A Cloud Accountability Policy Representation Framework
Walid Benghabrit
, Herv
e Grall
, Jean-Claude Royer
, Mohamed Sellami
, Monir Azraoui
Kaoutar Elkhiyaoui
, Melek
, Anderson Santana De Oliveira
and Karin Bernsmed
Mines Nantes, 5 rue A. Kastler, F-44307 Nantes, France
EURECOM, Les Templiers, 450 Route des Chappes F - 06410 Biot Sophia Antipolis, France
SAP Labs France, 805 avenue du Dr Donat Font de l’Orme F - 06250 Mougins Sophia Antipolis, France
SINTEF ICT, Strindveien 4, NO-7465 Trondheim, Norway
Accountability, Data Protection, Framework, Policy Language, Policy Enforcement.
Nowadays we are witnessing the democratization of cloud services. As a result, more and more end-users
(individuals and businesses) are using these services for achieving their electronic transactions (shopping, ad-
ministrative procedures, B2B transactions, etc.). In such scenarios, personal data is generally flowed between
several entities and end-users need (i) to be aware of the management, processing, storage and retention of
personal data, and (ii) to have necessary means to hold service providers accountable for the usage of their
data. In fact, dealing with personal data raises several privacy and accountability issues that must be consid-
ered before to promote the use of cloud services. In this paper, we propose a framework for the representation
of cloud accountability policies. Such policies offer to end-users a clear view of the privacy and accountability
obligations asserted by the entities they interact with, as well as means to represent their preferences. This
framework comes with two novel accountability policy languages; an abstract one, which is devoted for the
representation of preferences/obligations in an human readable fashion, a concrete one for the mapping to
concrete enforceable policies. We motivate our solution with concrete use case scenarios.
According to (Pearson et al., 2012), accountability re-
gards the data stewardship regime in which organi-
zations that are entrusted with personal and business
confidential data are responsible and liable for pro-
cessing, sharing, storing and otherwise using the data
according to contractual and legal constraints from
the time it is collected until when the data is destroyed
(including onward transfers to third parties). Obli-
gations associated to such responsibilities can be ex-
pressed in an accountability policy, which is a set of
rules that defines the conditions under which an ac-
countable entity must operate.
Today, there is neither an established standard for
expressing accountability policies nor a well defined
way to enforce these policies. Since cloud services of-
ten combine infrastructure, platform and software ap-
plications to aggregate value and propose new cloud
applications to individuals and organizations, it is fun-
damental for an accountability policy framework to
enable “chains of accountability” across cloud ser-
vices addressing regulatory, contractual, security and
privacy concerns.
In the context of the EU FP7 A4Cloud project
are currently working on defining a framework where
accountability policies will be enforceable across the
cloud service provision chain by means of account-
ability services and tools. Accountable organizations
will make use of these services to ensure that obli-
gations to protect personal data and data subjects’
are observed by all who store and process
the data, irrespective of where that processing occurs.
Under the perspective of the concept of accountabil-
ity, we have elicited the following types of account-
ability obligations that must be considered while de-
signing our policy framework:
Access and Usage Control rules - express which
rights should be granted or revoked regarding the
The Cloud Accountability Project:
This work mainly focus on the European Data Protec-
tion directive (Directive, E. U., 1995).
Benghabrit W., Grall H., Royer J., Sellami M., Azraoui M., Elkhiyaoui K., Önen M., Santana De Oliveira A. and Bernsmed K..
A Cloud Accountability Policy Representation Framework.
DOI: 10.5220/0004949104890498
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2014), pages 489-498
ISBN: 978-989-758-019-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
use and the distribution of data in cloud infrastruc-
tures, and support the definition of roles as spec-
ified in the Data Protection Directive, e.g. data
controller and data processor.
Capturing privacy preferences and consent - to ex-
press user preferences about the usage of their per-
sonal data, to whom data can be released, and un-
der which conditions.
Data Retention Periods - to express time con-
straints about personal data collection.
Controlling Data Location and Transfer - clear
whereabouts of location depending on the type of
data stored and on the industry sector processing
the data (subject to specific regulations) must be
provided. Accountability policies for cloud ser-
vices need to be able to express rules about data
localization, such that accountable services can
signal where the data centers hosting them are
located. Here we consider strong policy binding
mechanisms to attach policies to data.
Auditability - Policies must describe the clauses
in a way that actions taken upon enforcing the
policy can be audited in order to ensure that the
policy was adhered to. The accountability policy
language must specify which events have to be au-
dited and what information related to the audited
event have to be considered.
Reporting and notifications - to allow cloud
providers to notify end-users and cloud customers
in case of policy violation or incidents for in-
Redress - express recommendations for redress in
the policy in order to set right what was wrong and
what made a failure occur.
In this paper we provide a cloud accountability
policy representation framework designed while con-
sidering the aforementioned requirements. We define
an abstract yet readable language, called AAL, for
accountability obligations representation in a human
readable fashion. We also define a concrete policy
enforcement language, called A-PPL, as an extension
of the PPL (Ardagna et al., 2009) language. The pro-
posed framework, offers the means for a translation
from abstract obligations expressed in AAL to con-
crete policies in A-PPL.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 describes related work. Section 3 gives an
overview on the main components of our policy rep-
resentation framework. We present the abstract ac-
countability policy language we propose in Section 4
and the concrete one in Section 5. Section 6 describes
a realistic use case as a proof of concept to our work.
Section 7 discusses our work and presents directions
for future work.
In the following, we provide an overview of related
work in the field. We organize this section along the
following categories that relate to our contribution in
this paper: accountability in computer science, obli-
gations in legal texts and directives, enforcement and
policy languages.
2.1 Accountability
There is a recent interest and active research for ac-
countability which overlap several domains like se-
curity (Weitzner et al., 2008; Zhifeng Xiao, 2012;
Pearson and Wainwright, 2013), language represen-
tation (M
etayer, 2009; DeYoung et al., 2010), au-
diting systems (Feigenbaum et al., 2012; Jagadeesan
et al., 2009), evidence collection (Sundareswaran
et al., 2012; Haeberlen et al., 2010) and so on. How-
ever, only few of them consider an interdisciplinary
view of accountability taking into account legal and
business aspects. We particularly emphasize the work
from (Feigenbaum et al., 2012) and (Pearson and
Wainwright, 2013) since they provide a general, con-
crete view and yet an operational approach.
Regarding tool supports and frameworks we can
find several proposals (Wei et al., 2009; Haeberlen
et al., 2010; Zou et al., 2010), but none of them
provides a holistic approach for accountability in
the cloud, from end-user understandable sentences to
concrete machine-readable representations. In (Sun-
dareswaran et al., 2012), authors propose an end-to-
end decentralized accountability framework to keep
track of the usage of the data in the cloud. They sug-
gest an object-centered approach that packs the log-
ging mechanism together with users’ data and poli-
2.2 Obligations in Regulations
There is an international trend in protecting data, for
instance in Europe with Directive 95/46/EC (Direc-
tive, E. U., 1995), the HIPAA rules (US Congress,
2002) in the USA and the FIPPA act (Legislative As-
sembly of Ontario, 1988) in Canada. As an exam-
ple, Directive 95/46/EC states rules to protect per-
sonal data in case of processing or transferring data to
other countries. There exist some attempts to formal-
ize or to give rigorous analyses of this kind of rules.
In (M
etayer, 2009) the authors present a restricted
natural language SIMPL (SIMple Privacy Language)
to express privacy requirements and commitments.
In (Breaux and Anton, 2005) the authors describe a
general process for developing semantic models from
privacy policy goals mined from policy documents.
In (Kerrigan and Law, 2003), the authors develop an
approach where contracts are represented by XML
documents enriched with logic metadata and assis-
tance with a theorem prover. In (DeYoung et al.,
2010) the authors provide a formal language to ex-
press privacy laws and a real validation on the HIPAA
and GLBA (US Congress, 1999) sets. These works
either are not end-to-end proposals, only cover data
privacy not accountability or are only formal propos-
als without an enforcement layer.
2.3 Enforcement and Policies
A number of policy languages have been proposed in
recent years for machine-readable policy representa-
tion. We reviewed several existing policy languages
(see (Garaga et al., 2013) for details), defined either
as standards or as academic/industrial proposals.
Existing policy languages have focused on spe-
cific obligations. The eXtensible Access Con-
trol Markup Language (XACML) (OASIS Standard,
2013) aims at providing a declarative language for ac-
cess control. The XML-based languages P3P (Plat-
form for Privacy Preferences Project) (Marchiori,
2002), PPL (Primelife Policy Language) (Ardagna
et al., 2009) and SecPal4P (Becker et al., 2010)
are used to describe privacy policies and data col-
lection policies. SLAng (Lamanna et al., 2003)
and ConSpec (Aktug and Naliuka, 2008) are de-
signed to automatize contract negotiations and to
monitor the agreed contract statements. However, all
these proposals fail to provide elements for specifying
accountability-specific obligations such as logging,
reporting, audits, evidence collection and redress.
Having identified the limitations of existing lan-
guages, we analyzed their extensibility and their suit-
ability to express accountability obligations. Exten-
sible languages such as XACML and PPL appear to
be the most suitable. In our work we consider PPL
since it provides elements that capture the best ac-
countability obligations (see Section 5). In a nut-
shell, PPL extends XACML, an XML-based language
aimed for access control, to provide an automatic
means to define and manage privacy policies. PPL
allows expressing data handling policies (on the data
controller side) and data handling preferences (on the
data subject side) that are evaluated and matched to
output a sticky policy that travels with the data down-
stream. Therefore, PPL specifies statements on ac-
cess control, authorizations and obligations. In ad-
dition, the language provides a way to declare some
accountability-specific obligations such as logging
and notifications. However, they fail to capture these
obligations accurately and may be unpractical when
directly used within an accountability policy. Besides,
auditing is not part of PPL since its focus is on privacy
and not accountability.
In this section, we provide an overview of our pro-
posed policy representation framework. Such frame-
work must allow end-users to easily express their ac-
countability obligations and preferences and even be
complete and rigorous enough to be run by a policy
execution engine. Hence we are faced with the fol-
lowing dilemma: the policy must be written by an
end-user, which does not necessarily have skills in a
certain policy language and the policy must be ma-
chine understandable at the same time. Machine un-
derstandable means that sentences can be read, under-
stood and executed by a computer.
In this context, we propose a policy representa-
tion framework (see Figure 1) that allows a user, step
(1) in Figure 1, to express his accountability needs
in a human readable fashion and (2) offers the neces-
sary means to translate them (semi-)automatically
a machine understandable format.
A4Cloud Policy Representation
Human/Machine Readable
Representation (AAL)
Machine Understandable
Representation (A-PPL)
Human Readable
Accountability obligations
Figure 1: Overview on the accountability policy represen-
tation framework.
Accountability as it appears in legal, contractual
and normative texts about data privacy make explicit
four important roles that we consider in our proposal:
Data subject: this role represents any end-user
which has data privacy concerns, mainly because
he outsourced some of its data to a cloud provider.
here “semi” means that sometimes human assistance
could be needed.
Data processor: this role is attributed to any com-
putational agent which processes some personal
data. It should act under the control of a data con-
Data controller: it is legally responsible to the data
subject for any violations of its privacy and to the
data protection authority in case of misconduct.
Auditor: it represents data protection authorities
which are in charge of the application of laws and
3.1 Step (1). Human/machine Readable
To express accountability obligations we define an
Abstract Accountability Language (AAL), which is
devoted to expressing accountability obligations in an
unambiguous style and which is close to what the end-
user needs and understands. As this is the human
readable level, this language should be simple, akin
to a natural logic, that is a logic expressed in a subset
of a natural language.
For instance, a simple access control obligation to
state that “the data d cannot be read by all agents”
will be formulated in a human/machine readable fash-
ion using our accountability language as “MUSTNOT
ANY:Agent.READ(d:Data)”. Details on the AAL syn-
tax are provided in Section 4.
3.2 Step (2). Machine Understandable
In this step (called the mapping), the account-
ability obligations expressed in AAL are (semi-
)automatically translated into a machine understand-
able policy. We target a policy language that is able
to enforce classic security means (like access or usage
controls) but also accountability obligations. Such au-
tomatic translation may need several passes, due to
the high level of abstraction of AAL.
As analyzed in Section 2, the PrimeLife Policy
Language (PPL) (Ardagna et al., 2009) seems the
most convenient language for privacy policies repre-
sentation. It can be extended to address specific ac-
countability obligations such as auditability, notifica-
tion or logging obligations. Hence, we propose an
extension to PPL, A-PPL for accountable PPL, which
supports such obligations. The details of this exten-
sion are described in Section 5.
We introduce in this section AAL (Abstract Account-
ability Language), which is devoted to expressing ac-
countability obligations in an unambiguous human
readable style. The AAL concepts are presented in
Section 4.1, its syntax in Section 4.2 and we provide
an outlook on our approach for a machine understand-
able representation of AAL policies in Section 4.3.
4.1 AAL Concepts
As explained in (Feigenbaum et al., 2012) an ac-
countable system can be defined with ve steps: pre-
vention, detection, evidence collection, judgment and
punishment. We follow this line for the foundation
of our accountability language. In AAL, usage con-
trol expressions represent the preventive description
part. Audit expressions encompass the detection, ev-
idence collection and judgment parts. Finally, rec-
tification expressions represent the punishment de-
scription part. We use the term rectification since
these expressions don’t cover only punishment, but
also remediation, compensation, sanction and penalty.
Thereby, an AAL sentence is a property (more for-
mally a distributed system invariant) expressing usage
control, auditing and rectification. The general form
of an AAL sentence is: UsageControl Auditing
Rectification and the informal meaning is: try to
ensure the usage control, in case of an audit, if a vi-
olation is observed then the rectification applies. The
reader should also note that there are two flavors of
AAL sentences:
User preferences: expressing the obligations a
data subject wants to be satisfied, for instance he
does not want its data to be distributed over the
network or only used for statistics by a given data
processor, and so on.
Processor obligations (sometimes called obliga-
tions or policies): these are the obligations the
data processor declares to ensure regarding the
data management and processing.
Finally, as many policy representation languages, we
consider permission, obligation and prohibition in
AAL. They occur in various approaches, like in PPL,
or in the ENDORSE project
. Permission, obli-
gation and prohibition are respectively expressed in
AAL sentences with these keywords: MAY, MUST and
MUSTNOT, as advocated by the IETF RFC 2119 (Brad-
ner, 1997).
4.2 AAL Syntax
Figure 2 shows the syntax of AAL using a Backus-
Naur Form (BNF) (Knuth, 1964) like syntax. AAL
allows the expression of Clauses representing obli-
gations that have to be met either in an account-
ability policy or preference. A Clause has one
usage expression and optionally
an audit and a
rectification expression: Exp (’AUDITING’ Exp)?
(’IF VIOLATED THEN’ Exp)?. The expression Exp
of a clause can be either atomic or composite. Com-
posite Exps are written in the form Exp (’OR’ |
’AND’ | ’ONLYWHEN’ | ’THEN’) Exp.
As an example, consider the user preference of a
data subject who grants read access to an agent A on
its data D. This usage control is a permission, which
can be expressed as follows.
MA Y A . RE AD ( D : Da ta )
But the full accountability sentence does imply
that an auditor B will audit the system and, in case
of violations, can sanction the data controller C.
MA Y A . RE AD ( D : Da ta )
AU D I T ING M US T B. AU D IT ( C . lo gs )
IF_ V I O L A T E D _ T H E N MU S T B . S A NC T I O N (C )
Further examples of user preferences and proces-
sor obligations expressed in AAL are provided in Sec-
tion 6.
4.3 Machine Understandability
Generating machine understandable policies from ac-
countability preferences and obligations written in
AAL can be easily done when dealing with usage con-
trol clauses. However, this mapping is less obvious
for clauses with temporal modalities and with audit-
ing. The main issue for such mapping is the gap be-
tween the AAL language, which is property-oriented,
and the machine understandable language, which is
operational. To fill this gap we need more artifacts,
Figure 3 provides an overview on our proposed map-
ping process.
According to this figure, we can see that go-
ing from a human/machine readable representation
in AAL to a machine understandable representation
of the accountability preferences/obligations (arrow
numbered (2) in Figure 3) is done through three steps:
(2’.1). First, a temporal logic is used to make
more concrete AAL sentences as temporal logic
properties. Indeed, in an accountability policy we
should represent the notions of permission, obli-
gation and prohibition. In addition, there is a need
Items followed by ? are optional expressions.
A4Cloud Policy Representation Framework
Technology Model
Pivot Model
Human Readable
Accountability obligations
Readable Representation
Temporal Logic
for Accountability
Machine Understandable
Policy Calculus
Figure 3: Overview on the machine understandable transla-
tion of AAL.
to express conditions and various logical combi-
nations. Furthermore, one important thing is to
have time, at least logical discrete time, for in-
stance to write: “X writes some data and then
stores some logs”. Our target is a temporal logic
with time, one concrete candidate is mCRL2 (Cra-
nen et al., 2013).
(2’.2). Second, a policy calculus is used to de-
scribe the operational semantics associated to the
concrete properties defined in (2’.1). This cal-
culus is based on the concept of reference mon-
itor (Schneider, 2000) for both the agents and
the data resources. It relies on a previous work
for distributed agent communicating via mes-
sages (Allam et al., 2012). This operational se-
mantics provides means for abstractly executing
the temporal logic expressions. This process is
known as “program synthesis”, starting from a
property it generates a program ensuring/enforc-
ing the property.
(2’.3). Finally, the generated policy using our pol-
icy calculus is (semi-)automatically translated to
a machine understandable policy based on prede-
fined transformation rules. Our target is the A-
PPL extension of PPL which is described in the
next section.
In this section, we present an enhanced version of
PPL with extensions that address the identified limita-
tions of the language to accurately map accountability
obligations. We name this accountability policy lan-
guage (A-PPL).
Our accountability policy representation frame-
work maps AAL clauses to concrete and operational
machine understandable policies. As already men-
tioned in section 2.3, in order not to define yet another
completely new language to map accountability obli-
gations to machine-understandable policies, we con-
ducted a preliminary study on existing languages and
among all the possible candidates, PPL seems the one
(1 ) Cl au s e ::= ( LO G G I NG ? E xp ( A U D I TI N G Ex p )? ( I F _ V I O L A T E D _ THEN E xp )? ) +
(2 ) Exp ::= Mo d a l | Exp ( OR | AN D | O N LY W H E N | T HE N ) Exp
(3 ) Moda l ::= ( MA Y | M US T | M U S TN O T ) A c t io n
(4 ) Ac ti o n ::= Age n t . Op er ( Par a m ) (( B E F OR E | AF TE R ) T im e )?
(5 ) Agen t ::= ur i
(6 ) Ope r ::= RE A D | W RI T E | LO G | S EN D | N O TIF Y | se r vi c e [ Ag e n t _ p r o v i d er ]
(7 ) Tim e ::= da t e | du r a ti o n
(8 ) Para m ::= C o n st a n t | V ar i a b l e
(9 ) Co n s ta n t :: = st r i n g L i t e r a l
(1 0) V a r iab l e :: = Li t era l ?
Figure 2: Excerpt of the AAL Syntax.
that best captures the accountability concepts. There-
fore, in this section, we present how A-PPL extends
PPL to address accountability obligations.
PPL implicitly identifies three roles: the data sub-
ject, data controller and data processor roles. Besides,
PPL defines an obligation as a set of triggers and ac-
tions. Triggers are events related to the obligation that
are filtered by a condition and that trigger the execu-
tion of actions. Therefore, PPL defines markups to
declare an obligation. Inside the obligation environ-
ment, one can specify a set of triggers and their related
5.1 Extension of Roles
To address accountability concerns in a cloud envi-
ronment, it might be necessary to include in the pol-
icy a reference to the role of the subject to which the
policy is applied to. For instance, in PPL, it was not
possible to identify the Data Controller. We therefore
suggest adding to the PPL <Subject> element a new
attribute, attribute:role, for this purpose. Further-
more, in addition to the four roles PPL inherently con-
siders (Data Subject, Data Controller, Downstream
Data Controller, Data Processor), A-PPL extends PPL
with one additional role. We add the auditor role that
is considered as a trusted third party that can conduct
independent assessment of cloud services, informa-
tion systems operations performance and security of
the cloud implementation. This new role is important
to catch accountability specific obligations such as au-
ditability, reporting notification and remediation.
5.2 Extension of Actions and Triggers
We add to PPL a set of new A-PPL actions
and triggers in order to map accountability obli-
gations. In particular, we enhance the action of
logging ActionLog and notification ActionNotify
that already exist in PPL. For instance, while
PPL currently enables notification thanks to the
ActionNotifyDataSubject, A-PPL defines a new
and more general ActionNotify action in which one
can define the recipient of the notification thanks to
a newly defined parameter recipient;moreover, the
additional Notificationtype parameter defines the
purpose of the notification which can be policy vi-
olation, evidences or redress for example. On the
other hand, the current ActionLog action in PPL
fails to capture accountability obligations. The new
ActionLog action in A-PPL introduces many addi-
tional parameters to provide more explicit informa-
tion on the logged event: for example, timestamp de-
fines the time of the event, and Resource location
identifies the resource the action was taken on.
We also create two actions related to auditabil-
ity: ActionAudit that creates an evidence request
and ActionEvidenceCollection that collects re-
quested evidence. In addition, auditability requires
the definition of two new triggers related to evi-
dence: TriggerOnEvidenceRequestReceived that
occurs when an audited receives an evidence re-
quest and TriggerOnEvidenceReceived that oc-
curs when an auditor receives the requested evi-
dence. Similarly, when an update occurs in a pol-
icy or in a user preference, the update may trigger
a set of actions to be performed. Thus, we create
two additional triggers: TriggerOnPolicyUpdate
and TriggerOnPreferenceUpdate. Finally, to han-
dle complaints that a data subject may file in
the context of remediability, we define the trigger
TriggerOnComplaint that triggers a set of specific
actions to be undertaken by an auditor or/and a data
In this section we validate the accountability policy
representation framework by extracting obligations
from one of the use cases documented in the A4Cloud
public deliverable DB3.1 (Bernsmed et al., 2013) and
illustrate their representation in AAL and A-PPL.
6.1 The Health Care Use Case
This use case concerns the flow of health care infor-
mation generated by medical sensors in the cloud.
The system, which is illustrated in Figure 4, is used
to support diagnosis of patients by the collection and
processing of data from wearable sensors. Here, we
investigate the case where medical data from the sen-
sors will be exchanged between patients, their fami-
lies and friends, the hospital, as well as between the
different Cloud providers involved in the final service
In this use case the patients are the data subjects
from whom (sensitive) personal data is collected. The
hospital is ultimately responsible for the health care
services and will hence act as one of the data con-
trollers for the personal data that will be collected.
The patients’ relatives may also upload personal data
about the patients and can therefore be seen as data
controllers (as well as data subjects, when personal
data about their usage of the system is collected from
them). As can be seen in Figure 4, the use case will
involve cloud services for sensor data collection and
processing (denoted cloud provider X”), cloud ser-
vices for data storage (denoted cloud provider Y”)
and cloud services for information sharing (denoted
cloud provider “M”), which will be operated by a col-
laboration of different providers. Since the primary
service provider M, with whom the users will inter-
face, employs two sub-providers, a chain of service
delivery will be created. In this particular case, the M
platform provider will be the primary service provider
and will act as a data processor with respect to the
personal data collected from the patients. Also the
sub-providers, X and Y, will act as data processors.
The details of the use case is further described in
DB3.1 (Bernsmed et al., 2013).
6.2 Obligations for the Use Case
We have identified a number of obligations for this
use case, which needs to be handled by the account-
ability policy framework. Here we list three examples
and we explain how they will be expressed in AAL
and mapped into A-PPL. Note that the complete list
of obligations is much longer, but we have chosen to
outline those that illustrate the most important rela-
tionships between the involved actors. Due to space
limitations we do not include the complete A-PPL
policies here; the reader is referred to the project doc-
umentation (Garaga et al., 2013) to see the full policy
Obligation 1: The Data Subject’s Right to Access,
Correct and Delete Personal Data. According the
Data Protection Directive (Directive, E. U., 1995),
data subjects have (among others) the right to access,
correct and delete personal data that have been col-
lected about them. In this use case it means that the
hospital must allow read and write grant access to pa-
tients as well as relatives with regard to their personal
data that have been collected and stored in the cloud.
There must be also means to enforce the deletion of
such data.
The AAL expression catching the obligations as-
sociated to the patient is:
( M AY P at i e n t . R EA D (D : D at a ) OR
MA Y Pa t ie n t . W R I TE ( D : Da ta ) OR
MA Y Pa t ie n t . DE LE T E ( D : D a ta ))
MU ST A u d it o r . A U DIT ( ho s p ita l . log s )
IF_ V I O L A T E D _ T H E N
MU ST A u d it o r . SA N CTI O N ( ho s p it a l )
The policy includes the ALWAYS operator since this
property is expected to be true at any instant. The pol-
icy also includes the condition D.subject=Patient
to express that this expression only concerns the per-
sonal data of the Patient. This policy also expresses
the audit and rectification obligations that have to be
ensured by an external Auditor.
Using the accountability policy representation
framework, the AAL expression will be mapped into
two different A-PPL expressions; one for permitting
read and write access to the patients and another one
for enforcing the data controller to delete the per-
sonal data whenever requested. Read and write access
control is achieved through XACML rules. Regard-
ing deletion of data, a patient can express data han-
dling preferences that specify the obligation that the
data controller has to enforce to delete the personal
data. This obligation can be expressed using the A-
PPL obligation action ActionDeletePersonalData,
which will be used by the patient to delete personal
data that has been collected about him.
An explicit audit clause implies that information
related to the usage control property are logged (the
amount and the nature of this information is not dis-
cussed here). Thus the audit clause is translated into
an AuditAction which is responsible to manage the
interaction with the auditor. This runs an exchange
protocol with the auditor which ends with two re-
sponses: either no violation of the usage has been
detected or a violation exists. In the latter, some rec-
tification clauses should be specified.
In the sequel we only consider usage control
clauses since the translation process for audit and rec-
tification is similar to the previous example.
Figure 4: An overview over the main actors involved in the health care use case.
Obligation 2: The Data Controller Must Notify
the Data Subjects of Security or Personal Data
Breaches. This obligation defines what will happen
in case of a security or privacy incident. In AAL it
will be expressed by the hospital as:
MA Y ho s p it a l . VI O L A T E P O L I CY () THE N
( M U ST h o sp i t a l . N O T IF Y [ Pa t ien t ]( " in c id e n t " ) A ND
( A NY : A g ent in ho s p it a l . re l a t i ve s [ Pa t i e nt ] THE N
MU ST h o s pit a l . NO TI F Y [ A NY ]( " i n c i den t " ) ))
In A-PPL, such notification is expressed through
the obligation action ActionNotify. It takes as pa-
rameters, the recipient of the notification (here, the
data subject) and the type of the notification (here, se-
curity breach).
Obligation 3: The Data Processor Must, upon Re-
quest, Provide Evidence to the Data Controller on
the Correct and Timely Deletion of Personal Data.
To express the timely deletion of personal data, which
in addition will be logged to be used as evidence,
the following AAL expression can be used by the
provider M:
MU ST M. D EL E T E (D : Da t a ) TH E N
MU ST M. LO G S ( " d e l et e d " , D , c u r r e n t D ate )
In A-PPL, the obligation trigger
TriggerPersonalDataDeleted combined with
the obligation action ActionNotify will notify the
data subject of the deletion of its data. In addition,
if necessary, the obligation action ActionLog will
allow the provider M to log when personal data have
been deleted.
The three examples that we have provided in this
section represent a snapshot of the full power of AAL
and A-PPL. In (Bernsmed et al., 2013) we outline
more examples of obligations for the health care use
case, which among other things demonstrate how in-
formed consent can be gathered from the patients be-
fore their data is being processed, how the purpose
of personal data collection can be specified and con-
trolled, how the data processor M can inform the hos-
pital of the use of sub-processors and how the data
processors can facilitate for regulators to review evi-
dence on their data processing practices.
Dealing with personal data in the cloud raises several
accountability and privacy issues that must be consid-
ered to promote the safety usage of cloud services.
In this paper we tackle the issue related to account-
ability obligations and preferences representation. We
propose a cloud accountability policy representation
framework. This framework enables accountability
policy expression in a human readable fashion using
our abstract accountability language (AAL). Also, it
offers the means for their mapping to concrete en-
forcement policies written using our accountability
policy language (A-PPL). Our framework applies the
separation of concerns principle by separating the ab-
stract language from the concrete one. This choice
makes both contributions, i.e. AAL and A-PPL, self-
contained and allows their independent use. The abil-
ity of our framework to represent accountability obli-
gations was validated through a realistic health care
use case.
Our future research work will focus on the map-
ping from AAL to A-PPL. As part of our implemen-
tation perspectives, we are currently working on two
prototypes. An AAL editor that assists end-users in
writing their preferences/obligations and implements
the required artifacts to map them to concrete policies
in A-PPL. We also started the development of an A-
PPL policy execution engine that will be in charge of
interpreting and matching A-PPL policies and prefer-
This work was funded by the EU’s 7th framework
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