Combined Algebraic and Truncated Differential Cryptanalysis on
Reduced-round Simon
Nicolas Courtois
, Theodosis Mourouzis
, Guangyan Song
, Pouyan Sepehrdad
and Petr Susil
University College London, London, U.K.
Qualcomm Inc., San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
Ecole Polytechnique F ´ed ´ereale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Lightweight Cryptography, Block Cipher, Feistel, SIMON, Differential Cryptanalysis, Algebraic Cryptanal-
ysis, Truncated Differentials, SAT Solver, Elimlin, Non-linearity, Multiplicative Complexity, Guess-then-
Recently, two families of ultra-lightweight block ciphers were proposed, SIMON and SPECK, which come in
a variety of block and key sizes (Beaulieu et al., 2013). They are designed to offer excellent performance for
hardware and software implementations (Beaulieu et al., 2013; Aysu et al., 2014). In this paper, we study the
resistance of SIMON-64/128 with respect to algebraic attacks. Its round function has very low Multiplicative
Complexity (MC) (Boyar et al., 2000; Boyar and Peralta, 2010) and very low non-linearity (Boyar et al.,
2013; Courtois et al., 2011) since the only non-linear component is the bitwise multiplication operation. Such
ciphers are expected to be very good candidates to be broken by algebraic attacks and combinations with
truncated differentials (additional work by the same authors). We algebraically encode the cipher and then
using guess-then-determine techniques, we try to solve the underlying system using either a SAT solver (Bard
et al., 2007) or by ElimLin algorithm (Courtois et al., 2012b). We consider several settings where P-C pairs that
satisfy certain properties are available, such as low Hamming distance or follow a strong truncated differential
property (Knudsen, 1995). We manage to break faster than brute force up to 10(/44) rounds for most cases
we have tried. Surprisingly, no key guessing is required if pairs which satisfy a strong truncated differential
property are available. This reflects the power of combining truncated differentials with algebraic attacks in
ciphers of low non-linearity and shows that such ciphers require a large number of rounds to be secure.
Nowadays, due to the continuously growing impact
of mobile phones, smart cards, RFID tags, sensor net-
works, there is a great demand to provide security and
design cryptographic algorithms which are suitable
and can be efficiently implemented in very resource-
constrained devices. The area of cryptography which
studies the design and the security of such lightweight
cryptographic primitives, called lightweight cryptog-
raphy, is rapidly evolving and becoming more and
more important.
These lightweight cryptographic primitives are
designed to be efficient (in both hardware and soft-
ware) when limited hardware resources are available
and at the same time to guarantee a desired level of se-
curity. The design of such primitives is a great chal-
lenge and can be seen as a non-trivial optimization
problem, where several trade-offs are taken into ac-
count. They need to maintain a reasonable balance
between security, efficient software and hardware im-
plementation and very low overall cost with respect to
several meaningful metrics (power consumption, en-
ergy consumption, size of the circuit (Courtois et al.,
2011; Boyar and Peralta, 2010; Boyar et al., 2000)).
In July 2013, a team from the NSA has proposed
two new families of particularly lightweight block ci-
phers, SIMON and SPECK, both coming in a variety
of widths and key sizes (Beaulieu et al., 2013). We
use a basic reference implementation of both ciphers
which can be found in (Courtois et al., 2014), as well
as the generator of algebraic equations to be used in
algebraic attacks.
However, no advanced analysis of the security
of the ciphers was discussed. In the same paper
(Beaulieu et al., 2013), they briefly said that SIMON
and SPECK were designed to provide security against
traditional adversaries who can adaptively encrypt
Courtois N., Mourouzis T., Song G., Sepehrdad P. and Susil P..
Combined Algebraic and Truncated Differential Cryptanalysis on Reduced-round Simon.
DOI: 10.5220/0005064903990404
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2014), pages 399-404
ISBN: 978-989-758-045-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and decrypt large amounts of data and some attention
was paid so that there are no related-key attacks. No
analysis against common attacks such as linear or dif-
ferential cryptanalysis was presented and the task of
analyzing the resistance of the ciphers against known
attacks was left to the academic community. Immedi-
ately after the release of the specifications we had the
first attempts of cryptanalysis against differential, lin-
ear and rotational cryptanalysis (Farzaneh et al., 2013;
Alkhzaimi and Lauridsen, 2013). However, since SI-
MON is a cipher of exceptionally low MC and as a re-
sult of low non-linearity it is an ideal candidate for al-
gebraic attacks and combinations of algebraic attacks
with truncated differential cryptanalysis.
Contribution and Outline. In this paper, we
study SIMON-64/128 against algebraic attacks and
combinations of algebraic attacks with truncated dif-
ferential cryptanalysis. Our aim is to use the very rich
algebraic structure with additional data provided ( e.g.
pairs {(P,P
)} which follow a certain highly
probable truncated differential property) in order to
solve the underlying multivariate system of equations.
We attempt to solve the system by either using a SAT
solver (after converting the system to its correspond-
ing CNF-SAT form (Bard et al., 2007)) or by ElimLin
algorithm (Boyar et al., 2013; Courtois et al., 2011;
Courtois et al., 2013). We are able to break up to
10 (/44) rounds of the cipher using a SAT solver and
usual guess-then-determine techniques. Surprisingly,
in most cases we are able to obtain the key without
guessing any key bits (Susil et al., 2014) when trun-
cated differentials are used. This is a very remarkable
results since one of the biggest difficulties in software
algebraic cryptanalysis is to know how do experimen-
tal attacks scale up for larger numbers of rounds. This
is possibly due to the very low non-linearity of the
cipher and suggests that it worths studying a specific
strategy for P-C pairs which have certain structure and
decrease even more the non-linearity of the system by
introducing more linear equations (e.g. truncated dif-
ferential properties) until the key can be obtained even
for more number of rounds. We discuss in details our
results in Section 4.
In our attacks, we study the following three set-
1. RP/RC. (Random Plaintexts/Random Cipher-
texts): We assume that random plaintext-
ciphertext (P-C) pairs are available
2. SP/RC. (Similar Plaintexts/Random Ciphertexts):
We assume that random P-C pairs such that the
plaintexts differ by very few bits are available
(low Hamming distance)
3. SP/SC. (Similar Plaintexts/Similar Ciphertexts):
We assume that random P-C pairs which follow
a highly probably truncated differential property
are available.
In Section 2 we discuss the specification of
SIMON-64/128 version. In Section 3, we provide
some introduction regarding algebraic cryptanalysis,
MC and the ElimLin algorithm. We discuss software
algebraic cryptanalysis as a 2-step process, where in
the first step we algebraically encode the problem and
then we aim to solve the underlying system of equa-
tions using available software solver.
SIMON is a family of lightweight block ciphers
with the aim to have optimal hardware performance
(Beaulieu et al., 2013). It follows the classical Feis-
tel design paradigm, operating on two n-bit halves in
each round and thus the general block size is 2n. The
SIMON block cipher with an n-bit word is denoted by
Simon-2n, where n = 16,24,32,48 or 64 and if it uses
an m-word key (equivalently mn-bit key) we denote it
as Simon-2n/mn. In this paper, we study the variant
of SIMON with n = 32 and m = 4 (i.e. 128-bit key).
Each round of SIMON applies a non-linear, non-
bijective (and as a result non-invertible) function
F : GF(2)
to the left half of the state which is repeated for 44
rounds. The operations used are as follows:
1. bitwise XOR,
2. bitwise AND,
3. left circular shift, S
by j bits.
We denote the input to the i-th round by L
and in each round the left word L
is used as input
to the round function F defined by,
) = (L
<<< 1) (L
<<< 8) (L
<<< 2)
Then, the next state L
is computed as follows
(cf. Fig. 1),
= R
) K
= L
The output of the last round is the ciphertext.
The key schedule of SIMON is based on an LSFR-
like procedure, where the nm-bits of the key are used
to generate the keys K
to be used in each
Figure 1: The round function of SIMON.
round. There are three different key schedule proce-
dures depending on the number of words that the se-
cret key consists of (m = 2,3,4).
At the beginning, the first m words
are initialized with the secret
key, while the remaining are generated by the LSFR-
like construction. For the variant of our interest,
where m = 4, the remaining keys are generated in the
following way:
Y = K
>>> 3) (5)
= K
Y (Y >>> 1) c (z
The constant c = 0x f f ... f c is used for preventing
slide attacks and attacks exploiting rotational symme-
tries (Beaulieu et al., 2013). In addition, the generated
subkeys are xored with a bit (z
, that denotes the
i-th bit from the one of the ve constant sequences
. These sequences are defined in (Beaulieu
et al., 2013) and for our variant we use z
Claude Shannon, has once suggested that the secu-
rity of a cipher should be related to the difficulty of
solving the underlying system of equations and deriv-
ing the key (Shannon, 1949). Initially, this was not
understood and since then only the statistical and lo-
cal aspects of the ciphers were studied. This global
approach was not considered. Probabilistic attacks
very often require huge amount of data, while alge-
braic attacks can be attempted with very little data. In
general, an algebraic attack can be a form of known-
plaintext attack which consists of the following two
basic steps; the modeling step where the cipher is de-
scribed as a multivariate system of polynomial equa-
tions and the solving stage where we solve the sys-
The modeling step is not trivial and one simple
method is to follow closely a hardware implemen-
tation of the cipher as a circuit (Courtois and Bard,
2007). The most challenging part is the second part
where some extra assumptions and information are
needed until the system is solvable. Such method
is guess-then-determine techniques, where some ran-
dom bits (or carefully chosen bits depending on the
structure) of the key are guessed and then try to solve
for the rest key bits.
Several methods for solving the underlying sys-
tem of equations are known. One method is to com-
pute the corresponding CNF-SAT form of the prob-
lem and then attempt to derive the solution using a
SAT solver software (Bard et al., 2007). The advan-
tage of such technique is that SAT solvers can perform
reasonably well and do not require a lot of memory as
in case of Gr ¨obner basis-based techniques (Faugere,
1999). The only disadvantage is the unpredictability
of its complexity.
Another method, is to use ElimLin algorithm
(Courtois et al., 2012b). ElimLin stands for Eliminate
Linear and it is a simple algorithm for solving poly-
nomial systems of multivariate equations over small
finite fields and was initially proposed as a single tool
by Courtois to attack DES (Courtois and Bard, 2007).
It is also known as ”inter-reduction” step in all major
algebra systems.
Its main aim is to reveal some hidden linear equa-
tions existing in the ideal generated by the system of
polynomials. ElimLin is composed of two sequential
stages, as follows:
Gaussian Elimination: Discover all the linear
equations in the linear span of initial equations.
Substitution: Variables are iteratively eliminated
in the whole system based on linear equations
found until there is no linear equation left.
This method is iterated until no linear equation is
obtained in the linear span of the system. Intuitively,
ElimLin seems to work better in cases where there is
low non-linearity since this implies the existence of
more linear equations. MC is another notion of non-
linearity (Boyar et al., 2013; Courtois et al., 2013)
and possibly such method may work sufficiently well
in cryptographic primitives of low MC.
In this paper, we apply both techniques for solv-
ing the underlying system of equations that describes
SIMON cipher. In order to introduce more linearity
to the system, we use either P-C pairs with plaintexts
of low Hamming distance which are used to eliminate
many variables in the initial equations or pairs which
satisfy certain truncated differential properties. Com-
bining differential and algebraic attacks is like reduc-
ing the number of non-trivial variables in the system
and thus increasing the probability of solving the sys-
tem by computer algebra tools. For example, a trun-
cated differential mask [0000022200000080], with
four active bits for the input variables, is equivalent
to adding 60 linear equations of the form P
= 0.
We evaluated the security of SIMON against alge-
braic attacks under the following three settings (cf.
Fig. 2), where S=Similar and R=Random.
Setting 1 is the simplest setting of understanding
how many rounds of SIMON can be broken by simple
guess-then-determine techniques, assuming availabil-
ity of a few P-C pairs. This setting help us to under-
stand the maximum number of rounds we can break
by guessing as few as possible key bits and using as
few as possible P-C pairs. It a non-trivial step in or-
der to set the benchmark for attacking more number
of rounds.
An attack using Setting 2 is a form of known-
plaintext attack. Setting 2 requires P-C pairs with
plaintexts of low Hamming distance such that many
variables are eliminated in the first few rounds.
Lastly, Setting 3 requres P-C pairs
such that P
P and C
C, for all
1 i, j n and some truncated differential masks
P, C of low Hamming weight which holds with
comparatively high probability. In our attacks we al-
ways use 2 pairs which satisfy a given truncated dif-
ferential property and then more P-C pairs are gen-
erated by using the first 2 plaintexts and computing
the encryptions of new plaintexts which have small
Hamming distance from the first ones. The difference
from Setting 2 is that in this case we also eliminate
variables from the last rounds of the cipher, expecting
that the system is even more easier to solve.
We run experiments using SAT solvers and Elim-
Lin Algorithm on a machine with the following char-
acteristics, CPU: Intel i7-3520m 2.9GHz, RAM: 4G
and OS: 64-bit Windows 8.
In all of our attacks we use the best 8
and 10 round truncated differential property
= [0000022200000080] (with 4 active bits
and propagates with probability 2
) and
[0000002200000080] [002e f f 9a00022e4c] (
probability 2
) respectively. More details about
Figure 2: Our three attack scenarios.
our discovery method will be published in future
Table 1 presents the best result obtained for several
rounds using a SAT solver. The average time (in sec-
onds) taken T
to solve the underlying problem
by a SAT solver is presented, while the time complex-
ity C
(in terms of SIMON encryptions) is computed
by the following formulae,
= 2
× 2
, (7)
where k is the number of bits we guess initially.
From Table 1, we observe that up to 9 rounds we
can solve the underlying system of equations without
guessing any key bits initially provided we have Set-
tings 2 and 3. Setting 3 seems to be slightly better up
to 9 rounds.
Moreover, assuming Setting 3 we can break 10
rounds by guessing 70 bits of the key initially with
time complexity 2
encryptions. Note that in
SP/SC setting we always generate two P-C pair which
s satisfy the truncated differential property and the
rest pairs are generated from them assuming low
Hamming Distance in plaintexts.
Table 1: Best results obtained by a SAT solver. n,s,h stand for number of variables, sparsity and hardness respectively and
m the number of equations. We define hardness as a number h such that h
is the running time, where n is the number of
variables. It is known that h 1.47 for 4-SAT problems (cf. Table 1 in (Semaev and Mikus, 2010)).
#(Rounds) k #(P-C) T
(s) C
Setting n x =
s h
8 45 6 207.0 2
RP/RC 8576 6.51 4.28 1.0032
8 75 2 156.6 2
SP/RC 2944 6.34 4.27 1.0092
8 0 6 12.8 2
SP/RC 8576 6.51 4.28 1.0029
9 0 6 222.5 2
SP/RC 9536 6.70 4.31 1.0029
9 0 7 94.7 2
SP/RC 11104 6.71 4.31 1.0024
10 90 8 346.0 2
SP/RC 13952 6.90 4.32 1.002
8 0 6 11.2 2
SP/SC 8576 6.55 4.26 1.0028
9 0 7 18.56 2
SP/SC 9536 6.70 4.31 1.0026
10 70 10 417.73 2
SP/SC 17408 6.88 4.31 1.0022
4.2 Algebraic Attacks Using ElimLin
Table 2 presents the results using the ElimLin algo-
Table 2: Best results obtained by a ElimLin Algorithm.
#(Rounds) k #(P-C) T
(s) C
8 0 6 824.4 2
8 0 6 583.2 2
We have been able to break up to 8 rounds in Set-
ting 3 without guessing any key bits initially. The best
attack we have obtained is of time complexity 2
encryptions against 8 rounds of SIMON. Adding pairs
which follow a strong truncated differential property
is equivalent to adding linear equations in the system
and this is exploited by the ElimLin algorithm. An
immediate improvement is to use additional interme-
diate truncated differences and this will be our future
Nowadays, there is a great demand to design
lightweight cryptographic primitives which are suit-
able to be implemented in very resource-constrained
devices. The research community has proposed sev-
eral lightweight cryptographic primitives and recently
two families of lightweight block ciphers were pro-
posed, Simon and Speck (Beaulieu et al., 2013).
In (Beaulieu et al., 2013) only the implemen-
tation aspects of the ciphers are discussed but im-
mediately after their release, a few attacks against
reduced-round versions of the ciphers were discov-
ered; we have mainly differential attacks (Farzaneh
et al., 2013; Alkhzaimi and Lauridsen, 2013) and at-
tacks using impossible differentials (Farzaneh et al.,
2013) (cf. Table 3).
In this paper, we studied the security of Simon-
64/128 cipher against algebraic attacks and algebraic-
differential attacks. We have combined two powerful
cryptanalytic techniques: truncated differential crypt-
analysis and software algebraic cryptanalysis. To the
best of our knowledge we are the first to show that
such a combination is powerful enough to break up to
10 rounds of a block cipher without guessing any key
bits. How important is it to be able to break ciphers
without guessing any key bits (Susil et al., 2014) ?
One of the biggest difficulties in software alge-
braic cryptanalysis is to know how do experimental
attacks scale up for larger numbers of rounds. A pes-
simistic version says that there is a combinatorial ex-
plosion of dependencies with respect to key variables
and there is no hope to break many rounds much
faster than brute force (Courtois et al., 2012a), even
though it might be possible to break more rounds very
slightly faster than brute force. An optimistic version
becomes more plausible when we exhibit poly-time
like attacks in which there is no guessing of key vari-
ables whatsoever, all variables are determined. Such
algebraic attacks are expected to scale up much better
for larger numbers of rounds.
Table 3: State-of-art regarding cryptanalysis of Simon-64/128.
Authors Rounds Attacked Type Time Data Memory
(Farzaneh et al., 2013) 24/44 Diff 2
(Farzaneh et al., 2013) 16/44 Imp-Diff 2
(Alkhzaimi and Lauridsen, 2013) 26/44 Diff 2
(Biryukov et al., 2014) 26/44 Diff 2
This paper 9/44 Alg 2
This paper 10/44 Alg 2
This paper 10/44 Trunc-Diff-Alg 2
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