Using Hypergraph-based User Profile in a Recommendation System
Hilal Tarakci and Nihan Kesim Cicekli
Department of Computer Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
User Modeling, User Profile, Hypergraph-based User Model, Knowledge Representation, Recommendation
We propose a hypergraph-based user profile which facilitates aggregating partial profiles of the individual and
obtain a complete, multi-domain user model. The aggregation involves a semantic enhancement procedure
which results in enriched user profiles. The proposed user model is capable of extracting general and domain-
based user profiles and answering several connected data queries such as recommendation, in reasonable time.
In this paper, we present a recommendation case study which uses the proposed user model and illustrate the
traversal algorithms for a variety of connected data problems.
The popularity of social networking sites has dramat-
ically increased over the last decade. The user’s pro-
file can be extracted by examining the individual’s
behavior (Gauch et al., 2007). The user’s activities
on social websites reveal important information about
his/her profile. Social networks differ in nature and
are used for various purposes. For instance Face-
book is used for social interaction and entertainment
whereas LinkedIn is used only for professional in-
terests. Therefore, mining separate social networks
independently results in partial profiles of the user
which merely represent user’s interests for one or few
domains. Seamless aggregation of partial user pro-
files obtained from different knowledge sources is still
an unsolved problem. In this paper, we present the
implementation of a hypergraph-based user model to
aggregate partial profiles of the individual to obtain
a complete, semantically enriched, multi-domain user
model and show that it can be used for different rec-
ommendation purposes.
The employed user profile structure is mutually
associated with the aggregation methodology. The
aggregation process depends on the predefined user
model data structure, and this structure is defined
according to the main goals of the aggregation. If
the main purpose is producing an interoperable user
model, the profile is generally defined by a standard
(Orlandi et al., 2012) or user-defined (Wischenbart
et al., 2012; Ghosh and Dekhil, 2008) ontology. In
this paper, one of our main goals is solving con-
nected data problems such as recommendation effort-
lessly. An effective solution strategy for connected
data problems is matching an entrance point to the
data structure and traversing the neighbours accord-
ing to the specified algorithm. Therefore, graphs nat-
urally support connected data problems (Robinson
et al., 2013). The vertices usually represent the items
and the users where an edge between a user and an
item indicate user’s interest on that item. The edges
could be associated with weights which represent the
strength of the relation between the vertices. Since
the graph is only capable of representing binary rela-
tions, other approaches have been proposed for han-
dling higher order relations in user modelling domain.
There are a few studies which define user model as
bipartite (Tiroshi et al., 2013) and tripartite graphs
(Chen et al., 2012). In general, if the number of vertex
types n is known in advance and the relations in the
user model are binary, an n-partite graph is capable of
representing the profile. However, if there are higher-
order relations, a hypergraph is more appropriate to
represent the user model (Li and Li, 2013; Kramar
et al., 2013; Bu et al., 2010).
In a previous paper we presented the initial ideas
for using hypergraph in the modelling of user pro-
files (Tarakci and Cicekli, 2012a; Tarakci and Cicekli,
2012b). In this paper, the main contributions are (i)
a user profile representation with hypergraphs, (ii) a
semantic aggregation methodology and (iii) a recom-
mendation case study to illustrate the solution for var-
ious connected data problems.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 sum-
marizes the related studies. Section 3 defines the pro-
posed hypergraph based user model and presents the
Tarakci H. and Kesim Cicekli N..
Using Hypergraph-based User Profile in a Recommendation System.
DOI: 10.5220/0005029600270035
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2014), pages 27-35
ISBN: 978-989-758-049-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
recommendation case study. The evaluation details
are presented in Section 4. Section 5 concludes the
paper by summarizing the future work.
The aggregation of partial user profiles includes sev-
eral issues such as entity matching, resolution of du-
plicates and conflicts, and heterogeneity of the partial
user profiles (Orlandi et al., 2012). Furthermore, the
objective of the aggregated user model influences the
aggregation strategy. In literature, there are diverse
aggregation approaches.
In (Abel et al., 2013), form-based and tag-based
profiles are managed separately. The former is a list
of attribute-value pairs whereas the latter is a set of
weighted tags. The aggregation strategy for form-
based profiles is unifying sets of attribute-value pairs.
Heterogeneous attribute vocabularies is resolved by
using an alignment function which maps profiles to
unified attribute-value space. However, this align-
ment function may result in duplicate entries in the
final user profile. Moreover, when there are conflicts
in the aggregated profiles, both values are included
in the result. The aggregation of tag-based profiles
is accomplished by taking a weighted accumulation
of partial tag-based profiles. The authors do not con-
sider aggregating tag-based profiles and form-based
profiles with each other. In our paper, we do not make
such a distinction. We seamlessly aggregate received
partial user profiles by taking their weighted accumu-
lation. We solve heterogeneous vocabulary problem
by using Freebase
In (Orlandi et al., 2012), the aim is to obtain an
interoperable, source-independent, multi-domain user
profile. Therefore, the aggregated user pofile is repre-
sented by using popular standard ontologies. During
aggregation the authors address the problem of recur-
ring items and calculating a global weight for them.
To achieve this, they keep track of provenance data
which is the metadata for the user profile item such as
the source of the item and the timestamps. Keeping
track of origins of interest relations enables the re-
calculation of item weights during aggregation of the
partial profiles. We also keep track of the provenance
data by storing the knowledge source, the short term
profile date and the exact keyword of the item. We ex-
tend this information each time the item and the user
is bound together.
In (Wischenbart et al., 2012), the aggrega-
tion is handled by semi-automatically extracting
schema from social web data and integrating the ex-
tracted schemata with existing integration tools. In
(Plumbaum et al., 2011), an aggregation ontology is
proposed to semi-automatically aggregate partial user
In this paper, the objective of the aggregation is
two-fold: (i) to obtain a user model based on a hyper-
graph which reduces connected data problems such
as recommendation into graph traversal algorithms
and (ii) increasing recommendation accuracy with the
proposed semantic enhancements.
In literature, the semantic enrichment is accom-
plished by disambiguating the concept by linking to
an external vocabulary, using a secondary vocabulary
when the concept could not be linked, enriching the
concept by adding sysnsets, expanding the concept by
retrieving related concepts from the external vocab-
ulary according to a predefined treversal algorithm,
by using friends or like-minded users’ profiles as ex-
plained in the survey (Abdel-Hafez and Xu, 2013).
We achive semantic enhancement by using a middle
ontology in front of the external vocabulary and cal-
ibrating the middle ontology concepts according to
system requirements.
Most user modelling and recommendation prob-
lems are connected data problems. Connected data
problems are solved by generating appropriate traver-
sal algorithms which traverse the sub-graph related
to the problem. It is claimed that graph databases
are faster than relational and NoSQL databases when
dealing with connected data (Robinson et al., 2013)
since relational and NoSQL databases lack relation-
ships causing connected data problems to be costly
on these databases. In graph databases, a traversal
query performance depends on the size of the sub-
graph which is going to be traversed. That is, the size
of the whole graph does not effect the traversal per-
formance. Therefore we use a graph database for the
implementation of the hypergraph in this paper.
In (Tiroshi, 2012; Cena et al., 2013), graph based
user models are presented. In (Tiroshi, 2012), con-
cepts are linked to each other by examining an exter-
nal ontology; therefore the nodes could be traversed
in a generic way. In (Cena et al., 2013), horizontal
propogation amongst siblings and vertical propoga-
tion amongst ancestors and decendants are defined.
Our approach is an enhanced version of the former
approach. We connect semantically related concepts
to each other during aggregation process and our pre-
defined node labels and edge types enable defining
more specific traversal algorithms easily.
3.1 Preliminaries
A hypergraph is the generalization of an ordinary
graph by introducing hyperedges which are non-
empty subsets of the vertex set (Gallo et al., 1993).
Vertices of a hypergraph represents the entities to be
modelled such as people and concepts. Hyperedges
represent the high order relations between those enti-
Besides hypergraphs, there are property graphs
which contain key-value property pairs (Robinson
et al., 2013). In a property graph each node and edge
can have multiple key-value pairs whereas in a hy-
pergraph, an edge can connect more than two nodes.
Every hypergraph can be represented by a property
graph by adding extra key-value pairs to annotate
nodes which are connected by the same hyperedge.
Thus, property graphs are identical to hypergraphs
in terms of representation power. In this paper, we
use property graphs in the implementation, since the
graph database we adopted
supports property graphs.
In the property graph, properties can be indexed
by using a tree like structure. Therefore, a two step
search on graph can be adopted: First the concept is
located in the index structure and then with this short-
cut to the graph, traversal algorithm can be applied.
In graphs, the cost of local read operations is con-
stant, since adjacent vertices and edges are already
3.2 Hypergraph User Model
We collect short term profiles for registered users
from predefined knowledge sources such as facebook,
linkedin for predetermined time periods. Besides, we
allow users to add their interests manually via an in-
terface. In this paper, we focus on constructing a
holistic, multi-domain user model by aggregating the
received short term profiles by utilizing the proposed
hypergraph data structure. We use the term partial
profile and short term profile interchangeably in the
The main components of the user model is sum-
marized in Table 1. In the proposed framework, users,
items and domains are represented with distinct node
types U, I and D. The supported domains are prede-
fined. Freebase commons package
is used as do-
mains. A domain starter node D
is created for each
Freebase domain.
In the proposed model, different types of relations
are represented by different edge types. E
is the
edge with label InterestedIn and connects a user u to
an item i to represent that ”u is interested in i”. In
order to model the semantic relations between items,
is used and the label of the edge represents the
nature of the semantic relation. For instance, in Fig-
ure 3 ContributedTo edge is an E
edge which in-
dicates the start node contributes to the end node of
the relation. The item i is connected to its belong-
ing domain d by using E
edge.In the proposed
model, items without any domains are not allowed,
every item must be connected to at least one domain
starter node. The friendship between users is repre-
sented with E
f riend
edges. E
and E
enable content-based recommendations where E
f riend
supports collaborative recommendations.
Table 1: Our Hypergraph User Model.
Notation Description Type
u a user Node
U Set of users Hyperedge
i an item A Node
I Set of items Hyperedge
Domain starter node
for each Node
domain d
Metadata for user-item Hyperedge
(interest) relation
The semantic relation Hyperedge
between items
The domain bind
between Hyperedge
domain starter node
and items
f riend
Friendship between users Hyperedge
General A sub
(long term) hypergraph
user profile
Definition. Hypergraph User Profile. The hyper-
graph user profile H
is the aggregated, semantically
enhanced user model for the user u (Eqn.1). It is the
union of the user’s friends whom the user follows or is
followed by (Eqn. 2), the user’s explicit profile which
is the set of user’s declared interested items (Eqn. 3)
and the user’s semantically enhanced profile (Eqn. 4)
The user’s enhanced profile is defined as the set of
items whose shortest path to the user node has at least
min, at most max steps.
(u;min;max) = U
f riends
explicit pro f ile
enhanced pro f ile
(u;min, max)
(u) = u
f ollows
f ollows
explicit profile
(u) = u
enhanced profile
(u;min; max) =
Basically the hypergraph user model consists of
sets of nodes and strongly typed hyperedges. The
proposed hypergraph consists of nodes for domains,
interest items and users; and edges for explicitly
stated interests, semantic relationships between in-
terest items and domain relations of the items. As
an example scenario, assume that there are three
users whose names are GraceKelly, IngridBergman
and TippiHedren. IngridBergman states interest in
three items: Alfred Hitchcock who is a director and
Alfred Hitchcock Presents and The Twilight Zone
which were popular TV shows in 1950s. GraceKelly
expresses interest in the director Alfred Hitchcock
whereas TippiHedren does not declare any interest.
Also these three users are friends. The hypergraph
which models the illustration scenario is in Figure
1; for clarity friendships and domains are eliminated.
The implementation of this hypergraph actually cor-
responds to the property graph shown in Figure 2.
Ingrid Tippi
Al f redHitch Al f redHitchPres
FansO f Al f redHitch
sPro f ile
Figure 1: Illustration Scenario in Hypergraph.
In the hypergraph (Figure 1), the yellow hyper-
edge models the set of users, whereas in the prop-
erty graph (Figure 2) the users are represented with
red nodes. Similarly, the blue hyperedge in the hy-
pergraph is a wrapper for the set of items where the
blue nodes in the property graph are item nodes. The
pink hyperedge in the hypergraph links Ingrid with
her declared interested items. In the property graph,
this hyperedge is modeled by connecting Ingrid to the
items with an edge type InterestedIn. All users are
connected to each other via following mechanism to
represent their friendship. The type of the edge be-
tween users is Follows and the type of edge between
a user and an explicitly declared item is InterestedIn.
Figure 2: Illustration Scenario in Property Graph.
When a new keyword expressing the user’s inter-
est arrives for aggregation, the keyword is located in
the external knowledge base. In this paper, we use
Freebase as the knowledge base and a disambigation
routine which processes the keyword if the keyword
does not match any entity in Freebase. The disam-
biguation routine performs several text pocessing op-
erations. For example it replaces the special charac-
ters with the nearest letters in English alphabet such
as replacing s¸, c¸ by s, c; removes the terms such as
”Fans Of”, ”Quotes” from the keyword; splits the
keyword if it contains characters such as ”&, /”. Free-
base search api returns matching concepts ordered by
score, therefore we used the first concept with the
highest score as the matching entity for the keyword.
We defined a domainizer routine to assign the dis-
ambiguated concept to the domains it belongs. In
the proposed model, Freebase domains which corre-
sponds to Freebase commons package is used. For
each domain type, a starter domain node is created at
system initiation. The type information of the con-
cept is retrieved from Freebase. The retrieved type in-
formation not only includes domain knowledge, but
also more specific type information. For instance,
when the type informtion of Alfred Hitchcock is re-
trieved, types such as Film director, Film producer,
Film writer are also retrieved under the type Film
which is a domain. We exploit those specific types
to compute the weight of the domain. In other words,
we build a weighted domain structure by accumulat-
ing specific types under each domain. Afterwards, we
prone the weighted domain structure according to the
predefined domain threshold and relate the concept
with the most frequent domains by using an edge with
type IsInDomain. In Figure 3, the purple nodes rep-
resent the domain starter nodes. There is one starter
node for each domain and all of the items belonging
to that domain is related to that node. This design
facilitates domain-based queries.
The semantic enhancement of a concept
is achieved by retrieving predefined Freebase
Metaschema properties which provides higher order
relations between concepts. Metaschema ontology
consists of 46 properties and constructs another layer
over huge Freebase ontology which has over 3500
properties. Metaschema connects important informa-
tion and eliminates excessively detailed semantics
in Freebase. We further reduced 46 properties to
9 properties by considering their benefits in user
modelling and apply a threshold on the number of
retreived relations. The 9 properties we support
for semantic enhancement include BroaderThan/
NarrowerThan, ContributedTo/ HasContributor,
Created/ CreatedBy, HasGenre/ GenreOf, HasName/
NameOf, HasChild/ HasParent, PractitionerOf/
HasPractitioner, HasSubject/ SubjectOf, Superclas-
sOf/ SubclassOf. Using Freebase over a middle
ontology enables writing domain-independent or
domain-configured algorithms by using different
thresholds for different domains. For instance, Con-
tributedTo and Created properties reveal important
information for Film and Music domains where
ChildOf property is meaningful in People domain.
The concepts retrieved during semantic enhancement
are related to the key concept with an edge of type
named after the metaschema property linking them.
For instance, in Figure 3, Alfred Hitchcock which is
represented by the blue node at the center is related
to his movies, TV shows and songs with an edge of
type ContributedTo.
3.3 Recommendation Case Study
Various connection-based queries could be answered
by defining traversals on the proposed hypergraph
data structure.
Traversal Example 1. In order to obtain the user
domain-based model for the user u and domain d, the
user is located in the external index system for users
and the user node in the hypergraph is reached with a
short-cut. Eqn. 5 computes user domain-based model
by matching the items which are in domain d and have
a shortest path with the user u with length at most
(u;d; max) = u
The json output for the query ”Retrieve the do-
main based profile for user GraceKelly for domain
TV.contains the user’s declared interest Alfred Hith-
cock and the items in her enhanced profile such as
the TV show Alfred Hitchcock Presents and its sev-
eral episodes.
{ "data": [
{ "row": [
"Alfred Hitchcock"
] },
{ "row": [
"Alfred Hitchcock Presents"
] },
{ "row": [
"The Case of Mr. Pelham"
] },
] }
To obtain the general user profile, during Traver-
sal Example 1 domain is not included as a parameter
to the traversal function.
Traversal Example 2. In order to discover the users
interested in a domain d, the set of users that have
shortest path with length at most max to d are re-
trieved (Eqn. 6).
(d; max) = d (i)
Traversal Example 3. To discover users interested
in an item i, the set of users that have shortest path
with length at most max to i are retrieved (Eqn. 7).
(i;max) = i
Traversal Example 4. The ability to discover re-
lated concepts of an item i in other domains as in Eqn.
8 enables answering questions such as ”What are
the films about Nasa?” or ”Find biographies about
Figure 3: A Sample User Model.
(i;max) = i
and i
and (otherItem) d
and d
6= d
Traversal Example 5. In order to calculate a user’s
interest on a concept, shortest path algorithms could
be applied as in Eqn. 9.
(u;i) = shortestPath(u, i)
Figure 4 shows the interface of the recommendation
system that we implemented based on these traver-
sal algorithms. In the illustration scenario (Figure 2),
GraceKelly declared one interest item: director Alfred
The interface is divided into six columns. The
first column shows the friendship information, the
second column enables manual addition of an inter-
est item and shows the users declared interests. The
number next to the declared interest is the frequency
of that item and it is incremented by one whenever
the same concept is matched with different keyword-
information source pairs. The list next to the fre-
quency information shows the domains of the item.
The third column exposes the domain aggregation for
the user.
The fourth and fifth columns show the top 15 rec-
ommendations for the user. Random recommenda-
tions part recommends any item which is connected
to the user in the graph via other items or users. De-
tailed recommendations part recommends items that
are connected to the user’s declared items and ranks
the recommendation by checking two factors: the
number of declared items of the user which constitute
a path of length 2 between the user and the recom-
mended item and the accumulated frequency of the
items in that path. For instance, there are two paths
of length 2 between IngridBergman and Mystery item
over the user’s two declared interests: The Twilight
Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents. Since both items
are assigned frequency 1, the accumulated frequency
is 2.
Popular recommendations part recommends items
only in popular domains and eliminates other do-
mains. Path length ordering is applied. Far recom-
mendations part recommends items at least three, at
most five steps away from the user. The sixth column
computes whether the user is interested in the speci-
fied item and lists the users who might be interested
in. For instance, in Figure 4, GraceKellys interest for
Marnie, which is a movie directed by Alfred Hitch-
cock, is over declared interest Alfred Hitchcock and
the path length is 2.
Figure 4: Fun Guide Interface.
The dataset is prepared by collecting social web ac-
tivities of 204 users on their Facebook accounts. The
page likes are the main information source. Besides
keywords from shared videos, checkins are also col-
lected. In the populated graph database, there are a
total of 22746 nodes of which 204 are user nodes and
22466 are item nodes. Most popular domains are mu-
sic, awards, people, business, media and film and the
most unpopular domains are library, skiing, zoos and
aquariums, bicycles and physics.
The dataset is split into training and testing sets.
80% of each partial profile is located in the train-
ing set and the remaining 20% is left for testing set.
During evaluation, for each keyword on each partial
profile, the keyword is disambiguated by using Free-
base. Keywords which can not be disambiguated are
skipped. After disambiguation, the domains are de-
cided by the domainizer routine by taking the domain
threshold as 4. In other words, each item is linked to
at least 1, at most 4 domains. Then semantic enhance-
ment procedure is applied by taking the threshold 5.
Taking those thresholds higher increase the seman-
tic nature of the constructed model, but the overall
processing time for evaluation also increases. During
evaluation, if the item in the test set is already con-
nected before the interest is declared, this is consid-
ered as a hit. In the evaluation, we considered the ratio
of number of hit items to the number of items of the
user in the short term profile. For 204 users, the aver-
age of hits-to-total items ratio is calculated as 0.61. In
the baseline, the knowledge base usage and enhance-
ment is removed and 40 users of the same dataset is
evaluated likewise. The average hits-to-total ratio for
the baseline is 0.25. The resulting scores show that us-
age of a knowledge base and the enhancement proce-
dure successfully predicts the user’s future interests.
The domain and semantic enhancement thresholds are
kept small to obtain fast evaluation, increasing them
would result in a better hits-to-total ratio in future in-
terest prediction.
Moreover, 20 users of the same dataset is evalu-
ated for cold-start. During evaluation for cold-start,
each user is extracted from the dataset and the hy-
pergraph is populated with the remaining users. Af-
terwards, during aggregation of the user to the pre-
viously populated hypergraph, hits-to-total radio is
calculated. For 20 users, the average of hits-to-total
items ratio is calculated as 0.52. In the baseline, the
average hits-to-total ratio is 0.03. The resulting scores
show that usage of a knowledge base and the enhance-
ment procedure successfully predicts the user’s future
interests in cold-start as well.
In addition, the recommendation study is under
human evaluation currently. The user is able to con-
nect with his/her Facebook account and LinkedIn ac-
count. The system provides Import Facebook and
Import LinkedIn functionality and aggregates the ob-
tained partial profiles. The user rates the recommen-
dations provided by the system. The human evalua-
tion system is going to be online for 1 month.
In this paper, we presented a framework for aggregat-
ing partial user profiles into a holistic, multi-domain
user model. The main objective of the aggregation
is to obtain a user model data structure which reduces
the connected data problems such as recommendation
into defining graph traversal algorithms.
Graphs naturally support connected data problems
and using property graphs which are equivalent to hy-
pergraphs makes definition of graph traversal algo-
rithms easier by providing filtering mechanisms such
as node labels and edge types. In other words, it is
possible to write traversal algorithms specific to a la-
bel or an edge type without traversing irrelevant nodes
or edges in the hypergraph. Another goal of our sys-
tem is to successfully predict user’s future interests.
To achieve this goal, we used an external knowledge
base via a middle ontology and configured the use of
middle ontology according to user modelling domain.
We only used properties in the middle ontology such
as ContributesTo, Creates, SuperclassOf etc. that are
relevant to user modelling domain.
During evaluation, we showed that the system
could predict future interests of the user with a hit-
to-total ratio of 0.61. If the semantic enhancement
and usage of external knowledge base is eliminated,
the score would be 0.25. As future work, we are go-
ing to categorize users according to social web usage
habits, separate long term and short term user profiles
and evaluate the framework against a bigger dataset.
This work is partially supported by The Scientific
and Technical Council of Turkey Grant ”TUBITAK
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