Towards Automated Video Analysis of Sensorimotor Assessment Data
Ana B. Graciano Fouquier
, S´everine Dubuisson
, Isabelle Bloch
and Anja Kl¨oeckner
Sorbonne Universit´es, UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR 7606, LIP6, F-75005, Paris, France
Sorbonne Universit´es, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS, UMR 7222, ISIR, F-75005, Paris, France
Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom ParisTech, CNRS LTCI, Paris, France
Dept. of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, APHP, Hˆopital Piti´e-Salpˆetri`ere,
Sorbonne Universit´es, UPMC Univ Paris 06, Paris, France
Video Analysis, Behavioral Imaging, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Sensorimotor Assessment.
Sensorimotor assessment aims at evaluating sensorial and motor capabilities of children who are likely to
present a pervasive developmental disorder, such as autism. It relies on playful activities which are proposed
by a psychomotrician expert to the child, with the intent of observing how the latter responds to various
physical and cognitive stimuli. Each session is recorded so that the psychomotrician can use the video as a
support for reviewing in-session impressions and drawing final conclusions. These recordings carry a wealth
of information that could be exploited for research purposes and contribute to a better understanding of autism
spectrum disorders. However, the systematic inspection of these data by clinical professionals would be time-
consuming and impracticable. In order to make these analyses feasible, we discuss a computer vision approach
to prospect behavior information from the available visual data acquired throughout assessment sessions.
The study of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) as-
sisted by computer vision tools has recently emerged
in the literature (Rehg, 2011; Porayska-Pomsta et al.,
2012) and revealed a new potential research field.
This is partly motivated by increasing governmen-
tal efforts in different countries to support studies on
ASD, since nowadays these disorders are more fre-
quently diagnosedand their lifetime treatment implies
a substantial public budget. Therefore, better under-
standing of these disorders should impact the way we
deal with them, and it could lead to earlier diagnosis,
as well as to more effective and less costly treatments.
Visual data are often a useful source of knowl-
edge for ASD diagnosis and research. For instance,
home movies have been traditionally used as a means
of evaluating ASD hypotheses (Zakian et al., 2000;
Bernard et al., 2006; Wendland et al., 2010). The
uncontrolled environments depicted in these movies
could be used to detect or verify numerous aspects
of ASD if they were explored automatically. Also,
data obtained from various ASD diagnostic protocols
(e.g. AOSI, MCHAT, sensorimotor assessment) could
be exploited to test hypotheses or reveal hidden pat-
terns over groups of children. However, the amount
of available data makes it virtually impossible for a
human expert to go through it all in pursuit of some
target behavior or signs. Therefore, the design of
computer vision tools targeted at these studies should
provide a means of dealing with the large amount of
recordeddata in a more efficient way. Ultimately, they
may contribute to a better understanding of autism
spectrum disorders. In this position paper, we will
discuss these potentialities through a case study.
Related Work. Recent efforts have been made
towards these automated analyses. In (Hashemi
et al., 2012), the authors present a semi-automatic
computer-vision-based methodology to analyze three
activities from the AOSI (Autism Observation Scale
for Infants) diagnostic protocol and to study postu-
ral patterns related to autism. These activities evalu-
ated the child’s ability to share attention, to perform
a visual pursuit of an object, and to switch attention
from one stimulus to another. To perform these exper-
iments, the authors implemented a set-up to acquire
video data from patients aged 6-15 months. These
videos were not part of the usual protocol and thus
had to be obtained for this study purposes. A fixed
camera was used to record the target activities, thus
the perspective of the scene remained the same dur-
B. Graciano Fouquier A., Dubuisson S., Bloch I. and Klöeckner A..
Towards Automated Video Analysis of Sensorimotor Assessment Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0004912307350740
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM-2014), pages 735-740
ISBN: 978-989-758-018-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ing each activity and for each patient. The vision-
based analysis relied on geometrical measurements
estimated through the triangle formed by the patient’s
nose, the left ear and eye, which were always vis-
ible in the videos. The reported automated results
corroborated with what clinician’s usually conclude,
which proved that specialized automated methods can
be used as auxiliary tools for processing this type of
The work from (Rehg et al., 2013) proposes a
multi-modal (audio and video) method for analyz-
ing fine-grained actions and behavior manifested dur-
ing a session of the Rapid-ABC diagnostic protocol.
For this study, the authors proposed a complete set-
up to acquire short videos of the interaction between
a child and the clinician during a single activity of
the Rapid ABC. The setting was composed of several
fixed cameras (2 frontal views, 8 side views, 3 over-
head views), an overhead view Kinect
, as well as
microphones and electrodermal sensors. This system
produced an annotated public database (MMDB) of
160 videos with children aged 15-30 months. These
data were parsed using speech recognition technology
in order to segment the activity into its main stages.
Then, the visual data were put together to evaluate the
degree of engagement between the child and the clin-
ician. Techniques for smile and gaze detection, ob-
ject recognition and tracking, event detection and fea-
ture extraction were adopted in order to predict this
engagement. The study also revealed various prob-
lems in the computer-assisted study of dyadic rela-
tions. Again, the encouraging results point to the fea-
sibility of automated analysis of ASD data, and bring
hope for a better understanding of these disorders.
Position Paper Objectives. In this position paper,
we shall discuss how automated video analysis can
help the study of videos obtained during sessions of
sensorimotor assessment. This diagnostic method
was proposed by A. Bullinger (Bullinger, 2006) to
evaluate a child who possibly presents a pervasive de-
velopmental disorder (PDD), such as autism, from an
evolutionary point of view regarding sensory and mo-
tor capabilities. A typical sensorimotor assessment
session is always recorded for later use as a review
tool for verifying the psychomotrician’s in-session
impressions. Unlike the aforementioned works, these
data were part of the protocol and were recorded in an
uncontrolled environment by an assistant psychomo-
trician using a single personal camcorder manipulated
freely. This fact implies that our system must cope
with technical issues that are still unresolved, such
as dealing with important zooming and occlusions
without any 3D information, as well as with motion,
low image quality and artifacts. Also, the children
age range varies from toddlers to teenagers, which
also supposes a flexible system in order to cope with
their inherent variability when modeling the possible
course of actions.
From a computer vision perspective, automatic
analysis of these recordings based on visual data en-
tails object detection, segmentation, classification and
tracking. Although there is a vast literature on each
of these problems, the difficulties due to the data ac-
quisition under an uncontrolled setting lead to failure
of various existing methods. Also, the augmented di-
mension of interpreting cognitive and social signals is
a challenge, since it requires the computational mod-
eling of numerous types of human behavior and social
concepts and the development of specific social signal
measures. It is important to mention that the proposed
automated analysis does not aim at replacing the clini-
cian’s diagnosis, but rather to provide ways to inspect
the data a posteriori and to verify the clinician’s re-
search hypotheses and impressions about seemingly
common patterns of behavior among PDD patients.
In the remainder of the paper, all these points shall
be discussed as follows. Section 2 describes a typical
assessment session and details one of its activities,
which shall be the focus of our automated analysis.
Section 3 presents the available video data for this ac-
tivity and assesses their challenges from a computer
vision and video analysis perspective. The clinical
hypotheses verifiable from these excerpts and their
computational representation are discussed in Sec-
tion 4. Preliminary results on object segmentation and
tracking as a first step for the automated video anal-
ysis are given in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 brings
conclusions and future perspectives on the problem.
As stated in Section 1, sensorimotor assessment is
a diagnostic protocol for evaluating sensorimotor in-
tegration in patients likely to suffer from a PDD.
Each session consists of a series of activities that
observe the responsiveness of the child to distinct
stimuli (visual, tactile, motor, auditory) presented by
a psychomotrician professional (Jutard et al., 2009;
Kloeckner et al., 2009). It also assesses the child’s
ability to share attention, to engage in social activi-
ties, to understand and to perform a given task.
The whole session lasts about one hour and a half
and is entirely recorded. Since the psychomotrician
must be entirely committed to the assessment, he/she
cannot take notes during the session. Thus, the re-
sulting video serves as a record of observable assess-
ment data, which the clinician may later use to review
his/her in-session impressions and to write a final as-
sessment report. The video also serves as a means of
explaining the psychomotrician’s observations to the
child’s parents. An auxiliary psychomotrician always
takes part in these sessions. This clinician is respon-
sible for recording the activities with a single cam-
corder which can be freely operated. The objective is
to capture the global progress of the test, as well as
to register in detail individual gestures or expressions
that might be remarked and considered relevant.
As a first step towards our automated analysis sys-
tem, we will focus on a single activity of the assess-
ment. We shall refer to it as the “grab the stick test”.
For this particular test, the child is invited to sit on a
chair and the psychomotrician usually kneels down in
front of him/her. Then, the psychomotrician sequen-
tially presents to the child a series of identical wooden
sticks from different starting points in space and in
distinct orientations. Ideally, the child is expected to
grab one stick at a time with one hand and keep the
previous ones in the other hand. When the activity is
completed, the child is asked to store the set of sticks
in a pencil case and close its slide fastener. Figure 1
shows a few sample frames extracted from the video
passage containing this activity.
Figure 1: Sample frames from the “grab the stick test”.
The choice of this activity was not casual. This
test offers clinical evidence for a set of sensorimo-
tor handicaps. Apart from evaluating cognitive skills
through task understanding and learning (child’s re-
sponse to test instructions), the clinical purposes of
this activity assess oculomanual coordination (spa-
tial perception and localization of stimuli, followed
by hand movement), median line crossing (capability
of communication between the right and left halves
of the body), tactile dexterity and rhythm (movement
frequency, elapsed time between grabbed sticks), and
grip quality (intensity, adequacy).
The examples in Figure 1 depict the usual environ-
ment where the sensorimotor assessment sessions are
performed. The setting consists of a bright room
where all the tools for the sensorimotor assessment
are kept. For this activity, the auxiliary psychomotri-
cian usually records the activity from a side perspec-
tive in relation to the other professional and the child.
A chair is always required, and sometimes cushions,
feet-support, or a Vichy-textured board are deployed
to make the setting more comfortable for the child. In
all situations, the child is sitting in front of the psy-
chomotrician and the assistant must avoid interfering
at all costs.
We obtained a total of nine video recordings from
sensorimotor assessments. Three of the videos were
from female patients, while the remaining ones were
from male patients. Each full video was manu-
ally cropped so that the excerpts analyzed contained
uniquely the “grab the stick test”. This reduces the
total video time from approximately 1,5 hours to a
1- to 5-minute excerpt, which is more reasonable for
performing object tracking. Table 1 presents a sum-
mary of these videos by listing the patient’s gender
and age, the visible people (actors) present in the ex-
cerpt besides the patient and the psychomotrician, the
suspected diagnosis, and the technical difficulties in-
herent to the video data or to the analysis of the test.
As it can be seen, total or partial occlusions are
one of the most recurrent issues among all videos
(Figure 2 (b)). These are often due to the bad ad-
justment of the camera visual field, which is some-
times insufficient to capture all the spatial locations
in which the sticks appear and where the child grabs
them. Furthermore, since the shooting is usually lat-
eral, it may capture the psychomotrician from an an-
gle which partially occludes the child or the activ-
ity. Another common issue results from fast zooming
(Figure 2 (a)). Due to clinical needs, it is sometimes
applied to focus on a localized expression or reaction
of the child, which abruptly changes the scene and
leaves most important elements out of sight. Zoom-
ing is also a source of temporary stick occlusion and
Besides these, sticks and hands may suffer from
motion blur at times due to insufficient frame rate,
which makes it harder to segment and recognize them.
Table 1: Summary of Sensorimotor Video Contents. For each video at our disposal, the table presents relevant informa-
tion such as the patient’s gender (Female/Male), age (in years), people appearing in the video besides the patient and the
psychomotrician, the likely diagnosis, and the events that occur during the task that can make its automated analysis difficult.
Gender Age Actors Suspected Diagnosis Video challenges
F 3 Mother Anorexia and slight ASD Sticks out of view; sticks occluded by hands/other
objects; task repeated twice
F 7 Father Schizophrenia Sticks/hands out of view; child plays with sticks
F 12 Parents ASD Interaction between the child and each parent; zooming;
complex behavior due to global impairment (wheelchair)
M 2.5 Parents ASD Child sitting on mother’s knees; sticks out of view;
sticks occluded by hands/other objects;
M 3.3 N/A ASD Child plays with sticks for a while and places them on
the floor; presence of Vichy-textured board; sticks
out of view; sticks occluded by hands/other objects;
M 5 Father ASD Sticks out of view; sticks occluded by hands/other
objects; zooming
M 10.5 N/A ASD Presence of child’s puppets; sticks occluded by
hands/other objects; zooming, camera instability
M 14 Father ASD Sticks occluded by hands/other objects; zooming
M 16.5 N/A ASD Sticks occluded by hands/other objects; zooming
(a) (b)
Figure 2: Typical technical problems encountered in videos
of the “grab the stick test”: (a) blurred elements (the child’s
hand), out-of-sight objects (the stick, the psychomotrician’s
hand) and zooming, (b) partial occlusion due to side per-
Undesirable motion is also caused by the fact that the
video is captured from a camera manipulated freely.
This makes it harder to successfully adopt back-
ground subtraction techniques to isolate foreground
elements. Also, when parents are present, the num-
ber of human interactions increases the number of oc-
clusions and makes object segmentation and tracking
more difficult. Finally, the variability in patients re-
sponses adds to the challenge of modeling behavior
and courses of actions for this activity.
As described in Section 2, the “grab the stick test”
is particularly useful for screening the child’s learn-
ing and developmental limitations regarding various
aspects. For the automated analysis though, we shall
focus on a complementary evaluation related to task
understanding, as well as to signs of sensorimotor dif-
ficulties during task completion.
Intuitively, the psychomotrician can verify if a
child understands the activity by waiting for his/her
reaction to the first stick shown. Therefore, the time
a child takes to respond can be related to his/her un-
derstanding of the task. In addition to this research
hypothesis, the clinician could verify whether a child
reacts faster and automatically after grabbing the first
sticks, which could reveal an underlying cognitive
process. The time-of-response variability through-
out the activity may be an index of this learning pro-
cess. Yet another research hypothesis concerns the
signs of sensorimotor developmentimpairment. From
the point of view of sensorimotor analysis, if the
child produces atypical mouth gestures while trying
to reach out for the stick or while bringing it closer to
his/her body, then there may be a motor trouble that
the child tries to compensate with the mouth move-
ment as if it were a support.
These research hypotheses may be verified by ei-
ther measuring the respective elapsed times, or ob-
serving simultaneous stick grabbing and mouth move-
ment, based on the available “grab the stick test”
video recordings for all patients. Their automated
analysis through computer vision implies the follow-
ing low-level problems: detection of sticks, hands
and mouth; recognition of the patient’s left and right
hands and the psychomotrician’s hands; tracking of
sticks and hands. Subsequently, these elements will
compose the building blocks for modeling a typical
course of action of the “grab the stick test”. We will
suppose that the analysis will only be valid whenever
all these elements are within the limits of the depicted
scene in each video frame.
To represent the course of the activity, we specify
the following key action patterns to look after in the
a new stick appears in the scene: to facili-
tate this task, the first stick is manually de-
tected/segmented; the subsequent ones must be
detected automatically by recognizing an intersec-
tion or adjacency between the region recognized
as the psychomotrician’s hand and the region de-
tected as a stick;
the child grabs a stick: this pattern is detected by
searching for an intersection or adjacency among
the regions detected for the childs and psychomo-
trician’s hands and the stick;
the child moves his/her hand: if a region recog-
nized as one of the child’s hand presents consider-
able displacement from one frame to another, this
should trigger the tracking of this hand;
unusual mouth gesture: the frame region detected
as the mouth must be recognized as an atypical
gesture; a computational model of these unusual
gestures must be created so that the recognition
process can disambiguate them from acceptable
patterns such as smiling, speech, and yawning.
The first three patterns serve as markers for the
succeeding step, which aims at verifying the hypothe-
ses of learning and measured reaction times. The last
three patterns can be put together in order to verify
the hypothesis of sensorimotor impairment.
As discussed in Section 4, the first stage of our auto-
mated video analysis consists of low-level detection,
recognition and tracking of target elements. Our pre-
liminary experiments aim at evaluating the research
hypotheses related to task understanding and learn-
ing. To this aim, we explore available a priori knowl-
edge concerning the videos at our disposal in order to
detect and track hands and sticks.
Color Cues. Hands naturally relate to skin color.
Skin detection in images has already been discussed
by a series of works (Albiol et al., 2001; Jones and
Rehg, 2002) and skin colormaps are widely avail-
able. Thus, we use this cue in the hand detection
step. The original sticks are all of the same color.
In spite of variations due to illumination effects in the
videos, an empirical analysis of their hue-saturation-
value (HSV) histograms has shown that they often fall
into a rather well-defined color range, which supports
the use of color features for stick detection. Curiously,
the color of the sticks also falls into the skin range,
which allows us to use the same color filter for both
hands and sticks.
Shape Cues. All sticks present the same shape and
size. Although perspective transformations might
change their appearance throughout the videos, their
linear geometry is valuable information to be ex-
ploited. We seize this information by adopting the
probabilistic version of the Hough Transform (Matas
et al., 2000) to detect lines. We apply this filter over
the image produced by a morphological opening of
the skin detector result, then we filter the results by
line size in order to remove spurious lines.
Stick Tracking. We track the sticks using a particle
filter model inspired by the one presented in (P´erez
et al., 2002). The state space consists of the position
(2D image coordinates) and the scale of the sticks. We
adopt a random-walk model to represent the system
dynamics. Finally, the likelihood function is com-
puted with respect to a reference stick color model
based on the HSV color space. In order to initialize
the position state variable, we manually define a mask
around the stick upon the first frame where it appears.
We have successfully tracked the first stick up to the
moment the child grabs it and starts to retract his/her
arm, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Sample results for the tracking of sticks through
particle filtering.
Although these features have been used in our
present experiments, others might as well be adopted.
Automated analysis of ASD clinical data shall help
to reveal new findings concerning autistic disorders.
In this position paper, we discussed how computer
vision and video analysis can be employed to evalu-
ate video data from sensorimotor assessment, a diag-
nostic protocol for screening pervasive developmental
disorders such as autism.
Our next steps aim at concluding the analysis of
the “grab the stick test” as discussed hereby. This will
allow us to measure the times of reaction for all sticks
and estimate their variability for each patient. Then
a global study of these results should help sustain or
reject both task understanding and learning hypothe-
ses. We shall also verify the relation between sensori-
motor impairment and mouth gestures throughout the
test. A set of common mouth gestures must be de-
fined in order to distinguish them from unusual ones.
One solution to this problem is to model mouth ges-
tures through the Facial Action Coding System, an
approach adopted in successful recent works (Mahoor
et al., 2009; Senechal et al., 2013).
Future research shall also deal with video editing
and other behavior analysis from video. The first cat-
egory concerns the automatic detection of zooming
and video passages that provide insufficient content
for an analysis by either a human expert or computer
vision tools, as it is the case when sticks or hands are
not visible in a scene. The automatic segmentation of
the assessment videos into passages corresponding to
distinct sensorimotor activities shall also be exploited.
The second category covers the study of signs of
fatigue and loss of attention during the assessment.
This research shall evaluate the videos thoroughly in
order to look for remarkable signs, such as yawning or
torso relaxation and bending. The clinical motivation
is to perceive common signs related to these manifes-
tations, as well as to understand which stimuli might
help the child to regain attention.
The videos used in this study were acquired with the
informed consent of the parents, who agreed to the
use of the data for educational and research purposes.
Ana B. G. Fouquier was the recipient of a Post
Doctoral Fellowship provided by the Brazilian Na-
tional Council for Scientific and Technological De-
velopment (CNPq).
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