How to Collect Consent for an Anonymous Medical Database
Emmanuel Benoist and Jan Sliwa
RISIS, Bern University of Applied Sciences - TI, Quellgasse 21, CH-2501 Biel, Switzerland
Medical Databases, Anonymous Consent, Privacy, PKI Infrastructure.
The goal of some medical databases is not to support the actual treatment of individual patients, but to provide
the platform for medical research. Health data collected in such databases have to be anynomized - they should
be analyzed only statistically and should not permit to retrieve the patient’s identity. Medical data collected
for research should be anonymized to protect the patients’ privacy. In many countries it is mandatory. In
many cases, not only one person treats a patient for a given illness. The documentation of a case requires the
collaboration of different physicians that share information. This sharing of information requires the patient
to authorise the access to the data stored by one physician by another one. We need therefore to implement a
system for collecting the consent of an anonymous person. We present a novel solution to allow the practitioner
to collect the consent of the patient in order to access the data recorded for that person. This solution is based
on existing infrastructure, such as X509 certificates (present in e-ID or e-Health cards). Patients do not require
to acquire any new hardware or to remember any new secret. We produce the fingerprint of the private key
of the patient that can be used to re-identify the patient without having to know the identity of the patient (for
instance the certificate) or even the patient’s public key.
The goal of this paper is to present a practical solution
for efficient, secure and privacy preserving sharing
of anonymous medical information stored in registry
used for medical evaluative research. The aspects of
constructing and managing registries are presented in
(Gliklich and Dreyer, 2010).
Important work is currently being done in the
area of the Electronic Health Records, where infor-
mation is combined from many distributed and au-
tonomous sources. Often such information is het-
erogeneous, in various formats, including unstruc-
tured notes. Many networks assuming mutual trust
and permitting the exchange of medical data are cur-
rently in use or are being implemented. We can men-
tion here e-toile
(Geneva, Switzerland), Clalit Health
(Israel) or GCS EMOSIST-FC
e, France). Such decentralized systems do not
create a new central database, but rather let data be
stored locally where they have been produced and
provide the methods for remote access. Data are
used for treatment only and cannot be used for statis-
tics, since they are mainly heterogeneous (each data
provider having its own format).
The setting we examine in this paper is different.
We consider the case of a database (registry) used to
collect data for medical evaluative research. On the
contrary to Electronic Health Records, a medical reg-
istry contains a limited set of data, but coherent for
all patients, as its main goal is to allow to perform
meaningful statistics. Medical data are collected in
a centralized database where they can be compared
and analyzed. Unlike for the EHR, data in a registry
can be anonymous, since they are not used for treat-
ment of the patient but only for statistical purposes.
As personal information is necessary to retrieve a pa-
tient in order to add supplementary information (e.g.
a follow-up record), it is also stored, but separately,
so that connecting medical cases with personal data is
impossible. We will describe the architecture used to
handle both parts of data in a privacy protecting man-
The physician who treats the patient can access all
data records he/she has created. The same patient may
be also treated by another physician who has no direct
access to the records created by other doctors. The
physician may however need this information in order
to apply correct treatment or to further document the
Benoist E. and Sliwa J..
How to Collect Consent for an Anonymous Medical Database.
DOI: 10.5220/0004902404050412
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2014), pages 405-412
ISBN: 978-989-758-010-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Configuration.
case. As we assume that this happens in the presence
of the patient during a consultation, the patient may
express the consent to make it available to the doc-
tor. The item used to control the access is the patient’s
health related smartcard. The data records concerning
a given patient are stored in the database along with
the “fingerprint” generated from the data on his/her
smartcard. This fingerprint marks the data ownership
and protects them from an unauthorized access. The
same patient’s card may be used to unblock the ac-
cess. The patient expresses the consent to use his/her
data by allowing the physician to use his/her smart-
card. No other items are necessary. This solution is
practical and provides simultaneously an adequate se-
curity level. This protocol is the main subject of this
paper, along with the presentation of the necessary en-
vironment and data structures.
As the smartcards play the essential role in our
protocol, we assume their widespread use by the pa-
tients and by the health professionals. Currently,
in many countries such cards are being deployed:
European Health Insurance Card
with the related
project NETC@RDS
, Carte Vitale
in France, Ver-
in Switzerland, and many others.
The advantages of the proposed scheme are:
the patient data are stored anonymously and the
patient nevertheless retains control over it
the patient needs neither to acquire any new token
nor to remember any new secret
We first show the basic scenario that we want to
handle. We then present the published work related to
the considered case and show what distinguishes our
approach from theirs. We discuss the various risks
faced by such an application. Then, we will expose
the details of the proposed protocol and comment on
the advantages and the problems of the scheme. In the
following, we discuss the related problems not treated
in this paper and finally suggest the directions for the
future research.
The environment we consider in this paper is a med-
ical database (Fig. 1). Its goal is evaluative research,
i.e. assessing the efficiency of various therapy meth-
ods and devices. The database is centralized and con-
tains homogenous data, because only in this way valid
statistical comparisons can be performed. Medical
data are anonymous, identity of the patients is irrel-
evant. As the patient’s case consists of a sequence
of events scattered over many years, they have to be
internally connected in the database. If the patient ap-
pears for a subsequent consultation, his/her case has
to be retrieved based on the his/her identity. Therefore
a pseudonymisation server (later called module) is
used. On this server the patients as well as the physi-
cians are registered. The same patient may be regis-
tered by many physicians, every relation physician-
patient receives a distinct ID. This permits to de-
limit the data directly accessible to a specific physi-
cian. On the other hand, the patient him-/herself has
a unique long term pseudonym that permits to con-
nect anonymously all events in his/her medical his-
tory for statistical analysis. When a physician logged
into the system requires to access a patient with use
of his/her personal data (name, etc.), the pseudonymi-
sation server responds with tho numbers. One is the
internal ID that denotes the items in the central medi-
cal database created by this physician to which he/she
has a direct access. The other one is the patient’s long
term pseudonym that is not seen by the physician but
can be later used to access other items created by other
physicians. This access depends on the patient’s con-
sent, as implemented in the protocol presented in this
In practice, the need to treat the same patient may
arise when he/she moves to another city or needs con-
sultations at many physicians: general practitioner
(family doctor) and various specialists. The patient
may be treated by an oncologist and the surgeon,
his/her tissues may be analyzed in a laboratory. At
a certain moment, a doctor has to collect all this in-
formation in order to assess the case and to define fur-
ther therapy. The patient, trusting the doctor, can al-
low him/her to access the relevant data created by all
A registry (with the corresponding pseudonymi-
sation server - module) is organized around a specific
medical problem, like cancer, orthopedical prosthe-
ses, or else. The central database can support many
distinct modules. We intend not to connect data from
different modules. It could be of value for the medi-
cal research, but would pose new security and privacy
related problems.
Each module uses a specific function to construct
the long term pseudonym. The principle is always
the same: the module combines a selection of par-
tial identifiers, adds salt (specific for this module) and
computes a hash on this information. The selection of
the partial identifiers and the way they are combined
may vary from module to module. For instance, for
one module the social security number birth year and
gender can be used. For another module we can use
last name at birth, first name at birth, birth date, city
and country of birth. Each time a patient visits the
same module, the same pseudonym will be computed.
In some very rare cases two patients will receive the
same pseudonym, but only if they have exactly the
same identifiers.
Using (secret) salt prohibits the administrators of
the central database to discover the patients’ real iden-
Until now, we have discussed the long term
pseudonym that is used to connect anonymously the
patient’s data records. Another item, stored along
with the medical data and controlling the access to
them is the fingerprint. The fingerprint is created us-
ing the data stored on the patient’s health smartcard. If
the patient presents the same smartcard to the physi-
cian, the same fingerprint can be generated what is
understood as the consent to access the data given by
the patient present in persona. In following sections
the handling of the fingerprint will be presented.
As medical information is more and more stored elec-
tronically, studying various aspects of this process
has created a vast research area. Our interest is di-
rected towards privacy and security of medical data,
especially in the interaction of the systems used for
health support (Hospital Information Systems, Elec-
tronic Health Records) and the systems used for med-
ical research (clinical trials repositories, medical reg-
We will present here recent literature regarding
this subject.
In our article, we do not enter in detail into the
way the pseudonym is created to link all the cases
of the same patient in the database. This subject has
already been covered by other publications. For in-
stance (Elger et al., 2010) present the aspects of the
reuse of health data for clinical research, especially
the anonymization of data and the construction of
pseudonyms. (Wilson, 2005) addresses also the prob-
lem of pseudonymization, suggesting the use of the
PKI smartcards. We opted for the computation of a
hash based on information that remain stable (identity
at birth for instance) and a salt specific for each study.
Our system is much simpler and does not require any
new token or information from the patient.
It has to be stressed that retrieving and connecting
data is a different problem from controlling the access
to them. Data items have to be marked with the long
term pseudonyms if they have to be treated as a set,
what is a necessity in the case of medical research.
Consent validation is another problem and we use dif-
ferent means (a fingerprint based on the smartcard) to
achieve this goal.
(Kwon, 2011) proposes to use X.509 certificates
to provide anonymized session identifiers that could
be deanonymized under certain circumstances. This
is very near to what we aim, but we concentrate here
on the consent. The anonymity or the way how the
pseudonym is created is out of the scope of our article.
Another related problem is the one stressed by
(Camenisch and Lysyanskaya, 2001). They focus on
anonymous credentials delivered by a central author-
ity to anonymous users. We try to solve the inverse
problem, where an anonymous user (for us a patient)
gives a credential to a central system, while remaining
In this section we will present the different risks for
the application and how we mitigate them.
The first risk to consider is the attack from an out-
sider. The protection is done according to OWASP
guide lines and protects mainly against the OWASP
Top 10 flaws
. The details of the protection are not
included in the scope of this article.
An outsider cannot become a legal user of our sys-
tem, since the module administrators verify the iden-
tity of the users registered in their module. Since the
modules are in most of the cases operated by medical
societies, the user is typically a member of such a so-
ciety. This fact should also limit the motivation of the
users (physicians) for misusing their access rights and
disclosing confidential data. The price for misbehav-
ing would be a rejection from the community and an
end of the professional career. It does not make a data
theft impossible but raises substantially the bar for it.
In any case, they cannot browse freely in the database
- they have only access to the data they entered them-
selves or to which they have obtained explicit consent
from the patient.
Administrators of a module do just have access
to the data of the module (i.e. the identity of the
patients). This information is important and can al-
ready be stigmatizing, like being registered in a HIV
database. However, the module administrators do not
have access to the central database, so they do not
know the medical details of the case.
Administrators of the central database have only
access to anonymized data. They cannot infer the
identity of the patients from the hash they have. Even
a dictionary attack is not possible, since they do not
have access to the salt used in the module for comput-
ing the hash.
We propose a system that allows to collect consent
of a patient to share his/her medical data between dif-
ferent physicians without disclosing the identity of the
patient to the system.
The system must rely on a preexisting public key
infrastructure. We can not access the certificates of
the patients in this PKI, since the certificates contain
the identity of the patients. We will therefore produce
a fingerprint of this certificate, that does not reveal it.
The consent to access is considered as given, if the
patient’s certificate produces the same fingerprint as
was previously stored with the data. In this process,
the identity of the patient remains unknown for the
In a public key infrastructure, the changing and
revocation of keys is always of crucial importance.
(Ferguson et al., 2010) is here a good reference and
discusses also other practical aspects of key manage-
ment. Our system does not have the possibility to
handle revocation lists or expiration dates. We pro-
pose therefore a way to update the fingerprint of the
key when the key is changed, e.g. when the card is
lost or renewed. In this process, the physician takes
the role of the trustee. Even if our system does not
trust physicians in general (they should only access to
their own data), we will rely on them for renewing the
fingerprint of the key of their patients. Since this step
is central in our system, we will require the physician
to sign any modification in the fingerprint with his/her
health professional’s card. This will allow the admin-
istrators to monitor any misuse of the system and to
react accordingly to protect the data they have in cus-
The protocol is separated in two parts. The first part
concerns the visit at the physician when the medical
data are collected and stored on the server. The sec-
ond part refers to another visit when the patient al-
lows another health practitioner to access the previ-
ously stored data.
As the medical data are stored, a “fingerprint”
controlling the access is created and stored along with
the data. This fingerprint is a shared secret, based on
the pair of the private keys (of the server and of the pa-
tient) in the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) scheme.
It does not require the server to know the patient’s cer-
tificate, and not even to know the patient’s public key.
It can be later activated by the security keys stored
on the patient’s smartcard. It is stored on the server
and the patient just uses his standard card and needs
not to remember or store any new information. The
doctor (or another health professional) plays also an
important role in the process, for example verifying
the identity of a physically present patient. There-
fore he/she is included in our scheme, together with
his/her Health Professional’s Card that can be used to
sign and certify his/her actions.
In the remainder of this article, we make no deeper
analysis of the communication between the physician
and the client on one side and the module on the other
side. The creation of the internal ID and the long term
pseudonym is also out of the scope of this article.
5.1 Enrollment (Fig. 2)
The patient visits a physician and the physician gen-
erates a record that must be inserted in the central
Figure 2: Enrollment.
database. He/she has his/her patient’s smartcard and
inserts it into a reader (client device). The commu-
nication between the physician’s computer and the
central server uses a secure channel. Since both the
physician and the central server know each other, this
channel does not require to offer any anonymity. We
use a HTTPS (i.e. TLS) channel for securing the com-
munication that can neither been intercepted nor mod-
ified by a third party.
In our protocol, we will use S to denote the
server containing data and P to denote the patient
(patient’s smartcard). S has a private-public key pair
, Priv
) and a certificate Cert
containing Pub
and signed by a trusted certificate authority. P has
also a private-public key pair (Pub
, Priv
). The pa-
tient should remain anonymous on the server, there-
fore neither the patient’s certificate cannot be known
by S nor can Priv
(the public key of P) be known by
the server since it could be used as a unique identifier.
We do not discuss the PKI infrastructure design
for this protocol, we assume it simply exists and is
adequately deployed.
1. S and P create a shared message K using the
Diffie-Hellman protocol, so that S and P both
know K
2. P signs the message K and produces K
- the con-
catenation of K and sign
= K + sign
3. P first encrypts K
using Pub
= enc
4. P then encrypts K
using the public key of S
= enc
so that the message is encrypted with both keys
5. P sends K
to S
6. S decrypts K
and gets K
= decrypt
7. S stores the pair (K, K
) together with the user’s
5.2 Re-Identification (Fig. 3)
The patient visits another physician that participates
in this project (i.e. having an access to the server and
its research database) for a consultation or a treat-
ment. The health practitioner indicates the need to
access to already stored data. The patient accepts the
necessity of retrieving the data and gives a consent to
do so. The server S is confronted with a patient P
pretending to be P and in order to accept the consent,
has to verify his/her rights, without revealing his/her
Figure 3: Re-Identification.
real identity. We speak of the re-identification of the
anonymous patient.
S starts the second part of the protocol:
1. S sends K
to P
2. if P
is not P, the message can not be decrypted.
Since P
does not know Priv
. If P
= P then the
private key is known, and the message can be de-
= decrypt
3. P separates the message in two parts: the message
itself and its signature
K + sig = K
4. P verifies the signature of the message to assert
that the message has not been modified.
veri f
(sig, K)
5. If the signature is valid, then P sends back K to S,
encrypted with the public key of S.
M = enc
6. If the value received from P is the same as the
value stored for the user, then S accepts the re-
identification of P.
test i f (K = decrypt
5.3 Re-deployment of the Security Keys
Server key pair (K, K
) can only be used once, oth-
erwise a replay attack would be easily successful.
Therefore at the end of the re-identification process,
the two partners will generate a new pair using the
same protocol as in the enrollment.
5.4 Changing the Keys (Fig. 4)
In our protocol we have assumed that the patient’s
smartcard is of critical importance. It is used to cre-
ate the access keys and to verify them in order to ac-
cess the data. In real life such dependence is risky as
the card can be lost, exchanged or upgraded. In such
a case the access to the data would be irreversibly
lost. Therefore we propose a backdoor procedure to
transgress this limitation. Naturally, it is a trade-off
between security and usability.
If the patient for any reason receives a new card,
the health institutions cannot expect to be informed
about it. A hospital will just be confronted with the
situation that the patient does not own anymore the
card that has been used to protect the data. The pa-
tient’s identity should be however reliably verified to
a seasonable degree with use of other documents, like
a national identity card. In this case the access should
Figure 4: Signing by the doctor.
be refreshed by creating new fingerprint based on the
new patient’s card.
The doctor is the sole person verifying the iden-
tity of the patient. So a doctor could use this feature
to gain access to undue records. In order to prevent
abuse, the new fingerprint has to be signed by the doc-
tor with his/her Health Professional’s Card. This card
also contains the private key and a certificate with the
public key.
Handling of the case of card exchange - as dis-
cussed above - will induce an extension of the en-
rollment procedure. In addition to K and K”, the
server will store the identity of the doctor and the sig-
nature (σ
)) created when signing the mes-
sage K” with his/her private key. As during the re-
identification a new access key (key pair (K, K
)) is
created, all accesses will be signed by the doctors in-
volved. This means that our database will contain the
certificates of all participating doctors.
In this process, the doctor plays a role similar to
certification authority in the PKI architecture as the
trust in the doctor’s integrity asserts the trust in the
stored access key (fingerprint).
Since the doctor receives more power, the plausi-
bility of the change of the key has to be verified. For
instance, an alarm should be raised if a physician ac-
cesses a case without entering new data.
5.5 Discussion
The only requirement is that the patient has a X509
compatible card. Technically, it can be a e-Health
card, a national identity card or any other valid card
accepted by the physician. This card has to contain
a private and a public key and a certificate signed by
a Certificate Authority. Currently in many developed
countries such card are being deployed. We need no
supplementary features or software to be loaded on
the card. The entire algorithm is implemented on the
database server which is under control of the institu-
tion hosting the medical registry.
The proposed protocol has following important
security features:
Impossible for someone to register using some-
one else’s identity (re-identification is not possi-
ble, since the wrong signature will not be accepted
by P)
Impossible to send a message to P in order to let
P decrypt it, since P only accepts messages that
were signed by him- or herself.
The scheme has to ensure a reasonable protection
level but also has to be robust in practical situations.
We assume that refusing the access to patient’s own
data is a real threat to the his/her health. Therefore al-
though elevated security standards are important, they
should not be fulfilled at any price. We have to con-
sider not only the point of view of a computer security
specialist, but also that of a medical practitioner.
There is a number of problems related to our case that
may be studied more profoundly.
In this paper we propose only a data access pro-
tocol - we do not discuss here how data are actually
stored. We assume as self-evident that a semantic
compatibility of data formats have to be ensured. An
important question is if and how they are encrypted.
If data were readable (or easily decryptable for some
parties), it would be necessary to eliminate identify-
ing information from the data content. This is for ex-
ample the case in the DICOM headers of medical im-
ages, as presented in (Elger et al., 2010).
In the use case described here, the patient gives
consent to access his/her data in the presence of the
doctor. A set of records is retrieved and displayed,
the relevant information is accessed. As long as the
entire set concerns a specific disease, we may assume
that the doctor can be trusted and can see it all. If the
set covers various diseases, it may be useful to divide
them in groups, possibly of difference confidential-
ity level. If the patients is HIV-positive and visits an
orthopedist, the patient needs to have the freedom to
decide if even the headers of the data records are vis-
The data accesses have to be logged in order to
prevent and detect the cases of data theft. Also the
failed accesses have to be logged. It is not so much
the case of a malicious patient, because it one failed
trial can happen and it would be difficult for the pa-
tient to try to read many data sets using many forged
cards. On the other hand, a malicious doctor can do it
quietly, not being disturbed.
In this paper we have considered a realistic case of
retrieving valuable medical data stored in an anony-
mous registry with the consent of the patient con-
cerned. The protocol we propose is a trade-off be-
tween security and privacy protection on one hand and
usability on the other hand. If we devise a scheme to
be massively used by patients, we have to remember
that we deal with “common” people, many of them el-
derly, many of them having little experience in using
computers. Therefore we should exclude following
from our design:
carrying special items
remembering special secrets, like user-
upgrading standard items, like loading Java ap-
plications on the smartcard, especially by the pa-
tients themselves
Our protocol meets these requirements and pro-
vides a practicable solution to be used in the scope
of the existing infrastructure. We do not expect any-
thing special from the patients except that they have
the identity token they normally use.
We have described the use of this protocol in
the medical context, but it can be equally applied in
other situations. We can think about any collection
of anonymously stored data, where a data originator
wants to recall records related to him/her. Moreover,
he/she could trace its secondary use, if such informa-
tion were stored in the collection.
In general, such scheme is useful when a large
amount of anonymous data is collected for an accept-
able goal, and the originator is allowed to retain the
relation with his/her data. The main advantage is a
reasonable privacy protection (and tracing the actions
if the strict rules are loosened) and the simplicity of
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