On Enhancing Blended-Learning Scenarios through Fuzzy
Logic-based Modeling of Users’ LMS Quality of Interaction
The Rare & Contemporary Dance Paradigms
Sofia B. Dias
, Leontios J. Hadjileontiadis
and José A. Diniz
Faculty of Human Kinetics, Lisbon University, Estrada da Costa 1499-002 Cruz-Quebrada, Lisbon, Portugal
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
University Campus GR-54124, Thessaloniki, Greece
Keywords: Learning Scenarios, LMS Moodle, Quality of Interaction, Blended Learning, Fuzzy Logic-based Modelling,
Pedagogical Planning, Rare & Contemporary Dance, i-Treasures.
Abstract: The combination of the process of pedagogical planning within the Blended (b-)learning environment with
the users’ quality of interaction (QoI) with the Learning Management System (LMS), serving as an effective
feedback, is explored here. The required QoI (both for teachers and students) is estimated by adopting a
fuzzy logic-based modeling approach, namely FuzzyQoI, applied to LMS Moodle data from two academic
teaching of dance disciplines, including rare and contemporary dances, respectively. The latter are used as
paradigms that comply with the educational scenarios of the i-Treasures project (www.i-treasures.eu), which
refers to the intangible cultural heritage. Based on documental analysis, the pedagogical design strategies
per semester were transcribed to concept maps and the dynamically (per week) estimated QoIs were
presented as feedback to the teachers at the end of the first semester, so they could reflect and update their
pedagogical planning, anticipating more enhanced QoI at the second one. The results presented here show
the beneficial role of QoI to shift the educational scenarios and strategies towards a more dynamic design,
yet taking into consideration the inherent tendencies and attitudes of the users’ interaction within the b-
learning context.
Quality of learning experience directly relates with
the amount and the quality of interaction (QoI) and
the sense of commitment to a community of inquiry
and learning. Those could be achieved through the
effective integration of technology, while at the
same time exploiting the advantages of a traditional
course that includes lectures and meetings (Garrison
and Kanuka, 2004). Towards this blending,
designing, developing and deploying programs that
are well organized, using multimedia to engage the
learner by employing various intelligences,
capturing the experiences and knowledge of the
learners, while incorporating and promoting
interactivity and training instructors to facilitate
online delivery, demand a strategic decision to be
made and adequate resources be made available.
Blended (b-)learning can address the potential
shortcomings of a purely e-learning approach, yet
only in the context of educators taking a strategic
approach and planning appropriately (Wall, 2012).
This suggests that education providers (e.g., Higher
Education Institutions-HEIs) should find the most
appropriate blend of conventional and digital
learning resources.
Determining learning behavior in electronic
media, however, is a complex problem. A difficulty
is that these environments are mostly used by
students away from the classroom and out of sight of
their educators. Without the informal monitoring
that occurs in F2F teaching it is difficult for
educators to know how their students are using and
responding to these environments. In this line,
educators have had to explore new ways of
obtaining information about the learning patterns of
their students. This clearly requires the development
of effective methods of determining and evaluating
learner's behavior in electronic environments (Hijón
and Velázquez, 2010), a role that is undertaken by
Learning Management Systems (LMSs).
B. Dias S., J. Hadjileontiadis L. and A. Diniz J..
On Enhancing Blended-Learning Scenarios through Fuzzy Logic-based Modeling of Users’ LMS Quality of Interaction - The Rare & Contemporary
Dance Paradigms.
DOI: 10.5220/0004861507650772
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (IAMICH-2014), pages 765-772
ISBN: 978-989-758-004-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The user's interaction with a LMS (e.g., Moodle)
is actually realized within Online Learning
Environments (OLEs), which are characterized by
fastness and immediacy, i.e., the ability to quickly
access a vast amount of information coupled with a
plurality of Web 2.0 tools (Redecker et al., 2009).
Apparently, the efficiency of the LMS depends on
how effectively the users can access its multi-faceted
benefits when interacting with it. According to
Wagner (1994), the interaction can be seen as the
occurrence of reciprocal events that require the
existence of at least two objects and two actions, and
when they influence each other. Chatteur et al.
(2008), also report that in OLEs is not uncommon
for individuals to interact spontaneously, i.e.,
without being motivated and/or encouraged through
interaction strategies and/or activities. In addition,
Herrington et al. (2007) argue that the (un)successful
learning is intrinsically dependent on the degree of
interaction that takes place in a specific educational
context. Collins and Berge (1996) highlighted that
learners tend to combine the new knowledge
acquired by interacting with content, with their prior
knowledge on that subject matter. Hence, interaction
can be synthesized as an active process, which
requires learners to do more than passively absorb
The QoI between learner with online content is
one of the imperative factors in determining the
efficacy of Web-based teaching-learning towards the
creation and maintenance of sustainable learning
communities (Grant and Thornton, 2007).
Interaction with content is an internal dialogue of
reflective thought that occurs between learner and
the substance. Interaction is often triggered and
supported by events in the learning environment-on
how the learner interacts with what is to be learned.
A study carried out by McIsaac et al. (1999)
explored interactions of doctoral students with an
online environment and they concluded that student
interactions were goal-focused. In another study
(Hijón and Velázquez, 2006) it was shown that the
average connections to the LMS was over thirty
minutes. Analysis of learner's interactions may also
be used to compare learning behaviors of different
groups of students (Ramos and Yudko, 2008).
The aforementioned suggest the approach of
user's LMS interactions from the perspective that
reveals their quality, so the latter could be used to
unfold the true nature of the users' attitude when
interacting with the LMS within a b-learning
environment. So far, works focused on QoI usually
employ statistical analysis of LMS data, combined
with transcripts of the discussions and exchanges of
teacher and learners within the online forums,
specifically investigating the dimension, depth and
category of exchanges occurred (Ping et al., 2010).
Following an alternative pathway, here, the
FuzzyQoI model (Dias and Diniz, 2013) is adopted;
the latter takes into account the users' (professors'
and students') interactions, as expressed through the
LMS usage within a b-learning environment, and, by
translating the knowledge of the experts in the field
to fuzzy constructs, estimates, in a quantitative way,
a normalized index of the users’ QoI. In this way,
the estimated QoI could be used as effective
feedback to the teachers, in terms of reconstructing
their pedagogical planning and create updated
concept maps (Novak and Gowin, 1996) towards
more effective educational scenarios within b-
learning context. This process is exemplified here
with two dance paradigms, i.e., rare and
contemporary dance disciplines at a HEI, serving as
a bet-set for the realization of b-learning scenarios
within the i-Treasures project (www.i-treasures.eu),
related with the capture of the Intangible Cultural
Heritage (ICH) and learning the rare know-how of
living human treasures (FP7-ICT-2011-9-600676-i-
2.1 The FuzzyQoI Model
In the effort to develop a successful evaluating
system of the user's interaction with the LMS
through the QoI, intelligent systems may play an
important role, i.e., provide a model of the domain
expert’s evaluating system, with the promise of
advanced features and adaptive functionality (Levy
and Weld 2000). Based on the latter, a Mamdani-
type (Tsoukalas and Uhrig 1996) fuzzy logic-based
QoI modelling, namely FuzzyQoI scheme, was
proposed by Dias and Diniz (2013). The FuzzyQoI
model constitutes a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS)
structure that is able to produce evaluative
inferences upon input data. In particular, the latter
correspond to the key-parameters and variables
(metrics) of LMS Moodle involved within a b-
learning environment concerning the user's
interaction with the system, whereas the outputted
inference forms a quantitative measure of the user's
overall QoI (Dias and Diniz, 2013).
The block diagram of the FuzzyQoI model is
depicted in Figure 1. As it is apparent from the
latter, the users (professors/students) interact with
the LMS and the available 110 LMS Moodle metrics
Figure 1: Block-diagram of the FuzzyQoI model (Dias and
Diniz, 2013).
are corresponded to 12 categories that serve as
inputs to the FIS structure. In an effort to efficiently
handle the 12 input variables, these are grouped in
three groups and a nested sequence of five FISs
(FIS1-FIS5) is used to form the proposed FuzzyQoI
scheme. The first level includes FIS1, FIS2 and
FIS3, which output the values of View (V), Addition
(AD) and Alteration (AL), respectively. In the
second level of inference, V, AD and AL are
considered as intermediate variables and are used as
inputs to the FIS4, which outputs the value of Action
(AC). Finally, in the third level of inference, the AC
is considered as intermediate variable and along with
Time Period (TP) and Engagement Time (ET) are
used as inputs to the FIS5, which outputs the
estimated QoI as the final output of the FuzzyQoI
scheme (Dias and Diniz, 2013).
For the construction of the knowledge base of the
FuzzyQoI scheme, an expert in the field of analyzing
LMS Moodle data within the context of b-learning
was used, for defining the structure of the
membership functions used for each FS and the
corresponding IF/THEN fuzzy rules.
In particular, a three-level of trapezoid
membership functions corresponding to Low,
Medium and High values, respectively, are used for
the FIS1-FIS4, whereas a five-level of trapezoid
membership functions corresponding to Very Low,
Low, Medium, High and Very High values were
adopted for the final FIS5, increasing, this way, the
resolution in the segmentation of the universe of
discourse of the AC, TP and ET inputs and QoI
output in the final FIS5. Analytical description of the
FuzzyQoI model can be found in Dias and Diniz
2.2 C-Maps & Pedagogical Planning
Concept Maps (C-Maps) represent an eclectic range
of flexible tools in e/b-learning environments. In C-
Maps, in general, concepts are arranged
hierarchically, i.e., more general concepts are placed
higher on the map and specific concepts are located
lower (Novak and Gowin, 1996). C-Maps are largely
used in online environments that are able to be
presented as learning tools in all stages of the
learning process. The use of C-Maps as a way of
promoting discussion and negotiation processes
through communication tools can be really seen as a
valuable learning tool.
Here, the notion of C-Maps is placed within the
concept of pedagogical planning, so to facilitate the
organization of educational scenarios (Olimpo et al.,
2010). The realization of the latter is achieved by
adopting the MindMup tool from the i-Treasures
Pedagogical Planner (
Bottino et al., 2013), which is a
scalable cross-browser Web-based application
developed in PHP, MySQL and JavaScript. It is
conceived with the aim of supporting the design of
pedagogical activities/scenarios, namely the
descriptions, at different level of granularity, of the
playing out of a learning situation or a unit of
learning aimed at the acquisition of a precise body of
knowledge through the specification of roles and
activities. The Pedagogical Planner is essentially a
teacher-oriented online tool, yet in the way it is used
here, it could serve as a combinatory tool that
incorporates both designing and planning of the
educational interventions and feedback from the
realization of the b-learning delivered instruction. In
this way, causal relations between teachers’ and
students’ at the level of their LMS-based QoI could
be identified and teachers’ metacognitive processes
could be fired towards the enhancement of their
pedagogical planning and delivery.
The Pedagogical Planner comprises both
authoring and display capabilities, with specially
designed functions and interface features in both
cases. In particular, target population, learning
context, content domain, objectives and metrics,
along with available tools (such as MindMup), are
the core characteristics of the Pedagogical Planner
(see Figure 2).
Figure 2: The main page of the Pedagogical Planner within the i-Treasures project (http://i-treasures.itd.cnr.it/).
To exemplify the combination of the FuzzyQoI
model with the Pedagogical Planner two cases that
resemble the use-cases of the i-Treasure project, i.e.,
the rare and contemporary dances, are used as
paradigms and described in the subsequent section.
The data used for the dance paradigms were drawn
from the Faculty of Human Kinetics (FHK),
University of Lisbon, Portugal, where the
corresponding dance disciplines are realized within
the b-learning context.
The data were categorized into two types, that is,
the ones that relate with documental analysis
regarding the pedagogical instruction of the
disciplines (e.g., curriculum, teachers’ planning
strategies, online material) and the others coming
from the LMS Moodle platform. The former were
used to formulate transcribed C-Maps with the
MindMup software (see Section 2.2), whereas the
latter were used as input to the FuzzyQoI model for
the estimation of the QoI for each user
(teachers/students) per week. For each paradigm, the
data from two teachers (combined teaching) and 10
students were used and analyzed for the duration of
two academic semesters (S1: weeks 2-16, S2: weeks
3.1 Rare Dances Planning
Rare dances at the FHK, actually, belong to the
Social Dances discipline, which aims to provide and
develop ways to dance, able to contribute to a
students’ education in a more complete,
comprehensive and multifaceted way, through the
diversity of approaches and multiplicity of
perspectives developed in each dance form.
Moreover, the social dimension and respect of
the act of dance are taken into account to enhance
the knowledge and extend the application domain
with multicultural approaches, revealing the nature
and specificity of their contents. For example,
dances from Greece (e.g., Tsamiko, Omonia),
Belgium (e.g., Schaatsenrijdersdans), Servia (e.g.,
Savila Se Bela Loza, Vlaški) and other folklore
expressions worldwide are approached and
The planning of this discipline aims to construct
Figure 3: The MindMup output of the pedagogical
planning of the rare dances context followed throughout
the S1.
a place of experience and experimentation with
different materials, choreographic and contextual,
along with specific techniques for analysis, leading
to “know-how” and the enlargement and
consolidation of formal and expressive repertoire of
the students.
To achieve the above goals within the b-learning
context, both F2F and online learning activities are
constructed. Figure 3 illustrates the pedagogical
planning of the S1 in the form of the MindMup
output, where the F2F and online components are
shown in the form of connected branches.
3.2 Contemporary Dances Planning
Contemporary dances at the FHK are included in the
Techniques of Theater Dances discipline, which
aims to promote the analysis and study of motor
vocabulary characteristic of modern and classical
dance forms. The pedagogical planning includes
practice of standardized modeling steps organized in
simple exercises with repetitions and chained in
sequence dances increasing complexity. Moreover,
training skills of observation in situations of mutual
learning, are also considered, being consistent with
the principles and quality of dance movements.
Under this discipline, it is intended that students
will be able to: know the fundamentals of the
techniques of theatrical dance; perform the basic
vocabulary of theater dance techniques addressed
with correction at the level of bodily vectors and
dynamic; play with fluency and accuracy through
demonstration sequences danced in technical
context; identify, characterize and describe the
specific motor skills techniques dance theater
addressed; cooperate with colleagues in group tasks;
interact with faculty and/or colleagues by actively
participating in the tasks; assess their technical
performance and that of others and their
participation in groups.
As in the case of rare dances, the above goals
within the b-learning context are achieved by
constructing both F2F and online learning activities,
within a corresponding pedagogical planning of the
S1, in the form of the MindMup output, depicted in
Figure 4.
3.3 Estimated QoI Feedback &
Pedagogical Planning Updating
The LMS Moodle users’ interaction data for S1 and
S2 were fed to the FuzzyQoI model that outputted
the corresponding estimated QoIs, i.e., 
Figure 4: The MindMup output of the pedagogical
planning of the contemporary dances context followed
throughout the S1.
Figure 5: The distribution of the estimated QoI of the rare
dances (left column) and contemporary dances (right
column) paradigms and corresponding users (professors:
top, students: bottom). The S1 and S2 are denoted on the
graphs with the vertical solid lines located at weeks 2 and
16 (S1) and weeks 23 and 38 (S2).
where the superscripts RD and CD indicate rare and
contemporary dances, respectively, and P and S refer
to professors and students, accordingly. The
analytically estimated QoIs for both semesters and
paradigms are holistically illustrated in Figure 5,
whereas the corresponding mean values are depicted
in Figure 6.
Although shown in Figures 5 and 6 in a sequential
way, the 
values were solely presented
to the corresponding teachers as a feedback at the
end of S1, so they could reflect on these and
readjust/update their pedagogical planning for the
S2, accordingly, resulting, hence, in the derived
values shown in Figures 5 and 6. This
updating process and its effect upon the
pedagogical planning is presented in Figures 7(a)
and 7(b) for the cases of rare and contemporary
dances, respectively. As it is apparent from Figure 7,
and in comparison with Figures 3 and 4, the
feedback from the estimated QoI has led to changes
in the pedagogical planning, particularly to the
online components, in an effort to increase and/or
sustain the users’ LMS QoI of S2 at higher levels
than those of S1.
Figure 6: The mean estimated QoI of the rare dances (top
panel) and contemporary dances (bottom panel) paradigms
and corresponding users (professors: black line, students:
gray line). The S1 and S2 are denoted on the graphs with
the vertical solid lines located at weeks 2 and 16 (S1) and
weeks 23 and 38 (S2).
From the Figure 5 (top panel) it is clear that the two
teachers incorporated in each discipline delivery had
a dissimilar behavior, regarding their QoI with the
LMS. In particular, for the case of rare dances
Professor #1-RD exhibited sparse interaction with
the LMS, located at the beginning of S2 and after it,
where as a significant change is noticed in the QoI
of Professor #2-RD, who just initiated the LMS-
based process at the beginning of S1 and after the
QoI feedback she notably increased her QoI. For the
case of contemporary dances, Professor #1-CD
showed a quasi-periodic interaction with LMS at the
beginning of S1, abandoned at the mid of S1 and
almost for the whole duration of S2, exhibiting an
increased QoI just before the end of S2. On the
contrary, Professor#2-CD, showed almost a constant
interaction with the LMS, exhibiting her high QoI
values almost across the whole S1 duration and
towards the end of S2. Regarding the students’ QoI
values, they were higher at S2 rather than in S1 for
the rare dances case, whereas the opposite effect was
noticed for the contemporary dance case.
Focusing at the mean estimated QoI of Figure 6,
it is clear that the effect of the professors’ QoI
feedback was higher in the case of the rare dances
(top panel) than the case of contemporary dances
(bottom panel). Clearly, in the case of the rare
dances, the sole peak of QoI at week 5 for the whole
S1 has been extended to more sustained QoI values
across S2, peaking also at the ~0.5 after the
beginning of S2. This change in professors’ QoI
probably can be connected with the noticeable
change in the students’ QoI. In fact, at the S1, a
hysteresis-like effect is noticed, as students’ QoI
starts growing only after professors’ peak at week 5,
peaks around the mid of S1 and tends to a decay
towards the end of S1. On the contrary, the
performance is totally different in S2, as the students
show a tendency to exhibit synchronized QoIs with
the ones of the professors, justifying the updated role
of the LMS part in the b-learning activities during
S2. In the case of contemporary dances, the
hysteresis-like effect is seen between the professors’
and students’ QoI during S1, where despite the high
QoI of the professors, the students QoI exhibits a
slow increase towards the end of S1, whereas the
updating of the pedagogical planning by the
professors for the S2 has contributed mostly to the
synchronization between the professors’ and
students’ QoIs. In both cases, the professors acted in
a reflective way by adjusting their pedagogical
planning for the S2 and exhibited increased QoI (in
both cases the QoI peaks are located within the S2).
Turning to pedagogical planning updating
process of Figure 7, the shift towards more
interactive and appealing online resources (e.g.,
Figure 7: A schematic representation of the way the estimated QoIs by the FuzzyQoI model from the S1 were used as
teachers’ feedback to update the pedagogical planning of S2, along with the updates of the MindMup outputs from the
initial version (followed throughout the S1-left) to the updated one (followed throughout the S2-right), for (a) the rare
dances and (b) contemporary dances paradigms.
quizzes, discussion forums, blogs, videos, e-
portfolios) has turned the interest to LMS
interaction, seeing the latter as a more enhanced
source of information, which could accompany the
F2F interaction and complement the effort towards
multifaceted way of learning.
From the paradigms presented here it is apparent
that the proposed approach could be extended to
various educational scenarios and use-cases (within
and outside the i-Treasures project), posing a
dynamic character to the role of LMS towards an
intelligent LMS (Dias et al., 2014), assisting both
teachers and students to enhance the quality of the
educational environment.
An effort to combine the process of pedagogical
planning within the b-learning context with the
users’ QoI with the LMS as an effective feedback
was presented here. A fuzzy logic-based modeling
approach, namely FuzzyQoI, was adopted to provide
reliable estimates of the QoI (both for teachers and
students) across two semesters of two academic
teaching of dance disciplines, including rare and
contemporary dances, respectively. The latter were
chosen as paradigms that comply with the
educational scenarios of the i-Treasures project
referring to the ICH, showing the potentiality to shift
towards a more dynamic design of the educational
scenarios and strategies, incorporating the inherent
tendencies and attitudes of the users within the b-
learning context.
This work has received funding from the EU
Seventh Framework Programme FP7-ICT-2011-9-
ICT-2011.8.2, under the grant agreement n° 600676:
"i-Treasures" Project (http://www.i-treasures.eu).
The authors would like to thank Mrs Francesca
Pozzi, Mrs Francesca Dagnino and ITD-CNR, Italy,
for providing access and support to the Pedagogical
Planning and MindMup software use.
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