New Trends in Knowledge Driven Data Mining
Cláudia Antunes and Andreia Silva
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av Rovisco Pais, Lisboa, Portugal
Keywords: Domain Knowledge, Semantic Aspects of Data Mining, Domain Driven Data Mining, Constrained Data
Mining, Knowledge Representation, Domain Ontologies.
Abstract: Existing mining algorithms, from classification to pattern mining, reached considerable levels of efficiency,
and their extension to deal with more demanding data, such as data streams and big data, show their
incontestable quality and adequacy to the problem. Despite their efficiency, their effectiveness on
identifying useful information is somehow impaired, not allowing for making use of existing domain
knowledge to focus the discovery. The use of this knowledge can bring significant benefits to data mining
applications, by resulting in simpler and more interesting and usable models. However, most of existing
approaches are concerned with being able to mine specific domains, and therefore are not easily reusable,
instead of building general algorithms that are able to incorporate domain knowledge, independently of the
domain. In our opinion, this requires a drift in the focus of the research in data mining, and we argue this
change should be from domain-driven to knowledge-driven data mining, aiming for a stronger emphasis on
the exploration of existing domain knowledge for guiding existing algorithms.
The rise of information society and its increasing
maturity, allied to the more recent explosion of big
data, made even clearer the need of efficient
techniques for mining unknown information from
data. In the last two decades, the field of data mining
(DM) proved to be effective when applied to almost
all domains and a large range of kinds of data, from
structured sources, as databases, to non-structured
ones, like social networks and text. However, this
success is mainly reached in classification tasks,
where the goal is clearly defined and is possible to
make use of past records, in order to predict new
outcomes. Indeed, when this is not the case, the
results are far from being useful per se in the
majority of situations.
Pattern mining is a paradigmatic mining task,
where this phenomenon occurs – existing
approaches discover either a small number of
irrelevant patterns or a very large number (usual
thousands) of possibly interesting ones. The
difficulty is just on choosing the best ones to
analyze, but the great variety of interestingness
measures available do not help on choosing the right
ones in accordance to user interests or expectations.
Actually, the advances in the area of data mining
are mainly centered on dealing with a wider range of
types of data and domains, and much less on the
quality of the models discovered, at least in terms of
their simplicity and easyness of interpretation. The
identified problem is not new, and was addressed by
different techniques, through ILP (Inductive Logic
Programming) or D3M (Domain-Driven Data
Mining) fields. In this paper, we discuss the reasons
for the failure of those approaches. Despite all the
progress made, most of them are focused on mining
specific domains, and therefore cannot be easily
reused in different domains, even if the domain
knowledge is represented with the same formalisms.
In this sense, we argue that it is necessary a drift
from domain-driven to knowledge-driven data
mining, and focus should be given to the definition
of techniques that are able to introduce domain
knowledge deep into existing and more general
Moreover, we argue that the best way to
approach this problem is to use more general
techniques, guided by domain knowledge,
represented through domain ontologies. We base our
argument on a clear problem statement and discuss
how algorithms may be adapted to be driven by
existing knowledge. Beside referring some
preliminar results, we discuss how the improvements
may be measured, in order to validate the real gains.
Antunes C. and Silva A..
New Trends in Knowledge Driven Data Mining.
DOI: 10.5220/0004974003460351
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 346-351
ISBN: 978-989-758-027-7
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The use of domain knowledge has been explored in
data mining since its early years, in a somehow
independent manner among different areas.
The first effort was undoubtedly made through
Inductive Logic Programming (ILP for short), which
is a paradigm of machine learning that is concerned
with inducing classification rules from examples and
background knowledge, all of which expressed as
Prolog programs (Lavrac et al. 2011) (Nienhuys-
Cheng and Wolf 1997), (Lisi and Malerba 2004),
(Lisi and Esposito 2009). It was born from the
interception of Concept Learning and Logic
Programming, with the goal of prediction within the
representation framework of Horn Clausal Logic.
The fact that all information must be written in
declarative languages (like Prolog and Datalog) is
one of the drawbacks of ILP approaches, and one of
the reasons for not being widely used. Nevertheless,
its structure promotes the representation and use of
domain knowledge. There are many ILP algorithms
that are able to introduce this knowledge into the
discovery process (see, for example, (Raedt and
Ramon 2004), (Malerba and Lisi 2001), (Levy and
Rousset 1998), (Rouveirol and Ventos 2000)).
ILP techniques must also deal with the tradeoff
between expressiveness and efficiency of the used
representations. Studies show that current algorithms
would scale relatively well as the amount of
background knowledge increases. But they would
not scale, at all, with the number of relations
involved, and in some cases, with the complexity of
the patterns being searched (Dzeroski 1996), (Lisi
and Malerba 2004).
A second strategy, was relying in the shoulders
of users / experts to guide the discovery, by
choosing the most promising search paths. These
interactive approaches (Nag, Deshpande and DeWitt
1999), (Goethals and Bussche 2000), (Goethals,
Moens and Vreeken 2011), (Druck and McCallum
2011) use users feedback iteratively and
incrementally, allowing them not only to view the
intermediate results, but also to chose the best steps
and measures, and even to change parameters. In
this sense, users understand more easily what
decisions lead to what results, therefore leading to
more interesting results, in their perspective.
However, one on the problem of these systems is
that users do not always know what they want, or
what are the best choices. And besides being hard to
define and implement, more elaborated domains
may make this process too labor intensive and error
prone. Furthermore, it is not straightforward the
reuse of the knowledge and efforts applied before.
More recently, the methodology of Domain
Driven Data Mining, D3M, was proposed (Cao and
Zhang 2006), (Cao 2008), (Cao 2010), defending an
urgent need for Actionable Knowledge Discovery to
support businesses and applications.
The motivation behind D3M is the gap between
academic objectives (innovation, performance and
generalization) and business goals (problem
solving), and between academic outputs and
business expectations (Cao et al. 2010). So that this
new data mining paradigm can be better accepted
and advantageously applied in real businesses and
applications, it is necessary to create methods and
tools capable of analyzing real world data and
extracting actionable knowledge, i.e. useful
information that can be (as far as possible) directly
converted into decision-making actions. The term
“actionability” measures the ability of a pattern to
prompt a user to take concrete actions to his
advantage in the real world (Cao, Luo and Zhang
2007) .
To achieve that, data mining must involve the
ubiquitous intelligence surrounding the business
problem, such as human intelligence, domain
intelligence, network and organizational/social
intelligence (Cao et al. 2010). D3M proposes,
therefore, a paradigm shift from data-centered
knowledge discovery to domain-driven actionable
knowledge discovery.
Research included in this area of D3M has been
centered on the proposal of methods dedicated to
specific domains, with a special emphasis on the
actionability of the results. The specificity of those
methods difficult their application to other domains,
and the need for a standard methodology that is able
to incorporate the existing knowledge of any domain
into the mining process remains an open issue. In
our opinion, existing work in D3M is more centered
in the actionability of results in some domain, than
on the reuse of the proposed strategies.
Along with the efforts in D3M, the use of
existing domain knowledge to enrich the mining
process has been explored under the umbrella of
Semantic Aspects of Data Mining, by trying to add
semantics to data under analysis.
The simplest approach, usually known as
semantic annotation (Diamantini and Potena 2008),
(Liu 2010), is just to use existing knowledge to
annotate data, in order to help users understanding
the data, and use it to get better results. This
approach is gaining more adepts with the
development of the Semantic Web, making it more
A second alternative is to use the semantics of
some specific domain, represented through sound
knowledge representation formalisms, to guide the
mining algorithms, as proposed in (Antunes 2009),
(Novak et al. 2009), (Jozefowska, Lawrynowicz and
Lukaszewski 2010).
In this paper, we argue in favor of this last
approach, and discuss the use of domain knowledge
to guide DM algorithms in the search for more
focused results.
The use of domain knowledge to improve the
mining process tries to accomplish two main goals:
to find more accurate and more easily
understandable models.
A paradigmatic technique, that pursues these two
goals are Bayesian networks (Pearl 1988), where a
directed acyclic graph represents the known
dependencies among variables, and algorithms are
able to estimate a classification model. However, the
difficulties on automatically designing these
networks are well known, being this problem NP-
hard (Heckerman, Geiger and Chickering 1995).
Indeed, these networks are one of the preferred
models, for example among physicians (see for
example (Kononenko 1997)), since they are easily
understandable reflecting cause-effects
dependencies, usually known and described by
them. Other techniques, like support vector
machines or ensemble, whose discovered models are
too hard to interpret, are actually put away, despite
their major accuracy.
In our opinion, the great advantage of these
models is their graphical representation, being
completely clear to any informed user. When
thinking about graphical knowledge representation
formalisms, taxonomies and ontologies are the
counterparts of Bayesian networks.
Before proceeding, we briefly overview the
meaning of taxonomies and domain ontologies.
3.1 Knowledge Representation
Modelling has been one of the core parts of
information science, either in information systems or
in artificial intelligence. In both ones, it is generally
accepted that without a good model, no system
works adequately.
The advances in the areas of modeling and
knowledge representation allow for using the
developed mature formalisms to represent existing
knowledge, and therefore making possible the
exploration of those models to guide the discovery
process. In particular, ontologies have gained a
central role, for example in the semantic web, and
begun to be used in many other contexts.
Ontologies are content theories about the objects,
their properties and relations, that are possible in a
specified domain of knowledge (Chandrasekaran,
Josephson and Benjamins 1999), along with a set of
explicit assumptions regarding the intended meaning
of the vocabulary words (Lisi and Esposito 2009).
An ontology captures the intrinsic conceptual
structure of the domain. In its simplest case, it
describes a hierarchy of concepts related by is-a
relations, a taxonomy. In more complex cases, other
relationships can be added, as well as a set of axioms
to help and constrain the interpretation of concepts.
One of the most important features of ontologies is
that they are valid, independently of the individuals
or instances belonging to the domain.
Formally, an ontology is a tuple O:=(C,
where C corresponds to the set of concept identifiers
(or just concepts) in the ontology,
to the
hierarchy of concepts, i.e. the is-a relations between
concepts, R is the set of relation identifiers, and A a
set of axioms. Relations referring to just one concept
are called the attributes.
Among the formalisms proposed by Ontological
Engineering for the construction of ontologies, the
most currently used are Description Logics (DL)
(Baader et al. (eds.) 2003). DLs are a family of First
Order Logic fragments that allow for the
specification of knowledge in terms of classes
(concepts), relations (roles) and instances
(individuals). A DL knowledge base (KB) consists
in a terminological (schema) part, called T-Box, and
an assertional (data) part, called A-Box. The T-Box
part is where an ontology can be defined, and the A-
Box corresponds to the database, with all the
instances. The T-Box is usually referred to simply as
the ontology, and the A-Box as one of the possible
knowledge bases associated with that ontology.
Moreover, ontologies describe the context in which
the instances should be understood.
In a pragmatically view, an ontology just defines
a directed graph, with concepts represented by nodes
and relations by edges, which can be efficiently
traversed by search domain-independent algorithms.
In addition they incorporate axioms, which can be
useful for describing additional constraints. In this
sense, ontologies are a perfect tool to incorporate the
represented knowledge deep into the mining process.
3.2 Knowledge Exploration
As discussed before, the idea of using knowledge to
enrich the mining process is not new, and has been
explored by data mining methods, but only seldom,
and without having any significant results.
Examples of such approaches are the ones that
used taxonomies to bias the discovery process
(Srikant and Agrawal 1995) for pattern mining, but
also (Zhang, Silvescu and Honavar 2002) in the
classification context). In those methods, the main
idea was to use the taxonomy to decide the best level
of abstraction to consider, given the data under
analysis. Indeed, items have different levels of
support, when represented at different levels of
As a more expressive form of knowledge
representation than taxonomies, it is expected that
ontologies can help guiding data mining algorithms
finding more interesting results. The use of
ontologies in data mining with this purpose is recent,
and great parts of existing works are ad-hoc
applications to specific problems.
Our claim is based on three points. First, through
the taxonomy present in the domain ontology, data
may be mined at the most interesting granularity,
which is chosen on the fly, and allowing for
spanning patterns at different granularities. Along
with this use, it is then possible to reduce the time
spent on data understanding and preparation steps in
the mining process (Wirth and Hipp 2000).
Second, relations other than is-a relations,
described in the ontology, may be used to filter the
patterns that should be considered useful, reducing
the complexity of the models, either the number of
patterns or the depth / number of rules in
classification models.
Third, axioms may be used to automatize the
annotation of the data, by allowing for the automatic
inference of information from the original data, and
the posterior use of this information for being mined
along with the data.
Recent work (Antunes and Bebiano 2012) has
demonstrated that constraints defined over
ontologies may be used by constrained adaptations
of the most-well known algorithms for pattern
mining, namely apriori (Agrawal and Srikant 1994)
and FP-growth (Han, Pei and Yin 2000), without
impairing their efficiency, but enabling the reduction
of the number of patterns discovered, focusing the
discovery according to user expectations.
In this new context, constraints have to perform
three complementary roles – being the mapper, the
matcher and the filter.
The mapper is the responsible for linking the
data to be mined to the knowledge represented in the
domain ontology. It should be a function from the
set of items in the dataset to the concepts in the
ontology. By making this connection, it is then
possible to mine the concepts instead of the
individuals, reducing the number of distinct
elements during the mining process, which results in
a smaller number of patterns and a simplification of
the information discovered.
As a matcher, the constraint should be able to
apply equivalences among entities. It should be a
predicate among entities, either individuals or
concepts. The goal is to allow for considering known
and represented knowledge about the items, for
example equivalences, which may be useful for
choosing the right granularity and for counting the
frequency of each item. Like the mapper, the
matcher would allow for the simplification of the
models, and the simplification of the pre-processing
At last, being a filter, the constraint avoids
exploring search branches that are not interesting in
accordance to user expectations. This filter would be
a predicate over sets of entities (patterns in pattern
mining and rules in classification).
Figure 1: Process for knowledge exploration through the use of ontology-based constraints.
Mining Visualization
In all cases, and despite the different roles
played, constraints should be used as a decision -
maker by the mining algorithm. They should be the
responsible for all decisions in the mining process,
in particular for counting the frequency of each
entity and for deciding which entities should be
In this manner, the mining process becomes to be
controlled by constraints, which at the end are just
the mean to incorporate the domain knowledge deep
into the mining process
Figure 1.
The simplification of the models discovered during
the mining process is mandatory, either for reducing
the bias of the models, or just for simplifying user
understanding. However, how can we measure the
improvements made by knowledge-driven
This measure is not straightforward since a
simple count of the reduction on the number of
patterns or rules discovered, against the counterpart
in non-constrained algorithms, is not enough to
assess the gains. Indeed, through the use of
taxonomies is always possible to find just one rule
with 100% of support, however this rule does not
envisage any information.
In terms of efficiency, it is expected that
constrained algorithms would follow a more
complex process, more time consuming, since it is
necessary to assure that the results are accordingly to
the constraints. However, and as previous
experiments show (Silva and Antunes 2013), the
more expensive tasks in the mining step are the ones
that scan the database for counting frequency of
entities. So, and since constrained algorithms may
reduce considerably these scans, it is expected that
time efficiency of original algorithms remain
unaffected. In order to measure the increase of time
spent due to the complexity of the constrained task,
we may measure the average time spent for finding
each pattern, against the time spent in non-
constrained approaches.
In terms of efficacy, the important issues are the
quality of the discovered models and their
simplicity. Naturally, the first issue may be
measured through available measures, like support,
confidence and lift for patterns, and accuracy,
sensibility and specificity for classification.
The second assessment is much harder, and has
to pass through the analysis of the compactness of
the models discovered. One of the possible
approaches is to compute the average number of
non-constrained patterns / rules covered by a single
constrained one, and the lost of interest of that
condensed pattern / rule.
Note that this coverage identification is only
possible, recurring to the ontology, which
establishes the relation among the discovered
The incorporation of domain knowledge, deep into
the mining process, is expected to focus the search
and modeling process, allowing for finding more
interesting results. Despite the advances, most of the
existing work is designed for some specific domain,
and therefore cannot be reused.
In this position paper, we claim for a change in
the data mining research, from a data-driven to a
knowledge-driven process. We argue that
knowledge represented through mature formalisms
for knowledge representation, such as ontologies,
can be used to define constraints, which may guide
the mining process, by being responsible for the
most important decisions in the mining step.
Beside the definition of the main roles to be
played by constraints, we discuss different ways to
assess the improvements on the discovered
information, in terms of both efficiency and efficacy.
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para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, under research project
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