Service Oriented Development of Building Energy Management Systems
An Architecture Blueprint
Rodolfo Santos
and Paulo Carreira
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
INESC-ID, Lisbon, Portugal
Service-oriented Architecture, Building Automation, Energy Management.
Building automation and energy management systems increase the value of buildings by making them more
comfortable, productive, and energy efficient. However, the hardware and software technologies underlying
actual systems are largely monolithic and incompatible with each other hampering extensibility and favouring
consumer lock-in. In order to overcome this problem we propose to create an middleware architecture, that
abstract the heterogeneity of automation systems and provide sophisticated functionality to applications for
intelligent control and energy management. Our middleware, will expose services that allows to abstract the
numerous protocols and technical requirements associated with each manufacturer to applications, allowing
developers to apply all their effort designing algorithms and innovative techniques that maximize the energy
efficiency, without worrying about the technical details of each existing system. The concept will be ap-
plied in a real-world setting with the implementation of a service-oriented architecture prototype for energy
management and intelligent control of Instituto Superior T
ecnico (IST) office rooms.
This document addresses the topic of creating an ap-
propriate architecture for intelligent control and en-
ergy management of building offices. Given the cur-
rent economic and social situation, it is of utmost im-
portance to focus on systems and technologies that
enable energy efficiency, particularly in large build-
ings. In Europe, buildings account for 40% of total
energy use and 36% of total CO
emission (European
Parliament and Council, 2010), and these values are
expected to grow in the coming years. This aspect
result in a major concern for more energy conserva-
tion. Large buildings require technologies with so-
phisticated applications, such as automatic control of
lighting and temperature set-points, as well the need
for the system to learn with the activity of users inside
the building. In addition, these environments must be
energy efficient and must simultaneously ensure the
comfort and well being of the occupants in order to
enable them to become more productive. The main
hindrance in developing this vision are the lack of
interoperability that automation systems offer. Each
manufacturer keeps developing their proprietary spec-
ifications and has little motivation to evolve their sys-
tems to the emerging trends of communication stan-
dards (Litvinov and Vuorimaa, 2011). As well, there
is still no solution for the development of applications
for intelligent control and energy management in a
modular way, based on Service-Oriented Architec-
ture (SOA), where it is possible to reuse and compose
services in order to implement new functionality. The
current solutions of Building Automation (BA) and
Energy Management (EM) are vertically integrated
and do not allow communication with devices in a
standard way, and poorly support their heterogeneity.
Re-designing and re-programming BA and EM sys-
tems, in order to change and extend features to sup-
port new devices and functionalities are still too ex-
pensive and to slow to achieve. Web Services (WS)
and SOA has allowed it, more precisely in Informa-
tion Technology (IT) systems (Lee et al., 2010), due
to several business needs, but not embarked on the au-
tomation and energy management domain yet. What
really happens is that both services and the program-
mer has to know the details and characteristics of the
Building Automation System (BAS), which causes a
massive consumer lock in. Increasingly it is neces-
sary that the IT system and BAS are integrated in the
architecture that supports the business, since the opti-
mization of the energy and the business processes is
something that has to be done in an integrated way.
Santos R. and Carreira P..
Service Oriented Development of Building Energy Management Systems - An Architecture Blueprint.
DOI: 10.5220/0004974903150323
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (IEEHSC-2014), pages 315-323
ISBN: 978-989-758-025-3
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
This work will analyse the various existing func-
tionalities in Building Energy Management System
(BEMS) and propose a reference architecture with a
set of services collections required in order to create
modular intelligent energy management and automa-
tion control applications on top of these services.
1.1 Motivation
To illustrate the addressed issue take into account the
following scenarios:
Scenario 1 consider a daylight-harvesting sys-
tem, which aims to use daylight to control
the amount of electric illuminance needed to
properly light a space, in order to reduce en-
ergy consumption. These systems uses a set of
sensors and actuators inside the room to mea-
sure luminance and adjust the lighting of the
lamps, respectively. In this scenario it is nec-
essary to deal with interoperability of diverse
devices, their functionality and technical fea-
tures, since many are from different manufac-
turers and communication protocols.
Scenario 2 consider a scheduling system,
which execute some tasks periodically. This
tasks are triggered after an event or set of
events have occurred. Events can be a time
value or a specific event from the user’s ac-
tivity. In this scenario it is necessary to un-
derstand how the scheduling system of each
device technology works and map the logic
of scheduling with the operation logic of each
Existing solutions to address the requirements of
scenarios 1 and 2 consist of monolithic applications
that do not provide modular services, and also do
not allow interoperability with other automation tech-
nologies used. In addition, most existing solutions
are proprietary and not expose their insights, which
don’t allow the reusing and extension of its function-
ality. This situation is illustrated in Figure 1, which
compares a monolithic system with a layered archi-
tecture (Bastide et al., 2006).
SOA is a paradigm that defines services as key el-
ements of software design. The main goal of SOA
approach is to reduce the dependencies of software
parts, where each part is typically a remote piece of
functionality accessed by clients. By reducing such
dependencies, each element can evolve separately and
the application becomes more flexible than mono-
lithic applications. The advantages of SOA also ap-
ply to automation applications: loose coupling, run
time service binding, and location transparency. In-
deed, services abstract implementation to provide the
desired functionality; they provide faster prototyping
based on creation of new services from existing (ser-
vice composition); they enable handling the diversity
of devices and applications, because they are easier
to integrate and evolve; they enable integrate BAS
functionality with the IT systems underlying the oc-
cupant business. Technically, SOA provides abstrac-
tion: upon a call to the specific service, the implemen-
tation is invoked regardless of whether it is deployed
in a device, or in another software module. This latter
paradigm motivates the need of a SOA-based refer-
ence architecture for Smart Building (SB) systems.
Layered System (SOA approach)
System 1
System 2
Users Data
System 3
Users Data
Service Layer Middleware
Figure 1: Actual systems vs. SOA approach. (a) Monolithic
architecture where high level applications are highly depen-
dent on the original software design. (b) Layered horizontal
solution that enables technology abstraction, interoperabil-
ity, and extensibility.
1.2 Problem Definition
Solutions to this problem are quite complex as is nec-
essary to realize the system’s architecture and services
that the middleware service layer has to offer. Typi-
cally, architectures for these systems include services
for energy consumption and a services for command-
ing devices. Indeed, these service components are
needed. It’s necessary to integrate all context infor-
mation (e.g. retrieve the state of electrical devices,
the energy consumption data, and the user presence
data), to derive control decisions that meet the user
preferences and needs while ensuring the best values
of energy consumption in the building.
Solutions, as detailed in Related Work, are try-
ing to solve this issue using service-oriented architec-
tures to provide some interoperability between differ-
ent systems. However, they only expose devices as
service calls along with the idiosyncrasies associated
with each device. There is no semantics on top of
these services, such as logical services to reuse and
extend. The characteristics of different devices, the
different protocols and different drivers continue to
exist, but now at the service level, maintaining the
lack of interoperability.
Herein, we propose a way to build BA applica-
tions atop of a modular service layer middleware that
also abstracts the heterogeneity of BAS. The mid-
dleware abstract all systems and low level devices
to BA applications, making less complex to develop
these software. This novel approach enables taking
advantage of systems that already exist, orchestrating
and reusing the services they offer to implement new
features that take into account the needs of the busi-
ness. Conceivably in the near future, BAS will enable
adding new features without having to redesign the
original architecture of the system.
1.3 Contributions
The contributions of this document are as follows:
An review of the existing solutions concerning
service-oriented architectures of BEMS,
A architecture blueprint for a BEMS, that enable
the easy extension and fast development of new
BA and EM applications.
A architecture case study in a real-world setting.
Our architecture prototype will be used in IST
building, particularly in offices rooms, in order to
validate the proposed architecture to this scientific
In this section, it is given a brief description of some
of the key terms and systems addressed, in order to
provide a better reader understanding.
2.1 Building Energy Management
A Building Energy Management System (BEMS) is
part of a Building Management System (BMS) and is
a computer-controlled system, which when installed
in a building, controls it’s power systems, includ-
ing lighting, heating, ventilating and air-conditioning.
The basic functions of a BEMS are: monitoring, con-
trolling, and optimizing (Levermore, 2002). The
functional aim of BEMS is to manage the environ-
ment within a building, so that energy consumption
perfectly balances with the way of building utilization
and its normal activities. BEMS functionalities ad-
dressed in ISO 16484-3 and EN 15232 standards (In-
ternational Standard, 2007; European Standard, 2006)
are: grouping/zoning; event notification; alarm noti-
fication; historical data access; scheduling; and sce-
narios. Also according to ISO 16484-7 standard (In-
ternational Standard, 2013), a BEMS shall provide
the following control features to enable energy per-
formance in buildings: heating and cooling control;
ventilation and air conditioning control; lighting con-
trol; and blind control.
BEMS are dependent on the other two sys-
tems: Building Automation System (BAS) and En-
ergy Management System (EMS) (Bloom and Gohn,
2.2 Service-oriented Architecture
The idea of a service-oriented architecture (SOA)
refers to a paradigm for the construction and integra-
tion of software systems where the primary structur-
ing element is the service. In SOA, any subsystem is
described by the services it offers (Open Group Stan-
dard, 2011). Web Services (WS) are the most com-
mon implementation of SOAs. WS consist of mod-
ular and independent software applications that can
be executed over the web. These applications usually
use XML and SOAP over standard network proto-
cols, to implement the communication channels. Or-
ganizations that focus their development effort around
the creation of services, will realize many benefits,
such as, code mobility and reusability, scalability and
availability, and better testing.
2.3 OSGi
Open Services Gateway initiative (OSGi) is a com-
ponent framework specification that aims at bringing
modularity to the Java platform. It enables the cre-
ation of highly modular and dynamic systems. These
systems are highly modular in the sense that OSGi-
based applications are composed by multiple inde-
pendent modules or components, and the develop-
ment, testing, deployment, updating, and manage-
ment on each module have minimal or no impact
on the overall system. This means that bundles can
be safely added and removed from the framework
without restarting the application process (Hall et al.,
Smart buildings require integration of various build-
ing automation systems that are usually made by dif-
ferent manufacturers (International Standard, 2013).
Most of the manufacturers tend to focus on a specific
domain, while others try to comprise all domains in
one application. The need to integrate several net-
work technologies and communication protocols into
applications has forced developers and researchers to
create service-oriented frameworks or use existing to
accomplish that objective.
An bottom-up analysis is presented below, start-
ing from the need of heterogeneity abstraction and
interoperability of several field devices technologies,
where it’s required that this systems provides services
exposition and composition in order to compose all
various systems in a technology independent integra-
tion way. After being achieved the integration of var-
ious technologies, it is possible to provide several en-
ergy management and automation functionalities that
will deliver application-level services to the end-user
3.1 Field-bus Heterogeneity Abstraction
Given that there are several automation devices from
different manufacturers, they are incompatible and
can’t communicate with each other. A popular
method to achieve integration is defining a common
protocol between centralized front-end and individual
gateways to proprietary systems.
Building Automation and Control Network (BAC-
net) (Bushby, 1997) protocol has been widely ac-
cepted and used in BAS industry. BACnet is a com-
munication protocol, developed by the American So-
ciety of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning
Engineers (ASHRAE) and its concept is to replace the
communication portion of each device with a com-
mon, standard set of communication rules, so that all
devices can exchange information using only one lan-
LonWorks (Corporation, 1999) is another com-
pletely different solution and a great competitor. Lon-
Works is actually a family of products and at the
core of this technology lies a communication proto-
col called LonTalk.
Despite the fact they seem good solutions as it is,
both require Web Services interfaces to accommodate
functionalities integration (Szucsich, 2010), as you
will see in the next sections.
3.2 Services Exposition
The primary technologies used in SOA domains are
Web Services since they have broad industry accep-
tance. In the BA, there is an increasing need and op-
portunity to create interfaces between the physical de-
vices and software applications. BAS developers, in-
spired by Web Services technologies, began research-
ing for a way to extend the SOA paradigm into the de-
vice space, that is, implementing a high-level commu-
nications infrastructure based on Web Services proto-
cols at the device level (Jammes and Smit, 2005).
Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS) (Men-
sch, 2009) is the extension of the Web Services pro-
tocol that surfaced. With DPWS, all messaging,
whether related to discovery, control or event notifi-
cation, is based on the use of SOAP. In that context, a
target service is a device. Once discovered, a device
exposes the services. This protocol is a service en-
abler for devices, i.e. converts binary communication
to XML via SOAP, and the technical features of the
devices still exist and it is necessary to deal with them
at the higher level.
Service-Oriented Device Architecture
(SODA) (Deugd et al., 2006) is an adaptation
of SOA which aims to integrate a wide range of
devices into an enterprise system. Once again, de-
vices like sensors and actuators are dealt as services.
A SODA implementation adds a new layer to the
SOA model, wherein device interfaces and protocol
adapters are provided, enabling communication be-
tween proprietary and standard device interfaces, and
other SOA services over the enterprise network. This
protocol is also a service enabler, but offers some
integration of devices and provides services extension
and composition to the software layers above.
3.3 Technology Independent Integration
System high level protocols are used to connect these
automation systems with each other and also to inte-
grate them with management software components.
BACnet/WS (Szucsich, 2010) is a standard de-
signed to be a Web-Service based communication
protocol in the industrial and home automation which
can be applied to any fieldbus system. BACnet/WS is
independent from the underlying BAS and allows het-
erogeneity abstraction and exposes their data model
and attributes through a web service interface. Al-
though this technology allows to expose services,
these are fairly primitive and generic, as only provides
basic operations of read, write, and collect historic
data of nodes.
OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) (Leitner and
Mahnke, 2006), is an architecture designed by the
OPC Foundation to connect industrial devices to con-
trol and supervision applications (Hadlich, 2006).
The focus of OPC is on getting access to large
amounts of real-time data while ensuring perfor-
mance constraints without disrupting the normal op-
eration of the devices.
Open Building Information Exchange group
(oBIX) (OASIS Open, 2013) is a specification and
aims to integrate enterprise functions in several build-
ing control systems. This specification is designed to
provide access to the embedded software which sense
and control the environment around us. Current ver-
sion of oBIX defines two protocol bindings designed
to leverage existing Web Service infrastructure: an
HTTP REST binding and a SOAP binding.
Home SOA (Bottaro and France, 2008), is an
open architecture for home service deployment. It
is based on a service platform concept, where dis-
tribution and protocol heterogeneity are managed by
service-oriented drivers. Home SOA allows develop-
ers to model networked applications as a local com-
position of uniform service interfaces, which become
bounded at runtime. This architecture is implemented
regarding the OSGi standard (Dobrev et al., 2002),
where its specification defines how to deal with de-
vice’s access: how to share and isolate resources
between modules. It proposes a modular architec-
ture that can be opportunistically adapted on various
topologies, protocol sets and platform technologies,
as it integrates various home protocol drivers in an ar-
chitecture where functions are registered in a uniform
programming language API. This model was applied
in multimedia, home automation and device manage-
ment domains.
DomoNet (Miori et al., 2006) is a service-oriented
solution framework designed for home environments.
This prototype implements an architecture which
makes the connection between lightning devices of
two different middlewares: UPnP and KNX. This
solution is based on a SOA and uses web services
to reach the interoperability between different home
computer middlewares. The aim of this solution is to
prove how an approach that relies on XML, Web Ser-
vices and Internet protocols, can provide a uniform
architecture to home automation.
LinkSmart middleware, formerly named Hydra
middleware (Eisenhauer et al., 2011), is part of a
European project for the development of service-
oriented software to expose heterogeneous device
functions in a universal way and target domains such
as home automation, among others. The main idea is
to generate the software components and web services
in order to integrate within the supported device in-
stances, based on the semantic model meta-data. De-
coupling the application development from the device
programming brings advantages with regard to mod-
ularity, reusability and extensibility.
Service-Oriented Cross-layer Infrastruc-
ture for Distributed Smart Embedded devices
(SOCRADES) (Cannata et al., 2008) is a Framework
for developing intelligent systems in manufacturing
and relies on European research project addressing
SOA-based manufacturing paradigm. It’s primary
objective is to develop a design, execution and
management platform for next-generation industrial
automation systems, exploiting the SOA paradigm
both at the device and at the application level.
SOCRADES Framework uses a improved DPWS
specification in order to perform a Web Service-based
network architecture. This defines a set of built-in
services that allow service orchestration, service
management, semantic web services, and service
gateway. At application level, SOCRADES allow a
unified enterprise integration via a cross-layered web
service infrastructure (Karnouskos et al., 2007).
3.4 Energy Management and
Automation Functionalities
Some solutions focuses on energy management and
building automation functionalities to provide best
comfort while ensuring efficient energy consumption.
This aspect is the most important functional require-
ment in a BEMS.
PoliSave (Chiaraviglio et al., 2010) is a software
designed to reduce power consumption in computer
networks. It manages the scheduling of power on and
off of building computers in order to save energy. The
process is carried out via a graphical web-application
interface. A similar solution is what we aim to de-
velop in this project regarding the computers, displays
and datashows present in the building.
MEDUSA (Davidyuk et al., 2009) is a middle-
ware based on Activity-oriented computing (AOC)
paradigm. This paradigm promotes run-time applica-
tions by composing ubiquitous systems based on ab-
stract specifications of user activities. It is an interest-
ing approach if we think about the SB context when
we define different possible scenarios to be achieved
in terms of a lecturer wishes to give a class, an exam
or do a presentation.
aWESoME is a Web Service Middleware for Am-
bient Intelligence environments (Stavropoulos et al.,
2013). aWESoME aims to implement a large-scale
building system, regarding energy consumption sav-
ings. The middleware is the middle layer that estab-
lishes the connection between the hardware layer and
the various applications layer. The main goal of this
solution is to fulfil functional and non-functional re-
quirements of the system and to ensure universal, ho-
mogeneous access to the system’s services.
Smart Energy Efficient Middleware for Public
Spaces (SEEMPubS) (Osello et al., 2013) is an Euro-
pean project that aims exploiting ICT monitoring and
control services to reduce energy usage and CO
print in existing buildings. This approach focuses on
easily integration of existing BMS with new sensors
and actuator networks. The main goals of this project
are: a integrated Building Automation and Control
System (BACS); a middleware for energy-efficient
buildings domain; and a multi-dimensional building
information modelling-based visualization. SEEM-
PubS layered architecture are composed by three lay-
ers: LinkSmart Proxy Layer, SEEMPubS Middleware
Layer, and SEEMPubS Application Layer. This so-
lution lacks in providing application-level services to
3.5 Discussion
Previous section was addressed several technologies
that focus on trying to solve different domain issues,
such as automation field-bus heterogeneity abstrac-
tion, BA services exposition, BAS technology inde-
pendent integration, and energy management and au-
tomation functionalities providing.
3.5.1 Non-Functional Requirements
Most solutions are supported by SOA, thus providing
greater extensibility and interoperability with other
technologies in an easier way. Systems that stand
out for a higher extensibility and interoperability
are: OPC UA, HomeSOA, LinkSmart, SOCRADES,
aWESoMe and SEEMPubS. These solutions solve
some issues of the problem, because they can help
development of BEMS supporting BA technology in-
tegration and abstraction. As they are based on SOA
it is possible to implement EM and BA functional
application-level services over this systems, using a
modular service composition, being that the focus of
our architecture. The aWESoME and SEEMPubS
middleware are the most similar approaches regard-
ing the architecture objectives, as it integrates differ-
ent layers: hardware, services, integration between
services and devices layer in order to achieve their
interoperability, and application layer to provide the
users of the system a form to manage the devices and
the energy consumption of the building rooms within
a user-friendly interface.
3.5.2 Functional Requirements
Despite all solutions support BA and EM function-
ality, majority have a lack support of BEMS func-
tionality, which causes a need to implement a new
system with all the standard features. Application-
level services providing is an important feature, that
enables extension and development of BAS applica-
tions easily. No solution fulfils all the characteristics
surveyed. However, they all complement each other,
increasingly motivating the creation of a new refer-
ence architecture. One aspect that lacks enough, are
the system ability to provide BA and EM application-
level services in order to help the developers to build
easily and quickly BEMS sophisticated applications.
The main goal is to develop a new middleware ar-
chitecture in order do overcome the identified issues,
such as interoperability and extensibility of BEMS.
It is presented a middleware architecture vision and
its software layers, and a collection of different ser-
vices that the middleware must provide and also is
presented and described what is the purpose of each
service collection.
To achieve the middleware goals, existing build-
ing automation and energy management software
standards must be refactored into a modular archi-
tecture. OSGi framework can be used to implement
such architecture, since it has mechanisms that pro-
mote modularity and also can afford all requirements
of BEMS. The first step to modularize the application,
is to identify its essential structure. This will help
to understand the dependencies and identify interac-
tions. From there its possible to define the building
blocks that constitute the middleware. Finally, with
a fully modular and functional middleware it’s possi-
ble to implement a sophisticated BEMS fully based
on SOA, being also highly functional and extensible
4.1 Architecture Overview
This section proposes an architecture for the service
layer middleware, aiming at flexibility and scalability,
enabling easy development of new applications in a
modular way.
As opposed to other solutions, this architecture
is based on the BA and EM standards (International
Standard, 2007; European Standard, 2006), regarding
also to the latter paradigms of software architectures.
This platform will centralize all the building’s control
functions, in order to reduce the installation, commis-
sioning, maintenance and hardware costs. The pro-
posed layered architecture is composed by several ex-
tensible blocks with well-defined interfaces that ab-
stract it’s implementations. The implementation of
each block can be a software module or even can be
in other proprietary software solution module.
This novel architecture will be very useful, to the
extent that at the end we will take advantage of several
Abstraction - modular service components will al-
low multiple levels of abstraction;
Fast prototyping - creation and utilization of ex-
isting services;
Heterogeneity handling - services will enable in-
tegration of devices diversity;
IT integration - will be possible to create services
that integrate automation systems with the IT sys-
tems present in the building;
Lower operational and maintenance costs - there
is no more maintenance dependence with suppli-
ers and manufacturers of equipment and systems.
As depicted in Figure 2, this architecture is able to
manage and interoperate with several fieldbus tech-
nologies and their devices, thus solving the problem
of heterogeneity. The system also implements energy
management and intelligent control functionalities on
service layer middleware instead on expensive hard-
ware controllers. High-level services, will provide all
the necessary functionality to the fast development of
BEMS applications. The various services presented
are divided into four layers, corresponding to differ-
ent types of features. Each layer is a different level of
abstraction, where the lower layer offers services to
upper layer, which simultaneously uses the services
of layer below. Service Bus, will enable interoperabil-
ity between service layers, promoting communication
between service providers and service consumers.
4.2 Service Collections
In Figure 3 are shown the set of services that will pro-
Service Bus
Management Services
Autonomous Actuation Services
Intelligent Actuation Services
Direct Actuation and Data Access Services
Resources Connectivity
Figure 2: Proposed Service Architecture. The Middle-
ware consists of several service modules which deal and
abstract the specifications of each different BAS technology
and provide functional services for high-level applications,
starting from the field level, then building automation, en-
ergy management, and intelligent control.
vide sophisticated functionality to Applications layer.
The services were divided into multiple logical levels,
the service collections, taking into account the type
of BA and EM functionality and the energy-efficient
control techniques according to standards (Interna-
tional Standard, 2007; European Standard, 2006).
The Direct Actuation and Data Access Services
Collection intends to deal with BAS devices com-
munication and it’s abstraction. It is also responsi-
ble for the devices history data storage, data query-
ing functions, and data fusion and analytics tech-
niques. The Autonomous Actuation Services Collec-
tion aims to provide some basic functionality actu-
ally present in BAS, such as alarms, events, schedul-
ing and scenarios. The Management Services Col-
lection aims to achieve a better way to manage the
building and the BEMS functions, based on available
data models of information. Finally, Intelligent Actu-
ation Services Collection provides energy-efficiency
control techniques robustly, given the higher service
abstraction. These techniques are occupancy-based
control, daylight-harvesting, automated blinds con-
trol, Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning sys-
tem (HVAC) control, and some learning techniques
in order to take into consideration the user’s activities
and behaviour.
The addressed service layer middleware will be ap-
plied in a prototype implementation and it’s integra-
Service Middleware
Autonomous Actuation
Intelligent Actuation
Direct Actuation
and Data Access
Blind Control
User Model
Alarms and
Sensing &
Meter &
Sensor Data
History Data
Data Fusion
& Analytics
Figure 3: Service collections.
tion with existing BAS technologies already installed
in IST building. Automation devices will be installed
in office rooms, featuring a number of sensors and
actuators, which will be used to implement software
modules and services owned by developed middle-
ware platform. This middleware will sustain intelli-
gent automation and energy management applications
that will drive the control of various electrical devices
inside the office, such as heating, HVAC, and lighting.
In this study, we will not concern with whole func-
tional requirements since they are intrinsic, i.e., the
application must operate as any other BEMS solu-
tion and the automation devices and services must be
fully functional and further developed in OSGi bun-
dles. However, in order to validate the solution pre-
sented in this document, non-functional requirements
must be validated. Next, we present some of the non-
functional requirements that were identified:
The development of new interfaces and soft-
ware modules must be simple and not a time-
consuming task (empirically measured).
Deployment of new software modules must not
stop the application and they must be available to
use immediately.
Middleware testability and debugging must be en-
The solution will be also evaluated according to
the code reusability, level of coupling and the relative
number of lines of code for the implementation.
There are several proven methods for evaluating
an software architecture (Roy and Graham, 2008),
such as early and late evaluation methods. Regarding
early evaluation, a Scenario-based evaluation method
must be applied in order to make sure that the ar-
chitecture exactly meets all requirements before it’s
implementation. After architecture implementation,
a Metrics-based later evaluation method must be ap-
plied in order to proof of compliance with the initial
architecture requirements. Presented solutions in re-
lated work, were evaluated in similar ways, and we
must also use some simulations in order to benchmark
and evaluate the performance of final system.
In order to evaluate the user satisfaction, the pro-
totype shall offer a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to
the end-user from a handsome display available on the
room wall. The display should provide a visualization
of consumption curves related with office’s HVAC
and lighting systems, and even the access and mod-
ification of some user profile settings.
Developing software for Building Automation is not
an easy task. With the proliferation of Building Au-
tomation System (BAS) became almost impossible
to integrate several different systems made by differ-
ent manufacturers. In the document we made a re-
view of existing Building Energy Management Sys-
tem (BEMS) technologies and their main functions.
We discovered some lacks in existing systems and
we found that the best solution to this problem was
to provide a modular layered middleware architecture
in order to enable the ability to integrate and extend
new Building Automation (BA) and Energy Manage-
ment (EM) functionality easily. Thus we defined a set
of services collections that we believe to be common
in all building automation domains, according to ex-
istent standards. With this study, we expect to ascer-
tain the best way to define a software architecture for
BEMS, in order to the development of their function-
alities is made easier. Chosen technology for the pro-
totype development was OSGi since it provides mech-
anisms that enforce modular design.
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