e-Learning Material Presentation and Visualization Types
and Schemes
Nauris Paulins
, Signe Balina
and Irina Arhipova
Computer System department, Latvia University of Agriculture, Liela Street 2-1, Jelgava, Latvia
Datorzinibu centrs, University of Latvia, Aspazijas Blvd. 5, Riga, Latvia
Keywords: Learning Style, Cognitive Abilities, Learning, Visualisation, Multimodal, Multiple Representations.
Abstract: Multimedia and content visualisation provide ability to transform electronic materials into more dynamic
format. This can provide positive aspect on learning, but also can overload the limited information
processing capacity in human brains. Cognitive load in technology-enhanced learning is closely related to
the learning styles of learners. This study examines interactions between learning styles of students and how
these are related to student’s working memory and cognitive traits. To investigate the learning styles of
learners the Felder- Soloman questionnaire was chosen. It allows analyse students’ learning styles with
respect to the Felder-Silverman learning style model, which is the most appropriate for a web-based
learning. Also the interaciton between cognitive traits and learning styles is analysed. The results of this
analysis prove the importance of multimodal learning in technology-enhanced learning. Also some
relationships between learners with higher working memory capacity and learners with lower working
memory capacity were demonstrated. The results will help to improve students’ model for better adaptivity
of learning materials.
The development of information and communication
technologies (ICT) has made the emergence of such
visual media as interactive simulations, animations,
video, and other electronic media more rapid in
educational process.
One of the greatest benefits of electronic media
is its opportunity of adaption, which provides
learners with more flexible usage of learning
material. That makes the learning material more
appropriate for learners’ cognitive style (Chen and
Macredie, 2002; Wang et al., 2000). The analysis on
the adaptivity of e-learning materials has pointed out
the importance of the modelling of learners’
cognitive aspects. One of the instructional designer’s
tasks is to make learning process more effective,
involving the use of new media and visualisation
techniques. The explanation of the positive effect of
visualisation is provided by cognitive load theory
(Bannert, 2002) and cognitive theory of multimedia
learning which is presented by Mayer (Kalyuga,
2011). These theories show the information
processing limitations of our cognitive system in
Traditional learning does not always allow the
adoption of different learning styles or the adoption
of socio-cultural differences during learning process.
It should be taken into account that each learner has
different learning characteristics, like motivation,
prior knowledge, and learning style, which influence
learning process. This is the reason why some
learners perceive the subject more easily, but others
find the same subject rather difficult. The increase of
multimedia usage in teaching has provided a lot of
possibilities to adapt it for different learning styles,
and also a lot of research has been done to analyse
materials’ adaptivity on learners’ perception. The
essential part of adaptivity nowadays is made
feasible by adaptive virtual learning environments,
which can adapt their content and activities
according to student’s needs. Therefore the learning
systems require implementation of student’s model,
which would allow system understand students’
needs. Basically it is a challenging process, because
students do not possess solely one of the styles –
each student has his own mix of characteristics.
CISCO researchers (Fadel and Lemke, 2008) has
shown that multimodal learning is more effective
than traditional uni-modal learning, but there is a
Paulins N., Balina S. and Arhipova I..
e-Learning Material Presentation and Visualization Types and Schemes.
DOI: 10.5220/0004968501380143
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 138-143
ISBN: 978-989-758-029-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
lack of evidence-based research. The research is
intuitive and based on educational theories. It shows
that the visualisation in learning process has a
potential to support learner’s needs in learning
process, but interactivity and dynamic animations
are not always the best aids for learning. This
research gives an overview of the relationship
between learner’s cognitive traits and learning styles
thus providing theoretical grounds for instructional
To provide the context for understanding the
differences between several aspects of learner’s
cognitive traits and learning styles, this paper briefly
summarizes the key elements of the research about
brain functionality, of how people learn, and the
prior research on cognitive abilities of learners and
how to support them in a learning process.
2.1 Memory Systems
The research in cognitive science has shown that
human brain has three types of memory: sensory
memory, working memory, and long-term memory
(Fadel and Lemke, 2008; Mayer, 2001). These types
of memory can be described as follows:
Sensory Memory – when human senses allow
people receive signals from outside world and
experience various situations, it is said to be
sensory memory. Involuntary signals from
sensory memory are sent to long-term
memory as episodic knowledge. It stays in a
long-term memory if a learner pays attention
to the episodes of sensory memory. In that
case these episodes are loaded into working
memory. If something goes into a learner’s
working memory, then learner can work with
this information accordingly to the common
Working Memory – this is a main part of a
thinking process. Brain functions are dual
coded with a buffer for storage of verbal and
text elements and also with a buffer for visual
and spatial elements. The main limitation in
human brains is that those buffers can process
approximately four objects of visual
information and seven objects of verbal
information. Working memory is a place
where verbal and visual information work
together, without interference;
Long-term memory – this is a brain function
which allows humans store information during
lifetime. It acts in parallel with sensory and
working memory. There are too types of long-
term memory – episodic and semantic.
Episodic memory derives directly from a
sensory memory and is involuntary. Semantic
memory receives information from working
memory, and it automatically triggers storage
in a long-term memory.
The main problem in Instructional Design is that
working memory has limited capacity, which can
cause cognitive overload. The Felder -Silverman
model describes student’s characteristics in four
dimensions, pointing out that not always students act
as expected, even if they have strong preferences to
one of the styles. However, taking into account the
learning styles in virtual learning environments
could help to adapt students learning styles and
reduce their cognitive memory system load.
2.2 Cognitive Load Theory and
Instructional Design
Cognitive load theory (CLT) assumes, that the
amount of working memory is limited, but at the
same time it is related with a long-term memory,
which is unlimited. According to CLT the
knowledge in long-term memory is stored in mental
schemas. Learning is possible due to the
construction of schemata. Schema can be treated as a
single element in working memory and functions to
overcome working memory limitations (Hollender et
al., 2010).
There are different types of cognitive load which
can affect learning performance (Sweller et al.,
The main load which can arise from instructional
design is extraneous cognitive load. It is directly
connected with instructional designer impact on
study process, and the main target is to reduce
extraneous cognitive load in instructional materials.
It is caused by an unnecessary increase in the
number of elements that must be processed
simultaneously in working memory (Wong et al.,
Intrinsic cognitive load (ICL) refers to the
learning and its level of difficulty. ICL mostly
depends on the interactivity of elements. High ICL
occurs when interactivity of the material is high. For
example, if the interactivity of a learning definition
is low, but some grammar analysis must be learned,
then the interactivity should be made much higher.
The last type of cognitive load is a germane
cognitive load which results from active schema
construction process and therefore is beneficial for
learning. Germane cognitive load refers to working
memory resources required to deal with ICL in
learning, as well as working memory resources
which are required to deal with extraneous
resources. If extraneous cognitive load is reduced,
then germane cognitive load can be increased.
The research process in CLT area has resulted in
a range of instructional design guidelines and factors
that impact student’s cognitive load. Firstly, there
should be as low pressure on extraneous cognitive
load as possible. Secondly, it should optimize the
level of germane cognitive load. This is the portion
of load that directly contributes to the learning
process. Furthermore, an efficient training is
characterized by favourable effort-performance
ratio. This is a relatively low mental effort that
results in relatively high performance (Gerven et al.,
It is also proven that multimodal learning in
which information is presented in multiple modes
such as visual and auditory, is more effective for
electronic environments, and it can provide several
benefits, including:
promoting learning by providing an external
representations of information;
deeper processing of information;
holding learners attention by making the
information more attractive and motivating,
hence making complex information easier to
comprehend (Sankey et al., 2010).
Implementation of students characteristics and
students’ model in Cognitive Trait Model (Lin,
2007) include cognitive traits such as working
memory capacity, inductive reasoning ability and
information processing speed. It would help
automate instructional design process and improve
learning environment adaptivity. Cognitive Trait
Model is a domain independent, so it can be used in
different learning environments. As the working
memory has been already evaluated, it needs to
provide the description about reasoning ability,
associative learning and information processing
2.3 Reasoning Ability and Information
Processing Speed
There are different methods of reasoning which are
mainly distinguished among inductive, deductive
and adductive reasoning. During this research the
main focus is on inductive and deductive reasoning
since they are more related with learning abilities.
Inductive reasoning is one of the most important
abilities in learning process by means of which it is
possible to construct concepts from examples.
During problem analysis, learners look for known
examples to construct internal hypothesis. As a
result cognitive load is reduced and learning process
becomes more efficient. It means that higher
inductive reasoning ability allows build up mental
models of the information learned, which leads to
better learning results.
Deductive reasoning is a process during which
logical consequences are drawn from premises; it is
basically naturalistic decision making process what
people do in real-world situations. Learners with
greater experience can recognize appropriate actions
to take in various situations that might arise, but
learners with less experience almost always perform
random search of alternatives. The problem becomes
more noticeable during complex problem analysis,
where learners often fail to find appropriate solution.
But if a necessary amount of skills is acquired and
learned then it becomes more effective.
Reasoning ability is closely connected with
information processing speed, which determines
how quickly learners can acquire information
correctly. Instructional designers should take this
aspect into account, because learners with low
information processing speed should be presented
with only the important points of material and also a
number of ways should be decreased. In contrast, for
learners with high information processing speed, the
information space can be enlarged by providing
greater amount of information (Lin, 2003).
2.4 Associative Learning
The associative learning is ability to link acquired
knowledge to existing knowledge. It is a mechanism
where behaviours are influenced by experiences. For
instructional designers it means that material for
learning support must assist to the recollection of
learned information, as well as it should clearly
show the relationships of concepts, where the new
knowledge is connected to the existing one. That
means that it is useful to provide some additional
information and links for learners with low
associative learning skills – it would help to
associate one concept with another.
To investigate the learning styles of learners the
research was performed with 150 students
participating. Students where mixed from different
faculties and courses, mostly from bachelor level. To
investigate students’ learning styles Felder and
Soloman questionnaire (Felder and Soloman, 1997)
was chosen. It is 44 question form for identifying
the learning styles according to Felder-Silverman
learning style model (Felder and Silverman, 1998).
There are more learning style models in this research
area, like Kolb’s learning style model (Kolb, 1984)
and Honey and Mumford’s learning style model
(Honey and Mumford, 1982), but Felder-Silverman
learning style model is one of the most appropriate
for web-based learning. It was confirmed during the
comparison of learning style models with respect to
web-based learning systems (Kuljis and Liu, 2005).
The chosen questionnaire which is called Index
of Learning Styles (ILS), with 44 questions is
divided into 4 dimensions, which are expressed by
values between +11 and -11 per dimension, with
steps +/-2, assuming that each learner has personal
preferences for each dimension. Each dimension is
assigned to 11 questions of questionnaire. Table 1
shows all dimensions of this questionnaire. Each
question is answered either with a value +1 (answer
a) or -1 (answer b). Answer a corresponds to the
active, sensing, visual or sequential preference of
dimensions, answer b corresponds reflective,
intuitive, verbal, or global preference of dimensions.
Table 1: Learning style dimensions according to Felder-
Silverman model.
Learning Style
Active – Reflective
Active learners like to try the
learned concepts and are tended
to work in groups, but reflective
learners like to work alone.
Sensing – Intuitive
Sensing learners prefer concrete
definitions and practical facts.
Intuitive learners are more tended
on abstract concepts and theories.
Visual – Verbal
Visual learners are tended on
pictures, diagrams and flow
charts, bet verbal learners are
tended on written and spoken
Sequential –
Sequential learners like processes
where the linear link can be
clearly distinguished with small
steps, but global learner likes
holistic thinking and large leaps.
During the research the balanced value is
calculated – it shows values in dimension from +3 to
-3 from the survey. This result is due to the factor
that a lot of learners did not show a strong
preference for one of the dimensions.
Another part of the research was to empirically
study students’ learning behaviour and derive the
required information from their behaviour. This
study was based on the Cognitive Trait Model (Lin,
2007) to profile learners according to their cognitive
traits. The Cognitive Trait Model’s (CTM) four
cognitive traits – working memory capacity,
inductive reasoning ability, processing speed and
associative learning skills – are addressed in CTM.
Various patterns or manifests of traits are defined for
each cognitive trait, as well as the identification of
cognitive traits is based on the behaviour of learners
within the system or learning process.
Firstly, the overall distribution of learners in each
dimension was analysed.
Table 2: Learning dimensions between students.
Active Balanced Reflective
28% 58% 14%
Sensing Balanced Intuitive
34% 49% 17%
Visual Balanced Verbal
68% 26% 6%
Sequential Balanced Global
18% 65% 17%
The analysis shows that for the learners with
active learning style the ability to practically try
learned concepts has more impact on memorising
and obtaining knowledge than for the reflective
learners, but reflective learners have more relevance
to social behaviour. These learners are more tended
to inductive reasoning and low associative ability,
which shows the importance of giving them the
opportunity to work individually. These dimensions
can be related also with field-dependant and field-
independent learners (Witkin et al., 1997). These
dimensions are grouped in low working memory and
high working memory, which allow making
relations to active and reflective learners’ working
memory capacity.
It was discovered that sensing and intuitive
dimensions also have some relationships with field-
independent and field-dependent learners. According
to Chen,
S.Y. et al (Chen 2002) field-dependent
learners prefer concrete materials and small learning
steps; they could get very good results in
cooperation with sensing learners, but they would be
less successful in cooperation with intuitive learners,
who prefer abstract materials.
The research’s results also show that students
with low working memory capacity are more tended
to visual learning style, but this doesn’t mean that
learners with visual learning style have low working
memory capacity. It could be explained by dual
coding theory of multimedia learning.
The sensing learning style requires concrete and
specified learning materials. The sensing learners are
more careful and attentive during a learning process,
but intuitive learners are more tended to abstract
materials and they have tendency of not being
patient and careful.
The results of sequential/global dimension shows
that sequential learners are tended to understand the
concepts by building them from smaller parts to the
whole solution. We also noticed rather close relation
between sensing/intuitive and sequential/global
learning dimensions. These dimensions correlated
with each other.
This paper analyses the learners’ cognitive traits and
learning styles. Felder-Silverman learning style
model and cognitive trait model was used for the
research analysis.
Considering the relationship between cognitive
traits and learning styles it is possible to obtain
additional information about a learner, which could
improve the overall students’ mode. The research
shows that students with active, sensing visual and
global learning style have lower memory than
reflective, intuitive and sequential. This could help
to support learner’s cognitive load with appropriate
instructional design automation and integration in
learning systems.
Within the research the use of electronic learning
materials at high schools was analysed, and it was
concluded that most of the materials do not meet the
necessary requirements for supporting students’
cognitive traits and learning styles.
Learning styles can improve identification of
cognitive traits; if the learning style is already
detected then it will improve indication of cognitive
traits. But at the same time cognitive traits can also
help to identify learning styles. Such interaction can
better show students working characteristics and
provide the analyses of not only learning styles but
also the cognitive traits of students. This analysis
can lead to more accurate representation of materials
which will give ability to provide learning without
cognitive overload. Such analysis can improve
pedagogical models to provide more adaptive
learning, with better effect.
The further work is necessary on the statistical
analyses of survey results which could allow analyse
the correlation between different learning
dimensions. It would also be useful to make more
explicit analyses on students’ behaviour and to find
the ability to detect automatically the learning style
from the student’s behaviour in learning system.
Definitely more research on learning styles and
cognitive traits should be made, to provide more
adaptive electronic learning materials.
This research is part of a project „Competence
Centre of Information and Communication
Technologies” run by “IT kompetences centrs” Ltd,
contract No. L-KC-11-0003, co-financed by
European Regional Development Fund.
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