Semantic Labelling of 3D Point Clouds using Spatial Object Constraints
Malgorzata Goldhoorn
and Ronny Hartanto
University of Bremen, Robotics Research Group, Bremen, Germany
DFKI GmbH, Robotics Innovation Center, Robert-Hooke-Straße 5, 28359 Bremen, Germany
Point Clouds, Probabilistic Methods, Scene Understanding, Object Recognition, Semantic Labelling, 3D
Scene Interpretation, Feature Extraction.
The capability of dealing with knowledge from the real human environment is required for autonomous sys-
tems to perform complex tasks. The robot must be able to extract the objects from the sensors’ data and give
them a meaningful semantic description. In this paper a novel method for semantic labelling is presented. The
method is based on the idea of connecting spatial information about the objects to their spatial relations to
other entities. In this approach, probabilistic methods are used to deal with incomplete knowledge, caused by
noisy sensors and occlusions. The process is divided into two stages. First, the spatial attributes of the objects
are extracted and used for the object pre-classification. Second, the spatial constraints are taken into account
for the semantic labelling process. Finally, we show that the use of spatial object constraints improves the
recognition results.
For some time, there has been increasing interest to
develop autonomous systems, which can support the
human in everyday tasks. The robot should help peo-
ple by, for example, preparing breakfast or cleaning
the room. This is, of course, a futuristic scenario, be-
cause the areas of robotics and AI are very challeng-
ing and there are many problems that must be solved,
until this becomes a reality. One of the so far unsolved
problems is understanding the real human environ-
ment. To do a task planning, the robot must know the
meaning of the objects in a given task and at the same
time deal with missing information, resulting through
occlusion and partly caused by noisy sensors. In this
paper we describe a method which may be used for
such a purpose. The main contribution is the presen-
tation of a new idea which combines the spatial in-
formation about the object with constraints between
objects using probabilistic methods.
This paper presents our approach for semantic la-
belling of 3D point clouds, in which the transition
from the spatial into the semantic domain is done.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 gives an overview of the state of the art in
this field. Section 3 introduces the method for point
cloud segmentation. Section 4 describes the first step
of the approach, namely the probabilistic object pre-
classification. Section 5 presents the idea of the object
constraints. Section 6 gives a quantitative survey of
our algorithm. Finally, conclusions and opportunities
for future work are given.
For some time, semantic perception became one of
the most investigated research areas in robotics. This
is not least because of the increasing amount of low
cost 3D sensors like the Microsoft Kinect, but also
the fact that semantic perception is a capability which
autonomous systems need to be equipped with to per-
form complex tasks (Galindo et al., 2008), (Pangercic
et al., 2010). One of the recent works in this field was
presented in (Anand et al., 2012). The authors pro-
posed a method for semantic labelling and search in
indoor scenes using a geometrical context. In their
approach, merged point clouds taken with a Kinect
sensor are used. They try to extract geometric prim-
itives from the data. To obtain a better view of the
scene, an active object recognition is used. G
et al. (G
unther et al., 2011) present another related
work about semantic object recognition from 3D laser
data. In this work, a CAD-based method for object
classification was proposed. For this, the geometrical
basic primitives of the objects are extracted and com-
Goldhoorn M. and Hartanto R..
Semantic Labelling of 3D Point Clouds using Spatial Object Constraints.
DOI: 10.5220/0004874205130518
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (WARV-2014), pages 513-518
ISBN: 978-989-758-002-4
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
pared if they fit a given, known CAD model. N
et al. (N
uchter and Hertzberg, 2008) introduce a 6D
SLAM approach with semantic object recognition. In
this approach, the objects (like walls, doors, and ceil-
ings) are recognised from composed point clouds. To
classify other objects like robots or humans, trained
classifiers are used. Another approach for semantic
labelling was proposed in (Rusu et al., 2009). The au-
thors of this work use model-based object recognition
and try to recognise household objects in a kitchen en-
vironment, like furnitures and stoves. To infer about
these objects, the furniture features like knobs and
buttons are extracted beforehand. In (Aydemir et al.,
2010), semantic knowledge is used to search for spe-
cific objects. The authors try to find a potential place
in which the object could be found using a reason-
ing module. The authors in (Galindo et al., 2008) and
(Galindo et al., 2005) describe the use of semantic
maps for task planning and spatial reasoning. They
use marker identification to perform semantic inter-
pretation of entities and to bridge the gap between the
semantic and spatial domains.
In human living environments and especially in the
domestic one, many regularities with regards to the
objects’ occurrences can be found. For example,
some objects like furniture have defined heights and
are larger than some other objects. Other objects like
flat screen or keyboard have approximately the same
width but they have different depth. In general, the
objects could be distinguished from each other based
on their different spatial features. We make use of
those premises to do the object pre-classification step.
The next very important point is that most of the ob-
jects in the domestic environment are approximately
planar surfaces. Therefore we try to segment these
planes and extract the spatial features from them. We
call this step “pre-classification”, because in this stage
of our algorithm the objects are classified only by
their spatial features, without taking into account their
spatial relations to each other. As a result of this
step we obtain a probability distribution about object
classes given the measured values.
3.1 Point Cloud Pre-processing
The object recognition approach starts with the seg-
mentation of planes from the raw 3D point cloud data.
The data is taken with a tilting LIDAR (Light Detec-
tion and Ranging) laser system. For the segmenta-
tion, an optimised region growing algorithm is used.
This algorithm based on the approach in (Vaskevicius
et al., 2007) and was already mentioned in (Eich et al.,
2010). We extended this algorithm to deal with an un-
organized point clouds, like in the case of data from
our tilting system. In such point cloud data, the points
are not available in memory as a grid and their near-
est neighbours cannot be accessed directly. Because
of that, the complexity of the algorithm increases by
the nearest neighbours search. Therefore, we made
some optimisation steps, which make the algorithm
much faster then the original one (Vaskevicius et al.,
2007). We do not describe the algorithm in detail,
because it was already mentioned in our other work
(Eich et al., 2010). The algorithm segments the in-
put 3D point cloud into planes, which can be used for
the future processing step. The region growing needs
as an input different starting parameters, whose val-
ues determine the result of the segmentation. These
parameters are: the maximum distance between two
points, the maximum distance between a point and
plane, the maximum mean squared error of the plane,
the minimum number of points, which a plane needs
to have, and the maximum number of nearest neigh-
bours of a single point. The algorithm ends when all
points have been examined and results in a set of ex-
tracted planes. Fig. 1 shows the result of the segmen-
tation after applying the listed parameters.
3.2 Extraction of Spatial Object
The extraction of spatial features of the objects starts
once the planes are segmented. In this step the spatial
features of each plane, like the size of a plane A R,
the rectangularity of the plane R [0, 1], its length and
width E R
, its orientation O H, and its center of
mass P R
are extracted and stored in a so called
feature vector Φ = (A, E, R, O, P). For better identi-
fication of these features, the found regions are first
projected into 2D space. This is done by applying
the reverse rotation for pitch and yaw to the original
translated plane. In the end, the normal vector of the
plane is parallel to the global z-axis. We assume that
through our region growing algorithm this object ap-
proximates a planar surface. Since we already rotated
and translated the surface into the xy-plane we can
simply set all remaining z-values to zero. By doing
this we project the approximately planar surface to a
planar surface. Afterwords the calculations of their
hulls take place. For this, an alpha shape method from
the computational geometry algorithm library CGAL
Figure 1: Result of the region growing segmentation algorithm. The left image shows the given input raw data taken in one
of our offices and the right one presents the result of the segmentation, the randomly coloured planes.
is used. Having the 2D hull of a plane enables easier
extraction of the geometrical features. Figure 2 shows
the extracted plane together with its hull.
These five features are required to distinguish be-
tween different classes of objects. The most relevant
features are orientation and position. Using these at-
tributes it can be decided e.g. if a given object is rather
a flat screen or a keyboard. On the other hand, the
position can be used to distinguish between objects
like walls, floors, and ceilings. The other features like
size, maximum expansion and rectangularity of the
plane increase the assignment of the object to a given
object class. At this point, it is important to mention
that the feature rectangularity is not a very critical fea-
ture for the classification and it is hard to define, and
describe how rectangular an object is. Nevertheless, it
improves the detection of appropriate objects. In the
following, a short description of the features and their
processing are given. For the extraction of the max-
imum expansion of the plane we use a method from
the well-known OpenCV library. This function cal-
culates a minimum bounding box of the plane from
its hull. This bounding box has attributes like width,
height, and orientation. We take the width and height
of the box and treat them as the width and height of
the plane. The size of a segmented plane is calculated
using the even-odd algorithm. To do this, a set of 2D-
vectors are created to form the hull by using CGAL
functions. From these vectors a filled bitmap of each
object is created using this algorithm. We choose a
standard size of 640x480 to represent the converted
bitmap objects. The scaling factor is created by using
the information we already gathered from the max-
imum expansion which was explained before. The
rectangularity of the plane can be computed by di-
viding the area of the plane by the area of its bound-
ing box. Here, an assumption must be made that a
perfectly rectangular plane has the same area as its
bounding box. This is, hence, a critical point since
occlusion of objects could influence the recognition.
The resulting value is the percentage correspondence
of area sizes, while the percentage squareness accord-
ing to the definition mentioned above. The calculation
could here be done straight forward since through the
size computation of the created bitmap a normaliza-
tion took already place. We count only the filled pixel
and divide them by the total pixel count of our vir-
tual bitmap. The orientation of the plan is calculated
using the GNU Scientific Library. The mass cen-
troid axes are determined by eigenvectors and their
eigenvalue. We define that the eigenvector with the
smallest eigenvalue corresponds to the z-axis of the
plane and denotes its normal vector. The eigenvector
with the intermediate eigenvalue denotes the shorter
axis, namely the x-axis. The last eigenvector with the
biggest eigenvalue coincides with the y-axis of the
plane. By assuming that the z-vector has the small-
est eigenvalue, the objects were nearly “flat” on their
(local) x-/y- plane. This assumption helps us with all
post-processing steps, because we can now handle ob-
jects completely invariant from their orientation. The
position of the plane results from the center of gravity
of all points of the plane.
3.3 Evaluation based on Objects
After extracting the spatial features of the plane, the
evaluation step is done. To correctly evaluate the vec-
tor, a priori knowledge of the objects in the environ-
ment must be taken into account. This knowledge in-
dicates how the objects in a typical human environ-
ment look like and what their spatial values are. If we
take a table as an example then we know that it stays
on the floor, is very often rectangular and its height is
about 0.8 meters. Such an assumptions can be made
for all objects in the human environment. Exactly this
knowledge is stored in a database and serves as an
input for the evaluation function, with the aid of the
features are evaluated. In the database, objects like
table, wall, floor, ceiling, keyboard, flat screen, and
“unknown object” are stored. Each spatial value of
an object contains an expected value µ and standard
deviation σ. These two values enable to having ob-
jects which different appearance and helps with their
robust pre-classification. Because of the difference in
Figure 2: Result of the alpha shapes calculation together with the associated regions, segmented in the previous step.
the importance of the given attributes, a weight is ap-
plied to each of them. The features are evaluated by
using the well known Bayes’ theorem. First, we cal-
culate the Gaussian distribution function, which gives
the probability of the measured value x to the known
object class C from the database. After some calcula-
tions and reformulations we obtain the formula 1:
P(C|Φ) =
) · F
This results in a probability distribution for a given
object class C from the data base given the measured
feature vector Φ.
The last step in our semantic labelling algorithm is
the classification of the objects based on their spatial
relations. In the previous processing step, each seg-
mented plane was assigned to each object class from
the database with given probability. This objects as-
signment to a given class is based exclusively on the
spatial attributes of the object. Because of noise and
occlusion in the data, this can in many cases result
in an incorrect classification of the object. In order
to improve the labelling we take spatial relations be-
tween all object classes into account. For this we de-
fine a constraint network similar to (N
uchter et al.,
2003), in which the objects and their spatial relations
are stored. We use relations like “parallel” , “orthog-
onal”, “above”, “under”, or “equal height”. We treat
these relations as constraints that must be satisfied for
an object to belong to a given object class. In this
final step of our algorithm, the valid world model is
tried to be found. To do this, the resulting objects of
the pre-classification are sorted by their height. This
enables finding a ground plane (e.g. floor), which
is necessary to build the scene right up to the ceil-
ing, iteratively. The condition is, that the object is
pre-classified as a floor with a probability of at least
40%. Further, the next objects from the sorted list
are taken. During this, it is checked if the constraints
related to the relations between objects are satisfied.
If not, the current path will be discarded and a sim-
ple backtracking takes place. For our heuristic we
use the probability of associated object classes that
we calculated for each plane in our previous step (see
Sec. 3.1). By using this heuristic, in the case that
the pre-calculation was already correct, the right path
would be taken directly without any search. If dur-
ing traversing the path, an invalid model is found, it is
discarded automatically and the next best path is cho-
sen. This is done, because we assume that an error in
the world-model is (mostly) related to wrong hierar-
chies of objects. An example could be when an object
that is possibly a flat screen is not located on top of a
desk. This whole search/backtracking is repeated un-
til the ceiling is found. The result of the algorithm is
a list of labelled objects together with their adjusted
probability. In this way the objects get clear semantic
We have done several experiments using both raw
point cloud and synthetic data to evaluate our algo-
rithm. The raw data was taken in several offices of
our lab. This data has been recorded using a Hokuyo
UTM-30LX laser scanner mounted on a tilting unit.
The synthetic data has been generated using Blender
with some artificial noises. At the beginning, the pre-
classification step of our algorithm was tested. For
this we took the real and synthetic data and tried
to figure out how good the extracted spatial features
matches the ground truth data to evaluate the overall
measurement accuracy. For this the large set of per-
fect generated sensor data were used. The result of
the test is that besides some rounding problems (po-
tentially caused by the floating point precision) the
measured values correspond to the ground truth data.
Further, we evaluate the influence of the each changed
feature on the probability result. As expected, the
changes in the value of the features has no large im-
pact on the result of the pre-classification. This is be-
cause it is not relevant if a table is farther right or left,
only the height of the objects has a large importance
for their recognition. An example evaluation can bee
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
probability distribution
position x [m]
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
probability distribution
position z [m]
Figure 3: Influence of the position in the x- and z-axis on the result of the probability distribution. On the left graph it can be
seen, that the position in the x direction has no real influence on the result of the pre-classification. In contrast, the height of
the object influences strongly their classification
Table 1: Result of the semantic labelling algorithm before and after applying the spatial object constraints.
Objects real
Table 12 13 13 1 0
9 190 13 9 5
Keyboard 7 6 3 0 4
seen in the Fig. 3. Then, we evaluate the overall re-
sult of the labelling algorithm. For this, we started
it with real scans taken from several office rooms of
our institute to check how well the method works. In
these tests, our assumptions were confirmed. Taking
into account the spatial relations between objects im-
proves the result of the labelling significantly. This
is because this additional information has a large in-
fluence on the association of the objects to their re-
spective object classes. The result of the experiments
shows that after taking into account this information
many false positives, as in the case of flat screen, re-
sulting from the first step are eliminated. In this way,
the recognition result was improved. Table 1 presents
the result of the semantic recognition, before and af-
ter applying the spatial relations between objects. In
the second column the number of office objects form
the six real scenes is given. In the next one the rec-
ognized objects, after evaluation of the feature vector,
are presented. It can be seen that many false positives
(e.g. flat screen) have occurred. The fourth column
shows the result after taking into account the spatial
relations between objects. This presents that applying
of the spatial constraints improve the recognition re-
sult, since the number of false recognized flat screens
is reduced.
This paper describes our approach for semantic la-
belling of objects from 3D point clouds. This method
combines spatial information about the objects with
their relationships to each other. We showed that
the application of object constraints improves the la-
belling process. This was shown in our experiments
by reduction of false positives. Further, we presented
how probabilistic methods can be used for this issue.
The future work will be mainly on improvement of
the recognition process. We are planning to archive
this by adding probabilistic approaches to the con-
straint checking process. In addition, we would like
to extend our algorithm to other object classes and use
more spatial relations apart from those mentioned in
this paper. Moreover it should handle more complex
objects consist of multiple surfaces. Our goal will be
to extend the approach to other application scenarios,
like kitchens or robots operating in complex environ-
ments that required e.g. stair climbing (Eich et al.,
2008) or deal with outdoor obstacles (Spenneberg and
Kirchner, 2007), (Bartsch et al., 2010).
This work has been supported by the Graduate School
SyDe, funded by the German Excellence Initiative
within the University of Bremen’s institutional strat-
egy. The project IMPERA is funded by the German
Space Agency (DLR, Grant number: 50RA1111)
with federal funds of the Federal Ministry of Eco-
nomics and Technology (BMWi) in accordance with
the parliamentary resolution of the German Parlia-
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