Towards Energy-aware IaaS-PaaS Co-design
Alexandra Carpen-Amarie
, Djawida Dib
, Anne-C
ecile Orgerie
and Guillaume Pierre
INRIA - IRISA, Rennes, France
CNRS - IRISA, Rennes, France
University of Rennes 1 - IRISA, Rennes, France
Cloud Computing, Energy-awareness, IaaS, PaaS.
The wide adoption of the cloud computing paradigm plays a crucial role in the ever-increasing demand for
energy-efficient data centers. Driven by this requirement, cloud providers resort to a variety of techniques
to improve energy usage at each level of the cloud computing stack. However, prior studies mostly consider
resource-level energy optimizations in IaaS clouds, overlooking the workload-related information locked at
higher levels, such as PaaS clouds. In this position paper, we argue that cross-layer cooperation in clouds is
a key to achieving an optimized resource management, both performance and energy-wise. To this end, we
claim there is a need for a cooperation API between IaaS and PaaS clouds, enabling each layer to share specific
information and to trigger correlated decisions. We identify the drawbacks raised by such co-design objectives
and discuss opportunities for energy usage optimizations. Moreover, we outline the design of a set of extension
modules for Libcloud to serve as building blocks for cross-layer information sharing and cooperation.
Energy efficiency is a major concern in large-scale
cloud infrastructures. In 2010, data centers world-
wide reportedly consumed 203.4 to 271.8 TWh,
which accounted for 1.1% to 1.5% of the global elec-
tricity use. This number is expected to grow even fur-
ther (Koomey, 2011). To help make the planet greener
while reducing their energy-related costs, cloud op-
erators use a variety of techniques such as workload
consolidation and dynamic virtual machine (VM) re-
sizing. These strategies are however fundamentally
limited by the lack of knowledge by the data center
infrastructure about the applications that generate the
workload. If the data center infrastructure understood
better the full software stack it supports, it would be
able to use more aggressive consolidation policies and
derive further energy savings.
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) environments de-
liver users complete runtime environments for build-
ing, deploying and hosting software applications,
while dispensing them from the complexity of man-
aging the underlying software and hardware re-
quired for their applications. PaaS systems rely on
computational resources obtained on-demand from
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds, by acting as
clients that can create/remove, suspend/resume, shut-
down/restart, or migrate VMs.
This position paper claims that significant energy
gains could be obtained by creating a cooperation API
between the IaaS layer (in charge of handling ele-
mentary computing resources) and the PaaS layer (in
charge of hosting applications). We discuss two com-
plementary approaches for establishing such cooper-
Cross-layer Information Sharing. Each of the
two layers contains information which is potentially
relevant for the other in order to reduce the energy
footprint of a given application. For example, an
energy-aware IaaS may have an estimate of the en-
ergy footprint of individual virtual machine types,
which may be useful for the PaaS to preferentially se-
lect energy-efficient VM instance types. Conversely,
a PaaS layer may build short-term traffic predictions
which constitute useful hints for IaaS-level consolida-
tion algorithms.
Cross-layer Coordination. Both layers should
coordinate their reconfiguration actions to reach a
state where they help each other in achieving their
goals rather than potentially take mutually detrimen-
tal decisions. For example, if the IaaS layer decides to
migrate a specific VM, then the PaaS could in many
cases temporarily reduce the load of the concerned
Carpen-Amarie A., Dib D., Orgerie A. and Pierre G..
Towards Energy-aware IaaS-PaaS Co-design.
DOI: 10.5220/0004961402030208
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2014), pages 203-208
ISBN: 978-989-758-025-3
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
VM to facilitate its migration. Conversely, if the PaaS
layer gives early warnings to the IaaS about future
requests for creating/destroying resources, the IaaS
layer can prepare in advance for these changes.
This paper proposes a research agenda towards the
co-design of IaaS and PaaS layers. Section 2 first
discusses the state of the art and motivation for this
work. Section 3 details the issues created by the lack
of IaaS-PaaS co-design. Then, Section 4 presents
our early ideas about opportunities for improvement,
while Section 5 outlines the design of interfaces to en-
able cross-layer cooperation in clouds. Finally, Sec-
tion 6 concludes this work.
Many recent research works have been proposed to
take into account the consumed energy in data cen-
ters. These works can be classified into two cate-
gories: (1) energy-aware systems and (2) energy ef-
ficient systems. The first category aims at inform-
ing cloud providers and users about the consumed
energy for running their applications. For instance
in (Singh et al., 2013), the authors propose a cloud-
based customer-centric architecture that allows con-
sumers to own and control access to their energy us-
age data and have it analyzed using algorithms of their
choice. The second category aims at optimizing the
consumed energy for running applications. Different
techniques are used to achieve energy efficiency. In
(Phan et al., 2012), the authors propose to increase
the use of renewable energy by dynamically moving
services across data centers. The works in (Jaianti-
lal et al., 2010; Takouna et al., 2011) propose to ad-
just CPU voltage and frequency according to the load
for saving energy. In (Gadafi et al., 2010), the au-
thors dynamically resize the active server set accord-
ing to varying workload conditions. Workload con-
solidation on a limited number of servers is addressed
in (Duy et al., 2010; Meisner et al., 2009), in order to
allow idle servers to be switched off and save energy.
Other works have focused on analyzing the impact
of various optimization techniques on energy con-
sumption. For instance, in (Orgerie et al., 2010), the
authors investigate the tradeoffs and limitations of ex-
isting energy models for large-scale systems.
3.1 Energy-awareness in IaaS and PaaS
PaaS frameworks provide application developers with
runtime environments where applications can be eas-
ily deployed and managed in the cloud (Pierre and
Stratan, 2012; Dib et al., 2013). They do not provide
cloud resources directly, but rather make use of an
underlying IaaS layer in charge of resource manage-
ment. Consequently, PaaS does not have access to in-
formation about the underlying resources, while IaaS
does not have access to information about the run-
ning applications. However, both IaaS and PaaS sys-
tems target multi-objective optimizations including
primarily cost, performance and energy consumption.
These parameters are intrinsically related, thus requir-
ing complex trade-offs to be made between them.
Traditionally, energy-awareness and energy-
efficiency have been addressed at the IaaS level with
techniques presented in Section 2. To our knowledge,
no research work has been targeting energy-efficiency
or energy-awareness at the PaaS level. However,
studies on real cloud infrastructures show that servers
are considerably underutilized (Zhang et al., 2011),
thus wasting large amounts of energy (Acc, 2010).
This information about resource utilization is not
available at the PaaS level, and nor is the energy
consumption of resources. So, the PaaS layer has
no means to provide energy-related metrics to users
(e.g. energy-efficiency of their VMs, energy budget
of their applications), and thus no way to increase
their energy-awareness.
Conversely, the IaaS layer has no information
about the applications and the users. As previously
discussed, such knowledge would be useful to pre-
dict future resource utilization, thus leading to better
energy-related decisions at the IaaS level.
3.2 The Case for IaaS-PaaS Co-design
We believe that the separation of the cloud stack in
two distinct IaaS and PaaS layers, while having great
advantages for portability and separation of concerns,
is detrimental in terms of energy awareness. If each
layer is allowed to take energy-related decisions in-
dependently, these uncoordinated actions can lead to
significant resource waste and performance degrada-
tion, possibly negating the benefits of energy aware-
ness altogether.
For instance, the IaaS layer can decide to migrate
a virtual machine (VM) in order to perform a bet-
ter consolidation for energy-efficiency purposes. Yet,
this same VM may end a few seconds later because it
gets released by the PaaS layer. The decision to shut-
down this VM may have been taken several minutes
in advance by the PaaS layer. If this information is
not communicated to the IaaS layer, we take the risk
that IaaS will invest previous resources (for example
by migrating the VM) without seeing any benefit from
this action (because the VM gets shut down just after).
Conversely, the PaaS layer may help the IaaS layer
in performing its VM management actions. For ex-
ample, it is often easy at the PaaS level to temporarily
redirect one VM’s workload to another (by redefining
load balancing parameters for example). Offloading a
VM for just a few tens of seconds may greatly facili-
tate IaaS-level management tasks such as VM migra-
In order to avoid counterproductive independent
optimizations, we believe that the IaaS and the PaaS
should share their energy-related information and co-
ordinate their reconfiguration actions. This coordina-
tion aims at allowing system-level optimizations and
In order to design efficient cloud frameworks, both
performance and energy-wise, it is essential to under-
stand how the cloud stack layers can interact and co-
operate. We argue that there is a need to extend the
traditional boundaries of each class of cloud comput-
ing frameworks to ensure an effective management of
resources, while delivering seamless application per-
formance and SLA compliance to higher-level users.
In this section we identify a set of design opportuni-
ties for both PaaS and IaaS providers to help address
these goals. The research directions we investigate
are twofold: first, we focus on the bidirectional in-
formation sharing opportunities between these cloud
layers and the coordinated decisions they can trigger.
Second, we discuss security concerns that arise from
such interactions.
4.1 Workload-aware IaaS Frameworks
The emergence of a wide array of open-source IaaS
solutions led to a gradual adoption of open standards
and interfaces. This was a key incentive for enter-
prises to deploy private clouds in their data centers,
allowing them to take advantage of the flexibility
and performance of virtualized infrastructures, with-
out the vendor lock-in shortcomings of proprietary so-
Most open IaaS cloud frameworks deliver simi-
lar services, typically focusing on resource manage-
ment, VM lifecycle and on providing framework us-
age statistics. However, little has been done to achieve
energy-efficient resource usage in such infrastructure
clouds, despite the fact that lowering energy con-
sumption is becoming a growing concern for data
center management. This context provides a valu-
able opportunity for IaaS cloud providers to consider
techniques that take into account the requirements of
higher-level services, such as PaaS offerings, which
traditionally build on infrastructure clouds. To this
end, we believe that PaaS clouds can deliver a set of
insights to the infrastructure level to guide its resource
allocation and energy optimization decisions.
4.1.1 Passing Workload Information
VM allocation strategies typically rely on information
concerning physical machine capabilities and their
usage across the data center. Nevertheless, several
factors may impact the performance of VMs, with
critical side effects on application performance, user
costs and power consumption. For instance, intensive
network traffic between a few VMs may lower the
available bandwidth across an entire cluster. On the
other hand, PaaS virtual resource management ser-
vices use the IaaS APIs to specify the number and
type of VMs required upon application deployment.
No information about the application class or its ex-
ecution parameters is forwarded to the underlying in-
In this context, the answer to achieving better re-
source management at the infrastructure level is to en-
able IaaS schedulers to analyze and exploit a wider
spectrum of parameters associated with the applica-
tion behavior. Thus, as such workload properties are
generally opaque to the underlying VM manager, a
possible approach is to enable PaaS services to expose
them to the infrastructure layer, as detailed below.
Resource Usage Patterns. The resource needs of
VMs have a potentially heavy impact on the VM mi-
gration duration. As an example, it was shown that
memory-bound VMs lead to very inefficient migra-
tion times (Liu et al., 2011). IaaS systems may avoid
such operations by flagging affected VMs at deploy-
ment time. A more fine-grained approach may enable
the PaaS services to trigger such flags dynamically, as
the application enters a memory-intensive stage, and
allow migration outside these intervals.
Execution Time. Cloud services can accommo-
date a large set of application types. For instance,
web servers represent long-running jobs with specific
access patterns. Oppositely, a short-lived VM, such
as a MapReduce job, may raise specific scheduling
constraints. Thus, as many MapReduce jobs run for
short periods of time, migrating the VMs during ap-
plication execution may degrade their performance to
unacceptable levels (e.g., migrating the VM may take
longer than its actual runtime).
Elasticity needs. Unlike the infrastructure man-
ager, the PaaS services may be able to estimate the
application requirements in terms of workload peaks.
As elasticity is one of the most appealing cloud
features, anticipating application needs and passing
them on to the IaaS layer may result in more timely
workload adaptation mechanisms, which cannot be
achieved by the PaaS services alone.
4.1.2 Using Workload Information to Reduce
Energy Consumption
Such workload knowledge may allow IaaS providers
not only to optimize resource allocation decisions,
but also to improve the overall energy-consumption
levels. This goal is typically achieved by adapting
the number of used physical nodes to the workload
and shutting down underutilized nodes (Orgerie et al.,
2010). Taking into account additional PaaS-level as-
pects may lead to significant and accurate energy-
saving decisions, as exemplified below.
Resource Scheduling. Resource allocation in
IaaS clouds is generally based on the VM type and
straightforward scheduling policies. Beyond the VM
type in terms of required CPUs and memory, an es-
sential parameter is represented by the association of
VMs with a specific virtual cluster, and thus, a sin-
gle application. By taking into account this type of
hint made available by PaaS-level services, an IaaS
provider may change the allocation process of similar
VMs. For example, VMs belonging to the same job
may be deployed on the same physical machines to
benefit from data locality and avoid unnecessary and
performance-degrading network traffic.
Node shutdown Policies. A widely studied mech-
anism to minimize energy consumption is shutting
down unused nodes. However, resource managers
usually lack any knowledge related to the type of
workload or about the real-time evolution of resource
requirements. Such information provided by higher-
level services such as PaaS providers may allow for
more aggressive shutdown policies, without incurring
performance degradations. When the infrastructure
manager is aware of the short-term evolution of its
workload, it can adopt less conservative policies to
reduce the powered-on resources and the total energy
Management of Workload Peaks. Cloud ser-
vices have developed on the premise that they can
provide on-demand resource adaptation to workload
bursts, relieving the client from the burden of over-
provisioning resources to cope with unexpected work-
load fluctuations. Without any means to foresee the
resource requirements of its scheduled jobs, an IaaS
cloud is constrained to maintain a pool of unused
running physical machines to accommodate possible
workload peaks. To minimize the impact of such an
approach on energy consumption, PaaS services may
anticipate workload trends and, furthermore, forward
them to the infrastructure level. Thus, IaaS schedulers
can redirect small bursts to public clouds when the
cost of switching nodes on is more important than the
cost of obtaining remote VMs, both performance and
energy-wise. When facing longer-duration workload
peaks, the IaaS cloud can automatically adapt the pool
of available physical machines, by enabling nodes in
4.2 Optimizing PaaS Resource
Whereas advice from application-aware PaaS ser-
vices may improve the efficiency of resource man-
agement decisions, PaaS frameworks can also benefit
from infrastructure-level insights.
4.2.1 Exposing Low-level Knowledge to PaaS
Infrastructure Details. PaaS management services
interact with the underlying infrastructure through the
interfaces exposed by the IaaS provider, which typi-
cally hide low-level details from the user. As this in-
formation is provided in private clouds for administra-
tive purposes, it can be also made available for higher-
level entities, such as PaaS frameworks running on the
infrastructure. For instance, knowledge about cluster
utilization and node properties may allow the PaaS
services to select the most suitable VM types to ex-
ecute an application, enabling the use of large VMs
when the infrastructure comprises high-performance
physical machines.
Energy Awareness. The first step towards ener-
gy-efficient services at the platform level is user
awareness, in particular if lowering the energy con-
sumption is associated with monetary incentives. The
user may be presented with several execution plans
and the corresponding energy consumption estima-
tions for the same application. He can thus choose
the best execution schedule in terms of energy, regard-
less of a performance loss or a longer execution time.
Nevertheless, the PaaS layer has no means to accu-
rately estimate the energy consumption of a given ap-
plication. It is at the IaaS level where such predictions
can be made, based on the load of the infrastructure
and the application requirements.
4.2.2 IaaS-PaaS Coordinated Decisions
Since PaaS services do not have full control over the
management of their virtual resources, the key to an
optimized resource usage and energy consumption
lies in cross-layer coordination. Despite the fact that
all VM allocation and placement decisions are taken
at the infrastructure level, such a collaboration can
lead to both improved scheduling mechanisms and a
reduced incidence of conflicting actions.
Adaptive Resource Management. Equipped
with detailed information about the user job, the IaaS
layer can yield multiple scheduling options to handle
it. According to user set thresholds, such as an ex-
ecution deadline or a given energy budget, the IaaS
resource manager may be extended to delay jobs ac-
cording to the availability of energy-efficient or re-
newable energy sources (e.g., wind energy). PaaS
may facilitate certain VM management actions as
well. To reduce the time spent during VM migration,
the PaaS can be instructed to temporarily decrease the
load of the VM, which may entail performance and
energy gains.
Preventing Conflicting Optimizations. Cloud
cross-layer communication contributes to another un-
expected, yet significant optimization angle for VM
management, that is to prevent conflicting optimiza-
tions. As an example, the PaaS layer may detect an
idle VM and redirect a slice of the job workload to
it. Simultaneously, the infrastructure manager can de-
cide to migrate the same idle VM, resulting in both an
inefficient migration and a reduced performance for
the PaaS application. To prevent such conflicting or
counter-productive optimizations, it is essential to de-
fine a standardized interface and a set of parameters to
be passed between the two layers, which can ensure
portability and usability across cloud providers.
4.3 Privacy and Security Issues
As detailed before, cross-layer coordination can help
increasing both energy awareness and energy effi-
ciency of the entire cloud system. However, this coor-
dination needs to be clearly defined as it can raise ma-
jor concerns about the security and privacy of cloud
providers and users. Indeed, it has been shown that
having access to the energy consumption of a cloud
server can allow people to guess with high probabil-
ity what type of application (among various possible
ones) is running in its virtual machines (Hlavacs et al.,
2011). So, passing the information about energy con-
sumption of servers is not possible for privacy’s sake.
It is therefore necessary to consider a coordination
of these platforms that guarantees the privacy of the
users and of the applications, while providing useful
information to both layers in order to save energy. To
do so, it is required to identify sensitive information
that cannot be communicated between the two lay-
ers: energy consumption of physical servers, location
of virtual machines (allowing users to target specific
physical machines in order to be co-located with spe-
cific virtual machines). Moreover, the IaaS provider
and the PaaS provider can be different, and they may
not want to share sensitive information about the uti-
lization of their platform.
To facilitate the interaction between cloud layers
while preserving the separation and the interoperabil-
ity across the cloud stack, we argue there is a need for
an abstraction layer proposing coordination APIs. For
instance, let us take the example of the Apache Lib-
cloud (Libcloud, 2014) library. Libcloud consists of a
set of Python libraries providing a unified abstraction
across IaaS cloud APIs such as Amazon EC2, Open-
Stack or OpenNebula. It hides the differences be-
tween the various cloud providers by offering generic
APIs for compute, storage, authentication, load bal-
ancers and DNS services. We believe such interfacing
libraries can be the key of cross-layer interoperabil-
ity in the cloud stack. The development of client li-
braries that expose APIs to promote collaborative de-
cisions between IaaS clouds and higher-level frame-
works may come as an incentive for cloud providers
to exploit the potential benefits of inter-layer cooper-
We aim at defining a set of APIs to complement
existing Libcloud features with new mechanisms for
designing IaaS-PaaS cooperation strategies. Our goal
is twofold. First, we plan to enable IaaS clouds to ex-
pose extended infrastructure information to upper lay-
ers or applications. In this context, two sets of APIs
are required to enable PaaS providers to optimize re-
source management, as detailed in Section 4.2. On the
one hand, the IaaS provider can supply data about the
infrastructure status, including cluster utilization and
node properties, which can be accessed on-demand
through the Libcloud API. On the other hand, the
Libcloud suite may include a set of APIs dedicated
to exposing infrastructure energy consumption at the
higher levels, as the first step towards energy-aware
PaaS and IaaS applications.
Our second goal is to add abstract triggers at
the Libcloud level to enable PaaS managers to push
workload-related information to the IaaS clouds. As
the applications executed on VMs rented from IaaS
clouds are opaque to the infrastructure level, such
APIs are essential to make application information
available for the IaaS resource allocation and manage-
ment mechanisms. Consequently, such APIs should
allow PaaS managers to ask the IaaS provider to flag
the activity of specific VMs or groups of VMs as
CPU-, IO- or memory-intensive, to predict workload
peaks or to provide hints regarding the execution time
of groups of VMs that belong to the same job.
Such an API-driven approach to cross-layer co-
operation achieves several benefits. First, each cloud
provider may choose to implement only the required
plugins according to the amount of information it
intends to share. While private clouds may imple-
ment the whole set of energy-related and coopera-
tion APIs, public providers may decide to share only
non-sensitive data. Furthermore, an abstraction layer
such as Libcloud fosters interoperability and porta-
bility between clouds, such that PaaS providers can
make data available and collect infrastructure infor-
mation according to predefined formats, while each
IaaS cloud can provide its own interface implementa-
tion according to its internal structure and APIs.
The growing demand for “green” and energy-efficient
data centers is a key driver in the design of cloud
computing frameworks, which target not only perfor-
mance, but also cost efficiency. In particular, design-
ing virtualized environments for energy efficiency has
led to a wide spectrum of optimization techniques,
most of which are intended for IaaS cloud offerings.
Whereas higher-level PaaS services hold key infor-
mation related to workload properties and execution,
they do not have direct control over the resource-
management mechanisms that could trigger energy
gains. In this work, we argue that there is a need
for coordinated actions between IaaS and PaaS cloud
layers. We believe that the conventional boundaries
of the cloud stack layers can be extended to promote
energy-awareness at higher levels, while enhancing
low-level resource managers with detailed workload
profiles to achieve fine-grained energy saving mecha-
We investigated a set of opportunities for both
IaaS and PaaS providers to address these objectives
and highlighted the tradeoffs of cross-layer informa-
tion passing. As future work, our goal is to design the
proposed API suite by extending Libcloud, in order to
enable cross-layer cooperation between open-source
IaaS and PaaS cloud implementations and to develop
prototypes of cooperating cloud frameworks.
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