concrete IT technologies shapes our believes and be-
havior (Norman, 1988; Norman, 1998) and in par-
ticular, the media affect the way of teaching (Post-
man, 1984). From an economic point of view, tech-
nological development determines (at least in part)
the role of countries in recent history. In particu-
lar the rise and fall of technological leadership de-
serves careful study (Nelson and Wright, 1992). In
fact, the degree of technological development of a
country seems to be influenced by the way in which
technology has been taught (see Section B of (Nel-
son and Wright, 1992)). So, the importance of the
role of cutting-edge technology courses is recognized
not only among economists and historians but also
among participants in educational meetings (Frank
and Waren, 1982):
One of the more difficult tasks in this era of
adopting curricula, is to keep a program cur-
rent with technology.
This paper analyzes the complete life-cycle (rise, sta-
bility and decline) of the course: Programming Work-
This work was supported by project 2009-SGR1137
of the Generalitat de Catalunya and grants TIN2012-37930
and TIN2007-66523 of the Spanish Government.
shop on Android Applications for Google Phones
(PWAAGP from now on). This course was a cutting-
edge technology course based on Android and Google
phones. It originates from a synergy between lec-
turers from Universitat Polit
ecnica de Catalunya and
Google. Due to the very special characteristics of
PWAAGP , the life of this course was short (Spring
2010-Spring 2013). Lecturers experienced such a
course as an exciting (sometimes exhausting) expe-
rience in a highly volatile environment and they view
its evolution as a personal challenge. The purpose of
this paper is then to explain why the authors believe
that such a course has necessarily a short life-cycle
life and that its fall is not a failure of the organizers
but a consequence of the intrinsic nature of the course.
Moreover, it is claimed that many of the situations en-
countered in PWAAGP are common to any other IT
cutting-edge technology courses.
To the best of our knowledge, there is information
about the life-cycle of various teaching approaches
using IT technologies as tools (Bryan, 2013). How-
ever, information about the natural life-cycle of
courses on IT cutting-edge technologies is scarce.
J. Blesa M., Duch A., Gabarró J. and J. Serna M..
The Life Cycle of a Cutting-edge Technology Course - A Coaching Experience on Android.
DOI: 10.5220/0004841301590166
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 159-166
ISBN: 978-989-758-021-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Nowadays it is well established that universities
should be a driving force for innovation. A technical
university is a living and multi-headed organization
and a fundamental issue to considered is how it deals
with cutting-edge technologies and what is the role it
should play in their standardization.
Aware of this fundamental need a team of lectur-
ers (belonging to the ALBCOM research group of the
Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Inform
of the Universitat Polit
ecnica de Catalunya decided to
participate in Google’s AndroidEDU EMEA program
(AndroidEDU EMEA, 2013) in November 2009.
Google launched a call for project proposals to univer-
sities through its AndroidEDU EMEA program (An-
droidEDU EMEA, 2013), the aim of this program
was to promote the development of teaching expe-
riences using the Android operating system for mo-
bile phones. To participate in this program, a uni-
versity site had to submit a proposal for the devel-
opment of an innovative system in mobile engineer-
ing that, requiring a limited number of mobile smart
phones, could be addressed to a broad audience. The
proposed system should also be scalable, and the pro-
posal should promote the practical teaching of com-
puter science issues for students.
The proposal submitted by the authors of this pa-
per was one of the selected ones, and to facilitate
its implementation Google donated 20 smart phones
to the Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes In-
atics of the Universitat Polit
ecnica de Catalunya.
This is the origin of the Programming work-
shop on Android applications for Google Phones
(PWAAGP ). Due to the special typology of both the
topic and the students, this course had a life-cycle dif-
ferent from regular technical courses.
This course is used as an example of a focused
cutting-edge technology course with the belief that
the experience obtained on this course is applicable
to other similar cases. It is also claimed here that a
main characteristic of this kind of courses is that they
have a very short life-cycle that corresponds to the
time needed by the technology to spread and become
The life-cycle of this course is characterized into
three shorter periods that are called rise, stability and,
decline (or fall) and that follow the progression of
Android from cutting-edge IT technology towards its
market take-up.
The PWAAGP course started as an extra curricular
subject that could be taken by students from differ-
ent majors or specialties. The quota of students in the
workshop was restricted by the number of phones we
had. PWAAGP was a 4-ECTS
very practical course
that required from enrolled students to have a good
knowledge of Java programming language and a good
general knowledge of algorithms and data structures.
The course ran for ten weeks, and it was scheduled so
that every week a new topic is explained through var-
ious examples and putting special emphasis in their
implementation. Every week, the complexity of the
issues treated was gradually increased.
Having these premises in mind, we fixed the
course contents as described in the following subsec-
tion. Those contents conformed the main elementary
fundamentals on which an application (or App) can be
implemented. Although the contents remained almost
fixed over time, that was not the case for the teaching
strategy and methodology used. Conditioned by how
the profile of the students was changing, and by how
the technology was getting popular, we had to adapt
the way those contents were taught and, consequently,
they way the students were evaluated.
3.1 Contents
The first session was dedicated to the installation of
the programming environment and all the develop-
ment tools needed along the course. The applica-
tions and the widgets make up the highest layer in
the project architecture of the Android system. The
second session of the course explored the structure of
these applications and presented more advanced wid-
gets (e.g., static and dynamic lists). The topic of the
third session was location. It included the embedded
use of the GPS, together with the use of some hybrid
web applications combining maps with other types of
information. Session four introduced the SQLite, the
small and powerful SQL database engine included in
Android. SQLite is also used in PHP, iPhone, Skype,
Mozilla Firefox, etc.).
Android inherits the threads directly from the Java
programming language. Threads allow the execution
of several tasks in parallel. This feature is especially
useful when programming mobile phones, where of-
ECTS states for European Credit Transfer System,
which is a standard for comparing the study attainment and
performance of students of higher education across the Eu-
ropean Union and other collaborating European countries.
One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS-credits that are
equivalent to 1500 1800 hours of study.
ten different activities are running at the same time
in the device. Threads also help on doing a more ef-
ficient and user-friendly management of the applica-
tions. Threads were addressed in session five.
The subject of session six is of particular im-
portance in Android: Intents and Remote Proce-
dure Calls. These effective inter-process communi-
cation mechanisms increase the modularity and inde-
pendence of the processes run by the applications, and
facilitates the reuse and replacement of components.
In addition to its basic utility as phoning device,
smartphones are also used as mobile devices to access
the Internet. The seventh session was dedicated to the
study of external communications by means of the
WebKit browser, HTTP connections, web services,
and Bluetooth. Some fundamental aspects of the
graphic libraries in Android were introduced in the
eighth session. In session nine, the students learned
how to handle phone calls and messages while run-
ning other applications, and how to provide auto-
matic responses to SMS. As a natural conclusion to
the course, the last session was devoted to how to
publish an application on the (formerly called) An-
droid Market, renamed nowadays as Google Play App
Store (Google Play App Store, 2013). Often this ses-
sion was also used to have an invited talk from some-
one working in a mobile communications’ company.
That provided the students with real information, im-
pressions and feedback from the outside world and
allowed them to establish connections with the indus-
It is worth noting that this course was thought as a
general post-intermediate course in programming and
it was not planned for a wide audience. It is interest-
ing to compare the contents of this course with other
proposals. Consider for instance the topics covered
in (Muppala, 2011). Both courses cover roughly the
same topics, however in (Muppala, 2011) much more
emphasis is done in the real-time aspects.
3.2 Material
This course has used a significant amount of educa-
tional and support material, including electronic de-
vices, paper books and online material.
Google Phones. The AndroidEDU Program from
Google awarded our course proposal with 10 phones
Android Dev 1, and 10 mobile Phone Nexus
One (HTC G1, 2013; Nexus One, 2013) (see Fig-
ure 1). The Android Dev Phone 1 was a variant of the
HTC T-Mobile G1 designed exclusively as a tool for
application developers to Google’s Android OS. Both
phones run on Android (1.0 Phone in Dev 1 and 2.2
(a) Android Dev Phone 1 (b) Nexus One
Figure 1: Smartphones provided by Google in 2009.
in Nexus One), have Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g), Bluetooth,
quadband GSM radio and USB. The storage ability is
considerably higher in the Nexus One (512MB RAM,
4 GB microSD card) than in the Dev Phone 1 (192MB
RAM, 1 GB microSD card) as well as its processing
power (1 GHz CPU vs. 528 MHz CPU).
Although the Android software development kit
(SDK) includes an acceptably good emulator, the stu-
dents found always very attractive and interesting the
possibility of having real smartphones in their hands
to test their applications. At the first editions of the
course, the provided smartphones were of the latest
technology (and therefore quite expensive) and they
were not yet available to the general public. By that
time, not many smartphones were available in the
market. That was a major plus for the course, since
the students were extremely interested in such a novel
hardware and showed themselves eager for knowing
how to program it using Android which, was also
something to discover by that time. However, as the
time passed, smartphones became more powerful and
popular. That happened relatively fast. In a short
time, namely three to four years, our smartphones be-
came old and the students themselves owned better
ones. Also Android established itself as an impor-
tant and well-known system and everyone had heard
about it at the later editions of the course. Thus, both
the hardware and the software involved in the course,
were gradually losing their attraction to the students.
Bibliography. At the first edition of the workshop,
there were very few books on Android. The following
ones were used:
M. Murphy. Beginning Android. Apress Ed. 2009
Z. Mednieks R. Rogers, J. Lombardo and G.
Blake Meike. Android Application Development.
O’Reilly Media Ed. 2009
Both are very practical, provide a good knowledge
of the Java programming language, and are very fo-
cused on the implementation. They include many dis-
cussions about the code of various applications, and
show how the efficiency of the programs can be im-
proved by gradually adapting them to consider the
specific restrictions imposed by limited memory and
battery life in mobile devices. An important fea-
ture of these two books is that the publishers offer
on the Internet the source code for all programs re-
ferred in them, so it is easy to access the code, to
test it, modify it and reuse it. In our opinion, they
remain still two of the best books to follow for teach-
ing Android. New editions of them exist (Murphy
and Allen, 2011; Rogers et al., 2010). Since 2009,
there was a burst of edited books and e-learning sup-
port material about Android on the Internet (guides,
videos, etc..). Among the recently appeared refer-
ences, it is worth mentioning (Haseman, 2008; Able-
son et al., 2009; Mednieks et al., 2012; Burnette,
2009; Ledford, 2009; Miller, 2008) because of the
quality of their contents.
Another essential online resource for this course
is the Google’s Android Developer’s guide (Android
Developers’ Guide, 2013). In 2009, this guide was
very scarce in contents and very chaotic, which made
it often difficult to find specific information. Nowa-
days, the guide is very complete and describes basi-
cally all what can be done with Android in a very well
organized way. The examples documented therein are
also very appropriate.
Website and Online Forum All the contents and
materials of the course, as well as projects from
previous editions of the course can be found at An online
forum for students and teachers can also be found.
3.3 Evaluation
The evaluation of the students was divided into two
parts: a part of continuous assessment and the evalua-
tion of a final project. Although these two parts were
always present, the way they were brought into prac-
tice had to be adapted because the profile of the stu-
dents, the technology and the relation between them
both, changed in the meanwhile.
Apart from introducing our students to Android,
this course was aimed for enhancing them to other im-
portant abilities. For example, to work in groups, to
develop a big project in a continuous and progressive
way, to discuss troubles and their solutions, to brain-
storm, to defend their work in English to a wider audi-
ence, to promote their work in social media platforms,
etc. For working up these goals into practice, students
were always asked to work in 2-3 people teams.
Continuous Assessment. At the end of each ses-
sion, a programming exercise was left as homework
to be solved for the next session. In order to provide
the students with a general overview of the different
parts conforming a non-trivial Android application,
the exercise left as homework one week was, as far
as possible, an extension of the one from the previ-
ous week. At every session, one team presented how
did they solved the homework, and their solution was
discussed among all the other students and teachers.
For evaluating this part, it was weekly taken into
account how the homework was done, how did the
students publicaly present their solutions to their col-
leagues, and also their ability to discuss and defend
their solutions to the problems found.
Final Projects. The students were also asked to
develop a final project. The final projects were of
greater difficulty than the exercises performed along
the course, and each team is assigned with a differ-
ent one. Usually the final projects were proposed by
the lecturers, although we exceptionally agreed some-
times on projects proposed by students. The teams
had approximately two months to work on them. Dur-
ing that time no more pressential sessions of the work-
shop were scheduled.
For the evaluation of the final project, the students
had to provide the programming code of the devel-
oped application, and a technical report about it. They
also had to make a public oral presentation of their
project in which they explained to their colleagues
how they designed and programmed their application,
which problems they found, how they solved them,
etc. In that presentation, they also had to show that
their application was properly installed and success-
fully running in their phones. In the first editions
of the course, the students were also asked to film a
video in which they promoted their application to a
broader audience. Those videos are available in an
dedicated channel on YouTube. All the material to be
evaluated had to be in English.
We briefly explain below some of the projects un-
dertaken to date. More information about them and
all the other projects can be found at the website of
the course.
Our city, Barcelona, is a metropolis with more
than 1.5 million inhabitants, within a urban area of
4.5 million people. Moreover, it gets around 7 million
tourists every year. That was always an inspiring sce-
nario for us when thinking about projects to propose
to the students. The proposed projects were aimed
to help, by means of the mobile technology, manage
some important city services as, for example, the bike
rental service, car parking, car sharing, taxi finder,
etc., and supporting and promoting the tourism. It
is worth to highlight that most of the Apps resulting
from these projects were a big novelty by the time
they were developed, e.g.:
gBicing. The Bicing system for bike rentals has
been a quite successful idea that has considerably
increased the mobility within Barcelona in an eco-
logical and sustainable way. This application al-
lows to manage in real time the location and oc-
cupancy of the Bicing’s bike stations.
Easy Parking. This application helps the user to
find it by means of the GPS coordinates of the car
location and the use of Google Maps. When shar-
ing the car with friends, the application gives the
possibility to determine whether the car is avail-
able and an estimation of the time to retrieve it.
Furthermore, this application allows to reserve the
car for a period of time.
Guide and vote. This application guides the user
along his visit to a site and the several points-
of-interest in it. Each point of interest is ranked
according to the interest of its previous visitors.
Once visited, the user can also vote himself.
Another type of projects were those implementing in-
teractive games. Projects implementing some games
were always welcomed by the students. They were
always aimed to be played by a group of people and
in a distributed way, which is quite of a novelty. E.g.:
Distributed Tetris. Tetris is probably the most
popular puzzle video game ever. This applica-
tion allows to play Tetris in a distributed way by
using radio-based communication. Not only one,
but several players play the same game against the
machine, and so they share the same board and
have full information about the game.
In this section, the three phases detected in the life-
cycle of the PWAAGP course are described. They
define the natural evolution of the course along six
semesters, with a total amount of hundred student in-
scribed in it.
4.1 Phase 1: Rise
Covers the period from Spring 2010 to Fall 2010.
Starts with the participation in the AndroidEDU
EMEA program. It is offered as an elective subject
opened to all undergraduate students. This period has
its own sociological points.
Lecturers, most of them teaching programming
courses, are far from to be familiar with An-
droid. They aim to socialize Android (open code)
as an alternative to the Apple-iPhone perspective.
There are very few books and the web pages are
incomplete and change quickly. As information is
difficult to obtain, lecturers introduce the material
in formal lectures. The amount of work required
to prepare a lecture is significant.
Students don’t have smart phones. They appre-
ciate very much the opportunity to work with a
real mobile phone (provided by the university).
The class-group is quite heterogeneous contain-
ing computer science and telecommunications en-
gineers. Students are highly motivated and be-
come good friends. The relationship between
computer scientists and telecommunications en-
gineers is excellent. Some students believe that
good skills in Android can help them find inter-
esting jobs.
Relationship between students and lecturers is
very good. Students accept quite well the limited
Android capabilities of the lecturers to teach some
topics or to solve some specific problem. They
are very collaborative and help to solve problems.
The chat of the course is a fundamental commu-
nication channel.
The evaluation is project oriented. The project is
proposed at the end of the training process. As the
project is ”something new” it involves an impor-
tant amount of extra work.
4.2 Phase 2: Stability
Covers the period from Spring 2011 to Fall 2011.
PWAAGP is also offered as an elective subject.
As web information and books about Android be-
come more popular, regular lectures become less
and less important. Students continue to be highly
motivated. Slowly they become much more in-
dependent of the formal lectures and autonomous
learning becomes more and more important. For-
mal lectures begin to disappear because students
find them redundant. The role of the lecturers shift
to the organizational aspects of the course.
4.3 Phase 3: Decline
Corresponds to the period from Spring 2012 to Spring
2013. Many factors contribute to the decline of this
course. First of all the smart phones become a com-
modity. Getting information about Android is much
more easy. For instance, several student associations
offer Android courses. On the other hand, as it was a
“successful” course, the lecturers were asked to adapt
it to the standard continuous evaluation of optional
courses so as to integrate it in the near future in a
master curricula. The course was lately offered as a
elective course in a computer science master degree.
Formal lectures disappear because most students
find them redundant. The role of lecturers become
mostly supervising. The course is reorganized as
lab sessions. The session assignments are highly
guided. Less free-room for creativity.
Evaluation continues to be project oriented. The
project is cut in small parts and the different parts
have to be completed along the course. At the
end of the course only an integration remains to
be done. The number of good projects fall rather
The grades of the students in each term have an impor-
tant correlation with the three stages of the life-cycle
of this course, as seen in Table 1.
Rise. One can see in the first two rows of Table 1
that most of the enrolled students have completed the
final project with excellent results, very few of them
did not work as expected and for unknown reasons
some of them abandoned the course (the lecturers sus-
pect that this was due to the significant workload re-
quired). Given these results and the feedback received
from the students of these two editions of the course it
can be said that they had a positive overall assessment
of the course and in particular they:
found the course contents new and interesting,
liked to have teachers that guide the search for
knowledge more than experts in the field,
appreciated the research required by the subject,
found the support material good and appropriate,
appreciated the existence of weekly exercises,
agreed with the method of assessment,
enjoyed the final projects and found them interest-
ing and of appropriate difficulty and,
were convinced that the course provided useful
knowledge for their future careers.
In general, the results indicate, in our opinion, that
a high interest in the subject of study compensated
non-experienced lecturers and/or non-sophisticated
assessment mechanisms. For lecturers, the results ob-
served exceeded by far their expectations. First, stu-
dents were much more proactive and motivated than
they usually are in other more conventional courses,
which resulted in student projects of high quality, both
in their contents and in their presentation. Second,
there was an interesting change of role for the lec-
turers, who were acting as a learning coaches rather
than as conventional lecturers. Third, the use of new
technologies in this workshop brought new insights
to classical computer science contents such as algo-
rithmic schemes and data structures. In view of the
results obtained, new technologies have shown to be
a very useful motivating element for teaching that,
in our opinion, is still unexploited. This experience
forced us to take new positions and educational chal-
lenges. From the viewpoint of the university, this
course give us the opportunity to develop university-
industry relations.
Stability. The third and fourth rows of Table 1 (in
sepia) correspond to the results of what was called
the stability phase. In contrast with the results of the
rise phase, almost all the students have excellent fi-
nal projects–specially in the edition of Fall 2011, so
that, it is impossible to grade any of them with hon-
ors (MH) since it was impossible to distinguish a best
project among all of them. For the whole phase, only
one student failed and six of them dropped-out. How-
ever, even if in Fall 2011 there is a peak in students
performance, they were not as motivated as before.
For lecturers these symptoms suggested that the
course workload was heavy and did not correspond
to the number of credits students were granted. At
this point, lecturers decided to change the evaluation
method and the course entered in its decline phase.
Decline. Instead of grading a big final project at the
end of the term, lecturers decided to grade, the con-
tinuous development of a single project (the same for
all students) that was appropriately divided in mod-
ules to be delivered weekly. The notes of the students
when this evaluation method was just established cor-
responds to Row 5 in Table 1 (the first in brown).
There it can be seen clearly that the notes are divided
into two groups: the students that performed the min-
imum effort just to pass the course and the ones that
were really motivated and wanted to obtain the max-
imum grade. And this marked the end of the course
since in Fall 2012 it was not offered and in Spring
2013 it became an optional master course, only 5 stu-
dents enrolled and their interest was very limited, as
shown in the last row of Table 1.
What has been discussed so far is a six semester ex-
perience with a course on Android as an example of
Table 1: Statistics of the PWAAGP course. In each column it is reported the number of students that obtained the corre-
sponding grade (going from sufficient (S) to honors (MH).
teaching cutting-edge technologies. Although this ex-
perience was influenced by particular circumstances
depending on the prevailing university context, tim-
ings, students, and work team, one can extract the fol-
lowing lessons:
Lesson 1. Technical Universities Should Play a
Role in the Dissemination of Cutting-edge Tech-
nologies. Nowadays it is well-acknowledged that
universities are expected to collaborate with leading
firms in technology-transfer projects and public funds
are usually available to this end. Cutting-edge tech-
nologies courses are a great opportunity to achieve
this kind of collaboration and to promote the dis-
semination of new technologies. This collaboration
is advantageous for universities because they can get
free access to equipment, motivation for its students
and lecturers, social visibility, and so on. Leading
companies also benefit from cutting edge technology
courses, since they get, among other things, feed-
back on products from researchers and good students,
new and fresh ideas and proposals (from course pro-
totypes), adept future engineers and public visibility.
Lesson 2. Universities Should Provide Flexible
Structures to Include Short Life-cycle Courses.
Our experience shows that the benefits of early adop-
tion of technology are substantial but returns dimin-
ish rather quickly. Many universities (e.g., ours)
have convoluted procedures for curriculum change—
elaborate proposals, fixed and infrequent submission
deadlines, several committees. It will be difficult to
bring cutting-edge technology in the classroom un-
less some sort of ad-hoc technology-adoption policy
that makes short life-cycle subjects easier to approve,
implement and update is put in place.
Lesson 3. Lecturers Should Watch for Challenging
Teaching Opportunities. From Lessons 1 and 2,
it is a natural consequence that the right way to in-
troduce cutting-edge technologies courses maintain-
ing their dynamism is bottom-up. Therefore it corre-
sponds to lecturers and leading technological firms to
look for collaboration opportunities with the goal of
disseminating promising technologies.
Lesson 4. Cutting-edge Technology Courses Are
Extremely Dynamic. In Spring 2010, Android was
emerging as a new operating system and at that time
it could be considered as a cutting-edge technology
but after three short years it was no longer the case.
Now, Android is, a standard operating system (in fact,
the most used) for smartphones, tablets, smart TVs
. This standardization was accompanied by several
factors: (a) The phones received quickly became ob-
solete and, soon, students began to own their own
phones; (b) courses on Android mushroomed in inter-
net, companies and, academies; (c) Abundant infor-
mation became available in several formats (books,
web-pages, web-sites, etc.); (d) Several companies
developing mobile applications emerged; and (e), Be-
ing proficient in Android passed from being a plus to
being a requirement.
Lesson 5. A Life-cycle Appears to Exist. As
shown in this paper, in only six editions the course
completed its life-cycle. One can see that this life-
cycle matched the evolution of Android from cutting-
edge to a market standard. In fact, this case suggests
that the life-cycle of college courses that introduce a
cutting-edge technology is linked to the progression
of the technology towards its market take-up. The
claim is that cutting-edge technology courses should
form part of college curricula, but always being aware
that their life-cycle is short and dictated by the stan-
dardization of the technology.
Lesson 6. Motivation Changes. During the rise
phase of this course, Google was keen on the dis-
semination of Android among college students, the
students were highly motivated and well-disposed to
learn and committed substantial amount of time to
this purpose. Lecturers were motivated also by, both,
the challenges of learning and teaching Android and
the commitment of students. This situation was kept
for a couple of semesters until students ceased to see
this knowledge as an advantage (for instance for get-
ting a job). and became less inclined to follow the
guide of teachers who couldn’t keep up with the pace
of that technology. From the lecturers point of view,
updating course contents from one semester to the
next, involved a substantial amount of work that had a
modest lasting value, minor recognition from the uni-
versity and, at the end, no recognition from students.
An experience teaching a course on Android appli-
cations for Google Phones is presented. The course
originated from the AndroidEDU program at 2009
providing an interesting interplay between the univer-
sity and private IT firms as Google.
This course exhibited three stages: rise, stability
and fall. The experience spanned six semesters, coin-
ciding with the introduction, expansion and popular-
ization of Android as a cutting-edge technology. The
lessons learned along this period are summarized in a
previous section.
The last stage of this course (accompanied with
a loss of students’ interest) has been attributed to a
life-cycle that coincides with the standardization of
cutting edge technologies, in this case of the Android
system. Although this is a possible conclusion sup-
ported by the development of the course, other alter-
natives, such as lecturers’ choices and actions taken
to change and adapt the course to the new environ-
ment, may also explain the phenomenon. In such a
case several open questions arise: how should lec-
turers and course designers adapt to the transforma-
tion of a cutting edge technology into a mainstream
one? How should universities accompany this pro-
cess? What role should IT firms play?
Although not conclusive, student assessments
support the main features of the life-cycle. In the
future, more accurate student assessments should be
designed and applied for the duration of the course in
order to be conclusive.
It is also claimed, that the life-cycle described in
this work is common to every cutting edge technol-
ogy course, but, a comparison with other cutting edge
technologies courses is still to be done. This effort
may be supported by knowledge on diffusion of inno-
vations (Rogers, 2003).
One of the assets of the experience here described
is the integrative nature of the contents of this course
(also noted by (Muppala, 2011)) it remains to be ex-
plored how similar integrative benefits can be brought
into main stream courses and with types of content.
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