Leveraging Video Annotations in Video-based e-Learning
Olivier Aubert, Yannick Pri
e and Camila Canellas
University of Nantes, LINA - UMR 6241, Nantes, France
e-Learning, MOOCs, Video Annotation, Pedagogical Processes.
The e-learning community has been producing and using video content for a long time, and in the last years,
the advent of MOOCs greatly relied on video recordings of teacher courses. Video annotations are information
pieces that can be anchored in the temporality of the video so as to sustain various processes ranging from
active reading to rich media editing. In this position paper we study how video annotations can be used in
an e-learning context - especially MOOCs - from the triple point of view of pedagogical processes, current
technical platforms functionalities, and current challenges. Our analysis is that there is still plenty of room for
leveraging video annotations in MOOCs beyond simple active reading, namely live annotation, performance
annotation and annotation for assignment; and that new developments are needed to accompany this evolution.
While video material had been used for several
decades as a learning support, the development of
web-based e-learning first caused a setback in the
usage of pedagogical videos, due to lack of net-
work bandwidth or standardized formats and soft-
ware. However, video streaming, video hosting and
the dissemination of capture and editing tools have
come along and supported the exponential growth of
video usage on the Web. Again video became an im-
portant component of e-learning setups, through the
OpenCourseWare movement and the recent advent of
Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs).
Video annotations (section 2) are information
pieces that can be anchored in the temporality of the
video so as to sustain various processes ranging from
active reading to rich media editing (section 3). Our
main interest in this position paper is related to how
video annotations are and can be used in e-learning
context - especially MOOCs - from the triple point
of view of pedagogical processes (section 4), current
technical platforms functionalities (section 5), and
current challenges (section 6). One of the most impor-
tant results of our analysis
is that there is still plenty
of room for leveraging video annotations in MOOCs
beyond simple active reading, namely live annota-
This work has received a French government support
granted to the COMIN Labs excellence laboratory and man-
aged by the National Research Agency in the ”Investing for
the Futures” program ANR-JO-LABX-07-0J.
tion, performance annotation and annotation for as-
signment; and that technological improvements are
needed to accompany this evolution.
Active reading is a process where a reader assimilates
and re-uses the object of his reading, as part of his
knowledge work (Waller, 2003). The goals may be
the exploration of a document, its enrichment or its
analysis, for oneself or within a collaborative activ-
ity. Active reading usually relies on annotations, that
add some information to a specific section or frag-
ment of the target document, and can thereafter be
reused along it for searching, navigating, repurposing,
The link between the annotation and the origi-
nal document may be more or less explicit, from the
handwritten note in the margin of a book to the note
taken on a notebook while watching a movie (which
will involve more work from the annotator to specify
the targeted information). Two main components of
an annotation are usually considered: its content and
its anchor. The content may take any form, as long as
the underlying support allows it, and can be more or
less structured. Anchoring will depend on the nature
of the annotated document, and will be more or less
explicit and easy to navigate.
We specifically position ourselves in this article
in the audiovisual context. Video documents present
Aubert O., Prié Y. and Canellas C..
Leveraging Video Annotations in Video-based e-Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0004948604790485
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 479-485
ISBN: 978-989-758-020-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
a number of specific or more stringent issues. First,
contrary to text content, they do not have any im-
plicit semantics: any active reading must thus be me-
diated through annotations that provide an explicit in-
formation layer along the document. Second, con-
trary to text reading, the reading speed is imposed by
the player. The annotation process then requires some
kind of interruption or interference from the viewing
process, and this conflict between the temporality of
the video and that of the annotation process must be
addressed somehow.
Figure 1: Video annotations anchors and content.
A video annotation is composed of data explicitly
associated to a spatiotemporal fragment of a video.
As illustrated in Figure 1, the spatiotemporal anchors
define at least a timestamp (in the case of duration-
less fragments, specifying a single time in the docu-
ment, e.g. 354), but more generally a begin and an
end timecodes (e.g. 1321 and 1521). They may ad-
ditionally address a specific static or dynamic zone of
the displayed video (e.g. a rectangle shape that would
follow a player in football video).
Video annotation content data can be of any type.
Textual data is most often used, since it is the easiest
to produce and to consume, but any content (audio,
images, video, key/values...) can as well be associ-
ated. For instance, in a language learning context, the
tutor can take textual notes about a video recording of
a session, and also annotate by recording some spoken
words to indicate the correct pronunciation. Annota-
tions can also be articulated through some structure,
such as a type classification: a feature movie analy-
sis could for instance define different annotation types
like Shot, Sequence or Character appearance (see fig-
ure 1).
Annotations can be created manually or automati-
cally. Manual creation involves various user inter-
faces, depending on the nature of the task and on the
information that has to be captured (see VideoAnt and
Advene in figure 2). Annotations may also automati-
cally be created by extracting features from an actual
video document (through speech recognition, or auto-
matic shot detection for example) (Nixon et al., 2013),
or by capturing synchronized information during the
very recording of the document. This last case is used
for instance when recording information about the ac-
tivity of a user: an ergonomics researcher studying the
use of a software can capture a recording of the user
screen while using the software, along with more dis-
crete information capture from the software (button
clicks, file openings, etc.).
Beyond information retrieval and search, which is
routinely carried out in active reading activities or in
video monitoring systems, video annotations can be
used in a variety of ways, such as enrichment and doc-
ument creation.
Enrichment of the rendering of the video docu-
ment is not new: subtitles can indeed be considered as
video annotations, that are displayed as a caption over
the video. But such overlays can also be graphical, to
attract the attention of the viewer on a specific visual
element. Video enrichments produced from the anno-
tations can also be placed along the (original) video
player, to produce a navigable table of contents for
instance. Video annotations can also be used to cre-
ate other documents, be it other videos as it is the
case in video summarization (automatic or guided);
or more rich-media documents as an article illustrated
with some fragments (through the annotations) of the
video; or even an annotation-based hypervideo that
permits the navigation from one video to the other.
Eventually, collaborative activities can greatly benefit
from annotations, that here serve as an interpretative
layer between participants.
These different types of uses can be put to use
in different application domains. Video archives
(e.g. TV, surveillance) can propose an enhanced
access to their collections through video annota-
tions, allowing to find specific video fragments. The
Yovisto platform
(Waitelonis and Sack, 2012) of-
fers for example access to video through semantic
annotations, allowing to look for specific location,
people, events... Sports analysis also greatly re-
lies on video material, which can be used in a re-
flective way by offering the sportsman to view his
own performance, or to analyse the behaviour of
adversaries on recordings of previous competitions.
Many applications such as EliteSportsAnalysis or
MotionView Video Analysis Software offer tools to
annotate and analyse sport performances. Research
on activity in domains such as ergonomics, animal
behaviour, linguistics, etc. also uses annotation soft-
ware, since researchers need to perform a precise
analysis of video recordings. There exist a number
of research tools such as Advene, Anvil or Transana,
as well as commercial offers like Noldus. They all
Underlined terms have an associated URL given in the
Webography annex at the end of the article.
Figure 2: On the left, the VideoAnt video online annotation system displays the video with some annotations organised in a
list. On the right, the Advene video annotation tool features several annotation display and creation interfaces: here a timeline
at the bottom and a temporalized note-taking view on the right of the video.
offer annotation capabilities accompanied by various
visualisation and analysis capabilities. Pedagogy is
obviously an important domain for video annotation
practices. First, any matter dealing with videos con-
tent as learning material, such as language or movie
courses (Aubert and Pri
e, 2005; Puig and Sirven,
2007), can benefit from the usage of annotations on
a course support, as in VideoNot.es. Second, discus-
sion about self-reflective activities can be enhanced
by annotation-based tools. For instance, VideoTraces
has been used for a long time in dance courses (Cherry
et al., 2003; Bailey et al., 2009) for annotating dance
sessions. More generally, video recordings of learn-
ers presentations or interaction are used to implement
self-reflection activities in classrooms (Rich and Han-
nafin, 2009), supported by a number of tools such as
VideoTraces, CLAS or MediaNotes.
It appears that a great number of practices have
been experimented in different contexts and applica-
tion domains, from the 1990s VHS based reflective
activities to the more recent collaborative and online
video analyses. The experience accumulated on these
tools and practices could fruitfully be incorporated in
In order to assess in what measure we can leverage the
existing experience in video annotation systems in an
e-learning context, we organize these processes along
four classes of scenarios.
For active reading with annotations, video is a
learning material whose content has to be assimilated
or evaluated. This task is carried out through an it-
erative process, dedicated to the analysis of the au-
diovisual source through its enrichment with annota-
tions and the definition of appropriate visualisations.
In a learning context, students may annotate the video
material by taking notes, by themselves or collabora-
tively. Conversely, teachers may use the same tech-
niques for evaluating and grading videos produced by
students. And both learners and teachers can engage
into a discussion about a video through annotations.
Live annotation occurs during a live lecture,
which is recorded and annotated at the same time.
Students take notes during the lecture, and reuse these
notes as a basic indexing system when replaying the
recording. Teachers may also let students ask ques-
tions through annotations, and answer them at the end
of the lecture (B
etrancourt et al., 2011).
Performance annotation also implies video as a
trace of a performance, be it recorded in a conven-
tional classroom or during a synchronous online ses-
sion. The recording may already be augmented au-
tomatically by the capture of annotations containing
information about the activity (sent documents, chat
messages, etc). Based on this recorded video and ac-
tivity trace, students may annotate their own perfor-
mance, for self-reflection or for sharing an analysis
with their teacher (Rich and Hannafin, 2009). Teach-
ers may as well annotate their own performance in
a self-reflective way, to improve their practice (ibid).
Eventually, students may annotate a recorded course
for suggesting improvements or pointing out difficult
sections. The teacher can use that feedback when
preparing the next course or the next version of the
same course (Sadallah et al., 2013).
Eventually, in annotation for assignment, the
video is a material that has to be used to prepare
an assignment (a feature movie, a recording of new
for media analysis, etc). The work may require stu-
dents to analyse some aspects of the video, and pro-
duce annotations reflecting their analysis. The anno-
tations are then later assessed by the teacher (Wong
and Pauline, 2010). Further, the annotations resulting
from the analysis may be reused to produce a new
document, like an abstract or a video collage. At
Columbia University, students use the MediaThread
platform (Bossewitch and Preston, 2011) to produce
critical video composition or critical multimedia es-
says, by combining annotations. The teachers then
assess their productions.
We can identify distinguishing features between
these different classes of scenarios, considering on
the one hand the status of the video, and on the other
hand the actors producing and using the annotations.
The annotated video can be a base learning material,
such as a movie or a documentary to study, or can be
a recording of a lecture (which the students may or
may not have seen live). It can also be the recording
of student contributions. The actors producing and/or
using the annotations can be the students, the teach-
ers, student colleagues or teacher colleagues, or even
the general public.
Table 1 provides an overview of the various function-
alities related to video annotation offered by main-
stream MOOC platforms
or more specifically ded-
icated tools.
From our analysis, it appears first that features that
facilitate the comprehension of the discourse - such
as the possibility to adjust the video speed or acti-
vate subtitles and transcriptions - are largely present
in MOOCs. These tools seem to be important in a
multicultural context where subtitles or transcription
are frequently produced in collaboration with student
in the case of translations to other languages. Second,
there is the use of interactive enrichments in MOOC
platforms, usually to have the video stop so that stu-
dents answer a question in order to verify the under-
standing of what had just been explained. Third, if
many MOOC platforms allow adding comments on
video lectures, annotations refering to a part of the
video are only possible via external tools. Fourth, the
dedicated tools we analyzed offer more features re-
Based on courses available in late December 2013.
Some platforms such as Udemy were not considered due
to the fact that they do not have an open access. This table
will be actualized for the final version of the paper. A more
detailed version is available on the web and constantly actu-
alized on http://comin-ocw.org/video-annotations/platform-
garding the annotation process - such as interactive
timelines, export of annotated data, sharing of anno-
tation, etc. - than MOOC platforms.
Thus, most of the solutions presented in Table 1
provide the possibility to develop pedagogical activ-
ities aiming to achieve active reading with annota-
tion from students. Indeed, this is the main use of
such tools by MOOC students, who are seeking a
better understanding of the proposed video material.
Annotation-based active reading can be carried out in-
dividually as well as collaboratively in the majority of
the tools. This last possibility is even more signifi-
cant: as students cannot always rely on having their
doubts/difficulties solved by the teacher, collabora-
tion with peers via annotation tools can increase their
understanding along with secondary benefits of devel-
oping cognitive capacities on learning from video, ob-
servational skills and increasing focus and attention.
As far as our other classes of scenarios are con-
cerned, performance annotation was not observed in
the MOOC context although it could lead to an im-
provement of courses as it would be based on facili-
tated self-reflection for the teacher or, even better, if
made in collaboration with students. Tasks involving
annotation as assignment were not observed either,
though it is clear that the possibility of critical explo-
ration where students must find evidences to support
their thinking could be used within the MOOC con-
text, even so with the use of external annotation tools
and peer evaluation (a well developed practice already
used regarding text assignments).
It appears that video material and its use in MOOCs
are massive nowadays; nevertheless a more advanced
use of video enrichments and more specifically of
video annotations is still not a reality. From the
classes of scenarios we described earlier and the
overview of the current situation of e-learning and
MOOC platforms, we would like to put forward
a number of challenges that we think should be
addressed in future versions of e-learning systems,
linked with annotation issues.
Manual Production of Annotations. Manual an-
notation processes raise specific ergonomic and us-
ability issues, all the more in the video domain where
playing the document may interfere with annotation
entry. The variety of targeted devices like mobile
phones exacerbates these issues. Moreover, as men-
tioned above, annotations are also an ideal vehicle
for collaboration activities around videos, in a syn-
chronous (Nathan et al., 2008) or asynchronous way.
Table 1: Annotation-related functionalities offered by mainstream MOOC platforms or dedicated tools.
Canvas Network
Khan Academy
Annotated HTML
Matterhorn Player
Multilanguage subtitles X
Transcription X X X X X X
Other synchronized enrichments (e.g.
List of annotations (navigable) X X X X
Timeline with annotations X X
Interactive enrichments on the video or aside
(e.g. embedded questions, alternative endings, hypertext
links to external content)
Editing/sharing features
Comment (about the whole video) X X X X X X
Video markers (single timecode + comment) X
Internal annotation tools (natively on the
External annotation tools
Exportation of temporalized data X X
Internal annotations sharing X X
External annotations sharing
Notes: 1. Usually generated automatically with the possibility of correction by the students. 2. Translations into other languages are carried out in collaboration
with students (crowd sourced translation). 3. Synchronized slides. 4. Use of multiple choice embedded question. 5. Video Questions is a new feature available in
beta version. There is also a possibility to choose the ending of a video. 6. Navigation of the video through transcriptions. 7. Usually VideoNot.es, those are the
platforms featured on its website. 8. The use of the tool is promoted on the Coursera wiki page. 9. In most cases, videos on YouTube can be used by the external
This brings some specifics issues, notably around the
ergonomics of video co-annotation; as well as privacy
(e.g. the level of shared information must be clearly
displayed and tunable by users).
Semi-automatic Generation of Annotations.
Most video-based e-learning systems use only plain
videos, sometimes fragmented into small indepen-
dent videos, providing only basic features. In or-
der to make these videos more accessible, e-learning
platforms should commonly provide features such as
transcription or chaptering. Some projects such as
TransLectures aim at providing automatic or semi-
automatic transcription of video, so that users may
use the transcription as entry points into the video,
either for querying and finding specific fragments, or
as a simple navigation means.
Rich Media and Hypervideos. Beyond the basic
video layout (side to side, overlay) that can be used to
display the video material, annotations can be used to
enrich the video or to produce whole new documents,
such as hypervideos (Chambel et al., 2006) that are
documents combining video and assets originating
from annotations. Challenges here pertain to er-
gonomics, document modelling and (semi-)automatic
production, for instance through an annotation-guided
Video Annotations Related Learning Analytics.
With MOOCs, learning analytics have become a ma-
jor concern for all organisations, by necessity - on this
kind of scale, it is important to take informed deci-
sions - and by opportunity - we now have the techno-
logical and processing capacity to capture and analyse
the huge amount of information generated by thou-
sands of learners. The annotation process and the an-
notations themselves offer an additional source of in-
formation for learning analytics at a finer scale, that
could qualify as micro-analytics. Given the impor-
tance of video resources, it is undoubtedly important
to have precise feedback on its reception. This new
source of information could be used for example in
course re-engineering (Sadallah et al., 2013).
Annotation Model and Sharing. Numerous
tools provide video annotation features, and many use
custom data models for storing annotation informa-
tion (Cinelab, Exmeralda). However, standardization
efforts are underway to define more interoperable and
generic annotation models, able to encompass var-
ious annotation practices on different source docu-
ments and to integrate well with the current seman-
tic web efforts (OpenAnnotation). Let us remark that
some universities, mainly in the US, are strongly com-
mitted to pushing forward and generalizing annota-
tion practices among students and faculty members,
building annotation ecosystems: Columbia (Bosse-
witch and Preston, 2011), Stanford (Pea et al., 2004)
and Harvard.
All these challenges share common concerns.
First, mobile phones and tablets have become impor-
tant platforms for consulting various resources, and
among them, pedagogical resources. It is important to
propose the most complete experience on annotation-
enhanced e-learning platforms on all devices, and es-
pecially on mobile ones, which have important con-
straints in terms of display size and general capacity.
Second, copyright and licensing issues are even more
stringent, since they concern not only the video doc-
ument (which has to be shareable to allow collabora-
tive work), but also the produced annotations. Clear
licenses for this additional data should be specified,
hopefully with a bias towards openness and reuse.
Eventually, the question of accessibility - mainly for
sensory deficiencies - has to be considered as video
annotations are clearly a means to provide a better
level of accessibility to video content (Encelle et al.,
We have proposed four classes of scenarios il-
lustrating how video annotations can be used in e-
learning contexts. To evaluate in what measure these
scenarios are feasible or already present, we have re-
viewed a number of e-learning platforms (focusing on
MOOCs) and tools, in order to identify existing anno-
tation features. It appears that if some support already
exists, there is still plenty of room to efficiently imple-
ment the scenarios that go beyond simple active read-
ing, and a number of challenges related to video an-
notation still remain. These challenges should be ad-
dressed in future versions of e-learning systems, and
we will tackle some of them in our future work on the
COCo platform
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oratory. The project goals are to build and animate a re-
search platform for both disseminating and promoting rich
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You will find here the URLs referenced in the article, in alphabetical order. Due to editing limitations,
they could not be included as hyperlinks in this version. The version of the article on the author’s website
http://www.comin-ocw.org/ has them properly hyperlinked.
Advene: http://www.advene.org/
Annotated HTML: http://www.stanford.edu/group/ruralwest/cgi-bin/drupal/content/building-annotated-video-
Anvil: http://www.anvil-software.de/
CLAS: http://isit.arts.ubc.ca/support/clas/
Canvas Network: https://www.canvas.net/
Cinelab: http://advene.org/cinelab/
Cominlabs Open Courseware: http://comin-ocw.org/
Coursera wiki page: https://share.coursera.org/wiki/index.php/Third-party Tools
Coursera: https://www.coursera.org/
EdX: https://www.edx.org/
EliteSportsAnalysis: http://www.elitesportsanalysis.com/
Exmeralda: http://www.exmeralda.org/
Harvard: http://annotations.harvard.edu/
Iversity: https://www.iversity.com/
Khan Academy: https://www.khanacademy.org/
Matterhorn Player: http://opencast.org/matterhorn/feature-tour/
MediaNotes: http://www.cali.org/medianotes
Mediathread: http://mediathread.ccnmtl.columbia.edu/
MotionView Video: http://www.allsportsystems.com/
Noldus: http://www.noldus.com/
Open2Study: https://www.open2study.com/
OpenAnnotation: http://www.w3.org/community/openannotation/
Transana: http://www.transana.org/
Translectures: http://www.translectures.eu/
VideoANT: https://ant2.cehd.umn.edu/
VideoNot.es: http://www.videonot.es/
VideoNot.es: http://www.videonot.es/
VideoTraces: http://depts.washington.edu/pettt/projects/videotraces.html
VideoTraces: http://depts.washington.edu/pettt/projects/videotraces.html
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/
Yovisto platform: http://www.yovisto.com/