Fuzzy-Ontology-Enrichment-based Framework for Semantic Search
Hajer Baazaoui-Zghal and Henda Ben Ghezala
Riadi-GDL Laboratory, ENSI, Manouba University, Tunis, Tunisia
Fuzzy Ontology, Web Search, Query Reformulation.
The dominance of information retrieval on the Web makes integrating and designing ontologies for the on-
line Information Retrieval Systems (IRS) an attractive research area. In addition to domain ontology, some
attempts have been recently made to integrate fuzzy set theory with ontology, to provide a solution to vague
and uncertain information. This paper presents a framework for semantic search based on ontology enrich-
ment and fuzziness (FuzzOntoEnrichIR). FuzzOntoEnrichIR main components are: (1) a fuzzy information
retrieval component, (2) an incremental ontology enrichment component and (3) an ontology repository com-
ponent. The framework aims on the one hand to capitalize and formulate extraction-ontology rules based on
a meta-ontology. On the other hand, it aims to integrate the domain ontology enrichment and the fuzzy ontol-
ogy building in the IR process. The framework has been implemented and experimented to demonstrate the
effectiveness and validity of the proposal.
Ontologies are defined as an explicit formal specifica-
tion of a shared conceptualization. They can be classi-
fied as lightweight ontologies gathering concepts and
relations’ hierarchies which can be enriched by classi-
cal properties called axiom schemata (algebraic prop-
erties and signatures of relations, abstraction of con-
cepts, etc.) and heavyweight ontologies which add
properties to the semantics of the conceptual primi-
tives and are only expressible in axiom domain form.
The axioms schemata describe the classical proper-
ties of concepts and relations (subsumption, disjunc-
tion of concepts, algebraic properties and cardinalities
of the relations, etc.). The domain axioms character-
ize domain properties expressible only in an axiom
form. They specify the formal semantics constraining
the conceptual primitive interpretation.
Currently, ontologies are playing a fundamental
role in knowledge management and semantic Web.
Building ontology manually is a long and tedious
task. Thus, many approaches have been proposed dur-
ing the last decade to make this task easier. Infor-
mation Retrieval (IR) deals with models and systems
aiming to facilitate accessibility to sets of documents
and provide to users the corresponding ones to their
needs, by using queries. Generally, Information Re-
trieval System (IRS) integrates techniques allowing
selection of relevant information. The first research
on ontologies for the IRS dates back to the late 90s
(McGuinness, 1998), and aims to remedy limits of
the traditional IRS based on the keywords. This re-
search topic presents one of the main actual axes of
the semantic Web.
In addition to domain ontology, the integration
of the fuzzy logic shows that it presents an interest-
ing way to solve uncertain information problems. In
fact, fuzzy logic is used in IR to solve the ambigu-
ity issues by defining flexible queries or fuzzy indexes
(e.g., (Baazaoui-Zghal et al., 2008). A fuzzy ontology
can be considered as an extension of domain ontology
by embedding a set of membership degrees in each
concept of the domain ontology and adding fuzzy re-
lationships among these fuzzy concepts (Zhou et al.,
In this paper, we present a framework for seman-
tic search based on fuzzy ontologies. It includes an
ontology repository (meta-ontology generating a do-
main ontology and ontology of domain services), in-
cremental approach of domain ontology learning and
fuzzy ontology enrichment method. The framework
has been implemented to demonstrate the proposal ef-
fectiveness and to evaluate it.
The remaining of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents related works to information
retrieval and fuzzy ontologies. Section 3 describes
our proposal. Section 4 presents and discusses some
experimental results of our framework. Finally, sec-
tion 5 concludes and discusses directions for future
Baazaoui-Zghal H. and Ben Ghezala H..
Fuzzy-Ontology-Enrichment-based Framework for Semantic Search.
DOI: 10.5220/0004923801230130
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2014), pages 123-130
ISBN: 978-989-758-024-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: An example of a fuzzy ontology.
Several studies were presented showing how the
fuzzy logic could be integrated to IRS, to solve un-
certain information problems (Zhou et al., 2006). We
precise here, that in a fuzzy ontology, each index term
or object is related to every term (or object) in the on-
tology, with a degree of membership assigned to the
relationship and based on fuzzy logic.
The fuzzy membership value µ is used for the re-
lationship between terms or objects, where 0 < µ < 1,
and µ corresponds to a fuzzy membership relation
such as ”strongly”, ”partially”, ”somewhat”,”slightly”
etc, where for each term:
= 1 ;
n is the number of relations that a particular object
has, n = (N 1), with N representing the total num-
ber of objects in the ontology (Lee et al., 2005).
The insertion of the fuzzy logic and the ontol-
ogy in the process of information retrieval has im-
proved the quality and the precision of the returned
results. Thus, integration of the fuzzy ontology into
the IR process is an interesting area of research and
can lead to more relevant results than in the case
where ontology and fuzzy logic are used separately
(Chien et al., 2010; Bordogna et al., 2009; Calegari
and Ciucci, 2006). Several existing IRSs (Zhou et al.,
2006; Chien et al., 2010; Calegari and Ciucci, 2006)
generally use semi-automatic or automatic methods,
which allow the fuzzification only of the ”IS-A” rela-
tion. In addition, from the state of the art (Chien et al.,
2010; Colleoni et al., 2009), it is noticed that there is a
lack of information retrieval system integrating fuzzy
ontology allowing a document classification and as-
sisting users in their searches.
First, in (Sayed et al., 2007), document classifica-
tion is not based on fuzzy ontologies.
In fact, classification based only on domain ontology
could not take into account dynamic aspect of fuzzy
ontology, mainly when the aim is to improve query
reformulation and information retrieval results. Both
in (Parry, 2006; Akinribido et al., 2011), only ”IS-
A” relations are taken into account. Nevertheless, all
relations are important mainly in case of query refor-
From the conducted survey made on methods for
fuzzy ontology construction, we have noticed that au-
tomatic methods can take as input a database (Lee
et al., ; Quan et al., 2006), a documentary corpus
(Widyantoro and Yen, 2001) or an existing ontol-
ogy (fuzzification) (Parry, 2006),(Sayed et al., 2007),
(Chien et al., 2010), (Calegari and Ciucci, 2006).
Figure 1 illustrates an example of a fuzzy ontol-
ogy. The number related to relations represents the
membership value of the relationship between the
concept ”Hotel” and other concepts (room, Suite).
The related value to a concept describes the impor-
tance of this concept into the ontology. These differ-
ent relations and concepts will have different mem-
bership values depending on the context of the query,
and particularly the user’s view of the world.
In this paper, our main objective is to develop a
framework allowing ontology’s building for the se-
mantic Web. The proposed framework includes an
ontology repository (meta-ontology generating a do-
main ontology and ontology of domain services, and
fuzzy ontology), incremental approach of domain on-
tology learning, fuzzy ontology building method and
ontology based retrieval process.
So, the aims of this paper can be summarized in:
The integration of the domain ontology enrich-
ment and the fuzzy ontology building in the IR
The capitalization and formulation of extraction
ontology rules based on a meta-ontology aiming
to explicitly specify knowledge about the con-
cepts, relationships, instances and axioms extrac-
tion, the learned patterns and frames, and the se-
mantic distance
The general structure of the framework (FuzzyOn-
toEnrichIR) is given by Figure 2. FuzzOntoEnrichIR
framework is based on a fuzzy ontology building, an
incremental ontology learning and an ontology repos-
The main FuzzOntoEnrichIR components are: a
fuzzy ontology building component, an incremen-
tal ontology learning component and an ontological
repository component.
The first component is composed of:
Two methods of information retrieval based on a
domain ontology and an individual fuzzy ontol-
An automatic method of fuzzy ontology building:
allowing the fuzzification of all existing relations
in the initial domain ontology initial, and assur-
ing the updating of membership values at the end
of every information retrieval, which is made dy-
namically by the user
A classification of documents by service using a
domain ontology
This first component aims to automate the collection
of the relevant documents which will be used as entry
of the second component
The second component is based on a meta-
ontology (which is a high-level ontology of abstrac-
tion (Baazaoui-Zghal et al., 2007a)) and an incremen-
tal ontology learning which may require enrichment
phase. It allows incremental construction of ontolo-
gies from the Web documents. Thus, this component
proposes a composite ontological architecture of three
interdependent ontologies: a generic ontology of web
sites structures, a domain ontology and a service on-
These offer a representation of the domain and ser-
vices behind Web content, which could be exploited
by the semantic search engines. This latter is instanti-
ated with the contextual information of concepts and
relations of the ontology extracted incrementally from
texts. The semi-automatic construction of the domain
ontology is the main objective of this component.
The third component is composed of a meta-
ontology generating a domain ontology and ontology
of domain services, and fuzzy ontology.
The details related to each component will be
given in the next subsections.
3.1 Fuzzy Ontology Building
FuzzyOntoEnrichIR integrates an automatic fuzzy
ontology building method, with an automatic fuzzifi-
cation of all the existing relations in the domain ontol-
ogy, not restricted to ”Is-a” relations. Indeed, in con-
ventional ontologies, particular objects may occur in
multiple locations. So, a simple expansion that does
not understand the intended location of the query term
may lead to many irrelevant results being returned. A
fuzzy ontology membership value could therefore be
used to identify the most likely location in the ontol-
ogy of a particular term. Each user would have own
values for the membership assigned to terms in the
ontology, reflecting their likely information need and
Then, the use of an individual fuzzy ontology
approach allows the convenient representation of the
relationships in a domain according to a particular
view, without sacrificing commonality with other
views; the ontology framework is common, just the
membership values are different. An individual fuzzy
ontology using an automatic fuzzification based is
Initialization of Membership Values
We propose to build an individual fuzzy ontology
using an automatic fuzzification based on Jiang-
Conrath similarity measure (Jiang and Conrath,
1997). To calculate IC (Information Content), we use
the formula presented by (Seco et al., 2004) which
is based on the structure of the ontology hierarchy.
In fact, this frequency has the advantage of bringing
the occurrence frequency of the concept itself and the
Figure 2: FuzzyOntoEnrichIR famework architecture.
concepts it subsumes, which allows supporting all
relations’ types.
Updating the Membership Value of Concepts and
We suppose that a defined fuzzy ontology is not avail-
able in any context. Thus, it is necessary to define an
update process of fuzzy values, taking into account
the user’s needs. The membership value should con-
sider the previous values, the retrieved documents and
the query. In the literature, there are researchers that
have presented similar ways of updating membership
value (Calegari and Ciucci, 2006; Parry, 2006). In-
spired by these methods, we have integrated in our
case two updating membership values respectively for
concepts and relations.
= µ
µ µ
Q + 1
where µ
is the current membership value, Q is the
number of update performed to this value and µ
is the new value. µ is a value that evaluates the new
change added to the relation or the concept. µ must
take into account the query and the returned docu-
ments content that have been selected by the user.
The fuzzy ontology is used for query reformula-
tion and for documents and query indexing. A fuzzy
ontology is an individual an ontology owned by each
To show the purpose of the given formulas, we
take as example the query sent by the user contain-
ing the concept ”Hotel”. The framework computes
themeasures of this concept and all its related con-
cepts (like: Rate, Restaurant, Motel. . . ) using the re-
turned documents selected by the user. Finally, the
membership value of relations using the formula 5 are
also updated. In this example the membership value
of the relation ”has-restaurant” between ”Hotel” and
”restaurant”’ will be updated (cf. Figure 3).
3.2 Ontological Repository Component
A dedicated architecture is proposed based on two in-
terdependent ontologies to build a knowledge-base of
a particular domain, constituted by a set of Web doc-
uments, and associated services. Thus, two ontolo-
gies are distinguished: domain ontology and ontology
of domain services, which are in interaction. These
two ontologies are built in accordance with the meta-
ontology. Domain ontology is a set of concepts, rela-
tions and axioms that specify shared knowledge con-
cerning a target domain. Ontology of domain services
specifies for each service, its provider, its interested
users, possible process of its unrolling, main activities
and tasks that constitute this service (Baazaoui-Zghal
et al., 2007b).
This ontology contains axioms specifying the re-
lations between domain services and precise main do-
main concepts which identify each service. These on-
tologies are semantically linked and relationships be-
tween them are defined. The meta-ontology is a spec-
ification of meta-models of domain ontology and on-
tology of domain services. Besides, knowledge con-
cerning the semi-automatic construction of domain
Figure 3: Relation between domain ontology and service ontology.
ontology is also specified by this meta-ontology.
The proposed architecture is composed of three
ontologies, namely a generic ontology of web sites
structures, domain ontology and service ontology.
The generic ontology or meta-ontology contains
knowledge representation related to each ontology,
which required knowledge for ontology construc-
tion, knowledge representation specified by the meta-
model related to these ontologies. It is mostly
based on generic concepts: ”meta-concept”, ”meta-
relation”, and ”meta-arxiom”. The class of ”meta-
concept” is divided into subclasses which repre-
sent respectively the domain meta-concept, the meta-
concept of domain services and the meta-concept of
element. Besides, the class ”meta-relation” and the
class ”meta-axiom” are designed in the same way.
The meta-ontology is, consequently, made up of three
homogeneous knowledge fields. The first field is a
conceptualization of knowledge related to learning
concepts, relations and axioms related to a target do-
Besides, for each instance of the class Do-
main Concept and the class Domain Relation, the
technique leading to its discovery is specified.
The service ontology specifies the common ser-
vices that can be solicited by web users and can be
attached to several ontologies defined on subparts of
the domain (cf. Figure 3 showing the relation between
domain ontology and service ontology)
3.3 Incremental Ontology Learning
The incremental ontology learning component is
based on a process of ontology learning from
Web content according to LEO By LEMO (LEarning
Ontology BY Learning Meta Ontology) approach
(Baazaoui-Zghal et al., 2007b). Our approach is
based on learning rules of ontology extraction from
texts in order to enrich ontologies in three main
Initialization phase
Incremental phase of learning ontology
Result analysis phase.
The initialization phase is dedicated to data source
cleaning. The input of this phase is constituted by
a minimal ontology, the meta-ontology, the termino-
logical resource ”Wordnet” (Miller”, 1995) and a set
of Web sites delivered by a search engine and classi-
fied by domain services. A minimal ontology is de-
signed and built to be enriched in the second phase.
It is called ”minimal domain ontology” as the number
of concepts and relations are reduced. Consequently,
data source preparation consists of: searching Web
documents related to the domain corresponding to a
query based on concepts describing a target service
(these concepts are obtained from the projection of
the corresponding service specified in the ontology of
domain services), selecting Web sites provided by a
search engine tool (the number of chosen sites is lim-
ited because analyzing an important number of Web
pages requires very important execution time), classi-
fying Web pages according to domain services.
Finally, cleaning Web pages by eliminating
markup elements and images, text segmentation and
tagging in order to obtain a tagged textual corpus.
One hypothesis is that we deal with Web documents
written in a target language. The meta-ontology ad-
justment is thus done according to linguistic knowl-
edge related to the target language. The second phase
is a learning iterative process. Each one of the iter-
ations is made up of two main steps. The first one
is the meta-ontology instantiation and the second one
enables us to apply the meta-ontology axioms related
to the learning of ontology. An iteration is processed
in two steps. In the first step, techniques are applied
to the corpus. In this context, we have adapted the
construction of a word space (Baazaoui-Zghal et al.,
2008) by applying the N-Gram analysis instead of a 4-
Figure 4: Modular architecture framework.
gram analysis. We have also proposed a disambigua-
tion algorithm (Baazaoui-Zghal et al., 2007b). It aims
to determine the right sense of a lexical unit. This al-
gorithm is based on the study of term co-occurrence
in the text and the selection of the adequate sense. Be-
sides, we propose to use many similarity measures to
build the similarity matrix which describes the con-
textual similarity between concepts.
The last phase is useful to verify the coherence of
enriched ontology by analyzing learning results. We
admit that the maintenance of the meta-ontology al-
lows the readjustment of the rules according to the
results obtained in order to improve the ontology
construction during a further execution of the sec-
ond phase of the process. Moreover the correction
of meta-ontology generates a more valid ontology
scheme and richer.
The implementation and experimentations of the pro-
posed framework, have been done in order to eval-
uate the proposed architecture. Figure 4 gives an
idea about the developped modules and the applica-
tion structure. FuzzEnrichIR is composed of the con-
struction and updating module which allows manip-
ulation of the fuzzy ontology. The processing mod-
ule regroups classes assuring the different treatments
done on the request and on the documents (as index-
ing and downloading). The class module regroups the
different useful classes to the document classification
by service. A pre-processing module of data sources
which pre-process textual corpus, its POS (Part-of-
Speech) tagging and importation of terminological
and conceptual resources (minimal ontology, Ontol-
ogy of domain services and terminological resource
”Wordnet”). An editing module of the meta-ontology
which allows concepts and ontology axioms update
by integrating the Plug-in of Protege-OWL tool. A
module for domain ontology generation. An alimen-
tation module of the meta-ontology which consists
of conceptual elements in the meta-ontology from
text and implements the incremental process of on-
tology domain construction proposed by the ”LEO-
By-LEMO” approach. Finally, a module of domain
ontology learning which is the result of the associa-
tion and the development of learning techniques set
(concepts and relations).
The framework was implemented in Java, provid-
ing an online service and using the Jena Api to handle
ontologies and Google Api to search through the Web.
Several experiments were conducted to investigate
the performance of our proposal and to evaluate:
The impact of ontology enrichement on informa-
tion retrieval relevance
The impact of fuzzy ontology enrichement on in-
formation retrieval relevance with and without up-
The adopted protocol is centered on users, and the
used data for the experimentation and the evaluation
was composed of a domain ontology and users’ re-
quests. Fifteeen queries in the tourism’s domain and
Figure 5: Scenarios’ results.
ten users were considered. Users evaluate the results
obtained by using the domain ontology, the individ-
ual fuzzy ontology and the updated individual fuzzy
Three scenarios were designed to evaluate the pro-
posed framework:
Scenario based on domain ontology (Sc1)
Scenario based on individual fuzzy ontology,
without update (Sc2)
Scenario based individual fuzzy ontology, with 4
updates (Sc3)
Figure 5 shows the results in terms of precision (P)
and recall (R), for Top 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 retrieved
documents. To evaluate the recall values, we consider
the same queries used for the precision. We anal-
ysed the first 50 relevant URLs returned by every sce-
nario. The obtained precision and recall related with
FuzzOntoEnrichIR for scenario Sc3 are clearly higher
than the ones obtained by Sc1 and Sc2. Indeed, re-
sults related to the comparison of exact precision ob-
tained with FuzzOntoEnrichIR based on domain on-
tology only, FuzzOntoEnrichIR based on fuzzy on-
tology with and without update, present a precision
of 0.95 which is superior to the two other scenarios.
These results show that the use of fuzzy ontology sup-
porting update process increases the precision more
than the use of simple domain ontology.
To complete these results we computed the im-
provements given by Table 1, which show that indi-
vidual fuzzy ontology updated four times is reported
to achieve 18,75% precision and 37,50% recall. In-
deed, the results show that the use of fuzzy ontology
increased the precision more than the use of simple
domain ontology.
In the experimentations, the initial used ontology
and fuzzy ontology are composed of 8 concepts, en-
riched with 20 concepts after the first iteration, with
Table 1: The improvement of the average recall and the av-
erage precision of the FuzzEnrichOntoIR framework.
Precision/ Precision Recall
Recall improvement improvement
TS3 vs.TS1 TS3 vs.TS1
(in %) (in %)
P/R 05 18,75 37,50
P/R 10 16,25 35,29
P/R 20 14,28 25,00
P/R 30 12,00 22,44
P/R 50 07,50 17,50
20 concepts, enriched with 27 concepts after the sec-
ond iteration, enriched with 40 concepts after the third
iteration, and enriched with 100 concepts after the
fourth iteration. From the obtained results after the
experimentations, we note that the incremental en-
richment of the domain ontology improves the rele-
However, relevance becomes stable after the third
iteration, when the size of the ontology is enough
great to cover a unique complex query. Indeed, the
100 concepts don’t cover the field of the same request,
but they serve to other composed requests in the same
domain. For this reason, the variance of the relevance
of the first iteration of the enrichment has a remark-
able impact on the relevance of improvement.
In this paper, we proposed a fuzzy-ontology-
enrichment framework based on fuzzy ontology,
namely FuzzOntoEnrichIR. Since ontologies have
proven their capacity to improve IR, fuzzy ontology-
based IR is becoming an increasing research area.
FuzzOntoEnrichIR’s framework takes place in four
main phases:
Initialization of membership values,
Updating the membership value of concepts and
Updating the membership value of the existing
concepts in the user’s query
Updating the membership value of relations re-
lated to the existing concepts in the user’s query.
Fuzzy ontologies buiding method is integrated to
IR process, and returned results are classified taking
into account fuzzified relations.
So, in this work, our first contribution concerns the
fuzzy ontoly’s building process. Our method consid-
ers automatic fuzzification of a domain ontology tak-
ing into account both taxonomic and non taxonomic
relations, however, all relations are important mainly
in case of query reformulation.
Second contribution concerns the integration of
our fuzzy ontology method into the IR process. In-
deed, query reformulation is based on the weights as-
sociated to all the relations existing in the fuzzy ontol-
ogy, and this fuzzy ontology is used to classify docu-
ments by services.
Finally, the obtained results establish the great
interest and FuzzOntoEnrichIR’s contribution to im-
prove the performance of the retrieval task. Experi-
ments and evaluations have been carried out, which
highlight that overall achieved improvement are ob-
tained thanks to the integration of fuzzy ontologies
into IR process, integration of update and classifica-
tion. These components contribute to significantly in-
crease the relevance of search results, by enhancing
documents ranking as shown by the obtained results.
As an evolution of this work, integration of mod-
ular ontologies in order to facilitate the updates is in
progress. Otherwise, the ontology will be extended
to different domains so that architecture will support
a multi-domain use of the ontology. A multi-domain
retrieval based on modular and fuzzy ontologies will
be possible.
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