Automatic ATM Fraud Detection as a
Sequence-based Anomaly Detection Problem
Maik Anderka
, Timo Klerx
, Steffen Priesterjahn
and Hans Kleine Büning
Department of Computer Science, University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany
Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH, DE R&D ACT 53, Paderborn, Germany
ATM Fraud Detection, Sequence-based Anomaly Detection, Automatic Model Generation.
Because of the direct access to cash and customer data, automated teller machines (ATMs) are the target of
manifold attacks and fraud. To counter this problem, modern ATMs utilize specialized hardware security
systems that are designed to detect particular types of attacks and manipulation. However, such systems do
not provide any protection against future attacks that are unknown at design time. In this paper, we propose an
approach that is able to detect known as well as unknown attacks on ATMs and that does not require additional
security hardware. The idea is to utilize automatic model generation techniques to learn patterns of normal
behavior from the status information of standard devices comprised in an ATM; a significant deviation from
the learned behavior is an indicator of a fraud attempt. We cast the identification of ATM fraud as a sequence-
based anomaly detection problem, and we describe three specific methods that implement our approach. An
empirical evaluation using a real-world data set that has been recorded on a public ATM within a time period
of nine weeks shows promising results and underlines the practical applicability of the proposed approach.
Automated teller machines, ATMs, are subject to vari-
ous attacks. The primary reason for this is the amount
of cash inside the ATM safe (up to 500 000EUR in a
high volume ATM), but also the access to customer
data that in turn gives access to cash. The total losses
from ATM fraud during 2008 across Europe are esti-
mated to 485.15 million EUR.
This makes clear that
the prevention against attacks and fraud is a topic of
highest importance, not only for financial institutes
and bank customers but also for ATM manufacturers.
Modern ATMs comprise a varietyof security tech-
nology. Internal devices either act as autonomous
high security modules or are protected by encryp-
tion and the surrounding safe. Additionally, mod-
ern ATMs contain specialized security sensors rang-
ing from shake sensors over gas sensors to cameras.
The security state of an ATM is usually monitored by
a software system to identify attacks and to react ac-
cordingly. The identification happens in a knowledge-
based manner, i.e., based on a set of expert rules that
need to be specified manually for individual attacks.
According to the European ATM Crime Report 2008
prepared by the European ATM Security Team, EAST
The current security technology, however, is not
able to identify novel types of attacks that are un-
known at design time. Although respective security
hardware and particular expert rules can be developed
after a novel attack has become known, upgrading all
ATMs in service is a time- and cost-intensive process.
Moreover, such counteractions can only be initiated
after the attack has happened, i.e., after loss or dam-
age has already been incurred.
We propose a novel approach to detect ATM fraud
that overcomes the mentioned limitations of current
security solutions. Instead of modeling (known) at-
tacks, we model the normal behavior of an ATM. This
is based on the assumption that a significant deviation
from the normal behavior is a strong indicator of an
attack (which need not necessarily be known before-
hand). Moreover, instead of manually specifying ex-
pert rules, we tackle the problem from a data-driven
point of view by automatically generating a model of
normal behavior based on the data stream of status in-
formation produced by the hardware devices and the
software components inside an ATM. Compared to
current security solutions, our approach has the fol-
lowing benefits:
1. It is able to detect both known attacks as well as
novel attacks that are unknown at design time.
Anderka M., Klerx T., Priesterjahn S. and Kleine Büning H..
Automatic ATM Fraud Detection as a Sequence-based Anomaly Detection Problem.
DOI: 10.5220/0004922307590764
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM-2014), pages 759-764
ISBN: 978-989-758-018-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2. It does not require particular (security) hardware,
but uses the prevailing hardware equipment.
3. It can be applied on any machine, independent of
the type, the equipment, and the manufacturer.
4. It minimizes human effort.
In this paper, we report on our current work
on realizing the proposed approach using techniques
from the research fields of anomaly detection (also
known as outlier detection), pattern recognition, and
automatic model generation. In an initial attempt
to address the problem, we represent the continu-
ous data stream that is produced inside an ATM as
a discrete sequence of status events, and formulate
the identification of anomalous behavior as the fol-
lowing sequence-based anomaly detection problem
(Chandola et al., 2012): Given a set of normal train-
ing sequences, decide whether a test sequence is an
anomaly with respect to the training sequences.
By formulating the problem in this way, we can
benefit from the large body of prior research in the
well-developed field of sequence-based anomaly de-
tection. Following Aggarwal (Aggarwal, 2013) three
basic principles can be distinguished how to de-
cide whether a test sequence is an anomaly: 1. the
test sequence rarely occurs in the training sample
(frequency-based), 2. its distance to most training
sequences is very large (distance-based), and 3. its
probability of being generated by some probabilis-
tic generative model is low (model-based). In or-
der to demonstrate the practical applicability of our
approach, we implemented three specific sequence-
based anomaly detection methods, where each of
which is based on one of the basic principles. The
three methods are threshold-based sequence time de-
lay embedding (t-stide), a k-nearest neighbor ap-
proach (k-NN), and a hidden Markov model (HMM).
We empirically evaluate the three methods using
a real-world data set that has been recorded on a pub-
lic ATM within a time period of nine weeks. Since
a representative sample of anomalous behavior is in
general not available, we intersperse randomly gener-
ated artificial anomalies in the test data set. Given the
best parameter combination, two of the three methods
achieve an anomaly detection effectiveness of more
than 0.8 in terms of F-measure.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 provides background information
on the data that is collected inside an ATM. Sec-
tion 3 gives a formal problem definition and describes
the three sequence-based anomaly detection methods.
Section 4 presents the empirical evaluation and dis-
cusses the results. Finally, Section 5 concludes this
paper and gives an outlook on future work.
Device driver
CRS Firmware ATM Firmware device
Operating System
Java Runtime Environment
D&S XFS- or J/XFS-Layer
T/SOP Application
Figure 1: Software architecture of a Wincor Nixdorf ATM
(modules ProBase/C and ProBase/J).
Modern ATMs contain a variety of devices that pro-
duce a continuous stream of data. For example, ev-
ery mechatronic system (e.g. for money and card
transportation) is equipped with multi-sensory tech-
nologies that acquire real-time data for deriving cur-
rent states, describing normal behavior, and realiz-
ing self-expression capabilities. Further examples in-
clude input devices (e.g. the PIN pad and soft keys
or the touch screen) and monitoring electronics (e.g.
anti-skimming units, demolition sensors, and cam-
eras) that emit status events for process control and
for health or security state assessment.
The data of all devices is usually processed and
aggregated by a piece of software in the ATM PC.
Figure 1 shows the architecture of the ATM soft-
ware for a typical Wincor Nixdorf ATM.
The de-
vices produce periodic and event-triggered messages,
which are transferred from the devices’ firmwares via
their device drivers to the Diagnosis and Serviceabil-
ity (D&S) module, among others. The D&S module
can store all messages in a log file. Applications can
obtain access to the log file for online processing dur-
ing operation. In addition, the log file can be pro-
cessed offline, e.g., on another machine (as it is the
case for the experiments described in Section 4).
The messages that are comprised in the log file
have the following structure:
<timestamp> <message ID> <payload>
The timestamp represents the moment when the D&S
module received the message. The sending device as
well as the reason why the message was sent is identi-
This architecture is very similar for most ATM vendors
due to the CEN/XFS standard that describes the common
programming interface for ATM applications.
fied by the message ID. The payload contains device-
specific data, such as sensor values. The log file com-
prehensively describes the ATM’s real-time behavior
in all monitored operation scenarios. Therefore, it is
an appropriate source for (1) building a model of nor-
mal behavior and (2) monitoring the real-time behav-
ior and trigger a security alert when detecting anoma-
lies with respect to the model.
The idea is to identify attacks on ATMs by detecting
anomalies in the monitored behavior. We start with a
formal problem definition (Section 3.1). Afterwards,
we describe the three sequence-based anomaly detec-
tion methods that we have implemented: frequency-
based (Section 3.2), distance-based (Section 3.3), and
model-based (Section 3.4).
3.1 Problem Statement
Data Representation. The data base is the log file
provided by the ATM’s D&S module (described in
Section 2). For the purpose of this paper, we represent
the data as a discrete sequence:
Definition 1 (Discrete Sequence of Status Events).
Let the ordered list S = e
. . . e
. . . be a discrete
sequence of status events, where each event e
sponds to a message in the log file. The ordering of
the sequence is based on the messages’ timestamps.
An event e
is modeled by a single categorical at-
tribute, namely the message ID.
We use this data representation in favor of a more
complex one to underline the robustness of the pro-
posed approach. Our data representation solely relies
on the chronological order of the events (or messages)
and on the information comprised in the message IDs.
A more complex representation could also incorpo-
rate the time intervals between subsequent events as
well as the message payloads.
Anomaly Detection. The formulation of the prob-
lem depends on whether specific events are consid-
ered as anomalies, or whether (small) sequences of
events are considered as anomalies. ATMs typically
operate in a transaction-based manner. This leads to
commonly recurring series of user interactions and
internal processes (e.g., card insertion PIN en-
try amount selection payout card return),
which result in respective sequences of status events
in the data. Analogously, an attack would result in
an unusual event sequence. We therefore consider
sequences of events as anomalies (instead of specific
events), which is in line with the concept of so-called
combination outliers (Aggarwal, 2013). Thus, event
sequences form the unit elements for the subsequent
The log file provided by the ATM’s D&S module,
however, contains no transaction-related information.
As a result, it is not possible to retrieve the intrinsic
sequences from the data. We therefore apply a sliding
windowing technique, to derive (artificial) sequences
as contiguouswindows of length w. This is illustrated
in the following example for w {3, 4, 5, 6}:
w = 3 : e
, e
, e
, e
, . . .
w = 4 : e
, e
, e
, . . .
w = 5 : e
, e
, . . .
w = 6 : e
. . .
Since the true length of the sequences is unknown,
we evaluate different values of w in the experiments
described in Section 4. Applying sliding windowing
is an established procedurein the contextof sequence-
based anomaly detection; see e.g., (Hofmeyr et al.,
1998) and (Warrender et al., 1999).
Given the above, we define the identification of
anomalous behavior as the following sequence-based
anomaly detection problem:
Definition 2 (Sequence-based Anomaly Detection).
Given a set T of normal training sequences, deter-
mine an anomaly score for a given test sequence S
with respect to T .
Without loss of generality, let the anomaly score
be between 0 and 1, where 1 corresponds to nor-
mal and 0 to anomaly. It will be assumed that the
training sequences and the test sequence are of the
same length (w). This assumption does not limit the
scope of our research because the anomaly score of
a longer test sequence can be computed by combin-
ing the anomaly scores of its subsequences; exam-
ples of respective combination techniques are local-
ity frame count (Warrender et al., 1999) and leaky
bucket (Ghosh et al., 1999). Since the training
set T contains only normal sequences, the detection
of anomalies is essentially a one-class problem (Tax,
2001). Note that even if samples of anomalous be-
havior were available, they could not be exploited to
properly characterize the universe of all possible at-
tacks. In consequence, the respective anomaly de-
tection methods need to operate in a semi-supervised
fashion (Chapelle et al., 2006).
3.2 Frequency-based (t-stide)
A well-known sequence-based anomaly detection
method is the threshold-based sequence time delay
embedding (t-stide), which has been proposed by
Warrender et al. (Warrender et al., 1999). In t-stide,
the anomaly score for a test sequence S
is equal to
the relative frequency of S
in the training set T . The
idea is that rare sequences are likely to be anoma-
lies. A test sequence is determined as anomaly if
its anomaly score is smaller than a threshold t. The
t-stide method has been successfully applied to vari-
ous application, a popular example is operating sys-
tem intrusion detection based on sequences of system
calls (Warrender et al., 1999; Cabrera et al., 2001).
3.3 Distance-based (k-NN)
Chandola et al. (Chandola et al., 2008) propose a
k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) approach for sequence-
based anomaly detection. The anomaly score for a
test sequence S
is equal to the inverse distance of
to its k
nearest neighbor in the training set T .
If its anomaly score is lower than a threshold t, the
test sequence is considered as anomaly. With other
words, S
is an anomaly if more than k training se-
quences are at a distance of t or less from S
. In
spite of its simplicity, this approach has been shown to
be quite effective, and it is even able to outperform a
complex clustering-based technique (Chandola et al.,
2008). As a distance measure, we use the inverse of
the normalized length of the longest common subse-
quence, which has been shown promising for anomaly
detection in sequence data (Budalakoti et al., 2006).
3.4 Model-based (HMM)
The hidden Markov model (HMM) (Rabiner, 1989)
is a particular probabilistic generative model that is
widely used for sequence-based anomaly detection
(Zhang et al., 2003; Florez-Larrahondo et al., 2005).
In a first step, a model is learned by estimating the
HMM parameters based on the training set T . For
this purpose, we use the segmental k-Means algo-
rithm (Juang and Rabiner, 1990). The anomaly score
for a test sequence S
is equal to the probability of S
being generated by the model. A test sequence is de-
termined as anomaly if its anomaly score is lowerthan
a threshold t.
The goal of the evaluation is to assess the anomaly de-
tection effectiveness of the three methods described
above. We therefore use a log file that has been
recorded as described in Section 2 on a public ATM
in the period between June 2011 and April 2012. The
log file comprises about 15 million messages, result-
ing in 1.6 GB file size. In the recorded period no at-
tacks were registered, so we consider the monitored
behavior as normal.
In a preprocessing step, we split the log file into
weekly chunks to account for seasonality, which is a
well-known effect in time series data. Consider for
example an ATM that is placed in a shopping mall: It
is likely that the normal usage patterns on a Saturday,
where the mall is very well attended, differ from the
normal usage patterns on a Sunday, where the mall is
closed. We therefore perform the evaluation on the
basis of whole weeks (and not days for instance).
Experiment Design. Each experiment is performed
on a triple of three subsequent weeks, which serve
as training set, validation set, and test set respec-
tively. The training set is used for frequency compu-
tation (t-stide), for distance computation (k-NN), and
for model generation (HMM), respectively. The vali-
dation set is used for parameter tuning, i.e., finding an
appropriate threshold t for all three methods and find-
ing a k for k-NN. The anomaly detection effectiveness
under the best parameter combination is determined
on the test set. We perform the evaluation for varying
sequence lengths w using the sliding windowing tech-
nique described in Section 3. The anomaly detection
effectiveness is measured in terms of precision and
recall. The precision is the ratio between correctly
detected anomalies and all detected anomalies. The
recall is the ratio between detected anomalies and all
As motivated earlier, no data of anomalous behav-
ior (attacks) is available. Thus the anomaly detection
methods can be evaluated only with respect to their
recall; whereas a recall of 1 can be achieved easily by
classifying all test sequences as anomaly. In order to
evaluate the methods with respect to their precision
one needs a representative sample of anomalies in the
test set. A way out of this dilemma is the generation
of uniformly distributed outlier examples (Tax, 2001).
Here, we apply a more basic approach: Based on a
random distribution, a certain portion of sequences in
the test set is modified by replacing at least one of
their events by some other events. The modified test
sequence serves as (artificial) anomaly.
The proportion of anomalous sequences in the test
set determines the “difficulty level” (Chandola et al.,
2008); it applies that the less the proportion, the more
difficult their detection. We experimented with differ-
ent proportions ranging from 1% to 50%. Here, we
report results for 1% of anomalous sequences in the
test set because attacks on ATMs are expected to be
relatively rare in reality.
Table 1: Effectiveness in terms of F-measure for the three sequence-based anomaly detection methods t-stide, k-NN, and
HMM for varying sequence lengths w {2, ..., 19}. Bold numbers indicate the row maximum.
Method Sequence length, w
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
t-stide 0.76 0.85 0.84 0.79 0.72 0.67 0.60 0.56 0.50 0.47 0.42 0.38 0.35 0.32 0.29 0.27 0.24 0.22
k-NN 0.07 0.16 0.21 0.15 0.13 0.13 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.10 0.08 0.09 0.07 0.11
HMM 0.77 0.83 0.80 0.83 0.78 0.80 0.84 0.81 0.75 0.80 0.79 0.79 0.71 0.72 0.69 0.77 0.76 0.77
Results and Discussion. Table 1 shows the
anomaly detection effectiveness for the three methods
in terms of F-Measure, which is the harmonic mean of
precision and recall. The table reports the F-measure
values achievedon the test set using the respective pa-
rameter combination that have been found to perform
best on the validation set. The parameters of each
method are tuned individually for each value of w be-
cause this would also be the case in practice where w
is assumed to be fixed but unknown (cf. Section 3).
According to Table 1, the effectiveness of all three
methods varies depending on the sequence length w.
The degree of variation, however, differs among the
methods. The t-stide method is very sensitive to
the sequence length, and its effectiveness deteriorates
with increasing values of w. A possible explana-
tion for this behavior is that a rarely occurring se-
quence that is labeled as anomaly for high values of
w may be split into smaller frequently occurring sub-
sequences that are labeled as normal for lower values
of w. The other two methods perform nearly con-
stant, and there is no discernible trend for increasing
or decreasing values of w. This observationcan be ex-
plained as follows: In case of the k-NN method, the
normalized length of the longest common substring is
used as distance measure, which is independent of the
length of the input. In case of the HMM method, the
same model is build for different values of w, and for
changing sequence lengths only the threshold t has to
be adjusted for probability computation.
All three methods have in common that the re-
spective highest F-measure values are achieved at
small sequence lengths, with w between 3 and 8. This
gives some indication of the true length of the intrin-
sic sequences in the data, and it is consistent with
the information we got from Wincor Nixdorf experts.
Knowing this is helpful for future research, e.g., to
develop dedicated anomaly detection methods and to
perform an accurate evaluation by focusing on respec-
tive values of w.
Independent of the sequence length, the reported
F-measure values achieved by the k-NN method are
relatively low, ranging from 0.07 to 0.21. By contrast,
t-stide and HMM achieve quite good F-measure val-
ues for certain sequence lengths, 0.85 for w = 2 and
Precision / Recall
Treshold t
Figure 2: Precision and recall for the HMM method with
w = 8 over the anomaly score threshold t.
0.84 for w = 8, respectively. Altogether, the HMM
method performs slightly better than t-stide, which is
inline with the findings of Warrender et al. (Warrender
et al., 1999). We explain the poor performance of the
k-NN method by the choice of the distance measure;
although Budalakoti et al. (Budalakoti et al., 2006)
report promising results, the normalized length of the
longest common substring seems to be too restrictive
for capturing the distance (or similarity) between se-
quences of status events.
Up to now, we have discussed the anomaly detec-
tion effectiveness in terms of F-measure. As already
mentioned, F-measure equals to the harmonic mean
of precision and recall. In a practical application,
however, it is often desirable to tune either precision
or recall. For example, if an alert should be triggered
at the slightest sign of an anomaly so that no attack is
missed (high recall) or if an alert should be triggered
only when the anomaly detection confidence is high
so that the number of false alerts is minimized (high
precision). The tradeoff between precision and recall
can be controlled by the threshold t. Figure 2 exem-
plifies this for the HMM method and for w = 8. Note
that the probability of following a certain path in a
HMM can become considerably small, and hence, the
x-axis in Figure 2 is in log scale to account for very
small values of t. The highest F-measure value (0.84),
which is also reported in Table 1, corresponds to a
threshold of t = 10
. For higher values of t the re-
call increases, i.e., more anomalies are detected; but at
the same time, the precision decreases, which results
in an increasing number of false positives (normal se-
quences that are erroneously detected as anomalies).
Our ATM fraud detection approach is based on the
assumption that a significant deviation from the nor-
mal behavior is a strong indicator of an attack. To the
best of our knowledge, we are the first who utilize the
data stream produced inside an ATM to automatically
generate a model of normal behavior, which is then
used to detect anomalies (or attacks respectively).
The formulation of this approach as a sequence-based
anomaly detection problem and the empirical evalu-
ation of three respective methods using a real-world
data set show its practical applicability.
This paper constitutes a proof of concept. Our
current research targets the further elaboration of the
problem formulation based on the lessons learned and
the investigation of tailored anomaly detection meth-
ods. In particular, this includes the following aspects:
Incorporating the time intervals between subse-
quent events by representing the data stream as a
continuous sequence (or time series).
Exploiting the information comprised in the mes-
sage payload by applying a multidimensional
event model (Budalakoti et al., 2006).
Analyzing training and test sequences of different
length by combining the anomaly scores of sub-
sequences (Ghosh et al., 1999; Warrender et al.,
Investigating unsupervised anomaly detection ap-
proaches, i.e., training and test sequences are not
differentiated (Leung and Leckie, 2005; Zhang
and Zulkernine, 2006).
Regarding the evaluation, we plan to investigate dif-
ferent strategies to derive anomaly examples, which
includes the generation of uniformly distributed out-
liers (Tax, 2001) as well as the explicit specification
of known attacks by domain experts.
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Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within
the Leading-Edge Cluster “Intelligent Technical Sys-
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