Instance Based Schema Matching Framewor
Utilizing Google
Similarity and Regular Expression
Osama A. Mehdi, Hamidah Ibrahim and Lilly Suriani Affendey
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, 43400, Serdang, Malaysia
Keywords: Schema Matching, Instance based Schema Matching, Google Similarity, Regular Expression.
Abstract: Schema matching is the task of identifying correspondences between schema attributes that exist in different
schemas. A variety of approaches have been proposed to achieve the main goal of high-quality match results
with respect to precision (P) and recall (R). However, these approaches are unable to achieve high quality
match results, as most of these approaches treated the instances as string regardless the data types of the
instances. As a consequence, this causes unidentied matches especially for attribute with numeric instances
which further reduces the quality of match results. Therefore, effort still needs to be done to further improve
the quality of the match results. In this paper, we propose a framework for addressing the problem of
finding matches between schemas of semantically and syntactically related data. Since we only fully exploit
the instances of the schemas for this task, we rely on strategies that combine the strength of Google as a web
semantic and regular expression as pattern recognition. To demonstrate the accuracy of our framework, we
conducted an experimental evaluation using real world data sets. The results show that our framework is
able to find 1-1 schema matches with high accuracy in the range of 93% - 99% in terms of precision (P),
recall (R), and F-measure (F).
Schema matching is the problem of finding
correspondences between attributes of two schemas
that are heterogeneous in format and structure (e.g.,
relation attributes or XML tags). This basic problem
needs to be solved in many database application
domains, such as data integration, E-business and
data warehousing (Bernstein et al., 2011).
Performing schema matching from different sources
is not trivial as these sources are developed
independently by different developers, thus leading
to differences in terms of structure, syntactic and
semantics of the schema attributes. Schema
matching attempts to measure the similarities
between schema attributes by considering the
schema information which includes the element
name (schema name, attribute name), description,
data type and schema structure. There are several
approaches that have been developed for handling
schema matching (Doan et al., 2000). Interested
readers may refer to the following surveys (Rahm
and Bernstein, 2001; Shvaiko and Euzenat, 2005;
Blake, 2007; Bernstein et al., 2011) and books
(Euzenat and Shvaiko, 2007; Hai, 2007; Bellahsene
et al., 2011).
In (Rahm and Bernstein, 2001), the existing
schema matching approaches are classified into the
following categories: (i) Schema Level Approaches -
that use schema information, (ii) Instance Level
Approaches - that use the data instances as source
for finding the correspondences of schema attributes,
and (iii) Hybrid Approaches - that combine
information extracted from both the schema and the
instances. However, in some cases it may not be
possible to use the schema information. For instance,
depending on attribute name does not always work
properly since database designers tend to use
compound nouns, abbreviations and acronyms.
Although lexical annotation helps in associating
meaning to attribute names, however, the
performance of lexical annotation methods on real
world schemata suffers from the abundance of non-
dictionary words such as compound nouns,
abbreviations and acronyms. The result of lexical
annotation is strongly affected by the presence of
these non-dictionary words (Cortez et al., 2010).
Hence, exploring the instances can give an accurate
A. Mehdi O., Ibrahim H. and Affendey L..
Instance Based Schema Matching Framework Utilizing Google Similarity and Regular Expression.
DOI: 10.5220/0004990102130222
In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (DATA-2014), pages 213-222
ISBN: 978-989-758-035-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
characterization of the actual contents of schema
attributes (Rahm and Bernstein, 2001; De Carvalho
et al., 2013).
By analysing the instance based schema
matching approaches, we observed that neural
network, machine learning, theoretic information
discrepancy and rule based have been utilized (Kang
and Naughton, 2003; Chua et al., 2003; Bilke and
Naumann, 2005; Liang, 2008; Kang and Naughton,
2008; Dai et al., 2008). The goal of these approaches
is to discover correspondences between schema
attributes whereby instances including instances
with numeric values are treated as strings. This
prevents discovering common patterns or
performing statistical computation between the
numeric instances (De Carvalho et al., 2013). As a
consequence, this causes unidentied matches for
numeric instances and further reduces the quality of
match results. Furthermore, textual similarity also is
not the best alternative for numeric instances (e.g.,
page number, year, phone number, price, quantity,
etc.) (De Carvalho et al., 2013; Cortez et al., 2010).
Thus, for instance level approaches, specific
strategies for identifying existing instance patterns
must be deployed.
In this paper, we propose a framework for
instance based schema matching that aims at finding
the correspondences between schema attributes of
two semantically and syntactically related data.
Since we only explore the instances, we rely on
matching strategies that are based on Google
similarity (Cilibrasi and Vitanyi, 2007) and regular
expression (Friedl, 2006; Liu et al., 2012) to find the
correspondences of schema attributes. As pointed
out by (Doan and Halevy, 2005; Li and Clifton,
2000), there are different types of matching
algorithms being applied in this area. However, this
problem is still a research hotspot in order to further
improve the accuracy of schema matching. Thus, our
framework is a step forward towards solving this
problem. The reason for utilizing Google similarity
and regular expression is that Google similarity uses
the World Wide Web as database and Google as
search engine. Whereas regular expressions are an
efficient way to describe text through pattern
(format) matching and provide an efficient way to
identify text. In addition, regular expression is
relatively inexpensive and does not require training
as in learning-based techniques. It can provide a
quick and concise method to capture valuable
knowledge (Doan and Halevy, 2005).
In summary, the main contribution of this paper
is a framework which: (1) uses only the instances to
find matches between schema attributes (1-1
matches) and (2) relies on matching strategies that
are based on Google similarity and regular
expression to find the matches.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 discusses the related work. Section 3
presents the proposed framework of instance based
schema matching. In Section 4, the evaluation
metrics and the results are presented and discussed.
Finally, Section 5 draws the conclusions and points
out some future work directions.
Instance based schema matching examines instances
to determine corresponding schema attributes. It
represents a substitutional choice for schema
matching (Rahm and Bernstein, 2001; Bernstein et
al., 2011). Even when substantial schema
information is available, considering instances can
complement schema based approaches with
additional insights on the semantics and contents of
schema attributes and can be beneficial in
uncovering wrong interpretation of schema
information, i.e. it would be helpful to disambiguate
between schema level matches by matching the
attributes whose instances are syntactically and
semantically more similar. Neural network, machine
learning, information theoretic discrepancy and rule
based are approaches used for instance based
schema matching.
Neural network is able to obtain the similarities
among data directly from their instances and
empirically infer solutions from data in the absence
of prior knowledge for regularities. Neural network
is employed to cluster similar attributes, whose
instances are uniformly characterized using a feature
vector of constraint based criteria. For instance
based schema matching, the Back Propagation
Neural Network (BPNN), which can acquire and
store a mass of mappings between input and output,
is ideal. However, neural network can be viewed as
specific tool since it is trained based on domain-
specific training data. It can only be used to resolve
problems associated with that domain (Li et al.,
2000). Furthermore, neural network approaches (Li
and Clifton, 1994; Li and Clifton, 2000; Yang et al.,
2008; Li et al., 2005) for instance based schema
matching achieved precision (P), recall (R), and F-
measure (F) in the range of 65% - 96%.
Solutions that are based on machine learning
generally employ methods such as Naïve Bayesian
classification to enhance the accuracy of schema
based matching. Learning-based solutions require a
training data set of correct matches that may require
a large training data set to determine the correct
matches. Several approaches have been proposed
(Doan et al., 2001; Berlin and Motro, 2001; Feng et
al., 2009) that employ machine learning techniques
to first learn the instance characteristics of the
matching or non-matching attributes and then use
them to determine if a new attribute has instances
with similar characteristics or not. However, the
precision (P), recall (R), and F-measure (F) achieved
by these approaches are in the range of 66% - 92%.
Many approaches have applied the notion of
information theoretic discrepancy such as mutual
information and distribution values (Liang, 2008;
Kang and Naughton, 2003; Kang and Naughton,
2008; Dai et al., 2009). The main advantages of
applying an information theoretic discrepancy
approach are that its skilfulness and lack of
constraints. However, approaches of information
theoretic discrepancy need some probabilities of
overlapping in the values being compared.
Furthermore, information theoretic discrepancy
approaches for instance based schema matching
achieved precision (P), recall (R), and F-measure (F)
in the range of 45% - 92%.
Rule based approaches enjoy many benefits. The
first benefit of using rule based would be, low cost
and also no requirement for training as in learning-
based techniques. The second benefit, its quick and
concise method to capture valuable user knowledge
about the domain. Finally, rule based approaches for
instance based schema matching (Chua et al., 2003;
Bilke and Naumann, 2005) achieved precision (P),
recall (R), and F-measure (F) in the range of 72% -
The major tasks of the proposed framework are to
analyse the instances of the schemas and determine
correspondences of attributes between schemas.
Figure 1 illustrates the proposed framework of
instance based schema matching which consists of
two main components, namely: (i) Pre-Processing
and (ii) Instance matching.
Figure 1: The proposed framework of instance based
schema matching.
3.1 The Sub-components of the
The Pre-Processing comprises of three sub-
components, namely: Instance Analyser, Schema
Attribute Classifier, and Sample Extractor. These
sub-components are further explained below:
3.1.1 Instance Analyser
This sub-component analyses the instances of each
attribute in a schema in an attempt to identify the
data type of the attribute. The characters of a value
that represent a randomly selected instance of each
attribute are analysed to determine which data type
the attribute belongs to. There are three types of data
type, namely: alphabetic, numeric and mix
(alphabetic, numeric and special characters). The
alphabetic data type is for attributes whose instances
consist of only alphabetic characters ([A...Z, a…z]).
The numeric data type is for attributes whose
instances consist of only digit characters ([0…9]),
whereas the mix data type is for attributes whose
instances consist of combination of alphabetic, digit
Instance Analyser
Schema Attribute Classifier
Sample Extractor
Instance Similarity Identifier
Match Identifier
and special characters (e.g [-, /, \, ., ]). Whereas, it's
possible to use data type constraints in our
framework by mapping the data types that we are
producing to the equivalent data type constraints.
However, using data type constraints might leads
our framework to be unable to detect the correct
correspondences between the attributes that have the
same data type of instances. For instance, database
designers tend to use string data type for numeric
attributes that do not need any kind of calculating.
Hence, if we used data type constraints we may
classify such attributes in unrelated class for
3.1.2 Schema Attribute Classifier
This sub-component classifies the attributes of the
schemas into classes based on the data type of each
attribute that has been derived from the Instance
Analyser sub-component. In other words, attributes
of the same data type are gathered in the same class.
The main aim of this phase is to reduce the number
of possible comparisons that needs to be performed
during the matching process. The maximum number
of classes created for each schema is based on the
number of data types that has been determined from
the Instance Analyser sub-component.
3.1.3 Sample Extractor
This sub-component intends to extract instances
from the initial table of data set based on the optimal
sample size and populate them into a table. Each
table consists of a number of attributes from
different schemas which have the same data type.
The optimal sample size represents the size of
samples that achieves the acceptable results of
instance based schema matching in terms of
precision (P), recall (R) and F-measure (F). The
optimal sample size has been chosen through a set of
experiments. More details about these experiments
are discussed in Section 4. The purpose of this sub-
component is to reduce the number of comparisons
between the instances that further reduce the
processing time of instance based schema matching.
3.2 The Sub-components of the Instance
The instance matching component encompasses two
sub-components, namely: Instance Similarity
Identifier and Match Identifier.
3.2.1 Instance Similarity Identifier
This is the major component in instance matching
which aims at determining whether the instances of
attributes that are in the same class have similarities.
To achieve this, two strategies are adopted to find
the similarities between the attributes that are in the
same class. The strategies are: Google similarity for
calculating the semantic similarity and regular
expression for the syntactic matching.
Google Similarity
For measuring the semantic similarity we have
adopted Google similarity that has been introduced
by (Cilibrasi and Vitanyi, 2007; Cilibrasi and
Vitanyi, 2004). Google similarity uses the World
Wide Web as a database and Google as a search
engine. Google’s similarity of words and phrases
from the World Wide Web uses Google page counts,
as shown in equation (1).
max (log f (x), log f (y)) - log f (x, y)
GSD (x, y) = (1)
log M - min (log f (x), log f (y))
where f (x) is the number of Google hits for the
search term x, f (y) is the number of Google hits for
the search term y, f (x, y) is the number of Google
hits for both terms x and y together, and M is the
number of web pages indexed by Google. The
World Wide Web is the largest database on earth
and the context information entered by millions of
independent users averages out to provide automatic
semantics of useful quality. The Google similarity
calculates the semantic similarity score for the
attributes with alphabetic data type that comprises
instances consisting of only alphabetic characters
([A...Z, a…z]). For instance, if we want to search for
a given term in the Google web pages, e.g. “Msc”,
we will get a number of hits that is 127,000,000.
This number refers to the number of pages where
this term is found. For another term, “Phd”, the
number of hits for this term is 50,600,000.
Furthermore, if we search for those pages where
both terms ” Msc” and “Phd” are found, that gives
us 36,100,000 hits. Consequently, we can use these
numbers of hits for the terms “Msc”, “Phd” and both
terms together in addition to the number of pages
indexed by Google, which is around 3,000,000,000
in the equation (1). The equation produces the
similarity degree between the two terms “Msc” and
“Phd” as follows:
GSD (Msc, Phd) = 0.31
Regular Expression
Regular expression (known as regexes) is a way to
describe text through pattern (format) matching and
provide an easy way to identify text. Regular
expression is a language used for parsing and
manipulating text (Kleene, 1051). Furthermore,
regular expression is a string containing a
combination of normal characters and special
metacharacters or metasequences (*, +, ?). Table 1
shows the most common metacharacters and
metasequences in regular expression that are used in
our work (Friedl, 2006).
Table 1: The most common metacharacters in regular
Metacharacter Name Matches
d\ Digit Matches a digit
s\ Whitespace Matches whitespace
[a-z, A-Z] A range of
Matches any letter in
the specified range.
. Dot Matches any one
[…] Character
Matches any one
character listed
[^…] Negated
Matches any one
character not listed
? Question One allowed, but it is
* Star Any number allowed,
but all are optional
+ Plus At least one required;
additional are optional
| Alternation Matches either
expression it separates
^ Caret Matches the position
at the start of the line
$ Dollar Matches the position
at the end of the line
{X,Y} Specified
X required, max
The attributes with numeric data type are
attributes whose instances consist of only digit
characters ([0…9]). In creating a regular expression
for an attribute, the minimum and maximum values
of the attribute are required. Thus, three variables
have been identified, namely: nomin, nomax and
uppervalue. Initially, nomin and nomax are assigned
the minimum and maximum values of the attribute,
respectively. However, in the following iterations,
the value of nomin is changed to the last uppervalue
+ 1. The uppervalue is a value which is greater than
the value of nomin and less than the value of nomax;
and is derived based on the following conditions:
when the nomin's length of digits is less than the
nomax's length of digits, the uppervalue is the
maximum value based on the nomin’s length of
digits and not greater than the value of nomax.
when the nomin's length of digits is equal to the
nomax's length of digits and the nomin has at least
one zero digit on the right, the uppervalue is
derived using the formula shown in equation (2).
The equation (2) derives the closest uppervalue to
the nomax.
uppervalue = (nomax - (nomax MOD Sumz *10) - 1
where Sumz returns number of zero digits on the
right of the nomin. If the equation (2) returns an
uppervalue which does not satisfy the condition that
we have stated earlier, then the step as mentioned in
(i) above is applied. Table 2 illustrates an example
of the proposed idea for numeric data type.
Table 2: An example of numerical data type.
Iteration Nomin Upper
RegEx Accumulated
1 7 9 [7-9] [7-9]
2 10 99 [1-9][0-9] [7-9]|[1-9][0-
3 100 119 1[0-1][0-9] [7-9]|[1-9][0-
4 120 123 12[0-3] [7-9]|[1-9][0-
On the other hand, for the attributes with mix
data type whose instances consist of combination of
alphabetic, digit and special characters (e.g [-, /, \, .,
]), we divide the instances into a set of sub-tokens.
Each sub-token is a sequential set of characters of a
particular data type. Then, a regular expression is
built for each sub-token of the instance. Finally, the
regular expressions of each sub-token are combined
as the regular expression of the instance. Table 3
illustrates an example of the proposed idea for mix
data type.
Table 3: An example of the mix data type.
Instance Regular Expression
255 Courtland d\+\s[a-z, A-Z]+
589/265/954 d\+/d\+/d\+
3.2.2 Match Identifier
This sub-component attempts to determine whether
the identified match between attributes from
different schemas are the same real world entity.
For numeric and mix data types the same process
is performed, as they use the concept of regular
expression. First of all, this sub-component specifies
a match by matching the regular expression of the
instances of the source schema attribute derived
from the previous sub-component against sample of
instances of each target schema attribute. Then, it
counts the number of instances of the target schema
attribute that matchs the regular expression. Next,
this sub-component identifies the percentage
similarity for each attribute of the target schema
with the regular expression. The percentage
similarity is identified by dividing the number of
instances that matchs the regular expression with
number of instances of target schema attribute. The
highest percentage is then identified and if it is
greater than 50% , then we can say that these
attributes are correspond to each other.
On the other hand, for the alphabetic data type
this sub-component uses the list of similarity scores
derived from the previous sub-component (utilizing
Google similarity) with a predefined threshold value.
In our work the threshold value is set to 60 as used
by previous work (Khan et al., 2011). The list of
similarity scores contains the average similarity
score for each attribute of the source schema with
each attribute of the target schema. Hence, this sub-
component identifies the highest score of similarity
achieved between the attribute of the target schema
and the attribute of the source schema. If the highest
score is equals to or greater than 50%, then these
attributes are said to correspond to each other.
4.1 Data Set
We used real-world data sets from two different
domains: Restaurant and Census, both of which are
available online (Restaurant, 2014; Census, 2014).
Table 4 shows the characteristics of the data sets. In
our experiments we created two sub-tables by
randomly selecting the attributes from the original
table of the data sets. The number of attributes of
each sub-table is equal to the number of attributes of
the original table. However, these attributes might
occur in different sequence and the same attributes
might be selected more than once. These sub-tables
were populated with instances taken randomly from
the original table of the data sets. The number of
instances of both sub-tables is different to represent
real world cases. We pretended that these sub-tables
were two different tables that needed to have their
schemas matched (Liang, 2008; Kang and
Naughton, 2003; Kang and Naughton, 2008).
Table 4: The Characteristics of the data sets.
Data Set Restaurant Census
Number of
5 11
Name, Type of
Food and City
Workclass, Education,
Relationship, Race, Sex, Marital
status, and Native-country
- Age, Fnlwgt, Education-num
and Ca
Address and
Number of
864 4320
Number of
32561 358171
4.2 Measurements
The evaluation metrics considered in this work are
precision (P), recall (R) and F-measure (F) shown in
equations (3), (4) and (5), respectively. It is based on
the notion of true positive, false positive, true
negative, and false negative.
True positive (TP): The number of matches
detected when it is really matches.
False positive (FP): The number of matches
detected when it is really non-match.
True negative (TN): The number of non-matches
detected when it is really non-match.
False negative (FN): The number of non-
matches detected when it is really matches.
Precision= |TP| / |TP| + |FP| (3)
Recall = |TP| / |TP| + |TN| (4)
F-measure = 2 * Precision * Recall / Precision (5)
+ Recall
For each table, we kept the number of attributes to
11 and 5 for Census and Restaurant data sets,
respectively. We repeated each experiment 5 times,
measured the precision (P), recall (R) and F-measure
(F) and averaged these results.
4.3 Result
We have conducted two analyses. They are (i)
Analysis 1 which aims at identifying the optimal
sample size of tuples and (ii) Analysis 2 which aims
at comparing the performance of our proposed
framework to that of the previous work with respect
to precision (P), recall (R) and F-measure (F). The
details of each analysis are presented in the
following subsections.
4.3.1 Analysis 1
In this analysis, we present the experiments of
selecting the optimal sample size of tuples, which
represents the size of samples that achieves
acceptable results in terms of precision (P), recall
(R), and F-measure (F). The optimal sample size is
the number of tuples that are used during the sub-
component of Sample Extractor of instance based
schema matching. For this analysis several
experiments have been conducted. The experiments
have been designed in such a way that each
experiment will use different size of samples starting
from 5% of the actual table size. The size of samples
is increased either 5% or 10% in the subsequent
experiments. The experiments are ended when the
precision (P), recall (R) and F-measure (F) are at
least 96% which is at least equal to the best results
reported in the previous work (Yang et al, 2008).
From this analysis we found that when the size of
samples reached 50% the results of precision (P),
recall (R) and F-measure (F) are better than the
previous work. Table 5 illustrates the size of samples
considered in each experiment.
Table 5: Size of samples for each experiment.
Experiment Size of Samples
Experiment 1-1 5%
Experiment 1-2 10%
Experiment 1-3 15%
Experiment 1-4 20%
Experiment 1-5 25%
Experiment 1-6 30%
Experiment 1-7 40%
Experiment 1-8 50%
The experiments are labeled as Experiment 1-1,
Experiment 1-2, Experiment 1-3, Experiment 1-4,
Experiment 1-5, Experiment 1-6, Experiment 1-7
and Experiment 1-8. These eight experiments used
the same data sets. To ensure that the results are
consistent through of the experiments. Each
experiment is run 5 times.
Result of Analysis 1
We reported the precision (P), recall (R) and F-
measure (F) for the experiments 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4,
1-5, 1-6, 1-7 and 1-8 as shown in Table 6 and Table
7. While
Figure 2 and Figure 3 present the precision
(P), Recall (R) and F-measure (F) for the
experiments of this analysis in histogram. The
percentage increases as the sample size increases.
For example, the percentages are 69% and 70% for
precision (P) and recall (R), respectively when the
size of samples is 5%, while these percentages
increased to 87% and 100% when the size of
samples is 25%. Although we have mentioned that
acceptable results mean the results of precision (P),
recall (R) and F-measure (F) are at least equal to the
best results as reported in previous work, however in
this analysis the precision (P) is lower but the recall
(R) and F-measure (F) are higher than those reported
in the previous work (Yang et al, 2008). Compared
to the results shown in Table 6 for the Restaurant
data set there is a slight different in the results of
Census data set as shown in Table 7. For example,
when the size of samples is 5% the precision (P) and
recall (R) achieved for the Restaurant data set are
69% and 70% respectively, while for the Census
data set, the precision (P) and recall (R) are 61% and
80%, respectively. The precision (P) and recall (R)
increased to 81% and 96% respectively when the
size of samples is 25%.
The reason is due to the characteristics of
Restaurant data set that consists of three attributes
with alphabetic data type and two attributes with
mix data types. From the results we can conclude
that 50% of the actual table size is the optimal
sample size that represents the number of tuples that
will be used during the sub-component of Sample
Extractor of instance based schema matching. Thus,
we have stopped the experiments at this stage as the
results achieved with the sample size of 50%
outperformed the results reported in the previous
works in terms of precision (P), recall (R), and F-
measure (F).
Table 6: Results related to the restaurant data set for the
eight experiments.
Size of
Ex 1-1 5% 69% 70% 70%
Ex 1-2 10% 78% 80% 79%
Ex 1-3 15% 80% 94% 87%
Ex 1-4 20% 83% 98% 90%
Ex 1-5 25% 87% 100% 93%
Ex 1-6 30% 86% 100% 92%
Ex 1-7 40% 86% 100% 92%
Ex 1-8 50% 89% 100% 95%
Table 7: Results related to the census data set for the eight
Size of
Ex 1-1 5% 61% 80% 69%
Ex 1-2 10% 70% 88% 78%
Ex 1-3 15% 74% 93% 85%
Ex 1-4 20% 76% 90% 82%
Ex 1-5 25% 81% 96% 88%
Ex 1-6 30% 86% 100% 92%
Ex 1-7 40% 91% 96% 93%
Ex 1-8 50% 97% 97% 97%
Figure 2: Percentage of P, R and F for the Restaurant data
set samples.
Figure 3: Percentage of P, R and F for the Census data set
4.3.2 Analysis 2
In this analysis, we present the performance of our
proposed framework and compare it to the previous
work with respect to precision (P), recall (R), and F-
measure (F). Figure 4 presents the results of
accuracy in terms of precision (P), recall (R) and F-
measure (F) for the proposed framework of instance
based schema matching. From the results presented
Figure 4, the following can be concluded: (i) we
achieved 96% for precision (P), 93% for recall (R)
and 95% for F-measure (F) for the Restaurant data
set, while with Census data set we achieved 99% for
precision (P), 96% for recall (R), and 97% for F-
measure (F). The size of samples used is 50% of the
actual table size which has been identified through
experiments; and (ii) our proposed framework
produced high accuracy in spite of the framework
considered a sample of instances instead of
considering the whole instances during the process
of instance based schema matching.
Figure 4: Matching results of Census and Restaurant data
For comparison purpose, we compared our
framework to the previous approach proposed by
(Dai et al., 2008). We evaluated (Dai et al., 2008)
approach based on the two data sets, namely:
Restaurant and Census.
Figure 5 and Figure 6 show
the results of our proposed framework compared to
the (Dai et al., 2008) in terms of precision (P), recall
(R) and F-measure (F). From these results the
approach proposed by (Dai et al., 2008) achieved
low accuracy which are 66%, 68% and 67% for
precision (P), recall (R), and F-measure (F),
respectively for the Restaurant data set. While for
the Census data set the approach by (Dai et al.,
2008) achieved 83%, 74% and 78% for precision
(P), recall (R) and F-measure (F), respectively. This
is due to the fact that (Dai et al., 2008) approach
depends on the existence of common/identical
instances between the compared attributes.
Figure 5: Matching results of the Restaurant data set.
Figure 6: Matching results of the Census data set.
From these experiments, we can conclude that
our proposed framework achieved better results
although only a sample of instances is used instead
of considering the whole instances during the
process of instance based schema matching as used
in the previous works (Dai et al., 2008).
In this paper, we proposed an instance based schema
matching framework to identify 1-1 schema
matching. Our framework rely on strategies that
combine the strengths of Google as a web semantic
and regular expression as pattern recognition. Our
experimental results show that our framework is able
to identify 1-1 matches with high accuracy in terms
of precision (P), recall (R) and F-measure (F)
although only a sample of instances is used instead
of considering the whole instances during the
process of instance based schema matching. In the
near future, we plan to extend our framework to
handle complex schema matching (n-m), since
identifying complex matches is a more challenging
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