Fostering Co-operative Behaviour Through Social Intervention
Martyn Lloyd-Kelly
, Katie Atkinson
and Trevor Bench-Capon
Institute of Psychology, Health and Society, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, U.K.
Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, U.K.
Co-operation, Emotion, Agents, Simulation.
The emergence and maintenance of co-operation in a society of agents is an important issue and some recent
research has explored the role that can be played by a functional model of emotions. For example, it has been
shown that the emotions of gratitude and anger can be used to produce co-operative behaviour in a public
goods game from agents acting solely in accordance with their current emotional state. The effectiveness of
these emotions in producing co-operation depends on the emotional volatility of the agents, which determines
the strength of these emotions required to alter behaviour. Often, however, dysfunctional relationships de-
velop, which impairs the performance of the society as a whole. In this paper we explore through a series of
computational simulations how interventions by society can be used to correct dysfunctional behaviour. The
results of our simulations show that enforcement of co-operative behaviour and education to alter emotional
characters can improve overall performance in the dysfunctional cases and that different interventions are
appropriate given different initial circumstances.
Emotions such as gratitude and anger have been
shown to be key determinants of social behaviour in
humans: gratitude is an essential motivator of co-
operative and pro-social behaviour (Vohs et al., 2006;
DeSteno et al., 2010), whilst altruistic punishment
resulting from anger is another essential element in
sustaining human co-operation (Fehr and G¨achter,
2002; Hirshleifer, 1987). Several papers provide log-
ical formalisations of emotions for agent systems and
demonstrate how emotions can be computationally
modelled to play a functional and beneficial role in
enabling agents to determine how to respond to en-
vironmental information (Steunebrink et al., 2007;
Adam et al., 2009).
Using computational simulation, emotions have
been used to determine responses for agents play-
ing iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma games (Bazzan and
Bordini, 2001; Lloyd-Kelly et al., 2012a; Lloyd-
Kelly et al., 2012b). The latter two papers show
how the emergent property of co-operation, achiev-
able by game theoretic behaviour in the context of
the Prisoner’s Dilemma (Axelrod, 1984), can also be
achieved using simulated emotions. Our aim in this
work is to explore the effect of emotions and differ-
ent emotional characters on fostering co-operation
through computational simulation using the iterated
Prisoner’s Dilemma as a test-bed.
Interactions between emotional agents playing it-
erated Prisoner’s Dilemma games tend to go through a
period of initial variation and then settle down to one
of four relationships: mutual co-operation, mutual
defection, symmetric turn-taking or asymmetric turn-
taking (Lloyd-Kelly et al., 2012a; Lloyd-Kelly et al.,
2012b). In symmetric turn-taking, an agent, x, co-
operates in round n while its opponent, y, defects in n.
This continues for m rounds until, in round n+ m, the
behaviour of x and y switches (in this example, y co-
operates and x defects). This continues for l rounds
before behaviour switches back on round n+ m+ l. If
m = l turn-taking is symmetric; agents co-operate and
defect for an equal number of rounds before switch-
ing, otherwise it is asymmetric; one agent defects for
more rounds before switching behaviour. Over time,
symmetric turn-taking tends to equality for the agents
involved whilst both symmetric and asymmetric turn-
taking are significantly better than mutual defection,
from the point of view of the system. Asymmetric
turn-taking is always better than mutual defection for
the individual that defects more and is often better for
the other agent also
See table 1: defecting even once every four rounds se-
cures greater individual utility rather than mutual defection.
Lloyd-Kelly M., Atkinson K. and Bench-Capon T..
Fostering Co-operative Behaviour Through Social Intervention.
DOI: 10.5220/0005039505780585
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2014),
pages 578-585
ISBN: 978-989-758-038-3
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Table 1: Prisoner’s Dilemma pay-off matrix.
Player i
Co-op Defect
Player j
Co-op 3
, 3
, 0
Defect 0
, 5
, 1
In human society, the temptation to secure an indi-
vidual advantage through defection when mutual co-
operation exists is ubiquitous (Simpson, 2003) so, in
this paper, hope is introduced as an emotion. Whether
this emotion will lead to defection will depend on how
likely it is that hope’s effect is manifest (here repre-
sented as a probability of defection when hope is ac-
tive). Consequently, hope potentially destabilises mu-
tual co-operation and the defecting agent may gain
some advantage (which is what is hoped for) before
the relationship stabilises again.
In the context of a society playing the Prisoner’s
Dilemma, mutual co-operation is best since it pro-
motes greater aggregate scores. Turn-taking (sym-
metric or asymmetric), may also be acceptable since
the reduction of aggregate score is relatively small.
Mutual defection is, however, dysfunctional since it
scores only a third of that achieved by mutual co-
operation, and 40% of that achieved by turn-taking.
In this paper we will explore the effects of two mech-
anisms implemented by society to intervene and at-
tempt to correct dysfunctional behaviour: enforcing
co-operative behaviour and altering the emotional
characters of the agents concerned through education.
Real examples of the latter are enforced attendance at
speed awareness courses for minor speeding offences,
or more generally the inclusion of rehabilitation in
prison regimes.
The paper is structured as follows: section 2 de-
scribes how we model emotions whilst section 3 dis-
cusses the simulation environment used. Section 4
gives key results from simulations where emotional
agents are not subject to intervention or education.
Section 5 presents results of enforcing co-operative
behaviour and applying to the simulations the four ed-
ucation strategies modelled. Section 6 offers a discus-
sion of some interesting results, and section 7 presents
the main conclusions.
The emotion modelling framework used in this paper
has been used in previous work (Lloyd-Kelly et al.,
2012a; Lloyd-Kelly et al., 2012b) and is underpinned
by the OCC model of emotion (Ortony et al., 1988).
Use of the OCC model by computer scientists for
computationally modelling emotion (Bazzan and Bor-
dini, 2001; Burghouts et al., 2003; Steunebrink et al.,
2007; Adam et al., 2009) is largelydue to its tractabil-
ity and use of concepts that are closely linked to those
used by the agent systems community. The OCC de-
fines emotions as valenced reactions by an agent to
the consequences of an event (relevant to the agent it-
self or another), an action (performed by the agent it-
self or another) or some aspect of an object in relation
to the agent’s current goals. Numeric emotion poten-
tials are increased or decreased as the agent’s goals
are impacted by the three factors mentioned. When
an agent’s emotion potential equals the emotion’s ac-
tivation threshold, the agent’s intentional behaviour is
affected. Therefore, an agent’s intentional behaviour
is determined by its current emotional state which it-
self is a product of all interactions the agent has had
with its opponent in accordance with the descriptions
of these emotions given in the OCC model.
Nine emotional characters are defined in our pre-
vious work (Lloyd-Kelly et al., 2012a; Lloyd-Kelly
et al., 2012b); different emotional characters have dif-
ferent activation thresholds for emotions (see table 2).
The emotional character notation used in table 2 is
based upon the first letter of an emotion and the ac-
tivation thresholds modelled for that emotion
. The
difference in activation thresholds for anger and grat-
itude result in degrees of tolerance and responsive-
ness: in table 2 tolerance increases down the rows and
responsiveness decreases across the columns (from
left to right). Tolerance is determined by anger’s ac-
tivation threshold and indicates the readiness of an
agent to punish (the higher the activation threshold for
anger, the slower an emotional character is to punish
and the more tolerant it is said to be). Responsive-
ness is determined by gratitude’s activation thresh-
old and indicates the readiness of an agent to reward
(the higher the activation threshold for gratitude, the
slower an emotional character is to reward and the
less responsive it is said to be). Computational simu-
lations show that high tolerance and responsiveness
promote total system scores when agents play iter-
ated Prisoner’s Dilemma games (Lloyd-Kelly et al.,
2012b). This is because a high tolerance and respon-
siveness increases the likelihood of establishing and
maintaining co-operation, even when the opponent
initially defects.
In this paper, the nine emotional characters de-
scribed in table 2 are modelled and augmented with
hope, resulting in three emotions being modelled:
anger, gratitude and hope. These emotions will be
used to explore the interaction between emotional
For example, the activation thresholds for Anger and
Gratitude in A1:G1 are both set to 1.
Table 2: Emotional character descriptions.
If defecting, #co-ops
required to co-op.
1 2 3
If co-op,
required to
1 A1:G1 A1:G2 A1:G3
2 A2:G1 A2:G2 A2:G3
3 A3:G1 A3:G2 A3:G3
Table 3: Details of emotions modelled.
1/2/3 Defect 1
1/2/3 Co-op 1
3 Defect 0.4
character and societal intervention. The emotion
modelling framework used here stipulates that an
emotion must have the followingfactors defined: elic-
iting conditions, potential, activation threshold, satu-
ration, effect and probability of effect (Lloyd-Kelly,
2014). These factors (excluding emotion potential
since this is variable but is initialised to 0 and satu-
ration which is always equal to the activation thresh-
old) for each emotion are given in table 3. When an
eliciting condition for an emotion is registered by an
agent, the emotion’s potential increases by 1 until its
saturation point is reached. When an emotion’s poten-
tial is greater than or equal to its activation threshold,
the emotion’s effect has a probability (0-1) of being
manifest in the agent.
Justifications for anger and gratitude’s eliciting
conditions, effects and probability of effect are pro-
vided in previous work (Lloyd-Kelly et al., 2012a;
Lloyd-Kelly et al., 2012b); eliciting conditions and
effects of hope are based upon work by Lazarus and
Snyder (Lazarus, 1999; Snyder, 2002). Lazarus states
that hope is elicited by a strong desire to be in a sit-
uation that is more favourable than the current one
and Snyder states that hope motivates agents to derive
pathways to desired goals and use agency thinking
to traverse those pathways. Therefore, hope causes
the agent to defect with some probability. We use
0.4, a mid-range value for which co-operation is more
likely. A defecting agent will obtain 5 points rather
than 3 if the opponent continues to co-operate. Algo-
rithms for anger, gratitude and hope are provided in
sections 2.1 and 2.2 for clarification. Note that emo-
tions are directed towards specific agents so an agent,
x, may be angry with its opponent, y, and not hopeful
of defecting against it whilst simultaneously grateful
to its opponent, z, and hopeful of defecting against it.
2.1 Anger and Gratitude Algorithm
1. Agent x analyses its opponent ys behaviour in the
round just played.
(a) If y defected and xs anger potential for y is <
xs anger saturation value, x increases its anger
potential for y by 1.
(b) If y co-operated and xs gratitude potential for
y is < xs gratitude saturation value, x increases
its gratitude potential for y by 1.
2. Agent x checks anger and gratitude potentials for
(a) If xs anger potential for y >= xs anger activa-
tion threshold, xs behaviour towards y is set to
defect and xs gratitude potential for y is reset
to 0.
(b) If xs gratitude potential for y >= xs grati-
tude activation threshold for y, xs behaviour
towards y is set to co-operate and xs anger po-
tential for y is reset to 0.
(c) If xs anger or gratitude potentials for y are
< their activation thresholds, xs behaviour to-
wards y is determined by xs initial behaviour
2.2 Hope Algorithm
1. Agent x analyses its opponent ys behaviour in the
round just played.
(a) If y defected, xs hope potential for y is reset to
(b) If y co-operated, x checks own behaviour in the
round just played:
i. If x also co-operated and xs hope potential for
y is < xs hope saturation value, increase hope
potential for y by 1.
ii. If x defected, reset hope potential for y to 0.
2. Agent x checks hope potential towards y. If xs
hope potential for y >= xs hope activation thresh-
old, x randomly selects an integer, i between 1 and
(a) If i <= 4, x will defect against y in the next
(b) If i > 4, x will defect/co-operate with
y in the next round according to xs
anger/gratitude/initial behaviour status.
The simulation environment used is based upon that
used in previous work (Lloyd-Kelly et al., 2012a;
Lloyd-Kelly et al., 2012b): 576 agents play in con-
text of an iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma game on a vir-
tual, two-dimensional, 24 × 24, grid whose edges are
not bound. Agents remain stationary and always play
against their 8 immediate neighbours at their cardi-
nal and inter-cardinal compass points. Since there
are nine emotional characters, 576 agents ensures
that emotional characters are equally represented (64
agents of each emotional character) in mixed popu-
lation simulations. The iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma
game permits agents to evaluate events and modify
their emotional state and intentional behaviour in light
of them
. Furthermore, there are very few variables
that can influence outcomes, ensuring that any results
are relatively free from contamination by unmanaged
variables. Finally, since agents are only capable of ei-
ther co-operating or defecting, this facilitates a deter-
mination of emotions to be modelled along with their
eliciting conditions and effects.
The pay-off distribution for the standard Pris-
oner’s Dilemma formalisation (see table 1) is used.
The number of agents whose initial behaviour is set
to co-operate/defect for each scenario run is kept con-
sistently equal (288) and the location of agents within
the simulation environment is randomised to ensure
no experimenter bias with respect to spatial distri-
bution of emotional characters or initial behaviour
which could skew results.
In section 1, we mentioned that agents will be sub-
ject to intervention from society through behaviour
enforcement or education; table 4 indicates which
simulations use behaviour enforcement and educa-
tion strategies. Behaviour enforcement occurs when
an agent and its opponent have mutually defected 3
times consecutively and immediately results in the re-
establishment of mutual co-operation and all emotion
potentials being reset to 0 for these agents. We chose
3 mutual defections as a condition for behaviour en-
forcement since none of the emotional characters im-
plemented are capable of re-establishing co-operation
with an opponent after 3 mutual-defections by virtue
of their emotional character. If education is used, the
agent’s anger or gratitude threshold is additionally in-
cremented or decremented by 1
. With our emotional
characters there are four possible education strategies:
This is obviously not possible using the “one-shot”
variation of the game.
Agents will only have their anger/gratitude thresholds
decremented until they equal 1; the minimum value for
these thresholds.
Table 4: Emotions, behavioural enforcement and education
strategy used in each simulation type.
Sim. Type Emotions Behv. Enf. Edu. Str.
1 A, G - -
2 A, G, H - -
3 A, G, H X -
4 A, G, H X 1
5 A, G, H X 2
6 A, G, H X 3
7 A, G, H X 4
1. Increase tolerance. Add 1 to an agent’s anger
activation threshold. This can be seen as anger
management since the agent will not punish others
so quickly.
2. Decrease responsiveness. Add 1 to the agent’s
gratitude activation threshold. This represents a
form of assertiveness training where the agent is
less likely to be misled by co-operative behaviour
and is made more ready to insist on its rights.
3. Decrease tolerance. Subtract 1 from an agent’s
anger activation threshold. This can be seen as
another form of assertiveness training, in which
defections are more likely to be punished.
4. Increase responsiveness. Subtract 1 from the
agent’s gratitude activation threshold. This is
analogous to increasing empathy and altruism, so
that an agent is less suspicious of others and read-
ier to respond to co-operation.
In total, 140 simulations were run; 70 for 500
rounds and 70 for 1000 rounds. Longer round-limits
were used to ascertain the effects of education and in-
tervention over longer periods of time. In this paper
we will discuss the 500 round simulations in detail
and comment on the effects of additional rounds in
section 6. Each half of the 140 simulations consists
of 7 simulation types which prescribe the emotions
and intervention used. A succinct description of these
simulation types can be found in table 4. For each
simulation type, 10 emotional character populations
were used: 1-9 are initially composed of a single emo-
tional character whilst population 10 is composed of
an equal mix of all emotional characters. Note that
initial behaviour setting for population 10 is not de-
cided at the level of emotional characters but rather at
the level of the population.
When the round limit is reached, the simulation
environment is completely reset (including all vari-
ables for all agents) and the total system score (the
sum of every agent’s final score in the population) is
recorded with the number of interventions that have
occurred (if any).
Table 5: Total system scores for emotional character popu-
lations when hope is/is not modelled and loss incurred when
hope is introduced.
Ch. No Hope Hope Loss
A1:G1 5193000 4426616 766384
A1:G2 3463444 2316024 1147420
A1:G3 3437522 2316018 1121504
A2:G1 5744862 4709929 1034933
A2:G2 5196000 4517117 678883
A2:G3 3462912 2333223 1129689
A3:G1 5760846 4613945 1146901
A3:G2 5771668 4634982 1136686
A3:G3 5186000 4540339 645661
4630504 2928854 1701650
Table 5 shows the total score for all 10 populations
without behaviour enforcement or education. The
emotional characters can be divided into two broad
groups: one (A1:G2, A1:G3 and A2:G3) contains
those that are quicker to punish than to respond to co-
operation (and which perform relatively badly) and
the other is composed of the remaining emotional
characters from table 2 that are at least as ready to
respond as to punish (and which perform relatively
well). A mixed population performs somewhere be-
tween these two groups. Table 5 also shows how the
introduction of opportunistic defection due to hope
significantly decreases total system scores. Emo-
tional characters that performed worse initially suffer
more than the better performing emotional characters.
Those which are equally ready to punish and to re-
spond (A1:G1, A2:G2 and A3:G3) suffer least. The
mixed group suffers worst of all.
As mentioned in section 1, the simulations will set-
tle down into mutual defection, turn-taking (whether
symmetric or asymmetric), or periods of mutual co-
operation (which break down when an agent suc-
cumbs to the temptation to defect due to hope). From
the viewpoint of society as whole, mutual defection
is highly detrimental to the system score and should
be avoided. Therefore in this section we will explore
the effects of intervention, described in section 3, de-
signed to prevent mutual defection.
5.1 Enforcing Behaviour
Table 6 shows the effect of enforcing mutual co-
operation following 3 rounds of mutual defection on
Table 6: Total system scores for hopeful emotional charac-
ter populations when behaviour enforcement occurs without
Ch. Score Gain # Int. Gain per. Int.
A1:G1 5746674 1320058 2560 515.65
A1:G2 4297626 1981602 292636 6.77
A1:G3 4298293 1982275 292574 6.78
A2:G1 5487839 777910 1134 685.99
A2:G2 5739134 1222017 3126 390.92
A2:G3 4919034 2585811 138944 18.61
A3:G1 5387322 773377 1132 683.20
A3:G2 5415490 780508 1156 675.18
A3:G3 5731018 1190679 2826 421.33
5106992 2178138 99502 21.89
the populations of table 5, giving the total score, the
gain in total score achieved by each population when
its total score is compared to the total score achieved
by the same population when intervention does not
occur and hope is present in the population (see table
5), the number of interventionsmade, and the gain per
From the results shown in table 6, we can see sev-
eral points of interest. In all cases the intervention
does much to remedy hope’s effect. Indeed, except
for the emotional characters which are more respon-
sive than tolerant (A2:G1, A3:G1 and A3:G2), inter-
vention improves the system score compared with the
situation where hope is not present. The number of
interventions required, however, varies substantially,
with the dysfunctional emotional characters (A1:G2,
A1:G3 and A2:G3) requiring a very large number
of interventions, as they frequently return to mutual
defection. The mixed population also requires very
frequent intervention. It is the emotional characters
which are more responsive than tolerant that require
fewest interventions. Thus the gain per intervention
is very small for emotional characters A1:G2, A1:G3
and A2:G3, and rather small for the mixed popula-
tion: in these cases the gains may well not justify the
cost of intervention. Other emotionalcharacters attain
substantial gains per intervention, especially A2:G1,
A3:G1 and A3:G2, for which the smaller number of
interventions means that the value for money is great-
est for these emotional characters.
The improved score should exceed the cost of in-
terventions, and so we can establish a maximum inter-
vention cost
from the final column of table 6: if the
A1:G1 population expects to gain 515.65 per inter-
vention then interventions should not cost more than
this. Although intervention to enforce co-operation
The maximum cost that can be paid to intervene with-
out the total system score incurring a loss as a result.
Table 7: Total system scores for hopeful emotional charac-
ter populations with behaviour enforcement and education
strategy 1 (anger management).
Ch. Score Gain
A1:G1 5291340 864724 1134 762.54 -455334
A1:G2 5281348 2965324 3416 868.07 983722
A1:G3 5281345 2965327 3416 868.07 983052
A2:G1 5290610 580681 1160 500.59 -197229
A2:G2 5290353 773236 1134 681.87 -448781
5292018 2958795 1162 2546.30 372984
5288354 674409 1106 609.77 -98968
5290109 655127 1150 569.68 -125381
5290230 749891 1176 637.66 -440788
5288846 2359992 1686 1399.76 181854
will improve the aggregate system scores, mutual de-
fection will still develop as the enforced co-operation
breaks down in the face of temptation. We assume
that the resources to supervise every move are not
available: the intervention should encourage agents
to work together in a productive relationship.
5.2 Education
As argued in section 5.1, enforcing co-operation will
not prevent mutual defection from developing. We
now explore the use of education to alter emotional
character, in the hope that this will reduce the recur-
rence of mutual defection.
Tables 7-10 show the results of the four different
educational strategies on the various populations, to-
gether with the number of interventions and the aver-
age gain per intervention. The gain from education,
rather than simply enforcing co-operation of dysfunc-
tional pairs is also shown.
Table 7 shows that education strategy 1 has a dra-
matic effect on the number of interventions, so that all
initial emotional characters now have an acceptable
number of interventions, although emotional charac-
ters A1:G2 and A1:G3 require more than the rest.
The gain per intervention is now uniformly good, and
spectacular in the case of emotional character A2:G3.
The mixed population also benefits considerably, es-
pecially from the dramatically reduced number of in-
terventions, so that the gain per intervention is second
only to emotion character A2:G3.
This education strategy is, however, not benefi-
cial in terms of system score for emotional characters
A1:G1, A2:G1, A2:G2, A3:G1, A3:G2 and A3:G3.
Moreover, while education does have value for emo-
tional characters A1:G1, A2:G2 and A3:G3, for those
that required fewest interventions without education,
Table 8: Total system scores for hopeful emotional charac-
ter populations with behaviour enforcement and education
strategy 2 (assertiveness training 1).
Score Gain # Int.
4298740 -127876 292326 -0.44 -1447934
4296902 1980878 292720 6.77 -724
4297804 1981786 292649 6.77 -489
4714455 4526 196271 0.02 -773384
4708261 191144 197526 0.97 -1030873
4709001 2375778 197385 12.04 -210033
4885127 271182 150845 1.80 -502195
A3:G2 4878522 243540 152240 1.60 -536968
A3:G3 4879912 339573 152166 2.23 -851106
Mixed 4646843 1717989 211521 8.12 -460149
Table 9: Total system scores for hopeful emotional charac-
ter populations with behaviour enforcement and education
strategy 3 (assertiveness training 2).
Score Gain # Int.
5747270 1320654 2443 540.59 596
4297206 1981182 292608 6.77 -420
4296484 1980466 292710 6.77 -1809
5738050 1028121 4022 255.62 250211
A2:G2 4298235 -218882 292267 -0.75 -1440899
A2:G3 4300303 1967080 292297 6.73 -618731
A3:G1 5739073 1125128 3843 292.77 351751
A3:G2 4301740 -333242 291950 -1.14 -1113750
A3:G3 4296964 -243375 292458 -0.83 -1434054
Mixed 4472148 1543294 257417 6.00 -634844
the emotional characters which are initially more re-
sponsive than tolerant, the gain per intervention is re-
duced, so that for these emotional characters this form
of education is not worthwhile.
From table 8 we see that the effects of educa-
tion strategy 2, which is designed to reduce respon-
siveness, is in complete contrast to education strat-
egy 1. In no case is education strategy 2 beneficial
when compared with enforcing co-operation, and al-
though there are gains from intervention for all emo-
tional characters (except A1:G1), the number of in-
terventions required as a result of applying education
strategy 2 is considerably less value for money com-
pared to when behaviour enforcement is the sole in-
tervention used.
Table 9 gives a similar picture to table 8. Charac-
ters A1:G1, A2:G1 and A3:G1 do show some gains
from education, but these are small, and are out-
weighed by the increased number of interventions re-
quired. Therefore education strategy 3 is not recom-
mended, unless the desire to maximise overall sys-
Table 10: Total system scores for hopeful emotional charac-
ter populations with behaviour enforcement and education
strategy 4 (increase empathy/altruism).
Score Gain
5746418 1319802 2608 506.06 -256
5728120 3412096 6256 545.41 1430494
5728255 3412237 6243 546.57 1429962
5487031 777102 1144 679.28 -808
5490113 972996 1126 864.12 -249021
5488354 3155131 1486 2123.24 569320
5389241 775296 1170 662.65 1919
A3:G2 5388275 753293 1138 661.94 -27215
A3:G3 5389058 848719 1287 659.46 -341960
Mixed 5477148 2548294 8319 306.32 370156
tem score is paramount and overrides value for money
considerations, in which case it may be useful for
emotional characters A1:G1, A2:G1 and A3:G1.
Finally, from table 10, we can see that education
strategy 4 offers considerable advantages for the most
dysfunctional emotional characters: A1:G2, A1:G3
and A2:G3, and for the mixed population. Again the
number of interventions is significantly reduced, al-
though not by as much as education strategy 1, which
increases tolerance (as shown in table 7).
From these results we can see that the education
strategies that are likely to have a beneficial impact
are those which increase tolerance or responsiveness
i.e. strategies 1 and 4.
From tables 7-10 we can derive the summary shown
in table 11, which shows for each emotional character
the best intervention strategy in terms of total score
and gain per intervention. For three emotion charac-
ters: A2:G2, A3:G2 and A3:G3, there are no gains
from education either in terms of overall score or in
terms of gains per intervention. In other cases, in-
creasing tolerance (education strategy 1) tends to of-
fer the best value for money by reducing the number
of interventions required, whereas increasing respon-
siveness (education strategy 4) offers the best system
scores since this increases the likelihood of develop-
ing mutual co-operation. Of course, it is this very in-
crease in mutual co-operation which sets the scene for
a unilateral defection that can result in the need for in-
The results presented so far relate to a simulation
of 500 rounds. In broad terms the conclusions were
not affected when 1000 rounds were played: the sum-
Table 11: Results summary.
Str. for
Str. for
Gain per.
3 596 1 762.54
4 1430494 1 868.07
4 1429962 1 868.07
3 250211 - 685.99
- - 390.92
4 569320 1 2546.29
3 569320 - 683.20
A3:G2 - - 675.18
A3:G3 - 4 659.46
Mixed 4 370156 1 1399.76
mary given in table 11 also applies to the longer ver-
sions. Where there is a significant impact is on the
gain per intervention: for homogeneous populations
these approximately double as the number of rounds
double (increases between 48% for emotional charac-
ter A2:G2 and 55% for emotional character A3:G3).
From this we can say that, the longer the period of
concern, the more worthwhile it is to try to improve
emotional characters of agents. Increased responsive-
ness for the mixed population was something of an
exception giving an increase in gain per intervention
of only 23% compared with the 53% increase in gain
per intervention for increased tolerance.
Whilst the ideal from society’s point of view is
mutual co-operation, this will inevitably lead to in-
tervention so turn-taking, which is maintenance free,
may be an acceptable alternative. Consequently, the
most cost-effective education strategies may be those
that produce emotional characters that form symmet-
ric and asymmetric turn-taking interactions with oth-
ers. Society’s acceptance of turn-taking is likely to
increase as simulation length and the likelihood of
hopeful defection increase.
What we have attempted to show through these simu-
lations is that the emergence of a successful society, in
terms of co-operation amongst its members, is highly
dependent on the members’ emotional characteristics.
Thus while the emotions of anger and gratitude can
assist the emergence of co-operation, if the thresholds
of activation are not well set, the desired effects do
not emerge and the agents become locked in an un-
breakable sequence of mutual defection. In such cir-
cumstances a society may need to intervene to correct
this detrimental behaviour. The need becomes even
more pressing when there are forces working against
the development of co-operative relations, here repre-
sented by the emotion of hope and the temptation to
defect to which it gives rise.
In many cases, however, simply correcting un-
wanted behaviour is not enough: action is also re-
quired to try to prevent recurrence of the unwanted
behaviour. Often, there are several ways in which the
emotional characteristics of agents can be changed to
achieve this; the strategy selected, however, may de-
pend on the aims and emotional characters concerned.
Here we have seen that the interventions that provide
the best value in terms of gains per intervention do
not necessarily lead to the best overall system score.
Moreover, the nature of the changes, or even whether
changes are worthwhile, will depend on the emotional
characteristics of the initial population. In homoge-
neous populations it will be possible to tailor the ed-
ucation to the population, but in a mixed population
this may not be possible.
Of course, what we have reported here applies to a
single simulation environment with single parameters
for aspects such as the likelihood of defection once
hope is activated; changing these parameters may sig-
nificantly affect the results. However, we believe that,
as with increasing the length of the simulations, the
effects are likely to be quantitative rather than qual-
itative. Thus we would expect that the greater the
chance of defection once hope is activated, the more
essential it will be to change the emotional character
of the most dysfunctional agents to keep the number
of interventions reasonable; if the probability of de-
fection is small, this becomes less important. Further
simulations will be run to confirm these conjectures.
Whilst simulating a society of agents is a good
way of investigating the emergence of co-operation,
in practice, societies do not allow agents to act as they
choose. Societies have a vision for what they deem to
be desirable behaviour and will actively intervene to
impose upon or persuade their members to adopt - or
at least conform to - this desirable behaviour. We be-
lieve that it is therefore important that such interven-
tions are themselves modelled, so that the interaction
of agents within a society can be better understood.
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