An Efficient Lightweight Security Algorithm for Random Linear
Network Coding
Hassan Noura, Steven Martin and Khaldoun Al Agha
Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, Universit´e Paris-Sud- CNRS, Orsay, France
Secure Network Coding, Data Confidentiality, Key Dependent, Flexible and Invertible Diffusion Matrix.
Recently, several encryption schemes have been presented to Random Linear Network Coding (RLNC). The
recent proposed lightweight security system for Network Coding is based upon protecting the Global Encod-
ing Vectors (GEV) and using other vector to ensure the encoding process of RLNC at intermediate nodes.
However, the current lightweight security scheme, presents several practical challenges to be deployed in real
applications. Furthermore, achieving a high security level results in high computational complexity and adds
some communication overhead.
In this paper, a new scheme is proposed to overcome the drawbacks of the lightweight security scheme and
that can be used for RLNC real-time data exchange. First, the cryptographic primitive (AES in CTR mode) is
replaced by another approach that is based on the utilization of a new flexible key-dependent invertible matrix
(dynamic diffusion layer). Then, we show that this approach reduces the size of communication overhead of
GEV from 2 × h to h elements. In addition to that, we also demonstrate that besides the information confi-
dentially, both the packet integrity and the source authentication are attained with minimum computational
complexity and memory overhead.
Indeed, cryptographic strength of this scheme shows that the proposed scheme has sufficient security strength
and good performance characteristics to ensure an efficient and simple implementation thus, facilitating the
integration of this system in many applications that consider security as a principal requirement.
With the evolution of the Internet and the addiction
of humans to the new features provided by the devel-
opers, bandwidth becomes scarcer and not covering
everyone’s needs. In addition, this evolution has in-
troduced a combination of several traffic types that
can be transmitted over the internet, such as real time
traffic (video, voice, etc.) and data traffic (files trans-
fer, web browsing, messages, etc.). To respond to the
need of the users in having a mixture of different types
of traffic at the same time, with the guarantee of Qual-
ity of Service (QoS), especially for the applications
that need a high level of security, researchers have
approached security with a new technique, Network
In this context, Network Coding (NC) is an in-
field principle that extends the concept of the previous
traditional routing (ex: store and forward approach)
by offering a new design for the packet networks, and
allowing intermediate nodes to participate and take
an important role by combining several input pack-
ets originated from different sources, then forwarding
the resulting coded packets to the destinations. NC
ensures significant improvements in network perfor-
mance, especially in lossy networks and also in multi-
cast and multipath scenarios. It achieves a maximum
flow of information, shown theoretically in (Koetter
et al., 2003) and experimentally in (sang Park et al.,
2006). Furthermore, it has been proven that using NC
enables to achieve lower energy consumption and en-
sures reliable communication over the networks.
In order to improve the network throughput, ef-
ficiency, scalability as well as resistance against
attacks, several NC techniques have been studied
and implemented. Random Linear NC denoted by
(RLNC) (Ho et al., 2006) is one of the well-known
methods of NC, where each transmitted packet is ac-
tually composed of independent linear combinations
of previously received packets and original packets
generated at this node. The coefficients of these lin-
ear combinations followed a uniform distribution in
a finite field F
, noting that the same operation is ap-
plied to each symbol existing in one packet. Decoding
process, at the destination side is done by performing
a Gaussian elimination on the set of receiving coded
Noura H., Martin S. and Al Agha K..
An Efficient Lightweight Security Algorithm for Random Linear Network Coding.
DOI: 10.5220/0005002701710177
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2014), pages 171-177
ISBN: 978-989-758-045-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
packets to retrieve the original ones.
RLNC is a distributed NC scheme and it was pro-
posed to overcome the centralized code allocation
overhead of Linear NC (LNC) (yen Robert Li et al.,
2003). The unreliable multi-hop transmission and
willful intermediate packet mixing make the RLNC
susceptible to various types of security threats, such
as eavesdropping attacks and Byzantine modifications
that can prevent an efficient implementation of the
RLNC. The former can seriously impair the confiden-
tiality while the latter can damage the authentication
of network coded systems. Indeed, active attackers
try to change, delete, or modify the packet contents
by introducing a malicious code, while on the other
hand, passive attackers try to extract the packet con-
tent by traffic analysis or monitoring of unprotected
In addition to these attacks, the recent schemes of
RLNC are not only able to introduce new attacks, but
also they can make existing attacks more damaging
and potentially destroying the efficiency of the most
traditionally security techniques used in this domain.
These types of attacks affect the confidential-
ity and the authentication of the transmitted pack-
ets (Fathy et al., 2011). These two requirements are
considered as the core of security. Therefore, bene-
fits from the features introduced by RLNC cannot be
assured in practice without building an efficient and
fully secured scheme.
RLNC may be applied in different domains like
the banking or the military systems, where transmis-
sion of sensitive information is a major concern.
To ensure the basic elements of security: confi-
dentiality, authentication and integrity, several tech-
niques of RLNC have been proposed in the literature
(e.g. (Lima et al., 2007), (Zhang et al., 2010)) and au-
thentication (Li et al., 2010)). These techniques are
only interested in achieving security without taking
into consideration in their implementation the energy
consumption, and the computation and communica-
tion overhead, which are also considered as important
issues that should be studied and analyzed.
As we know, there is always a trade-off between se-
curity and complexity. The existing techniques com-
monly agreed on the designing of network coded
that fulfill Shannon security, but with low through-
put, while in our paper, we are interested in building a
secure scheme with being aware of achieving a good
performance level.
In this paper, an efficient and robust authenticated
confidentiality scheme is proposed to ensure the nec-
essary security services for RLNC. Our solution relies
on combining a Hash Message Authentication Code
(HMAC) in a selective manner with a dynamic mix-
ing cipher scheme. Additionally, our confidentiality
scheme presents an efficient solution to (Lima et al.,
2007), since the second GEV is not transmitted and
using a dynamic diffusion layer instead of the AES
block cipher that can reduce the communication over-
head and computation complexity and consequently
the energy consumption.
The security level achieved in our proposed
scheme is similar to the Shannon security level, but
with low complexity due to the use of secret encod-
ing scheme that reduces the computational complex-
ity and minimizes the amount of secret mixing needed
to ensure the confidentiality of RLNC. This leads to
be considered as suitable for real time (live streaming)
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In
Section 2, we give a general idea about the exist-
ing scenario of RLNC, and we focus on the method
used by each scenario to achieve the required secu-
rity level. Then, we highlight the weakness points
presented in each technique that prevent it from be-
ing utilized as a standard secured scheme. After that,
in Section 3, our proposed authenticated-confidential
scheme is defined, and the proposed technique used
to construct the invertible dynamic matrix in inte-
ger fields is explained. The Cryptography strength is
shown in Section 4 Finally, a global conclusion about
the work is given in section 5.
2.1 Overview of RLNC
In this section, several existing techniques concerning
RLNC are discussed. This discussion allows exam-
ining the implementation of an efficient and secured
scheme by taking into account the advantages of ex-
isting methods and avoiding as much as possible their
First, we start by describing the traditional RLNC in
details and then explaining the important role of the
set of Global Encoding Vector (GEV) that forms the
Global Encoding Matrix (GEM) G to ensure the secu-
rity services. G is a linear transformation represented
by a matrix, and can be considered as a diffusion layer
for the cipher. The encoding process of RLNC con-
sists of two steps: the first step is resumed by the gen-
erating of GEVs, while the second step is resumed
by the formation of modular vector matrix multipli-
cation. If the coefficients are chosen randomly from a
large field, then the resulting matrix is invertible with
high probability, which explains why this approach is
capable of achieving the multicast capacity of a net-
2.2 Related Work
Since confidentiality is a major concern, recent works
are very interested to introduce methods in the favor
of achieving the confidentiality issue. Using RLNC,
there have been several interesting methods for coun-
tering wiretapping attacks in networks. The most of
these existing schemes deal with the scenario where
an adversary can only intercept to a limited number
of packets from a subset of links in the network. This
means that NC provides an intrinsic security. How-
ever, if the adversary intercepts k packets with k < h,
then the probability that the adversary does not get
any useful or meaningful information about the origi-
nal packets can be defined by (Cai and Yeung, 2002):
p(k) =
(1 hq
+ hq
),(q 7→ +)
In this case, the security characteristic of RLNC
is low and the system is unreliable, and has low resis-
tance against passive attacks (Bhattad and Narayanan,
2005). Once sufficient packets are collected (k = h),
a leakage for all the information occurs and the whole
system is broken.
With the aim of ensuring the requirement of Shan-
non security, and achieving the full protection of in-
formation, some existing solutions are well illustrated
in Figure 1.
Later, many schemes were proposed using a
new kind of encryption called Homomorphic En-
cryption (HE) (Clarkson, 1994) as in (Lima et al.,
2007), (Zhang et al., 2010), (Najeem and Siva
Ram Murthy, 2011) to be secure against passive at-
HE should assure that the arithmetic operations
taking place on cipher-text are reflected on the plain-
text. Many homomorphic crypto-systems belong
to the asymmetric crypto-system as RSA (Menezes
et al., 1996), which is expensive in terms of compu-
tational time and their required parameter lengths are
large and appear to be not feasible to utilize in prac-
tice. Also, the public HE operations require a heavy-
weight computational at each participating node and
it is not scalable. All these limitations lead to consider
the public HE as a non-efficient solution.
Many cryptographic schemes take advantage of
this characteristic and apply their solution at G to en-
sure the confidentiality property of RLNC, since G
generations is necessary for packets decoding pro-
cess. In (Fan et al., 2009), researchers studied the
potential of HE along with NC to resist against traffic
In (Lima et al., 2007), they presented a scheme,
in which a set of global encoding matrix G =
,··· ,G
,} with G
,i = 1, 2,··· , h represents
the i
Global Encoding Vector used at the source, is
encrypted, while another set of unencrypted ones is
attached to maintain the standard coding processes at
intermediate nodes.
Obviously, this scheme requires less data to
be encrypted, but it actually needs to iterate AES
blocks, together with two rounds of encod-
ing/decoding processes, and a considerable space
overhead is added by the extra set of Global Encod-
ing Vectors. Thus, making the system not efficient as
much as we expected.
Additionally, the same key is used throughout the
transmission, and the problem of single generation
failure may occur, where an accidental key disclosure
in one generation will compromise the secrecy of the
following transmission.
The problemsof the previously discussed methods
allow us to deduce that these methods are inefficient
in both computation and space (communication over-
head), and they fail in achieving the required security
Figure 1: Existing solution against passive attacks.
For that reason, in the next section, we present our
solution that aims to ensure the lightweight scheme
for RLNC, by eliminating the communication over-
head introduced by the secret encoding process, then
sending each encoded packet with its corresponding
tags rather than using a secret GEV. The first contribu-
tion presented in our scheme appears in the design of
a new dynamic secret encoding secret encoding pro-
cess, which requires a low computational complexity
and consequently low energy consumption compared
to symmetric cipher such as AES.
In this section, we introduce our new efficient Secure
Coding Scheme (SCS) for practical RLNC. This new
proposedscheme ensures the security of network cod-
ing conditions with a low computational complexity.
Its main features are resumed by several points: high
level of security, no need for any space overhead, and
efficiency in computation. In fact, our secure solu-
tion of RLNC requires a simple implementation in
order to operate with constrained resources devices
such as mobile terminals and sensors. The network
modeled is considered as a directed graph with one
source and multiple destinations, i.e. multicast ses-
sions. We focus on intra-flow NC, where each node
mixes packets belonging to the same flow. Without
loss of generality, a Key Distribution Center (KDC) is
assumed, which is responsible for symmetric Master
Key (MK) establishment. Then the source and desti-
nations can get the secret key MK offline. Addition-
ally, our solution used a secret G, that is produced in a
dynamic manner and it is kept hidden from the other
nodes. This can bring a considerable confusion of the
adversary. Also, the process of the secret encoding
scheme using dynamic G can be considered as a dif-
fusion layer to the whole system.
In the following, we describe the proposed
Authentication-Cipher Scheme (ACS) and Authenti-
cation Decipher Scheme (ADS) in details.
3.1 The Proposed
Authentication-encryption Scheme
In practical RLNC scenarios, the source may need
to transmit a large amount of data M. In this case,
the source should first divide M into generations
, m
, . .. , m
}. We recommend to perform the
authentication and encryption simultaneously using
different keys in order to achieve a powerful GEV
level of security. The different steps of the proposed
scheme at the emitter side are described below in de-
3.1.1 Key Generation
This section defines two processes: updating the mas-
ter key and producing the section and dynamic keys.
These processes are described in detail in (Noura
et al., 2013). In addition, experimentalresults indicate
clearly the randomness of the generated dynamic key.
Therefore, it can be used as a secure Key Derivation
Function (KDF). The confidentiality and authentica-
tion, dynamic key (KE, KA) are calculated by flipping
the even and odd bits of dynamic key Kd.
3.1.2 Construction of the Secret Matrix G
This technique is simple, flexible and it is efficiently
implemented in hardware. Additionally, our ap-
proache of invertible encoding is defined in the fol-
lowing. Indeed, to construct the invertible secret ma-
trix (integer or binary), a new method based on a spe-
cial rule of algebra, and provides a key dependent in-
vertible matrix with determinant equal 1 (nonsingu-
lar matrix) is used. It is used to form the secret matrix.
Then, a sub matrix A is obtained from the produced
binary key-stream, with length equal to = q × h
where each element consists of q bits. However, the
invertiblity probability of a h × h matrix over field q
is calculated as follows:
(1 q
) < 1
In a real implementation, the invertibility probability
decreases as h grows. In fact, our proposed solution
can overcome this problem and preserves the invert-
ibility property, even with higher values of h. Further,
the matrix form used to construct the invertible dy-
namic integer secret matrix G, is given below:
G =
A A+ I
and A are the identity matrix and a non-zero ma-
trix of size
, respectively. The elements of A can
be freely chosen from any Galois field such that G is
of full rank. In our simulation, the elements of this
sub-matrix are chosen between 0 and 255. Then, the
Least Significant Bit (LSB) for each byte is fixed to
zeros to preserve the limitation field (255). There-
fore, the necessary condition to possess an inverse is
attained and the receivers can calculate the inverse se-
cret matrix G
to get the original data. An example
to construct the secret matrix G is shown in Figure 2
for h = 8.
The calculation of the inverse matrix G in integer
field is obtained as follows:
A (A+ I
(A I
) A
3.1.3 Encryption: Secret Encoding Packets
(Generation) X
The buffering model of RLNC divides the packets
stream into generations of size g, such that the
Figure 2: An example of construction secret matrix G for
h = 8.
packets of the same generation are tagged with a
common generation number NG. To complete in
Encryption scheme, our proposed scheme performs a
secret encoding (mixing) RLNC on a series of source
packets {p
, p
,..., p
}, an invertible secret dynamic
GEM G is constructed as described before, and used
for encoding the source packets, then the obtained
encoded packets are sent to the intended destinations.
So, the encryption process includes two steps:
3.1.4 Construction of Encoded Packets Y
Each mixed (encrypted) payload is concatenated with
the header of RLNC (here the tagged u
is put in-
stead of its correspondingGEV to form, the encrypted
coded packet y
= [u
], where u
is the i th tag
that contains all the elements equal to zero except the
I th column whose values are equal to 1. As seen
our scheme work in contrast of (Lima et al., 2007)
that combined the source GEV with payload.
3.1.5 Authentication of the h Encrypted Packets
Different steps to obtain the MAC value are well de-
signed. The overall cost of authenticating the stream
data is closer to double that of hashing this data, espe-
cially when dealing with a huge data size. In order to
reduce the complexity, the contents of the h encrypted
packets are XORed together to form a unique payload
called (temp). HMAC is used with SHA-512 to avoid
hash collision. The input of HMAC is composed of
the vector temp, the extension header NG||GS and Ka
which used as an authentication key. Then, the output
of HMAC is represented by a matrix with 4 lines and
128 columns. The 4 lines are XORed together to ob-
tain the MAC value MAC with a size of 128 bits.
3.1.6 Asymmetric Encryption of the MAC
Value E
H is encrypted using the public-key cipher RSA,
which was performed with the private key Kr of the
emitter. Then, it is transmitted to the receiver in an en-
crypted format. Two kinds of keys are used for the en-
cryption and the decryption processes. The use of pri-
vate key provides the non-repudiation of the source,
which is considered as a principal service.
3.1.7 Transmission of [Y,E
The transmitted information to the receiver is com-
posed of the cipher E MAC and the encrypted (secret
mixing) packets Y = {y
, y
, .. ., y
}. If the oppor-
tunity of transmission at an outgoing edge is possible,
the sending node first sends the encrypted generation
that contains a set of the encrypted packets belonging
to the current generation. Our scheme does not intro-
duce any communication overhead per packet, since
no extra GEV is added. The cipher E H is transmit-
ted to the receiver to allow the verification of the data
integrity and the authentication of the source at the
destination side.
3.2 Intermediate Recoding
Reconstructing the source packets at intermediate
nodes seems to be a difficult issue, especially with-
out the knowledge of the secret matrix that is used to
mix the symbols of the coded payloads p
In this subsection, we will describe in details the
secure scheme at receiver side. The principal step of
the proposed ADS is presented below and the details
are described as follows:
3.2.1 Selection of Packets Corresponding to
Each Generation
The buffering model of the receiver stores the packet
stream into generations, according to their NG, such
that the packets belonging to the same generation are
stored in a single buffer.
3.2.2 Asymmetric Decryption of the MAC value
At the receiver end, the recipient uses emitter public
RSA key Ku to decrypt the MAC value E
MAC. The
RSA algorithm is used to encrypt/decrypta single 128
bit MAC value MAC. A tiny change in any bit of E
leads to a different dynamic key.
3.2.3 Dynamic Key Generation R Kd
The dynamic key for authentication (R Ka) and de-
cryption (inverse secret decoding)(R
Ke) is generated
using the same approach that was applied at the emit-
ter side.
3.2.4 Intermediate Decoding
To verify the source and recover the original packets,
the destination needs to apply the process of interme-
diate decoding. When h linear independent messages
are collected, the destination derives the intermediate
encoding matrix between the intermediate node and
the encrypted packets. Then, the process of interme-
diate decoding is done by using the Gaussian elimi-
nation to decode the encoded packets at intermediate
3.3 Verification of Authentication
The efficiency of our solution appeared in the preven-
tion of the attacker to get the opportunity of decrypt-
ing any cipher-generationunless he succeeds to verify
correctly the authentication scheme, in other words,
unless he gets access to the cipher key. But this is not
possible, because our scheme is built with the idea
that each time, an h different secret encoded pack-
ets are collected from an arbitrary generation, a new
MAC is calculated at the receiver side, using the same
technique that was applied at the emitter side and it is
denoted by C
MAC, which was applied at the emitter
side. Then this C
MAC is compared with R MAC. If
the calculated C MAC is equal to R MAC, the source
is verified. Otherwise, the authentication process is
From that, a conclusion can be provided that our
authentication scheme ensures the protection of the
source from any unauthorized intervention.
3.4 Decryption: Secret Decoding
Once the source is verified, the destination can start
the decryption process. Once h linearly independent
messages are collected, the destination produces the
secret matrix C
G. The decryption of the encrypted
generation R
is obtained by using the inverse secret
matrix C
and it is done by: D = C G
× Z for
the integer secret encoding process.
A cryptographic scheme is considered secure if its
scheme has the immunity against different types of at-
tacks. The cryptographic security of our scheme sup-
ports two properties:
- use of dynamic keys.
- unpredictability and high sensitivity of dynamic
The presence of passive attacks as in (Bhattad and
Narayanan, 2005) makes the benefits of NC not dis-
tinguishable in addition to its weakness benefit in
terms of security. Moreover, an important issue that
should be mentioned here is the fact that the key is
changed in a dynamic manner which ensures the pro-
tection of all information. Additionally, our proposed
solution is flexible, since it gives the opportunity to
control the delay in time, by choosing the adequate h
value and the accurate number of encoding packets.
Thus, leads to confuse the attacker and create a struc-
ture that is protected enough against timing attacks.
Furthermore, the proposed solution generates a se-
cret encoding matrix (GEM) in a dynamic manner,
and this is produced only by both the source and
sink nodes, which allows to keep information secret
against flow tracing attacks. Additionally, as men-
tioned before, our proposed scheme is based on the
utilization of dynamic manner, which means that the
use of a special encrypted packet fails to gain any
useful information about the dynamic key as well as
about the master key. Moreover, the key space of
the master and the dynamic keys is 2
and 2
, re-
spectively. Therefore, the key space of the master or
the dynamic key of our scheme is sufficiently large to
make the brute-force attack infeasible. Another ben-
efit of using the dynamic key method is making the
broken of our proposed scheme very difficult for an
attacker who aims to get access to any information in
the system.
All these arguments allow us to reach to a conclusion
that our proposed solution is secure enough against
global, flow tracing, timing and brute-force attacks.
Hence, the immunity of our scheme, cryptographi-
cally talking is stronger than the existing traditional
The RLNC security has become very essential for
a realistic, practical NC implementation, and many
schemes were presented recently in this domain that
deals with security issue. In this paper, a new secu-
rity scheme was constructed and realized to provide
a safe RLNC. Our solution is based on a new flex-
ible and invertible secret key dependent integer ma-
trix. This scheme provides at the same time, data con-
fidentiality, and integrity and source authentication.
The confidentiality is achieved by applying secret en-
coding process using invertible dynamic secret ma-
trix G, and the authentication is realized in a selective
manner. Forour proposal, cryptographicstrength (dy-
namic key in counter mode) against different types of
attacks (statistical, linear, differential, Byzantine and
eavesdropping). The results indicated that a satisfac-
tory security and performance have been achieved.
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