From Inter-agent to Intra-agent Representations
Mapping Social Scenarios to Agent-role Descriptions
Giovanni Sileno, Alexander Boer and Tom Van Engers
Leibniz Center for Law, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Agent-roles, Scenario-based Modeling, Social Systems, Institutions, Story Animation, Narratives.
The paper introduces elements of a methodology for the acquisition of descriptions of social scenarios (e.g.
cases) and for their synthesis to agent-based models. It proceeds along three steps. First, the case is analyzed
at signal layer, i.e. the messages exchanged between actors. Second, the signal layer is enriched with implicit
actions, intentions, and conditions necessary for the story to occur. This elicitation is based on elements
provided with the story, common-sense, expert knowledge and direct interaction with the narrator. Third, the
resulting scenario representation is synthesized as agent programs. These scripts correspond to descriptions
of agent-roles observed in that social setting.
Research in AI and computer science usually studies
normative systems from an engineering perspective:
the rules of the system are designed assuming that
the behaviour of the system and of its components is
mostly norm-driven. In human societies, however, the
position of policy makers and regulators is completely
different. The target social system exists and behaves
around them, and they are part of it. Moreover, hu-
man behaviour is actually norm-guided. People adapt
to their social environment, both influencing and be-
ing influenced by institutions. Multiplicity of institu-
tional conceptualizations and non-compliance (inten-
tional or not) are thus systemic.
We presented in previous works (Boer and van
Engers, 2011b; Boer and van Engers, 2011a; Sileno
et al., 2012) elements of an application framework
based on legal narratives, such as court proceedings,
or scenarios provided by legal experts to make a point
about the implementation or application of the law.
In this, we are investigating a methodology for the
acquisition of computational models of such interpre-
tations of social behaviour. How to represent what
people know about the social system, or, equivalently,
how people (re)act in a social system? Our focus is
These narratives are particularly interesting because
they are produced by the legal system, with the intent of
transmitting - within its current and future components -
relevant social behaviours and associated institutional inter-
not on the narrative object, but on the knowledge that
observers and narrators handle, when they observe
social behaviour and generate explanations. The as-
sumption of systemicity is thus not related to the dis-
course, but to a cognitive level.
Reducing the problem to the core, this work in-
vestigates the transformation of a sequence of inter-
agent interactions in intra-agent characterizations, re-
producible in a computational framework. In section
2, we present our case study. We analyze it at a sig-
nal layer, defining the topology and the flow of the
story. In section 3 we show how to enrich the pre-
vious representations with an intentional layer, inte-
grating institutional concepts as well. In section 4 we
provide elements about the transformation of the pre-
vious models into scripts for cognitive agents. Dis-
cussion ends the paper.
Despite its simplicity, a short story about a sale trans-
action provides a good case of study.
A seller offers a good for a certain amount of
money. A buyer accepts his offer. The buyer
pays the sum. The seller delivers the good.
A successful sale is a fundamental economic transac-
tion. Consequently, what the case describes is a be-
havioural pattern used both in the performance and in
the interpretation of many other scenarios.
Sileno G., Boer A. and van Engers T..
From Inter-agent to Intra-agent Representations - Mapping Social Scenarios to Agent-role Descriptions.
DOI: 10.5220/0004909606220631
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2014), pages 622-631
ISBN: 978-989-758-015-4
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
oer a good for a certain amount
accept the oer
pay the amount
deliver the good
Figure 1: Message sequence chart of a story about a sale.
2.1 Signal Layer
The story describes four events, namely four acts per-
formed by two agents.
The first two acts are easily
recognized as speech acts, but all these actions can be
teleologically interpreted as bringing some informa-
tional change into another agent. From this perspec-
tive, we can consider all of them as acts of commu-
nications, i.e. as messages going from a sender to a
receiver entity. Thus, the previous story can be illus-
trated using a communication diagram, for instance
as a message sequence chart (MSC).
Simplifying the
notation, we obtain the illustration in Fig. 1.
So far all seems easy, but the sale process de-
scribed before lacks some important details. For in-
stance, in a marketplace, paying and delivering are
physical actions. They produce some consequence
in the world: money, goods move from one place to
another. Furthermore, payment and delivery are ac-
knowledged by perception. Second, the buyer has ac-
cepted the offer, because he was somehow receptive
toward that kind of messages. Third, a buyer who al-
ready paid usually does not leave without taking the
good, just as the seller does not allow the buyer to go
away with an object without paying. In our story, all
goes well, so the narrative does not provide any el-
ement concerning these checks. However, this does
not mean necessarily that the buyer and seller had not
checked if everything was fine. Fourth, sometimes a
buyer takes the good and then pays, sometimes the
order of actions is inversed. These four points reflect
characteristics which are left implicit in the story, and,
consequently, in the MSC:
acts have side-effects on the environment (at the
very least, a transient in the medium transferring
the signal),
an action consists of an emission (associated to an
There is also another implicit agent, the narrator, but
he will be neglected in this work, supposing he has a pure
descriptive intention.
MSCs are the basis of the sequence diagrams, one of
the behavioural diagrams used in UML. For further infor-
mation, see for instance (Harel and Thiagarajan, 2004).
buyer seller
Figure 2: Topology of the story.
agent) and of a reception (associated to a patient),
certain actions have a closed-loop control: agents
perform some monitoring on expected outcomes,
the sequence of events/acts in a story is often a
partial order, hidden by the linear order of the dis-
Apart from the last point, which could be solved with
the UML “par” grouping for parallel constructs, we
have to find alternative representations to help the
modeler in scoping and refining the content of the
2.1.1 Topology of the Story
Inspired by the Actor model (Hewitt et al., 1973),
we have drawn in Fig. 2 the topology of the story.
The topology serves as a still picture of the whole
case, and show how signals are distributed between
the characters. The little boxes are messages queues,
the lines identify communication channels. The story
describes which specific propositional content is used
in the exchanged messages. In order to take even-
tual side-effects into account, we introduced an ex-
plicit “world” actor, disjoining the emission from the
reception. The optional part of the communication is
visualized with dotted lines. The world would play
as intermediary entity also in case of broadcast mes-
2.1.2 Flow of the Story
Orthogonal to the topology, we define the flow of the
story as the order in which events occurred. As a
first definition, we may consider a story as a chain
of events (a strictly ordered set):
E = {e
, e
, ..., e
} (1)
In narratology this layer is usually called the fab-
ula: “a series of logically and chronologically re-
lated events [..]” (Bal, 1997). This name dates back
to Propp, which, altogether with the Russian formal-
ists, started considering each event in the the story as
With a similar spirit, communication acts performed
autonomously by the world actor can model natural events.
functional, i.e. a part of a whole sequence, necessary
to bring the narrated world from initial conditions to
a certain conclusion. Furthermore, specific circum-
stances may be described in correspondence to the oc-
currence of an event. As a result, a story corresponds
to the following chain:
where e
are associated to transitions and C
is a set
of conditions assumed to continue at least until the
occurrence of e
Consequence and Consecutiveness. This defini-
tion may look very simple, but the manifold relations
between consequence (logical, causal, ..) and consec-
utiveness (informed by time, ordering, ..) are actu-
ally very delicate to assess. Furthermore, two differ-
ent chronological coordinates coexist in a narrative: a
story-relative time, i.e. when the event has occurred
in the story, and a discourse-relative time, i.e. when
that event has been reported or observed.
In order to unravel this knot, we use a four steps
methodology to reconstruct the relations between the
elements of the story.
First, we elicit relevant abstractions which are
used in the interpretation. In particular, we define
an event/condition as free if the interpreter does not
acknowledge any relation
with another event or con-
dition in the story. We refer to such relations as de-
pendencies. Some dependencies are syntactic. For
instance, you can accept an offer only if there is an
offer, i.e. if an offer has been previously made. Oth-
ers are contextual to the domain. For instance, in a
web sale, payment usually occurs before delivery. In
all cases, dependencies can be used to put a strong
constraint on the ordering of events.
Second, there may be clues of the story-relative
time within the text. Time positions and durations
are usually meant to give some landmark to the lis-
tener. They are described in absolute or relative terms.
When a listener interprets them, it creates a relation
between events, contingent to the story. Such relative
positioning constitute the medium constraint.
Third, if we have no clues about dependencies,
or temporal relations between events, a possible se-
quence is at least suggested by the discourse-relative
time. This provides a weak constraint on the ordering
of free events.
If all three constraints are satisfied, we do not ex-
pect any concurrent events, at least within one story
Apart having occurred in the same story.
The story and discourse contingencies of the medium
and weak constraints become contextualities if they are en-
tailed by strong constraints.
(good, [for]amount)
(good, [to]s)
w>b: delivered
(good, [from]s)
Figure 3: Flow of the story.
However, it is easy to object to such a strict
Consequently, at the fourth step, we weaken the
previous strict temporal constraints (e.g. from e
to e
) in two cases: (a) dependencies can be
associated to no-time-consuming processes (e.g. log-
ical equivalences); (b) events may occur simultane-
ously, when triggered by parallel sub-systems. Fur-
thermore, the medium and weak constraints refers to
contingent relations (according to the modeler). In or-
der to be able to compare the internal structure of sto-
ries, we can neglect them. With these modifications,
the set E defined in (1) is a partially ordered set.
Let us take our case story. There is a relation of
syntactic necessity between offer, acceptance and per-
formance. In addition, there are two agents. These en-
tities can be considered as parallel systems, that may
concurrently interact with the world. Therefore, with-
out further contextual specification, payment and de-
livery are concurrent events.
Visualization. A simple way to visualize the flow
of the story is by the use Petri nets, as we did in
Fig. 3. We opted for a practical naming of places:
sender>receiver:content. At this point, places
represent messages, associated to speech acts. Ac-
tions are like “compacted” into transitions.
The main scope of the flow is to preserve the story
synchronization. Further layers may be integrated,
increasing the granularity of the description, main-
taining the previous points of synchronization, in the
same spirit of hierarchical Petri nets (Fehling, 1993).
For instance, in Fig. 3, we have disjoint the generation
of the message from its reception using an intermedi-
ate “world” actor, as we did in the topology.
A more complex story may consist of many frames.
For “frame”, we consider a sub-story that follows the Aris-
totelian canon of unities of time, space and action.
!sell(good, [for]amount)
oer(good, [for]amount)
[has(buyer, amount)]
[has(seller, good)]
sold(good, [for]amount)
Figure 4: MSC with intentions and critical conditions.
In the previous section we referred to the messages
exchanged in a social scenario, and narrated through a
story. When we interpret such messages, however, we
apply an intentional stance just as we do in our experi-
ential life: we read the actors as intentional agents, at-
tributing them beliefs, desires and intentions. This ex-
post intentional interpretation of the story results in a
decomposition of the plans followed by the agents. In
addition, in order to trigger or enable the performance
of the reported acts, there may be other relevant con-
ditions or hidden acts to be taken into account. They
could have been left implicit by the narrator, but plau-
sibly they are known to the target audience of that
narrative. This is the main assumption on which our
work is based: any reader/modeler can always pro-
vide one or several reconstructions of what happens
behind the signal layer, supported by common knowl-
edge and domain experts (or, at least, interviewing the
narrator himself, if needed).
3.1 Acquisition Methodology
As we did before, we start the acquisition using a
MSC diagram. A possible outcome of the interpre-
tation is in Fig. 4, where we introduce adequate ex-
First, we consider externalized intents (with a “!
prefix) as the events triggering the processes of buy-
ing/selling. The final outcomes of those actions are
then reported with output messages as well, at the end
of the chart. Second, we add eventual hidden acts. In
our case, we know that a buyer usually accepts an of-
fer only after positively evaluating it.
Third, we use
the critical grouping to highlight which conditions (in
addition to sequential constraints) are necessary for
the production of that message.
To sum up, in our story, we add that: (a) the buyer
performs an evaluation of the offer (evaluation ac-
tion), (b) the buyer accepts the offer if it is acceptable
for him (acceptability condition), (c) the buyer pays
(the seller delivers) if he owns the requested money
(good) (ownership condition).
The MSC diagram in Fig. 4 furnishes a good sum-
mary of the story: the inputs/outputs provide an inten-
tional characterization, the vertical bars indicate the
ongoing activities, while the messages refer to suc-
cessful acts of emission and reception, whose occur-
rence is constrained by the critical conditions. Unfor-
tunately, further refinement is necessary to cover the
basic figures encountered in an operational setting.
There is no separation between emission and recep-
tion, and between epistemic and ontological. For in-
stance, we cannot distinguish between a case in which
the buyer thinks he has not enough money, and an-
other in which he thinks that there is enough on his
bank account, but the bank does not “agree” with him.
A simple solution to this problem would be to add
intermediate actors (e.g. the bank), localizing where
the failure occurred. In a complex case, however, the
resulting visualization may be overloaded. In the fol-
lowing sections we will therefore introduce some pat-
terns to be attached to the flow of the story. Instead
of using just one visualization, our approach aims to
provide alternative representational cuts.
3.1.1 Hierarchical Tasks
First, we elicit the hierarchical decompositions of ac-
tivities performed by the agents. These serve as basic
schemes for the behavioural characterization of the
agents, and use hierarchical, serial/parallel constructs.
In practice, this is obtained by identifying, in the story
flow, the activities of the actor as agent (emitter) and
patient (receiver), and relating them according to their
dependencies. Fig. 5 reports the result of this step for
the buyer.
3.1.2 Emission and Reception
Second, activities are anchored to messages. This is
The absence of evaluation is symptomatic of a combine
scheme: the buyer performs mechanically the acceptance
in order to advance the interests of another element of his
social network.
Figure 5: Hierarchical decomposition of tasks.
layer s
layer b
layer b
layer s
Figure 6: Communication pattern.
a delicate phase: we want to maintain the synchro-
nization given by the story and the dependencies as-
sociated to the activities. Fig. 6 reports our solution
(applied on a single message) which explicitly divide
emission from reception. The proposed Petri net is
complete and well-formed. It is scalable to multiple
agents, adding a reception cluster (e.g. w>b:content,
perception, etc.), in order to connect the message to
each agent that is reachable by the communication.
Note: partial orderings may hold independently in
the story flow and in the activity diagrams. In this
case, for instance, we do not know a priori if payment
occurs before delivery (as acts), as we do not know
if the buyer pays before monitoring the delivery (as
actions), or vice-versa, or simultaneously.
3.1.3 Illocutionary Acts
Third, we recognize the practical effects of messages.
Beside of being signal (or a locutionary act), each
message is associated to an illocutionary act, and
then, when it is put in a computational form, it should
integrate some pragmatic meaning.
For simplicity, we consider only four types of per-
formatives: assertions, commissives, commands and
inquiries. Moreover, we interpret commitments as
obligations to the self and commands as attempts to
The simultaneity of actions is evident when consider-
ing a collective agency. However, considering an individual
physical agent, we can assume at least that, concurrently to
the performance of a definite activity, he maintains some
listening activities as well.
instill obligations into the receiver. Considering our
story, we have:
the offer is a conditional promise: the seller com-
mits to deliver the good to a buyer who commits
to pay his price;
the acceptance is a promise: the buyer commits to
pay a given amount;
the payment can be interpreted as a command per-
formed by the buyer to the world, plus an asser-
tion performed by the world to the seller;
the delivery can be modelled similarly to the pay-
3.1.4 Action and Power
Fourth, activities are used as anchors for cognitive,
motivational and institutional elements, informed by
the illocutionary content of the messages. Our intu-
ition is that obligations are prototypical motive for
actions, while power representations are handled at
epistemic level. Therefore, in our representation, we
refer in total to four layers, each of which addresses
specific components:
the signal layer acts, side-effects and failures
(e.g. time-out): outcomes of actions,
the action layer actions (or activities): perfor-
mances intended to bring about a certain result
(the action layer),
the intentional layer intentions: commitments
to actions, or to nested intentions,
obligation to pay
intention to pay
b actually has
the power to pay
(e.g. he actually
owns the money)
b thinks he has
the power to pay
(e.g. he thinks he
owns the money)
b intends
to be compliant
b knows how to infer
the pragmatic meaning
of an acceptance
Figure 7: Full action pattern associated to payment.
the motivational layer motives: events trigger-
ing the creation of intentions.
The last three layers compose the agentic layer. The
closure of the sensing-acting cycle of the agent is
guaranteed by the fact that certain signals, when per-
ceived by agents, becomes motives for action. But
how the motive is translated in intention(s)? How an
intention is transformed in action(s)? What permits
that an action effectively produces a certain result?
These questions can be answered introducing ad-
ditional elements, dual to the previous components,
such as:
dispositions: contextual alignments of the agent
with the environment (consisting of other agents
and of the world actor) in respect to the actions he
affordances: perceived alignments of the agent
with the environment in respect to his intents,
motivations: mental states catalyzing the creation
of intentions.
Affordance and Disposition. Taking an intentional
stance, all behaviours become intent-oriented. If
the agent thinks that the environment affords his be-
haviour, he also thinks he has the power to achieve
the goal associated to that behaviour.
Therefore, af-
fordance practically corresponds to perceived power.
In the literature—see for instance (Chemero, 2003)—
the term affordance often refers both to the perceived re-
lation animal/environment and to the effective (or disposi-
tional) relation. In this paper we will associate the term
affordance only to the first meaning, preferring the term dis-
position for the second.
This assertion has no relation with consciousness. In-
tent can be implemented by design. A certain tool, or even
a business process, is designed to achieve a certain goal in
Similarly, disposition is connected to actual power:
it is a precondition to the consequences that a certain
action of the agent will imply.
In the light of this analysis, we observe how these
categories corresponds to the critical conditions re-
ported on the MSC (e.g. acceptability, ownership in
Fig. 4). The subjective evaluation of each of these
conditions gives to the agent the affordance of the ac-
tion resulting in that message. However, if the affor-
dance is a sufficient condition for the performance of
the action, it is only necessary for the intended out-
come, where the contextual disposition plays a role.
Considering our story, if the buyer starts buying, (it is
like) he is assuming he has the power to do it—said
equivalently, according to him the affordance of buy-
ing holds. Despite of his intent, however, the seller
may be a fake seller, aiming to get the money without
delivering. In this case, the disposition for a success-
ful transaction would not hold, blocking the normal
completion of the sale.
Motive and Motivation. In our framework, moti-
vation refers to some mental condition that makes the
agent sensitive to a certain fact, which becomes the
motive for starting an action. As we observed be-
fore, obligations are prototypical reason for actions.
Despite of that, not all obligations are followed by a
performance. People comply with obligations when
they have some motivation to: it may be for habit,
convenience, respect to authority, or for fear of rein-
forcement actions. Motivations however often remain
implicit in the story.
a certain environment, but artefacts or processes in them-
selves are not aware of such goal or environment. Intent
and affordance may transcend actual performance, but they
still exist.
Visualization. To sum up the concepts introduced
so far, we have reported in the Petri net in Fig. 7 a pos-
sible reconstruction of the step of payment performed
by the buyer. To reduce the visual burden, we have
combined the layers action, intentional, motivational
in one agentic layer. Nevertheless, it would be suf-
ficient to add starting and finishing synchronization
places for each layer to have a complete multi-layered
model. The picture maintains in fact the vertical or-
ganization of our conceptualization: it is easy to rec-
ognize to which layer each element belongs.
The triggering motive is the acknowledgement of
an acceptance (this could be the buyer’s own accep-
tance to an offer, or the reception of a seller’s ac-
ceptance to his own offer). The illocutionary con-
tent of the offer/acceptance entails the duty to pay of
the buyer. This duty to pay is followed for instance
if the buyer desires to be compliant. An obligation
is then formed and used to construct the correspon-
dent intention. The intention, if there is an action or a
course of actions (i.e. plan) which is afforded by the
environment (e.g. the buyer thinks he owns enough
money), supports the selected performance. Finally,
if the action is performed in a correct alignment (e.g.
the buyer owns enough money), it results in the ex-
pected act.
In this type of Petri net we observe an interest-
ing pattern see Fig. 7: certain transitions are con-
nected both to impulse and to persistent places. The
first identify events (the occurrence of change), and
the second conditions (the existence of a continuity).
3.2 Model Validity
Each observed scenario can be explained by several
interpretations: as the reader probably thought while
reading our examples, there is not only one way of
reconstructing the mechanisms that bring about the
production of messages. The story provides only a
foreground, which the interpreter can anchor to al-
ternative backgrounds, explaining and completing it
further. Further development of this research will be
the study of a subsumption relation between scenarios
(analysing their Petri nets) and consequently a dis-
tance operator which considers partial overlaps be-
tween them.
In this work, however, our focus is not the “sci-
entific” validity of the systems integrated in the back-
ground, i.e. how far they represent what is the case
in the experiential world; we accept that the choice of
backgrounds is informed by the ontological commit-
ments of the interpreter (e.g. judges giving alternative
interpretations to a legal case). In our perspective, if
an interpretation produces all the messages provided
in the foreground, then, such model is valid. The pro-
cess of selection becomes a matter of justification.
In the previous section, we have augmented the de-
scription of inter-agent interactions with intentional
(and conversational) concepts. In this section, we will
provide elements of the integration of our framework
with current practices in MAS.
4.1 Agent-roles
Rationality is commonly defined as the ability of the
agent to construct plans of actions to reach a goal,
possibly referring to a hierarchical decomposition of
tasks. In our case, agents do not deliberate, or bet-
ter, the decisions they deliberate have been already
Consequently, their behaviour is fully deter-
ministic. Therefore, instead of considering a full ac-
count of agency, we opted to base our framework on a
more constrained concept: the agent-role, which inte-
grates the concepts of narrative role and institutional
role in a intentional entity.
Agent-roles are self-other representations (Boer
and van Engers, 2011a), i.e. used to interpret, plan
or predict oneselfs or others’ behaviour. They are
indexed by: (a) a set of abilities, (b) a set of suscepti-
bilities to actions of others. In a social scenario, both
abilities and susceptibilities become manifest as mes-
sages exchanged with agents playing complementary
agent-roles. Thus, the topology of a scenario (e.g.
Fig. 2) provides a fast identification of these indexes.
Differently from objects (and actors), however, agent-
roles are entities associated also to motivational and
cognitive elements like desires, intents, plans, and be-
4.2 From Scenarios to Agents
A scenario agent is an intentional agent embodying
an agent-role. It is deterministic in its behaviour: all
variables are either set, or determined by messages
from other agents. This determinism, consequent to
the internal description of the agent, constrains the
temporal order of messages between agents, but not
the behaviour of an entire multi-agent system. In sec-
tions 2 and 3 we have constructed and used a message
layer in order preserve the synchronization given by
Part of the results of the deliberation are reported in the
story, possibly together with elements of the deliberation
process. Despite of these traces, however, the task decom-
position occurs mostly in the mind of the modeler.
the case. If we remove this layer, the system becomes
non-deterministic. For instance, in a case in which
there are two buyers and a seller, we do not know a
priori who is the first buyer to accept.
Agents may communicate only with agents in
their operating range, i.e. whose message boxes are
reachable to them. Each agent may have different
message boxes, and each of them can be epistemically
associated to an identity.
4.3 Computational Implementation
For its structural determinism, the behaviour of an
agent-role can be described in terms of rules, translat-
ing logical and causal dependencies. As we already
observed analyzing Petri nets like in Fig. 7, some tran-
sitions are connected to places associated to impulse
events and to places named after continuing condi-
tions. This configuration easily relates our represen-
tation to event-condition-action (ECA) rules, com-
monly used in reactive systems. In respect to MAS
theory, this connection has been exploited already
in AgentSpeak(L) (Rao, 1996), a logic programming
language for cognitive agents, extended and opera-
tionally implemented in the platform Jason (Bordini
et al., 2007). The connection of AgentSpeak(L) with
Petri nets has been extensively studied in (Behrens
and Dix, 2008), with the purpose of performing MAS
model checking using Petri nets. In the present work,
however, we have a completely different objective:
we started from a representation of the scenario on a
MSC chart, we refined it with Petri nets patterns, and
now we want to extract from this representation the
correspondent agent-role descriptions (as agent pro-
4.3.1 Overview of AgentSpeak(L)/Jason
In order to proceed, this section presents very briefly
two important constructs of AgentSpeak(L)/Jason.
The first is the ECA rule associated to the activation
of a goal. Put in words, with an imperative flavour:
in order to reach the goal, if certain conditions are
satisfied, perform this plan of actions. The equivalent
code is something like:
+! goal : cond i ti o nA & ... & con d it i onZ
<- actio n A ; . . . ; act i onZ .
Conditions represent what the agent thinks should be
true, in that very moment, in order to be successful in
executing his plan. The propositional content is writ-
ten in a Prolog-like form. In addition, Jason permits
Current MAS platforms refer instead to ontological
the attachment of annotations (a sort of optional pred-
icated parameters, expressed within squared brack-
ets). As for actions, they are either direct operations
with the environment, or !g (triggering the activation
of a goal g), +b, -b (respectively adding and removing
the belief b from the belief base).
The second construct we present is an ECA rule
concerning the addition of a belief: when a certain
belief is added, if certain conditions are satisfied, per-
form this plan of actions.
+ b e l ief : con d it i onA & ... & co n di t ion Z
<- actio n A ; . . . ; act i onZ .
Although similar, these rules have different se-
mantics. The motivational component !goal disap-
pears when the plan ends successfully and also when
it fails (in this case, the event -!goal is triggered).
The knowledge component belief is instead main-
4.3.2 Case Example: Buyer’s Payment
As example of synthesis, we are now able to trans-
late the interpretation of payment illustrated in Fig. 7.
This is an excerpt of the code of the buyer agent-
+! acc e p t ( o f fer ( Good , Am o unt )
[ s o u rce ( Se ller )])
<- . se n d ( Seller , tell ,
acce p t ( offer ( Good , Amount )));
+ obl ( p a y _to ( Amount , Sel l er )).
+ obl ( p a y _to ( Amount , Agent )) < -
! p a y _to ( A mount , A g e n t );
- o bl ( pay_to ( Amount , Agen t )).
+! pay _ t o ( Amount , Agent )
: ownin g ( Money ) & M o n e y >= Amoun t
<- . se n d (w , achieve ,
pay_ t o ( Amo unt , Agent ));
+ p a id_t o ( Am ount , Agent ).
For completeness, we included in the first rule also
the generation of the speech act of acceptance. Ne-
glecting this action, we have three rules, hierarchi-
cally dependent, and the last one performs the speech
act for the payment. It is easy to observe a strong cor-
respondence between these elements and the layers in
Fig. 7. The first rule acknowledges the acceptance and
generates the event/condition concerning the obliga-
tion (motivational layer), the second rule transforms
.send/3 is an action provided by the MAS platform
that generates speech acts. The first parameter is the target
agent, the second is the illocutionary force (tell for asser-
tions, achieve for directives), the third is the propositional
the obligation of paying in intention of paying (moti-
vational layer); the third rule checks the affordance
related to the intent (intentional layer) and, if this
evaluation is positive, performs the paying action (ac-
tion layer). The action is then externalized to a com-
munication module of the agent, interacting with the
world/environment, which in turn will generate the
actual consequence (signal layer).
To conclude, we observe that in this description
the belief of having paid can be only partially aligned
with the ontological reality. From the perspective of
the agent, if the action has not failed, it is natural
to think that it has been successful. In reality, how-
ever, something may block the correct transmission
of the act to its beneficiary (e.g. a failure in the bank
databases). This extent of such alignment is related
to the focus of the feedback process checking the per-
The modeling exercise running through the paper
served as an example of operational application of a
knowledge acquisition methodology targeting socio-
institutional scenarios. Each representation we con-
sidered (MSC, topology, Petri net, AgentSpeak(L)
code) has shown its weakness and strengths in this re-
spect. Furthermore, the cross-relations between them
are not simple isomorphisms. Despite of these diffi-
culties, we think that using alternative visualizations
is a way to achieve a more efficient elicitation (target-
ing also non-IT experts). In this line of thought, we
plan to implement and assess an integrated environ-
ment for knowledge acquisition; the scalability of the
methodology should be supported by the introduction
of an adequate subsumption relation between stories,
allowing faster elicitation of models.
From a higher-level perspective, the present work
connects scenario-based (or case-based) modeling
with multi-agent systems technologies. The idea at
the base is that, in order to acquire representations of
social behaviours, we need cases to be valid models,
and we can validate them by their execution.
(Mueller, 2003) observes that, although several
story understanding programs—starting from BORIS
(Charniak, 1972)—have used sort of multi-agent sys-
tems for their internal representation, this choice is
not easy for the programmer: such agents are difficult
to write, maintain, and extend, because of the many
potential interactions. His experience matched with
ours. However, we think that the connection of agent-
based modeling with MAS is too strong and impor-
tant to be easily discarded. As longer-term objective,
we aim to couple on the same simulation framework
designed systems (e.g. IT infrastructures) and repre-
sentations of known social behaviours.
Scenario-based Modeling. MSCs (and collections
of them, e.g. HMSCs) were standardized as support
for the specification of telecommunication software,
in order to capture system requirements and to collect
them in meaningful wholes (Harel and Thiagarajan,
2004). Later on, other extensions, like LSCs (Damm
and Harel, 2001) and CTPs (Roychoudhury and Thi-
agarajan, 2003), were introduced to support the auto-
matic creation of executable specifications. The basic
idea consists in collecting multiple inter-object inter-
actions and synthesizing them in intra-object imple-
mentations. In principle, we share part of their ap-
proach. Our work promotes the idea of using MSCs,
although integrated with intentional concepts. How-
ever, in their case, the target is a specific closed sys-
tem (to be implemented), while in our case, a sce-
nario describes an existing behavioural component of
an open social system. At this point, we are satisfied
by transforming the MSC of a single case in the corre-
spondent agent-roles descriptions. The superposition
of scenarios, with the purpose of associating them into
the same agent-role, is an open research question.
Story Understanding. AI started investigating sto-
ries in the ’70s, with the works of (Charniak, 1972),
(Abelson and Schank, 1977), introducing concepts
like scripts, conceptual dependency (Lytinen, 1992),
plot units (Lehnert, 1981). The interest towards this
subject diminished in the early ’80s, leaking into other
domains. (Mateas and Sengers, 1999) and others tried
a refocus in the end of ’90s, introducing the idea of
Narrative Intelligence, but again, the main stream of
AI research changed, apart from the works of Mueller
(e.g. (Mueller, 2003)). All these authors, however,
are mostly interested in story understanding. We are
investigating instead the steps of construction of what
they called script (Abelson and Schank, 1977). Ac-
cording to our perspective, common-sense is not con-
structed once, in a script-like knowledge, but emerges
as a repeated pattern from several representations.
Furthermore, we explicitly aim to take account of the
integration of fault and non-compliant behaviours, in-
creasing the “depth of field” of the representation.
Computational Implementation. Reproducing a
system of interacting subsystems needs concurrency.
Models of concurrent computation, like the Actor
model (Hewitt et al., 1973), are implemented today in
many development platforms. In our story-world, this
solution would be perfect for objects. We would need
instead to add intentional and institutional elements in
order to implement agent-roles. The connection with
another programming paradigm (intended to handle
concurrency) will plausibly solve most of the prob-
lems of scalability that usually haunt MAS platforms,
often developed by a logic-oriented community.
Relevance. The Agile methodology for public ad-
ministrations (Boer and van Engers, 2011a) intro-
duces the concept of agent-role, and targets the ex-
ploitation of agent-role descriptions, as components
of a knowledge-base corresponding to the deep model
(Chandrasekaran et al., 1989) of a social reality. Such
a model can be used to feed design and diagnostic
(Boer and van Engers, 2011b) applications with the
purpose of supporting the activity of organizations.
The legal system in many areas presupposes the use
of informal or semi-formalized models of human be-
haviour in order to operate. If we aim to support an
administrative organization on those points, ABM is
the most natural choice. In doing this, we recognize
we are going in opposition to the current drift from
agent-based modeling to computational social sci-
ence (Conte and Paolucci, 2011). However, because
of the generative aspect of the agent-role concept, our
contribution is relevant to research in behaviour ori-
ented design (Bryson, 2003) or similar, usually ap-
plied to robotics and AI in games.
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