Learning Good Opinions from Just Two Words Is Not Bad
Darius Andrei Suciu, Vlad Vasile Itu, Alexandru Cristian Cosma,
Mihaela Dinsoreanu and Rodica Potolea
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Keywords: Unsupervised Learning, Opinion Mining, NLP, Domain Independent Learning, Implementation.
Abstract: Considering the wide spectrum of both practical and research applicability, opinion mining has attracted
increased attention in recent years. This article focuses on breaking the domain-dependency issues which
occur in supervised opinion mining by using an unsupervised approach. Our work devises a methodology
by considering a set of grammar rules for identification of opinion bearing words. Moreover, we focus on
tuning our method for the best tradeoff between precision-recall, computation complexity and number of
seed words while not committing to a specific input data set. The method is general enough to perform well
using just 2 seed words therefore we can state that it is an unsupervised strategy. Moreover, since the 2 seed
words are class representatives (“good”, “bad”) we claim that the method is domain independent.
Information is becoming more and more abundant
especially over the internet. Twitter alone reports an
average of 58 million tweets per day, this being a
small fraction of the flood of free information which
surges on the web. Considering we already have a
free supply of information, the most important
questions which can be asked are: What can we do
with it? How can we put it to good use? How can we
use all of it?
The subfield of data mining which tries to answer
this question is that of Opinion Mining. Its goal is to
extract useful subjective information from user
generated content, like customer reviews of products,
tweets, blog articles, and forum discussions.
In opinion mining, a feature (or target) is a topic on
which opinions are expressed. Opinions without
associated features would be less valuable
information. As an example, in the sentence: The
camera was extraordinary if we wouldn’t know that
camera is the target and would only have
extraordinary as opinion, the information would not
be relevant. Moreover, opinions have a polarity (or
semantic orientation) which can fall into the positive,
neutral or negative spectrum, depending on the
context it is being used in. For example, the actors'
performance was cold may indicate a bad
performance and thus cold has a negative polarity. At
the same time, the sentence after installing the fan,
the processor became cold may indicate that the fan
did its job, which suggests cold conveys a positive
orientation. Therefore, context is the key.
In this paper, we focus on opinion extraction in
text documents - more specifically, in customer
reviews. Given a set of reviews, the goal is to
identify and classify targets according to the opinion
expressed toward them.
To achieve the objective, the system proposed in
this paper follows a domain independent,
unsupervised approach for performing feature/aspect-
based opinion extraction and polarity assignment on
user generated content. The starting point of the
proposed method is a rule-based, iterative technique
proposed in (Liu, 2012). An important problem in
opinion summarization caused by domain specific
opinion words is handled very well by this approach
as it extracts both opinion words and features.
Because the extraction process also introduces noise,
we propose a set of pruning and filtering methods
designed to improve performance. The proposed
solution performs reliably and efficiently on cross-
domain corpora while offering the possibility to fine-
tune the system using a set of parameters.
The approaches and techniques used to perform the
opinion summarization task vary and belong to
Suciu D., Itu V., Cosma A., Dinsoreanu M. and Potolea R..
Learning Good Opinions from Just Two Words Is Not Bad.
DOI: 10.5220/0005079802330241
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2014), pages 233-241
ISBN: 978-989-758-048-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
different/complementary research areas: text mining,
sentiment prediction, classification, clustering,
natural language processing, usage of resource terms
and so on.
In (Hatzivassiloglou, 1997) the authors extract
adjectives joined by conjunction relations (and / or),
based on the concept that adjectives joined by
conjunction have the same or opposite polarity and
semantic value.
In (Turney, 2002) 3-grams are compared against a
predefined syntactical relationship table, extracting
targets and their associated opinion words along with
their sematic values.
In (Hu and Liu, 2004) frequent nouns and noun
phrases are used to extract product feature candidates.
The target extraction proposed in (Popescu, 2005)
determines whether a noun or noun phrase is a
product feature or not. A PMI score is computed
between the phrase and its discriminant found by a
search on the Web by using the known product class.
In (Jin et. all. 2009) lexical Hidden Markov
Models are employed. A propagation module extends
the previously extracted targets and opinion words.
The authors expand the opinion words with synonyms
and antonyms and expand the targets with related
words combining them into bigrams. The noise is
treated using weights which are assigned to the
resulted bigrams.
The extraction of product features using grammar
rules is described in (Zhang et. all. 2010). They also
use the HITS algorithm, a link analysis algorithm for
rating Web pages along with feature frequency for
ranking features by relevance.
In (Liu, 2012) seed words set expansion and
features identification are described. The seed words
set, denoted also as lexicon, is composed of adjectives
with a polarity associated – in the form of a positive,
neutral or negative score. The features and opinion
words are extracted in pairs, by using a dependency
grammar and by exploiting the syntactic
dependencies between nouns and adjectives in
Supervised and unsupervised approaches are
combined for extracting opinion words and their
targets in (Su Su Htay and Khin Thidar Lynn, 2013).
Targets are extracted by using a training corpus, while
opinion words are extracted by using grammar rules.
The problem from combining approaches lies in the
domain dependency given by the supervised part.
In (Hu et. all, 2013) sentiments are extracted out
of the emoticons used in social texts like blogs,
comments and tweets. The authors use the orthogonal
nonnegative matrix tri-factorization model (ONMTF);
clustering data instances based on the distribution of
features, and features according to their distribution of
data instances.
(Guerini et. All, 2013) tackles a polarity
assignment problem, using a posterior polarity for
achieving polarity consistency through the text. The
authors also obtain better results from a framework
constructed from a collection of posterior polarity
calculating formulas. Their results also show the
advantage of computing the average of all senses of a
word over the usage of its most frequent sense.
In order to determine the opinion polarity values,
in (Marrese-Taylor et. all. 2013), a lexical and a rule-
based approach is proposed. A polarity lexicon and
linguistic rules are used to obtain a list of words with
known orientations.
Our work devises a generalized methodology by
considering a comprehensive set of grammar rules for
identification of opinion bearing words. Moreover,
we focus on tuning our method for the best tradeoff
between precision-recall, time and number of seed
words. The method is general enough to perform well
using just 2 seed words therefore we can state that it
is an unsupervised strategy. Moreover, since the 2
seed words are class representatives (“good”, “bad”)
we claim that the method is domain independent.
The method proposed in this paper is presented in
Figure 1, where the conceptual modules of our
architecture together with the intermediate data
produced are depicted. The architecture is composed
by 3 components: 1 – Retriever Service; 2 – Feature-
Opinion Pair Identification, 3 – Polarity Aggregator.
The Retriever services generate syntactic trees
from the given input corpus. This preprocessing
module handles the usual NLP tasks. The
transformations applied at sentence level are:
tokenization, lemmatization, part-of-speech tagging
and syntactic parsing. First, each review document is
segmented into sentences, which are used for
discovering words in the tokenizing step.
Lemmatization reduces the word to its base (root)
form. Finally, the parsing step generates syntactic
trees for each sentence, given the output of the
previous steps. This syntactic decomposition is used
as input for the second main task of the system, the
identification of feature-opinion pairs.
The <feature, opinion> tuple identification
component extracts the feature-opinion pairs using
the double propagation algorithm. The rule-based
strategy followed - double propagation - uses the
extraction rules listed in (Cosma, 2014).
Figure 1: Overall system architecture.
The main idea of the double propagation algorithm
is to boost the recognition rate in one side (opinion
words) by identifying many words in the other side
(targets) – back and forth. The extraction method is
applied iteratively: the found adjectives and nouns
are added to the input set, then new features and
opinion words are extracted using the existing ones.
Based on the rules used, polarity scores are
transferred from targets or opinions to the newly
extracted word. The propagation ends when only
few or no new entities are identified. In the end, all
the polarity values of the extracted targets are
aggregated to form an overall review score. The key
to identifying opinion words and targets is the use of
the syntactic relations defined in (Cosma 2014).
The propagation consists of four subtasks:
Extracting targets using opinion words
Extracting opinion words using targets
Extracting targets using targets
Extracting opinion words using opinion words
We propose the set of rules defined in (Cosma,
2014), which start from the set of rules defined in
(Liu, 2012) along with additional constructed rules
for extracting adjectives as opinion words based on
(Turney, 2002) and new original ones for extracting
pronouns as targets.
The process of extracting opinion words and
targets from a text using syntactic dependencies
introduces noise so a filter is devised to prune
opinion words based on their objectivity. The filter’s
objective is to remove adjectives and adverbs which
are not opinion words. An adjective or adverb is
considered to be an opinion word if its polarity is
above (in case of a positive opinion word) or below
(negative) a calculated threshold, ensuring that
objective words are not extracted, thus reducing the
noise propagation. The finding was triggered in the
initial experimental phase, when many adjectives
extracted expressed a property, not an opinion (first,
other, long, etc.).
The double propagation algorithm is presented in
the following pseudo code:
Input: Seed Word Dictionary {S},
Syntactic Trees {T}
Output: All Features {F}, All Opinion
Words {O}
Constant: Objectivity Threshold {Th}
1. {O} = {S}
2. {F
} = Ø, {O
} = Ø
3. For each tree in T:
4. if( Extracted features
not in {F})
5. Extract features
} using R1, R2 with {O}
6. endif
7. if( Extracted opinion
words not in {O} and opinion
words objectivity < {Th})
8. Extract opinion
words {O
} using R3, R5 with {O}
9. endif
10. endfor
11. Set {F} = {F} + {F
}, {O} = {O} +
12. For each tree in T:
13. if( Extracted features
not in {F})
14. Extract features
} using R4 with {F
15. endif
16. if( Extracted opinion
words not in {O} and opinion
words objectivity < {Th})
17. Extract opinion
words {O
} using R6, R7 with {F
18. endif
19. endfor
20. Set {F
} = {F
} + {F
}, {O
} =
} + {O
21. Set {F} = {F} + {F
}, {O} = {O} +
22. Repeat 2 until size({F
}) = 0 and
}) = 0
Take for example the following sentences: The
laptop is amazing. The processor is fast and games
are amazing and fast, running them on this laptop.
The display is also responsive and fast. Considering
only amazing as an initial seed word, at the first
iteration the algorithm extracts laptop and games as
targets and also extracts fast as an additional opinion
word. At the second iteration, processor and display
are extracted as targets and responsive is extracted as
opinion word. The third iteration does not extract any
new data thus ending the algorithm.
The Target pruning module filters out targets
based on their occurrence frequency. Because in
reviews the product and its features occur more often
along opinion words than other nouns, they can be
pruned after the extraction algorithm is finished by
removing the ones not extracted at least t number of
times, where t is a target frequency threshold. The
value of t which provides the best precision/recall
ration has been determined experimentally.
The third component, Polarity Aggregator,
performs the task of assigning polarity values to the
extracted opinion words and targets. Moreover it
generates a polarity summary by aggregating the
individual scores. The Polarity aggregator assigns
polarities to seed words using a lexical resource
described in the results section. Because a lexical
resource usually contains multiple polarities for the
same word, depending on the context, the resulting
polarity is retrieved as the weighted average of all
those polarities. The module uses the list of polarity-
charged seed words to assign polarities to the entire
text in two steps. In the first step, polarity-charged
seed words are matched throughout the text. In the
second step, the previously matched scores are
propagated in the entire text. Polarity assignment is
accomplished with respect to the following rules:
Opinion words extracted using targets receive the
same score as the target
Targets extracted using opinion words receive the
same score as the opinion word
Targets extracted using targets receive the same
Opinion words extracted using opinion words
receive the same score.
If the same target is discovered using different
opinion words, the resulting score is the average
of the opinion words.
To evaluate our strategy we used the dataset
proposed in (Hu and Liu, 2004) and adjusted it to our
needs by manually annotating the opinion words and
The dataset is composed of 5 subsets of
documents, four of which contain multiple reviews
targeting a different product, and one represents a
fraction of the movie reviews from (Taboada et. all,
2006). The figures regarding each dataset document
are presented in Table 1. The annotated dataset is
available on our web site (the Knowledge
Engineering Research Group
) under the
In the datasets, opinion words are considered to
be either adjectives or adverbs and targets either
nouns or pronouns. In the case of pronouns, they are
denoted as targets, but for any pronoun the actual
target is the product inferred. Pronouns are used to
extract inferred product features along with their
corresponding opinion words.
The identification of syntactic relations between
opinion words and product features was performed
by making use of a syntactic parser: Stanford
, from which we use the fine-grained POS
tags that help identify opinion words and targets. For
example, comparative and superlative adjectives are
more likely to be opinion words than other kind of
adjectives. For inferring the polarities of the seed
words we used SentiWordNet
as it offers both
polarity and objectivity for each word, depending on
its POS tag and context. To achieve seed words
context independency, we compute the weighted
average score for each adjective considering all the
possible contexts.
Table 1: Dataset details.
File Total
Apex 12081 401 358 739
Canon 11543 475 405 597
Coolpix 6501 498 359 346
Nokia 9292 504 277 546
Movie 5456 138 121 248
The evaluation of the opinion words and targets
extraction is done using an algorithm we designed
which using the annotations automatically calculates
the recall and precision of the solution. The result is
computed by comparing each extracted target and
opinion word with each lemmatized annotated word.
In order to identify different occurrences of each
extracted and annotated word instance, the sentence
index of each word is used. The sentence index
represents the number of the sentence it belongs to,
based on its order of appearance. To ensure only
extracted words are evaluated, the seed words are
removed from the extraction process output before
the opinion words are used by the evaluation
algorithm. The pseudo-code for evaluating the
opinion word extraction is the following:
Input: Actual Opinion Words {A},
Found Opinion Words {F}
Output: Precision {P}, Recall {R}
1. {TP } = 0, {FP} = 0, {FN} = 0
2. For each opinion word {O} in {F}:
3. if ({A} contains {O})
4. {TP} = {TP} + 1
5. else {FP} = {FP} + 1
6. endif
7. endfor
8. For each opinion word {O} in {A}:
9. if ({F} does not contain
10. {FN} = {FN} + 1
11. endif
12. endfor
13. Set {P} = {TP} / ({TP} + {FP})
14. Set {R} = {TP} / ({TP} + {FN})
4.1 Domain Independence Evaluation
The results of the tests conducted on reviews
targeting different products along with the tests
conducted on movie reviews, which have a different
format and belong to a different domain, are
presented in Figures 2 and 3, and prove the domain
independence of the proposed solution. In Figure 2,
the first column from each of the four-set clusters
represents the results from tests conducted on product
reviews using 6785 seed words. The second column
corresponds to tests conducted on movie reviews
with the same amount of seed words. The equivalent
columns for tests using 2 seed words are the last two
of each cluster. Note that the same solution
configuration was used for both product and movie
reviews (a polarity threshold of 0.01 and a target
frequency threshold of 1.
There are generally two types of subjective texts, one
which contains only text on topic, like product
reviews, and another which is more descriptive in
nature, like movie reviews which also describe the
plot. In the description, opinions unrelated to the
actual target of the subjective text can be conveyed,
which affect the extraction process. This behavior
can be seen in Figure 2 on the extraction of movie
reviews using 6000+ seed words.
Figure 2: Cross domain evaluation (precision and recall)
of opinion words and targets.
Figure 3: Influence of reusing opinion words as seed
The usage of only two seed words prevents this
unwanted behavior, as the propagation is generally
limited to related targets.
The dimension of the input data also affects the
extraction process greatly when two seed words are
used, as the propagation process performs poorly on
a sparse data set, as can be seen in Figure 3, where
the average results “without reuse” depicts the
average precision and recall on 8 movie reviews,
each of which contain an average of 25 opinion
words and 22 targets. As can be seen on the results
“with reuse”, this issue is solved by reusing extracted
opinion words from each text as seed words on all
other texts belonging to the same domain, leading to
a recall similar as when using a very large set of seed
4.2 Parameter Experiments and Tuning
The results of experimenting with the filtering
threshold values can be seen in Figure 4. For a
threshold value of 0.07, the precision increase
outweighs the recall drop, but the best results are
observed at a threshold value of 0.01. This is due to
the fact that increasing the threshold value the
number of opinion word omissions increase.
For pruning the targets, we experimented with
various values of the occurrence frequency threshold,
and the results can be seen in Figure 5.
Figure 4: Opinion word polarity threshold influence on
opinion word extraction results.
Figure 5: Target frequency threshold influence on target
extraction results.
Figure 6: Influence of extracting pronouns as targets
opinion word and target extraction.
In case of Figure 5, there is no best ratio of precision
vs. recall with the increase in the target frequency
threshold value, so the best value can be considered
to be 1. Henceforth two best values for the opinion
word polarity threshold and target frequency
threshold are used, namely 0.01 and 1.
The rules used for extracting pronouns as targets
do not have a significant impact the extraction
precision for both opinion words and targets, but the
increase in recall for both opinion word and target
extraction is visible in Figure 6.
4.3 Seed Word Number Influence
One important finding in our experimental setting is
that the number of seed words does not impact the
extraction performance significantly, proven by the
fact that by using only 2 seed words, i.e. good and
bad, results similar to the ones using 6785 seed
words were obtained. The small difference in the
results presented in Figure 7 proves that no context
dependent data is actually needed for a good
performance. This behavior is explained by the
following two facts: the number of reviews is
sufficiently large; there is a high probability that the
two – very common – words are used at least once to
describe a product or one of its features. After at least
one target is extracted, the iterative algorithm finds
all the opinion words associated with it. The number
of opinion words extracted in this case is close to the
one found by using a very large set of seed words.
Following this reasoning, we can safely state that this
approach is unsupervised.
However, despite the low difference in the results
induced by the number of seed words, there is a large
difference in the extraction times. The number of
seed words dramatically increases the processing
time as can be seen in Figure 8. This is caused by the
Figure 7: Seed words influence on opinion word and target
Figure 8: Run times in milliseconds based on seed words.
excessive number checks made by each rule on each
possible opinion word. For extracting 400 opinion
words using 2 seed words a maximum of 402
comparisons take place, but by using 6785 seed
words, over 7000 comparisons are made (so, more
than 1 order of magnitude).
4.4 Polarity Assignment Evaluation
The data set used for evaluating the polarity
assignment consists of a selection of the first few
hundred lines of textual data extracted from the
Nikon Coolpix and Canon G3 targeted reviews.
Initial experiments with polarity assignment were
performed without taking into account the polarity
consistency, that is, without averaging the scores for
any of the targets. Precision in that case was just
53%. Applying the consistency rule, which averages
the scores for the same target throughout the text, is
justified as it improves precision and also evens out
the distribution of polarity values.
Another issue that had to be tackled was
achieving context independency for SentiWordNet
polarity value retrieval. This is due to the fact that
SentiWordNet contains multiple entries for the same
word, each belonging to a different context and
having a different polarity value. To fix this, the total
score retrieved for a given word from SentiWordNet
is the sum of the weighted averages of its
occurrences. The weights decrease with the number
of occurrences, as in (1), as suggested in
Further experimentation with the influence of
other factors on the polarity assignment module is
presented next. There are three factors that influence
the precision of scoring: polarity threshold, score
threshold and the number of seed words.
Figure 9 depicts the influence of the polarity
threshold which has a big impact on polarity
assignment precision as it has the power to sooth-out
big variations in polarities and filter out inconsistent
targets. Using somewhat big values, we can obtain
100% precision over non-smooth data sets. The
optimal value for this value is determined to be
around 0.2 for obtaining high precision values.
Figure 9: Influence of polarity threshold.
In Figure 10 we can see the influence of the
score threshold value over the two sets of data. This
threshold is necessary since true context
independency is very hard to achieve and polarities
tend to have variations even in the same context.
Basically everything that falls whithin the value of
this threshold is accepted. The polarity threshold
was kept to 0.4 because this was the value for which
one data set conveyed 100% precision, the target
frequency was set to 2 and we used the maximum
number of seed words. The optimal value was found
to be 0.4. Note that a variation of 0.4 in a scale of 23
entries (-1 to +1) falls very much between most
people’s subjectivity measures.
Figure 11 depicts the influence of the number of
seed words on the polarity assignment precision.
This is by far the most interesting result and the
most important one as our initial goal was to use just
two seed words to obtain comparable results. It was
obvious from the beginning that because of the
applied rules that ensure polarity consistency
Figure 10: Influence of score threshold.
Figure 11: Influence of the number of seed words.
throughout the text using just two seed words was
not possible since there must be at least one seed
word for each major decimal value (0.1, 0.2, etc) and
one for each decimal value in-between and so on.So
theoretically, the more seed words the better, but this
was not necessarily the case, as Figure 13 shows.
Because the Nikon Coolpix dataset contains
opinion words conveying mostly the same polarities,
using high numbers of seed words introduces noise
by “over-averaging” polarities. So naturally, a more
specific selection would be beneficial. This is not the
case for the Canon G3 dataset which contains
diverse opinion words. The best compromise value
is at around 1000-1500 words. Notably good results
have been obtained using 500 words, out which just
10 were negative words. This is explainable by the
fact that angry people tend to use the same negative
words over and over again, while happy people tend
to use a more elaborate vocabulary.
Our work devises a generalized methodology by
considering a comprehensive set of grammar rules
for better identification of opinion bearing words.
We focused on creating a multidimensional
configurable system for overcoming the domain-
dependency issues which occur in all supervised
opinion mining algorithms, by using only 2 class
representative seed words. Using thorough
experiments we discovered the optimal tradeoff
between precision and recall, using the opinion
polarity and target frequency thresholds.
Furthermore, we proved that a larger amount of seed
words does not yield a significant increase in recall
or precision, making the approach unsupervised and
domain independent.
Further work can include refining the extraction
rules and increasing the preprocessing performance.
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