Evaluation of Concept Importance in Concept Maps Mined
from Lecture Notes
Computer Vs Human
Thushari Atapattu, Katrina Falkner and Nickolas Falkner
School of Computer Science, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
Keywords: Concept Map Mining, Concept Importance, Lecture Notes, Evaluation Methodology.
Abstract: Concept maps are commonly used tools for organising and representing knowledge in order to assist
meaningful learning. Although the process of constructing concept maps improves learners’ cognitive
structures, novice students typically need substantial assistance from experts. Alternatively, expert-
constructed maps may be given to students, which increase the workload of academics. To overcome this
issue, automated concept map extraction has been introduced. One of the key limitations is the lack of an
evaluation framework to measure the quality of machine-extracted concept maps. At present, researchers in
this area utilise human experts’ judgement or expert-constructed maps as the gold standard to measure the
relevancy of extracted knowledge components. However, in the educational context, particularly in course
materials, the majority of knowledge presented is relevant to the learner, resulting in a large amount of
information that has to be organised. Therefore, this paper introduces a machine-based approach which
studies the relative importance of knowledge components and organises them hierarchically. We compare
machine-extracted maps with human judgment, based on expert knowledge and perception. This paper
describes three ranking models to organise domain concepts. The results show that the auto-generated map
positively correlates with human judgment (r
~1) for well-structured courses with rich grammar (well-fitted
Concept mapping is recognised as a valuable
educational visualisation technique, which assists
students in organising, sharing and representing
knowledge. Concept maps model knowledge so that
it can be expressed externally using set of concepts
and propositions (Novak and Gowin, 1984). These
concepts are organised in a hierarchy with the most
general concept at the top and the most specific
concepts arranged below (Coffey et al., 2003).
Based on the Assimilation theory (Ausubel et al.,
1978), this externally expressible concept map is
utilised to improve human learning, by integrating
newly learned concepts and propositions into
existing cognitive structures. Concept maps have
been widely used in the educational context,
particularly in identifying misconceptions and
knowledge gaps, conceptual changes and being
utilised as “advance organisers” (Novak and Gowin,
1984), and externalising mental models (Chang,
However, ‘construct-by-self’, where students are
responsible for creating their own concept maps,
introduces a substantial difficulty for novice students
to correctly identify concepts, relations and hence,
requires continuous assistance from academic staff.
A common alternative is to provide students with
maps constructed by human experts (expert maps),
placing additional load and intellectual commitment
on academic staff.
Although constructing a concept map for a
lecture is a one-off process, it needs to be updated
continuously, to cope with the changing nature of
knowledge. However, due to the lack of human
awareness of knowledge representations and a
general preference for writing informal sentences
over creating network models, concept maps are not
yet widely used for learning.
Therefore, recent efforts in this area work toward
semi- or fully automated approaches to extract
concept maps from text (called concept map
mining), with the aim of providing useful
educational tools with minimal human intervention
Atapattu T., Falkner K. and Falkner N..
Evaluation of Concept Importance in Concept Maps Mined from Lecture Notes - Computer Vs Human.
DOI: 10.5220/0004842300750084
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 75-84
ISBN: 978-989-758-020-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(Olney et al., 2012); (Alves et al., 2002); (Chen et
al., 2008). However, a significant problem in
concept map extraction is the lack of an evaluation
framework to measure the quality of machine-
extracted concept maps (Villalon and Calvo, 2008).
At present researchers rely upon human efforts to
evaluate machine-extracted concept maps either
through manual judgement or comparison with
expert maps.
The majority of works in this area focus on the
performance of automated tools using the popular
metrics - precision and recall. These forms of
measurement evaluate whether the machine
extracted concepts and relations are relevant.
However, in the educational context, particularly in
course materials, the majority of knowledge
presented is relevant to the learner, resulting in large
part of lectures or textbooks being retrieved and
identified for knowledge organisation (Atapattu et
al., 2012). But, according to the definition of
concept maps, a concept map should be an
overview, which organises most important
knowledge according to learning objectives (Novak
and Gowin, 1984). Hence, the aim of this paper is to
discuss a machine-based evaluation technique which
studies the relative importance of knowledge,
focusing beyond the simple measure of relevancy.
Current instructional methods widely support
verbal learning through linear and sequential
learning materials. The literature provides
inadequate research to assist transforming linearity
of resources into network models such as semantic
networks and concept maps. Our approach takes the
work that has already been invested in producing
legible slides and focus on extracting useful
knowledge that are beneficial for both the teacher
and the learner. This will be an increasingly
important research topic in the decade of Massive
Open Online Courses (MOOCs). This paper
provides a concise overview of our concept map
extraction approach using Natural Language
Processing (NLP) algorithms.
In this paper, we hypothesize that the natural
presentation layout, linguistic or structural features
might influence the human expert’s judgement of
relative concept importance. We developed three
ranking models: 1) Baseline methods which use the
natural layout of lecture slides (e.g. titles are the
most important, sub-points are the least important);
2) Linguistic features such as grammatical structure
of English text; and 3) Structural features such as
proximity, number of incoming and outgoing
connections, and degree of co-occurrence. We
compare each of these models with human
judgement using Spearman’s ranking correlation
coefficient (r
). According to the results (Section 5),
outcome of the structural feature model positively
correlates with human judgment. There is a strong
correlation (r
> 0.7) for well summarised courses
with rich grammar (i.e. well-fitted content). The
correlation ranges from well-fitted to ill-fitted
proportionally with respect to the quality and
structure of the content. Lecture notes with some
potential issues, including excessive information,
category headings (e.g. key points, chapter 1),
confusing visual idioms and ambiguous sentences
(i.e. ill-fitted content) result in poor machine
interpretation and hence, poor correlation with
human judgement.
The concept map extraction, particularly from
course materials, is beneficial for both students and
educators. It organises and represents knowledge
scattered throughout multiple topics. These maps
can be used as an assessment tool (Villalon and
Calvo 2008, Gouli et al., 2004) to identify
understanding about concepts and relations.
Additionally, these concept maps can be used as an
intelligent suggester” to recommend concepts,
propositions, and existing concept maps from the
web (Leake et al., 2004). In the educational context,
these maps can provide scaffolding aid for students
to construct their own concept maps. Students learn
better when they are encouraged to fill in blank links
(relations) rather than blank nodes (concepts)
(Maass and Pavlik, 2013). Concept mapping has also
been utilised widely in question generation (Olney et
al., 2012) and question answering (Dali et al., 2009).
The preliminary concept maps extracted from this
research can also be extended as an ontology for
domain modelling in intelligent systems (Starr and
Oliveira, 2013).
This paper includes a background study of
various concept map mining evaluation techniques
in Section 2. In Section 3 and 4, we discuss about
our core research of concept map mining from
lecture notes and ranking model respectively. We
evaluate our approach with human experts and
present results and analysis in Section 5 and our
study is concluded in Section 6.
The evaluation of the quality of machine-extracted
knowledge representations is a challenging and
tedious task. This can categorised into three
dimensions as structural, semantic and comparative
evaluation (Zouaq and Nkabou, 2009). In the
concept mapping perspective, assigning scores to
extracted elements such as concepts and relations
can be classified as structural evaluation. In a
traditional scoring system, 1 point is assigned for a
valid proposition, 5 points for each level of adopted
hierarchies, and 10 points for cross-links (Novak and
and Gowin, 1984). Although, the scoring technique
provides information about creator’s knowledge
structure, this technique is time-consuming when
assessing large-scale maps (Coffey et al., 2003).
In semantic evaluations, human experts are
involved in judging the validity of machine-
extracted maps. These types of studies are affected
by the subjective judgment of human experts.
Therefore, an average agreement among participants
(inter-rater agreement) is compared with human-to-
machine agreement. Generally, machine extractions
are acceptable when human-to-machine agreement
is equal or higher than inter-rater agreement
(Hearst, 2000). Other research utilises expert-
constructed maps as a gold standard to compare with
machine-extracted maps (Villalon and Calvo, 2008).
It is uncertain of the objective behind generating
concept maps from computer algorithms in the
presence of already constructed expert maps.
In comparative analysis, the machine-extracted
concept maps are compared with other tools, which
are built for the same purpose and test using the
same corpus. TEXT-TO-ONTO is a popular
ontology extraction tool. It is compared with
TEXCOMON (Text-Concept map-Ontology) that
automatically extracts concept maps from text
(Zouaq and Nkabou, 2009). In order to use the
comparative evaluation, other tools should exist
which are built for same purpose. We demonstrate
our approach using Microsoft PowerPoint
Framework (as a commonly used lecture note
format), although our approach is not constrained to
PowerPoint but generalises across any common
lecture note formats such as OpenOffice, Latex, and
Apple Key note with a structured template for
headers and text. To the best of our knowledge, there
are no existing tools which do this.
However, despite the benefits to the educational
context, state of art studies focused on concept
existence, and not their relative importance. Our
work adapts several structural features (e.g.
proximity, incoming and outgoing links) (Leake
et al., 2004) and graph-based metrics (e.g. degree)
(Zouaq et al., 2012) to rank the concepts according
to their importance. However, we also use linguistic
features, semantic information and the association
between terms to mimic the human judgment using
machine algorithms. This resolves syntactically and
semantically incomplete information in lecture notes
which recognised as a key challenge in applying
computer algorithms to semi-structured lecture
Our core research focus is on extracting useful
knowledge as concept maps (concept map mining)
from educational materials, particularly from lecture
notes. Current concept map mining techniques rely
upon informational retrieval techniques (e.g. vector
space model, C-value/ NC-value), linguistic-based
approaches (e.g. part-of-speech tagging, language
models) or hybrid models (Frantzi et al., 2000).
Information retrieval approaches suffer from
probable semantic loss. Although linguistic-based
techniques address this issue and extract nouns as
semantic concepts, nouns may be present that are not
semantic concepts in that particular domain. In order
to overcome these issues, studies based on linguistic
techniques utilise external dictionaries and
thesaurus. However, these types of external
resources are very limited for specific domains such
as Computer Science.
Therefore, our work utilises NLP algorithms to
extract concepts, relations using syntactic parsing
and part-of-speech tagging. We rank extracted
concepts using statistical features such as term
frequency, degree of co-occurrence, proximity (see
Figure 1).
Figure 1: Overview of concept map extraction process.
As shown in Figure 1, our system relies on the use
of the lecture notes presented as set of slides.
Therefore, it is capable of extracting rich text
features such as underline, font color and highlights
and type of text such as a title, bullet point, and sub-
point. Lecture notes frequently contain noisy data
such as course announcements and assignment
details that are irrelevant for a knowledge
representation. The system detects and resolves them
automatically by utilising co-occurrence between
domain-related and unrelated topics. For example, if
course title is co-occurred with some terms in body
text, that pair of terms has strong relation with the
domain, and hence recognised as a domain-specific
Lecture slides occasionally contain incomplete
and ambiguous English sentences for machine
interpretation. Therefore, it is challenging to apply
NLP algorithms to extract knowledge from lecture
slides. We implemented a contextual model which
automatically replaces syntactically and
semantically missing entities (e.g. subjects or objects
of sentences). Our initial research also focused on
resolving pronouns (e.g. it, their) and demonstrative
determiners (e.g. these, this) using a backward
search approach (under review).
In contrast to other related works in literature
(Chen et al., 2008), which has no relation labels
among extracted concepts, our work generates
concept-relation-concept triplets by analysing
subject-verb-object (SVO) in English sentences. We
utilise the link grammar parser developed by CMU
to extract SVO in English sentences and applied the
greedy approach to the remaining text to identify
key terms using part-of-speech tags. The extracted
key terms are ranked using the approach discussed
in Section 4.
The extracted concepts and relationships are
arranged according to their importance, which
produces a CXL (Concept map extensible language)
file which can be directly exported to IHMC cmap
for visualisation (Figure 2).
Figure 2: An example of an extracted concept map from
‘process’ topic of Operating system course.
In order to construct a high quality concept map,
both domain knowledge and hierarchy are equally
significant (Novak and Canas, 2006). This section
discusses three candidate models which arrange
concepts by their importance.
4.1 Baseline Model
Our knowledge source (i.e. lecture slides) contains a
natural layout of presentation title, slide headings,
bullet points, and enumerated sub-points. Therefore,
one can argue that this layout can directly transfer to
a hierarchy. To validate this assumption, we
implemented a baseline model by integrating ‘text
location’ in lecture slides (Table 1).
Hypothesis I: Text location allocated by the natural
layout of presentation slides might influence human
judgment of which concepts are most important
Table 1: concept importance by location.
Location Rank
Title 3
Bullet statement 2
Sub-point 1
However, a concept can occur in multiple locations.
In order to select the most suitable location for such
concepts, we implemented a “link-distance
algorithm” which can be found in our previous work
(Atapattu et al, 2012).
4.2 Linguistic Feature Model
First, we used the greedy approach to extract nouns
and noun phrases using part-of-speech tags
(Atapattu et al., 2012). Although, this approach is
efficient for extracting isolated nouns or noun
phrases, we found it difficult to extract phrases
joined by prepositions (e.g. of, for,in) and
conjunctions (e.g. and, or).Therefore, we developed
a new approach using the link grammar parser of
, which produces syntactic parse trees (Figure
It is straightforward to extract nouns (leaf nodes)
or noun phrases (pre-terminal which is one level
above leaf). This approach outperforms the first
method and hence, solves the preposition and
conjunction issue.
Our hypothesis is based on the recommendation
of using the smallest number of words for a concept
(Novak and Canas, 2006).
Figure 3: Syntactic parser tree of an example English
Hypothesis II: Simple grammatical structures
(nouns, noun phrases) of Lecture slides might have
higher influence than complex grammatical
structures (nested sentences, dependent clauses,
indirect objects) for human judgment of which
concepts are most important
Table 2 shows our ranking based on grammatical
Table 2: Concept importance by grammatical structure;
NP: noun phrase, PP: prepositional phrase, S: sentence,
VP: verb phrase (see all tags in http://bulba.
Feature Example grammatical structure Rank
(NP (NNP Advantage))
(PP (IN of)
(NP (NN unit) (NN testing))))
(NP (NNP Process))
(VP (VBZ is)
(NP (NN program))
(PP (IN in)
(NP (NN execution))))))
(NP (DT A) (NN software) (NN
(VP (VBZ is)
(NP (NP (DT a) (NN set))
(PP (IN of)
(ADJP (RB partially) (VBN
(NNS activities))
(CC and)
(NP (NP (JJ associated) (NNS
(SBAR (WHNP (WDT that))
(VP (VBP produce)
(CC or) (VBP maintain)
(NP (DT a) (NN software) (NN
As shown in Table 2, complex sentences contain
nested sentences (S), clauses (SBAR) and
conjunctions (CC). Therefore, we assume these
sentences contain definitions or elaborations rather
than the abstract concepts of a knowledge
representation. Verb phrase (VP) is the remaining
grammatical structure which is usually nested with a
verb (or multiple verbs) and a noun phrase. We
usually extract NPs from verb phrases.
4.3 Structural Feature Model
In the third candidate model, we integrate some
structural features (e.g. incoming, outgoing links and
proximity) which have already been proposed in
Zouaq et al., 2012 and Leake et al., 2004 and new
distributional features (e.g. typography and co-
occurrence) that are unique to presentation
Hypothesis III: Structural (Incoming and outgoing
links, proximity) and distributional (term frequency,
degree of co-occurrence, typography) features might
influence the human judgment of which concepts are
most important
Log Frequency Weight
The system counts the occurrence of nouns or noun
phrases and normalises the term frequency (t
(Atapattu et al., 2012). This value is significant than
typical term frequency measure used in information
retrieval applications since our ‘terms’ are restricted
to nouns or noun phrases.
= log (1+ t
) (1)
Incoming and Outgoing Links (I/O links)
We keep track of the number of incoming (n
) and
outgoing (n
) connections for each node. The ‘root’
node contains only outgoing links and leaf nodes
contain only incoming links. Those that have more
outgoing than incoming are identifies as of greater
These metrics are significant to demonstrate
disjoint nodes from central concept map. Our system
provides this information as a conceptual feedback
for teachers. This feedback can be used to reflect on
whether their expert structures have been transferred
successfully to teaching material. If not, students
struggle to organise disjoint information into their
knowledge structures since there is no relation
between new and existing information (paper under
= n
= n
Degree of Co-occurrence
Our hypothesis is ‘if two key terms co-occur in many
slides (equals to pages in other documents), it is
assumed that those two terms have a strong relation
and hence, can be chosen as domain concepts. To
measure the degree of co-occurrence, we use the
Jaccard coefficient, a statistical measure which
compares the similarity of two sample sets.
In order to measure the degree of co-occurrence
between term t
and term t
, first calculate the
number of slides, that t
and t
co-occurs. This is
denoted as | n
|. Then calculate the number of
slides the term t
|), t
|) occurs. The degree of
co-occurrence of t
and t
is denoted by J (t
, t
) is,
This value is utilised as a key decisive factor for
noise detection since key terms such as
announcements, assignments have low degree of co-
occurrence with other domain concepts.
Lecture slides often contain emphasised texts (e.g.
different font color, underline) to illustrate their
importance in the given domain. We introduced a
probability model to select candidate concepts using
their level of emphasis. According to the proposed
model, terms which contain infrequent styles are
allocated higher weights. More information of this
work can be found in Atapattu et al., 2012.
We consider the ‘lecture topic’ as the root (or central
concept) of concept map. Therefore, we hypothesise
the concepts that have a higher proximity to the root
are expected to be more important than those with
lower proximity (Leake et al., 2004). We denote the
proximity weight (Wp) by calculating the number of
nodes (d
) from root to participating node
Generally, a concept map with 15 to 25 nodes is
sufficient to assist learning while not providing an
overwhelming amount of information (Novak and
Canas, 2006). Thus, the aim of introducing a
ranking model is to construct a conceptual overview
with the most important domain knowledge from the
lecture notes.
We conducted experiments with domain experts
(lecturers) to study their judgment of concept
importance in their lecture notes. These data are then
compared with the machine predictions to assess the
accuracy of the auto-generated concept maps.
Seven computer science courses across different
Undergraduate levels (1
year, 2
year, 3
year and
year) were selected. These courses contain a
combination of content types such as text, program
codes, mathematical notations, tables and images.
The seven courses chosen were Introductory
programming (IP), Algorithm design and data
structures (ADDS), Object oriented programming
(OOP) (level 1); Software Engineering (SE) (level
2); Distributed systems (DS), Operating systems
(OS) (level 3); and Software Architecture (SA)
(level 4). Each participant was provided with
approximately 54 slides including one to three
topics. Tasks were designed to be completed within
30 to 45 minutes, with the variation due to how
recently the lecturer had been teaching the course.
Seven lecturers from the Computer Science
School volunteered to assist with the experiments.
They are the domain experts of selected topics who
have extensive experience in teaching the courses.
This study required participants to rate the domain
concepts according to their importance. The
judgment was expected to reflect personal opinions
based on their knowledge and perception. However,
we provided a few tips, such as how the importance
of a concept can be affected by the learning
outcome, course objective, and examination
perspective. These instructions did not have any
relation with the factors we considered in developing
our concept map extraction tool.
We provided colour pens and printed lecture
slides to the participants who preferred working in a
paper-based environment. The rest used their
computers or tablets to highlight the domain
concepts. The three rating scale given to the
participants consisted of ‘most important’,
‘important’, and ‘least important’ using three
colours ‘red’, ‘yellow’ and ‘green’ respectively.
Participants tended to rate single concepts as well as
noun phrases.
During the experiments, we did not show the
machine-extracted concept maps to the participants.
They only had access to the course lecture slides.
This could prevent any influence arising from
structure or layout of concept maps for the human
We developed a simple program to extract the
annotations of participants. A Java API for
Microsoft framework
was used to extract
highlighted texts. Using this approach, we extracted
678 concepts from 376 lecture slides. The average
number of concepts per slide was approximately 2.2
except in IP course. In IP, multiple slides repeated
the same content in animations. Therefore, in IP, the
average number of concepts per slide is 0.8.
The highlighted texts are categorised and sorted
based on their ranks from 3 to 1 (most important to
least important). Similarly, our system arranged
important concepts according to ranks assigned by
each candidate models.
In the baseline model, our ranking algorithm
allocated rank 3 for text located in titles (see Table
1) and 0 for concepts annotated by human, but not
retrieved by machine. The two rankings were
compared using ranking correlation coefficient and
results are presented in table 4. The correlation (r
) is
close to 0 for the majority of the courses except for
ADDS and SA. This implies there is no linear
correlation between human judgment of concept
importance and the natural layout of presentation
software. This causes us to question and reject the
original hypothesis that assumes most important,
important and least important concepts are located in
titles, bullet points and sub points respectively.
Therefore, the approach which utilises the natural
layout of lecture slides for knowledge organisation
does not produce an acceptable outcome (Ono et al.,
2011). Further, topic map extraction in Gantayat et
al., 2011 and Kinchin, 2006 should focus on fine-
grained course contents in addition to lecture
headings. The feedback obtained from lecturers
regarding concept importance is significant for
students. This implies layout of slides is not
overlapping with lecturer’s judgment of what is
more important in the lecture.
However, if we could expand the ranking to a
few other levels, we could expect a slightly more
positive correlation from the baseline model. This
occurs because the ranking model categorises
remaining concepts as false positive (rank=0) that
have not been ranked by human and false negative
(rank =0) that have not been retrieved by machine,
but annotated by human.
The linguistic feature model assumes the
grammatical structure of text (noun / phrases, simple
sentences and complex sentences) has an impact for
selecting candidate concepts. Similar to the baseline
model, this has assigned higher rank (rank = 3) for
noun or noun phrases and lower rank (rank = 1) for
complex grammatical structures (see Table 2).
However, Table 4 shows the correlation is closer to
0 for all the selected courses. This reveals that, in
addition to single terms and brief phrases, simple
and complex sentences contain candidate domain
concepts. Therefore, a deep analysis of all text
contents irrespective of their grammatical
complexity is significant to extract the useful
knowledge from lecture slides.
In the structural candidate model, we normalise
weights of each metrics within the range of 0-1. The
influence of each metric (discussed in Section 4.3) is
determined by the parameter values (Table 3). For
example, terms with higher outgoing links can be
more general, thus more important than terms with
higher incoming links. We trained our weighting
function using previously annotated data for a
previous study (Atapattu et al., 2012). The training
data contains slides extracted from recommended
text books, university course materials and randomly
chosen topics from web.
Table 3: Best fit parameter values for Structural features.
Feature Best fit
parameter values
Outgoing links 0.923
Proximity 0.853
Typography 0.764
Co-occurrence 0.559
Frequency 0.514
Incoming links 0.281
After obtaining best fit parameter values, we
calculated the aggregate weight for each term in the
study and sort them in the descending order of
weights. Our system defines upper, medium and
lower threshold values in order to rank the most
important (above upper), important (in-between
upper and medium) and least important (in-between
medium and lower) domain concepts. These three
threshold values vary depending on the number of
concepts retrieved. Finally, similar to other two
candidate models, we compare the ranks given by
participants with machine predication. The results
can be found in the last column of Table 4.
The results are interpreted as strong positive or
strong negative if r
close to +1 or -1 respectively.
There is no linear correlation when r
is close to 0
and hence, consider as independent variables.
Since the selected courses contain combinations
of content (e.g. text, images, program codes), we
claim our data ranges from well-fitted (e.g. SE and
SA) to ill-fitted (e.g. IP and ADDS) contents for
‘machine interpretation’.
Table 4: Spearman’s ranking correlation (r
) between
candidate models and Computer Science courses.
Model Baseline (r
) Linguistic (r
) Structural (r
0.193 0.247 0.805
0.436 0.252 0.435
0.113 0.293 0.353
0.325 0.240 0.715
0.183 0.129 0.455
0.287 0.347 0.521
0.605 0.050 0.806
Figure 4: Distance between human and computer ranking
against number of concepts (%) in Software testing topic
In the structural feature model, our results show
satisfactory correlation for the majority of the
courses and strong positive correlation for SE, SA
and OS courses. As an example, in Software Testing
topic (Figure 4), 55% of concepts (out of 64) overlap
between computer and human (distance = 0) and
39% of concepts indicate one level difference
between ranks. This implies 94% of concepts
extracted from machine algorithms are closely
aligned with human judgement, resulting in a
machine extraction of approximate expert maps.
Both OS and SE lecture slides are constructed using
popular text books written by Sommerville and
Silberschatz respectively and SA lecture slides were
well written and structured. Therefore, those topics
contain rich grammar, good summarisation and
emphasise domain concepts. These well-fitted
contents assist relatively straightforward machine
Conversely, the remaining course topics include
combinations of category headings (e.g. review,
summary, welcome, and today’s format), additional
text boxes with excessive content, ambiguous texts
that are difficult to resolve and repetitive contents in
consecutive slides for animations (i.e ill-fitted
content). These types of content reduce the
reliability of machine extraction algorithms. Hence,
as a general rule, machine-extracted concept map
has a significant correlation with human judgment in
well-fitted contents.
This study highlights the importance of structural
features rather than natural layout or grammatical
structures. This implies that important information in
the lecture should be emphasised, and recapped.
Lecturer should also construct probable links with
the central idea of the topic. This ensures that
approximately reliable machine extraction of
concept maps from algorithms developed in this
In this study, we only had a single expert
participating for the assessment of each course.
Therefore, we cannot measure the inter-rater
agreement since the author of the material is the
only person having an expert knowledge structure of
the content.
We received evocative feedback from domain
experts during the experiments.
I tend to think that summary generally contains things
that have already been discussed. But, I found a new
concept in the summary which hasn’t seen in the lecture
note. I read the lecture from the beginning again to locate
that concept, but couldn’t find it”.
This comment provides an evident that there can
be disjoint concepts included in lecture note which
are not fitting with students’ knowledge structures.
“There are tables which provide comparison between
important concepts. How does this handles by the
This is one of our challenges. The data comes
from tabular form include useful domain concepts.
However, we have not yet implemented a feature to
tackle the comparisons in tabular data.
Examples are very useful to learn concepts, but they are
not concepts. Therefore, I am not sure whether they should
be included or not. I have included them in cases where I
think they are very useful”.
“In IP, many domain concepts are introduced via analogy.
So, are they also be classified?”
We do not have an exact answer for this
comment. Examples or analogies can be included
into the extracted concept map, if they are strongly
correlates with domain or emphasised within the
In our future work, we plan to extend the
experiments across disciplines to create a general
model. The focus of this study is limited to measure
the quality of ‘concept’ ranking according to their
importance. We plan to extend our study to measure
the quality of extracted ‘relations’. It is difficult for
participants to judge relationships from lecture slides
since relations are not highly visible like concepts.
Therefore, we plan to provide extracted concept
maps using IHMC cmap tools to collect feedback on
the ‘strength of extracted relationships’. Lecturers
will also receive conceptual feedback regarding
deficiencies in knowledge organisation of their
courses. This includes disjoint concepts without any
relation to the central concept map and relations
without proper labelling. This process should
improve the legibility of the materials.
The primary challenge of concept map mining is the
lack of a suitable evaluation framework. The
existing approaches utilise human experts’
judgement or expert maps as the gold standard to
measure the quality and validity of machine-
extracted maps. However, these studies focus on
concept existence using IR metrics – precision and
recall, and not the concept ranking according to their
importance. Therefore, this paper proposes a
machine-based evaluation mechanism to assess
mined concept maps in an educational context. We
compared the machine-generated maps with human
judgment and obtained strong positive correlation (r
~1) for well-fitted courses.
This work has potential to be utilised as
conceptual feedback for lecturers to have an
overview of knowledge organisation of their
courses. Machine-extracted concept maps require
the assistance of domain experts to validate.
However, this effort is substantially smaller than that
required to construct a concept map manually. In
future work, we plan to provide task-adapted
concept maps instead of hints in intelligent tutoring
environment. This will help students to identify
knowledge gaps and to improve their organisation of
knowledge. We believe that this will help to improve
the depth of meaning that students can extract from
their learning.
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