A Web-based Recommendation System for Engineering Education
e-Learning Systems
Thorsten Sommer, Ursula Bach, Anja Richert and Sabina Jeschke
IMA - Institute of Information Management in Mechanical Engineering
ZLW - Center for Learning and Knowledge Management
IfU - Institute for Management Cybernetics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
E-Learning, Recommendation System, Agile Process, Teachers, Professors, Web 2.0, Software Engineering,
Open Source.
Today there is a flood of e-learning and e-learning related solutions for engineering education. It is at least a
time consuming task for a teacher to find an e-learning system, which matches their requirements. To assist
teachers with this information overload, a web-based recommendation system for related e-learning solutions
is under development to support teachers in the field of engineering education to find a matching e-learning
system within minutes. Because the e-learning market is subject of very fast changes, an agile engineering
process is used to ensure the capability to react on these changes. To solve the challenges of this project, an own
user-flow visual programming language and an algorithm are under development. A special software stack is
chosen to accelerate the development. Instead of classical back-office software to administer and maintain the
project, a web-based approach is used – even for a complex editor. The determining of the necessary catalog
of related solutions within ”real-time” is based on big data technologies, data mining methods and statistically
text analysis.
To help teachers with their different challenges about
finding an e-learning solution, a web-based recom-
mendation system for e-learning systems is under de-
velopment. This recommendation web-based service
enables teachers to choose an engineering education
e-learning system, which matches her or his require-
The term ”e-learning” is often used in different
matters. Therefore, this definition is chosen: ”E-
learning is an approach to teaching and learning, rep-
resenting all or part of the educational model ap-
plied, that is based on the use of electronic media
and devices as tools for improving access to training,
communication and interaction and that facilitates the
adoption of new ways of understanding and develop-
ing learning. (Sangr et al., 2012) This definition in-
cludes any computer- and web-based tool, which is
related to the education context.
A variety of e-learning systems and environments
(Mayer, 2003) are observable and the amount is
continuous growing: From classical computer-based
training (CBT), web-based training (WBT) (Schoen
and Ebner, 2013), wikis and blogs (Schoen and Ebner,
2013), podcasts (Cebeci and Tekdal, 2006) respec-
tively educasts (Schoen and Ebner, 2013) and game-
based learning (Schoen and Ebner, 2013) up to mas-
sive open online courses (MOOC) (McAuley et al.,
2010; Schoen and Ebner, 2013).
To illustrate the amount of related and avail-
able resources: A simple web-search for ”e-learning”
ends with over one billion results, a web-search for
”e-learning system” with over 480 million results!
Nearly 80 unique e-learning systems can be found
in short time. This fact demonstrates the problem:
The interested teacher must investigate this amount
of information to find an e-learning system, which
matches their personal requirements. Another prob-
lem is: The teacher might not be able to choose a sys-
tem, which matches their requirements, because it is
not trivial to understand all the technologies and dif-
ferences between the unique systems.
Sommer T., Bach U., Richert A. and Jeschke S..
A Web-based Recommendation System for Engineering Education e-Learning Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0004930203670373
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 367-373
ISBN: 978-989-758-020-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The main precondition of the desired recommenda-
tion system is that the related e-learning systems are
comparable. Moreover, a catalog of related solutions
must exist. The approach to reach the comparable
state is to find a set of necessary attributes that de-
scribes the characteristics of engineering education e-
learning systems. These common e-learning charac-
teristics must base on a broad scientific consensus: To
realize this, the input of many experts is acquired.
The collected data about each e-learning system,
together with the e-learning characteristics, results in
a comparable data sheet about each e-learning system.
This data sheet is subject of continuously changes to
ensure that the data sheet is up-to-date and represents
the current state of each system. Also the e-learning
characteristics are subject of changes to cover all re-
lated kinds of e-learning.
The traditionally approach to determine the cata-
log with the solutions uses a lot of resources (time,
staff and money): Pay and get every e-learning sys-
tem, prepare a server environment and install all sys-
tems. Then investigate the system (as teacher and stu-
dent) and fill-up the data sheet. It is possible to speed-
up this by using virtualization environments (Rosen-
blum, 2004) like e.g. a type 1 hypervisor (Fenn et al.,
2008) with templates for the required environments,
system snapshots and derivation between them.
The new and promising approach to determine the
catalog with the available solutions is based on text
mining: Crawling and parsing the public vendor and
community information about the e-learning systems
and store the raw data. Next, the raw text data is able
to get analyzed to find out about the textual context.
A half-automated algorithm suggests then a value for
each characteristic, to assist the employee. Such a
process is able to get executed e.g. every quarter to
ensure that the data sheets are up-to-date.
To provide a convenient tool to develop and main-
tain the questionnaire, a new visual user-flow pro-
gramming language is defined. This language is link-
ing the catalog of solutions, the questions with fur-
ther explanations for the teachers, the e-learning char-
acteristics and the model of the user-flow together.
Compared to existing survey solutions, the visual
model and the deep integration are new.
Another challenge is that teachers expect a cur-
rent, modern, responsive (Mohorovicic, 2013) and ac-
cessible user interface (UI). This is comprehensible,
because it allows any teacher with any device and any
handicap to use this web-based recommendation ser-
vice. A responsive UI saves also time, because there
is no need for an additional mobile and tablet web-
sites (Mohorovicic, 2013). Some web frameworks
(e.g. Bootstrap
) assist the developer in these fields.
For further research (e.g. about e-learning sys-
tems and the teachers requirements to these systems),
it would be helpful to collect some kind of key per-
formance indicators (KPI) from the recommendation
system. The data must be anonymous to keep the
teachers privacy. Not only the end results must be
logged, also e.g. the reaction time per question and
if present the cancellation point etc. It is also in-
teresting to capture all single decisions of any anony-
mous teacher to enable research e.g. in psychology
To enable the scientific assistants to model efficient
the user-adapting questionnaire and to provide a con-
venient tool for maintaining the questionnaire, a new
visual programming language (Hils, 1992) is defined.
The language is simple: Different squares – called
”function blocks” are connected by wires. For dif-
ferent purposes, different function blocks are present:
Start, end, question, numeric and range blocks. Every
function block has no or one input connector and no,
one or three output connectors this depends on the
kind of the block. Behind every block, some data is
stored: The reference to the common e-learning char-
acteristic, a question, additional explanation text or
just a text message depends on the kind of the block.
Every program must have exact one start block,
and at least one end block. The visual program must
read from left to right: From the start block at the
left, then follow block by block until reaches any of
the end blocks. The concrete questionnaire can then
deviated out of the visual program by simple travel-
ing through the blocks. There is no special algorithm
required to get or generate the questionnaire.
With this visual language, the visual program for
the questionnaire has to be built. Explaining figure 1
as current example to clarify the visual language:
At the left, the start block was placed. The intervie-
wee gets an introduction message to read. The flow is
directed to ”Question 1”, a question block. The inter-
viewee gets a question (the question was defined be-
fore by a research assistant) and an additional expla-
nation text. Related to the answer, the flow reaches
”Numeric query 1” or ”Question 2”. The ”Numeric
query 1” prompts the teacher to answer a numeric
question like e.g. ”How many students are in your
Figure 1: Example of the user flow visual programming language.
class?” From this block, the flow also reaches ”Ques-
tion 2”. After ”Question 2”, the flow is able to reach
”Question 3” or ”End 1”, related to the answer. ”End
1” is also reached after answering ”Question 3”. At
the end block, the interviewee is able to read a fin-
ished message. By pressing a button, the user submits
all their answers to the algorithm.
Each question block has one input and three out-
put connectors for the further flow: A yes-output,
a no-output and a neutral-output. This corresponds
to the possible answers of the interviewee. ”Yes”
means that the issue (subject of the question) must be
present, ”no” means the issue is not present or can be
disabled and ”neutral” means, that the issue does not
A range block (this kind of block is not part of the
example at figure 1) contains a text and an explanation
text for the interviewee. To represent a range, this
block needs two references to the corresponding parts
of the common e-learning characteristics. This kind
of block has one input and output connector.
While this project grows, the amount of different
kind of function blocks will increased as necessary.
For any new kind of block, also the algorithm (see
section 5) must be extended to cover the new func-
tionality. New types of blocks are caused by changes
at the common characteristics, to cover new require-
ments on the e-learning market.
For convenient usage, a simple web-based edi-
tor is under development. Thereby, it is possible to
maintain the questionnaire without any programming
skills. The whole life-cycle of the editor and the lan-
guage is also convenient: There is no installation re-
quired, updates are only a server-side deployment and
any kind of maintenance just occur on the server-side.
4.1 Process
To be able to react on new requirements on the whole
process (software engineering, determining catalog
of solutions, development at the algorithm etc.), ag-
ile best practices are chosen (Wolf, 2011; Fowler
and Highsmith, 2001; Poppendieck and Cusumano,
Use cases: Define a few use cases by drawing dia-
grams or by writing small so called ”user stories”
(Wolf, 2011).
Simplicity: Develop just necessary parts and leave
anything which is not required (Poppendieck and
Cusumano, 2012; Wolf, 2011).
Fast: Release fast and as many as possible to be
able to get feedback from others (Poppendieck
and Cusumano, 2012; Wolf, 2011).
Communication: Get early and continuously
feedback from the customer, to ensure the project
fits the requirements (Wolf, 2011).
Additionally, not manageable challenges are divided
into smaller but manageable challenges (Kuster,
2011; Wolf, 2011). It is also necessary to choose the
right tool for right purpose: Do not use the same tool
for anything there are right purposes for any tool,
but not all tools are convenient for all problems.
Even though different changes at the last three
months, it was possible to reach the current state after
just eight weeks of work with just one person: This
is perhaps related to the agile process. The process is
promising for the further work and research.
4.2 Client-Side: Web-UI Approach
At least two tools are required for the back-office: The
editor for the visual language and the product editor.
While the product editor is quite simple, the editor for
the visual language is even more complex. Anyhow,
a new approach is tested: Instead of developing the
website for the teacher’s questionnaire and additional
software for the back-office (with Java or .NET), any-
thing will be developed as web-application.
For the web-application (for the back-office tools
and also for the teacher’s questionnaire) just HTML5,
CSS and JavaScript with Bootstrap
and jQuery
used. Thereby, it is also useable on tablets like e.g.
iPads independently of the operating system. Fur-
ther, also the final client performance is fine.
4.3 Server-Side: Software Stack
On the server-side, a wide range of options are avail-
able. The best fit is a ”BGMR stack”: FreeBSD
, MongoDB
and Ruby
. FreeBSD (Niessen,
2012) is very robust, secure, uses small resources and
with the concept of ”Jails” (Kamp and Watson, 2000;
Kamp and Watson, 2004) a powerful virtualization
(Rosenblum, 2004) environment is provided.
The web-server nginx (Nedelcu, 2013) is famous
as powerful proxy, load-balancer and fasted server for
static content (Dabkiewicz, 2012). Nginx delivers all
necessary static data for this project (images, CSS,
JavaScript, fonts etc.) But nginx is the wrong tool to
deliver dynamic content, because the handling of ex-
ternal processes like e.g. the common PHP
is less
efficient (Dabkiewicz, 2012). Therefore, non-static
requests are passed-through to an application server.
MongoDB (Chodorow, 2013) is a robust, fast
(Boicea et al., 2012; Wei-ping et al., 2011) and scal-
able database. For the most Web 2.0 projects, Mon-
goDB fits perfect, because the database is document-
based and uses JSON (Crockford, 2006). If the
project grows, the database is also able to scale.
Ruby is an object-oriented programming language
(Flanagan and Matsumoto, 2008) that provides a very
convenient and fast way to develop web applica-
tions: On top of Ruby, the Sinatra
framework (Harris
and Haase, 2012) provides an own web-centric DSL
(domain-specific language). This enables a strong fo-
cus to web-oriented programming and reduced the
necessary overhead a lot. While the project runs on
the development environment with Ruby, for the pro-
duction environment it is designated to run it with
JRuby (Nutter, 2011) on JavaEE with the JBoss ap-
plication server (Kutner, 2012).
This approach is very promising, because it speeds
up the development, keeps the code clear which
makes the maintenance easier and provides later
with JRuby the power and scalability of JavaEE and
the JBoss application server (Nutter, 2011; Kutner,
To get the expected results out of the teacher’s an-
swers, an algorithm is under active development (see
Figure 2: The recommendation algorithm to suggest e-
learning systems.
figures 2, 3, 4 and 5). The current state of the algo-
rithm is constructed and validated with dedicated test
data: As developing and testing environment, a nor-
mal spreadsheet application is chosen. A table with
test data is representing the results of the question-
naire (the teacher’s answers).
The term ”issue” means in the context of the al-
gorithm an element of the common e-learning char-
Figure 3: The sub-algorithm for the ”issue” analysis.
acteristics, e.g. a product function, product behav-
ior or a didactic method, but not a numeric or range
question (see section 3 for the differences). As input,
the algorithm expects the static catalog of solutions
as matrix: Horizontally the columns with the product
issues, numeric questions and ranges etc. and verti-
cally the rows with the products. The possible types
of columns are corresponding to the available types of
function blocks (see section 3).
Out of the product point of view for the product
data: Each issue can obtain the value 100 (the is-
sue is not present), 1 (the issue is present and cannot
be disabled) or 2 (the issue is present and can be dis-
A range, e.g. the possible amount of students
(from/to), is provided as two columns inside the ma-
trix. Moreover, numeric fields are possible for e.g.
the price, which are provided as one column inside
the matrix. At the moment, numeric fields are able to
hold only positive numbers (include 0).
Another input for the algorithm is the teacher’s an-
swers, provided as vector. Out of the teacher’s point
of view: Each issue can obtain the value 100 (issue
is not present or can be disabled), 0 (issue does not
matter) or 1 (issue must be present).
For each range, the answer can be a positive num-
ber (include 0) to represent e.g. the amount of stu-
dents or 100 if this does not matter. Finally for
each numeric field, the answer can be a positive num-
ber (include 0) to represent e.g. the teacher’s budget
– or 100 if this does not matter.
The start point (see figure 2) is the end of the
teacher’s questionnaire. As first step, the result ma-
trix m is created, with the same amount of rows as
the product data and the nearly the same amount of
columns (but for each range only one instead of two
Important to know: The first question from the
Figure 4: The sub-algorithm for the ”numeric question”
questionnaire corresponds to the first answer and this
corresponds to the first column within the product
matrix and also to the first column within m! Fur-
thermore, a teacher receives might not all questions:
The questionnaire is dynamic and user-adapting – the
teacher gets only necessary questions. Any skipped
question results implicit in the answer 100 which
means ”does not matter”.
The next steps are repeated for each pair of an an-
swer (the answer as a single value, here called A) and
corresponding column out of the product matrix as
vector P.
The algorithm is now branching out by the col-
umn type (for now: issue, numeric or range). If an un-
known type of column is found, the algorithm gets un-
expected terminated. The sub-algorithms for the dif-
ferent types are found at figure 3 (type is ”issue”), fig-
ure 4 (type is ”numeric question”) and figure 5 (type
is ”range”).
In case of ”issue”, multiply A with P and store the
result as vector R: R = A · P. Check then, if any
value of R equals 10000. If so, replace it by 1. If
any value of R equals 200, replace it also with
If the type of the current column is ”numeric
question”, store as A
the reciprocal of A + 1:
. Now multiply A
with P and store
the result as vector R: R = A
·P. Replace all val-
ues of R with 1 if the value is less or equals 1 or
otherwise replace it with 100.
The ”range” type is represented by two columns
so instead of one P this type has two vectors P
and P
. If A equals 100, create the zero vector
R with the size of P
and this sub-algorithm is
done. Otherwise, store as A
the reciprocal of A+
1: A
. Next, multiply A
with P
, P
and store the result as R
and R
. Replace
now any element of R
with 1 if the value is
Figure 5: The sub-algorithm for the ”range” analysis.
less or equals 1, otherwise replace it with 100.
Also replace any element of R
with 100 if
the value is less than 1, otherwise replace it with
1. The result vector R is now R = R
+ R
After the right sub-algorithm, the result vector R must
be stored at the corresponding position in m. If not
yet all pairs of answers and product data are executed,
then select the next pair and repeat the steps above. If
no pairs are left, take the sum of each line of matrix
m and store the sum at the new vector z:
z =
The variable v starts at 1 and grows up to the
amount of issues, numeric questions and two times
the amount of range questions. The variable u starts
at 1 and grows up to the amount of products.
Interpretation of the results: The vector z provides
for each product one value. If a value is greater or
equals 0, the corresponding product matches to the
teacher’s requirements. Moreover, if the resulting val-
ues are descending sorted, this new ordered list repre-
sents the teacher’s best matching solution down to the
worst solution
The chosen software stack has already proved its
power: The development time has been short and the
source code is clear, with less overhead and a strong
focus to web development. Thereby, the first proto-
type is a responsive web solution: This saves time,
because the mobile devices are covered without an
additional mobile app. The agile process made it pos-
sible to react on changes to the subject of e-learning
and also to common project changes.
The first technical prototype with the visual pro-
gramming language and the questionnaire is running
without errors: It is possible to write a visual pro-
gram and test the user flow through the resulting ques-
tionnaire. It is possible to change the visual program
while users are inside the user flow of the question-
naire: The users in front of the changed function
blocks are receiving directly these changes, and users
behind the changed blocks are not affected at all. This
feature enables to run a long-term system with no or
less maintenance impacts.
The visual web-based editor for creating a visual
program is convenient and enables also staff without
computer science knowledge to create a visual pro-
gram. The first version of the algorithm is passing all
test cases with dedicated test data: The algorithm is
working deterministic and the results are correct for
any expected input. In case of the comparable char-
acteristics for the related e-learning solutions, which
are the precondition for this recommendation system,
a first proof of concept exists.
To meet the precondition of comparable character-
istics for related e-learning solutions it is promising
to get the input of experts to reach a broad scien-
tific consensus. Because it was possible to build a
proof of concept for the characteristics, it is confident
to meet this precondition. The recommendation al-
gorithm needs further research to investigate the per-
formance under real conditions with a huge solutions
catalog and also huge amount of answers. Therefore,
If the value is less than 0, the product is of course not a
”solution” for this teacher.
the algorithm must be implemented into the proto-
The new visual user-flow language enables to
build user-adapting questionnaires. This saves pro-
cessing time for the teachers, because their get just
the necessary parts of the whole questionnaire. Nev-
ertheless: The user-flow program is able to cover the
complexity from unexperienced to advanced teachers,
regarding to the e-learning subject.
In the long-term view: If the web-based recom-
mendation system goes online, the service enables
teachers to save time and let them focus to the en-
gineering education. Later, the recommendation sys-
tem can be expanded to other disciplines, beyond en-
gineering education. After the project reaches a more
mature stage, it will be accessible as open source un-
der the 2-clause BSD license to enable others to use
and modify it.
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