Engaging Teen-agers in the Adoption of Healthy Lifestyles
for the Prevention of Obesity and Related Co-morbidities
The Approach of PEGASO
Renata Guarneri
, Mauro Brivio
, Giuseppe Andreoni
and Marco Mazzola
Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, Milano, Italy
Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
Keywords: Prevention, Lifestyle Management, UCD User Centred Design, Sensor System, Social Networks, Social
Gaming, Serious Games, Avatar, Fitness.
Abstract: Obesity and other lifestyle-related illness are among the top healthcare challenges in Europe. Obesity alone
accounts for up to 7% of healthcare costs in the EU, as well as wider economy costs associated with lower
productivity, lost output and premature death. Obesity in younger age is an alarming predictor for obesity in
adulthood, but also entails short term health complications in juvenile age along with greater risk of social
and psychological problems.
Knowing how to stay healthy is not enough to motivate individuals, and especially teen-agers, to adopt
healthy lifestyles. In view of this, PEGASO – recently funded by the 7
Framework Programme of the
European Union in ICT for Health, will develop a multi-dimensional cross-disciplinary ICT system that will
exploit social gaming to motivate behavioural changes towards healthier lifestyles.
PEGASO is based on three main features: individual & environmental monitoring; feedback to the user, for
alternative lifestyles; social connectivity, encouraging involvement in social network experience sharing and
social engagement.
For the development of the PEGASO system and in order to ensure engagement of the target population, a
user centred approach will be used based on social and networked games and together with online
The rapidly increasing prevalence of overweight and
obesity among children and adolescents reflects a
global ‘epidemic’ worldwide. Due to the associated
serious medical conditions, it is estimated that
obesity already accounts for up to 7% of healthcare
costs in the EU, as well as costs to the wider
economy associated with lower productivity, lost
output and premature death. Obesity in younger age
groups has been recognized as an alarming key
predictor for obesity in adulthood, but also entails a
number of short term health complications in
juvenile age such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes,
metabolic syndrome, fatty liver disease, sleep
disturbances along with greater risk of social and
psychological problems.
Sedentariness (WHO Phys, 2010) and over-
consumption of high calorie foods and beverages
(WHO Rec, 2010) are a priori determinants of
overweight/obesity and poor health status also in
adolescents, according to well-grounded evidences.
Prevention is of obvious importance and there is
an urgent need for further research into how
physical activity and training, in addition to
nutrition, can prevent the steadily increasing
average body mass index of Europeans. This
proposal includes a vision that integrates a lifestyle
of healthy habits with an environment that promotes
healthy living by encouraging exercise and making
healthy food affordable.” (Visions for Horizon
Juvenile obesity is a complex disorder with
many interrelated. Addressing the obesity issues
requires a comprehensive approach taking into
account the individual's physical-physiological
characteristics, personality as well as the social and
psychological environments influencing decisions
and habits in their everyday life.
Among the principal key strategies tackling the
Guarneri R., Brivio M., Andreoni G. and Mazzola M..
Engaging Teen-agers in the Adoption of Healthy Lifestyles for the Prevention of Obesity and Related Co-morbidities - The Approach of PEGASO.
DOI: 10.5220/0004938505690576
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (SUPERHEAL-2014), pages 569-576
ISBN: 978-989-758-010-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
risk of obesity in young individuals, actions
developing awareness and enhancing motivation for
changing behaviour towards healthy diet (dietary)
and physical activity (active lifestyle)
will have great
relevance. (World Health Organization, 2009)
Effective management of this epidemic should
thus be directed to the environment where the
youngsters live taking into account social, ethical
and cultural background, as well as lifestyle patterns.
Such a behavioural management should be also
sensitive to social factors as relations with peers
through social network media and personal
opportunities focused on increasing awareness and
personal involvement.
In order to address the above challenges, the aim
of the PEGASO project is to develop a multi-
dimensional and cross-disciplinary ICT system that
includes game mechanics to influence behaviours in
order to fight and prevent overweight and obesity in
the younger population by encouraging them to
become co-producers of their wellness and take an
active role in improving it by:
generating self-awareness (acknowledgement
of risks associated to unhealthy behaviours),
enhancing and sustaining motivation to take
care of their health with a short/medium/long
term perspective,
changing behaviour towards a healthy lifestyle
based on healthy diet and adequate physical
The proposed system gives guidance towards
developing good habits and provides a social
platform to stimulate young people’s willingness to
engage actively in their health management. This
social platform also enables contribution from all the
stakeholders of the health and wellness ecosystem,
as the solution starting from health prevention can
expand into a systematic approach to cover all levels
of influence of individuals’ health.
A well-established user centred methodological
approach is key for success and to achieve the
expected impact with regard to wide users
acceptance and use of the PEGASO system with
consequent increase of quality of life through
healthier behaviours, ultimately leading to reducing
costs and time of healthcare services and driving
education towards self-care organizational model
PEGASO will implement a User Centred Design
approach (UCD) (Sanders 2002) by considering the
target population of teenagers at the centre of the
system in a palingenetic process. This approach is
very effective to motivate and engage users, which is
an essential requirement for systems’ acceptance and
efficacy rather than forcing to accommodate
technologies, products, or services. It should be
underlined that PEGASO, as tool for prevention, is
addressed mainly to healthy people. Recruitment of
teenagers will be done through schools, focusing on
fostering communities of interest (i.e. all students in
a class), rather than teen-agers with identified risk
In UCD approach, there are three main elements
to be integrated which are: user involvement in all
stages of the problem solving process,
multidisciplinary research and development team,
and iterative design process to refine the solution set.
We expect this method to be very suitable and
effective for the purposes of PEGASO.
Figure 1: User Centred Approach in PEGASO System.
2.1 PEGASO Ecosystem Architecture
The ecosystem of stakeholders and enablers is
composed of three main parts that are integrated in
the user centred PEGASO system: technological
frame, services frame and experts layer.
Technological Frame: To define a successful
strategy to empower the teen-agers awareness about
obesity, it is necessary to analyse and formulate
strong hypothesis about possible tools that can help
communicating with teens and that can provide the
highest level of acceptance from that. ICT based
technologies are not only familiar for teens, but they
are the most important channels they use to
communicate, create social connections, and
entertain. Teens are familiar with Internet, social
networks, mobile phones and apps, video gaming
and, in general, with all the ICT platforms. These
key elements are the technological starting point to
define the PEGASO architecture and to define a
successful strategy to empower the teen-agers
awareness about healthy lifestyle. The huge amount
of personal and social data exchanged including also
health related information pose severe security
requirements that can be effectively managed
through a cloud platform. Finally, PEGASO apps
and games at the software layer, as well as different
wearable sensors complete the PEGASO technology
Services Frame: Social is the key word for
service development: the services created by
stakeholders in PEGASO promote an individual and
social healthier lifestyle through motivating and
engaging multiuser serious games. Nevertheless
individual support is provided both for data entry
through multimedia apps that simplify and engage
the users. All the stakeholders (including the Food
Industry, Public and Private health Policy actors,
Fitness industries, Media, Schools, and Insurance
companies) at different levels will offer to users the
infrastructure to motivate and promote the adoption
a healthy behaviour. Figure 2 provides an overview
of the stakeholders ecosystem addressed by
PEGASO and that are directly or indirectly involved
in the development of the PEGASO approach.
Figure 2: PEGASO ecosystem of stakeholders.
Experts Layer: in PEGASO motivation and
engagement by means of gaming strategies will be
integrated with healthier lifestyle. All the
information from the users must be handled and
processed and the corresponding feedback provided.
This means building an expert layer that is able to
analyse all the data and deliver the resulting answers
to the teenagers. A part of this layer will be
composed by automatic algorithm for real-time
processing and feedback provision when applicable;
a second building block will be the experts’ team
who will integrate the previous assessment to better
stimulate the teenagers’ consciousness about obesity
and their motivation to adopt a healthy lifestyle. The
role of experts in PEGASO is assumed to be
twofold: 1) to personalise information for each
individual’s physical and psychological models (i.e.
personalized care) in order to reach the full
acceptance by each teenager and guarantee a correct
interpretation; and 2) to follow up of each teenager
healthy status.
2.2 Influencing Behaviour
Regarding the ecosystem of PEGASO, it is
important to consider all personal levels of influence
of one’s prevention in its environment.
Figure 3 below is based on the Circles of
Influence in Self-Management of Chronic Disease
(Clark and Patridge, 2002) and adapted to the needs
of PEGASO, i.e. address prevention management in
teenagers. The circle hierarchy revolving around the
end user is not defined in a fixed way; each ring of
the concentric circles represents different levels of
influence dispersed around the user: self-
management, family involvement, peers influence,
experts, school support, community awareness, and
environmental measure, industry and policy
decisions to the success of the user’s prevention
management efforts. Therefore for each individual
the circles of influence will have different
hierarchies, interactions and points of decisions for
healthy living.
Figure 3: Users’ Circles of Influence in Health
In each circle of influence, end users have an
interaction towards their everyday health. In some
circles, the user has the possibility to contribute in
decision-making process, in some other they cannot.
Therefore, in PEGASO it is important to focus
on the interactions points between end users and
levels of their influences, in particular where end
users are able to take their own decisions, or where
the intervention of services and persuasion to
healthier lifestyle changes will be acted upon these
opportunity areas. This analysis is important to
define for user requirements for the design of the
PEGASO persuasion strategies.
Moreover PEGASO considers the various levels
towards persuasion for healthcare (Fogg, 2009).
Various types of experts and technologies will feed
these levels of persuasion towards healthier
decisions. As shown in Figure 4, there are four
different persuasion strategies: awareness of obesity
risks, motivation, affective learning and behaviour
Figure 4: Persuasion Levels for Disease Prevention.
Develop Awareness: teenagers need to be aware
of what they are doing; what is right, and what is
wrong for their healthy living. Some of them are
unconsciously and automatically acting, and often
under estimate or have no clear notion about
information they receive. Monitoring lifestyle of
teen’s activity, collecting parameters and integrating
their own data will enable self-awareness on their
current situation. Through developing self-
awareness and self-reflection, the user can frame the
problem or the opportunity area to act upon or
Affective learning is the “highest” learning
goal. The learner should trust in something that
happens in several years. That is also a good
argument in a new “learning level” to use a
constructivist learning model and special media like
“social games” are adequate to reach this goal.
Giving teenagers information through tools they are
affectionate is a strategy to reach their behavioural
change, an example in so far is the TV soap that
fostered towards birth-control in north Brazil.
Create Motivation: it is important to motivate
teenagers to change their behaviour and keep this
activity in a long-term period. The actors in the
ecosystem offer healthier benefits and services in the
users’ environment towards satisfying their needs or
This part is quite challenging, since the motivation
depends on many factors as well as emotions,
psychological environment and personality of teens.
The system needs to provide constant different
layouts of motivational activities where experts,
technological frame monitoring and stakeholders
services come into the scene.
Enable Behaviour Change: once teenagers
have the awareness and the motivation, it is
important to involve experts and use PEGASO
system to support the behaviour change process and
reinforce existing virtuous behaviours. The turn
from old unhealthy behaviours into healthier new
ones has to be monitored through technology on a
longer period.
In order to create prevention, it is important to
change or stop old unhealthy habits and develop new
healthier habits. In this respect, PEGASO takes an
holistic approach involving the teenager’s
environment and specifically the families, by means
of an education process empowered by training that
will be provided within the schools and on line. The
expert team will give feedbacks to the users
allowing them to change their behaviour on a long-
term basis. The overall system takes advantage of
gaming strategies to persuade users to change their
PEGASO system is designed around a social
platform that integrates various gaming strategies to
involve teens to prevent and engage with their health
in a long-term period. The serious gaming broadens
into a social dimension, where the game takes place
in real-world situations, aims to solve real problems,
and come across real challenges of their life.
From a technology point of view, PEGASO is
based on a mobile platform, where the smart-phone
is the first and key sensor system. The mobile device
also acts as communication gateway towards the
other sensors.
Basic services, such as those related to location
and basic motion sensors to detect physical activity,
are provided through sensors embedded within the
smart-phone. As the PEGASO system will be
modular it can be tailored to the specific needs and
preferences of the users. This means that the mobile
phone is the primary “sensor” and interface to
collect and analyse data from users with additional
sensors that can be added to the system, as required
by the services or context of use. Additional devices
foreseen to be used are:
A bracelet (or similar wearable device) that
monitors physical activity;
A scale (or balance board) that provides
information about weight and body
Specific sensors to monitor fitness / sports
In addition to the monitoring of the individual
dimensions, that includes also collecting information
about the nutrition habits, the social dimension will
be covered, as key motivator to life-style change.
The social dimension will leverage the extensive use
of social networks and will be based on social and
educational/serious games.
The PEGASO social platform represents a
gamification of the teens’ healthy life. Typical
components of the platform are: Game, Avatar,
Diary, Daily Challenges, Group Challenges, etc.
As shown in Figure 5 above, the platform
dynamically changes its form according to time, and
so the status of people, their objective, motivation
and the relations within the network. Teens act as an
active participant, information sharer, peer leader,
co-creator and self-tracker of their activities in the
social platform. The change of their role depends on
their activities and the evolution of the platform over
The first phase is the phase of AWARENESS,
where teens develop self-awareness on their
everyday behaviors and self-reflect on their
decisions and activities towards healthier change.
Diary has a more important role in this phase.
The second phase is the ACTION phase, once
teens develops awareness and they decide where is
the point of intervention, and the platform provides
materials to enable proactively act upon the
intervention area.
The third phase is the CHANGE phase, where
the old behavior turns into a new healthier one. In
this stage, experts have a primary role, where they
will help teens, through their feedback, to change
their behavior.
The fourth phase is the FOLLOW UP phase,
where the system and the experts will follow up the
change and make sure the healthier habits can be
sustained in the longer term.
The evaluation strategy of PEGASO will be twofold:
A technical validation of the platform;
A large scale pilot involving a population of 300
students in three countries.
Figure 5: PEGASO Evolution of Platform over time.
The validation of the PEGASO platform will assess
the following factors:
System and Technology acceptance, usability
and long-term use: these will be also a
secondary assessment of motivation and
Reliability in assessing the teen-agers lifestyles
and their changes (with focus on the eating
habits and on physical activities) and related
efficacy on the sensors’ network system;
Efficacy of the system in encouraging lifestyle
Subjective assessment for awareness;
System’s compliance to Stakeholders’ needs.
The overall PEGASO service framework will be
validated by secondary school students with the
support of their schools and families. The reason for
involving these students as sample population lies on
the assumption that around the age of 14, teen-agers
acquire more independence and have increasingly
the opportunity to select on their own their snacks
and the extra-school activities influenced by what
their friends do. Therefore it is important that at this
stage they become aware of the consequences of an
incorrect eating behaviour and that they perform a
sufficient physical activity.
During the four validation studies that will be
carried out in Italy (Lombardy), Spain (Catalonia)
and United Kingdom (England and Scotland),
PEGASO will take into special consideration the
socioeconomic environment of the selected schools
where the pilot will be run and the involvement of
the students’ families.
Through the pilot PEGASO will demonstrate the
effectiveness of the approach in support of:
discovering at an early stage potential risks of
developing obesity and related comorbidities
and encouraging lifestyle changes by means of
an approach based on social/networked games;
educating teen-agers towards healthier lifestyles
through an approach based on serious games;
engaging the educational environment (families
and schools) reinforcing the messages delivered
through physical seminars to teachers and
parents by means of online educational
The strategy proposed by the PEGASO project is
expected to have predictable favourable effects in
reducing overweight/obesity and associated diseases
and social costs in proportion to the national
prevalence of body mass excess in this age class
taking advantage of the possibilities offered by
innovative ICT and of teens’ affection to mobile and
social network.
More specifically the following impact areas will
be addressed:
Enhancing self-awareness of younger people for
health issues, by means of inclusive approach, and
promoting behavioural changes in favour of
physical activity and healthy diets. Reducing the
risks deriving from unhealthy diets and physical
inactivity and increasing awareness and
understanding of the influences of diet and physical
activity on health are the core objectives of the
global strategy dictated by the World Health
Organization (WHO-Diet 2004, WHO-Diet 2006)
against non-communicable disease and changes in
behaviour has been indicated by WHO among the
outcome indicators for assessing actions fostering
such a global strategy. The relationship between
diet, physical activity and health is based on strong
scientific evidence. Studies using motion sensors
have shown that children who spend less time in
physical activity are at higher risk to become obese
during childhood and adolescence (Consensus 2015,
Lobstein 2004).
Preventing juvenile overweight/obesity and
reducing morbidities associated to juvenile
overweight/obesity in the short time, and long term
health consequences, including adult obesity, and
associated medical, social and personal costs.
According with the 2007 report of the EU Public
Health Program Project "Global Report on the Status
of Health in the European Union - EUGLOREH"
(EUGLOREH2007), the number of EU children
affected by overweight and obesity is estimated to
be rising by more than 400,000 a year, adding to the
over 14 million of the EU population who are
already overweight (including at least 3 million
obese children). Overall, across the entire EU,
overweight affects almost 1 out of 4 school age
children/adolescents. Childhood obesity has
physical, psychosocial and economic consequences.
Reducing medical, social and personal costs
associated to juvenile and adult overweight/obesity.
The economic impact of overweight and obesity on
health care and social systems is definitely sizable.
Such an economic burden has been recognized in
terms of direct medical costs, indirect costs, and
intangible costs (Müller-Riemenschneider 2008,
Dent 2010).
Developing a system suitable for interventions
based on equity and inclusivity. The PEGASO
system, integrating state of the art technologies
within an holistic approach including social and
human aspects, fully complies with WHO guidelines
indicating the priority of comprehensive and
coordinated multiple-strategy interventions across
the whole population promoting behavioural
changes in favour of physical activity and healthy
diets in order ensue an effective obesity prevention
in childhood.
Providing a transnational opportunity for a
coordinated effort to tackle a transnational issue.
The transnational relevance of the growing
prevalence of overweight/obesity among younger
population in industrialised and developing countries
worldwide, prompt also to a EU co-ordinated effort
in research and industrial development to face such
an epidemic in member countries. The promotion of
research for the prevention and control of non-
communicable diseases is one of the main
objectives recently focused by the WHO 2008/2013
Action Plan (World Health Organization. 2008-
2013), proposing for international partners the action
of work jointly on "research on socioeconomic
determinants, lifestyle and behaviour modification
as well as community-based interventions".
The principal aim of the project PEGASO is the
promotion of changes in behaviours concerning
active lifestyle and healthy diet in younger people,
based on awareness on health issues.
• Knowledge of how to stay healthy is
ubiquitous; however, obesity and lifestyle-related
illness are still among the top healthcare challenges
in Europe. Although clinical content and health
information have been available through the Internet
for years, there has been no improvement in overall
health in Europe.
• Motivating individuals to change behaviour is
not just a clinical issue. Successful programs include
incentives along with personalised programs and,
increasingly, the inclusion of behavioural science.
Gamification has emerged as a recognisable trend
that can have a significant positive impact on all
businesses and is yet to be leveraged by wellness
and healthcare.
The PEGASO partners believe that we are at a
key turning point in the history of the Internet.
Convergence of major trends is occurring which
is driving changes in people behaviour and
These trends include the exponential rise in use of
smartphones and tablets, increased Internet access
speeds, new business models driven by online
commerce and app stores, the impact of social online
communication, and software delivery transitioning
from prior PC/internet models to cloud-based
services accessed with touch-based devices
(smartphones and media tablets).
With more than five billion mobile users
worldwide and a massive global network, for the
first time in history mobility is attracting significant
attention among the healthcare and life sciences
Integrating mobility, gamification and life
science has the potential to motivate individuals to
adopt healthy lifestyles, through the use of
personalisation techniques and incentives that will
be delivered through the PEGASO system.
This paper is based on the discussions and on the
material produced during the preparation of the
PEGASO project to which all project partners have
contributed. The PEGASO project is co-funded by
the European Commission under the 7
Programme. PEGASO is part of the cluster of
projects in the ICT for health area, it has started in
December 2013 and will run for 42 months.
The authors wish to thank all the project partners
for their contribution to this work.
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