Utility-based Decision Making in Collective Adaptive Systems
Vasilios Andrikopoulos
, Marina Bitsaki
, Santiago G
omez S
, Dimka Karastoyanova
Christos Nikolaou
and Alina Psycharaki
Institute of Architecture of Application Systems, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Transformation Services Laboratory, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
Collective Adaptive Systems, Utility, Decision Making, Choreography.
Large-scale systems comprising of multiple heterogeneous entities are directly influenced by the interactions
of their participating entities. Such entities, both physical and virtual, attempt to satisfy their objectives by
dynamically collaborating with each other, and thus forming collective adaptive systems. These systems are
subject to the dynamicity of the entities’ objectives, and to changes to the environment. In this work we focus
on the latter, i.e. on providing the means for entities in such systems to model, monitor and evaluate their
perceived utility by participating in the system. This allows for them to make informed decisions about their
interactions with other entities in the system. For this purpose we propose a utility-based approach for decision
making, as well as an architecture that allows for the support of this approach.
Collective systems comprise heterogeneous entities
collaborating towards the achievement of their own
objectives, and the overall objective of the collec-
tive (Andrikopoulos et al., 2013). Such systems are
usually large scale, typically consisting of both phys-
ical and virtual entities distributed both organization-
ally and geographically. Entities in these systems ac-
tively influence the operation of the system by inter-
acting with other entities. Their behavior is guided
by their individual objectives and the decisions they
make in order to satisfy them. In this respect, sup-
port for decision making on the level of entities is an
integral part of the realization of such systems.
For this purpose, in the EU ALLOW Ensembles
, we use the concept of Collective Adaptive
System (CAS) (Kernbach et al., 2011), and define the
underpinning concepts for modeling, execution and
adaptation of CAS entities and their interactions. In
particular, we propose to model and manage entities
as collections of cells encapsulating their functional-
ities. Entities collaborate with each other to achieve
their objectives in the context of ensembles describing
the interactions among them. As a way to measure
entity objectives’ achievement, we use the concept of
utility as a function over its preferences, context, state
ALLOW Ensembles: http://www.allow-ensembles.eu
and interactions with other entities.
The contributions of this work can be summarized
as follows:
1. We propose a utility-based approach for the pur-
pose of decision making in CAS systems based on
the conceptual model introduced in the project.
2. We extend an existing architecture in order to
enable the modeling and execution of enabling
mechanisms, and discuss their implementation
based on well-established technologies.
The remaining of the paper is structured as fol-
lows: starting from a motivating scenario in Section 2,
we then introduce our proposal on how to deal with
decision making in CAS systems (Section 3). Conse-
quently, in Section 4 we extend the architecture intro-
duced in (Andrikopoulos et al., 2013) in order to en-
able the modeling and execution of the mechanisms
supporting our proposal as distributed, large scale,
pervasive systems; we also discuss the implementa-
tion of these concepts based on well-established tech-
nologies. The paper closes with a summary of related
work (Section 5), and concludes with an outline of
research challenges and future work (Section 6).
Andrikopoulos V., Bitsaki M., Goméz Sáez S., Karastoyanova D., Nikolaou C. and Psycharaki A..
Utility-based Decision Making in Collective Adaptive Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0004937403080314
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2014), pages 308-314
ISBN: 978-989-758-019-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Supporting citizens mobility within the urban envi-
ronment is a priority for municipalities worldwide. As
part of the effort to offer “smart services” to citizens,
in the ALLOW Ensembles project the case of an ur-
ban mobility scenario is used as a CAS for demonstra-
tion and evaluation purposes (Andrikopoulos et al.,
2013). The FlexiBus service is a special type of bus in
this scenario that operates a flexible route set by pas-
senger needs, allowing the advance booking of pickup
points along a (dynamically) calculated route to a set
of predefined destinations (i.e., city center).
Using the FlexiBus system, each Passenger can
request a trip to one of the predefined destinations in
the system by communicating with the Route Plan-
ner, asking to start at a certain time and from a pre-
ferred pickup point. Each passenger can pay their
trip directly in the bus (cash, with a credit card or a
monthly pass) or through the FlexiBus company web
site. Furthermore, during the route execution, each
passenger waiting for a bus can be notified for prob-
lems on a selected route (e.g. bus delays, accidents,
etc.). Each Bus Driver is assigned by the Route Man-
ager to a precise but dynamically calculated by the
Route Planner route to execute, including the list of
passengers assigned to it, and a unique final desti-
nation. Bus drivers communicate with an assigned
Route Manager which monitors and ensures the cor-
rect execution of the route, in order to ask for the next
pick-up point, and to communicate information like
passengers’ check-in. During the route realization, a
bus on route can also accept passengers that have not
previously booked if there are available seats and the
passenger pick-up point is along the route.
The Route Planner attempts to define routes in a
manner that reduces the wasteful overlap that occurs
with many individual passengers traveling to the same
destination. This means carrying more people in one
route to radically reduce the number of FlexiBuses
on the road, fuel usage, CO
emissions, traffic con-
gestion, etc. The passengers on the other hand have
concrete requirements on e.g. their arrival time, and
they attempt to optimize across changing dimensions
e.g. fare cost or time spent on the bus. The FlexiBus
system is therefore required to support the interac-
tion of different entities (software or physical) striving
to achieve potentially conflicting and changing over
time goals. In the following sections we present our
proposal for using utility as the means for allowing
these entities to co-exist and reconciliate their goals
in the system.
3.1 The ALLOW Ensembles Model
In large-scale collective adaptive systems, entities
which are heterogeneous actors of both human and
software actors, interact in various ways to form a dis-
tributed and dynamic CAS system that evolves con-
tinuously to achieve a goal in a given context. For this
purpose, in ALLOW Ensembles we model both types
of actors as entities aggregating different functionali-
ties, e.g. the check-in on a bus route, or the payment
of the fare, as reusable cells. Cells encapsulate some
functionality that the entity offers to, or requires from
the system. Cells from different entities interact with
each other as part of their predefined functionality.
The outcome of these interactions are ensembles
that are created to fulfill specific goals initiated by the
entities. Even though each entity has its own self-
ish interests, the cooperation with others entails an
increase in each one’s satisfaction expressed in util-
ity terms. For this purpose, in the scope of the project
we propose to model the economic perspective of sys-
tems of ensembles. In particular, we consider that en-
tities take part in games according to various criteria
in order to achieve a set of objectives. Entities have
potentially conflicting interests within the system and
strive to achieve individual objectives, thus formu-
lating non-cooperative games (Osborne and Rubin-
stein, 1994). On the other hand, entities cooperate
to achieve a common task and fulfill a set of group
objectives, a situation that can modeled as coopera-
tive games (Wiese, 2010). We incorporate both types
of games to model entities’ behavior according to the
goals needed to be achieved.
3.2 Utility & Strategic Ensembles
Our position for dealing with such CAS systems as
the ones discussed above is to analyze economic mod-
els that assign utility (Norstad, 1999) to entities ac-
cording to their properties and impose constraints ac-
cording to the desired goals. The utility of an entity is
a measure of satisfaction experienced by the entity for
using a service or consuming a good. Entities make
choices so as to maximize their utility. A utility func-
tion is a way to quantify utility, assigning a number to
every possible choice of the entity such that more pre-
ferred choices get assigned larger numbers than less
preferred ones (Varian, 2010). We consider that the
cells of an entity that are involved in the selected en-
semble operate in order to satisfy the goal that is ful-
filled by the ensemble and contribute to the improve-
ment of the entity’s utility. If the entity participates
in another ensemble (this is determined by the inter-
actions that the entity decides to get involved to), the
same cells operate in a new context that attributes a
new level of utility to the entity. Game theory can be
used to model the selection from a set of candidate
ensembles based on the criterion of utility maximiza-
tion (Varian, 2010): each entity chooses the ensemble
that maximizes its utility taking into account the ac-
tions taken by the other entities too. Once an ensem-
ble is being executed, it can be evaluated and com-
pared to competitors or former ensembles through the
collective utility that aggregates the individual utilities
of all entities involved.
In order to model the economic behavior of our
system, we define the concept of meta-cells that rep-
resent the economic characteristics of functional cells.
We distinguish different activities that are performed
by meta-cells according to the goals assigned to the
respective functional cells. More specifically, they
calculate the utility of an entity when participating in
a given ensemble, as well as the collective utility of an
ensemble derived by the various entities that interact
to form the ensemble, they communicate with other
cells and take decisions/compute strategies of entities,
they collect data and perform measurements (resource
consumption, satisfaction, costs, delays, prices, etc.),
and they run optimization algorithms to improve the
performance of ensembles.
Interactions of functional cells initiated by the
entities result in the creation of functional ensem-
bles (or simply, ensembles) in order to fulfill specific
goals. Simultaneously, strategic utility-based interac-
tions trigger the initialization of meta-cells that are
managed by a new structure called the strategic en-
semble in order to handle decision making on the level
of interaction between entities. The objectives of a
strategic ensemble include the following:
to impose constraints according to entity goals in
order to reduce the various choices of entities,
to evaluate ensembles from the perspective of one
entity according to the entity’s preferences dy-
to assign utility to each entity when participat-
ing in an ensemble in order to make the optimal
choice and manage the negotiation between two
Figure 1 illustrates one of the strategic ensembles
in the FlexiBus scenario discussed in the previous sec-
tions. The meta-cells of the entities in the FlexiBus
scenario are described as follows:
1. Route Evaluation (Route Planner): evaluates each
route according to passenger preferences, passen-
ger’s previous choices and route’s reliability based
Figure 1: A Strategic Ensemble in the FlexiBus Scenario.
on historical data.
2. Routes Calculation (Route Planner): makes a list
of routes according to passenger goals, examines
whether the requirements of current passengers
are violated (estimate new travel times) for all
routes in the list and removes the routes that do
not satisfy passengers’ goals or negotiates with
passengers, evaluates the routes according to pas-
sengers’ preferences and FlexiBus’ benefits.
3. Driver Allocation (Route Manager): negotiates
with the FlexiBus drivers to find an appropriate
Bus Driver entity to execute a route.
4. Utility Evaluation (Bus Driver): calculates the
utility of the driver for the requested route accord-
ing to his preferences and accepts or rejects the
offer of the Route Manager to execute a route.
5. Utility Evaluation (Passenger): calculates a pas-
senger’s utility for each route in the list and an-
nounces the optimal choice. In Algorithm 1 we
provide an example of passenger utility as a func-
tion of travel time t, trip cost C and a set of pref-
erences such as payment method, smoking/non-
smoking trips, seat preferences, delay tolerance
and so on.
The structure of our methodology implies that in-
formation flows among the various components of
the system. Meta-cells extract information from en-
tities. Goals may impose constraints on meta-cells
that solve optimization problems. Entities communi-
cate through meta-cells and use them in order to select
appropriate cells to form ensembles or reconfigure en-
sembles for increasing system’s utility.
3.3 Strategic Ensembles Life-cycle
The life-cycle of the strategic ensemble is closely re-
lated to that of the execution ensembles. It is created
before the execution ensemble, since the meta-cells
Algorithm 1 : Utility Evaluation Algorithm for Pas-
senger Entities.
for all routes do calculate U:
U =
+ w
, where
(m+1) j
if choice j of a total of m
choices is satisfied
0 if preference i is not satisfied,
, i = 1, ..., k are weights for each of k prefer-
ences and w
the weight for the component that
accounts for travel time and cost (
= 1), and
a and b are the impact factors for travel time t
and cost C respectively.
end for
return max{U}
Figure 2: The life-cycle of the Strategic Ensemble.
are responsible for making decisions about the selec-
tion of the most beneficial ensembles. Moreover, it
runs in parallel to the execution ensembles, since it af-
fects the operations of the execution ensembles until
their termination. We consider that each entity has its
own set of meta-cells, which interact with other cells
of this entity and with cells and meta-cells of other
entities as well. Meta-cells of an entity join or leave
a strategic ensemble and as a result the related execu-
tion ensembles, according to the decisions the entity
makes based on her calculated utility.
In particular about the FlexiBus scenario, we con-
sider two phases in the life-cycle of a route (execution
ensemble): the pre-booking phase, where a route is
going to be executed if a certain number of requests
is reached until a certain deadline, and the execution
phase, where the route is bound to start or it has al-
ready started. The timeline for the strategic ensemble
that runs through this execution ensemble is shown in
Figure 2. According to the scenario, the execution cell
of the Passenger invokes her meta-cell by sending the
trip request. Then, a series of meta-cell interactions
start with the aim to make the optimal decision for
each entity. The Utility Evaluation meta-cell of the
Passenger invokes the Routes Calculation meta-cell
of the Route Planner by sending the trip request and
waits to receive a list of routes, in order to evaluate
them. The Routes Calculation meta-cell interacts with
the Route Evaluation meta-cell of the Route Planner,
as well as with the active Route Managers in order
to identify whether the Passenger can join an existing
route. If this is possible, the Route Planner negoti-
ates with the Passengers already in the route, since
they may need to re-evaluate their utility from being
on this route, if e.g. the arrival time changes due to the
additional passenger. The list of routes returned to the
Passenger are evaluated by the Passenger using Algo-
rithm 1 and ranked accordingly. The Passenger then
joins in an (execution) ensemble with the Route Man-
ager, Bus Driver and other Passengers in the route that
she evaluated as optimal.
An architecture design capable of supporting the
phases of the CAS lifecycle is presented in (An-
drikopoulos et al., 2013). However, such architecture
does not support the utility-based decision making ca-
pabilities proposed in the previous section; for this
purpose in this work we enhance it with the necessary
components as depicted in Figure 3.
The architecture for the modeling and the execu-
tion of CAS systems comprises two major compo-
nent groups: a Modeling Tool and a Runtime Environ-
ment. The Modeling Tool consists of three main com-
ponents: a Choreography Modeler to create chore-
ography models which specify the interactions be-
tween cells of functional and strategic ensembles, a
Transformer to generate process skeletons that can
be completed to executable processes, which can be
subsequently modified in the Process Modeler The
Modeling Tool is developed as a pair of interopera-
ble Eclipse Graphical Editors that support the spec-
ification of choreographies in the BPEL4Chor lan-
guage (Decker et al., 2008). Both functional cells
and meta-cells are specified using the WS-BPEL lan-
guage, and therefore the process is developed as an
extension of the BPEL Eclipse designer described
in (Sonntag et al., 2012). The editor is also equipped
with monitoring capabilities that provide the user
real-time information related to the flow execution.
The Runtime Environment comprises the neces-
sary components to enable the execution of both cells
and meta-cells. The cell and meta-cell models are de-
ployed on one or more Execution Engines and can be
instantiated at any time. Cell models may contain ab-
stract activities, and therefore the Execution Engine
must be able to start the execution of incomplete pro-
Figure 3: Architecture overview
cesses, allowing the dynamic injection of additional
activities retrieved from the Adaptation Manager or
triggered through the Modeling Tool. The realized
Execution Engine is an extended Apache ODE En-
, an open source implementation of BPEL, and
presented in (Sonntag et al., 2012). The Entity Man-
agement System (EMS) deals with all aspects of entity
management. When a new entity is created, its avail-
able functional and meta-cells are deployed in the Ex-
ecution Engine, and its corresponding properties to
its context model. The EMS allows the Adaptation
Manager to access the cell models, instances, context
properties, and the necessary data for utility evalua-
tion, e.g. user preferences, needed for the utility based
planning and adaptation operations.
The interaction of the Utility Module with one
or multiple meta-cells participating in a strategic en-
semble provides the necessary functionality for utility
evaluation and decision making support. The Deci-
sion Module and the Utility Evaluator deal with such
operations in a generic and domain independent man-
ner. Therefore, meta-cells are responsible for retriev-
ing the necessary data, e.g. context information, user
preferences, etc., and orchestrate the multiple services
offered in the Utility Module. Monitoring information
retrieval, e.g. KPIs or WS-BPEL Events (Kopp et al.,
2011) functionalities must be wrapped in the Moni-
toring component.
All components should be provided as services
and communicate through an Enterprise Service Bus
(ESB) solution to facilitate their integration. As mul-
tiple organizational levels can be present in such sys-
tems, we use the ESB
multi-tenant aware ESB so-
lution, as presented in (Strauch et al., 2013), for ensur-
ing communication isolation between multiple orga-
nizations and its users. ESB
enhances the Apache
Apache ODE: http://ode.apache.org/
ServiceMix solution
with multi-tenant communica-
tion support within service endpoints deployed in the
ESB, and multi-tenant aware dynamic endpoint de-
ployment and management capabilities.
Several studies related to the collective or adaptive
aspects of complex systems have been driven in ar-
eas such as Swarm Intelligence (C. Pinciroli et al.,
2011; Levi and Kernbach, 2010), Autonomic comput-
ing (Bruni et al., 2012; Lewis et al., 2012), and Multi-
agent based systems (Cabri et al., 2011; Lavinal et al.,
2006). These converge in the need for defining in-
teraction rules between participants towards adapting
the system under ordinary and extraordinary events.
However, there exists a gap towards a general solu-
tion definition for all aspects in CAS. In this work
we aim to target this problem by proposing the usage
and extension of existing modeling and execution ap-
proaches towards providing a generic and evolution-
ary utility-based adaptation in CAS.
Interactions between multiple participants in
a choreography can be modeled following the
interaction or the interconnection modeling ap-
proaches (Barker et al., 2009). In the former, com-
munication between participants is modeled using
atomic interaction activities. The WS-CDL (Ka-
vantzas et al., 2005) and the Savara
project are ap-
proaches that support the explicit specification of the
interaction activities. On the other hand, the inter-
connection modeling approach consists on intercon-
necting the communication activities of each partic-
Apache ServiceMix: http://servicemix.apache.org
ipant of the choreography. This approach is sup-
ported in the CHOReOS Integrated Development and
Runtime Environment
, in the Open Knowledge Eu-
ropean project
, and in BPEL4Chor (Decker et al.,
2007). As BPEL4Chor enables the choreography
specification atop of WS-BPEL and decouples the
choreography behavior specification from the techni-
cal communication details, it is considered as an ap-
propriate extensible point in CAS modeling and spec-
Value is intimately linked to service systems: the
latter exist only as long as they can create value for
both the providers and the consumers; otherwise they
dissolve and disappear. In (Bloch and Jackson, 2007),
value is defined as “benefits of an agent accrued by
his participation in the network minus any costs in-
volved in setting up the network links directly or in-
directly”. A method is proposed in (Caswell et al.,
2008), for computing values by taking into account
service system partners’ satisfaction and additional
value accrued by the relationship levels of the vari-
ous partners. In (Gordijn et al., 2001), the authors
combine IT systems analysis with business modeling
to build an e-business model that specifies e-business
scenarios rather than defining values.
While various approaches have been proposed to
measure service network performance, little exper-
imental testing or theoretical investigation on com-
peting networks has been performed. (Biem and
Caswell, 2008) describe building block elements of
a value network model and design a network-based
strategy for a prescriptive value network analysis.
(Allee, 2008) provides a systematic but qualitative
way for approaching the dynamics of intangible value
realization, inter-convertibility, and creation. Both
of the above approaches use qualitative methods
to describe value in a service network in contrast
to (Caswell et al., 2008) that calculates value in a
quantifiable manner. A service system’s performance
is studied in (Voskakis et al., 2011) by solving value
optimization problems with respect to service prices.
(Van Dinther et al., 2009) studies the strategic be-
havior of service providers within service value net-
works and proposes an auction-based mechanism to
efficiently match service offers and requests and de-
termine prices, showing that incentive compatibility
holds under certain conditions. (Katsamakas, 2005)
analyzes industry structure in the presence of value
networks and has developed a model dealing with a
number of design aspects, such as the supplier num-
ber and the partner investments importance. It is
CHOReOS: Large Scale Choreographies for the Future
Internet: http://www.choreos.eu/
Open Knowledge: http://www.openk.org/
shown that industry structure is more likely to shift
to competition between value networks in which IT
plays an important role. Systems encountering com-
petition between service networks, analyzed with re-
spect to their evolution through well-defined strate-
gies, have received little attention. Initial work is
provided in (Bitsaki et al., 2012) on competing ser-
vice networks by defining and simulating strategies
in games of incomplete information. The results show
that Nash Equilibria exist when one player represents
each service system.
Collective Adaptive Systems (CAS) are formed by
multiple heterogeneous virtual and physical enti-
ties that collaborate with each other towards ful-
filling their individual objectives (Kernbach et al.,
2011). However, such collaboration can change over
time, as entities’ objectives can dynamically adapt
or change due to external or internal environmental
events. Therefore, on the one hand entities should
be provided with the necessary mechanisms that will
guarantee a successful fulfillment of their objectives,
while on the other hand such mechanisms must min-
imize the impact of entities’ influences on the collec-
tive. For this purpose, the concepts of utility and deci-
sion making are brought into the cells and ensembles
paradigm of CAS in the ALLOW Ensembles project.
In this work we focus on providing the necessary
support to entities to facilitate the modeling, monitor-
ing, and evaluation of their perceived utility by par-
ticipating in the system. Therefore, we describe in a
first step a conceptual view on meta-cells and strategic
ensembles, and propose the strategic ensemble life-
cycle as an emerging negotiation mechanism. A util-
ity evaluation algorithm is then proposed for a con-
crete entity of the FlexiBus scenario. We plan to ex-
tend the approach to model the various interactions
among entities by means of games in order to make
decisions on which ensembles to choose to partici-
pate or which entities to add in an existing ensemble,
taking into account future passenger demands or other
environmental events.
In a second step, an architectural and a work in
progress implementation approach presented in (An-
drikopoulos et al., 2013) is enhanced towards sup-
porting the multiple required phases for utility-based
decision making in CAS. Future work also focuses
on analyzing and utilizing multiple provisioning and
management techniques for supporting entities join-
ing and leaving the system, as well as investigating
on different distribution and deployment options of
the runtime environment. For these purposes, the pre-
viously described components must be extended and
integrated in the prototype implementation.
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the EU’s Seventh Framework Pro-
gramme (FP7/2007-2013) project ALLOW Ensem-
bles (grant agreement no. 600792), and from the Ger-
man Research Foundation (DFG) within the Cluster
of Excellence (EXC310) in Simulation Technology.
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