Assisting Speech Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders with an
Augmented Reality Application
Camilla Almeida da Silva
, Ant´onio Ramires Fernandes
and Ana Paula Grohmann
Faculdade de Computac¸˜ao e Inform´atica, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, S˜ao Paulo, Brazil
Department of Informatics, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
Associac¸˜ao para a Inclus˜ao e Apoio ao Autista, Braga, Portugal
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Augmented Reality, Augmented and Alternative Communication, Human-
computer Interaction.
Graphics based systems of Augmented and Alternative Communication are widely used to promote commu-
nication of people with Autism Spectrum Disorders. However, studies indicate the inability of some of these
people in understanding the used symbols. This study discusses an integration of Augmented Reality in com-
munication interventions, by relating elements of Augmented and Alternative Communication and Applied
Behaviour Analysis strategies. An Augmented Reality based interactive system to support interventions is
discussed, and the report of its usage in interventions with children suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorders
is presented.
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are
affected with various impairments in communication,
social interaction and imagination, three major com-
ponents of self-development. Regarding communi-
cation issues, these range from the total absence of
language, 20% to 30% (Klin, 2006), to the lack of ef-
fectiveness in the communication process, reinforcing
the need to promote initiatives to improve communi-
cation skills.
Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) interventions
for autism in early childhood are an effective prac-
tice to improve socially relevant behaviours and teach
new skills, through several established teaching tools
and positive reinforcement strategies. Augmented
and Alternative Communication (AAC) based ap-
proaches, in particular those based on graphics, are
the most used in interventions in children with ASD,
being highly relevant in communication promotion,
reduction of behavioural problems, and environment
awareness (Committee on Educational Interventions
for Children with Autism, 2001).
The graphic based system usage is supported by
the strong visual processing ability seen in many chil-
dren with ASD. Nevertheless, imagination impair-
ments caused by rigidity and lack of imagination can
prevent the usage of some symbols (Herrera et al.,
2012). In (Herrera et al., 2012) it is argued that some
children with ASD, when confronted with a symbol,
only capture a set of lines, shapes and colours, and the
usage of communication symbols would lead to mem-
orization and context association. The authors show
that changes in the background or width of the lines
are sufficient to prevent recognition on a previously
learned symbol. Hence, they conclude that these sym-
bols are meaningless to those children. In (Commit-
tee on Educational Interventions for Children with
Autism, 2001) it is stated that the lack of symbolic
capacity is one of the main handicaps in communica-
tion, reflecting the difficulty in learning conventional
or shared meanings of symbols. To achieve commu-
nication, symbols must be meaningful to the child
(Avila, 2011).
Computer animations, 3D graphics and sounds,
may provide deeper engagement for children in their
activities as suggested in several studies on the bene-
fits of Information Technologies in interventions with
children with ASD (Moore et al., 2000; Moore and
Calvert, 2000; Goldsmith and LeBlanc, 2004). The
use of tangible interfaces has also been suggested by
(Raffle et al., 2009) to promote alternative ways of
collaboration and communication, engaging the chil-
dren for longer periods of time than with regular in-
Augmented Reality (AR), merging virtual ob-
Almeida da Silva C., Ramires Fernandes A. and Grohmann A..
Assisting Speech Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders with an Augmented Reality Application.
DOI: 10.5220/0004893200380045
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 38-45
ISBN: 978-989-758-029-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
jects into real environments, can be explored in
some intervention areas for ASD children, such as
self-awareness, augmented communication, emotion
awareness and identification, social commitment and
concept development (Herrera et al., 2006). These vi-
sually oriented approaches are highly suitable due to
the remarkable ability of most autistic people to excel
at visual spatial skills (Grandin, 2009).
Considering the relevance of AAC approaches,
and the impact of symbols to promote communica-
tion, we performed a study on the usage of AR to
assist interventions and expand language with chil-
dren with ASD. The interactive AR system devel-
oped in this study uses both AAC and ABA prin-
ciples to support interventions focused on facilitat-
ing graphic symbol comprehension. The system re-
inforces the communication symbols superimposing
virtual objects and animations over the real environ-
ment screen view.
The system’s human-computer interaction was
previously discussed with speech-language therapists
to ensure its suitability for both therapists and chil-
dren. The system’s features include the creation of
activities with AR graphics and sound to enrich the
symbol’s meaning, with both visual and audio rein-
forcements. The system is adaptable to each individ-
ual child, allowing to have multiple activity config-
urations, and supports a number of different activity
templates to increase the options for the therapist.
In order to evaluate the system, the application
was tested in speech-language sessions with four chil-
dren with ASD. The tests fulfilled the framework pro-
posed by Moore (Moore et al., 2000), where computer
assisted learning systems for ASD children should fo-
cus on at least one on the major impairments; the
projects should be based on current established prac-
tices; and evaluation should be performed in coopera-
tion with actual therapists.
ASD is a group of developmental brain disorders af-
fecting individuals from all races and cultures. It
presents a wide range of possible symptoms and vary-
ing degrees of severity, the common feature being an
early developmental disruption in socialization pro-
cesses (Klin, 2006).
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013)
estimate that about 1% of individuals have ASD in
Europe, Asia, and North America. ASD is more com-
mon among boys than among girls, with a ratio of 5
to 1.
2.1 Interventions
The main goal of an intervention is to promote func-
tional and spontaneous communication, social in-
teraction and symbolic play to increase functional
independence and quality of life. These interven-
tions address communication, social skills, unsuit-
able behaviours, among other common issues caused
by ASD (Myers et al., 2007). The intervention
programs require a multidisciplinary base, involving
behavioural therapy, educational programs, speech-
language and communication therapy (Gadia et al.,
Applied Behavioural Analysis methods, such as
intense behavioural interventions, directed towards
long term behaviour modification, have as goals to
increase and maintain adequate behaviours, reduce
maladaptive behaviours, and teach new skills (Myers
et al., 2007). These methods have a short duration
and are effective in both adults and children (Com-
mittee on Educational Interventions for Children with
Autism, 2001). Discrete Trial Training (DTT) is also
an ABA method to enhance skills such as attention,
compliance, imitation, and discrimination learning,
among others (Smith, 2001). It consists of a struc-
tured learning method whereby a complex learning
sequence is divided in small steps, with reinforce-
ments and assistance by the therapist where required.
The American Speech-Language-HearingAssoci-
ation defines AAC as an area of clinical practice fo-
cused on impairment and disability patterns of indi-
viduals with severe expressive communication disor-
ders (Sevcik and Romski, 2000). AAC methods and
tools are also highly adaptable to the autistic child
needs and personality.
Graphics based systems take advantage of the
strong visual processing skills found in many in-
dividuals with ASD, and have been proven effec-
tive, through functional communication training, in
increasing communication reception in small chil-
dren, and to replace disruptive behaviour such as ag-
gression, self-aggression and crying (Committee on
Educational Interventions for Children with Autism,
2001). The environment, space, and time concepts
are other examples where AAC can be used.
The Picture Exchange Communication System
(PECS), developed by Bondy and Frost in 1995
(Bondy and Frost, 1994), is an AAC method for
functional communication based on picture exchange.
PECS follows ABA principles being structured in a
sequence of steps. Initially the child is taught to initi-
ate requests through figures. Later the child will start
building sentences, answering questions and, on latter
stages, to make comments. Several studies (Charlop-
Christy et al., 2002; Kravits et al., 2002; Ganz and
Simpson, 2004) have shown the benefits of PECS, re-
sulting in vocabulary acquisition and social behaviour
VR and AR techniques have been used extensively to
assist interventions for children with ASD.
Project INMER-II (Belen, 2004) was designed
based on an a serious game in a VR environment
related to shopping activities. The results show in-
creased levels of functional and symbolic comprehen-
sion, and imagination. Furthermore, one child was
able to successfully generalize the experience to a real
Virtual avatars with emotional facial expressions
were used in project Virtual Messenger (Fabri and
Moore, 2005). The goal was to help users to rec-
ognize facial expressions. In the first stage, the user
would be asked to select the emotion corresponding
to the avatar presented on screen, or to select a facial
expression that corresponds to an emotion. The sec-
ond level requires the user to select an emotion that is
appropriate for a scenario presented on screen. When
in the third level, the user is presented with an avatar’s
facial expression, and is required to select a scenario
that could cause the avatar’s expression. The results
show that people with ASD were able to increase their
level of understanding of emotions based on facial ex-
Project AS Interactive was developed to support
people with ASD to improve social skills through
VR environments simulating a cafeteria and a bus
(Parsons et al., 2006). The study performed with
teenagers with ASD led to the conclusion that these
simulated environments could be successfully used to
help people with ASD to engage in social interactions.
In (Herrera et al., 2006) a system based on AR
with infrared markers was described. The system
would superimpose the card symbols on the user’s
image in real time. However, this prototype was
never tested on children with ASD. Later, in (Her-
rera et al., 2012) a AR system using Microsoft Kinect
was proposed, having as main goals teaching self-
consciousness, body scheme and postures, communi-
cation and imitation, using serious games to promote
interaction with the children.
Tentori and Hayes proposed the Mobile Social
Compass framework for the development of mobile
AR systems. The Social Compass Curriculum is a be-
havioural and educational curriculum for social skills
training, based on stories and visual paper clues to
guide the child in both active and passive social inter-
actions. The framework focus in the concept of Inter-
action Immediacy, providing a set of visual clues to
assist the child in anticipating situations (Tentori and
Hayes, 2010).
MOSOCO is a mobile application implemented
using the above described framework, using AR and
visual guidance for children with ASD, to assist chil-
dren with ASD in social interactions in real life. The
system guides the children in the basic social skills
defined in The Social Compass curriculum, encour-
aging them through interactive resources. The sys-
tem’s evaluation was performed with three children
and the results show that the system increased so-
cial interactions, both in quantity and quality, mitigat-
ing behavioural and social disruptions, and allowed
the social integration of these children in neurotypi-
cal groups.
Another mobile AR application, Blue’s Clues,
was proposed in (Escobedo and Tentori, 2011), to
help children with ASD moving from one place to
another. Blue’s Clues concept was developed for a
school environment, aiming at providing the neces-
sary mobility instructions, visual and audio clues, to
guide students with ASD.
In this section we propose an AR based system that
allows the creation of interactive activities supported
on AAC and ABA principles to assist interventions
with children with ASD, aided by a therapist.
The goal was not to impose a new methodology to
the therapist, but to offer a support tool that could en-
rich the current daily activities in the speech-language
sessions. Hence, all the developmentwas initially dis-
cussed with speech-language therapists, to ensure that
the prototype would fit painlessly in the current activ-
ities, and that its interface was clear and intuitive for
both the therapist and the children.
The prototype allows the design of activities for
each individual child attending to the difference in de-
gree of the ASD, the individual personality, and the
previous activities developed by the therapist. Within
each activity, we aimed at providing as much flexibil-
ity as possible. Several templates were provided for
this initial evaluation to guide the therapist in design-
ing the individual activities.
The usage of AR is directed towards superimpos-
ing 3D models and animations on cards with commu-
nication symbols that the child holds or places on the
table. This creates a richer experience, and takes ad-
vantage of the visual skills found in many children
with ASD.
The selection of AR as the underlying technology
for this project aims at:
1. Promote a natural interaction with the computer
through the use of tangible interfaces;
2. Facilitate the generalization of the acquired
3. Allow the enrichment of traditional interventions
based on communication symbols without impos-
ing a new methodology on the therapy;
4. Eliminate the distractions caused by traditional in-
terfaces such as mouse and keyboard.
In (Billinghurst et al., 2005) is suggested that for
the use of tangible interfaces to be intuitive and natu-
ral, it is recommended that the selection of physical
objects and interaction metaphors should be famil-
iar to users, allowing them to interact with the sys-
tem relying on previous skills and experiences. In our
project we use communication symbols which are al-
ready familiar to the children. The child interfaces
with the system by showing cards with communica-
tion symbols, which is a natural behaviour for the
child under intervention. Furthermore, the acquired
knowledge is implicitly associated with the commu-
nication symbols, hence, the child should be able to
recall its experiences afterwards.
The prototype was built with open software tools
and APIS such as irrKlang for audio, ARToolkit for
the AR component and MySQL. These options aim
at providing a low cost solution, and multiplatform
future support.
4.1 The Back Office
The activity construction process takes place in a sim-
ple back office support application where the therapist
can select a template and design interactive activities
to explore with the children. Figure 1 shows a screen-
shot of the activity construction stage.
Initially the therapist associates words with sym-
bol cards, 3D graphics, sounds and animations, and
builds phrases with word sequences. The words can
be further defined as belonging to user-defined cate-
gories such as actions, fruits, or animals.
The data set of words, and their associated me-
dia, is then used to construct the activities based on
the available templates. Each template provides full
parameterization including reinforcement definition,
and error management.
4.2 Activity Templates
The available templates are: Free, Category, Discrim-
inate, and Phrase. These are based on stages I (Free),
III (Category and Discriminate), and IV (Phrase) of
PECS. The possibility to use different templates also
seeks to avoid having the autistic child engaging in
repetitive tasks for long periods of time.
The basic procedure consists in showing a card in
the field of view of the web cam. The recognition of
the pattern in the card will trigger an action.
The Free template, the simplest one, allows both,
child and therapist, to interact freely with the proto-
type. When designing an activity with this template
the therapist can associate the action to be triggered
when the card is shown or occluded. This action,
which can be a graphic, an animation, or a sound, can
act as a positive reinforcement depending on the in-
tervention context, or just be used to engage the child
into exploring the system. Additional actions can be
specified when the card is occluded. As an exam-
ple assume an activity based on cards with animals.
When the child shows a card the system may display
on screen a 3D model of the animal on top of the card.
If the child covers the card with the hand then the an-
imal sound can be played.
In the Discriminate template the child is required
to identify an object based on a clue provided on
screen, and present the card that matches the clue.
Positive and negative reinforcements can be associ-
ated with each individual clue. The system supports
the configuration for special cards that the therapist
can include in the activity. An ’hint’ card will trig-
ger a user-defined hint when shown to the system. A
’next’ card tells the system to move on to the next
object. Finally the ’end’ card will end the activity.
These cards, if provided by the therapist, allow for a
freer interaction from the child, since the child can
control the activity when possessing all three special
cards, or some subset. The special cards can also be
used by the therapist to control the activity.
The Category template can be configured in two
different ways. Initially the system will present a hint
on screen, namely a graphic or sound. The child is
then requested to select and show a card either with
the respective category or with an item in the same
category. Positive reinforcements, applied when the
answer is correct, are configurable, as well as the ac-
tions to be triggered for showing the wrong card.
In the Phrase template the child is requested
to show a sequence of cards, which repre-
sent the subject, verb and noun in a phrase,
see Figure 2 for an example using symbols
from the ARASAAC collection (available at
Figure 1: Screen shot of back office interface for the template configuration. When
each card is placed on the table a reinforcement can
be triggered by the system. This reinforcement will
hint the child if the right card is being used, and also
if the card is in the correct position within the phrase.
The system will detect when a phrase is complete and
trigger the user-defined positive reinforcement.
Figure 2: An example of a phrase.
The test was performed in an association that sup-
ports children with ASD, the Associac¸˜ao para a In-
clus˜ao e Apoio ao Autista, located in Braga, Portugal
The prototype was tested by a speech-language
therapist, the third author, that performs interventions
regularly with children, and four children diagnosed
with ASD. The goal was to test if the software was
clear to the therapist, and to evaluate its usage as a
supporting tool in the interventions performed.
The therapist had 13 sessions with four boys diag-
nosed with ASD. The children were between the ages
of 6 and 10, had some level of orality, and attended
Some children were previously assessed as par-
ticipative in the speech-language sessions, while oth-
ers have an extremely passive behaviour and barely
engaged in spontaneous interaction and communica-
tion with the therapist. One child had several verbal
and motor stereotypies and expressed himself mainly
through echolalia.
A qualitative study was performed with data gath-
ered through observation by the team, including the
therapist, in order to evaluate the suitability of the
software usage by the children, namely what be-
haviours were triggered by the usage of AR, and if the
children had benefited from the interaction with the
software. To support the study we recorded the ses-
sions in video, and filled observationgrids with the in-
teraction stages as well as observations that emerged
in the sessions with the children (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Children interacting with the prototype.
5.1 Strategies
Based on the previous history with the children, as
well as the existing intervention plan for each child,
the therapist set the following scripts for these ses-
For three children the goal was set to: (1) iden-
tify animals, nutrients, and daily objects; (2) Identify
and designate gender; (3) Identify and designate ac-
tions; (4) Discriminate and identify sounds; (5) An-
swer yes/no questions, together with the respective
head nod or shake; and (6) Build sentences with sub-
ject, verb and noun.
The other child had as goals to: (1) Enhance
declarative skills; (2)Improve language skills; and (3)
Create and imagine using language.
The therapist created six activities based on the
four available templates to achieve these goals.
5.2 Evaluation
In general the children were highly motivated by the
usage of AR. Superimposed 3D models and computer
animations on top of cards displaying familiar sym-
bols caused a higher degree of engagement in the ac-
tivities, and had the children requesting the therapist
to ’play’ with the software when arriving.
The child with stereotypies, when in traditional in-
terventions, used to keep asking to go to the window
to watch for cars passing by, and kept repeating out
of context phrases. After the AR based session had
ended, when they were ready to start a different ac-
tivity (not related to this project), the child asked the
therapist for the dog marker and autonomously pre-
sented it to the system. A joyfully expression emerged
when the dog’s bark was heard.
A child defined by the therapist as passive, re-
garding communication and behaviour, revealed to be
highly motivated, repeating everything the computer
The activities were easily grasped by the children,
possibly due to the use of tangible interfaces based on
the cards with symbols, something which was highly
familiar to these children. The prototype did not re-
quire any new form of communication, showing cards
was something that was already present in the ses-
sions prior to this test. Hence, the interaction with the
computer presented itself as familiar to the child.
After 13 sessions the therapist reported her im-
pressions. On a positive note, the therapist stated that
the children kept the interest on the activities for a
longer period of time, and inclusively that children
had the initiative to ask and use the software on their
own. The children acquired new vocabulary and con-
sistently managed to perform correctly the proposed
However, the therapist also noted that a particu-
lar child would sometimes disregard everything else
concentrating only on his image on the screen. The
joint attention was not as high and eye contact oc-
curred less often, suggesting that a balance must be
achieved between the several different types of inter-
ventions and activities.
The therapist concluded that an AR based ap-
proach has the potential to present benefits in speech-
language therapy although the social area may be ne-
glected with some children.
5.3 Detected Issues
Some issued came up during the test which are worth
mentioning in this report. First we had some situa-
tions where a card would be incorrectly recognized,
triggering an inappropriate action. Other times an ac-
tion was triggered without having any card on display.
These issues came up due to the variations in lighting
during the day.
One child actually enjoyed the fact that the sys-
tem made ’mistakes’ and was eager to correct these
mistakes. The therapist also took these system mis-
classifications and explored them within the interven-
tion leading to an even more engaging session. These
unintended recognition failures must be fixed, as chil-
dren with more rigid cognitive processes may be un-
able to deal with these situations. Nevertheless, this
obviously leads to the question: should the system fail
occasionally on purpose? Should this feature be intro-
duced in the configuration?
On another session when the system triggered a
sound without a card being shown, the child imme-
diately sought for the associated card and showed it
to the system. Again, while these unattended failures
must be avoided, they may become part of an activity
with some children, introducing an element of sur-
prise and breaking the pattern of the activity.
The team also noted that the Phrase template
needed to be redesigned to include variations and
more reinforcements. The system should be able to
provide hints regarding the type of the missing ele-
ments and their relative position. Furthermore, the
system should allow reinforcements when, although
all the correct cards are in the table, the order is not
correct. Another option to explore is to start with in-
complete phrases and ask the child to identify the type
of the missing element, as well as the specific missing
The last issue is related to the child’s interaction
when motor stereotypies are present. In our study a
child needed assistance from the therapist to be able
to show the cards. This issue requires support for a
different form of interaction.
The present work has proposed an approach, relating
elements from AAC and ABA, to apply AR in com-
munication and language interventions with children
with ASD to mitigate the issues caused by the impair-
ments in communication skills and imagination.
The resulting prototype has been qualitatively
evaluated in an association that supports children with
ASD and has therapists conducting interventions in
many areas. The sessions were conducted by a ther-
apist and the behaviours of the children and their in-
teraction with the system was recorded on video and
using observation grids.
A common issue in qualitatively evaluations re-
lates to the generalization of results to the remain-
ing population. We have no intention of suggesting
that the data presented in here can be generalized.
This is particularly relevant in the case of ASD due
to the wide range of disorders and their varying de-
grees. This study presents only a contribution to the
development of technological systems to support in-
Our study shows that the usage of information
technologies, in particular AR based systems, in
speech-language interventions, complementing and
supporting the traditional approaches is an option that
must be further explored. The results suggest that the
system usage could represent an added value since we
could observe greater motivation, word acquisitions,
and commitment in performing correctly, as observed
by the therapist.
Due to the use of AR and tangible interfaces,
familiar physical objects, and an interaction proce-
dure similar to the one in the previous AAC sessions,
where cards are exchanged between child and thera-
pist, the system was easily grasped by the children.
As expected, the children were able to use their past
experience to interact effortlessly with the system and
hopefully they will be able to generalize the acquired
We believe that the positive results obtained in this
study are, to some extent, due to the engaging envi-
ronment provided by the application, and its tangible
interface. These factors stimulate cognitive process-
ing and lead to visual learning.
These results illustrate the potential of AR sys-
tems to be used in linguistic skill development due
to the significant increase in interaction and commu-
nication initiated by the children.
While technologies such as the ones in our proto-
type can provide very positive results, we must pay
particular attention to avoid having the child com-
pletely immersed on some application details and ne-
glecting social interaction. The therapist plays a fun-
damental role in these augmented ’interventions’.
6.1 Future Work
We believe that the results presented show the need
for deeper and further studies, adding more interac-
tion templates, extending their configuration, and test-
ing the system with more children.
Game oriented activity templates could provide an
extra level of engagement for the children. Adding
templates should be explored to increase the range
of possibilities for the therapist to conduct the inter-
ventions. The phrase template, as mentioned before,
would also benefit from a subdivision or at least more
configuration options.
The card recognition subsystem also needs to be
fine-tuned to increase robustness, hence suppressing
unintentional card misclassification. These system er-
rors, due to the way children reacted to them, raise an
interesting question that we believe is worth pursuing:
Would a system that intentional provides a wrong an-
swer be a way of further engaging at least some chil-
dren? What is a ’good’ wrong answer?
Children with motor stereotypies also require a
different interaction procedure. This condition makes
it harder for the system to correctly classify the cards.
This is an important issue since a significant number
of children with ASD suffer from motor stereotypies.
In this study we focused on speech-language in-
terventions. We would like to explore other types of
interventions, such as behavioural and sensory thera-
Finally, the limited number of participating chil-
dren does not reflect the broad range of the spectrum,
nor do they allow for any generalization in a particu-
lar subset of these disorders. While the generalization
for the whole spectrum of disorders is an impossible
task, more participating children would allow for a
more relevant analysis, regarding the significance of
the contribution of a system such as the one presented
in here when used in interventions.
Work partially funded by National Funds through
FCT - Fundac¸˜ao para a Ciˆencia e a Tecnologia
(Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technol-
ogy) within project PEst-OE/EEI/UI0752/2011 and
by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient´ıfico
e Tecnol´ogico (CNPq-Brazilian National Council for
Scientific and Technological Development) within
program Ciˆencia sem Fronteiras.
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