Document Clustering Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms
with Parallel Programming Based on CUDA
Jung Song Lee
, Soon Cheol Park
, Jong Joo Lee
and Han Heeh Ham
Division of Electronics and Information Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju-si, Republic of Korea
Department of Korean Language and Literature, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju-si, Republic of Korea
Department of Archeology and Cultural Anthropology, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju-si, Republic of Korea
Keywords: Document Clustering, Genetic Algorithms, Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms, GPGPU, CUDA.
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a method of enhancing Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms (MOGAs) for docu-
ment clustering with parallel programming. The document clustering using MOGAs shows better perfor-
mance than other clustering algorithms. However, the overall computation time of the MOGAs is consider-
ably long as the number of documents increases. To effectively avoid this problem, we implement the MO-
GAs with General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) to compute the document
similarities for the clustering. Furthermore, we introduce two thread architectures (Term-Threads and Doc-
ument-Threads) in the CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) language. The experimental results
show that the parallel MOGAs with CUDA are tremendously faster than the general MOGAs.
Clustering is an unsupervised classification tech-
nique that partitions the input space into K regions.
The document clustering, which is one part of a
clustering, is important in the text mining field
(Croft et al., 2009).
Currently, Genetic Algorithms (GA), which is
one of the artificial intelligence algorithms, is widely
used in document clustering. GA is a randomized
search and optimization technique guided by the
principles of evolution and natural genetics, and can
be used to handle large and complex landscapes. It
provides near optimal solutions (Maulik and Bandy-
opadhyay, 2000). Document clustering based on GA
can provide appropriate cluster solutions using the
searching capability of GA. The performance of the
document clustering based on GA is better than
other clustering algorithms (Song and Park, 2009).
However, it slows down the performance of cluster-
ing, so it is not used to prevent premature conver-
gence. To effectively avoid a premature convergence,
Fuzzy Logic based on GA (FLGA), which exerts
several control parameters to manipulate crossover
probability and the mutation probability of GA, has
been proposed (Song and Park, 2010). When the
best fitness iterations reach the consecutive maxi-
mum generation number without improvement, the
diversity of the population is extended by increasing
the crossover and mutation probability. Generally, it
can effectively avoid trapping in a local optimum
and also accelerate the evolving speed. However, it
depends on several control parameters to manipulate
the crossover probability and the mutation probabil-
ity, such as parameter dependence. To solve these
problems (premature convergence, parameter de-
pendence), document clustering using Multi-
Objective Genetic Algorithms (MOGAs) has been
proposed (Lee et al., 2011), (Lee et al, 2011), (Lee
and Park, 2013). MOGAs define the document clus-
tering problem as a Multi-Objective Optimization
Problems (MOP) having two cluster validity indices.
It uses two of MOGAs, NSGA-II (Deb et al., 2002)
and SPEA2 (Zitzler et al., 2002) to solve MOP.
Document clustering using MOGAs shows a higher
performance than the other clustering algorithms.
However, when these algorithms which are imple-
mented by serial computing are applied in document
clustering, the computational complexity is in-
creased by the high time complexities of NSGA-II
and SPEA2. In order to solve this problem, the doc-
ument clustering MOGAs on MATLAB Distributed
Computing Server (MDCS) (Lee and Park, 2012)
has been proposed. But this technique requires many
computer servers called nodes, and each node must
Lee J., Park S., Lee J. and Ham H..
Document Clustering Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms with Parallel Programming Based on CUDA.
DOI: 10.5220/0005057502800287
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2014), pages 280-287
ISBN: 978-989-758-039-0
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
set up specific and precise configuration of the
Recently, parallel computing has been increas-
ingly employed to increase the speed of computa-
tions. Parallel computing is the technique of using
multiple compute resources simultaneously to solve
a computational problem. So, we introduce the doc-
ument clustering using MOGAs based on General-
Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units
(GPGPU) to reduce the computational time in this
paper. For this technique, we use CUDA (Compute
Unified Device Architecture) language that is a plat-
form developed by NVIDIA® for performing mas-
sively parallel computations on NVIDIA® Graphics
Processing Unit (GPU) (The NVIDIA Corporation).
This paper is organized as follows. In the next
section, we give a brief review of the document
clustering using MOGAs. Details of the document
clustering using MOGAs based on CUDA are de-
scribed in Section 3. Section 4 shows the experi-
mental results of the document clustering algorithms.
Conclusions are given in Section 5.
2.1 Multi-Objective Optimization
In the optimization problems, when there are several
objective functions these problems are called Multi-
Objective Optimization Problems (MOP). MOP has
many solutions that optimize one objective function
but does not optimize other objective functions (e.g.
conflict among objectives). Therefore, it is almost
impossible to simultaneously optimize all objective
functions. The Pareto-based method is often used to
solve MOP with this character. This method finds a
set of solutions by the dominance relation between
candidate solutions.
2.2 Multi-Objective Genetic
Various algorithms have been suggested in order to
solve the MOP. They are dependent on the initial
search space and various solutions cannot be found.
GA solves this disadvantage. GA for solving MOP is
often called Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms
(MOGAs). Variations of MOGAs have been used in
many applications and their performances were test-
ed in several studies, i.e. PESA-II, SPEA2, NSGA-II,
etc., representing leading research in this category.
With these methods, NSGA-II and SPEA2 are easy
to implement and do not have parameters for diver-
sity in a population (Konak et al., 2006). So, we
applied these algorithms to document clustering.
2.3 Document Representation
In order to perform document clustering, an im-
portant process is document representation. The
general approach uses Vector Space Model (VSM)
to represent documents. The document vector that
represents the character of the document is formed
by the weights of the terms indexed in a document
(Choi et al, 2008). The following equation is the nth
document vector whose size is 1 by t. t is the number
of the total indexed terms in the corpus and W is the
term weight.
We extracted the indexed terms by using stop words
and Porter’s stemming, and calculated the term
weight by Okapi’s calculation (Salton and Buckley,
1988). In VSM we use cosine measure to compute
the similarity between two documents (Xia et al.,
2006). The cosine similarity between document d
and d
is defined by:
2.4 MOP for Document Clustering
The document clustering using GA with a single
objective function can be regarded as an optimiza-
tion problem to optimize the cluster validity index.
This view offers a chance to apply MOP on the clus-
tering problem. Therefore, the document clustering
was thought of as MOP optimizing two cluster va-
lidity indices through this trade-off relation as:
where P is the population and P = {C
, C
, … , C
… , C
}. C
is a chromosome and C
= {CN
, CN
… , CN
, … , CN
}. CN
is the cluster number as-
signed to a documents and 1 CN
K, n is the
number of chromosomes in a population, m is the
number of documents and K is the number of clus-
ters. F
and F
are indicated as CH index (Ca-
linski and Harabasz, 1974) and DB index (Davies
and Bouldin, 1979) for the objective functions of
MOGA. Objective function prescribes the optimality
of a solution in GA. A clustering validity index was
used as the objective function and determines the
optimal partition and the optimal number of clusters.
If the cluster validity index has the minimum value
or maximum value, optimal clustering will result.
2.5 Chromosome Encoding
and Evolution Principles
In document clustering using MOGAs, data should
be close to gene structure through the encoding pro-
cess. The chromosome is encoded by a string of
integers. Each chromosome in the population is
initially encoded by a number of m genes with an
integer value randomly in the range 1~K, where m is
the number of documents and K is the number of
clusters. Thus, each gene represents a document, and
the value of a gene represents a cluster number.
Figure 1: Chromosome encoding for the document cluster-
For example, in Figure 1, for m = 6 and K = 4, the
encoding {2, 3, 1, 4, 2} allocates the first document
to the second cluster, the second document to the
third cluster and the third document to the first clus-
ter, and so on. That is, the document clustering using
MOGAs finds the optimal cluster group of each
document. Also, Multi-Point Crossover and Uniform
Mutation were adopted in the evolution operators.
3.1 Basic CUDA
This section introduces the main concepts behind the
CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture)
programming model. CUDA is a platform developed
for performing massively parallel
computations on NVIDIA
Graphics Processing
Unit (GPU). It enables dramatic increases in compu-
ting performance by the power of the GPU and pro-
vides the ability to use high-level languages such as
C to develop the application. The basic architecture
of CUDA is as Figure 2.
Figure 2: The basic architecture of CUDA.
Copy input data from the Main Memory of
Host to Memor
for GPU in Device
(2) Instruct the processing (Load GPU program)
(3) Execute parallel in each Core of GPU
Copy results from Main Memory in HOST
to Memory for GPU in Device
As illustrated by Figure 3, parallel portions of an
application execute on the device as kernels. A ker-
nel function that is called by the host is the basic unit
of work on GPU, and it is executed by an array of
threads in parallel. All threads execute the same
code and these are grouped into blocks. Blocks are
organized into a grid and a kernel is executed as a
grid of blocks of threads.
Figure 3: Thread hierarchy in CUDA.
Threads may access data from multiple memory
spaces during their execution, as illustrated by Fig-
ure 4. Per-thread local memory is private to the
thread. Per-block shared memory is shared by all
threads of the block and same lifetime as the block.
Threads can safely share data through this memory.
Global memory is device level memory that is
shared by all threads.
Figure 4: Memory hierarchy in CUDA.
3.2 Issue of Document Clustering using
MOGAs based on CUDA
The procedure of document clustering using MO-
GAs is shown in Figure 5. First, documents are rep-
resented by using IR techniques (Stop Word Re-
move, Porter’s Stemming). Second, the documents
are clustered by using MOGAs, NSGA-II and
Figure 5: Procedure of document clustering using MO-
The performance of the document clustering using
NSGA-II and SPEA2 among MOGAs is better than
the other clustering algorithms (k-means, conven-
tional GA). The time complexities of NSGA-II and
SPEA2 are O(MN
) and O(MN
logN) respectively,
where M is the number of objective functions and N
is the population size. MOGAs using the cluster
validity indices as the objective functions require
higher computational complexity. Moreover, in or-
der to perform document clustering, an important
process is document representation.
The general approach uses VSM to represent
documents. VSM has many drawbacks; because
each unique term in the vocabulary represents one
dimension in feature space, VSM needs a large
number of features to represent high dimensions,
and it can easily cause the high cost of computation-
al time. To overcome these problems, we adopted
the data parallel computations on kernel function in
CUDA to the calculating the objective function of
the population.
In Figure 5, evolution operators (initial popula-
tion, selection, crossover, mutation) of MOGAs are
executed by serial code in host. The objective func-
tions of each chromosome in population are calcu-
lated by parallel code with CUDA in device. We
propose two architectures which are called Term-
Threads and Document-Threads. We designed the
implementation process described detailedly as fol-
Step 1 : i
chromosome in a population at genera-
tion p, centroid vectors, and document vectors allo-
cate to global memory in device.
Step 2 : Set block size n. n is the number of docu-
ments and each block indicates value of gene. Con-
sequently, x
block indicates n
document vector
). For example, first block allocates to the first
document vector, second block allocates to the sec-
ond document vector and so on.
Step 3 : Set threads size t in each block. Each thread
indicates term weight (W
) in document vector (D
Step 4 : Start computation of each block; calculate
cosine similarity between component of document
vector (W
) and component of centroid vector (C
in each thread.
Step 5 : Finally, the result of cosine similarity be-
tween document vector (D
) and centroid vector
) allocates to the shred memory in each block.
So, we use it for clustering validity index (CH index,
DB index).
Consequently, in Term-Threads architecture as
shown Figure 6, genes of i
chromosome are as-
signed to each block. So, it simultaneously calcu-
lates n documents cosine similarity in an i
some and number of iteration is population size.
Figure 6: Term-Threads architecture.
Figure 7: Document-Threads architecture.
Step 1 : population at generation p, centroid vectors,
and document vectors allocate to global memory.
Step 2 : Set block size i. i is the number of chromo-
some in population at generation p and x
indicates i
chromosome. For example, first block
allocates to the first chromosome, second block
allocates to the second chromosome and so on.
Step 3 : Set threads size n in each block. Each
thread indicates value of gene in i
Consequently, n
thread indicates n
vector (D
Step 4 : Start computation of each block; calculate
cosine similarity between document vector (D
) and
centroid vector (CV
) in each thread.
Step 5 : Finally, the result of cosine similarity be-
tween document and centroid vector allocates to the
shred memory in each block. So, we use it for clus-
tering validity index (CH index, DB index).
While in Document-Threads architecture as
shown Figure 7, chromosomes of population at gen-
eration p are assigned to each block. So, it simulta-
neously calculates n × i documents cosine similarity
in a generation p.
In this section, we implement our method of MO-
GAs on CUDA for document clustering on the Reu-
ters-21578 collection, which is one of the most
widely adopted benchmark datasets in the text min-
ing field, and compare and discuss the performance
of MOGAs on CUDA with conventional GA. Also,
we use F-measure (Fragoudis et al., 2005) to evalu-
ate the performances of these clustering algorithms.
The population number in our conventional GA and
MOGAs is 300. These algorithms are terminated
when the number of generations reaches 1,000, or
when the iterations without improvement reach con-
secutive 20. In the current test data set 1, containing
100 documents from three topics (acq(30),
crude(30), trade(40)), data set 2 containing 200
documents from four topics (coffee(50), trade(50),
crude(50), sugar(50)), and data set 3 containing 300
documents from six topics (coffee(50), trade(50),
crude(50), sugar(50), grain(50), ship(50)) are se-
lected. After being processed by word extraction,
stop word removal, and Porter’s stemming, there are
1019, 3436 and 4210 index terms, respectively. Al-
so, the index term weight that is extracted by using
the Okapi’s calculation was determined.
We implement our experiments in two steps:
Firstly, by comparing the performances of the MO-
GAs to those of the other clustering algorithms for
the different data sets in serial code. Secondly, by
comparing the computational times of these algo-
rithms for the same data sets then we design GPU
parallel code and compare the computational times
with CPU serial code.
Figure 8 shows the performances of clustering
algorithms with the different data sets. GA indicates
the conventional GA with single objective function.
NSGA-II and SPEA2 indicate the MOGAs with two
objective functions. DB and CH indicate objective
functions applied in the clustering algorithms. DB
stands for DB index and CH for CH index. In sum-
mary, the clustering performances in all data sets are
highest F-measure when using NSGA-II and next,
SPEA 2. With each data set, the average F-measure
value of MOGAs using the NSGA-II and SPEA2 is
0.79, 0.75 and 0.80. Consequently, the document
clustering applying the MOGAs shows the perfor-
mance about 21% than conventional GA.
Figure 8: The clustering performance for each data set.
However, as a result of Table 1 the computational
time of MOGAs is greater than GAs. So, we adopted
CUDA for reduce computational times in document
clustering using MOGAs. We evaluate performance
of our MOGAs base on CUDA implementation us-
ing GeForce GTX 550Ti video cards with 192 cores
and 1 GB of RAM DDR3. GeForce GTX 550 Ti
consists of four Streaming Multiprocessors (SM).
Each SM consists of eight processor cores called
Streaming Processors (SP). In effect, GeForce GTX
550 Ti is a massively-parallel multi-core processor
embodying 32 SPs in total and maximum number of
active threads on each block is 1,024, in total more
than 130,000 threads. The computer used for exper-
iments was a desktop PC with Intel Core i7-2600 to
3.4 GHz, 8 GB of RAM, operating system 64-bit
Microsoft Windows 7 sp1.
Table 1: The computational time of MOGAs and general
GA (minutes).
Test Data Sets
Data Set 1 Data Set 2 Data Set 3
GA(DB) 34 110 237
GA(CH) 52 130 253
SGA-II 84 162 334
SPEA 2 93 178 350
Table 2 shows the computational times of each data
set of MOGAs using serial code and MOGAs using
parallel code based on CUDA with two thread archi-
tecture, Term-Threads and Document-Threads.
Table 2: The computational time of MOGAs based on
CUDA, general MOGAs (seconds).
Test Data Sets
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
5,040 9,720 20,040
SPEA 2 5,580 10,680 21,000
7 24 220
8 25 220
From Table 2, we can see that the Term-Threads
and Document-Threads architecture are faster than
serial code. Also, CUDA helps to reduce computa-
tional times substantially. Especially, Document-
Threads architecture can get 600x, 400x, and 90x
speed-up in each data sets respectively. However, in
Table 2, Term-Threads architecture is impossible
to implement over 1,024 threads because maximum
number of active threads per block is 1,024 on Ge-
Force GTX 550 Ti. That is, Term-Threads architec-
ture is impossible to execute when number of term is
over 1,024.
We have presented document clustering using MO-
GAs based on GPGPU to solve the problem of long
computational time in the general MOGAs. The
document similarity of the objective functions in
MOGAs is computed with GPGPU using the parallel
computing platform of CUDA.
The results show that these MOGAs enhanced
the clustering performance about 12% higher than
those of both the general GA. Furthermore, two
architectures, Term-Threads and Document-
Threads, show faster execution times than general
MOGAs. Especially, Document-Threads architec-
ture gains over 600x speed-up and handles more
than 1,000 documents simultaneously with Term-
Threads architecture.
In future, we will do more work on some optimi-
zation techniques of the document clustering in
CUDA, seeking the best of threads architectures for
document clustering.
This work was supported by the National Research
Foundation of Korea Grant funded (NRF) by the
Korean Government (NRF-2013S1A5B8A01072201
& NRF-2013R1A1A2063572) and the Brain Korea
21 PLUS Project, National Research Foundation of
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